440_FSfight 2.1 KB

  1. # FSfight
  2. <<<<<<< 440_FSfight
  3. minut += 1
  4. gs 'stat'
  5. 'Your health <<FSHP>>.'
  6. '<<$FSnameV>>Health <<FSHPV>>'
  7. !конец боя
  8. if FSHP <= 0:
  9. FSloss += 1
  10. 'You lost the fight'
  11. act 'Leave': gt 'FSgame'
  12. =======
  13. minut+=1
  14. gs'stat'
  15. 'Cheers <<FSHP>>.'
  16. '<<$FSnameV>>, health <<FSHPV>>'
  17. !end of the fight
  18. if FSHP<=0:
  19. FSloss+=1
  20. 'You lost the fight'
  21. act 'Get_Away':gt'FSgame'
  22. >>>>>>> 440_FSfight
  23. exit
  24. end
  25. <<<<<<< 440_FSfight
  26. if FSHPV <= 0:
  27. FSWin += 1
  28. '<<$FSnameV>> fell. You win the fight.'
  29. 'You got <<FSPrizeM>> coins and <<FSPrizeExp>> experience'
  30. act 'Disengage': gt 'FSgame'
  31. =======
  32. if FSHPV<=0:
  33. FSWin+=1
  34. '<<$FSnameV>> down. You win the fight.'
  35. 'you got <<FSPrizeM>> coins and <<FSPrizeExp>> experience'
  36. act 'Out of combat':gt'FSgame'
  37. >>>>>>> 440_FSfight
  38. exit
  39. end
  40. <<<<<<< 440_FSfight
  41. !инициатива
  42. KGOLiniV = RAND(FSreaktV/2, FSreaktV * 2)
  43. KGOLini = RAND(FSreakt/2, FSreakt * 2)
  44. if KGOLini = KGOLiniV:
  45. hodrand = RAND(0,1)
  46. if hodrand = 0: KGOLini = 1 & KGOLiniV = 0
  47. if hodrand = 1: KGOLini = 0 & KGOLiniV = 1
  48. end
  49. if KGOLini > KGOLiniV: KGOLiniSUM += 1
  50. if KGOLini < KGOLiniV: KGOLiniSUM -= 1
  51. if KGOLiniSUM > 3: KGOLini = 0 & KGOLiniV = 1 & KGOLiniSUM = 0
  52. if KGOLiniSUM<-3: KGOLini = 1 & KGOLiniV = 0 & KGOLiniSUM = 0
  53. !ходы
  54. if KGOLini > KGOLiniV:
  55. 'Now your turn'
  56. act 'Attack':
  57. cls
  58. ''
  59. dynamic $FSatk
  60. act 'Further': gt $curloc
  61. end
  62. else
  63. 'Now opponents'
  64. '<<$FSnameV>> attacks you'
  65. dynamic $FSatkV
  66. act 'Further': gt $curloc
  67. end
  68. =======
  69. !initiative
  70. KGOLiniV=RAND(FSreaktV/2,FSreaktV*2)
  71. KGOLini=RAND(FSreakt/2,FSreakt*2)
  72. if KGOLini=KGOLiniV:
  73. hodrand=RAND(0,1)
  74. if hodrand=0:KGOLini=1&KGOLiniV=0
  75. if hodrand=1:KGOLini=0&KGOLiniV=1
  76. end
  77. if KGOLini>KGOLiniV:KGOLiniSUM+=1
  78. if KGOLini<KGOLiniV:KGOLiniSUM-=1
  79. if KGOLiniSUM>3:KGOLini=0&KGOLiniV=1&KGOLiniSUM=0
  80. if KGOLiniSUM<-3:KGOLini=1&KGOLiniV=0&KGOLiniSUM=0
  81. !moves
  82. if KGOLini>KGOLiniV:
  83. 'Now your turn'
  84. act 'attack':
  85. cls
  86. ''
  87. dynamic $FSatk
  88. act 'further':gt $curloc
  89. end
  90. else
  91. 'Now move the enemy'
  92. '<<$FSnameV>> attacks you'
  93. dynamic $FSatkV
  94. act 'further':gt $curloc
  95. end
  96. >>>>>>> 440_FSfight
  97. --- FSfight ---------------------------------