# Katlake
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
!if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
!if $ARGS[0]='start':
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
!gs 'stat'
gs 'stat'
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
'You get bored and you start to examine other vacationers far from you is beautiful girl.'
act 'Do not approach': gt 'Nudelake'
act 'Step up':
'You walk up to a girl and trying to have a conversation.'
act '"Hi."': gt 'Katlake','znakomstvo'
'You become bored and you begin to explore the rest of the campers, Close to you is a beautiful girl.'
act 'not suitable':gt 'Nudelake'
act 'come_Up':
'You walk up to a girl and trying to start a conversation.'
act '"hello."':gt 'Katlake','znakomstvo'
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
if $ARGS[0] = 'znakomstvo':
if $ARGS[0]='znakomstvo':
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
gs 'stat'
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
if vnesh < 14:
set katday = day
'"Hello" is a bit shy you say.'
'The girl looked around you scornful look and said nothing'
'"Talk will not work" flashed in your head'
act 'Leave.': gt 'Nudelake'
if vnesh >= 14:
set katday = day
set telkat += 1
set kat = 1
set minut += 30
'"Hello" is a bit shy you say.'
'Girl looks you up and down, smiles and says, "Hi."'
'She looks at you with a slight smile and waits. You frantically trying to think of what to say, blushing trying to squeeze out a word.'
'Girl notices your flour and decides to take matters into their own hands, "I Katia, for friends Kate and what´s your name?"'
'"<<$name>>" you exhale with relief. Continue the conversation went much better and you chatted for another half hour.'
act 'Leave.': gt 'Nudelake'
if vnesh < 14:
set katday = day
'"hello" a little embarrassed you say.
The girl looked around you prinebrezhitelnym eyes and said nothing
"Talk will not work" flashed through your mind'
act 'Get_Away.':gt'Nudelake'
if vnesh >= 14:
set katday = day
set telkat+=1
set kat = 1
set minut+=30
'"hello" a little embarrassed you say.
The girl looks you up and down, smiles and says "hello".
She looks at you with a slight smile and waits. You frantically trying to think of what to say, blush trying to squeeze out a word.
The girl says your flour and decides to take matters into their own hands "I Katia, for friends Kat, and what`s your name?"
"Sveta" you exhale with relief. Then the conversation went much better and you chatted for half an hour.'
act 'Get_Away.':gt'Nudelake'
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
if $ARGS[0] = 'kat':
if $ARGS[0]='kat':
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
gs 'stat'
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
set minut += 30
'See you smiling Kate "Svetsik Hi how´s it going."'
act 'Leave': gt 'Nudelake'
act 'Offer to play volleyball': gt 'Katlake','voleybol'
act 'Suggest a walk': gt 'Katlake','walk'
act 'Chat':
set katday = day
set kat += 1
set minut += 30
'You talked for half an hour.'
act 'Leave': gt 'Nudelake'
set minut+=30
'See you smiling Kate "Hi".'
act 'Get_Away':gt 'Nudelake'
act 'Offer to play volleyball':gt 'Katlake','voleybol'
act 'suggest a walk':gt 'Katlake','walk'
act 'chat':
set katday = day
set kat += 1
set minut+=30
'You talked for half an hour.'
act 'Get_Away':gt 'Nudelake'
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
if $ARGS[0] = 'voleybol':
if $ARGS[0]='voleybol':
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
gs 'stat'
set katday = day
set kat += 3
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
set minut += 30
set agil += 1
set react += 1
set speed += 1
'You can go to Kate volleyball court and Join of playing. When something goes wrong Kate encourages you clapping a hand over your bare ass, with her hand on his buttocks slightly delayed slightly squeezing it.'
act 'Finish': gt 'Nudelake'
set minut+=30
set agil+=1
set react+=1
set speed+=1
'You go to the Cat volleyball court and playing to Join. When you have that-it does not work Kate encourages you clapping a hand over your naked ass, while her hand a little delayed by slightly squeezing her buttocks.'
act 'End_Up':gt 'Nudelake'
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
if $ARGS[0] = 'walk':
if $ARGS[0]='walk':
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
gs 'stat'
set katday = day
set kat += 2
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
set minut += 30
'You Kat walk along the beach, chatting merrily.'
set kwalrand = RAND(0,100)
if kwalrand >= 80 and kwalrand < 90 and kat > 20: gt 'Kwlake1'
if kwalrand >= 90 and kat > 20: gt 'Kwlake2'
act 'Finish': gt 'Nudelake'
set minut+=30
'You Kat walk along the beach, fun chatting.'
set kwalrand = RAND (0,100)
if kwalrand >= 80 and kwalrand < 90 and kat > 20:gt'Kwlake1'
if kwalrand >= 90 and kat > 20:gt'Kwlake2'
act 'End_Up':gt 'Nudelake'
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
if $ARGS[0] = 'key':
if $ARGS[0]='key':
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
gs 'stat'
set katkey = 1
set kat += 10
<<<<<<< 112_Katlake
set minut += 60
'You sunbathe, you suddenly become ill, dizzy, nauseated you. You tried to get up and lost consciousness.'
'"Now, now, wait a little." where you hear that voice from the darkness Katie.'
'You feel the cool darkness slowly razveevaetsya and you open your eyes. Before you face the Cat.'
'"Well, finally, awake." says Kate. You look around, you have a wet towel on your head, and you yourself are lying in the shade under a tree.'
'"What happened to me," you ask.'
'"What, what, sunstroke, that´s what." meets Katya.'
'"And now comes to life and went to me, today I´ll stay," she continued.'
'"I feel better, I am going home," you tried to argue.'
'"No, well, you better it a look, I´m with her noshus like a chicken with egg, three times ran a towel drenched, dragged by his shadow, and she still vykobenivaetsya. All I said to me it means to me, I still nurse and I know better "'
'After this tirade mind you do not become'
act 'Go with Kate.': gt 'kathouse0'
set minut+=60
'you sunbathe, suddenly you become ill, dizzy, you nauseated. You tried to get up and lost consciousness.
"At_The_Moment, at_the_moment, a little patience." hear from you out of the darkness a voice Katie.
You feel cool, razveevaetsya darkness slowly and you open your eyes. Before you face Kat.
"Well, woke_up." Kat says. you are viewing, on your head wet towel, And you`re lying in the shade under a tree.
"What happened to me" you ask.
"what, what, sunstroke, that`s what." meets Katya.
"And now comes to life and went to me, today I will stay" she continued.
"I`m better, I `ll go home" You have tried to argue.
"Do_Not, Well, I`m with her noshus like a chicken with egg, three times ran a towel drenched, dragged on his shadow, but it also vykobenivaetsya. All I said to me means to me, I still nurse and I know better"
After this tirade mind you do not become'
act 'Go with Kate.':gt 'kathouse0'
>>>>>>> 112_Katlake
--- Katlake ---------------------------------