# street_walker if $ARGS[0] = 'start': if prst_loc = 0: if sound = 0: if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3: PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30 else PLAY 'sound/street_noise_siren.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street_night_leto.mp3' & PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 end end gs 'stat' '

St. Petersburg

' '
City center
' if month >= 11 or month <= 3: if hour >= 8 and hour <= 21: '
> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/downw.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/downwn.jpg">
' end else if hour >= 8 and hour <= 21: '
> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down_night.jpg">
' end end elseif prst_loc = 1: if sound = 0: if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3: PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30 else PLAY 'sound/street_noise_siren.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street_night_leto.mp3' & PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 end end gs 'stat' '

St. Petersburg

' '
Red Light District
' if month >= 11 or month <= 3: if hour >= 8 and hour <= 21: '
> src="images/locations/city/industrial/industw.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/industrial/industwn.jpg">
' end else if hour >= 8 and hour <= 21: '
> src="images/locations/city/industrial/nord.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/industrial/nord2.jpg">
' end end elseif prst_loc = 2: if sound = 0: if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3: if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/street2.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street7.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30 if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7: PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30 else if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/street2.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street7.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street_leto.mp3',30 if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7: PLAY 'sound/street_night_leto.mp3' & PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 end end gs 'stat' '

St. Petersburg

' '
' if month >= 11 or month <= 3: if hour >= 8 and hour <= 21: '
> src="images/locations/city/residential/streetw.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/residential/streetwn.jpg">
' end else if hour >= 8 and hour <= 21: '
> src="images/locations/city/residential/street.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/residential/street_night.jpg">
' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'work': $menu_loc = 'street_walker' $menu_arg = 'work' menu_off = 0 if $loc = 'down': prst_loc = 0 elseif $loc = 'Nord': prst_loc = 1 elseif $loc = 'street': prst_loc = 2 end gs 'street_walker', 'start' 'You do a last minute check of your outfit and makeup, in a reflection in the window of a store. Yep you look good and like your are open for business. With a final look you turn and make your way down the sidewalk looking for a customer.' act 'Work the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' act 'Leave (don''t work)': gt 'street_walker', 'end' end if $ARGS[0] = 'event1': menu_off = 1 if hour > 5 and hour < 20: gs 'street_walker', 'start' 'It''s gone 05:00 and much too late to find any work now, maybe try again tonight there should be demand from 20:00.' act 'Leave': gt 'street_walker', 'end' else inhib_exp += rand(3,6) if (prst_loc = 0 and RAND(1,3) > 1) or (prst_loc = 1 and RAND(1,5) > 1) or (prst_loc = 2 and RAND(1,8) > 1): *clr & cla street_work = 1 streetworkevent = RAND(1,8) if streetworkevent = 3: if prst_loc ! 1: streetworkevent = 5 if ruslan_day = daystart: streetworkevent = 5 end if streetworkevent <= 2: gt 'street_walker', 'event2' elseif streetworkevent = 3: gt 'street_walker', 'event3' elseif streetworkevent = 4: gt 'street_walker', 'event4' else gt 'street_walker', 'event5' end else *clr & cla minut += 15 city_prostitute += 1 gs 'stat' if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/workingw1.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/working' + rand(1,4) + '.jpg">
' end 'You walk along the street trying to entice drivers of cars that drive by slowly, but you are unable to get anyone to stop.' act 'Keep working the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' act 'Stop working for the night': gt 'street_walker', 'end' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'event2': *clr & cla minut += 15 city_prostitute += 1 if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/hookersw1.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/hookers' + rand(1,4) + '.jpg">
' end 'As you walk along the street trying to entice one of the slower moving cars with no luck. You spot some other girls working the streets as well, it doesn''t look like they are having any better luck than you are.' act 'Stop working for the night': gt 'street_walker', 'end' act 'Keep working the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' act 'Walk over and talk to them': !!ruslan_pimp sets to 1 if you trigger the second part and are not working for him. It will then always skip to that if RAND(0,1) = 0 and ruslan_pimp = 0: *clr & cla minut += 15 if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/hookersw1.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/hookers' + rand(1,4) + '.jpg">
' end 'You walk over smiling to the other girls, but all you are meet with is dark and dangerous looks. Then one of them speaks up. "What the fuck do you want bitch?"' 'Taken a bit aback by the anger you say "I was just coming over to talk and see how the night is going for you guys, been kinda slow for me." Trying to be friendly.' 'One of them snarls as the others move to partial circle you. "Listen bitch, this is our street, so get the fuck off it before you get hurt!"' act 'Leave and stop working for the night': cla *nl 'You turn and walk away, you can hear the other girls behind you, calling you all sorts of names' act 'Continue': gt 'street_walker', 'end' end act 'Leave to work a new street': cla *nl 'You turn and walk away, you can hear the other girls behind you, calling you all sorts of names' act 'Continue': gt 'street_walker', 'work' end !!act 'Tell her to fuck off': !!i will expand this later when I have time. For now want to get this out for this release. else *clr & cla minut += 15 if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/hookersw1.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/hookers' + rand(1,4) + '.jpg">
' end if ruslan_pimp = 2: 'You walk over and introduce yourself to the other girls, one of them starts off kinda bitchy but the other one tells her you work for Ruslan too, which quickly calms her down. You make small talk with them for a bit, the more experienced girls share tips for the newer girls. Ways to help encourage guys stop and the type of guys to avoid. Occasionally a car stops and picks up one of the other girls, other times one stops and drops a girl off. After a bit you know you need to get back to work and earn money for Ruslan.' act 'Keep working the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' else ruslan_pimp = 1 'You walk over and introduce yourself to the other girls, one of them asks "You one of Ruslan''s new girls?"' 'You shake your head no. "No I work only for myself"' 'The other girls exchange a unease look, then one of them tells you. "You should really change your mind, if you work for Ruslan most of the guys know to pay up and the gopniks know to leave you alone, otherwise you can find yourself in a bad spot."' 'You smile to her. "Thanks for the advice, I will think about it." With that they make a excuse that then need to get back to work, you can tell they really don''t want to be seen hanging out with you.' act 'Stop working for the night': gt 'street_walker', 'end' act 'Keep working the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'event3': ruslan_day = daystart !!can only run into the pimp once a night, after that have it just go down to the else. *clr & cla minut += 15 city_prostitute += 1 '
> src="images/locations/shared/street/mugger.jpg">
' if ruslan_meet = 0: ruslan_meet = 1 'As you walk along the street trying to entice one of the slower moving cars with no luck. As the next car passes you turn and nearly run into a man who walked directly in front of you. You stop and give him your best smile. "You looking to party handsome?"' 'He looks you over like a side of beef, then finally looks into your eyes which most guys never do. "It''s dangerous for a young thing like you to be out walking the streets this time of night. I can protect you and make sure no one bothers you, just ask any of my other girls, how good Ruslan protects them."' else 'As you walk along the street trying to entice one of the slower moving cars with no luck. As the next car passes you turn and see Ruslan your wouldbe pimp blocking your path.' 'You stop as he looks you over. "You come to your sense yet?"' end act 'Accept his deal': *clr & cla minut += 5 ruslan_pimp = 2 'You nod your head in agreement. "Yeah you''re right, having some protection would be a good thing."' 'When you say that he is all smiles suddenly and pulls you up beside him as he wraps his arm around you."Good good, I knew you was a smart girl. Now every Friday I will come by and collect my half of what you make. You better not hold out on me, the other girls will tell me if you do. Now here is my number, if anyone refuses to pay or you have problems you call." Once you add his number to your contact list, he slaps you on the ass. "Now get to work!" With that he turns and walks off leaving you to wonder if this was a good idea.' act 'Stop working for the night': gt 'street_walker', 'end' act 'Keep working the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' end act 'Refuse his deal': *clr & cla minut += 5 'You shake your head no. "Thank you but I am doing ok."' 'He frowns and his eyes take on a hard glint, for a moment you think he might do something, but finally he just nods. "Very well have it your way, but don''t say I didn''t warn you. I will check back on you some other time and see if you came to your senses yet."' act 'Stop working for the night': gt 'street_walker', 'end' act 'Keep working the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' end !!act 'Be a smart ass': !!for now commenting this out until I can finish it. !! *clr & cla !! minut += 5 !! gs 'pain', 3, 'cheeks', 'slap' !! 'You laugh at him trying to act all big and bad. "Like someone as scrawny as you could protect me, what you mean is you want to live off my pussy while you are to pathetic earn your own money."' !! 'The words barely leave your mouth before you feel the stinging of the slap across your face. Blinking to clear you vision as you rub your cheek, you notice he has pulled up his shirt to reveal the butt of a pistol. Which quickly makes you change your mind about fighting back. "You''re new here so I will let that slide, but you best learn your place and fast bitch, before you end up dead!" With that he turns and walks off but you doubt you have seen the last of him.' !! act 'Stop working for the night': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' !! act 'Keep working the street': gt 'street_walker', 'event1' end if $ARGS[0] = 'event4': !!Prostitute event *clr & cla minut += 15 if prst_loc = 0: gs 'fame', 'city', 'prostitute', 5 elseif prst_loc = 1: gs 'fame', 'city', 'prostitute', 5 else gs 'fame', 'city', 'prostitute', 5 end city_prostitute += 1 '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/police.jpg">
' if prst_caught = 0: prst_caught = 1 '"What''s your price?" a man asks from behind you.' '"The price is-" you stop in your tracks as you turn to notice a man dressed in all black. You stare for a moment, he''s giving you a weird vibe, looking at you with a cold and calculating gaze. Something tells you to play it cool so you change your answer. "Uh, I''m sorry, sir, can you repeat that? I don''t think I heard you clearly..." You try to lie.' 'The man''s eyes narrow dangerously, and as he moves you catch a glimpse of a police badge clipped to his hip. He''s a cop! "Don''t play dumb, girl. Go on, finish what you were going to say before!"' act 'Keep on lying': gt 'street_walker', 'policelie' act 'Offer him a bribe': gt 'street_walker', 'policebribe' act 'Offer him a blowjob': gt 'street_walker', 'policeblowjob' else '"Didn''t I tell you to stay away from here?" you hear a familiar voice.' 'You turn turn around and find that it''s the cop from before. "Y-Yes sir, you did..." You stare down at the ground.' '"So what are you doing here then, whoring again?" he brashly asks.' act 'Try to explain': gt 'street_walker', 'policeexp' act 'Offer him a bribe': gt 'street_walker', 'policebribe' act 'Offer him a blowjob': gt 'street_walker', 'policeblowjob' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'event5': *clr & cla minut += 15 city_prostitute += 1 if prst_loc = 0: gs 'fame', 'city', 'prostitute', 10 elseif prst_loc = 1: gs 'fame', 'city', 'prostitute', 10 else gs 'fame', 'city', 'prostitute', 10 end if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/barginw1.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/bargin' + rand(1,3) + '.jpg">
' end 'A car slows down and pulls up the curb where you are walking, he is obviously look at you. So you walk over to him, as you do he rolls down his window. You bend over and practically lean into his window. "You looking to party handsome?"' 'He looks you over as best he can and licks his lips. "How much?"' 'You smile to him. "That depends on what you want to do." You take a little time listening to his wants and telling him the price before he decides.' !!it should be 50/50 is the first one, than 50/50 the second or last if RAND(0,1) = 0: 'He decides he wants a blowjob.' act 'Accept': cla *nl 'With that and the price decided you get into the car.' act 'Continue': gt 'street_walker', 'blowjob' end act 'Decline': gt 'street_walker', 'work' elseif RAND(0,1) = 0: 'He decides he wants a fuck.' act 'Accept': cla *nl 'With that and the price decided you get into the car.' act 'Continue': gt 'street_walker', 'vaginal' end act 'Decline': gt 'street_walker', 'work' else 'He decides he wants a anal.' act 'Accept': cla *nl 'With that and the price decided you get into the car.' act 'Continue': gt 'street_walker', 'anal' end act 'Decline': gt 'street_walker', 'work' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'blowjob': *clr & cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '


' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/ridefront.jpg">
' 'With the price settled, you walk around and open the passenger door and slide into the car. You are barely have time to close the door, when he pulls away. He drives for a little bit till he finds a pretty deserted area and stops the car. Once he does he looks over at you and says. "This looks good." His eyes wander over you body and he leans back in his seat.' act 'Unbutton his pants': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj1.jpg">
' 'You lean over and slowly start to unbutton his pants, teasing him a little. You can already see his pants start to bulge and you can feel his hardness under you fingers as you work his buttons. You open his fly wide and pull his underwear down enough, as his hard dick springs free. You smile at him as you wrap you hands around his cock and start stroking him, he starts to moan softly almost at once.' gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Suck his dick': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj2.jpg">
' 'He starts to get antsy obviously wanting more, you can feel the head of his dick already getting slick with his precum. You lean over and slowly take his cock into your mouth, you start sucking his dick as you keep stroking it. You feel his hand roughly pull up your shirt and being pawing and squeezing at your breasts as you do.' gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Keep sucking': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj3.jpg">
' 'Keeping your lips locked around his shaft, you bob your head up and down sucking his dick. Slowly you work him deeper into your mouth, eventually removing your hand so you can take him as deeply as you can down your throat.' gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Finish him': *clr & cla money += 700 gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'prostitute customer' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj4.jpg">
' 'As you suck him, you feel the hot splash of cum hit your tongue, as spurt after spurt of it fills your mouth. He moans loudly as he sperm fills your mouth, you keep sucking until there is no more hot spurts. You raise up showing him his own cum and then swallow it. He gives you a brief smile, then quickly slips his dick away and rebuttons his pants. Sliding the seat back forward he pulls out a wad of cash and hands it to you.' 'You spend a few moments straighten up your clothes and checking your makeup as he drives you back to the street corner he picked you up on, he pulled up to the curb and stops. Now he seems impatient for you to get out, as he looks around to see if anyone is watching. You sigh and get out of the car, closing the door. With that he quickly pulls away.' gs 'arousal', 'cummoisseur', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' !!here need code to add the money for the act. We talked about it some in the dev forums how to do the price, no clue how you guys want to code that. act 'Get dropped off': gt 'street_walker', 'work' end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'vaginal': *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '


' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/rideback.jpg">
' 'With the price settled, you step back to the back door and slide into the backseat behind him. Once you close the door, he pulls away from the curb. He drives for a little bit till he finds a pretty deserted area and stops the car and says. "This looks good." Then he gets out of the car and walks to the back door, you slide over giving him room as he gets in the back with you.' act 'Wait': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/fuck1.jpg">
' 'You wait to let him take control of the situation, you know most guys like that. After a few moments of him looking around to make sure no one is around he starts to unbutton his pants, pulling them down. He reaches over and grabs you by the hair and pulls your head down to his dick, you open your mouth and take his still mostly flaccid cock in your mouth, while your hand strokes the shaft.' act 'Suck his dick': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/fuck2.jpg">
' 'Between your mouth and hand it doesn''t take you to long to get him hard. He starts to moan a bit, "Yeah that''s it suck my cock you dirty whore." He seems to enjoy talking to you, you don''t mind it pays all the same. You keep sucking as he continues you verbally degrade you.' gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Let him fuck you': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/fuck3.jpg">
' 'He pulls your head off his dick and says "Get undressed and lay back." You quickly undress and lay on the seat on your back, spreading your legs. As you do you see him sliding a condom on, with both the condom and you in place he moves over and slides on top of you. He quickly and roughly shoves his dick inside of your pussy, the lubrication from the condom helps. Then he starts fucking you, as hard and fast as he can, grunting the whole time, occasionally banging your head or shoulder against the arm rest on the door. Not the most comfortable of places to have sex, but then comfort isn''t why you are here.' gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Finish him': *clr & cla money += 2000 gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', 'prostitute customer' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/fuck4.jpg">
' 'He suddenly pulls out of you and tears the condom off. Followed him by him climbing further on you, as he starts jerking off. With in seconds his hot cum starts flying landing all over your breasts, as he moans loudly. Once finally finished he climbs off you and starts to get dressed, stopping briefly to hand you a wad of cash.' 'You spend a few moments getting cleaned up and dressed, as you do he gets out and gets back into the drivers seat and drives you back to the street corner he picked you up on, he pulled up to the curb and stops. Now he seems impatient for you to get out, as he looks around to see if anyone is watching. You sigh and get out of the car, closing the door. With that he quickly pulls away.' gs 'arousal', 'cummoisseur', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' !!here need code to add the money for the act. We talked about it some in the dev forums how to do the price, no clue how you guys want to code that. act 'Get dropped off': gt 'street_walker', 'work' end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'anal': *clr & cla streetworkanal = RAND(1,2) if streetworkanal = 1: *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '


' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analo1.jpg">
' 'With the price settled, you step back to the back door and slide into the backseat behind the older guy, he is easily old enough to be your father. Once you close the door, he looks at you in the review mirror. "Put on your seat belt. Safty first."' act 'Go for a ride': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/rideback.jpg">
' 'Then pulls away from the curb and drives for a little bit till he finds a pretty deserted area and stops the car and says. "This looks good." Then he gets out of the car and walks to the back door, you slide over giving him room as he gets in the back with you.' act 'Get Undressed': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analo2.jpg">
' 'He looks you over a moment. "Can you undress" When you start to he quickly adds. "Slowly" You smile to him and make a show of slowly getting naked for him, you can see him already licking his lips. Once you are fully naked you slowly unbutton his pants, pulling them and his underwear down.' gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'prostitution', 'exhibitionism' gs 'stat' act 'Suck his dick': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analo3.jpg">
' 'With his hard dick standing tall to get your attention, you lean over and take his dick into your mouth and start sucking his cock, working the shaft or his balls with one of your hands. He just leans back and moans softly obviously enjoying what you are doing.' gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Get fucked': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analo4.jpg">
' 'After a time he speaks up. "Lay back, I want to fuck you." You raise up and then lay back in the seat spreading your legs as you do. He moves between your legs, he rubs your clit a bit to get you wetter, once he feels you are wet enough he slides his dick inside of you and starts to slowly fuck you. The wetter you get the faster he starts to fuck you.' gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Take it in the ass': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analo5.jpg">
' 'When he pulls out he starts to use his hands to help you roll over as he says "Roll over and get on your knee''s I want to fuck that pretty little ass of yours now." With his help you quickly roll over and get on your elbows and knees, with your ass up for him. You feel him press his dick against your anus before he slides it in. When you tense up a bit, he stops to give you a moment to get us to it before he slides it the rest of the way in.' 'He slowly works his way balls deep into your ass, taking his time. It is sweet of him but not really necessary, you are use to being fucked and you are here for the money. Moaning loudly, like you are loving it, you know guys like that. He picks up the pace and starts fucking your ass harder.' gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Finish him': *clr & cla money += 2500 gs 'cum_call','face', 'prostitute customer' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analo6.jpg">
' 'He grunts out, "I''m about to cum" As he pulls out of your ass, you turn around and start jerking him off with your hand, aiming his cock right at your face. Within moment hot sprays of cum start splattering against your face, you keep jerking him until you have milked him of every last drop.' 'You spend a few moments getting cleaned up and dressed, as you do he gets out of the back and gets back into the drivers seat. He waits for you to finish getting dressed, cleaned up and put your seat belt back on before he drives you back to the street corner he picked you up on, he pulled up to the curb and stops. Once stopped he passes you back a wad of cash, as you get out of the car he opens his window and says. "I had a great time, maybe I will see you again." With that he rolls up his window and drives off.' gs 'arousal', 'cummoisseur', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' !!here need code to add the money for the act. We talked about it some in the dev forums how to do the price, no clue how you guys want to code that. act 'Get dropped off': gt 'street_walker', 'work' end end end end end end else *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '


' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analy1.jpg">
' 'With the price settled, you step back to the back door and slide into the backseat behind him. He looks at you in the review mirror and eyes you up and down. You smile to him and lean back to give him a good look.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'unknown' gs 'stat' act 'Go for a ride': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/rideback.jpg">
' 'Then pulls away from the curb and drives for a little bit till he finds a pretty deserted area and stops the car and says. "This looks good." Then he gets out of the car and walks to the back door, you slide over giving him room as he gets in the back with you.' act 'Get Undressed': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analy2.jpg">
' 'He looks you over a moment. "Get undressed I want to see what I am paying for." You smile to him and make a show of slowly getting naked for him, you can see him already licking his lips. Once you are fully naked you slowly unbutton his pants, pulling them and his underwear down.' gs 'arousal', 'flash', 2, 'prostitution', 'exhibitionism' gs 'stat' act 'Suck his dick': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analy3.jpg">
' 'With his hard dick standing tall to get your attention, you lean over and take his dick into your mouth and start sucking his cock, working the shaft or his balls with one of your hands. He just leans back and moans softly obviously enjoying what you are doing. You feel his hand slap you on the ass a few times, before he slides a finger into your pussy to get it nice and wet, then slides his finger into your ass and finders your ass as you blow him.' gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Get fucked': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analy4.jpg">
' 'After a time he speaks up. "Lay back, I want to fuck you." You raise up and then lay back in the seat spreading your legs as you do. He moves between your legs and his dick inside of you and starts to fuck you. He slowly picks up his pace fucking you faster, then he pulls out and slaps you on the hip. "Roll over bitch, I want to fuck your ass."' gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Take it in the ass': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analy5.jpg">
' 'You roll over and get on your elbows and knees, with your ass up for him. You feel him press his dick against your anus before he shoves it in. When you tense up a bit, he grabs ahold of your hips so you can''t pull away and shoves it the rest of the way into your ass..' 'He pounds his way balls deep into your ass, he picks up the pace and starts fucking your ass harder. He starts slapping your ass, as he pounds it as hard and fast as he can.' gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Finish him': *clr & cla money += 2500 gs 'cum_call','breasts', 'prostitute customer' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/analy6.jpg">
' 'He grunts out, "I''m about to cum" As he pulls out of your ass, he roughly flips you over and straddles you, as he starts jerking off. Soon his cum is flying landing all over you breasts.' 'You spend a few moments getting cleaned up and dressed, as you do he gets out of the back and gets back into the drivers seat. He doesn''t even wait for you to finish getting cleaned up and dressed. During the drive back he tosses a wad of cash back, most of it ending up on the floor. You quickly gather it all up as he stops at the same curb he picked you up from. You barely even close the door after you get out before he pulls away.' gs 'arousal', 'cummoisseur', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' !!here need code to add the money for the act. We talked about it some in the dev forums how to do the price, no clue how you guys want to code that. act 'Get dropped off': gt 'street_walker', 'work' end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'policeblowjob': *clr & cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '


' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/police.jpg">
' 'You desperately look around and try to come up with an excuse, "Well girl?" the police officer asks.' 'You clear your throat, "Yes, sir you''ve caught me, I''ve been prostituting. But how about I show you a good time and you let me go?" you divert your eyes towards his genitalia while licking your lips.' if rand(0,5) = 0: !if the police officer accepts the offer 'The police officer grunts and points towards his car, you walk around and open the passenger door and slide into the car. You are barely have time to close the door, when he pulls away. He drives for a little bit till he finds a pretty deserted area and stops the car. Once he does he looks over at you and says. "This looks good." His eyes wander over you body and he leans back in his seat.' act 'Unbutton his pants': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj1.jpg">
' 'You lean over and slowly start to unbutton his pants, teasing him a little. You can already see his pants start to bulge and you can feel his hardness under you fingers as you work his buttons. You open his fly wide and pull his underwear down enough, as his hard dick springs free. You smile at him as you wrap you hands around his cock and start stroking him, he starts to moan softly almost at once.' gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Suck his dick': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj2.jpg">
' 'He starts to get antsy obviously wanting more, you can feel the head of his dick already getting slick with his pre-cum. You lean over and slowly take his cock into your mouth, you start sucking his dick as you keep stroking it. You feel his hand roughly pull up your shirt and being pawing and squeezing at your breasts as you do.' gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' act 'Keep sucking': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj3.jpg">
' 'Keeping your lips locked around his shaft, you bob your head up and down sucking his dick. Slowly you work him deeper into your mouth, eventually removing your hand so you can take him as deeply as you can down your throat.' gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'prostitution' gs 'stat' !!need to add a random trigger here from 1 to 10. <= 2 means Sveta will be going to jail any other number than that she gets driven back to the place where she was picked up. !!Not going to jail event if rand(1,10) > 2: act 'Finish him': *clr & cla gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'police officer' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj4.jpg">
' 'As you suck him, you feel the hot splash of cum hit your tongue, as spurt after spurt of it fills your mouth. He moans loudly as he sperm fills your mouth, you keep sucking until there is no more hot spurts. You raise up showing him his own cum and then swallow it. He gives you a brief smile, then quickly slips his dick away and rebuttons his pants.' 'You spend a few moments straighten up your clothes and checking your makeup as he drives you back to the street corner he picked you up on, he pulled up to the curb and stops. Now he seems impatient for you to get out, as he looks around to see if anyone is watching. You sigh and get out of the car, closing the door. With that he quickly pulls away.' gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' !!this act should go to which ever event location Sveta left. If she was in event1 when picked up then returned to event1, if event2 then returned to event2. No clue how to code that act 'Get dropped off':gt 'street_walker', 'work' end else act 'Finish him': *clr & cla prst_bribe = 1 gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'police officer' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/bj4.jpg">
' 'As you suck him, you feel the hot splash of cum hit your tongue, as spurt after spurt of it fills your mouth. He moans loudly as he sperm fills your mouth, you keep sucking until there is no more hot spurts. You raise up showing him his own cum and then swallow it. He gives you a brief smile, then quickly slips his dick away and rebuttons his pants.' 'You spend a few moments straighten up your clothes and checking your makeup as he continues driving on, "Where are you taking me?" you ask.' '"What girl? You thought this was enough? No, no, no... I''ll be taking you to the police station, where you belong." He mockingly answers as he quickly speeds towards the police station.' gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' act 'Drive to the police station': gt 'police_station', 'entrance', 'prst' end end end end end else prst_bribe = 1 *nl '
> src="images/locations/shared/police/arrested.jpg">
' '"What is wrong with you girl? Are you trying to solicitate a member of the law?" the police office angrily responds.' '"N-No officer. I was just thinking the two of us could have a good time..." you try once again, maybe he misunderstood you.' '"That''s it! You''re coming with me, whore!" he turns you around, cuffs you and leads you to the police car. He shoves you in the back and quickly drives off towards the police station.' act 'Drive to the police station': gt 'police_station', 'entrance', 'prst' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'policelie': *clr & cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/police.jpg">
' 'You swallow hard and let slip a worried chuckle. "R-right...well, to answer your question, the time is..."' '"The time?" The officer interrupts, his lips twisting into a deeper scowl. He takes a step closer and you catch a whiff of stale coffee and cigarettes.' '"Yeah, isn''t that what you asked?" You ask innocently.' 'Unamused, the officer crosses his arms over his chest. "I know what you''re doing out here, lying won''t get you anywhere except a visit to the police station."' 'Your eyes immediately drop to the ground at the mention of being arrested. Heart racing, palms sweaty, you take a deep breath before nodding slowly. "I''m sorry, sir...you''re right, I was out here working..."' 'He scoffs. "What, suddenly you''re shy about it? Let me hear you say it," he orders coldly, and all you can do is nod again.' '"I was...I''m a prostitute, sir..." You say quietly.' !!need to add a random trigger here from 1 to 10. <= 4 means Sveta will be going to jail any other number than that she gets driven back to the place where she was picked up. act 'Beg him to let you go': *clr & cla !!if he lets you go if rand(1,10) > 4: '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/police.jpg">
' *nl 'You keep your gaze glued to the ground until you hear him sigh heavily. "Get out of here. If I see you again, I''m taking you in, understand?"' 'You look up in disbelief, unable to figure out what to say for a moment. "O-oh, of course! You won''t see me again, I promise!" Not wanting to miss your chance, you get the hell out of there.' act 'Walk away':gt 'street_walker', 'work' else '
> src="images/locations/shared/police/arrested.jpg">
' *nl '"The only way you''re going to learn is if you''re punished," he shakes his head in disgust. "Turn around, hands behind your back." In a matter of seconds, you''re cuffed and being tossed into the back seat of an unmarked police car. You sit in silence as he drives you back to the police station for booking.' act 'Drive to the police station': gt 'police_station', 'entrance', 'prst' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'policeexp': *clr & cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/police.jpg">
' *nl 'You wrack your brain for a good answer but come up with nothing. "No...I was just...on my way home." You look up and bat your eyelashes innocently but he seems unfazed.' 'His expression darkens. "You think I''m stupid, girl?" he barks back so suddenly and loudly that it makes you jump slightly. You quickly shake your head and try to apologize, but he cuts you off. "I''ve been watching you for awhile now and all you''ve been doing is slinking up and down the streets looking for customers!"' 'You swallow hard as your eyes look everywhere except at him. "I...I think you might have me confused with someone else..." You start to take a step back, but the officer grabs your upper arm with an iron grip and pulls you back close.' '"You really wanna keep lying to me?! You''re just making this a lot worse for yourself..." He tightens his grip even more and you wince softly. It''s not enough to really hurt you but it gets his point across.' '"Alright, alright, I was! I was whoring!" You admit with a huff. "Please...please just give me a break! I don''t want to go to jail...I can''t!" Before the last words are out your mouth, you start to sniffle and soon tears are rolling down your cheeks.' !!need to add a random trigger here from 1 to 10. <= 4 means Sveta will be going to jail any other number than that she gets driven back to the place where she was picked up. act 'Beg him to let you go': *clr & cla !!if he lets you go if rand(1,10) > 4: '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/police.jpg">
' *nl '"...Alright, stop your crying..." The officer says, but you''re barely able to hear him between your sobbing.' '"Wh...what?" You ask when you feel him release his grip on your arm. Through blurry eyes, you see the officer is giving you a pitiful yet uncomfortable look. "You''re letting me go?"' 'He clears his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, I am...but you better head straight home. I don''t want to see you out here again, understand?"' 'You quickly nod, wiping away the tears as you compose yourself. "Thank you!" You say, but he just responds with a grunt before waving you away.' act 'Walk away':gt 'street_walker', 'work' else '
> src="images/locations/shared/police/arrested.jpg">
' *nl '"Save it for someone that cares, whore!" Without hesitation, he has you spun around, your arm twisted behind your back as he reaches for his handcuffs. Your crying only gets louder as he drags you to his unmarked police car and shoves you into the back. On the drive back to the station, he gets tired of hearing you and turns on the radio, drowning you out completely.' act 'Drive to the police station': gt 'police_station', 'entrance', 'prst' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'policebribe': *clr & cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/bribe.jpg">
' *nl 'Your heart skips a beat as you think of what to do! He must already know you''re out here whoring so lying would definitely get you into more trouble. You heard that some girls offer sexual favors to avoid trouble, but it feels like too much of a risk. As you stand there squirming, you suddenly get an idea and hope it''ll get you out of this.' *nl '"Listen...I have some money...y''know, that I earned tonight?" You start to reach for your pocket, but the cop tenses, obviously weary of what you might be grabbing for. "No, no! It''s just money, I promise!" You reassure him as you slowly pull out a handful of crumpled bills. "This is all I have, and you can have it if...you let me go," You say quietly, your hand held out to him. He looks at you then at the money with an unreadable expression. The silence seems to stretch on forever until you speak up again, trying to further convince him. "Please, sir...I really don''t want to go to jail..."' act 'Wait for his reaction': gt 'street_walker', 'briberyreaction' end if $ARGS[0] = 'briberyreaction': *clr & cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' !! random chance code here somewhere i''m too tired to figure it out lol temp_rand = rand (0,12) ! reaction 1, accept bribe: 0 - 4 ! reaction 2, refuse bribe: 5 - 7 ! reaction 3, take bribe and still arrest: 8 - 9 ! reaction 4, demand sex: 10 - 12 if temp_rand <= 4: !!if he takes the bribe and lets you go, lose all money you've earned if it's possible to track that '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/bribeaccepted.jpg">
' *nl 'The cop sighs heavily before taking the money. He takes a moment to count it, occasionally glancing your way as he does. "Don''t think this will work every time," he warns as he pockets the money. "Don''t get any ideas about telling someone about this, I know some of you girls have tried it and believe me, it never ends well for them. No one will believe a loose-lipped whore over a cop..."' *nl 'You swallow hard, his words sending a shiver down your spine. "Now get out of here before I change my mind," he orders roughly. You don''t even bother responding as you quickly shuffle down the street until the cop is out of sight.' act 'Walk away':gt 'street_walker', 'work' elseif temp_rand <= 7: !!elseif he refuses the bribe and arrests you, lose all the money the player earned prst_bribe = 2 gs 'pain', 6, 'armL', 'break' gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/shared/police/arrested.jpg">
' *nl 'His lips turn up into a disgusted sneer. Before you can react, he slaps your hand away, the money exploding out into the air and onto the ground. "You think I can be paid off, whore?!" he snarls as you stand there holding your red and stinging hand. You knew there was a chance this could happen, but you didn''t expect him to get physical.' *nl '"I''m sorry! Please, let me--" You try to plead with him but he makes a sudden move towards you that causes you to flinch, fearing he''s going to hit you.' *nl '"Shut the hell up, slut!" He grabs your arm and twists it behind you, forcing you to turn your back to him or potentially suffer a broken limb. He slaps the cuffs around your wrists, making sure they''re extra tight before shoving you into the back of his unmarked police car to drive you to the station.' act 'Drive to the police station': gt 'police_station', 'entrance', 'prst' elseif temp_rand <= 9: !!elseif he takes the bribe but still arrests you prst_bribe = 2 '
> src="images/locations/shared/police/arrested.jpg">
' *nl 'The cop sighs heavily before taking the money. He takes a moment to count it, occasionally glancing your way as he does. "It''s one thing to be a whore, but to be dumb too?" he laughs cruelly as he pockets the money. You stare at him, hurt and confused before you realize that he''s still planning to arrest you. Your first instinct is to run, maybe he''s just trying to scare you and won''t chase after you, but if he''s being serious then it could mean you getting hurt.' *nl '"But...but I gave you the money..." You whine in defeat, but it only makes the sadistic grin on his face widen.' *nl '"Yeah, you did...before I agreed to anything," he laughs. He watches your expression fall with sick satisfaction, enjoying every second of this. "I know right now you''re thinking you''re gonna tattle on the big, bad crooked police officer, but let me tell you: no one is gonna believe a whore like you. And once you point the finger at a cop, you''re gonna have the whole station after you, so it''s best, for once, you keep your lips shut and just accept what''s going to happen."' *nl 'It feels like the ground is spinning beneath you! You never expected such a downright cruel reaction, and he''s right. There''s nothing you can do except accept your fate.' 'Nearly in tears, you hold out your wrists and let him cuff and shove you in the back of his unmarked police car to be dropped off at the station.' act 'Drive to the police station': gt 'police_station', 'entrance', 'prst' else !!if he refuses the bribe and demands sex instead '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/police.jpg">
' *nl 'He chuckles and shakes his head. "C''mon, you have something better to offer me, don''t you?" His eyes roam over your body slowly, taking in every curve and exposed bit of skin with a hungry look.' *nl 'You know exactly what he wants, but you hesitate. There''s horror stories among other prostitutes about girls who have given sexual favors to an officer to get out of being arrested, only to end up being the plaything for every cop in the district. Passed around, treated like their personal cum dump. When it''s the cops hurting you, who can you turn to for help?' '"Please, isn''t this enough?" You ask weakly, but the officer scoffs.' *nl '"Listen, I can either take you to jail or I can fuck you and let you go. Those are your only two options, so take it or leave it," he tells you. As you stand there, his hand moves to the front of his jeans to squeeze his growing erection with a grin.' act 'Agree': gt 'street_walker', 'policesub1' act 'Refuse': *clr & cla prst_bribe = 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/shared/police/arrested.jpg">
' '"No...no, I can''t do that..." You tell him as you pull your hand back and pocket your money again. The officer looks disappointed but doesn''t seem to dwell on it. He probably has another girl like you he''s forced into fucking him...' '"Fine by me, slut. Hands behind your back," he orders and you comply. In a matter of seconds, you''re cuffed and in the back of his unmarked car being driven to the station to be booked.' act 'Drive to the police station': gt 'police_station', 'entrance', 'prst' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'policesub1': police_sub_counter += 1 if police_sub_counter > 4: gt 'street_walker', 'policesub2' *clr & cla gs 'pain', 2, 'twist', 'pinch' gs 'pain', 4, 'nipples', 'pinch' !! adds some sub stat gain + add pain to breasts/nipples and condom usage '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/policesub.jpg">
' *nl '"Alright...if that''s what it takes," You say reluctantly. You''re barely given a chance to put away the money before he''s pulling you to a dark, secluded area between two buildings. In the darkness, you can''t make out anything he''s doing. "Um, lets make this qui--" Your words are cut off as you''re shoved against the cold, hard brick wall of one of the buildings. You can only whimper as the officer presses his body against you.' *nl '"Shut up, slut," he breathes into your ear. "I''ll do what I want with you." Using one arm, he hooks it under both of yours and forces them behind your back while his free hand roughly kneads your breast. Violently, he yanks down your top to expose your breasts to the cool air and naturally your nipples begin to stiffen, something he takes as a sign that you''re enjoying yourself. "Such a dirty little whore..." He punctuates his sentence by taking your nipple between his fingers and pinching down hard.' gs 'arousal', 'breasts', 5, 'prostitution', 'rough' gs 'stat' act 'Beg him to be gentler': *clr & cla gs 'pain', 5, 'vaginal', 'tear' '"Ah! Please, not so rough..." You beg but it goes unheard. He continues to pinch and twist your nipple until they''re left red and tender. When he releases your arms, you collapse against the wall with a sigh of relief. You can''t see it, but you definitely hear the crinkle of a condom wrapper. At least he''s using protection.' 'Tugging and pulling at your clothes until your pussy is exposed, he plunges two fingers inside and spreads them a few times before removing them. "Bend over, slut," he orders and you obey quickly. You feel the tip of his rubbered cock for only a moment before he thrusts forward, the entire length of his member driven into you in one go. It''s uncomfortable to say the least, but you bite your lip to stifle a pained whimper. He drives his dick into you without pause or care for you over and over.' *nl '"I''m about to cum...!" You hear him groan and soon after he''s pressing balls deep inside you, his cock twitching as he fills the condom. He pulls out slow and you''re left feeling raw and numb.' *nl 'As you readjust your clothes, you see him tie up the used condom but rather than toss it, he puts it back in the wrapper. He''s not stupid, he he''s not going to leave any DNA evidence behind. "Alright, a deal''s a deal. You''re free to go," he tells you as he zips up his pants. As you make your way back to the street, you think you hear him say the boys will enjoy playing with you...' gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 10, 'rough', 'sub', 'prostitute' gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'rough', 'sub', 'prostitute' minut -= 10 gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' act 'Run away':gt 'street_walker', 'work' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'policesub2': *clr & cla gs 'pain', 5, 'vaginal', 'tear' gs 'pain', 2, 'twist', 'pinch' !! adds small sub stat gain + pain to boobs and pussy? add condom usage, please and thank you '
> src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/sex/policesub2.jpg">
' *nl '"Right...I understand..." You answer weakly as his grin widens. Leading him to quiet and secluded area, he wastes no time hiking your dress up and shoving his knee between your legs to spread them. Careless and rough, his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your breasts as he gropes them. You don''t do much except stand there, absently looking upward to the sky as you try your best to focus your attention on anything but this.' *nl '"Turn around," he orders and you obey without a word. You stick your ass out for him and he pulls your panties down to your thighs. You hear him spit, using it as improvised lube as he smears it along his condom covered dick. In one violent thrust, he''s buried deep inside your pussy, stretching your walls and filling you completely. You wince and grit your teeth as he fucks you fast and hard. His labored breathing picks up and with a grunt, you feel his cock throb as the condom is filled with his hot load. You stand there, bent over with him panting over you as you wait for his dick to stop twitching. Finally, he pulls out and you''re left with a dull pain between your legs.' *nl '"Alright," he begins while pulling the used condom off with a rubbery snap before tying it up neatly. "You can go now, whore." He snickers as he watches you pull your panties back up and readjust your clothes. Sore and humiliated, you stagger back to the streets.' gs 'arousal', 'breasts', 10, 'prostitution', 'rough', 'sub' gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'rough', 'sub', 'prostitute' minut -= 10 gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'stat' act 'Walk away':gt 'street_walker', 'work' end if $ARGS[0] = 'end': if prst_loc = 0: gt 'down' elseif prst_loc = 1: gt 'Nord', 'redlight' else gt 'street' end end --- street_walker ---------------------------------