KevinSmarts 7ed611577f New syntax packages for Atom, Sublime and VS Code from Xorgroth (F95 zone) 6 ani în urmă
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Atom SpacePen Views Build Status

This library contains SpacePen views that used to be provided as part of Atom Core. TextEditorView, SelectListView, and ScrollView exports from the atom module are now deprecated will soon be removed, but can still be used in packages by depending on this library in your package.json.


A text editor can now be created in Atom by inserting an <atom-text-editor> tag in any location you want an editor. However, if you still want to use the SpacePen view in order to conveniently convert packages off the deprecated export, you can use this class.


{View} = require 'space-pen'
{TextEditorView} = require 'atom-space-pen-views'

class MyView extends View
  @content: ->
    @div =>
      @div "Type your answer:"
      @subview 'answer', new TextEditorView(mini: true)

Constructor Params

Pass an optional params object to the constructor with the following keys:

  • mini If true, will construct a single-line editor for use as an input field.
  • placeholderText A string of placeholder text to appear in the editor when empty



Returns the underlying TextEditor model instance.


Handles several core events to update scroll position:

  • core:move-up Scrolls the view up
  • core:move-down Scrolls the view down
  • core:page-up Scrolls the view up by the height of the page
  • core:page-down Scrolls the view down by the height of the page
  • core:move-to-top Scrolls the editor to the top
  • core:move-to-bottom Scroll the editor to the bottom

Subclasses must call super if overriding the initialize method.


 {ScrollView} = require 'atom-space-pen-views'

 class MyView extends ScrollView
   @content: ->

   initialize: ->
     @text('super long content that will scroll')


Essential: Provides a view that renders a list of items with an editor that filters the items. Used by many packages such as the fuzzy-finder, command-palette, symbols-view and autocomplete.


{SelectListView} = require 'atom-space-pen-views'

class MySelectListView extends SelectListView
 initialize: ->
   @addClass('overlay from-top')
   @setItems(['Hello', 'World'])
   @panel ?= atom.workspace.addModalPanel(item: this) 

 viewForItem: (item) ->

 confirmed: (item) ->
   console.log("#{item} was selected")
 cancelled: ->
   console.log("This view was cancelled")


Subclasses Must Implement


Create a view for the given model item. This method must be overridden by subclasses. Called when the item is about to appended to the list view.

  • item The model item being rendered. This will always be one of the items previously passed to ::setItems.

Returns a String of HTML, DOM element, jQuery object, or View. Note the root element must be an li.


Callback function for when an item is selected. This method must be overridden by subclasses.

  • item The selected model item. This will always be one of the items previously passed to ::setItems.

Returns a DOM element, jQuery object, or {View}.

Managing the list of items


Set the array of items to display in the list. This should be model items, not actual views. ::viewForItem will be called to render the item when it is being appended to the list view.

  • items The array of model items to display in the list (default: []).


Get the model item that is currently selected in the list view.


Get the property name to use when filtering items.

This method may be overridden by classes to allow fuzzy filtering based on a specific property of the item objects.

For example if the objects you pass to {::setItems} are of the type {"id": 3, "name": "Atom"} then you would return "name" from this method to fuzzy filter by that property when text is entered into this view's editor.


Get the filter query to use when fuzzy filtering the visible elements.

By default this method returns the text in the mini editor but it can be overridden by subclasses if needed.

Returns a {String} to use when fuzzy filtering the elements to display.


Set the maximum numbers of items to display in the list.

This should be called before setItems is called or else the first time the list displays it will include all the items.

  • maxItems The maximum {Number} of items to display.


Extended: Populate the list view with the model items previously set by calling {::setItems}.

Subclasses may override this method but should always call super.



Set the error message to display.

  • message A string with an error message (default: '').


Set the loading message to display.

  • message A string with a loading message (default: '').


Get the message to display when there are no items.

Subclasses may override this method to customize the message.

  • itemCount The {Number} of items in the array specified to {::setItems}
  • filteredItemCount The {Number} of items that pass the fuzzy filter test.

Returns a {String} message (default: 'No matches found').

View Actions


Cancel and close this select list view.

This restores focus to the previously focused element if ::storeFocusedElement was called prior to this view being attached.


Focus the fuzzy filter editor view.


Store the currently focused element. This element will be given back focus when ::cancel is called.