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[fixed] something that goes towards addressing so many stranger is in the game

hornguy6 hace 1 año
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 10 adiciones y 3 borrados
  1. 10 3

+ 10 - 3

@@ -25,9 +25,12 @@ npctempgage = ARGS[2]
 !! 4 - St. Petersburg City Center
 temp_location = ARGS[3]
+dont_know_npc_name = ARGS[4]
 !! For example
-!! gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'stranger', rand(18,45)
-!! Which would generate a male named stranger between ages of 18 and 45
+!! gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'stranger', rand(18,45), 3, 1
+!! Which would generate a male named stranger between ages of 18 and 45 who lives in the St. Petersburg Residential Area who will be remembered as ''stranger''
 if temp_location = 0:
@@ -209,7 +212,11 @@ gs 'npcrnamefile', 'rusSur'
 $npc_firstname[$npclastgenerated] = $npctempgn[1]
 $npc_nickname[$npclastgenerated] = $npctempgn[2]
 $npc_lastname[$npclastgenerated] = $npctempgn[3]
-$npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated] = $npctempgn[0]
+if dont_know_npc_name = 0 or $npctempgn[0] = '':
+	$npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated] = $npctempgn[1]
+	$npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated] = $npctempgn[0]
 npc_intel[$npclastgenerated] = rand(1,npctempc2)
 !! set them to sober