
Merge remote-tracking branch 'Hooded_Silence/master'

# Conflicts:
#	locations/emp_functions.qsrc
Kevin_Smarts 1 年之前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 117 次插入120 次删除
  1. 113 114
  2. 1 3
  3. 3 3

+ 113 - 114

@@ -8,33 +8,33 @@
 !! v.02 - Event generator partially integrated
 !! v.03 - Job management system integrated
 !! v. 04 - Start of event generation code integration
 !! --------------------- UI Interface for Journal
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_schedule':
-	*clr & cla
+	*clr & cla 
 		if night_mode = 1 or night_mode = 2:
 		$header_theme = '#91B0B4'
 		$body_theme = '#303030'
-		$body_theme_alt	 = '#474747'
+		$body_theme_alt  = '#474747'
 		$font_theme = '#000000'
 		$header_theme = '#e27c00'
 		$body_theme = '#E0DED4'
-		$body_theme_alt	 = '#D58B32'
+		$body_theme_alt  = '#D58B32'
 		$font_theme = '#FFFFFF'
-	if	function_sw = 1:	'<center><h2>' + $npc_firstname['A<<mod_npc_id>>'] + ' ' + $npc_lastname['A<<mod_npc_id>>'] + '</h2></center>'
-	if function_sw = 2:
+	if  function_sw = 1:	'<center><h2>' + $npc_firstname['A<<mod_npc_id>>'] + ' ' + $npc_lastname['A<<mod_npc_id>>'] + '</h2></center>'
+	if function_sw = 2: 
 		gs 'journal', 'journalmenu'
 	!! Enable selector if attending school or Uni by NPC group type or by character and set default to School
-	if (npc_grupTipe['A<<mod_npc_id>>']>= 1 and npc_grupTipe['A<<mod_npc_id>>']<= 5) or mod_npc_id = 34 and function_sw <= 1:
+	if (npc_grupTipe['A<<mod_npc_id>>']>= 1 and npc_grupTipe['A<<mod_npc_id>>']<= 5) or mod_npc_id = 34 and function_sw <= 1: 
 		if flag_schedule = 0: flag_schedule = 1
 		school_group = 1
-		'<center>Change to: <a href="exec: flag_schedule = 1 & gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule''">School</a> | <a href="exec: flag_schedule = 2 &	gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule''">University</a> | <a href="exec: flag_schedule = 3 &	 gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule''">Holiday</a> </center>'
+		'<center>Change to: <a href="exec: flag_schedule = 1 & gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule''">School</a> | <a href="exec: flag_schedule = 2 &  gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule''">University</a> | <a href="exec: flag_schedule = 3 &  gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule''">Holiday</a> </center>'
 		!! Set schedule to holiday / non-edu NPCs
 		flag_schedule = 3
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_schedule':
 	!! Initiate loop variables
 	i_day = 1
-	mod_max_day = 7
+    mod_max_day = 7
 	i_hour = ARGS[1]
-	mod_max_hour = ARGS[1] + 8
-	header_switch = 1
-	killvar '$tablebody'
+    mod_max_hour = ARGS[1] + 8 
+    header_switch = 1
+	killvar '$tablebody'   
 	killvar '$tableheader'
 	!! create header, using header switch to fill in :00 or :30 automatically using mod to determine odd/even and set display hour automatically.
@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_schedule':
 		if header_switch = 1:
 			header_switch += 1
 			$tableheader += '<th style="padding: 10px;"><font color="<<$font_theme>>">' + iif(display_hour < 10, '0<<display_hour >>', display_hour) + ':00</font></th>'
-		elseif header_switch=2:
+		elseif header_switch=2: 
 			header_switch = 1
 			$tableheader += '<th style="padding: 10px;"><font color="<<$font_theme>>">' + iif(display_hour < 10, '0<< display_hour>>', display_hour) + ':30</font></th>'
-		end
+		end		
 		i_hour += 1
 	if i_hour <=  mod_max_hour: jump 'jmp_header_create'
-	! Reset i_hour for next loop
+	! Reset i_hour for next loop	
 	killvar 'display_hour'
 	killvar 'header_switch'
 	i_hour = ARGS[1]
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_schedule':
 	!! Close out table header
 	$tableheader += '</tr>'
 	!! Create table body, with alternating colour rows for legibility
-	:jmp_day_create
+    :jmp_day_create
-		!Set day
-		if i_day = 1 or i_day = 3 or i_day = 5 or i_day = 7:
-			$tablebody += '<tr><td	style="padding: 10px;" bgcolor="<<$header_theme>>"><b><font color="<<$font_theme>>">' + $week[i_day] + '</font></b></td>'
+        !Set day
+        if i_day = 1 or i_day = 3 or i_day = 5 or i_day = 7:
+			$tablebody += '<tr><td  style="padding: 10px;" bgcolor="<<$header_theme>>"><b><font color="<<$font_theme>>">' + $week[i_day] + '</font></b></td>'
 			$tablebody += '<tr bgcolor="<<$body_theme_alt>>"><td  style="padding: 10px;" bgcolor="<<$header_theme>>"><b><font color="<<$font_theme>>">' + $week[i_day] + '</font></b></td>'
 		!! fill the slots from the NPC schedule
-		:jmp_hour_create
+        :jmp_hour_create 
 			if i_day >= 1:
 				!! Create function switcher:
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_schedule':
 				!! 3: Event Tracker
 				if function_sw = 1 or function_sw = 0:
-					dynamic $schedule_tracker
+					dynamic $schedule_tracker 
 				elseif function_sw = 2:
-					flag_active	 = 1
-					j_id = emp_rota_week[i_day +  '_' + i_hour]
-					if emp_rota_week[i_day +  '_' + i_hour] ! 0:
-						$transient_tb =	 '<a  href="exec:gs ''emp_functions'', ''job_info'', <<j_id>>">' + $emp_job_title[j_id] + '</a>'
-					else
-						$transient_tb  = 'Free'
-					end
+                    flag_active  = 1
+                    j_id = emp_rota_week[i_day +  '_' + i_hour]
+                    if emp_rota_week[i_day +  '_' + i_hour] ! 0:							
+                        $transient_tb =  '<a  href="exec:gs ''emp_functions'', ''job_info'', <<j_id>>">' + $emp_job_title[j_id] + '</a>'
+                    else
+                        $transient_tb  = 'Free'
+                    end
 				elseif function_sw = 3:
 					msg 'Error - Failed to create body. Please set content switch.'
@@ -114,42 +114,42 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_schedule':
 					$tablebody +=  '<td style="padding: 10px;">' + $transient_tb +'</td>'
 					flag_active = 0
 					killvar '$transient_tb'
-				end
+				end	
 				 i_day += 1
 				 jump 'jmp_day_create'
 			i_hour += 1
-			if i_hour <=  mod_max_hour: jump 'jmp_hour_create'
+            if i_hour <=  mod_max_hour: jump 'jmp_hour_create'
 			$tablebody +='</tr>'
 			i_day += 1
 			i_hour = ARGS[1]
-		if i_day <= mod_max_day: jump 'jmp_day_create'
+        if i_day <= mod_max_day: jump 'jmp_day_create'	
 	!! Create navigaton bars
 	if (mod_max_hour + 8)  <= 48:
 		set_hour = ARGS[1] + 8
-		$msg_forward = '<a	href="exec:gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule'', <<set_hour>>"><b>Forward 4 hours</b></a>'
+		$msg_forward = '<a  href="exec:gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule'', <<set_hour>>"><b>Forward 4 hours</b></a>'
 		$msg_forward = 'End of Day'
-	if (mod_max_hour  - 8) >0 :
+    if (mod_max_hour  - 8) >0 :
 		set_hour = ARGS[1] - 8
-		$msg_back = '<a	 href="exec:gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule'', <<set_hour>>"><b>Back 4 hours</b></a>'
-	else
+        $msg_back = '<a  href="exec:gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule'', <<set_hour>>"><b>Back 4 hours</b></a>'
+    else
 		$msg_back = 'Start of day'
+    end
+    !! Start the table constuction    
+    '<center><table border=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor="<<$body_theme>>" width="95%" align="center"><<$tableheader>><<$tablebody>></table>'
+    '<<$msg_back>> | <<$msg_forward>>'
+    *nl
+    if  function_sw = 1:
+	'<b>Note:</b> Times are approximate, some characters will appear at quarter past or quarter to the hour.</center>' 
-	!! Start the table constuction
-	'<center><table border=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor="<<$body_theme>>" width="95%" align="center"><<$tableheader>><<$tablebody>></table>'
-	'<<$msg_back>> | <<$msg_forward>>'
-	*nl
-	if	function_sw = 1:
-	'<b>Note:</b> Times are approximate, some characters will appear at quarter past or quarter to the hour.</center>'
-	end
-	if	function_sw = 2:
-		'<b>Note:</b> Times are approximate, some jobs may extend past the allotted time or have flexi-starts.</center>'
+	if  function_sw = 2:
+		'<b>Note:</b> Times are approximate, some jobs may extend past the allotted time or have flexi-starts.</center>' 
-	act 'Back':
+    act 'Back':
 		killvar 'flag_schedule'
 		killvar 'school_group'
 		killvar 'j_id'
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'job_info':
 	$msg_body += '<p>Location: ' + $emp_job_loc[j_id] + '</p>'
 	$msg_body += '<p>Notes: ' + $emp_job_notes[j_id]+ '</p>'
 	$msg_body += '<p>Wages: ' +emp_job_wages[j_id] + '<b>₽</b></p>'
 	msg '<<$msg_body>>'
@@ -191,15 +191,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'disp_evt':
 		'I have this job for you do you want to acccept it?'
 		'Event Scheduled for: ' + transient_evt_day + $evt_suffix + ', '+ $monthName[transient_evt_month] +' '+ '20' + transient_evt_year
-		'Job: ' + $evt_job[transient_evt_type]
+		'Job: ' + $evt_job[transient_evt_type]  			
 		'Pay: ' + transient_evt_wages
 		'Time: ' + transient_evt_hour + ':' +  iif(transient_evt_minutes  >= 0 and transient_evt_minutes <= 4, '00',  '30')
 		'Duration: ' + transient_evt_duration  + iif(transient_evt_duration  = 1, ' hour',  ' hours')
 		'Location reminder: ' + $transient_mc_locat
 		'Job Details: ' + $transient_desc
 		act 'Accept the job' : gs 'emp_functions', 'cat_evt'
-		act 'Decline the job':
+		act 'Decline the job': 
 			gs 'emp_functions',  'del_evt', 1
 			gt 'emp_functions', 'evt_init'
@@ -209,22 +209,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'disp_evt':
 	if ARGS[1] = 2:	
 		if evt_event[0] ! '':			
 			killvar '$evtbody'
-			job_idx = 0
+			job_idx = 0		
-				if evt_silent[job_idx] = 1:
-					$evtbody += '<tr><td>' +$week[evt_dow[job_idx]]+' '+ evt_day[job_idx] + $evt_suffix + ', '+ $monthName[evt_month[job_idx]] +' 20'+ evt_year[job_idx] + '</td><td>' + $evt_job[evt_event[job_idx]] + '</td>'
+				!!if evt_silent[job_idx] = 1:
+					$evtbody += '<tr><td>' +$week[evt_dow[job_idx]]+' '+ evt_day[job_idx] + $evt_suffix + ', '+ $monthName[evt_month[job_idx]] +' 20'+ evt_year[job_idx] + '</td><td>' + $evt_job[evt_event[job_idx]] + '</td>' 
 					$evtbody += '<td>' + evt_wages[job_idx] + '₽</td><td>' + evt_hour[job_idx] + ':' +  iif(evt_minutes[job_idx] >= 0 and evt_minutes[job_idx] <= 4, '00', '30') + '</td>'
 					$evtbody += '<td>' + evt_duration[job_idx] + iif(evt_duration[job_idx]  = 1, ' hour',  ' hours') + '</td><td>' + $evt_mc_locat[job_idx] + '</td>'
 					$evtbody += '<td><a  href="exec: gs ''emp_functions'',''del_evt'', 2, <<job_idx>>"><img src="images\system\icons\evt_del.png"></a></a></td></tr>'
-				end
+				!!end
 				job_idx += 1
 				if job_idx < arrsize('evt_event') : jump 'jmp_list_create'
-				if evt_silent[job_idx] = 1:
-					'<center><h2>Current Task List</h2></center>'
+				!!if evt_silent[job_idx] = 1: 
+					'<center><h2>Current Task List</h2></center>'		
 					$evtheader = '<tr><th>Date</th><th>Task</th><th>Pay</th><th>Time</th><th>Duration</th><th>Location</th><th>Cancel Job</th></tr>'
 					'<center><table width="90%" align="center" width="90%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" valign="top"><tr><<$evtheader>><<$evtbody>></tr></table></center>'
-				end
+				!!end
 				killvar '$evtbody'
 				killvar '$evtheader'
@@ -237,12 +237,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'disp_evt':
 		act_idx = 0
 		act_tracker = 0
 		act_found = 0
-		:jmp_act_create
-			 if evt_hour[act_tracker] = hour or evt_hour[act_tracker] = (hour -1):
+		:jmp_act_create			
+			 if evt_hour[act_tracker] = hour or evt_hour[act_tracker] = (hour -1): 
 				act_found = 1
-				act_idx = act_tracker
+				act_idx = act_tracker 				
-			 act_tracker +=1
+			 act_tracker +=1 
 		if act_tracker < arrsize('evt_event') or act_found = 0: jump 'jmp_act_create'
 		if ((evt_hour[act_idx] = hour and evt_minutes[act_idx] <= minut) or evt_hour[act_idx] = (hour - 1)) and $loc = $evt_loc[act_idx]:
 			act 'Attend your ' + $evt_job[evt_event[act_idx]] + ' event':
@@ -259,43 +259,43 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'disp_evt':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_evt':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_evt':	
 	!! Get the current year - remove 2000 to get the right year for search function.
 	transient_evt_year = year - 2000
 	!! Figure out the month for the seed and ensure it rolls over into new calendar year.
-	if month = 12:
+	if month = 12:			
 		evt_mseed = 1
 		transient_evt_year += 1
 		evt_mseed = month + 1
-	!! randomise the month and month + 1
-	transient_evt_month = rand(month,  evt_mseed)
+	!! randomise the month and month + 1 	
+	transient_evt_month = rand(month,  evt_mseed)      
 		if transient_evt_month = month:
 			if (day + 7) > monthsend[transient_evt_month]:
 				transient_evt_month += 1
 				evt_dseed = 1
-			end
+			end	
 			evt_dseed = day + 1
-		end
-		rnd_day = rand(evt_dseed, monthsend[transient_evt_month])
-	if transient_evt_month  = month and rnd_day <= day: jump 'jmp_job_create'
+		end	
+		rnd_day = rand(evt_dseed, monthsend[transient_evt_month])	
+	if transient_evt_month  = month and rnd_day <= day: jump 'jmp_job_create'	
 	!! Set event transients - will be deleted upon completion
 	transient_evt_hour = rand(9, 20)
 	!! For simplicity sake make minutes on the hour or at half hour intervals, store as a single int.
 	transient_evt_minutes = rand(0, 9)
-	!! Set as multiples of 60
+	!! Set as multiples of 60 	
 	transient_evt_duration = rand(1,8)
 	!! logic check for when randomising event duration
 	if transient_evt_duration + transient_evt_hour >= 22:
 		transient_evt_hour = 22 - transient_evt_duration
@@ -305,21 +305,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_evt':
 	srch_day_u = rnd_day + 7
 	if srch_day_u >= monthsend[transient_evt_month]:
 		srch_day_u = monthsend[transient_evt_month]
-		srch_day_l = monthsend[transient_evt_month]	 - rand(7,14)
+		srch_day_l = monthsend[transient_evt_month]  - rand(7,14)
 		srch_day_l = rnd_day
 	gs 'shortgs', 'dow',  transient_evt_year, transient_evt_month,  srch_day_l
-	if result =  transient_evt_dow:
+	if result =  transient_evt_dow: 
 		transient_evt_day = srch_day_l
 	srch_day_l = 99
-	else
-	srch_day_l += 1
-	end
+	else	        
+	srch_day_l += 1					
+	end 	
-	if srch_day_l <= srch_day_u: jump 'setdayloop'
+	if srch_day_l <= srch_day_u: jump 'setdayloop'	
 ! ------ Helper Functions ------
@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cat_evt':
 	evt_silent[] = transient_evt_silent
 	!! Event type used in Journal
 	evt_event[] = transient_evt_type
-	!! Additional ID if required
-	evt_event_sub[] = transient_evt_sub_type
+	!! Additional ID if required 
+	evt_event_sub[] = transient_evt_sub_type 
 	!! Day of Week used in Journal and content areas
 	evt_dow[] = transient_evt_dow
 	!! Event Date to check against current date & used in Journal and content areas
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cat_evt':
 	!! The following are event location triggers to allow the content to appear in areas such as community centre but host their content elsewhere such as Photography shop
 	!! 	Event area triggers such as city_residential
 	$evt_loc[] = $transient_loc
-	$evt_loc_arg[] = $transient_arg
+	$evt_loc_arg[] = $transient_arg 
 	!! Content location - optional
 	$evt_trigger_exec = $transient_evt_exec
 	$evt_trigger[] = $transient_trigger
@@ -407,35 +407,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'del_evt':
 		killvar 'transient_event_type'
 		killvar 'transient_evt_year'
 		killvar 'transient_evt_month'
-		killvar 'transient_evt_hour'
+		killvar 'transient_evt_hour'	
 		killvar 'transient_evt_minutes'
 		killvar 'transient_evt_duration'
 		killvar 'transient_evt_wages'
 		killvar '$transient_loc '
 		killvar '$transient_arg'
-		killvar '$transient_trigger'
+		killvar '$transient_trigger'	
 		killvar '$transient_img'
 		killvar '$transient_desc'
-		killvar 'rnd_min'
+		killvar 'rnd_min'	
 		killvar 'mseed'
-		killvar 'dseed'
+		killvar 'dseed' 
 	! Delete array entry
 	if ARGS[1] = 2:
 		!! delete event after firing or cancelled.
-		!! killvar 'arr_name', index
+		!! killvar 'arr_name', index 
 		if ARGS[2] >= 0:
 			evt_idx = ARGS[2]
-			'You''re about to delete this job: '
-			'Delete: ' + evt_event
+			'You''re about to delete this job: ' 
+			'Delete: ' + evt_event 
 			'Index: ' + evt_idx
 			Act 'Confirm?':
 				'Are you sure?'
-				act 'Deleting':
+				act 'Deleting': 
 					killvar 'evt_silent', evt_idx
 					killvar 'evt_event', evt_idx
@@ -454,19 +454,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'del_evt':
 					killvar '$evt_media', evt_idx
 					killvar '$evt_desc', evt_idx
-					act 'Return': gt 'emp_functions', 'init'
-				end
-				act 'Cancel': gt 'emp_functions', 'init'
+					act 'Return': gs 'journal_work', 'start'
+				end 	 
+				act 'Cancel': gs 'journal_work', 'start'
 			'<<evt_idx>> - Invalid record - please check your index'
-	end
+	end 
 if $ARGS[0] = 'evt_day_suffix':
-	if ARGS[1] ! '':
+	if ARGS[1] ! '': 
 		query_day = ARGS[1]
 		query_day = transient_evt_day
@@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'evt_day_suffix':
 	elseif test_day = 1 or test_day = 31:
 		$evt_suffix = 'st'
 	elseif test_day = 2:
-		$evt_suffix = 'nd'
-	elseif test_day= 3:
+		$evt_suffix = 'nd'    
+	elseif test_day= 3: 
 		$evt_suffix = 'rd'
 		$evt_suffix = 'th'
@@ -511,15 +511,15 @@ end
 !! book role, creates a time slot for emp_rota_week in format day_hour to be used in schedule mode.
 if $ARGS[0] = 'emp_booking':
 	gs 'emp_functions', 'emp_chk_clk'
-	if emp_rota_fail  = 0:
+	if emp_rota_fail  = 0:	
 		gs 'emp_functions', 'loop_configure'
 		j_finish = emp_job_end[j_id]
 			j_idx = emp_job_start[j_id]
-				emp_rota_week[d_idx + '_' + j_idx]	= j_id
+				emp_rota_week[d_idx + '_' + j_idx]  = j_id
 				j_idx += 1
-			if j_idx <= j_finish: jump 'jmp_hour_book'
+			if j_idx <= j_finish: jump 'jmp_hour_book'	
 			d_idx += 1
 		if d_idx <= d_end: jump 'jmp_daily_book'
 		emp_job_status[j_id] = 1
@@ -543,14 +543,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'emp_chk_clk':
 		j_idx = emp_job_start[j_id]
 			if emp_rota_week[d_idx + '_' + j_idx]  >  0:
-				!! booking failed
+				!! booking failed					
 				emp_rota_fail = 1
 				!! booking passed
 				emp_rota_fail = 0
-			end
+			end	
 			j_idx +=1
-		if j_idx <= j_finish and emp_rota_fail = 0: jump 'jmp_job_chk'
+		if j_idx <= j_finish and emp_rota_fail = 0: jump 'jmp_job_chk'	
 		d_idx += 1
 	if d_idx <= d_end and emp_rota_fail = 0: jump 'jmp_daily_chk'
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'emp_terminate':
 				emp_rota_week[d_idx + '_' + j_idx] = 0
 				j_idx += 1
-			if j_idx <= j_finish: jump 'jmp_hour_book'
+			if j_idx <= j_finish: jump 'jmp_hour_book'	
 			d_idx += 1
 		if d_idx <= d_end: jump 'jmp_daily_book'
 		!! Set the termination value
@@ -576,20 +576,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'emp_terminate':
 	killvar 'j_idx'
 	killvar 'j_finish'
 	killvar 'd_idx'
-	killvar 'd_end'
+	killvar 'd_end'	
-if $ARGS[0] = 'loop_configure':
-	if	j_day= 0 or j_day = 1 or j_day = 2:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'loop_configure':	
+	if  j_day= 0 or j_day = 1 or j_day = 2:
 		d_idx = 1
 		d_idx= 6
-	if	j_day <= 1:
+	if  j_day <= 1:
 		d_end = 5
 		d_end= 7
-	end
+	end	
---- emp_functions ---------------------------------
+--- emp_functions ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 3

@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'photojob_pay':
 	elseif pcs_photoskl > 50:
 		gs 'emp_functions', 'wage_evt', 1
-		gs 'emp_functions', 'wage_evt', 5, 50
+		gs 'emp_functions', 'wage_evt', 5, 100
@@ -223,8 +223,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'job_init':
 	dynamic $photojob[evt_PhotoID]
 	!! set Day of Week for job to appear on	
 	transient_evt_dow = 6
-	!! evt_silent - hide event from player  in journal (or other locations) - 1 to enable.
-	transient_evt_silent = 0 
     !! Now set up the event date
     gs 'shop_photography' , 'photojob_pay'
     gs 'emp_functions', 'gen_evt'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -516,13 +516,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vasily_bazar_night':
 			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 1:
 				' You really seemed to enjoy getting fucked like a drunken slut the other day <<$pcs_nickname>>," Vasily snickers.<br> "Well I... yeah, I kind of got into it," you stammer meekly.<br> "Then you should come drinking with us in the park more often. We''ll gladly fuck you six ways to Sunday if you show up there," he says with a sly grin.<br> "Don''t be surprised if I take you up on that offer," you say with a wink.'
-			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 2
+			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 2:
 				if soniaPS = 1:
 					' "We have to figure out how to get you and Sonia in the same room," Vasily says hungrily.<br> "I certainly wouldn''t kick her out of bed..." you say and give him a wink.<br> "Just thinking about it is getting me going. Actually seeing you two together would be hot enough to start a fire."<br> You rest your hand on his groin and give it a squeeze. "Oh, I can tell..." you whisper seductively.'
 					'"Sonia was talking about you the other day," Vasily tells you.<br> "Oh really? What did she say?" you ask.<br> "She said and I quote: That <<$pcs_nickname>> is crazy hot. Every time I see her, I just want to eat her like a bowl of ice cream," he says laughing.<br> "Well, next time you see her, tell her it tastes like cherry", you tell him laughing.'
-			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 3
+			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 3:
 				if SchoolAtestat = 0:
 					'"Oh, what I would give to see under that little skirt our English teacher wears. Her ass just looks unbelievable in that thing. I swear she must wear it just to drive the kids crazy," Vasily says dreamily.<br> "I totally agree. She knows what''s she is doing. If she keeps it up, I might get under that skirt myself. If I ever do manage to get in there, I''ll report back to you with the details commander," you say while giving him a mock salute.'
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vasily_bazar_night':
 			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 4:
 				'"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, did you know that your mother is still a slut? We saw her in the cafe after closing with her boss. She was sucking his dick like it was the fountain of youth. I see where you got your skills from; she must have been a really good teacher."<br> "Ha, dream on asshole," you tell him with a laugh.'
-			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 5
+			elseif vasyan_textb_gorslut = 5:
 				if soniaPS = 1:
 					if SchoolAtestat = 0:
 						'"Sonia spends almost the whole day in the boys bathroom at school now. That girl sucks and fucks like quantity is the only things that matters," Vasily tells you.<br> "I think most of her diet is cum these days," you add.<br> "Yeah, I do my part to feed her almost every day," he says laughing.'