# gadriver if $ARGS[0] = 'start': $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC clr gs 'stat' gs 'outdoors' '

River Slavka

' if month >= 5 and month <= 9: if hour >= 6 and hour < 22: '
' else '
' end else if hour >= 8 and hour < 18: '
' else '
' end end 'A small village creek flowing just off Gadyukino.' temp = RAND(0,20) if temp = 0 and hour >= 6 and hour < 21 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and sunWeather = 1: fishers = daystart 'On the banks spread their fishing rods local fishermen.' elseif fishers = daystart and hour < 21 and sunWeather = 1: 'On the banks spread their fishing rods local fishermen.' end if temp = 1 and hour < 5 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and miragopQW >= 20:'Right next to the path leading to the river, is completely naked Mira, crucified between two trees...' if temp = 2 and mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and hour >= 5 and sub > 0: if mitkaguysriver ! daystart: mitkaguysriver = daystart 'Along the way you meet with Kolyambu Vasyanya those persistently invite you to go with them.' act 'To go with them': cls minut += 40 horny = RAND(40,80) $boy = 'Kolyamba' silavag = 0 dick = 16 pose = 1 sub += 2 gs 'cum_manage' gs 'stat' '
' 'The boys will take you to the home Vasyanya, where, unceremoniously, put your belly on the table...' dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum $boy = 'Vasya' dick = 15 dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum act 'Finish':minut += 10 & gt'gadukino' end else act 'To the beach':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' act 'To the village':minut += 20 & mirainriver = 0 & gt 'gadukino' end elseif temp = 3 and mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and hour >= 5 and sub > 0: if mitkaguysriver ! daystart: mitkaguysriver = daystart 'Along the way you meet the kids and those persistently invite you to go with them.' act 'To go with them': cls minut += 60 horny = RAND(40,80) $boy = 'Mitya' silavag = 0 dick = 18 pose = 0 sub += 5 anus += 3 gs 'stat' '
' 'The boys will take you to the home Vasyanya, where an hour hammering you in the ass...' dynamic $analsexrude $boy = 'Kolyamba' dick = 16 dynamic $analsexrude $boy = 'Vasya' dick = 15 dynamic $analsexrude act 'Leave':minut += 10 & gt'gadukino' end else act 'To the beach':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' act 'To the village':minut += 20 & mirainriver = 0 & gt 'gadukino' end elseif temp = 4 and mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and hour >= 5 and sub > 0: if mitkaguysriver ! daystart: mitkaguysriver = daystart 'Along the way you meet the demanding and Bob invites you to his home...' act 'Go with him': cls minut += 20 horny = RAND(40,70) $boy = 'Vasya' silavag = 0 dick = 15 pose = 1 sub += 2 gs 'stat' if mesec = 0: '
' 'As soon after you open the door, he rudely you undress and put his knees on the sofa...' else '
' 'As soon after you open the door, he undresses you roughly and throws on the bed. Noticing, that you have a month, He angrily curses and begins to get a job in your anus...' end if mesec = 0: dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum else dynamic $analsexrude end act 'Finish':minut += 10 & gt'gadukino' end else act 'To the beach':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' act 'To the village':minut += 20 & mirainriver = 0 & gt 'gadukino' end else act 'To the beach':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' act 'To the village':minut += 20 & mirainriver = 0 & gt 'gadukino' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'Gadbitch': $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC $metkaM = $ARGS[0] $locM = $CURLOC cls gs 'stat' '

Village beach

' if hour >= 6 and hour < 22: if sunWeather = 1: '
' else '
' end else '
' end 'A small country beach, where you can sunbathe and swim.' act 'Get changed':gt 'changingroom', 'view_swim_list' if sunWeather = 1 and mirainriver = 1: if RAND(0,20) < 10: 'On the beach sunning razomlevshieMira.' else 'The river splashing fun Mira.' end end if mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and RAND(0,10) = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:'On the river rest Bob Colby.' if temper >= 20 and month >= 5 and month <= 9: if $clothingworntype = 'swimwear': act 'Have a swim': cla *clr cumspclnt = 4 gs 'cum_cleanup' minut += 30 sweat = -3 manna += 5 willpower += 5 if stren < 30:stren += 1 if hour >= 22 or hour <= 6: '
' 'You iskupnulis in the creek, feeling the refreshing and invigorating water.' else if temp >= 10 and mirainriver = 1: '
' 'You iskupnulis in the creek, splashing fun with Mira at each other with water.' else '
' 'You iskupnulis in the creek, feeling the refreshing and invigorating water.' end end act 'Get out of the water': if mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and temp = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20: cls minut += 20 horny = RAND(50,90) $boy = 'Mitya' silavag = 0 dick = 18 pose = 0 sub += 1 spafinloc = 12 gs 'cum_manage' spafinloc = 11 gs 'cum_manage' gang += 1 bj += 3 swallow += RAND(0,3) gs 'stat' '
' 'As soon as you`re going to get out, they heard the men on the bank of a loud guffaw, and after a few moments the water already stood smirking village boys with Mitya headed. They quickly entered the water and began without preamble turns to fuck you in the mouth.' act 'Finish':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' elseif mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and temp = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20 and sub > 0: cls minut += 20 horny = RAND(50,90) $boy = 'Kolyamba' dick = 16 pose = 1 sub += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'As soon as you got out of the water, We come across grinning Kolyambu. He brooked no opposition voice demanded, so you undressed and stood in a pose...' dynamic $analsexrude act 'Finish':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' else minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end end end act 'Strip and swim naked': cla *clr temp = RAND(0,15) cumspclnt = 4 gs 'cum_cleanup' minut = minut + 20 sweat = -3 manna = manna + 5 willpower = willpower + 5 if stren < 30:stren = stren + 1 if hour >= 22 and hour <= 6: '
' 'You took your clothes off and quickly Ecopolis in the river, feeling, how refreshing and invigorating water.' else if temp >= 10 and mirainriver = 1: horny += RAND(5,15) gs 'stat' '
' 'You Ecopolis in the river, fun spray with Mira at each other with water.' else '
' 'You took your clothes off and quickly Ecopolis in the river, feeling, how refreshing and invigorating water.' end end act 'Get out of the water': if mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and temp = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20: cls minut += 30 horny = RAND(50,90) $boy = 'Mitya' silavag = 0 dick = 18 pose = 1 sub += 5 anus += 1 vagina += 1 spafinloc = 12 gs 'cum_manage' spafinloc = 11 gs 'cum_manage' spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' gs 'cum_manage' gang += 1 swallow += RAND(0,1) gs 'stat' '
' 'As soon as you got out of the water, We come across boys, which just went where-the fishing. Seeing, you bathe naked, they immediately did not fail you popolzovatsja, absolutely not interested in your opinion.' dynamic $analsexrude $boy = 'Vasya' dick = 15 dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum $boy = 'Kolyamba' dick = 16 dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum act 'Finish':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' else minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end end if hour >= 8 and hour < 20 and sunWeather = 1: if $clothingworntype = 'swimwear': act 'Sunbathe (1:00)': cla *clr minut += 60 sweat += 1 manna += 5 if temp < 10 and mirainriver = 1: '
' 'You lie next to Mira on the sand and talking about nothing, thrilled the sun.' else '
' 'you sunbathe.' end if krem = 0: tan += 1 elseif krem > 0: krem -= 1 tan += 3 'You body is smeared with cream for sunburn and went sunbathing.' end act 'Finish': if mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and temp = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20: cls minut += 30 horny = RAND(50,90) $boy = 'Kolyamba' silavag = 0 dick = 16 pose = 1 sub += 5 anus += 1 vagina += 1 spafinloc = 12 gs 'cum_manage' spafinloc = 11 gs 'cum_manage' spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' gs 'cum_manage' gang += 1 swallow += RAND(0,1) gs 'stat' '
' 'After a while, you hear men`s voices, which is rapidly approaching, and in a couple of minutes before you emerge village boys. Seeing you, They perk up considerably and in a few minutes, despite all your sluggish protests, You begin to have all the holes...' dynamic $analsexrude $boy = 'Vasya' dick = 15 dynamic $analsexrude $boy = 'Mitya' dick = 18 dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum act 'Finish':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' elseif mirainriver = 1 and miragopQW >= 15 and temp = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20: cls minut += 30 horny = RAND(50,100) dom += 5 gs 'stat' '
' 'After a while, you hear men`s voices, rapidly approaching, and in a couple of minutes the village boys emerge. Seeing Miroslav they smile obscenely, and without hesitation they surround her as she lays on the sand. You sit and watch as they fuck her in all her holes...' act 'Finish':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' else minut += 5 gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end end end act 'Strip and sunbathe nude (1:00)': cla *clr minut += 60 sweat += 1 manna += 5 if temp < 10 and mirainriver = 1: '
' 'You lie next to Mira on the sand and talking about nothing, thrilled the sun.' else '
' 'You strip naked and lie down to sunbathe.' end if krem = 0: tan += 1 elseif krem > 0: krem -= 1 tan += 3 'You body is smeared with cream for sunburn and went sunbathing.' end act 'Finish sunbathing and get dressed': if mirainriver = 0 and mitkasextimes >= 13 and temp = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20: cls minut += 30 horny = RAND(50,90) $boy = 'Mitya' silavag = 0 dick = 18 pose = 1 sub += 5 anus += 1 vagina += 1 gang += 1 swallow += RAND(0,1) gs 'stat' '
' 'As you stand up to get dressed, you hear men`s voices rapidly approaching, then the village boys emerge in front of you. Seeing you, they perk up considerably and in a few minutes, despite all your sluggish protests, they have you on all fours and start to roughly fuck you...' dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum spafinloc = 0 gs 'cum_manage' $boy = 'Kolyamba' dick = 16 dynamic $analsexrude spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' $boy = 'Vasya' dick = 15 dynamic $analsexrude spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' act 'Get dressed':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' else minut += 5 gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end end end end act'Leave': if $clothingworntype = 'swimwear': cla 'You need to get dressed in regular clothing first.' act'Return':gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' else minut += 5 gt 'Gadriver', 'start' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'Mira': cls minut += 2 gs 'stat' if sun = 1: if miragopQW < 12: '
' else '
' end else if miragopQW < 12: '
' else '
' end end act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' act 'Chat': cls minut += 10 manna += 10 gs 'stat' if sun = 1: if miragopQW < 12: '
' else '
' end else if miragopQW < 12: '
' else '
' end end 'You are chatting with Mira about trivial things.' act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'mirapunish': cls minut += 10 horny += RAND(25,75) gs 'stat' '
' 'You come closer to her and Miroslav happily smiling to you, asking for her release. As long as you untie her, she tells you that it is so Kolyamba punished for what she lightly bit his cock as he sucked...' '- Thank God - with a sigh of relief she adds to her story. - Well, it was you got to me and not someone else, and then imagine what would have been a picture - naked Mirka, Crucified night among the trees, stay away and do what you want, even fuck, even beat, kill ... Well had passed, thank you, she asks, you did great was saved!' act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end if $ARGS[0] = 'GuysRiver': cls minut += 5 horny += 10 gs 'stat' temp = RAND(0,10) '
' ' - Oh, <<$nickname>>, us-that`s just you and not enough, - smiled Kolyamba.' if temp < 4: ' - It seems nobody around, and I want to fuck, so let`s, Spreads legs, After working her pussy...' elseif temp < 8: ' - suck us, and? And we `ll be thankful you age, ha-ha!' else ' - To substitute its zhopku, and that to me oh as hunting finished it...' end if temp < 4: act 'serve Kolyambu': cls $boy = 'Kolyamba' silavag = 0 pose = 0 dick = 16 minut += 10 horny += RAND(25,75) temp = RAND(0,2) gs 'stat' '
' 'You quickly took off pants and climbed on U Mosta Kolyambu, hand groping his cock.' dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum act 'serve Vasya': cls $boy = 'Vasya' silavag = 0 pose = 0 dick = 15 minut += 10 horny += RAND(25,75) gs 'stat' temp = RAND(0,2) if temp = 0: '
' 'You rolled onto his back and legs invitingly opened the Vasyanya.' dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum elseif temp = 1: $boy = 'Vasya' horny += 15 minut += 5 dick = 15 spafinloc = 12 gs 'cum_manage' bj += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Bob comes to you and unceremoniously dumps front of your face your dick.' gs'oral','start' 'He soon ends abundantly in your mouth...' else $boy = 'Vasya' horny += 10 minut += 10 anus += 1 spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' dick = 15 gs'stat' '
' 'Bob puts you cancer and is attached to your anus.' dynamic $analsexrude end act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end elseif temp < 8: act 'serve Kolyambu': cls $boy = 'Kolyamba' horny += 15 minut += 5 dick = 16 spafinloc = 12 gs 'cum_manage' bj += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'You bend near the collapsed Kolyamby and take his cock...' gs'oral','start' 'He soon ends abundantly in your mouth...' act 'serve Vasya': cls $boy = 'Vasya' silavag = 0 pose = 0 dick = 15 minut += 10 horny += RAND(25,75) gs 'stat' temp = RAND(0,2) if temp = 0: '
' 'You rolled onto his back and legs invitingly opened the Spring.' dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum elseif temp = 1: $boy = 'Vasya' horny += 15 minut += 5 dick = 15 spafinloc = 12 gs 'cum_manage' bj += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Bob comes to you and unceremoniously dumps front of your face your dick.' gs'oral','start' 'He soon ends abundantly in your mouth...' else $boy = 'Vasya' horny += 30 minut += 10 anus += 1 spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' dick = 15 gs'stat' '
' 'Bob puts you cancer and is attached to your anus.' dynamic $analsexrude end act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end else act 'serve Kolyambu': cls $boy = 'Kolyamba' horny += 30 minut += 10 anus += 1 spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' dick = 16 gs'stat' '
' dynamic $analsexrude act 'serve Vasya': cls $boy = 'Vasya' silavag = 0 pose = 1 dick = 15 minut += 10 horny += RAND(25,75) gs 'stat' temp = RAND(0,2) if temp = 0: '
' 'You rolled onto his back and legs invitingly opened the Spring.' dynamic $sexstart dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum elseif temp = 1: $boy = 'Vasya' horny += 15 minut += 5 dick = 15 spafinloc = 12 gs 'cum_manage' bj += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Bob comes to you and unceremoniously dumps front of your face your dick.' gs'oral','start' 'He soon ends abundantly in your mouth...' else $boy = 'Vasya' horny += 30 minut += 10 anus += 1 spafinloc = 3 gs 'cum_manage' dick = 15 gs'stat' '
' 'Bob puts you cancer and is attached to your anus.' dynamic $analsexrude end act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end end if dom > 0: act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fishers': cls minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
' act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' if fishersday ! daystart: act 'Greet': cla *clr fishersday = daystart minut += 3 if fishersQW < 3:fishersQW += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You politely greet the fishermen, but those are totally focused on fishing, but because one of them just vaguely waving a hand in response.' if fishersQW >= 3: act 'Chat': cla *clr minut += 10 if fishersQW = 3:fishersQW = 4 gs 'stat' '
' 'You keep watching these fishermen throw their bite, and one of them with obvious trophy turns to you. You two chat about the fish and local bites.' act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end if fishersQW = 4: act 'Ask to borrow a fishrod': cla *clr minut += 10 fishersQW = 5 gs 'stat' '
' 'You decide to try fishing and ask the fishermen if they could lend you a fishing rod. Already familiar to you, Uncle Stepan willingly hands you one of his spare rods.' act 'Fishing':gt 'Gadriver', 'fishing' end end if fishersQW = 5: act 'Fishing with them': cla *clr minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
' 'You decide to join your new friends, and Uncle Stepan is willing to give you one of their rods, this oil eyes not forgetting to walk along your body.' act 'Fishing':gt 'Gadriver', 'fishing' end end act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' else act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fishing': cla *clr '
' 'The stream quietly splashing water, pleasantly tickling the ears of the village peace and tranquility.' 'You caught <> fish.' if hour < 22: act 'Throw the bait': cls minut += RAND(5,10) if hour < 12: temp = RAND(5,20) elseif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: temp = RAND(0,20) else temp = RAND(10,20) end gs 'stat' '
' 'You throw the bait, carefully watching the float.' if temp > RAND(15,19): cla *clr minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'Suddenly the bobber dives under the water dramatically.' act 'Pull': cla *clr minut += 1 temp = RAND(0,120) if temp < 50:react += 1 gs 'stat' if react > temp: manna += mannamax/RAND(10,20) minut += 1 react += 1 fish += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You deftly strike, feeling the straining on rod, and after a moment, excitedly pull out a small fish.' else manna -= mannamax/RAND(10,20) minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You reel, but it`s too late, fish already escape from the hook' end act 'Throw another bait':gt 'Gadriver', 'fishing' end else 'But it remains perfectly still and you decide to change the bait.' act 'Retrieve bait':gt 'Gadriver', 'fishing' end end act 'Finish': cla *clr minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' 'You are tired, so you return uncle Stepa his fishing rod.' if fish > 0: act 'Release your catch': cla *clr minut += 5 fish = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You decide to release all the fish, other fishman shake heads disapprovingly, throwing sidelong glances at the clean pair of heels to the depth of the fish.' act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end act 'Give to Uncle Stepa': cla *clr minut += 5 fish = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You give all alonenow fish uncle Stepa and he feigned reluctance takes then, though you can see he is quite happy with this arrangement.' act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end act 'Attributed To Boniface': cla *clr minut += 5 fish = 0 manna += mannamax/RAND(2,5) gs 'stat' '
' 'As soon as you enter the house, how furry beast immediately gets under your feet, feeling the smell of fresh fish. You treats Boniface fish and that`s pretty rumbly, rattling bones.' act 'Finish':minut += 2 & gt 'Gadhouse' end else act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end else cla *clr minut += 5 manna -= mannamax/RAND(10,15) gs 'stat' '
' 'Uncle Steve says, It`s time to go home, so you reluctantly return his fishing rod, knowing that`s all for today.' if fish > 0: act 'Release your catch': cla *clr minut += 5 fish = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You decide to release all the fish, other fishman shake heads disapprovingly, throwing sidelong glances at the clean pair of heels to the depth of the fish.' act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end act 'Give to Uncle Stepa': cla *clr minut += 5 fish = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You give all alonenow fish uncle Stepa and he feigned reluctance takes then, though you can see he is quite happy with this arrangement.' act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end act 'Attributed To Boniface': cla *clr minut += 5 fish = 0 manna += mannamax/RAND(2,5) gs 'stat' '
' 'As soon as you enter the house, how furry beast immediately gets under your feet, feeling the smell of fresh fish. You treats Boniface fish and that`s pretty rumbly, rattling bones.' act 'Finish':minut += 2 & gt 'Gadhouse' end else act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt 'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch' end end end --- gadriver ---------------------------------