@@ -16,26 +16,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
'This modern and well staffed fitness center provides all the latest equipment and trainers to help you make the most of them.'
'At the reception you may buy '+iif(abonement > 0, 'a subscription package', 'an additional subscription package')+' for access to all available facilities.'
- if abonement > 0:'Your existing subscription package is valid for <<abonement>> more classes.'
- '<b>Available Packages:</b>'
- if money >= 3000:
- '<a href="exec: money -= 3000 & abonement +=30 & gt ''fit'', ''start''">30 classes (3,000 <b>₽</b>)</a>'
- else
- '30 classes (3,000 <b>₽</b>)'
- end
- if money >= 2250:
- '<a href="exec: money -= 2250 & abonement +=20 & gt ''fit'', ''start''">20 classes (2,250 <b>₽</b>)</a>'
- else
- '20 classes (2,250 <b>₽</b>)'
- end
- if money >= 1500:
- '<a href="exec: money -= 1500 & abonement +=10 & gt ''fit'', ''start''">10 classes (1,500 <b>₽</b>)</a>'
- else
- '10 classes (1,500 <b>₽</b>)'
- end
+ if abonement > 0:'Your existing subscription package is valid for <<abonement>> more classes.'
- '<b>Included classes:</b>'
+ '<b>Classes included in subscription:</b>'