Gnpc.tw 20 KB

  1. :: Gnpc
  2. <<set $here = 'Gnpc'>>
  3. <<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
  4. <!-- !2021/05/02-->
  5. <<set $menu_off = 1>>
  6. <!-- !!Guys-->
  7. <<setinit $GvstreBoyAfter[$numnpc] = 0>>
  8. <<set $GvstreBoy = 0>>
  9. <<setinit $boyvstre[$numnpc] += 1>>
  10. <h2><<$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc]>></h2>
  11. <<image `'characters/shared/headshots_main/big<<numnpc>>.jpg'`>>
  12. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'date'>>
  13. <<if getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  14. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'He made a pretty good impression the first time you met so you gave him your phone number. This is your first date with him, you wonder how you`ll get along.'>>
  15. <p>You spot a guy in the park. He looks like he's waiting for someone. "Ah, yes, this must be $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc]!", you think. $bfRelationship[$numnpc]</p>
  16. <<elseif getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") <= 4>>
  17. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'You recently started dating him'>>
  18. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 20>>
  19. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ', but you are already off to a bad start. You don`t get along at all.'>>
  20. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 40>>
  21. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ', but there are already some tensions between you.'>>
  22. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 60 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  23. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ', but you don`t know him that well yet.'>>
  24. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 60 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  25. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and you don`t know him that well yet. But you like to occasionally blow off a little steam with him, no strings attached.'>>
  26. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 80 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  27. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and you don`t know him that well yet, but you think you`re off to a good start.'>>
  28. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 80 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  29. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += '. You don`t know him that well yet, but you enjoy each others company and your sexual adventures.'>>
  30. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 100 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  31. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and even though you don`t know him that long you think you found a wonderful friend in him.'>>
  32. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 100 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  33. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and even though you don`t know him that long you have already strong feelings for him.'>>
  34. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 100 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  35. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and even though you don`t know him that long it feels like he`s already one of your best friends.'>>
  36. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 100 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  37. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and even though you don`t know him that long it feels like you found your soulmate. You are totally in love with him!'>>
  38. <</if>>
  39. <p>You see $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] in the park, apparently waiting for you. $bfRelationship[$numnpc]</p>
  40. <<elseif getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") <= 16>>
  41. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'You`ve been dating him for a while now'>>
  42. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 20>>
  43. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and you don`t know why you`re still wasting your time with him. You don`t get along at all.'>>
  44. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 40>>
  45. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ', but there are some tensions in your relationship.'>>
  46. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 60 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  47. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and you get along pretty well.'>>
  48. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'friend'>>
  49. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 60 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  50. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += 'and you like to occasionally blow off a little steam with him, no strings attached.'>>
  51. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'lover'>>
  52. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 80 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  53. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += '. He`s a fun guy to hang around with.'>>
  54. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'friend'>>
  55. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 80 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  56. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += '. You are friends with benefits.'>>
  57. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'lover'>>
  58. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 120 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  59. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += '. He`s a good friend and you feel very comfortable around him.'>>
  60. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'friend'>>
  61. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 120 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  62. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and you consider him your boyfriend. You really like him a lot.'>>
  63. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'boyfriend'>>
  64. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 120 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  65. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and he`s become one of your best friends by now.'>>
  66. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'best friend'>>
  67. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 120 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  68. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] += ' and you enjoy every minute with your lovely boyfriend. You love him deeply.'>>
  69. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'boyfriend'>>
  70. <</if>>
  71. <p>You see $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] in the park, apparently waiting for you. $bfRelationship[$numnpc]</p>
  72. <<else>>
  73. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = ''>>
  74. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 20>>
  75. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'For as long as it lasted, your relationship is now ruined. You can`t stand each other.'>>
  76. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 40>>
  77. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'You`ve been dating him pretty long, but there are tensions in your relationship.'>>
  78. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 60 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  79. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'You like to occasionally hang out with him.'>>
  80. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'friend'>>
  81. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 60 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  82. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'You like to occasionally blow off some steam with him, no strings attached.'>>
  83. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'lover'>>
  84. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 80 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  85. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'He`s been a good friend to you and you have fun hanging out with him.'>>
  86. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'friend'>>
  87. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 80 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  88. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'One could consider you a couple for as long as you`ve been together now, but you both see yourselves more as friends with benefits.'>>
  89. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'lover'>>
  90. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 120 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  91. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'He`s always been a very good friend and you love spending your time with him.'>>
  92. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'friend'>>
  93. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 120 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  94. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'He`s your lovely boyfriend.'>>
  95. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'boyfriend'>>
  96. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 160 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  97. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'He`s one of your best friends, you could talk with him about anything.'>>
  98. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'best friend'>>
  99. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 160 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  100. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'You still feel lucky that you can call him your boyfriend. You love him deeply.'>>
  101. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'boyfriend'>>
  102. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 160 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0>>
  103. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'He`s your best friend, you would trust him with your life.'>>
  104. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'best friend'>>
  105. <<elseif getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 160 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  106. <<setinit $bfRelationship[$numnpc] = 'He`s your lovely boyfriend and the guy you want to marry someday. You absolutely adore him.'>>
  107. <<setinit $bfTitle[$numnpc] = 'boyfriend'>>
  108. <</if>>
  109. <p>You see the familiar face of $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] in the park, obviously waiting for you. $bfRelationship[$numnpc]</p>
  110. <</if>>
  111. <<set $bfGreeting = ''>>
  112. <<if getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") > 0 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") > 40>>
  113. <<if (getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") > 80) or getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  114. <<sets $bfGreeting += ' with a hug'>>
  115. <</if>>
  116. <<if (getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") == 0 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") > 120) or (getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 80)>>
  117. <<set $bfGreeting += ' and a kiss on the cheek'>>
  118. <<elseif getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") > 80>>
  119. <<set $bfGreeting += ' and a kiss on the lips'>>
  120. <<set $orgasm_or = 'no'>>
  121. <<arouse 'kiss' 1 >>
  122. <<arousalEnd>>
  123. <</if>>
  124. <</if>>
  125. <p>You approach $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] and greet him$bfGreeting.</p>
  126. <<actCLA 'Apologize and leave'>>
  127. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] -= 5>> <<gt $location>>
  128. <</actCLA>>
  129. <<actCLA 'Take a walk through the park'>>
  130. <<if $pc.pcs_hairbsh < 1>>
  131. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] -= 5>>
  132. <</if>>
  133. <<if $pc.pcs_hairbsh == 1>>
  134. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] += 1>>
  135. <</if>>
  136. <<if $pc.pcs_makeup == 2>>
  137. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] += 1>>
  138. <</if>>
  139. <<if $pc.pcs_makeup == 3>>
  140. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] += 2>>
  141. <</if>>
  142. <<if $pc.pcs_makeup == 4>>
  143. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] -= 5>>
  144. <</if>>
  145. <<if $pc.pcs_sweat > 19>>
  146. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] -= 5>>
  147. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sweat < 10>>
  148. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] += 1>>
  149. <</if>>
  150. <<if $wardrobe.PCloSkirt > 2>>
  151. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] += 3>>
  152. <</if>>
  153. <<if $wardrobe.PCloPants > 3>>
  154. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] += 2>>
  155. <</if>>
  156. <<set $time.minutes += 15>>
  157. <<setinit $boytimes[$numnpc] += 1>>
  158. <<set $pc.mood += 10>>
  159. <<set $bfWalk = ''>>
  160. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") > 80 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  161. <<set $bfWalk = ' hand in hand'>>
  162. <</if>>
  163. <p>You walk$bfWalk through the park while talking and having fun being together.</p>
  164. <<if getvar("$kotovLoveQW") > 0>>
  165. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] = 0>>
  166. <<set $pc.mood -= 10>>
  167. <p>You hear footsteps behind you and when you turn to look you see Vitek Kotov heading straight your way. <i>"Oh boy, he looks pissed!"</i>, you think to yourself just as he shouts, "Hey, dipshit!"</p>
  168. <p>When $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] turns around to look who's shouting Vitek slaps him so hard across the face that $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] immediately falls to the ground.</p>
  169. <p>Vitek towers over him, his eyes glaring with rage, "Listen, you little fucker, this is MY girl! If I ever see you near her again I will bury you in the woods alive, do you understand?!"</p>
  170. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] stammers something and nods his head fearfully while crawling backwards. Then he jumps back on his feet und runs as fast as he can.</p>
  171. You doubt that you will ever see him again...
  172. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  173. <<gt $location>>
  174. <</actCLA>>
  175. $exit
  176. <</if>>
  177. <<set $gboyrand = rand(0, 1)>>
  178. <<if getvar("$gboyrand") == 0>>
  179. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] offers to go to the movies.</p>
  180. <<actCLA 'Apologize and leave'>>
  181. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] -= 5>> <<gt $location>>
  182. <</actCLA>>
  183. <<actCLA 'Go to the cinema'>>
  184. <<gt 'Gnpc_cinema'>>
  185. <</actCLA>>
  186. <<elseif getvar("$gboyrand") == 1>>
  187. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] suggests to drink some beers in the park.</p>
  188. <<actCLA 'Apologize and leave'>>
  189. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] -= 5>> <<gt $location>>
  190. <</actCLA>>
  191. <<actCLA 'Go for a beer'>>
  192. <<set $time.minutes += 15>>
  193. <p>You head with $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] to the nearest kiosk. He buys a few a beers and some snacks and then you settle down on a secluded bench in the far corner of the park.</p>
  194. <<actCLA 'Drink'>>
  195. <<set $time.minutes += 30>>
  196. <<gs 'drugs' 'alcohol' 'beer'>>
  197. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] += 5>>
  198. <<set $bfDrinkSuffix = '.'>>
  199. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 40>>
  200. <<set $bfDrinkSuffix = ', briefly forgetting the tensions in your relationship for the moment.'>>
  201. <</if>>
  202. <<$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc]>> pours some beer into glasses and you both start drinking. He tells you many funny stories and you both laugh a lot while enjoying your drinks<<$bfDrinkSuffix>>
  203. <<if getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") <= 4>>
  204. You think you've got to know him a lot better now especially in a loose atmosphere like this.
  205. <</if>>
  206. <<actCLA 'Continue'>>
  207. <<gt 'Gnpc2'>>
  208. <</actCLA>>
  209. <</actCLA>>
  210. <</actCLA>>
  211. <</if>>
  212. <</actCLA>>
  213. <<if $pc.preg == 1 and getvar("$pc.pregchem") <= 1920 and $npcs.get($numnpc,'pregtalk') == 0 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0 and $pc.knowpreg == 1>>
  214. <<if $npcs.get($ChildFath[arrsize('$ChildFath') - 1,'usedname')] != $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc]>>
  215. <<set $pc.pregLie = '(Lie) '>>
  216. <<else>>
  217. <<set $pc.pregLie = ''>>
  218. <</if>>
  219. <<actCLA '$pc.pregLieTell him that he knocked you up'>>
  220. <<set $pc.mood -= 50>>
  221. <p>You tell $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] that he got you pregnant. His eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.</p>
  222. <<if $npcs.get($ChildFath[arrsize('$ChildFath') - 1,'usedname')] != $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc]>>
  223. <<set $pc.pregLieRand = rand(1,5)>>
  224. <</if>>
  225. <<if $npcs.get($ChildFath[arrsize('$ChildFath') - 1,'usedname')] == $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] or ($npcs.get($ChildFath[arrsize('$ChildFath') - 1,'usedname')] != $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] and getvar("$pc.pregLieRand") >= 4)>>
  226. <p>He looks at his feet, unable to look you in the eyes. "Listen, I'm not ready to be a father or even to marry you." He hands you five thousand ₽. "Here, take this money and let us part."</p>
  227. <<actCLA 'Dump him and take the money'>>
  228. <<run $npcs.set($numnpc,'pregtalk',1)>>
  229. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] = 0>>
  230. <<set $finances.cash += 5000>>
  231. You furiously scream at him that you never want to see him again. Then you snatch the bills from his hand and leave.
  232. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  233. <<gt $location>>
  234. <</actCLA>>
  235. <</actCLA>>
  236. <<actCLA 'Dump him and throw the money in his face'>>
  237. <<run $npcs.set($numnpc,'pregtalk',1)>>
  238. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] = 0>>
  239. You furiously scream at him that you never want to see him again and throw the money in his face before storming off.
  240. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  241. <<gt $location>>
  242. <</actCLA>>
  243. <</actCLA>>
  244. <<else>>
  245. <p>He snaps at you, "Yeah sure, you slut! Do you think I'm that stupid? You fuck around behind my back and now you want to pin the consequences on me? Go and find some other sorry ass who you can exploit!"</p>
  246. <<actCLA 'Dump him'>>
  247. <<run $npcs.set($numnpc,'pregtalk',1)>>
  248. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] = 0>>
  249. You furiously scream at him that you never want to see him again and storm off.
  250. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  251. <<gt $location>>
  252. <</actCLA>>
  253. <</actCLA>>
  254. <</if>>
  255. <</actCLA>>
  256. <</if>>
  257. <<if getvar("$GboyBalabol["+$numnpc+"]") == 1>>
  258. <<actCLA 'Blame him for your bad reputation'>>
  259. <p>You accuse $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] that he blabbed about your sexual relationship and now and everyone thinks that you're a $gnikname.</p>
  260. <<set $reaktrand = rand(0, 2)>>
  261. <<if getvar("$reaktrand") == 0>>
  262. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] begins to apologize, he's been drinking with a friend and accidentally told him about your sexual exploits together. He vows that this will never happen again.</p>
  263. <<elseif getvar("$reaktrand") == 1>>
  264. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] tries to comfort you, "$pc.name_nick, I would never do such a thing. Just ignore what those idiots say. They will soon find someone else to gossip about."</p>
  265. <<elseif getvar("$reaktrand") == 2>>
  266. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] grins, "Relax, $pc.name_nick. It's a fact that you're a $gnikname. So what?"</p>
  267. <</if>>
  268. <<actCLA 'Break up with him' undefined `{willpower:['misc','self']}`>>
  269. <<setinit $GboyBalabol[$numnpc] = 2>>
  270. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] = 0>>
  271. You furiously scream at him that you never want to see him again and storm off.
  272. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  273. <<gt $location>>
  274. <</actCLA>>
  275. <</actCLA>>
  276. <<actCLA 'Forgive him'>>
  277. <<setinit $GboyBalabol[$numnpc] = 2>>
  278. <p>You think about what he said. Because of the rumours, a lot of people have already a bad opinion about you and you don't want to lose your $bfTitle[$numnpc], too. So you reluctantly decide to forgive him.</p>
  279. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  280. <<gt $location>>
  281. <</actCLA>>
  282. <</actCLA>>
  283. <</actCLA>>
  284. <</if>>
  285. <<if (getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") <= 4 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 100) or (getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") > 4 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 120)>>
  286. <<actCLA 'End the relationship'>>
  287. <p>You think about how you could approach your $bfTitle[$numnpc] with this delicate matter...</p>
  288. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 40>>
  289. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self' 'easy'>>
  290. <<else>>
  291. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self'>>
  292. <</if>>
  293. <<if $will_cost <= $pc.pcs_willpwr>>
  294. <<actCLA 'Break up with him (will_cost Willpower)'>>
  295. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") < 40>>
  296. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self' 'easy'>>
  297. <<else>>
  298. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self'>>
  299. <</if>>
  300. <<gs 'willpower' 'pay' 'self'>>
  301. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] = 0>>
  302. <p>You tell $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] that it would be better if you don't see each other again and that he should't call you anymore. He just stares at you, so you decide to quickly leave before he overcomes his state of shock.</p>
  303. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  304. <<gt $location>>
  305. <</actCLA>>
  306. <</actCLA>>
  307. <<if getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 40 and getvar("$gnpcSex["+$numnpc+"]") > 0>>
  308. <<actCLA 'Just be friends' undefined `{willpower:['misc','self','easy']}`>>
  309. <<set $temprand = rand(0, 4)>>
  310. <p>You nervously approach $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc], "Listen, $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc], I really like you, but I'm not ready for an intimate relationship right now. I think we should forget what happened between us and just be friends, okay?"</p>
  311. <<if getvar("$boytimes["+$numnpc+"]") > 4 and getvar("$otnBoyFrend["+$numnpc+"]") >= 80 and getvar("$temprand") == 0>>
  312. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] -= 40>>
  313. <<setinit $gnpcSex[$numnpc] = 0>>
  314. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] looks totally dejected as you tell him the bad news. You really feel pity for him. When you finish your speech there's a moment of painful silence.</p>
  315. <p>Then $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] takes a deep breath, looks you in the eyes and says, "That's really hard on me, $pc.name_first. But I respect your feelings. I like you, too... very much in fact! That's why I'm willing to be your friend, even if it means that we can't be a couple."</p>
  316. <p>Wow, you didn't expect that! Still, you feel touched by his devotion and give him a bear hug, smiling from ear to ear. "Thank you, $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc]! I'm so glad that you can understand me. I think we both need some time now to digest all that. Call me when you're feeling better."</p>
  317. <<else>>
  318. <<setinit $otnBoyFrend[$numnpc] = 0>>
  319. <<set $pc.mood -= 10>>
  320. <p>$nameBoyfrend[$numnpc] narrows his eyes, "Just friends, huh? That's a pretty lame excuse, $pc.name_first, you know that? If you want to break up with me then why don't you say so!"</p>
  321. <p>You try to explain to him, "No, that's not what I mean, $nameBoyfrend[$numnpc]! I really like you..."</p>
  322. <p>"You know what? You can stuff your friendship! I'm outta here!", with these words he storms off.</p>
  323. <</if>>
  324. <<actCLA 'Leave'>>
  325. <<gt $location>>
  326. <</actCLA>>
  327. <</actCLA>>
  328. <</if>>
  329. <<actCLA 'Back down'>>
  330. <<gt 'Gnpc'>>
  331. <</actCLA>>
  332. <</actCLA>>
  333. <</if>>