# Cheatmenu_din *clr & cla !All the active dynamics for the cheat menu are here $cheatmenu['empty'] = { !Yes, intentionally empty, do not remove it } $cheatmenu['work'] = { if cheatWork = 0: cheatWork = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatWork = 1: cheatWork = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['hair'] = { if cheatHapri = 0: cheatHapri = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatHapri = 1: cheatHapri = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['enema'] = { if cheatKlisma = 1: cheatKlisma = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['setting'] exit elseif cheatKlisma = 0: cheatKlisma = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['setting'] end } $cheatmenu['nomakeup'] = { if cheatNomakeup = 0: cheatNomakeup = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatNomakeup = 1: cheatNomakeup = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['nosweat'] = { if cheatNoSweat = 0: cheatNoSweat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatNoSweat = 1: cheatNoSweat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['noEat'] = { if cheatNoEat = 0: cheatNoEat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatNoEat = 1: cheatNoEat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['noDrink'] = { if cheatNoDrink = 0: cheatNoDrink = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatNoDrink = 1: cheatNoDrink = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['noSleep'] = { if cheatNoSleep = 0: cheatNoSleep = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatNoSleep = 1: cheatNoSleep = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['noMood'] = { if cheatNoMood = 0: cheatNoMood = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatNoMood = 1: cheatNoMood = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['noFat'] = { if cheatNoFat = 0: cheatNoFat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatNoFat = 1: cheatNoFat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['health'] = { if cheatHealth = 0: cheatHealth = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatHealth = 1: cheatHealth = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['fight'] = { if fight_cheat = 0: fight_cheat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif fight_cheat = 1: fight_cheat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['autocombat'] = { if autocombat_cheat = 0: autocombat_cheat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif autocombat_cheat = 1: autocombat_cheat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['age'] = { :tooyoung age = year - ((pcs_dob - (pcs_dob mod 10000)) / 10000) if ((month * 100) + day) <= pcs_dob mod 10000: age -= 1 if age < 15: pcs_dob -= 10000 & jump 'tooyoung' dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] } $cheatmenu['visualage'] = { vidage = input("For how many years you want to look?") if vidage <= 14: vidage = 14 dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] } $cheatmenu['money'] = { money = input("How much money do you want to have?") if money < 0:money = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['state'] } $cheatmenu['bodyMod'] = { *clr & cla act 'Return to last menu': dynamic $cheatmenu['state'] '

Cheat Menu - Body Modification

' '
' '
' '
' 'Changing body shape does not resize clothes.' 'May cause adverse interactions, use at your own risk!' '' 'You are currently <<$body>>.' '' 'You may select from the following sizes:' '' if bodset ! 3: 'starving (No, you may not select ''starving'', it''s here to show where the scale starts)' '' if salocatnow ! 1: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>>' '' end if salocatnow ! 2: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>>' '' end if salocatnow ! 3: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>>' '' end if salocatnow ! 4: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>>' '' end if salocatnow ! 5: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>>' '' end if salocatnow ! 6: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>>' '' end if salocatnow ! 7: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>>' '' end else if (pregchem < 2688) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10))]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 2688 and pregchem < 3192) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 3192 and pregchem < 3696) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 3696 and pregchem < 4200) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 4200 and pregchem < 4704) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 4704 and pregchem < 5208) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 5208 and pregchem < 5712) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 5712 and pregchem < 6216) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>>' '' end if (pregchem >= 6216) = 0: '<<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 8)]>>' '' end end '
' } $cheatmenu['addict'] = { if NarkImmune = 0: NarkImmune = 1 smoker = 0 smokerNeed = 0 joint_count = 0 alcohol_count = 0 cocaine_count = 0 amphetamine_count = 0 SNarkTimes = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif NarkImmune = 1: NarkImmune = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['cheatHorny'] = { if cheatHorny = 0: cheatHorny = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatHorny = 1: cheatHorny = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['slutshot'] = { if cheatSlut = 0: cheatSlut = 1 cycle = 6 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatSlut = 1: cheatSlut = 0 cycle = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['cheat_NoPregnancy'] = { if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1: killvar 'cheat_NoPregnancy' dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] else cheat_NoPregnancy = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['cheat_NoLactation'] = { if cheat_NoLactation = 1: killvar 'cheat_NoLactation' dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] else cheat_Nolactation = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['Vibrator'] = { if cheatVib = 0: cheatVib = 1 bedvibrator = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] elseif cheatVib = 1: cheatVib = 0 bedvibrator = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['BimboCloth'] = { if cheatBimbo = 0: cheatBimbo = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] bimbo = 0 bimbolevel = 0 bimbowithdrawal = 0 elseif cheatBimbo = 1: cheatBimbo = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['exhib_block'] = { if exhib_cheat = 0: exhib_cheat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] pcs_exhib = 0 Exhibitionist_lvl = 0 elseif exhib_cheat = 1: exhib_cheat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['addictive_block'] = { if addictive_cheat = 0: addictive_cheat = 1 smoke_exp = 0 joint_exp = 0 heroin_exp = 0 cocaine_exp = 0 amphetamine_exp = 0 alcohol_exp = 0 addictive_exp = 0 addictive_trait_lvl = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] elseif addictive_cheat = 1: addictive_cheat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['cumtrait_block'] = { if cumeater_cheat = 0: cumeater_cheat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] trt_cumeater = 0 elseif cumeater_cheat = 1: cumeater_cheat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['consolecheat'] = { if cheatConsole = 0: cheatConsole = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatConsole = 1: cheatConsole = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['timecheat'] = { if cheatTime = 0: cheatTime = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif cheatTime = 1: cheatTime = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['random_bf_gf'] = { if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0: random_bf_gf_cheat = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] exit elseif random_bf_gf_cheat = 1: random_bf_gf_cheat = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['street_events'] = { if cheat_street_events = 0: cheat_street_events = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] elseif cheat_street_events = 1: cheat_street_events = 0 dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent'] end } $cheatmenu['permanent'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' if cheatWork = 0:$cheatWork = 'Currently OFF' if cheatWork = 1:$cheatWork = 'Currently ON' if cheatHapri = 0:$cheatHapri = 'Currently OFF' if cheatHapri = 1:$cheatHapri = 'Currently ON' if cheatKlisma = 1:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently OFF' if cheatKlisma = 0:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently ON' if cheatNomakeup = 0:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently OFF' if cheatNomakeup = 1:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently ON' if cheatNoSweat = 0:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently OFF' if cheatNoSweat = 1:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently ON' if cheatNoEat = 0:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently OFF' if cheatNoEat = 1:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently ON' if cheatNoDrink = 0:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently OFF' if cheatNoDrink = 1:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently ON' if cheatNoSleep = 0:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently OFF' if cheatNoSleep = 1:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently ON' if cheatNoMood = 0:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently OFF' if cheatNoMood = 1:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently ON' if cheatNoFat = 0:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently OFF' if cheatNoFat = 1:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently ON' if cheatHealth = 0:$cheatHealth = 'Enabled' if cheatHealth = 1:$cheatHealth = 'Disabled' if NarkImmune = 0:$NarkImmune = 'Currently OFF' if NarkImmune = 1:$NarkImmune = 'Currently ON' if cheatSlut = 0:$cheatSlut = 'Enabled' if cheatSlut = 1:$cheatSlut = 'Disabled' if cheatHorny = 0:$cheatHorny = 'Currently OFF' if cheatHorny = 1:$cheatHorny = 'Currently ON' if bedvibrator = 0:$cheatVib = 'Currently OFF' if bedvibrator = 1:$cheatVib = 'Currently ON' if fight_cheat = 0:$fight_cheat = 'Currently OFF' if fight_cheat = 1:$fight_cheat = 'Currently ON' if autocombat_cheat = 0:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently OFF' if autocombat_cheat = 1:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently ON' if cheat_NoPregnancy = 0:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Enabled' if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Disabled' if cheat_NoLactation = 0:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Enabled' if cheat_NoLactation = 1:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Disabled' if cheatBimbo = 0:$cheatBimbo = 'Enabled' if cheatBimbo = 1:$cheatBimbo = 'Disabled' if cumeater_cheat = 0:$cheatcumtrait = 'Enabled' if cumeater_cheat = 1:$cheatcumtrait = 'Disabled' if exhib_cheat = 0:$cheatexhib = 'Enabled' if exhib_cheat = 1:$cheatexhib = 'Disabled' if addictive_cheat = 0: $cheataddictive = 'Enabled' if addictive_cheat = 1: $cheataddictive = 'Disabled' if cheatConsole = 0:$cheatConsole = 'Visible' if cheatConsole = 1:$cheatConsole = 'Hidden' if cheatTime = 0:$cheatTime = 'Disabled' if cheatTime = 1:$cheatTime = 'Enabled' if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Enabled' if random_bf_gf_cheat = 1: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Disabled' if cheat_street_events = 0: $cheat_street_events = 'Enabled' if cheat_street_events = 1: $cheat_street_events = 'Disabled' '

Cheat Menu - Recurrent Cheats

' '
WARNING!: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!
' '
' '
' 'More than one job is possible: <<$cheatWork>>' 'Always combed: <<$cheatHapri>>' 'Cosmetics never smeared: <<$cheatNomakeup>>' 'Never sweat: <<$cheatNoSweat>>' 'Never eat: <<$cheatNoEat>>' 'Never drink: <<$cheatNoDrink>>' 'Never sleep: <<$cheatNoSleep>>' 'Never unhappy: <<$cheatNoMood>>' 'Never lose or gain weight: <<$cheatNoFat>>' 'Never get addicted: <<$NarkImmune>>' if Enable_sforma = 1: 'Allow any clothing for school: Currently ON' else 'Allow any clothing for school: Currently OFF' end *nl 'Random boyfriend/girlfriend events: <<$random_bf_gf_cheat>>' 'Random rapist/robbers in the streets: <<$cheat_street_events>>' *nl 'Enable sleeping with vibrator inserted: <<$cheatVib>>' *nl 'Automatically win every fight: <<$fight_cheat>>' 'Automatically resolve non-magical fights: <<$autocombat_cheat>>' *nl 'Bimbo trait and the effects of wearing bimbo clothes: <<$cheatBimbo>>' 'Exhibitionist trait: <<$cheatexhib>>' 'Addictive personality trait: <<$cheataddictive>>' 'Cumeater trait: <<$cheatcumtrait>>' *nl 'Set arousal to always be at 50 or more: <<$cheatHorny>>' 'Periods (and pregnancies): <<$cheatSlut>>' 'Impregnation: <<$cheat_nopregnancy>>' 'Lactation: <<$cheat_nolactation>>' 'STDs: <<$cheatHealth>>' *nl if Enable_autotampon = 1: 'Automatic cheat on Tampon: Currently ON' else 'Automatic cheat on Tampon: Currently OFF' end *nl if Enable_nodream > 0: 'No dream chance: <>%, Currently ON' else 'No dream chance: Currently OFF' end & !1.2.3 new function *nl 'Hide Console input in objects window: <<$cheatConsole>>' 'Time Cheat in Objects window: <<$cheatTime>>' *nl 'WARNING!: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!' '
' } $cheatmenu['state'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Character State Changes

' '
WARNING!: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save. Cheats manipulating pregnancy or the menstrual cycle are' 'especially dangerous unless you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.
' '
' '
' 'Set alcohol levels:' 'Sober Tipsy Drunk Wasted Barely coherent' *nl 'Max arousal' 'Min arousal' 'Body Modification' *nl 'Full restoration of Health, Mana, Reason.' 'Full restoration of Sleep, Stamina, Mood.' 'Full restoration of Hunger and Water.' 'Change money' 'Zero money' 'Cure all stds' 'Cure all ailments.' *nl 'Force random pregnancy' 'Remove pregnancy' 'Remove all cum' 'Set stage of menstrual cycle' *nl if lactation['active'] <= 0: 'You are not lactating' 'Your current prolactinlvl is <>ng/ml.' 'Switch ON' else 'You are lactating' 'Switch OFF' if lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1: 'The milk production is realistic. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk based on her body resources.' elseif lactation['milkprod_type'] = 0: 'The milk production is permanent. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk disregarding her condition.' else lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1 end if lactation['lactaterate'] <= 0: 'Lactate Rate: <>ml/h +10' elseif lactation['lactaterate'] >= 600000: 'Lactate Rate: -10 <>ml/h' else 'Lactate Rate: -10 <>ml/h +10' end 'Milk in Breasts: <>ml' 'Max Milk Storage: <>ml' 'Maximum milk storage changes with breast size, and if <<$pcs_firstname>> went through pregnancy' if lactation['induced'] <= 0: 'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: no' else 'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: yes' end 'Does <<$pcs_firstname>> know she induced lactation herself, or not? (This is only used for some events.)' end '
' } $cheatmenu['avatar_hair_set'] = { $av_hair = input("Input your custom hair:") if $av_hair='':exit avatar_hair = 1 dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] } $cheatmenu['rename'] = { !! player name is set in preSYS.qsrc $temp_firstname = '<<$pcs_firstname>>' $pcs_firstname = input("What is your first name? (Leave blank for Svetlana)") if $pcs_firstname = '':$pcs_firstname = '<<$temp_firstname>>' killvar '$temp_firstname' $temp_lastname = '<<$pcs_lastname>>' $pcs_lastname = input("What is your family name? (Leave blank for Lebedev)") if $pcs_lastname = '':$pcs_lastname = '<<$temp_lastname>>' killvar '$temp_lastname' $temp_nickname = '<<$pcs_nickname>>' $pcs_nickname = input("What is your nickname? (Leave blank for Sveta)") if $pcs_nickname = '':$pcs_nickname = '<<$temp_nickname>>' killvar '$temp_nickname' } $cheatmenu['looks'] = { *clr & cla if pcs_hgt < 100: pcs_hgt = 100 elseif pcs_hgt > 200: pcs_hgt = 200 end gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' gs'stat' '

Cheat Menu - Character Appearance

' '
WARNING!: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.
' *nl '
' '
' '<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>> (<<$pcs_nickname>>). Rename' if player_avatar = 1: 'Custom Avatar: ON' else 'Custom Avatar: OFF' end if avatar_hair = 1: 'Custom Hair: ON' '<<$av_hair>>' else 'Custom Hair: OFF' end *nl 'Show design parameters of body' 'Show beauty parameters' *nl 'You are (-1) <> (+1) years old' *nl 'You look <> years old' 'Change apparent age' *nl 'You are <> centimetres tall' 'Change <<$pcs_nickname>>''s height' *nl 'You have <<$titsize>> breasts' if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'Enlarge breasts(silicone)' if silicone => 1:'Shrink breasts(silicone)' if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'Enlarge breasts(natural)' if nbsize => 1:'Shrink breasts(natural)' *nl '<<$lip>>' if pcs_lip < 4:'Enlarge lips' if pcs_lip > 0:'Shrink lips' *nl '<<$skin>>' if pcs_skin < 100: 'Improve skin' if pcs_skin > 0: 'Worsen skin' if pcs_tan >= 0:'Become tanned' if pcs_tan > 0:'Remove tan' *nl '<<$pcs_throat>>' if pcs_throat <= 31:'Increase throat capacity' if pcs_throat >= 5:'Decrease throat capacity' if dounspell = 1: *nl 'Hard Reset body shape' end '' '<<$pcs_vag>>' if pcs_vag > 0:'Reinstate virginity' if pcs_vag <= 25:'Enlarge vagina' if pcs_vag >= 5:'Reduce vagina' 'Your vagina will shrink by <> every <> days.' if vshrink < 10:'Increase amount to shrink' if vshrink > 0:'Reduce amount to shrink' if vshrinkdays < 10:'Increase number of days it takes' if vshrinkdays > 1:'Reduce number of days it takes' *nl '<<$pcs_ass>>' if pcs_ass <= 25:'Enlarge anus' if pcs_ass >= 5:'Reduce anus' 'Your anus will shrink by <> every <> days.' if ashrink < 10:'Increase amount to shrink' if ashrink > 0:'Reduce amount to shrink' if ashrinkdays < 10:'Increase number of days it takes' if ashrinkdays > 1:'Reduce number of days it takes' *nl if dounspell = 0: if fat ! 0: 'Zero fat' 'Body Fat = (<>): -10 -5 -1 +1 +5 +10' 'Note: You need some Body Fat to survive, any value under 11 is clasified as "starving" and a value of 0 can lead to a Game Over.' end *nl 'Tattoo removal' '' '<<$hair>>' if pcs_haircol = 0: 'Your hair is now (prev) <<$pcs_haircol>> (next)' elseif pcs_haircol > 0 and pcs_haircol < 3: 'Your hair is now (prev) <<$pcs_haircol>> (next)' elseif pcs_haircol = 3: 'Your hair is now (prev) <<$pcs_haircol>> (next)' else 'To change your natural hair color, you have to restore your natural hair color first.' end if pcs_hairlng > 975: 'Hair length (<>) -100 -25 -5 +5' elseif pcs_hairlng > 900: 'Hair length (<>) -100 -25 -5 +5 +25' elseif pcs_hairlng >= 100: 'Hair length (<>) -100 -25 -5 +5 +25 +100' elseif pcs_hairlng >= 25: 'Hair length (<>) -25 -5 +5 +25 +100' elseif pcs_hairlng >= 5: 'Hair length (<>) -5 +5 +25 +100' else 'Hair length (<>) +5 +25 +100' end if hairgrowcht = 0:'Stop hair growth' if hairgrowcht = 1:'Allow hair growth' *nl '<<$glaza>>' if pcs_naturallashes < 2:'Enlarge lashes' if pcs_naturallashes > 0:'Shrink lashes' if pcs_eyesize < 3:'Increase the size of the eye' if pcs_eyesize > 0:'Reduce the size of the eye' if pcs_eyecol <= 0: 'Your eyes are now (prev) <<$pcs_eyecol>> (next)' elseif pcs_eyecol > 0 and pcs_eyecol < 3: 'Your eyes are now (prev) <<$pcs_eyecol>> (next)' elseif pcs_eyecol >= 3: 'Your eyes are now (prev) <<$pcs_eyecol>> (next)' end '
' } if $ARGS[0] = 'vagenlarge': if pcs_vag = 0: pcs_vag = 5 elseif pcs_vag <= 5: pcs_vag = 10 elseif pcs_vag <= 10: pcs_vag = 15 elseif pcs_vag <= 15: pcs_vag = 25 elseif pcs_vag <= 25: pcs_vag = 35 end dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] end if $ARGS[0] = 'vagreduce': if pcs_vag > 25: pcs_vag = 25 elseif pcs_vag > 15: pcs_vag = 15 elseif pcs_vag > 10: pcs_vag = 10 elseif pcs_vag > 5: pcs_vag = 1 end dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] end if $ARGS[0] = 'assenlarge': if pcs_ass = 0: pcs_ass = 5 elseif pcs_ass <= 5: pcs_ass = 10 elseif pcs_ass <= 10: pcs_ass = 15 elseif pcs_ass <= 15: pcs_ass = 25 elseif pcs_ass <= 25: pcs_ass = 35 end dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] end if $ARGS[0] = 'assreduce': if pcs_ass > 25: pcs_ass = 25 elseif pcs_ass > 15: pcs_ass = 15 elseif pcs_ass > 10: pcs_ass = 10 elseif pcs_ass > 5: pcs_ass = 1 end dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] end $cheatmenu['parameters'] = { *clr & cla '

Cheat Menu - Appearance Stats

' act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] *nl 'Body Shape Parameters' '<> - <> - <>, <<$titsize>> breasts, the difference between the hips and waist <> cm' 'Muscularity: musle = <>, salo = <>, fat = <>' 'Variable List:' 'agilbuf = <>' 'strenbuf = <>' 'vitalbuf = <>' 'BMI (bmi_calc) = <>' 'weight (pcs_weight) = <> kg' 'bust (pcs_bust) = <>' 'band (pcs_band) = <>' 'waist (pcs_waist) = <>' 'hips (pcs_hips) = <>' 'bust - band (pcs_cupsize) = <>' 'silicone = <>' 'nbsize = <>' 'magicf2b = <>' 'genbsize = <>' 'vhips = <>' 'vhtmp = <>' 'wratio = <>' 'bratio = <>' 'hratio = <>' 'vofat = <>' 'salocatnow = <>' 'salocatlast = <>' 'magf2bdo = <>' 'mgf2bnocnt = <>' 'magtarcup = <>' 'normbuffpick = <>' 'nrmbfpckct = <>' 'btwarn = <>' 'salolast = <>' } $cheatmenu['vneshpara'] = { *clr & cla '

Cheat Menu - ?

' act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] *nl 'Appearance Parameters' 'vidage = <>' 'pcs_naturallashes = <>' 'pcs_eyesize = <>' 'pcs_lip = <>' 'pcs_apprncbase = <>' 'PXCloThinness = <>' 'PXCloTopCut = <>' 'PXCloBottomShortness = <>' 'CloTotalBeauty = <>' 'mopkoef = <>' 'pcs_hairbsh = <>' 'lipbalmKoef = <>' 'pcs_breath = <>' 'sweatKoef = <>' 'glassvnesh = <>' 'dyevmod = <>' 'hairkoef = <>' 'legkoef = <>' } $cheatmenu['tatoo'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla '

Cheat Menu - Tattoos

' act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks'] *nl if tatarm = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your arm' if tatarm >= 1:'Remove your arm tattoo' if tatass = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ass' if tatass >= 1:'Remove your ass tattoo' if tatback = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your back' if tatback >= 1:'Remove your back tattoo' if tatblly = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your belly' if tatblly >= 1:'Remove your belly tattoo' if tatbrst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your breast' if tatbrst >= 1:'Remove your breast tattoo' if tatchst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your chest' if tatchst >= 1:'Remove your chest tattoo' if tatfce = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your face' if tatfce >= 1:'Remove your face tattoo' if tatankle = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ankle' if tatankle >= 1:'Remove your ankle tattoo' if tatleg = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your leg' if tatleg >= 1:'Remove your leg tattoo' if tatlip = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your lip' if tatlip >= 1:'Remove your lip tattoo' if tatneck = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your neck' if tatneck >= 1:'Remove your neck tattoo' if tatvag = 0:'You do not have a public tattoo' if tatvag >= 1:'Remove your pubic tattoo' if tatlech = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your shoulder' if tatlech >= 1:'Remove your shoulder tattoo' if tatside = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your side' if tatside >= 1:'Remove your the tattoo on your side' if tatupb = 0:'You do not have a tramp stamp' if tatupb >= 1:'Remove your tramp stamp' if tatunder = 0:'You do not have an under breast tattoo' if tatunder >= 1:'Remove your under breast tattoo' if tatwrist = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your wrist' if tatwrist >= 1:'Remove your wrist tattoo' if tathand = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your hand' if tathand >= 1:'Remove your hand tattoo' } $cheatmenu['setStat'] = { temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:") dynamic " <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = temp_input <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = temp_input " killvar 'temp_input' dynamic $cheatmenu['stats'] } $cheatmenu['setStat1'] = { temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:") dynamic " <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 - temp_input <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 - temp_input " killvar 'temp_input' dynamic $cheatmenu['stats'] } $cheatmenu['setAttrs'] = { loop_index = 0 :set_attrs_loop dynamic " <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <> <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <> " loop_index += 1 ! Magic is the last attribute, so if it's a non-magic game we'll end the loop one iteration early if MagikDostup = 0 and loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'): jump 'set_attrs_loop' elseif loop_index < arrsize('$att_name') - 1: jump 'set_attrs_loop' end killvar 'loop_index' dynamic $cheatmenu['stats'] } $cheatmenu['setSkills'] = { loop_index = 0 :set_skills_loop !! Inhibition (number 33) isn''t a skill so we''ll skip it if loop_index ! 33: dynamic " <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <> <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <> " loop_index += 1 else loop_index += 1 dynamic " <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <> <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <> " end !! The size of the array is reduced by 1 because we skipped inhibition if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name') - 1: jump 'set_skills_loop' killvar 'loop_index' dynamic $cheatmenu['stats'] } $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'] = { *p 'Max ' *p '+1 ' *p '+10 ' *p '-1 ' *p '-10 ' *p 'Min ' *pl 'Set' } $cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'] = { *p 'Max ' *p '+1 ' *p '+10 ' *p '-1 ' *p '-10 ' *p 'Min ' *pl 'Set' } $cheatmenu['stats'] = { gs 'stat' *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' !Set a floor and ceiling for all attributes and skills loop_index = 0 :attr_trim_loop dynamic " if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0 if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0 if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100 if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100 " loop_index += 1 if loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'): jump 'attr_trim_loop' loop_index = 0 :skill_trim_loop dynamic " if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0 if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0 if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100 if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100 " loop_index += 1 if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name'): jump 'skill_trim_loop' killvar 'loop_index' '

Cheat Menu - Attributes and Skills

' '
WARNING!: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.
' *nl '
' '
' *pl'Attributes (values 0 - 100):' *pl 'Max Attributes Min Attributes' *p 'Strength (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'stren', 'Strength' *p 'Agility (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'agil', 'Agility' *p 'Endurance (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vital', 'Endurance' *p 'Intelligence (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'intel', 'Intelligence' *p 'Reaction (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'react', 'Reaction' *p 'Spirit (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sprt', 'Spirit' *p 'Charisma (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chrsm', 'Charisma' *p 'Perception (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'prcptn', 'Perception' if MagikDostup = 0: *p 'Magic (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'magik', 'Magic' *nl *pl'Sexual:' *pl 'Inhibition level (<<100 - inhib_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'], 'inhib', 'Inhibition' if willpowermax > 200: willpowermax = 200 if willpowermax < 50: willpowermax = 50 *pl 'Willpower Maximum (<>): Max +1 +10 -1 -10 Min' if workPTU > 1:*pl'Reputation teacher+10: <>' if workPTU > 1:*pl'Reputation teacher-10: <>' if pcs_grades >= 0:*pl'Improve your academic performance: <>' if StoryLine > 0 and schoolprogul >= 0:*pl'Zero Absenteeism (School): <>' *nl *pl'Skills (values 0 - 100, and adjusted total by attributes):' *pl 'Max Skills Min Skills' *nl *pl'Others:' *p 'Chess (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chess', 'Chess' *p 'Gaming (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'gaming', 'Gaming' *p 'Social (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'humint', 'People Skills' *p 'Persuasion (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'persuas', 'Persuasion' *p 'Observation (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'observ', 'Observation' *p 'Makeup (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'makupskl', 'Makeup' *p 'Computers (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'compskl', 'Computer Skill' *p 'Hacking (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'comphckng', 'Hacking' *p 'Handy-work (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'hndiwrk', 'Handy-work' *p 'Pool (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'pool', 'Pool' *p 'Heels (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'heels', 'Heels' if MagikDostup = 0: *p 'Spell Casting (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'splcstng', 'Spellcasting' '' *pl'Combat:' *p 'Jabs (<>)- Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'jab', 'Jabs' *p 'Power Strikes (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'punch', 'Power Strikes' *p 'Kicks (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'kick', 'Kicks' *p 'Defence (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'def', 'Defence' *p 'Marksmanship (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'shoot', 'Marksmanship' *p 'Bushcraft (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'bushcraft', 'Bushcraft' *nl *pl'Craft:' *p 'Singing (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vokal', 'Singing' *p 'Tailoring (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sewng', 'Tailoring' *p 'Instruments (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'instrmusic', 'Instrumental Music' *p 'Photography (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'photoskl', 'Photography' *p 'Artistic (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'artskls', 'Artistic Skills' *p 'Performing (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'perform', 'Performance' *p 'Music Production (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'musicprod', 'Music Production' *nl *pl'Dance:' *p 'Modern Dance (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'danc', 'Modern Dancing' *p 'Erotic Dance (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancero', 'Erotic Dancing' *p 'Pole Dance (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancpol', 'Pole Dancing' *p 'Cheerleading (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cheer', 'Cheerleading' *nl *pl'Sport:' *p 'Running (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'run', 'Running' *p 'Volleyball (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vball', 'Volleyball' *p 'Ice Skating (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'icesktng', 'Ice Skating' *p 'Wrestling (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'wrstlng', 'Wrestling' *p 'Football (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'ftbll', 'Football' *nl *pl'Work:' *p 'Serving (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'servng', 'Serving' *p 'Modeling (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'mdlng', 'Modeling' *p 'Medicine (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'medcn', 'Medicine' *p 'Cleaning (<>) - Total (<>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cleaning', 'Cleaning' '
' } $cheatmenu['reputation'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Relationships and Renown

' '
Relationship values are from 0 - 100.
' '
If they exceed this limit they will be reset overnight.
' '
' '
' if storyline = 1: *nl 'Relationships in Pavlovsk' *nl 'Family' if Enable_reputation_family = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_family = 1: 'Hide details' 'Stepfather: <> +10 -10' 'Mother: <> +10 -10' 'Sister: <> +10 -10' 'Brother: <> +10 -10' end *nl 'School' 'Popular Kids' if Enable_reputation_popular = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_popular = 1: 'Hide details' '<<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>>: <> +10 -10' if soniaPS = 0: '<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>>: <> +10 -10' end *nl 'Athletes' if Enable_reputation_athletes = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_athletes = 1: 'Hide details' '<<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>>: <> +10 -10' if fedormasha = 0: '<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>>: <> +10 -10' if zverRageQW = 0 or zverRageQW = 10: '<<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>>: <> +10 -10' end *nl 'Nerds' if Enable_reputation_nerds = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_nerds = 1: 'Hide details' '<<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A231'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A231'']>>: <> +10 -10' end *nl 'Gopniks' if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1: 'Hide details' '<<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>>: <> +10 -10' end *nl 'Outcasts/Loners' if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1: 'Hide details' '<<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>>: <> +10 -10' if soniaPS > 0: '<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <> +10 -10' if zverRageQW > 1 and zverRageQW < 10: '<<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>>: <> +10 -10' if fedormasha = 1: '<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>>: <> +10 -10' end *nl 'Teachers/Coaches' if Enable_reputation_teachers = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_teachers = 1: 'Hide details' '<<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>>: <> +10 -10' 'Mikhail Nikolayevich: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>>: <> +10 -10' '<<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>>: <> +10 -10' end end *nl 'Nicholas'' Family' 'Storyline Debug Menu' '' *nl 'Miscellaneous relationships' *nl 'Others' *nl if Enable_reputation_others = 0: 'Show details' end if Enable_reputation_others = 1: 'Hide details' if npc_rel['A112'] >= 0: 'Sergei Shulgin: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A219'] >= 0: 'Kat: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A220'] >= 0: 'Vika: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A93'] >= 0: 'Irina: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A43'] >= 0: 'Tamara: <> +10 -10' end if alla >= 0: 'Alla: <> +10 -10' end if masha >= 0: 'Masha: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A41'] >= 0: 'Givi: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A42'] >= 0: 'Ashot: <> +10 -10' end if afra >= 0: 'Black Guys: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A89'] >= 0: 'Eugene: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0: 'Pavlin: <> +10 -10' end if huntersAndreiQw >= 0: 'Hunter Andrew: <> +10 -10' end if huntersSergeiQw >= 0: 'Hunter Sergei: <> +10 -10' end if huntersIgorQw >= 0: 'Hunter Igor: <> +10 -10' end if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0: 'Martin: <> +10 -10' end end if pcs_lovers[0] = 1: *nl 'You are dating <<$loverdesc[0]>>.' if loverrelation[0] < 0: loverrelation[0] = 0 if loverdays[0] < 0: loverdays[0] = 0 if haraklover[0] > 2: haraklover[0] = 0 if loverizvrat[0] > 1: loverizvrat[0] = 0 'Change lover''s personality: <>' 'Change lover''s perversion: <>' 'Relationship: <> +10 -10' 'You''ve been dating for <> days. +5 -5' end if pcs_lovers[1] = 1: *nl 'You are dating <<$loverdesc[1]>>.' if loverrelation[1] < 0: loverrelation[1] = 0 if loverdays[1] < 0: loverdays[1] = 0 if haraklover[1] > 2: haraklover[1] = 0 if loverizvrat[1] > 1: loverizvrat[1] = 0 'Change lover''s personality: <>' 'Change lover''s perversion: <>' 'Relationship: <> +10 -10' 'You''ve been dating for <> days. +5 -5' end if pcs_lovers[2] = 1: *nl 'You are dating <<$loverdesc[2]>>.' if loverrelation[2] < 0: loverrelation[2] = 0 if loverdays[2] < 0: loverdays[2] = 0 if haraklover[2] > 2: haraklover[2] = 0 if loverizvrat[2] > 1: loverizvrat[2] = 0 'Change lover''s personality: <>' 'Change lover''s perversion: <>' 'Relationship: <> +10 -10' 'You''ve been dating for <> days. +5 -5' end *nl if pav_slut >= 50: gs 'fame' 'In Pavlovsk you are known as a <<$gnikname>> Clear' end *nl if opusk > 0 or gnewQW > 0 or sipovka > 0:'Clear reputation with Gopniks' if StoryLine = 1: *nl 'WARNING: Clearing reputation flags with your family may cause bugs. Use at your own risk!' *nl if motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0: 'Your mother knows, that you are sexually active and considers you a slut. Clear' elseif motherKnowWhore > 0: 'Your mother thinks you are a whore. Clear' elseif motherKnowSpravka > 0: 'Your mother knows that you are sexually active. Clear' else 'Your mother thinks that you are a virgin.' end *nl if evgenQW >= 4 and pav_slut >= 250: 'Your brother thinks you are a total whore. Clear' elseif evgenQW >= 3: 'Your brother thinks you are a slut. Clear' elseif brotherknowslut = 1: 'Your brother saw semen on your body and thinks you fuck around. Clear' elseif brotherknowslut >= 2: 'Your brother saw you in the park fucking the Gopniks. Clear' else 'Your brother has a good opinion of you.' end *nl if sisterknowslut > 1 and sisboypartyQW > 1: 'Your sister thinks you are a slut Clear' elseif sisterknowslut > 0: 'Your sister knows that you sleep around. Clear' else 'Your sister has a good opinion of you.' end *nl if home_owned[2] = 0: 'Restore access to your parent''s apartment.' end if momKnowsKolka = 1: 'Your mother knows Kolka is the father. Clear.' end if momKnowsVladimir = 1: 'Your mother knows Vladimir is the father. Clear.' end if SchoolBlock = 1: 'You''ve been expelled from school. Clear.' end end '
' } $cheatmenu['documents'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Diplomas, Licences, and Certificates

' '
' '
' '' if SchoolAtestat = 0: 'Get School Certificate' if storyline = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0: 'WARNING!: This will end your school year!' & *nl if SchoolAtestat = 1:'Already have a School Certificate' if diplom = 0:'Get Diploma' if diplom = 1:'You already have a Diploma' if secrdiplom = 0:'Get Secretarial Diploma' if secrdiplom = 1:'You already have a Secretarial Diploma' if masash < 10:'Get Masseuse Certificate' if masash >= 10:'You already have a Masseuse Certificate' if prava = 0:'Get Driving Licence' if prava = 1:'You already have Driving Licence' '
' } $cheatmenu['input_time'] = { inputtmp = input("Enter time with 4-digit (input 0102 for 1:02)") if inputtmp/100 >= 0 and inputtmp/100 <= 23:hour = inputtmp/100 inputtmp = inputtmp mod 100 if inputtmp >= 0 and inputtmp <= 59:minut = inputtmp killvar 'inputtmp' dynamic $cheatmenu['time'] } $cheatmenu['time'] = { gs 'daystart' gs 'outdoors', 'temp_set' gs 'stat' temp_daystart = (year - 2016) * 365 !!2016 is a leapyear so no adjustment before division temp_daystart += (year - 2016) / 4 i=1 :temp_daystart if temp_month > i: temp_daystart += monthsend[i] i += 1 jump 'temp_daystart' end temp_daystart += temp_day temp_daystart -= daystart_start temp_daystart += 1 if currtimecheck = 1: killvar 'currtimecheck' if currday ! daystart: if currday < daystart: week = (week + daystart - currday) mod 7 else temp = week - ((currday - daystart) mod 7) if temp <= 0: week = 7 - temp else week = temp end currday = daystart end if currhour < (daystart-1) * 24 + hour:femcycloop = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour - currhour :femcycloop if femcycloop > 0:gs 'femcyc' & femcycloop -= 1 & jump 'femcycloop' end *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Manipulate Time and Weather

' '
WARNING!: Using cheats to manipulate time can easily break quests and cause bugs. Do not use them unless' 'you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.
' '
' '
' if temp_minut > 9: if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<>:<>' else $temptime = '0<>:<>' else if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<>:0<>' else $temptime = '0<>:0<>' end if minut > 9: if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<>:<>' else $tempcurtime = '0<>:<>' else if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<>:0<>' else $tempcurtime = '0<>:0<>' end if temp_daystart > daystart: temp = (temp_daystart - daystart) mod 7 if (temp + week) mod 7 = 0:temp_week = 7 else temp_week = (temp + week) mod 7 elseif temp_daystart < daystart: temp = (daystart - temp_daystart) mod 7 if (week - temp) mod 7 = 0: temp_week = 7 elseif (week - temp) mod 7 < 0: temp_week = ((week - temp) mod 7) + 7 else temp_week = week - temp end else temp_week = week end killvar 'temp' 'Current time: <<$week[week]>>, <>. day of <<$month>>, <>, <<$tempcurtime>>' 'Target time: <<$week[temp_week]>>, <>. day of <<$temp_month>>, <>, <<$temptime>>' 'Daychange: <>' *nl 'Year: +1 Year -1 Year' 'Select Month' $daychange = ' +7 Day' $daychange += ' +1 Day' $daychange += ' -1 Day' $daychange += ' -7 Day' 'Day:' +$daychange killvar 'daychange' $SS = 'Hour: ' if temp_hour > 0:$SS += '-1 ' else $SS += ' ' if temp_hour > 3:$SS += '-4 ' else $SS += ' ' if temp_hour ! 0:$SS += '0 ' else $SS += ' ' if temp_hour < 23:$SS += '+1 ' else $SS += ' ' if temp_hour < 20:$SS += '+4' $SS $SS = 'Minute: ' if temp_minut > 14:$SS += '-15 ' else $SS += ' ' if temp_minut > 0:$SS += '-1 ' else $SS += ' ' if temp_minut ! 0:$SS += '0 ' else $SS += ' ' if temp_minut < 59:$SS += '+1 ' if temp_minut < 46:$SS += '+15' $SS killvar 'SS' *nl 'Weather: '+iif(sunWeather=0,'Rain','Sunny')+'' *nl 'Temperature = <<$temperature>> - +1 degree - +5 degrees - -1 degree - -5 degrees' *nl 'Switch to the Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Celsius')+' scale' *nl 'Direct input time' *nl 'Accept target date & time' 'Reset target date & time' '
' } $cheatmenu['week'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla '
Cheat menu - Time
' *nl 'Current time: <>. day of <<$month>>, <>, <<$tempcurtime>>' 'Target time: <>. day of <<$temp_month>>, <>, <<$temptime>>' *nl 'Monday' 'Tuesday' 'Wednesday' 'Thursday' 'Friday' 'Saturday' 'Sunday' } $cheatmenu['month'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla '
Cheat menu - Time
' *nl 'Current time: <>. day of <<$month>>, <>, <<$tempcurtime>>' 'Target time: <>. day of <<$temp_month>>, <>, <<$temptime>>' *nl 'January' 'February' 'March' 'April' 'May' 'June' 'July' 'August' 'September' 'October' 'November' 'December' } $cheatmenu['magicTable'] = { !Build a cheat table for spells with a given Array of spell names. ! ARGS[0] = Friendly name for table ! ARGS[1] = the name of the arraay to use $SpellTabName = $ARGS[0] $ThisArrName = $ARGS[1] maxArrSizeC = dyneval("result=arrsize('<<$ThisArrName>>')") ! make the header for the table $SpellListStr = "
" i = 0 :CheatDinSpell1 $ThisSpellName = dyneval("$result=<<$ThisArrName>>[<>]") if i < maxArrSizeC: if spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1: $spellFlipper = ">'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]" else $spellFlipper = ">'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]" end $SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " " i += 1 jump 'CheatDinSpell1' end $SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
Spell Mana Description
" *pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr) killvar 'i' killvar '$ThisSpellName' killvar '$ThisArrName' killvar 'maxArrSizeC' killvar '$SpellTabName' killvar '$spellFlipper' killvar '$SpellListStr' } $cheatmenu['magic'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Magic

' '
Is magical: +1<>
' if succubusflag = 1: '
Remove & Reset Succubus status
' '
WARNING!: Removing succubus status will not restart your menstrual cycle, it will remain permanently disabled!
' *nl end !Make sure spell list is initialized if spellMana['fog'] = 0:gs 'spellList' dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Combat Spells', '$combatSpells' dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Non-Combat Spells', '$nonComSpells' ! Add in Teleport Location toggles. ! make the header for the table $SpellListStr = "
" i = 0 :CheatDinTP1 $ThisLocation = $tpLocations[i] if i < arrsize('$tpLocations'): if tpKnown[$ThisLocation] = 1: $spellFlipper = ">'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]" else $spellFlipper = ">'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]" end $SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " " i += 1 jump 'CheatDinTP1' end $SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
Known Tree Circle Locations
> & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']""><>Teleport Spell
" *pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr) killvar 'i' killvar '$ThisLocation' killvar '$spellFlipper' killvar '$SpellListStr' } $cheatmenu['dynamic'] = { $dynamicCommand = input("Enter command to execute.") if $dynamicCommand = '':exit dynamic $dynamicCommand } $cheatmenu['std_cure'] = { venera = 0 GerpesOnce = 0 Gerpes = 0 SifacOnce = 0 Sifilis = 0 TriperOnce = 0 Triper = 0 TriperOral = 0 KandidozOnce = 0 Kandidoz = 0 } $cheatmenu['auto_period'] = { if cyccustom = 0: cyccustom = 1 else cyccustom = 0 end dynamic $cheatmenu['setting'] } $cheatmenu['force_preg'] = { if mesec ! 0: mesec = 0 if FocH ! 0: FocH = 0 if EggRH ! 0: EggRH = 0 if Ovulate ! 0: Ovulate = 0 if UnfertEgg ! 0: UnfertEgg = 0 if LutH ! 0: LutH = 0 if RecovH ! 0: RecovH = 0 preg = 1 cycle = 5 !!Setting implantation date for the due date calculation lastovulation = daystart - 5 PregChem = 150 $wombthfath = 'A sperm donor' babyembryo += 1 if fertegg = 0: Nextbaby = arrsize('$ChildFath') Temppolkid = rand(0,1) polkid[nextbaby] = Temppolkid $kidname[nextbaby] = 'unborn' kidage[nextbaby] = 0 daykid[nextbaby] = 0 monthkid[nextbaby] = 0 yearkid[nextbaby] = 0 Babyptype[nextbaby] = 0 $ChildFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor' $ChildThFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor' hairkid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3) eyeskid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3) ChildConType[nextbaby] = 0 Babyptype[nextbaby] = 1 else fertegg -= 1 end } $cheatmenu['remove_preg'] = { gs 'medical_din', 'remove_preg' knowpregloss = 2 if FertEgg > 0: FertEgg = 0 } $cheatmenu['cycle'] = { *clr if cycle ! 5: EggRH = 0 LutH = 0 Ovulate = 0 UnfertEgg = 0 FertEgg = 0 RecovH = 0 mesec = 0 'Menstration' 'Follicular' 'Ovulation' 'Luteal' end } $cheatmenu['setting'] = { *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs' '

Gameplay Settings

' '
' '
' if Enable_nogameover = 1: 'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if music_on = 0: 'Music: Currently OFF - Turn ON' else 'Music: Currently ON - Turn OFF' end *nl if disable_autosave = 1: 'AutoSave: Currently OFF - Turn ON' else 'AutoSave: Currently ON - Turn OFF' end if autohairbrush = 1: 'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if enfullmorrout = 1: 'Full morning routine enabled: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Full morning routine enabled: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end *nl if cyccustom = 1: 'Automatic period tracking: Turn OFF' else 'Automatic period tracking: Turn ON' end if cheatKlisma = 1: 'Enema realism: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Enema realism: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if editpornname = 1: 'Editing of the names of the porn movies you stared enabled: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Renaming porn movies you star in: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end *nl 'Difficulty Setting' 'At the moment it only improves rate of skill gain' 'Difficulty: Currently at <>' '' '
' } $cheatmenu['display'] = { *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs' '

Display Setting

' '
' '
' if usePopUps = 1: 'Allow Popup pictures: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Allow Popup pictures: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if set_imgh > 0: set_imgw = 0 if set_imgw > 0: set_imgh = 0 if set_imgh <= 0 and set_imgw <= 0: $set_imgh = '' if set_imgh > 0: 'Force Image Height: <>: Currently ON - Turn OFF' $set_imgh = 'Height = <>' else 'Force Image height: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if set_imgw > 0: 'Force Image Width: <>, Currently ON - Turn OFF' $set_imgh = 'width = <>' else 'Force Image Width: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end *nl !night_mode 0: dynamic !night_mode 1: black !night_mode 2: grey !night_mode 99: no theme if night_mode = 0:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | Pitch Black | Modern Grey | White | No Theme' if night_mode = 1:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | Pitch Black | Modern Grey | White | No Theme' if night_mode = 2:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | Pitch Black | Modern Grey | White | No Theme' if night_mode = 3:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | Pitch Black | Modern Grey | White | No Theme' if night_mode = 99:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | Pitch Black | Modern Grey | White | No Theme' 'Dynamic theme (default) will change colour based on the game hour. No theme will remove table backgrounds.' *nl if Enable_tablemap = 1: 'List friends in table: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'List friends in table: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end *nl if Enable_faceturn = 1: 'Always show face: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Always show face: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end *nl if Enable_Android = 1: 'Set Fontsize for Status: Unsupported' 'Android Mode:Currently ON - Turn OFF' ! 'click refresh to refresh status window.' 'click refresh on top of status window to renew.' else 'Android Mode: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end '
' } $cheatmenu['status'] = { *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs' gs 'stat' '

Status Window Settings

' '
' '
' if disable_LoadSave = 0: 'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Image - Select Text' elseif disable_LoadSave = 1: 'Save/Load Buttons: Currently OFF - Select Image' elseif disable_LoadSave = 2: 'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Text - Turn OFF' end *nl !disabled inner thought font selection during char creation, as it breaks menu. if settingmode = 0: 'Set the font style of inner thoughts' $OpenInnerThought+'Oh my god, what will the neighbours think of us?'+$CloseInnerThought end *nl 'Switch to the Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Celsius')+' scale' *nl 'Scale Weather Banner: <>, Reset to default (72)' if set_weatherht < 50: set_weatherht = 50 elseif set_weatherht > 100: set_weatherht = 100 end 'Scale Menu Icons: <>, Reset to default (54)' if set_miconht < 10: set_miconht = 10 elseif set_miconht > 75: set_miconht = 75 end if cheatStatusIcons = 0: 'Status icons: Click to hide them.' 'Status Icon Height: <>, Reset to default (54)' elseif cheatStatusIcons = 1: 'Status icons: Click to show them.' end if set_siconht < 10: set_siconht = 10 elseif set_siconht > 75: set_siconht = 75 end if ETOmenu = 1: 'Status Display mode: Currently Text - Select Scale Bar' else 'Status Display mode: Currently Scale Bar - Select Text' end if Enable_scalepic = 1: 'Scalebar is now as Image, you can switch to Character or Table' if Enable_scalewidth > 0: 'Scalebar Width: <>, Set is currently ON' else 'Scalebar Width: Lock is currently OFF' end if Enable_scaleheight > 0: 'Scalebar Height: <>, Set is currently ON' else 'Scalebar Height: Lock is currently OFF' end elseif Enable_scalepic = 0: 'Scalebar is now as Character, you can switch to Image or Table' if cheatStatusBars = 1: 'Set status bar size: Currently Small - Set large' else 'Set status bar size: Currently Large - Set small' end elseif Enable_scalepic = 2: 'Scalebar is now as Table, you can switch to Image or Character' end if Enable_statfsize<0:Enable_statfsize=0 if Enable_statfsize > 0: 'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently ON - <>, Turn OFF' else 'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end *nl '
Status Window toolbar
' if Enable_showattr = 1: 'Show More attribute: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Show More attribute: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if Enable_showskill = 1: 'Show skill: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Show skill: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if Enable_showrelation = 1: 'Show relations: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Show relations: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if Enable_showstatimg = 1: 'Show image toolbar: Currently ON - Turn OFF' else 'Show image toolbar: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end *nl if Enable_showstatimg = 1: !control image toolbar position '
Image Toolbar Settings
' $stat_temp_text = '
Image toolbar position: ' if Enable_statimg_loc = 0: $stat_temp_text += 'Middle' elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 1: $stat_temp_text += 'Top' elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 2: $stat_temp_text += 'Bottom' else $stat_temp_text += 'ERROR! please reset it' end $stat_temp_text += '. You can move it to ' if Enable_statimg_loc ! 0:$stat_temp_text += ' Middle' if Enable_statimg_loc ! 1:$stat_temp_text += ' Top' if Enable_statimg_loc ! 2:$stat_temp_text += ' Bottom' $stat_temp_text killvar 'stat_temp_text' !End control image toolbar position if set_statimgh > 0: set_statimgw = 0 if set_statimgw > 0: set_statimgh = 0 if set_statimgh <= 0 and set_statimgw <= 0: $set_statimgh = '' if set_statimgh > 0: 'Force Image toobar height: <>: Currently ON - Turn OFF' $set_statimgh = 'height = <>' else 'Force Image toobar height: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end if set_statimgw > 0: 'Force Image toobar width: <>: Currently ON - Turn OFF' $set_statimgh = 'width = <>' else 'Force Image toobar width: Currently OFF - Turn ON' end end ! '
' } $cheatmenu['theme'] = { *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs' '

Phone Theme Menu

' '
' *nl if pcs_phonetheme = 0: $phoneNameTemp = 'Standard' if pcs_phonetheme = 1: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bimbo' if pcs_phonetheme = 2: $phoneNameTemp = 'Aluminus' if pcs_phonetheme = 3: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bottlecapped' if pcs_phonetheme = 4: $phoneNameTemp = 'Galactic' if pcs_phonetheme = 5: $phoneNameTemp = 'Vectored' if pcs_phonetheme = 6: $phoneNameTemp = 'Veneer' if pcs_phonetheme = 7: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker' if pcs_phonetheme = 8: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Red' if pcs_phonetheme = 9: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Toxic' if pcs_phonetheme = 10: $phoneNameTemp = 'Gopnik' if pcs_phonetheme = 11: $phoneNameTemp = 'Sports' if pcs_phonetheme = 12: $phoneNameTemp = 'Succubus' if pcs_phonetheme = 13: $phoneNameTemp = 'Woodshop' 'Current theme: <<$phoneNameTemp>>' *nl 'Choose from the available themes' *nl i = 0 :phonethemeloop if phonetheme[i] = 1:'' i += 1 if i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i <= 3: jump 'phonethemeloop' elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 4: '' jump 'phonethemeloop' elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 4 and i <= 7: jump 'phonethemeloop' elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 8: '' jump 'phonethemeloop' elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 8 and i <= 11: jump 'phonethemeloop' elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 12: '' jump 'phonethemeloop' elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 12 and i <= 15: jump 'phonethemeloop' end '
' } $cheatmenu['pain'] = { if pain['head'] < 0:pain['head'] = 0 if pain['hair'] < 0:pain['hair'] = 0 if pain['ears'] < 0:pain['ears'] = 0 if pain['eyebrows'] < 0:pain['eyebrows'] = 0 if pain['eyes'] < 0:pain['eyes'] = 0 if pain['cheeks'] < 0:pain['cheeks'] = 0 if pain['nose'] < 0:pain['nose'] = 0 if pain['mouth'] < 0:pain['mouth'] = 0 if pain['lips'] < 0:pain['lips'] = 0 if pain['tongue'] < 0:pain['tongue'] = 0 if pain['throat'] < 0:pain['throat'] = 0 if pain['neck'] < 0:pain['neck'] = 0 if pain['back'] < 0:pain['back'] = 0 if pain['asscheeks'] < 0:pain['asscheeks'] = 0 if pain['asshole'] < 0:pain['asshole'] = 0 if pain['hips'] < 0:pain['hips'] = 0 if pain['thighs'] < 0:pain['thighs'] = 0 if pain['legL'] < 0:pain['legL'] = 0 if pain['legR'] < 0:pain['legR'] = 0 if pain['feet'] < 0:pain['feet'] = 0 if pain['toes'] < 0:pain['toes'] = 0 if pain['shoulders'] < 0:pain['shoulders'] = 0 if pain['armL'] < 0:pain['armL'] = 0 if pain['armR'] < 0:pain['armR'] = 0 if pain['hands'] < 0:pain['hands'] = 0 if pain['fingers'] < 0:pain['fingers'] = 0 if pain['chest'] < 0:pain['chest'] = 0 if pain['breasts'] < 0:pain['breasts'] = 0 if pain['nipples'] < 0:pain['nipples'] = 0 if pain['ribs'] < 0:pain['ribs'] = 0 if pain['tummy'] < 0:pain['tummy'] = 0 if pain['pubic'] < 0:pain['pubic'] = 0 if pain['vaginal'] < 0:pain['vaginal'] = 0 if pain['clitoris'] < 0:pain['clitoris'] = 0 if pain['urethra'] < 0:pain['urethra'] = 0 if pain['cervix'] < 0:pain['cervix'] = 0 *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Pain Management

' '
No pain
' *nl '
' '
' 'pain[head] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[hair] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[ears] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[eyebrows] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[eyes] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[cheeks] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[nose] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[mouth] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[lips] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[tongue] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[throat] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[neck] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[back] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[asscheeks] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[asshole] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[hips] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[thighs] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[left leg] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[right leg] = <> -10 +10' '' 'pain[feet] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[toes] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[shoulders] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[left arm] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[right arm] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[hands] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[fingers] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[chest] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[breasts] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[nipples] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[ribs] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[tummy] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[pubic] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[vaginal] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[labia] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[clitoris] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[urethra] = <> -10 +10' 'pain[cervix] = <> -10 +10' '
' } $cheatmenu['DNA'] = { *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - DNA Generation

' '
' '
' '
DNA string generation
If parents are not in game, leave the respective IDs empty
' *nl if $cheatDNAC ! '': 'Child: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>> (<<$cheatDNAC>>)
Remove' npctemp = 0 killvar 'cheatDNAM' killvar 'cheatDNAF' :npcparentfind if $npc_dna['A<>'] ! '': if mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10): $cheatDNAM = 'A<>' elseif mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10): $cheatDNAF = 'A<>' end end if $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '': if mid($npc_dna['B<>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10): $cheatDNAM = 'B<>' elseif mid($npc_dna['B<>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10): $cheatDNAF = 'B<>' end end if $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '': if mid($npc_dna['C<>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10): $cheatDNAM = 'C<>' elseif mid($npc_dna['C<>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10): $cheatDNAF = 'C<>' end end if ($npc_dna['A<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '') and ($cheatDNAM = '' or $cheatDNAF = ''):npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcparentfind' killvar 'npctemp' else 'ID of child (if it is known)' end if $cheatDNAM ! '': '
Mother: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>> (<<$cheatDNAM>>)
Remove' else '
ID of mother (if it is known)' end if $cheatDNAF ! '': '
Father: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>> (<<$cheatDNAF>>)
Remove' else '
ID of father (if it is known)' end *nl if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF ! '': $cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF]) elseif $cheatDNAM ! '': if $cheatDNAC ! '': $tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]) else $tempDNAF = func('DNA','create') $cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$tempDNAF) end elseif $cheatDNAF ! '': if $cheatDNAC ! '': $tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]) else $tempDNAM = func('DNA','create') $cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF]) end else if $cheatDNAC = '': $tempDNAM = func('DNA','create') $tempDNAF = func('DNA','create') $cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$tempDNAF) else $tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]) $tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]) end end if $cheatDNAM = '': '
Random mother DNA: <<$tempDNAM>>' if $cheatDNAF = '': '
Random father DNA: <<$tempDNAF>>' if $cheatDNAC = '': '
Random child DNA: <<$cheatDNAgenerated>>' '
Generate again' if $cheatDNAC ! '': npctemp = 0 :npcgparfind if $npc_dna['A<>'] ! '': if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10): '
Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10): '
Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '': if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<>'],1,10): '
Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<>'],1,10): '
Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '': if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<>'],1,10): '
Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<>'],1,10): '
Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['A<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgparfind' end if $cheatDNAM ! '' or $cheatDNAF ! '': npctemp = 0 :npcchildfind if $npc_dna['A<>'] ! '': if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['A<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['A<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' elseif mid($npc_dna['A<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['A<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '': if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['B<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['B<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' elseif mid($npc_dna['B<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['B<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '': if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['C<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['C<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' elseif mid($npc_dna['C<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['C<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10): '
Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['A<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcchildfind' npctemp = 0 :npcgchildfind if $npc_dna['A<>'] ! '': if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' elseif ((mid($npc_dna['A<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['A<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['A<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['A<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['A<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['A<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>> (A<>)
<<$npc_dna[''A<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '': if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' elseif ((mid($npc_dna['B<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['B<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['B<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['B<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['B<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['B<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<>'']>> (B<>)
<<$npc_dna[''B<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '': if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' elseif ((mid($npc_dna['C<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['C<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['C<>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['C<>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['C<>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['C<>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)): '
Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<>'']>> (C<>)
<<$npc_dna[''C<>'']>>' end end if $npc_dna['A<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgchildfind' killvar 'npctemp' end killvar '$tempDNAF' killvar '$tempDNAM' killvar '$tempDNAC' killvar 'cheatDNAgenerated' '
' } $cheatmenu['DNAM'] = { $cheatDNAM = input("Enter genetic mother ID (like A33, without apostrophe)") if $cheatDNAM = '':exit dynamic $cheatDNAM dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA'] } $cheatmenu['DNAF'] = { $cheatDNAF = input("Enter genetic father ID (like A34, without apostrophe)") if $cheatDNAF = '':exit dynamic $cheatDNAF dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA'] } $cheatmenu['DNAC'] = { $cheatDNAC = input("Enter genetic Child ID (like A34, without apostrophe)") if $cheatDNAC = '':exit dynamic $cheatDNAC dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA'] } $cheatmenu['quicktime'] = { minut += ARGS[0] *clr gs 'daystart' gs 'outdoors', 'weather' gs 'stat' gs 'cum_arrcheat' } $cheatmenu = { gs'stat' currhour = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour currday = daystart temp_week = week & temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Index

' '
' '
' 'Dynamic Input Command' 'OOX Debug' 'Right now <<$week[week]>> <<$month>> <> <> <>:<>' 'Jump forward +15 minutes' *nl *nl 'Teleport to Pavlovsk' 'Teleport to City' 'Teleport to Gadukino' 'Teleport to Suburban Cooperative' *nl 'WARNING!: Teleporting while in an event may break your game. Use at your own risk!' *nl 'Pregnancy speed multiplier: <>' *nl 'Variable tracker' '
' } $cheatmenu['vartracker'] = { gs'stat' *clr & cla act 'Return to cheat index': dynamic $cheatmenu '

Cheat menu

' '
For testing purposes.
If reporting a bug only the lines in red are neccessary.
' *nl '$loc: <<$loc>>' '$locM: <<$locM>>' '$CURLOC: <<$CURLOC>>' '$location_type: <<$location_type>>' 'home_cur: <>' '$home_town: <<$home_town>>' '$home_name: <<$home_name>>' 'daystart: <>' 'daystart_start: <>' 'month: <>' 'week: <>' '$temperature: <<$temperature>>' 'pffilmday: <>' '$pfname: <<$pfname>>' 'modelmon: <>' 'min_arousal: <>' 'pcs_nips: <>' 'clit_size: <>' 'steroid_have: <>' 'steroid_counter: <>' 'steroid_dose: <>' 'aphrodisiac_have: <>' 'aphrodisiac_counter: <>' 'aphrodisiac_timer: <>' 'aphrodisiac_addiction: <>' 'bcream_have: <>' 'motherQW: <>' 'Anastasia quest level: <>' 'sex: <>' '$clothingworntype: <<$clothingworntype>>' 'PCloQuality: <>' 'Mira''s Father Quest (npc_QW[''A64'']): <>' 'Mira''s Quest (npc_QW[''A60'']): <>' 'mirasextimes: <>' 'Mira''s Relationship (npc_rel[''A60'']): <>' 'Mitka''s Quest (npc_QW[''A63'']): <>' 'mirabrosextime: <>' 'momslut: <>' 'Kirill''s Relationship (Kirill): <>' 'Kirill''s Corruption (Kirill_Crpt): <>' 'children: <>' !! BabyEmbryo is for how many unborn babies inside PC. 'fetus number: <>' !! preg is your pregnancy state. 0 is not pregnant, 1 is pregnant in general, 2 is in labor. 'pregnancy state: <>' !! thinkpreg is if svetka thinks she is pregnant 'thinkpreg: <>' !! knowpreg is for solid proof svetlana is pregnant, like a pregnancy test. 'knowpreg: <>' !! knowpregrecover is for Svetlanas knowledge that she just gave birth. 'knowpregrecover: <>' !! knowpregloss is for Svetlanas knowledge that she lost a baby. 1 is for an abortion, 2 is for a miscarrage. 'knowpregloss: <>' !! cycle is Svetlanas current fertility cycle. 5 is pregnant, 4 is recovering, 3 is luteal, 2 is ovulation, 1 is foccular, 0 is menstration. 'cycle: <>' !! menoage is the age Svetlana will be when she goes through menopause. 'menoage: <>' !! age is how old Svetlana is in years. 'age: <>' !! mesec is for how many hours of bleeding Svetlana has left in her current fertility cycle 'mesec: <>' !! FocH is for how many hours of Foccular cycle Svetlana has gone through in her current fertility cycle. Focular starts at the end of her Luteal and contains the bleeding period in Svetkas cycle. 'FocH: <>' !! EggRH is for the level of egg release that Svetlana has for her ovulation event. 150 generates a single egg, higher amounts might release more. 'EggRH: <>' !! Ovulate is the amount of hours remaining in Svetlanas ovulation period of her current fertility cycle. 'Ovulate: <>' !! UnfertEgg is how many unfertilized eggs Svetlana has in her for fertilization during her Ovulation period. Unfertilized eggs are removed at the end of her Ovulation period. 'UnfertEgg: <>' !! FertEgg is how many unimplanted eggs Svetlana has in her. These are possible babies, but they die 330 hours after ovulation if they do not implant. 'FertEgg: <>' !! babyptype is the pregnancy type of unborn babies. they might be unimplanted 0, healthy 1, or Ectopic 2. Future pregnancy complications should use this variable if FertEgg > 0: i = arrpos('$kidname','unborn') imax = arrsize('$kidname')-1 :chlp ' <>. baby''s pregnancy type: <>' if i < imax: i += 1 & jump 'chlp' killvar 'i' killvar 'imax' end !! BabyEmbryo is for implanted babies. These are solid pregnancies. 'Implanted Embryos: <>' !! ferteggage is for the time since the ovulation event. They last 330 hours before they die if not implanted. 'ferteggage: <>' !! PregChem is the level of pregnancy, measured in hour parts. 'PregChem: <>' !! pillcon is the level of birth control to prevent svetlana from getting pregnant. Higher concentrations increase effectivity until it reaches it''s ideal level. 'pillcon: <>' !! believed pillcon is the level of birth control svetlana thinks she has. This may be different from the actual level due to sabotage or a bad habit of not taking your pill. 'Believed pillcon: <>' !! RecovH is the amount of recover hours before Svetlanas fertility cycle resets after having a baby. 'RecovH: <>' !! daylastperiod is for Svetlanas knowledge on when she began her last period 'daylastperiod: <> (daystart difference: <>)' !! lastmens is for the last day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle. 'lastmens: <>' !! firstmens is for the first day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle. this is different than daylastperiod because this is the actual date, while daylastperiod is when Svetlana remembers it being. 'firstmens: <> (daystart difference: <>)' 'hypnoTime: <>' 'hypnoStrength: <>' 'hypnoDay: <>' 'hypnoAddict: <>' 'missCum: <>' 'condoms/bad condoms: <>/<>' if tabletki > 0: 'pack(s) of birth control pills: <>' if tabletkiold > 0: ' <> expired pack' if tabletkifake > 0: ' <> counterfeit pack' if tabletkirej > 0: ' <> factory rejected pack' if tabletkifert > 0: ' <> fertility hormones pack' if tabletkisug > 0: ' <> sugar pills pack' end if pillsleft[ptype] > 0: if ptype = 0: $pilltype = 'normal ' if ptype = 1: $pilltype = 'expired ' if ptype = 2: $pilltype = 'counterfeit ' if ptype = 3: $pilltype = 'factory rejected ' if ptype = 4: $pilltype = 'sugar ' if ptype = 5: $pilltype = 'fertility hormone ' '<> <<$pilltype>>pills left of your currently used pack' killvar '$pilltype' end } $cheatmenu['bdimmain'] = { gs 'stat' *clr & cla gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs' '

Cheat Menu - Body Image Sets

' '
' '
' '
Body Image Controls
' *nl 'You are currently using set: <<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 9)]>>' if bdsetlock = 1: 'The set used is locked to current.' else 'The set used is unlocked.' end *nl 'This is the current default and custom (if any) body image sets:' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[9]>>' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[19]>>' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[29]>>' *nl if bodsetcnt >= 4: 'You may edit aspects of a custom image set by clicking on their folder names below.' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[49]>>' *nl elseif bodsetcnt = 3: 'Add new set' *nl end if bodsetcnt >= 5: '<<$bodimgsets[59]>>' *nl elseif bodsetcnt = 4: 'Add new set' *nl end if bodsetcnt >= 6: '<<$bodimgsets[69]>>' *nl elseif bodsetcnt = 5: 'Add new set' *nl end if bodsetcnt >= 7: '<<$bodimgsets[79]>>' *nl elseif bodsetcnt = 6: 'Add new set' *nl end if bodsetcnt >= 8: '<<$bodimgsets[89]>>' *nl elseif bodsetcnt = 7: 'Add new set' *nl end if bodsetcnt >= 9: '<<$bodimgsets[99]>>' *nl elseif bodsetcnt = 8: 'Add new set' *nl end '
' } $cheatmenu['bdimdisplay'] = { gs 'stat' *clr & cla '

Cheat menu

' *nl '
Body Image Set Display
' 'Go Back' *nl if bdsetlock = 1 and chmbodset = fixbodset: 'This is the currently locked set.' 'Clear the lock.' else 'Use this set only.' end *nl if chmbodset <= 3: 'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>' 'Descriptors:' *nl if chmbodset = 3: '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>>' else '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>>' end *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>>' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>>' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>>' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>>' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>>' *nl if chmbodset = 3: '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>>' else '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>>' end *nl if chmbodset = 3: '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>>' else '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>>' end *nl if chmbodset = 3: '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 8)]>>' end *nl else 'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>' 'Descriptors: (Displayed as "You are:")' '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>>' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>> -- Edit this' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>> -- Edit this' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>> -- Edit this' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>> -- Edit this' *nl '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>> -- Edit this' *nl if imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1: '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>> -- Edit this' *nl 'You are using a custom image 6 for this set.' *nl else '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>>' *nl 'You are using the default image 6 for this set.' *nl end if imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1: '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>> -- Edit this' *nl 'You are using a custom image 7 for this set.' *nl else '<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>>' *nl 'You are using the default image 7 for this set.' *nl end 'Delete this set.' end } $cheatmenu['bdimcstdel'] = { *clr & cla '
Body Image Set Removal
' 'Go Back' *nl 'This is where you remove a body image set from use, please note it does not delete anything, it just clears the custom set from this game instance/save.' if klsetask = 1: 'Are you sure you want to remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?' elseif klsetask = 2: if chmbodset <= 2: 'You have encoutered error 1' 'Go Back' exit end if bdsetlock = 1 and fixbodset >= chmbodset: bdsetlock = 0 & killvar 'fixbodset' if bodsetcnt > chmbodset: cyci1 = 0 cyci2 = chmbodset :overwriter1 $bodimgsets[((cyci2 * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(((cyci2 + 1) * 10) + cyci1)] cyci1 += 1 if cyci1 < 10: jump 'overwriter1' imgset6ovr[cyci2] = imgset6ovr[(cyci2 + 1)] imgset7ovr[cyci2] = imgset7ovr[(cyci2 + 1)] cyci1 = 0 cyci2 += 1 if cyci2 < bodsetcnt: jump 'overwriter1' killvar 'cyci1' & killvar 'cyci2' elseif bodsetcnt < chmbodset: 'You have encoutered error 2' 'Go Back' exit end cyci1 = 9 :poofer1 killvar 'bodimgsets', ((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1) cyci1 -= 1 if cyci1 >= 0: jump 'poofer1' killvar 'cyci1' killvar 'imgset6ovr', bodsetcnt killvar 'imgset7ovr', bodsetcnt bodsetcnt -= 1 killvar 'klsetask' dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain'] else 'Remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?' end } $cheatmenu['bdimcstadd'] = { *clr & cla '
Body Image Set Addition
' 'Go Back' *nl 'This is where you can add a new image set to a game.' 'To add an image set, create a folder in images/pc/body/shape/ and name it anything you want (shorter will be easier to remember). Then put in it any images you want named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc. up 5, 6, or 7. Just make sure it contains images 1 to 5. Once you have done that, click the link below and put in your folder name to add that set.' 'Note: This will only be for this instance/save of the game and you will have to redo the click the link step if you want to add the same folder to a different instance/save.' *nl 'Add Image Set' } $cheatmenu['bdimcstaddpro'] = { $tmpstrg = input("Enter folder name, do not include ''\''") if $tmpstrg = '': killvar '$tmpstrg' dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimcstadd'] else bodsetcnt += 1 cyci1 = 0 :addcyc $bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(10 + cyci1)] cyci1 += 1 if cyci1 < 9: jump 'addcyc' $bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + 9)] = $tmpstrg imgset6ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0 imgset7ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0 killvar '$tmpstrg' killvar 'cyci1' dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain'] end } $cheatmenu['bdimcstdesed'] = { $tmpstrg = input("Enter a new descriptor") if $tmpstrg = '': killvar 'chmbddes' killvar '$tmpstrg' else $bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + chmbddes)] = $tmpstrg killvar 'chmbddes' killvar '$tmpstrg' dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimdisplay'] end } $cheatmenu['succubreset'] = { *clr & cla 'Are you sure you want to reset your Succubus status? You will lose all levels, saved power, and succubus skill levels.' *nl 'No, nevermind.' *nl 'Yes, remove & reset Succubus status' } $cheatmenu['sucresetdo'] = { !! Probably do not need to kill all of these, but better to unload them. killvar 'scfwon' killvar 'scpopt' killvar '$sclocrt' killvar '$scargrt' killvar '$scsubloc' killvar 'suceatinit' killvar 'succubusflag' killvar 'succubusQW' killvar '$sucself1' killvar 'succublvl' killvar 'succubxp' killvar 'sucxpsnapshot' killvar 'succhungry' killvar 'sucexcess' killvar 'sexnutrition' killvar 'suclezsex' killvar 'sucabslez' killvar 'sucabscum' killvar '$sucabs1' killvar '$sucabs2' killvar '$sucabs3' killvar 'succonfail' killvar 'sucpowzeroed' killvar 'suchuntday' killvar 'sucpcinfo' killvar 'karinsucsex' killvar 'karinsucsexday' killvar 'karinsucsexask' killvar 'tatianasucsex' killvar 'tatianasucsexday' killvar 'tatianasucsexask' killvar 'sucwalkday' killvar '$sucgoloc' killvar '$sucgometka' killvar 'sucskill' killvar 'sucstorecap' killvar 'sucinfoday' killvar 'sctrainprep' !! This list will be updated as new variables are added dynamic $cheatmenu['magic'] } --- Cheatmenu_din ---------------------------------