245_Voltrener 15 KB

  1. # Voltrener
  2. <<<<<<< 245_Voltrener
  3. $din_trener_bj = {
  4. act 'give blowjob':
  5. cls
  6. bj += 1
  7. if trenerSex > 0: trenerSex += 1
  8. if trenerSex = 0: trenerSex = 1 & guy += 1
  9. if volleysostav > 0: trenerepa += 2
  10. gs 'stat'
  11. '<center><img src="images\qwest\alter\ev\tren.jpg"></center>'
  12. 'You squatted in front of the coach and stroked his crotch and felt how his cock stood up. You reached into his sweatpants gum holding with the other hand and groped hot cock trainer. You pulled the standing member of sweatpants and leaned toward him around his lips.'
  13. if trenerSex >= 5:
  14. end
  15. if tipTrsex = 0:
  16. cumlip += 1
  17. swallow += 1
  18. gs 'stat'
  19. 'Coach groaned slightly and your mouth spurted warm jet of sperm. You started to swallow warm liquid fills your mouth.'
  20. end
  21. if volleysostav = 0:
  22. volleysostav = 1
  23. trenerepa = 20
  24. 'Coach bosses cock in his pants. "Okay <<$surname>>, you are very diligent girl, maybe you will come out of sense, consider that you have a team, but of course in replacement players."'
  25. end
  26. if tipTrsex = 0: act 'Leave': tipTrsex = 0 & gt 'gdksport'
  27. end
  28. }
  29. $din_trener_gorslut = {
  30. gs 'stat'
  31. 'You reluctantly nodded his head, "It´s true, I really <<$gnikname>>. And what does this have to volleyball?" Coach smiled, "Indirect attitude, very indirectly, we´re now discussing how you get into the team. And I wonder what you can do. You know what I Gauvreau?"'
  32. act 'No':
  33. cls
  34. gs 'stat'
  35. 'You shake your head and told the coach that do not understand the coach sighed, "And you do not mind bleschesh, is not it? Well, I lonely man, and all around a pretty young girl. So clear?"'
  36. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  37. dynamic $din_trener_bj
  38. end
  39. act 'Coach put his hand on her knee':
  40. cls
  41. gs 'stat'
  42. 'You leaned forward slightly and put her palm on his knee coach grin you whispered "Need a little demonstration of my other skills? I understand you correctly?" Coach leaned back in his chair, "You´re a smart girl of <<$name>>, go on."'
  43. dynamic $din_trener_bj
  44. end
  45. }
  46. gs 'stat'
  47. '<center><img src="images\qwest\alter\gdksport.jpg"></center>'
  48. 'You went into the room the coach in which there are cups, balls, sports equipment and a different table where sometimes sitting coach and fills various papers. Coach Mikhail Vlasov does not only lovers but also in the section just coach a professional team volleybolistok.'
  49. if volleysostav > 0:
  50. if trenerepa < 20: 'The coach does not wish you any longer.'
  51. if trenerepa >= 20 and trenerepa < 40: 'Coach barely tolerates you.'
  52. if trenerepa >= 40 and trenerepa < 60: 'You have a normal relationship with the coach.'
  53. if trenerepa >= 60 and trenerepa < 80: 'You have a good relationship with the coach.'
  54. if trenerepa >= 80: 'Trainer in you doted.'
  55. if trenerepa <= 0:
  56. volleysostav = -1
  57. 'Coach menacing appeals to you. "All <<$surname>>, you make me sick with their flourishes. I´ll exclude from the team!"'
  58. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  59. exit
  60. end
  61. end
  62. act 'Talk with the coach':
  63. cls
  64. gs 'stat'
  65. if volleysostav = -1:
  66. if trenerSex = 0:
  67. 'Coach looked up at you, "<<$surname>>. Did not even come near me. Longer I´ll put you in command!"'
  68. end
  69. if trenerSex > 0:
  70. 'Coach looked up at you, "<<$surname>>. Did not even come near me. Longer I´ll put you in the team!"'
  71. end
  72. end
  73. if volleysostav = 0:
  74. if volleyboll < 25:
  75. 'Coach looked at you "And <<$surname>>. Do not distract me from things."'
  76. end
  77. if volleyboll >= 25 and volleyboll < 50:
  78. 'Coach looked at you "And <<$surname>>. You need to devote more time to training, you are all very bad."'
  79. end
  80. if volleyboll >= 50 and volleyboll < 75:
  81. 'Coach looked at you "And <<$surname>>. You certainly did not play bad, but not bad for an amateur. Higher level you do not you pull."'
  82. end
  83. if volleyboll >= 75:
  84. 'Coach looked at you "And <<$surname>>. Do you have the makings of athletes, though I´m not sure that at the professional level you get that either."'
  85. act 'Asks the pros':
  86. cls
  87. gs 'stat'
  88. if GorSlut = 0:
  89. if volleyboll < 100:
  90. 'You started to ask the coach to include you in command, but he shook his head. "<<$surname>> is not buried, you have a good amateur level. Potyanesh But you do not."'
  91. end
  92. if volleyboll >= 100:
  93. 'You started to ask the coach to include you in the team, the coach thought. "Of course you can try to include you in the replacement, but I do not even know if I should."'
  94. act 'Persuade':
  95. cls
  96. dom -= 1
  97. gs 'stat'
  98. if dom >= 10:
  99. !if volleysostav > 0:trenerepa -= 1
  100. volleysostav = 1
  101. trenerepa = 20
  102. 'You started to prove the coach that you want to include in the team, the coach tried to protest, but your head was so convincing that he eventually gave up. "Okay <<$surname>>, I´ll put you in command until naturally only in the bench."'
  103. else
  104. 'You started to prove the coach that you want to include in the team, but failed to show sufficient vigor and coach threw all your arguments denying you.'
  105. end
  106. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  107. end
  108. end
  109. end
  110. if GorSlut > 0:
  111. 'You started to ask the coach to include you in the. Coach thought, "Hey <<$surname>>, then other devchoki about you say different things. Example you <<$gnikname>>. Is that true?"'
  112. act 'It´s all lies':
  113. cls
  114. gs 'stat'
  115. if dom > 0:
  116. 'You started to prove the coach that rumors about you it´s all lies and dismiss them envious. You said quite convincingly and coach seems to believe.'
  117. act 'Make sure to include the team':
  118. cls
  119. dom -= 1
  120. gs 'stat'
  121. if dom >= 10:
  122. !if volleysostav > 0:trenerepa -= 1
  123. volleysostav = 1
  124. trenerepa = 20
  125. 'You started to prove the coach that you want to include in the team, the coach tried to protest, but your head was so convincing that he eventually gave up. "Okay <<$surname>>, I´ll put you in command until naturally only in the bench."'
  126. else
  127. 'You started to prove the coach that you want to include in the team, but failed to show sufficient vigor and coach threw all your arguments denying you.'
  128. end
  129. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  130. end
  131. else
  132. 'You started to prove the coach that rumors about you it´s all lies and dismiss them envious. You said not very convincing and coach you frankly do not believe. "<<$surname>>, stop lying, You´re holding me for a fool?"'
  133. act 'Okay, it´s true, I <<$gnikname>>':
  134. cls
  135. gs 'stat'
  136. dynamic $din_trener_gorslut
  137. end
  138. end
  139. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  140. end
  141. act 'It´s true, I <<$gnikname>>':
  142. cls
  143. gs 'stat'
  144. dynamic $din_trener_gorslut
  145. end
  146. end
  147. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  148. end
  149. end
  150. end
  151. if volleysostav > 0:
  152. if trenerSex = 0:
  153. 'Coach looked at you "And <<$surname>>. Do not distract me from things."'
  154. end
  155. if trenerSex > 0:
  156. 'Coach looked at you "And <<$surname>>. Done for coming."'
  157. act 'Coach put his hand on her knee':
  158. cls
  159. gs 'stat'
  160. 'You leaned forward slightly and put her palm on his knee coach grin you whispered "Need a little demonstration of my skills? I understand you correctly?" Coach leaned back in his chair, "You´re a smart girl of <<$name>>, go on."'
  161. dynamic $din_trener_bj
  162. end
  163. end
  164. end
  165. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  166. end
  167. act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport'
  168. =======
  169. $din_trener_bj={
  170. act 'do blowjob':
  171. cls
  172. bj+=1
  173. if trenerSex>0:trenerSex+=1
  174. if trenerSex=0:trenerSex=1&guy+=1
  175. if volleysostav>0:trenerepa+=2
  176. gs'stat'
  177. '<center><img src="qwest/alter/ev/tren.jpg" ></center>'
  178. 'You sit down in front of the coach and stroked his crotch and felt that, stood as his cock. You reached into his pants with the other hand holding the gum and groped hot cock trainer. You pulled standing member of the sports pants and leaned toward him wrapped around his lips.'
  179. if trenerSex>=5:
  180. end
  181. if tipTrsex=0:
  182. cumlip+=1
  183. swallow+=1
  184. gs'stat'
  185. 'Coach slightly groaned and your mouth spurted warm jet of sperm. You started to swallow the warm liquid fills your mouth.'
  186. end
  187. if volleysostav=0:
  188. volleysostav=1
  189. trenerepa=20
  190. 'Coach bosses cock in his pants. "Okay Lebedev, you are very diligent girl, can and will come out a lot about you, count, you`re already on the team, but of course in The Benchwarmers."'
  191. end
  192. if tipTrsex=0:act 'Get_Away':tipTrsex=0&gt'gdksport'
  193. end
  194. }
  195. $din_trener_gorslut={
  196. gs'stat'
  197. 'You reluctantly nodded his head "it is true, I really <<$gnikname>>. And what does this have to volleyball?" The coach smiled, "indirect relationship, very indirect, We`re now discussing how you get into the team. And I wonder, what you can do. You know what I Gauvreau?"'
  198. act 'No':
  199. cls
  200. gs'stat'
  201. 'You shook his head and said coach, you do not understand, coach sighed "And you do not mind bleschesh, is not it? Well, I`m a lonely man, and all around a pretty young girl. so clear?"'
  202. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  203. dynamic $din_trener_bj
  204. end
  205. act 'Put his hand on his knee coach':
  206. cls
  207. gs'stat'
  208. 'You leaned forward slightly and put her palm on his knee coach, you whispered with a grin "Need a little demonstration of my other skills? I understand you correctly?" Coach leaned back in his chair "Are you clever girl Light, go_ahead."'
  209. dynamic $din_trener_bj
  210. end
  211. }
  212. gs'stat'
  213. '<center><img src="qwest/alter/gdksport.jpg" ></center>'
  214. 'You went into the room coach, in which there are cups, balls, different sports equipment and a table for which sometimes sits coach and fills a variety of paper. Coach Mikhail Vlasov deals not only with fans in the section but also in the same professional team coach volleybolistok.'
  215. if volleysostav>0:
  216. if trenerepa<20:'The coach does not want you to suffer more.'
  217. if trenerepa>=20 and trenerepa<40:'Coach barely tolerates you.'
  218. if trenerepa>=40 and trenerepa<60:'You have a normal relationship with the coach.'
  219. if trenerepa>=60 and trenerepa<80:'You have a good relationship with the coach.'
  220. if trenerepa>=80:'Coach you doted.'
  221. if trenerepa<=0:
  222. volleysostav=-1
  223. 'Coach menacingly appeals to you. "All Lebedev, You make me sick with their flourishes. I`ll exclude from the team!"'
  224. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  225. exit
  226. end
  227. end
  228. act 'Talk with the coach':
  229. cls
  230. gs'stat'
  231. if volleysostav=-1:
  232. if trenerSex=0:
  233. 'The coach looked at you "Lebedev. Do not even come near me. I do not include you in command!"'
  234. end
  235. if trenerSex>0:
  236. 'The coach looked at you "Lebedev. Do not even come near me. I do not include you in command!"'
  237. end
  238. end
  239. if volleysostav=0:
  240. if volleyboll<25:
  241. 'The coach looked at you "And Lebedev. Do not distract me from affairs."'
  242. end
  243. if volleyboll>=25 and volleyboll<50:
  244. 'The coach looked at you "And Lebedev. You need to spend more time training, you are all very bad."'
  245. end
  246. if volleyboll>=50 and volleyboll<75:
  247. 'The coach looked at you "And Lebedev. You`re certainly not a bad game, but not bad for an amateur. Higher level you do not potyanesh."'
  248. end
  249. if volleyboll>=75:
  250. 'The coach looked at you "And Lebedev. Do you have the makings of athletes, but I`m not sure, that at the professional level."'
  251. act 'Asks in the pros':
  252. cls
  253. gs'stat'
  254. if GorSlut=0:
  255. if volleyboll<100:
  256. 'You started to ask the coach to include you in command, but he shook his head. "Lebedev, Do not bury, you have a good amateur level. But you do not potyanesh."'
  257. end
  258. if volleyboll>=100:
  259. 'You started to ask the coach to include you in command, coach thought. "Of course you can try to enable you to spare, but I do not even know, whether."'
  260. act 'convince':
  261. cls
  262. dom-=1
  263. gs'stat'
  264. if dom>=10:
  265. !if volleysostav>0:trenerepa-=1
  266. volleysostav=1
  267. trenerepa=20
  268. 'You started to prove coach, that you want to include in the team, coach tried to object, but your head was so compelling, that in the end he gave up. "Okay Lebedev, I `ll put you in command, while naturally only in replacement players."'
  269. else
  270. 'You started to prove coach, that you want to include in the team, but failed to show sufficient vigor and the coach threw all your arguments to deny you.'
  271. end
  272. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  273. end
  274. end
  275. end
  276. if GorSlut>0:
  277. 'You started to ask the coach to include you in the. The coach thought "Listen Lebedev, then other devchoki about you say different things. For example you <<$gnikname>>. it is true?"'
  278. act 'It `s all lies':
  279. cls
  280. gs'stat'
  281. if dom>0:
  282. 'You started to prove coach, that the rumors about you. You spoke quite clearly and it seems the coach believed.'
  283. act 'Make sure to include the team':
  284. cls
  285. dom-=1
  286. gs'stat'
  287. if dom>=10:
  288. !if volleysostav>0:trenerepa-=1
  289. volleysostav=1
  290. trenerepa=20
  291. 'You started to prove coach, that you want to include in the team, coach tried to object, but your head was so compelling, that in the end he gave up. "Okay Lebedev, I `ll put you in command, while naturally only in replacement players."'
  292. else
  293. 'You started to prove coach, that you want to include in the team, but failed to show sufficient vigor and the coach threw all your arguments to deny you.'
  294. end
  295. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  296. end
  297. else
  298. 'You started to prove coach, that the rumors about you. You say not very convincing and coach you frankly do not believe. "Lebedev, Stop lying! You hold me for a fool?"'
  299. act 'Fair_Enough, it is true, I <<$gnikname>>':
  300. cls
  301. gs'stat'
  302. dynamic $din_trener_gorslut
  303. end
  304. end
  305. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  306. end
  307. act 'it is true, I <<$gnikname>>':
  308. cls
  309. gs'stat'
  310. dynamic $din_trener_gorslut
  311. end
  312. end
  313. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  314. end
  315. end
  316. end
  317. if volleysostav>0:
  318. if trenerSex=0:
  319. 'The coach looked at you "And Lebedev. Do not distract me from affairs."'
  320. end
  321. if trenerSex>0:
  322. 'The coach looked at you "And Lebedev. Fellow that came."'
  323. act 'Put his hand on his knee coach':
  324. cls
  325. gs'stat'
  326. 'You leaned forward slightly and put her palm on his knee coach, you whispered with a grin "Need a little demonstration of my skills? I understand you correctly?" Coach leaned back in his chair "Are you clever girl Light, go_ahead."'
  327. dynamic $din_trener_bj
  328. end
  329. end
  330. end
  331. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  332. end
  333. act 'Get_Away':gt'gdksport'
  334. >>>>>>> 245_Voltrener
  335. --- Voltrener ---------------------------------