
clean up `start`

Stephan Fuchs 6 ヶ月 前
27 ファイル変更173 行追加6569 行削除
  1. 0 0
  2. 0 0
  3. 0 0
  4. 172 0
  5. 0 113
  6. 0 1525
  7. 0 354
  8. 0 431
  9. 0 89
  10. 0 342
  11. 0 262
  12. 0 120
  13. 0 356
  14. 0 507
  15. 0 8
  16. 0 43
  17. 0 19
  18. 0 8
  19. 0 32
  20. 0 63
  21. 0 1104
  22. 0 127
  23. 0 313
  24. 1 1
  25. 0 271
  26. 0 114
  27. 0 367

+ 0 - 0
sugarcube/src/start/_dynamic/startStageDynamic.tw → sugarcube/src/_system/start/_dynamic/startStageDynamic.tw

+ 0 - 0
sugarcube/src/start/initialization/init_post_intro.tw → sugarcube/src/_system/start/initialization/init_post_intro.tw

+ 0 - 0
sugarcube/src/start/initialization/init_pre_intro.tw → sugarcube/src/_system/start/initialization/init_pre_intro.tw

+ 172 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+setup.getStartingCharacter = function(id=undefined){
+	id ??= State.variables.startCharacter;
+	let currentData = clone(setup.startingCharacters[id]);
+	currentData.inheritance = [id];
+	if("parent" in currentData){
+		let parentData = setup.getStartingCharacter(currentData.parent);
+		let newcurrentData = setup.mergeDeep(parentData,currentData,{inheritance:[...parentData.inheritance,...currentData.inheritance]});
+		currentData = newcurrentData;
+		delete currentData.parent;
+	}
+	return currentData;
+setup.getStartingCharactersByFilter = function(filters,shallow = true){
+	let result = {};
+	charLoop: for (const [charId, charData] of Object.entries(setup.startingCharacters)) {
+		for (const [filterKey, filterValue] of Object.entries(filters)) {
+			if(charData[filterKey] !== filterValue)
+				continue charLoop;
+			if(shallow)
+				result[charId] = charData;
+			else
+				result[charId] = setup.getStartingCharacter(charId);
+		}
+	}
+	return result;
+setup.startingCharacterApply = function(characterId){
+	const startCharacterData = setup.getStartingCharacter(characterId);
+	const variables = State.variables;
+	variables.startCharacter = characterId;
+	variables.pc.avatar = startCharacterData.image;
+	if(startCharacterData.time){
+		if(startCharacterData.time.start){
+			variables.time.initTime(
+				startCharacterData.time.start[0],
+				startCharacterData.time.start[1],
+				startCharacterData.time.start[2],
+				startCharacterData.time.start[3],
+				startCharacterData.time.start[4]);
+		}
+	}
+	variables.housing.home = startCharacterData.housing.home;
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.pc ?? {})){
+		variables.pc[_key] = _value;
+	}
+	for(const [_locationId,_locationValue] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.location ?? {})){
+		for(const [_fieldId,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_locationValue  ?? {})){
+			variables.location.set(_locationId,_fieldId,_fieldValue);
+		}
+	}
+	for(const [_locationTag,_locationTagValue] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.locationTags ?? {})){
+		for(const [_fieldId,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_locationTagValue  ?? {})){
+			variables.location.setTagValue(_locationTag,_fieldId,_fieldValue);
+		}
+	}
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.personality ?? {})){
+		variables.pc.personalityScale(_key).current = _value;
+	}
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.quests ?? {})){
+		if(_value === true){
+			variables.quest(_key).start();
+		}
+	}
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.skills ?? {})){
+		variables.pc.skillSetLevel(_key,_value);
+	}
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.traits ?? {})){
+		variables.pc.traitSet(_key,_value);
+	}
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.finances ?? {})){
+		variables.finances[_key] = _value;
+	}
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.items ?? {})){
+		if(typeof _value == "number")
+			variables.inventory.set(_key,_value);
+		else if(typeof _value === "object"){
+			if(_value.generateFunction)
+				variables.inventory.set(
+					_key,
+					1,
+					undefined,
+					Object.assign(
+						setup[_value.generateFunction](
+							...(_value.generateParameters ?? [])
+						),
+						{id:_key}
+					)
+				);
+			else
+				variables.inventory.set(_key,1,undefined,_value);
+		}
+	}
+	//<!-- NPCs -->
+		//<!-- BULK -->
+		for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.npcs?.bulk ?? {})){
+			let _filters = _value.filters ?? {};
+			for(const [_fieldKey,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_value.values ?? {})){
+				variables.npcs.setBulkByFilter(_filters,_fieldKey,_fieldValue);
+			}
+		}
+		//<!-- IDs: Need to come after bulk so they don't get overwritten -->
+		for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.npcs?.ids ?? {})){
+			for(const [_fieldKey,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_value)){
+				variables.npcs.set(_key,_fieldKey,_fieldValue);
+			}
+		}
+	//<!-- School stuff -->
+	if(startCharacterData.school){
+		for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.school.grades ?? {})){
+			variables.quest('school').func('grade_award',_key,_value);
+		}
+		variables.quest('school').func('initGroupMembership',startCharacterData.school.group);
+	}
+	//<!--Wardrobe -->
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.wardrobe?.items ?? {})){
+		if(_value === 'wear')
+			variables.wardrobe.wear(_key);
+		else if(_value === 'add')
+			variables.wardrobe.add(_key);
+	}
+	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.wardrobe?.itemsByFilter ?? {})){
+		let _filters = _value.filters;
+		let _count = _value.count ?? 1;
+		let _action = _value.action ?? 'add';
+		let _itemIds = variables.wardrobe.allItemIdsFiltered(_filters,_count,true);
+		for(const _itemId of _itemIds){
+			switch(_action){
+				case 'add':
+					variables.wardrobe.add(_itemId);
+					break;
+				case 'wear':
+					variables.wardrobe.wear(_itemId);
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes = function(tag){
+	const startData = setup.getStartingCharacter(State.variables.startCharacter) ?? {};
+	const startDataTags = startData.tags ?? [];
+	return startDataTags.includes(tag);
+setup.startingCharacters ??= {};

+ 0 - 113

@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_city_m
-<<set $here = 'intro_city_m'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start'>>
-	<<set $menu_off = 1>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_gadukino.jpg">>
-	<p>After your last year of school, you had saved up enough money to get your own apartment in the city. <<npc 'A29' undefined 'Your mother'>><</npc>> convinced you to spend the day at your grandparents farm in the village of Gadukino, but there's nothing to do here but watch animals graze and help your grandparents, which does earn you some extra cash, even if it's very tedious.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Take a walk'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_woods.jpg">>
-		After several hours, you grow bored and decide to go for a walk through the forest, spending most of the time on your phone.
-		Your phone signal then drops, meaning you've strayed too far from the village. Looking up, you don't recognise anything and suddenly realize that you are lost.
-		<<actCLA 'Find a way back'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_ruin.jpg">>
-			You try to find your way back, but the only thing you manage to do is get even more lost. After hours of wandering around, you come across an old ruin.
-			<<actCLA 'Take a break'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_1.jpg">>
-				You take a seat on a large stone in the ruins and take a breath. You're starting to get hungry, and stomp your foot in frustration. The floor suddenly gives way and you desperately try to hold on to something, but everything in reach comes loose and falls down the hole with you. You feel slightly dazed, but after a quick check you seem to be uninjured. You seem to be in an underground chamber of some sort and looking up, you see that climbing out is not an option.
-				You spot an old gate, but it's either locked or rusted shut. The only way out seems to be the tunnel on the other side of the chamber. You pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight before heading into the tunnel.
-				<<actCLA 'Follow the tunnel'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_2.jpg">>
-					The tunnel goes on for what feels like miles. You start to worry that your phone battery will die.
-					<<actCLA 'Further'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-						<p>Reaching the end of the tunnel, you find a dead end. Or at least it seems so. You can see light coming through the cracks in the wall, so you do your best to knock it down. The wall crumbles and you find yourself in another chamber filled with old pottery and baubles. Opposite you is another tunnel, which hopefully leads outside. In the center of the room is an altar and on it is what seems to be centerpiece of this room; a strange amulet.</p>
-						<<actCLA 'Examine the amulet'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/item_amulet.jpg">>
-							<p>You take the amulet in your hands and notice it's much lighter than it looks and is unusually warm for a piece of metal. It's shaped like an antique oil lamp and... is that a penis?</p>
-							As you're about to pocket it, the amulet grows even hotter and zaps you, forcing you to drop it. You decide that it's best to try and find a way out.
-							<<actCLA 'Find a way out'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-								You follow the passage and find yourself in a construction site. There are several <b>keep out</b> signs visible from here. Shit.
-								<<actCLA 'Sneak out'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_road.jpg">>
-									The workers shift has long since finished, so sneaking out is not too hard. The site is on the highway so hopefully you can make it back before your mother starts freaking out. As you start walking back, you feel a sudden rush of heat and find yourself falling...
-									<<act 'Continue'>>
-										<<gt 'intro_city_m' 'wakeup'>>
-									<</act>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'wakeup'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-	<p>You wake up in an unfamiliar room. Standing near you is a red-haired girl.</p>
-	<p>"Ah, you woke up," she chirps. "We found you half-dead, you know. You almost didn't make it. You shouldn't be fondling ancient amulets you know nothing about."</p>
-	"I did some research on what happened to you. Turns out the Amulet of Power passed to you, which should only happen if touched by a male mage. Unfortunately, I've got some bad news for you. Reinhold, a really powerful mage, has been tracking down this amulet for a while now and if he realizes that the amulet''s power has passed to you, he might think you pose a risk."
-	<<actCLA 'What`s going on?'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-		<p>"What the hell is going on?" you respond. You try to move your hands, but you're tied to the bed.</p>
-		"I'll start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Milennia ago, the world was not the same. The fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance, but the succubus were free to breed with whomever they wished."
-		"They bred with humans and so human magicians were born. The Sidhe, as the most powerful of the fae, feared the increasing number of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them. This prevented one from being able to reproduce without the other."
-		"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in their bodies and it is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic."
-		<p>The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignores magic or are protected from it by magic's natural desire to remain hidden, but last night there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly seen by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search. That source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could do untold horrors."</p>
-		She stops for a few seconds for you to process the information. It seems really far fetched.
-		"Reinhold wants to prevent the amulet being misused. He is tasked with maintaining order and will search for you."
-		<<actCLA 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-			<p>"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures, but the rest of us just don't see it, or convince ourselves it didn't happen?"</p>
-			The girl nods. "Yes. You're a quick student. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet. All this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. The human mind can't process magic, so it blocks it as a way to protect the person from going crazy."
-			"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists and spontaneous combustion are when people encounter a difficult to hide phenomenon and the conclusion is flawed. In some cases, if someone''s mind can't cope with the spell they witness, they can be driven insane."
-			<<actCLA 'And who are you?'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-				<p>"And who are you?" you ask.</p>
-				<p>The girl smiles. "Me? I'm Tatiana, a young mage with a keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He's a Mutant due to magical exposure. It gives him unmatched physical strength and he is a great tracker."</p>
-				"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."
-				<<actCLA 'What do you want from me?'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-					<p>"What do you want from me?" you ask.</p>
-					"Well, the amulet obviously," Tatiana replies. "When I looked for you, I was hoping to get that object of power to study, but the power transferred to you first. The amulet will now be pretty much useless."
-					"But this is not good for you. You may think that since you have the amulet''s power, you can do anything. But in reality, you're helpless without the skill to use it. Its power already knocked you out and I had to use magic to stabilize you."
-					<<actCLA 'What is this amulet?'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-						<p>"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.</p>
-						Tatiana thinks about it for a few seconds. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians before he died. He taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form and making it only activate for a male mage."
-						<p>"Great. So I've been thrown into this mess by the dead owner of that ancient tomb. Hang on! I'm not male or a mage, how could the power be transferred to me?"</p>
-						"It seems that its long time underground caused it to malfunction and its power has entered your body."
-						"You're lucky to be a woman," Tatiana adds. "Rikudo''s power seems to only work if it is in a man''s body. Since you can't harness its power, you shouldn''t arouse any suspicion."
-						<<actCLA 'So what should I do?'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-							"Lay low for now. Get on with your life. We'll contact you if anything comes up. Gustav here will drop you off at your apartment. Don't worry I already let your parents and grandparent know you decided to head back to your apartment in Pavlovsk."
-							<<actCLA 'Follow Gustav'>>
-								<<set $finances.cash = 5000>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/start_sg.jpg">>
-								You give Gustav directions to your apartment building. Half an hour later, he drops you off in front of your apartment building in Pavlovsk. You head inside and feeling exhausted after the days events you go to your room and collapse on the bed, quickly falling asleep.
-								<<act '<center><b>Done</b></center>'>>
-									<<gt 'intro_city' 'city_intro'>>
-								<</act>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'welcome_intro'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization_city'>>
-	<!-- !! Welcome to Girl Life speech-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 100>>
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/5_city/city_start.jpg">>
-	<p>Welcome to the magical girl version of Girl Life! You are finally free of your parents and ready to face all the freedoms and challenges that entails. Guide $pc.name_nick through her school life, relationships and myriad of other issues that might pop up, all with the added spice of magic to keep things interesting!</p>
-	Don't forget to enroll in university during August if that's a goal you want to pursue.
-	<<act 'Start the game'>>
-		<<gt 'korr'>>
-	<</act>>

+ 0 - 1525

@@ -1,1525 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_city_select
-<<set $here = 'intro_city_select'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start'>>
-	<!-- !!--------------------------inner thought stuff---------------------------------->
-	<<set $OpenInnerThought = '<i><font color='magenta'>'>>
-	<<set $CloseInnerThought = '</font></i>'>>
-	<<set $pc.age = 18>>
-	<<set $time.month = 6>>
-	<<set $time.day = 4>>
-	<<set $time.weekday = 2>>
-	<<set $time.hour = 13>>
-	<<set $time.year = 2017>>
-	<!-- !!		Body-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_hgt = 170>>
-	<<set $pc.salo = 60>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = 0>>
-	<<set $dick = 0>>
-	<!-- !!		Stats-->
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',40)>>
-	<<set $pc.muscularity = 20>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',40)>>
-	<<set $pc.dexterity = 15>>
-	<<set $pc.vitality = 40>>
-	<<set $pc.healthiness = 25>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',40)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',40)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',40)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',40)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('perception',40)>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_makeup = 5>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_purse_7')>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 15>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',15)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('art',15)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('computer',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('hacking',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('chess',15)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('dance',30)>>
-	<<set $cltarelka = 1>>
-	<<set $fairy = 10>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('food',5)>>
-	<<set $poroshok = 5>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',20)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('sanpad',10)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('tampon',15)>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_energy = 100>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_hydra = 100>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_sleep = 100>>
-	<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 60>>-->
-	<<if setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes('city')>>
-		<<gs 'homes_properties' 'give_access' 'homeParents'>>
-		<<set $SchoolAtestat = 1>>
-		<<gs 'homes_properties' 'rent_property' 'city_apartment' 61>>
-		<<gs 'homes_properties' 'set_home' 'city_apartment'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $ml_update_1 = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.birthyear = 1999>>
-	<<set $time.yearlefttemp = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.birthmonth = 4>>
-	<<set $pc.birthday = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.hairColor = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.eyesize = 2>>
-	<<set $pc.lip_size = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_energy = 60>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_hydra = 60>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_sleep = 70>>
-	<<set $pc.pubesLength = 30>>
-	<<set $pc.legHair = 12>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_makeup = 5>>
-	<<set $finances.cash = 20000>>
-	<<set $pcs_dna = setup.func('dna','generate',$npc('A29').dna,$npc('A35').dna)>>
-	<<set $class_list_institution to null>>
-	<<set $class_list_name to null>>
-	<<gs 'npcstatic1'>>
-	<<gs 'npcstatic2'>>
-	<<gs 'npcstatic3'>>
-	<<gs 'npcstatic4'>>
-	<<gs 'npcstatic5'>>
-	<<gs 'npcstatic6'>>
-	<!-- !! default friendship is 30 for all  npcs-->
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'default'>>
-	<!-- !! changes the values for family members and old friends-->
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'default_family_friends'>>
-	<!-- !! Makes sure Christina hates the player character-->
-	<<set $npc('A18').rel = 1>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/pre_1.jpg">>
-	<<set $npc_father = 'A28'>>
-	<<set $npc_mother = 'A29'>>
-	<<set $npc_aunt = 'A30'>>
-	<<set $npc_sister = 'A33'>>
-	<<set $npc_brother = 'A34'>>
-	<p>
-		Your mother's name is <<textbox "_motherName" $npc($npc_mother).firstname>> and your biological father left when you were a baby,
-		your mother marrying your stepfather, <<textbox "_fatherName" $npc($npc_father).firstname>>, shortly afterwards.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		<<textbox "_sisterName" $npc($npc_sister).firstname>> is your older sister, who is two years older than you but is still living at home while working at the local grocery store.
-		She chose not to attend university and instead spends most of her free time drinking and going to parties with her friends, much to your mother's dismay.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		You also have a younger half-brother, <<textbox "_brotherName" $npc($npc_brother).firstname>>, who is really into sports, especially football, and is shaping up to be a fine athlete.
-		He is a year younger than you and his father is your stepfather.
-	</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_father).firstname = _fatherName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_mother).firstname = _motherName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_aunt  ).firstname = _auntName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_sister).firstname = _sisterName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_brother).firstname = _brotherName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_father).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_mother).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_sister).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_brother).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc('A54').firstname = _nameA54>>
-		<<set $npc('A11').firstname = _nameA11>>
-		<<set $npc('A112').firstname = _nameA112>>
-		<<set $npc('A11').lastname = _nameLastA11>>
-		<<set $npc('A112').lastname = _nameLastA11>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'start2'>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start2'>>
-	<<set $locM = 'intro_city_select'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'start2'>>
-	<!-- !!make sure this image shows up above the text that shows your birthday-->
-	<!-- !date_toggle = args[1]-->
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/pre_2.jpg">>
-	<p>Your birthday: <<textbox "$pc.birthday" $pc.birthday>>.<<textbox "$pc.birthmonth" $pc.birthmonth>>.<<textbox "$pc.birthyear" $pc.birthyear>> (DD.MM.YYYY)</p>
-	<<act 'Confirm'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'charselect'>>
-	<<set $locM to null>>
-	<<set $locM_arg to null>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/pre_4.jpg">>
-	Select your personality/social group. Your social group will have a major defining impact upon your life in school and will determine your starting friends, traits and overall look. While you can always change groups later, it takes time and effort, so choose wisely.
-	<p>Nerds, geeks and good students - These students tend to do well in school and are well liked by teachers and other adults. They tend to not have many friends outside of their own social group, however, and are also sometimes picked on or bullied. They are subpar athletically and place less value on looks and social skills than other cliques.</p>
-	<p>Jocks and natural athletes - These students are gifted in their chosen sport and are very athletically inclined. This means that they tend to be fit and in good shape, often making them better looking than many of the other students. They get along with other jocks and are respected by the cool kids while being feared by the nerds and losers. They don't value academic achievements and can come into conflict with the gopniks and other troublemakers.</p>
-	<p>The popular, cool and beautiful - These students are typically socially-gifted and are often blessed with natural good looks. They are envied by many because of this, and most want to be their friends. More than any other clique, they have the ability to ruin someone's reputation and make them social outcasts, which earns them the fear of many students. Being cool and good looking is all they value, so they tend to be subpar both athletically and academically.</p>
-	<p>Gopniks, rebels, punks and troublemakers - These students don't play by the rules and, in fact, will often happily piss on them if given half a chance. They are in decent shape from all of their fighting and troublemaking, but their predilection for drinking, smoking and drugs often counteracts this to a point. They are not the most well-liked students; teachers and parents alike take a dim view of them, as do the local police. Most students fear them, either from the years of bullying or from the gopniks' willingness to fight. Some students secretly envy their carefree attitude and apparent ability to sneer and wave off many of the social pitfalls that other students face.</p>
-	<p>Losers, teachers' pets, sluts and the ugly - These students are the outcasts, the people no one likes to spend time with, other than to bully them. Perhaps they are just socially awkward and never made many friends, broke one of the unwritten social rules, are ugly, a snitch, a slut and/or an outed gay boy. Either way, they all have one thing in common: they are easy targets to bully and mock.</p>
-	<<act 'Full custom setup'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'start'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<actCLA 'Nerd'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'nerdinfo'>>
-		<<act 'I was the Queen of the Nerds!'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'nerdqueen'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was a good student'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'goodstudent'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was a computer geek'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'computergeek'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was an avid chess player'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'chessplayer'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA 'Jock'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'jockinfo'>>
-		<<act 'I was an avid volleyball player'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'volleyball'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was an avid dancer'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'dancer'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was an avid runner'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'runner'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was an avid football player'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'football'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA 'Popular'>>
-		<!-- !!if we can do school uniforms gets an appropriate or borderline uniform.-->
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'popularinfo'>>
-		<<act 'I had a lot of friends'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'socialite'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was beautiful'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'beautiful'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA 'Gopnik'>>
-		<!-- !!If you can do uniforms then they can choose inappropriate or borderline-->
-		<!-- !!can pick 1-3 tattoos at start-->
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'gopnikinfo'>>
-		<<act 'I was a gopnik'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'gopnikstart'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was a punk or troublemaker'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'troublemaker'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was an alternative, party girl or rebel'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'alternative'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA 'Outcast'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'outcastinfo'>>
-		<<act 'I had no friends'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'friendless'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was an ugly duckling'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'uglyduckling'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was a good girl'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'goodgirl'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was a slut'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'slut'>>
-		<</act>>
-		<<act 'I was the resident goth'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'goth'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA 'Random personality'>>
-		<!-- !! This allows the player to select a random personality.-->
-		<<set $persrand = rand(0, 17)>>
-		<<if getvar("$persrand") <= 3>>
-			<!-- !! Nerd-->
-			<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'nerdinfo'>>
-			<<if getvar("$persrand") == 0>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'nerdqueen'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 1>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'goodstudent'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 2>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'computergeek'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 3>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'chessplayer'>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif getvar("$persrand") <= 7>>
-			<!-- !! Jock-->
-			<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'jockinfo'>>
-			<<if getvar("$persrand") == 4>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'volleyball'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 5>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'dancer'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 6>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'runner'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 7>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'football'>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif getvar("$persrand") <= 9>>
-			<!-- !! Popular-->
-			<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'popularinfo'>>
-			<<if getvar("$persrand") == 8>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'socialite'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 9>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'beautiful'>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif getvar("$persrand") <= 12>>
-			<!-- !! Gopnik-->
-			<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'gopnikinfo'>>
-			<<if getvar("$persrand") == 10>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'gopnikstart'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 11>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'troublemaker'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 12>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'alternative'>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif getvar("$persrand") <= 17>>
-			<!-- !! Outcast-->
-			<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'outcastinfo'>>
-			<<if getvar("$persrand") == 13>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'friendless'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 14>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'uglyduckling'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 15>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'goodgirl'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 16>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'slut'>>
-			<<elseif getvar("$persrand") == 17>>
-				<<set $persrand to null>>
-				<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'goth'>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'nerdinfo'>>
-	<h2>Nerd</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_0.jpg">>
-	<p>Growing up, you spent virtually all of your free time at home, pursuing various cerebral pursuits. These might have included reading comics, fantasy or sci-fi books, learning about chess or computers or playing cards, board games and RPGs with the other nerds, in addition to faithfully going to school. While you gained a huge amount of knowledge from this, your lack of interest in exercising as a child has left your body a little frail.</p>
-	<p>The long nights of trying to read in poor light have also taken a toll on your eyesight and you now require glasses. Your cerebral pursuits also had somewhat of a negative impact on your friendship with <<=$npc('A11').firstname>> as you grew up. He became a gopnik and the two of you slowly started hanging out often, although you still considered each other to be friends. On the plus side, doing well in school made your parents happy. You were...</p>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'jockinfo'>>
-	<h2>Jock</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_0.jpg">>
-	<p>While you were growing up, you spent virtually all of your free time outdoors. You loved playing sports, running, biking and hiking. This has kept you in fairly good shape, as well as decently socially active in a variety of team sports over the years. Doing this, however, negatively impacted your friendship with <<=$npc('A11').firstname>>. As you grew up, he became a gopnik and the two of you slowly started hanging out less often, although you still considered each other to be friends. From all the sports available, you were an...</p>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'popularinfo'>>
-	<h2>Popular</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/popular_0.jpg">>
-	<p>You spent most of your childhood outdoors, playing with other boys and girls. As a result, you're quite healthy and have a keen understanding about how to get yourself out of trouble (or shifting the blame to someone else). You were never interested in school or sports, however, and are only a sub-par student. Your popularity has negatively impacted your relationship with <<=$npc('A11').firstname>>, and you weren't as close as you once were. You were popular because...</p>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'gopnikinfo'>>
-	<h2>Gopnik</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_0.jpg">>
-	<p>You spent most of your childhood outdoors, playing with other boys and girls. As a result, you're quite healthy. As you got older, you lost any interest you might have once had with fitting in - now you do your own thing, and you're ready to tell anyone where they can stick it if they have a problem with that.</p>
-	<p>As you and <<=$npc('A11').firstname>> walked a similar path, your bond of friendship only deepened. This has had some repercussions on your school performance; you're a sub-par student. It has also had some less than enjoyable consequences, leading you into more than your fair share of fights, into all sorts of problems at home, landing you in trouble at school and even into a few run-ins with the local police. Most people considered you to be...</p>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'outcastinfo'>>
-	<h2>Outcast</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_0.jpg">>
-	You never really fit in. You're just one of those individuals who, by choice or circumstance, never really clicked with the other kids. As you got older things only got worse, and you were seen as an outcast and considered in the same vein as sluts, losers, gay boys and the like.
-	<p>Being an outcast also had a somewhat negative impact on your friendship with <<=$npc('A11').firstname>>. As you grew up, he became a gopnik and the two of you slowly started hanging out, although you still considered each other to be friends - if just barely. You had no other real friends, and you were bullied and made fun of all the time because...</p>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'nerd'>>
-	<<set $pc.tan = 0>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('gaming',20)>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-		<<set $pc.hairColor = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-		<<set $pc.eyecolor = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $fantasybook = 5>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('setGroupMembership','nerds')>>
-	<<set $finances.cash += 3000>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',20)>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.eyesize = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.eyelashes = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',60)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('computer',30)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('chess',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('gaming',30)>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 20>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',25)>>
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -5 -5 30 0 5 30>>
-	<<set $npc('A129').rel += 10>>
-	<<set $npc('A28').rel += 10>>
-	<<set $npc('A29').rel += 10>>
-	<<set $pc.genbsize = 13>>
-	<!-- !!b cup for ideal bmi-->
-	<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_points',60)>>
-	<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_status',2)>>
-	<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_lernHome',5)>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'nerdqueen'>>
-	<h2>Queen of the nerds</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_1.webp">>
-	While you love all things nerdy or geeky, what you loved the most was hanging out with your fellow nerds and doing nerdy things together. This made you fairly social for a nerd and more general in your areas of knowledge.
-	As you got older and started to develop as a woman, it also made you much more aware of your sexuality than most nerds are comfortable with. As such, you cultivated that awareness more than most and were more at ease with your body than the other nerds. By nerd standards, you were confident, dynamic and attractive. This led to you being the leader of your group of friends, and you were more acceptable to other social groups as a result, especially the cool kids, who seemed to respect your social skills and looks.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'nerd'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 8>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('iceskating',10)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('persuasion',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',30)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 20>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',25)>>
-		<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','ears',2)>>
-		<<set $PirsC2_owned = 1>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('fashionista_purse_13')>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 10 5 10 5 5 5>>
-		<<set $npc('A18').rel = 1>>
-		<!-- !!make sure this coming after the gs code above will still set christina to a 1 relationship if I did this correctly. If not, look for this in other spots and fix it-->
-		<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',10)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('razor',10)>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 300>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 3>>
-			<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 700>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = -1>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 22>>
-		<!-- !!d cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<set $pc.salo = 87>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 70>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',75)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',75)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',80)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'goodstudent'>>
-	<h2>Good student</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_2.jpg">>
-	You just loved school, and your grades were more than good enough to attend the university of your choosing after graduation. You have always tried to absorb every bit of knowledge possible and did everything you could to excel in school.
-	While this attitude gained you a lot of respect from the other nerds, it didn''t earn you a lot of friends and you never found the time for sports. You were often asked to be a tutor and sometimes found yourself forced to do others'' homework for them.
-	Now you are in the big city with a whole new world to absorb, although a part of you already misses school.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'nerd'>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_points',100)>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_status',3)>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 9>>
-		<<if $pc.glass < 1>>
-			<<set $pc.glass = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',70)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('playInstrument',10)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('art',10)>>
-		<<set $finances.cash += 2000>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 600>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 93>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 18>>
-		<!-- !!c cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 0 0 5 0 0 20>>
-		<<set $npc('A29').rel += 20>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 200>>
-		<</if>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 75>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',90)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'computergeek'>>
-	<h2>Computer geek</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_3.jpg">>
-	<p>You were always into computers, whether it be by playing video games, taking computers apart or learning programing and even hacking. You love everything about computers, but this passion left you little time to make friends - real-life friends, at least.</p>
-	You managed to befriend many online players that you talked to while playing various video games, however, and you rarely spent any time outdoors, nor money on clothes or other girly stuff. You were far more interested in saving your money for a better computer in order to play even better games.
-	Now you are on your own in the big city, and you will need most of your money to live on instead.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'nerd'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 10>>
-		<<if $pc.glass < 1>>
-			<<set $pc.glass = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',65)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('computer',50)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('hacking',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('gaming',40)>>
-		<<set $internet = 20>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 500>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 56>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 20>>
-		<<set $npc('A152').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A153').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A142').rel += 15>>
-		<<set $npc('A129').rel += 10>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('computer',1)>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 120>>
-		<</if>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 60>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',95)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',85)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'chessplayer'>>
-	<h2>Avid chess player</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_4.jpg">>
-	<p>You were always into chess as a child, and have studied all the great chess masters. You can name them all, as well as their favorite strategies! You find nothing more interesting than matching your wits against someone else's in a game of chess. It has left you with the ability to often see the consequences of your actions better than most as you are used to looking several moves ahead. All of this left you with little time to make many friends, or spend much time outdoors.</p>
-	Now you are on your own living in the big city. You had already planned things out, but now that you're here, you have more options than you thought. You can get a job now or go to the university and get a better education like you had originally planned.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'nerd'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 11>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',65)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('perception',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('chess',40)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 600>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 97>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 15>>
-		<<set $chessyear = $time.year>>
-		<<set $chessmonth = $time.month>>
-		<<set $npc('A151').rel += 20>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 200>>
-		<</if>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 65>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',85)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',85)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'jock'>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',50)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',80)>>
-	<<set $pc.vitality = 50>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',50)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',50)>>
-	<<set $pc.genbsize = 12>>
-	<!-- !!b cup for ideal bmi-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 600>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',10)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('razor',10)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',20)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('tampon',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('run',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('bushcraft',5)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('football',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('volleyball',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('dance',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('iceskating',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',30)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',20)>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 20>>
-	<<set $swim_start = 1>>
-	<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','ears',1)>>
-	<<set $PirsC1_owned = 1>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('fashionista_purse_11')>>
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 15 30 -5 0 -10 0>>
-	<<run $npcs.dec('A129','rel',10)>>
-	<<set $npc('A18').rel = 1>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('hairScrunchie',10)>>
-	<<set $hscrunchw = 0>>
-	<<set $pc.tan = 20>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 55>>
-		<<set $pc.hairColor = 3>>
-		<<set $pc.eyecolor = 3>>
-		<<set $pc.eyesize = 3>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-		<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $npc('A34').rel += 10>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('setGroupMembership','jocks')>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'volleyball'>>
-	<h2>Volleyball player</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_1.jpg">>
-	<p>Ever since you first played volleyball, you have been in love with the sport. You spent a lot of your free time trying to improve your ability, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with volleyball, however, had some repercussions on your school performance. You were a sub-par student, and didn't make many friends outside of your fellow jocks.</p>
-	<p>Now that you are in the big city, it seems your talent for volleyball is less respected. Perhaps it's time to find something other than sports to be passionate about?</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'jock'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 12>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',55)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',55)>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 17>>
-		<!-- !!c cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<set $pc.salo = 75>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('volleyball',50)>>
-		<<set $gsAboVolley += 30>>
-		<<set $npc('A13').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A69').rel += 10>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 70>>-->
-		<<set $school_clothing = 7>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',95)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'dancer'>>
-	<h2>Avid dancer</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_2.jpg">>
-	<p>You fell in love with dancing at an early age and never looked back. You spent a lot of your free time trying to improve your skills, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with dancing, however, had some repercussions on your school performance. You were a sub-par student and didn't make many friends other than the jocks, but you were good friends with Albina Barlovskaya, a girl who was even more passionate about dancing than you.</p>
-	<p>Now that you are in the big city, it seems your dancing talent is less respected. Perhaps it's time to find something other than sports to be passionate about?</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'jock'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 13>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',55)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',55)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',45)>>
-		<<set $pcs_perform = 40>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',40)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 700>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = -1>>
-		<<set $pc.tan = 5>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 50>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 200>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('dance',50)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',30)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 30>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',35)>>
-		<<set $gsAboDance += 30>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 5 0 0 -5 0 0>>
-		<<set $npc('A23').rel = 80>>
-		<<setinit $AlbinaQW['Friends'] = 2>>
-		<<set $npc('A144').rel += 10>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 80>>-->
-		<<set $school_clothing = 7>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',95)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'runner'>>
-	<h2>Track runner</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_3.jpg">>
-	<p>Ever since you first tried track, you have been in love with the sport. When you’re running, the rest of the world fades away and you experience a natural high like no other. You spent a lot of your free time trying to get better at it, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with running, however, had some repercussions on your school performance. You were a sub-par student, and you didn't make many friends other than the jocks and your coach.</p>
-	<p>Now that you are in the big city, it seems your running talents are less respected. Perhaps it's time to find something other than sports to be passionate about?</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'jock'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 14>>
-		<<set $pc.vitality = 55>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',55)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 25>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 60>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('run',55)>>
-		<<set $gsAboBeg += 30>>
-		<<set $npc('A3').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A5').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A8').rel += 5>>
-		<<set $npc('A18').rel = 1>>
-		<<set $npc('A131').rel += 10>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 65>>-->
-		<<set $school_clothing = 7>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',75)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',95)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'football'>>
-	<h2>Football player</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_4.jpg">>
-	<p>Ever since your first football game, you have been in love with the sport. You spent a lot of your free time trying to get better at it, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with football had some repercussions on your school performance, however, and you were a sub-par student. You didn't make many friends other than the jocks, especially <<=$npc('A149').firstname>> and your coach.</p>
-	<p>Now that you are in the big city, it seems your talent for football is less respected. Perhaps it's time to find something other than sports to be passionate about?</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'jock'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 15>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',80)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',55)>>
-		<<set $pc.vitality = 55>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 80>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 17>>
-		<!-- !!c cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('kick',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('football',55)>>
-		<<set $npc('A131').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A149').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A34').rel += 10>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 75>>-->
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('fashionista_purse_11')>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 7>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',95)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'cool'>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',50)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',50)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('perception',50)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('iceskating',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('dance',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('persuasion',30)>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 20>>
-	<<set $swim_start = 99>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',20)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',20)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('razor',20)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('tampon',20)>>
-	<<set $finances.cash += 1000>>
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 30 20 0 -10 -20 10>>
-	<<run $npcs.dec('A129','rel',20)>>
-	<<set $npc('A144').rel += 10>>
-	<<set $npc('A18').rel = 1>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-		<<set $pc.hairColor = 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-		<<set $pc.eyecolor = 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $pc.tan = 30>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.eyesize = 2>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-		<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 700>>
-	<<set $pc.tan = 5>>
-	<<set $npc('A33').rel += 10>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('setGroupMembership','cool')>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'socialite'>>
-	<h2>Sociable</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/popular_1.jpg">>
-	You were friends with all of the important kids at school, which is what really mattered. You were very social growing up and enjoyed being around others, often becoming the center of attention. You have always had a knack for knowing the right thing to say at the right moment, which led to many other students wanting to be your friend. You can, with a little work, get along with nearly anyone.
-	Now you find yourself in the big city and you no longer feel like the big important fish in a small pond. Everyone is more busy and there is just so many more people.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'cool'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 16>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',55)>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 18>>
-		<!-- !!c cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',40)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',40)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',30)>>
-		<<set $pcs_perform = 20>>
-		<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','ears',1)>>
-		<<set $PirsC1_owned = 1>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('fashionista_purse_4')>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 6>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 200>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $npc('A140').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 80>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 70>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',90)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',65)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',65)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'beautiful'>>
-	<h2>Beautiful</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/popular_2.jpg">>
-	<p>You might not have been the smartest, the most social, the most athletic or had the toughest attitude - but what you did have were natural good looks. That’s not something you can earn! You blossomed earlier than most girls and the boys took note. As you got older your looks only improved, and you were often considered one of the best looking girls in school.</p>
-	Now that you are in the city, you are still better looking than most, but you can't help but notice the occasional girl that is even better looking than you. It seems the boys are also not as impressed at your looks as they once were.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'cool'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 17>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',25)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',55)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',45)>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 300>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.lip_size = 3>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 2>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 6>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 800>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = -1>>
-		<<set $pc.tan = 50>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 22>>
-		<!-- !!d cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 25>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',50)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('falselashesplain',10)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('falselashesmink',2)>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('fashionista_purse_9')>>
-		<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('comb',1)>>
-		<<set $kosmetitka = 10>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('sunblock',10)>>
-		<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','ears',2)>>
-		<<set $PirsC2_owned = 1>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting_boys' 10 10 10 10 10 0>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 75>>
-		<<fame 'pav' 'sex' 20>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 80>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',60)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',60)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'gopnik'>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',45)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',55)>>
-	<<set $pc.vitality = 45>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',45)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',45)>>
-	<<set $pc.genbsize = 13>>
-	<!-- !!b cup for ideal bmi-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 25>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',25)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',10)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',20)>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('razor',10)>>
-	<<set $siga = 20>>
-	<<set $fakepassport = 1>>
-	<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','ears',1)>>
-	<<set $PirsC1_owned = 1>>
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -5 0 -10 30 -10 -10>>
-	<<run $npcs.dec('A129','rel',30)>>
-	<<set $npc('A11').rel += 10>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('tampon',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('run',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',10)>>
-	<<set $pc.tan = 10>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 120>>
-		<<set $pc.hairColor = 0>>
-		<<set $pc.eyecolor = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.eyesize = 3>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-		<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 600>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_vag = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_throat = 1>>
-	<<run $pc.sexStatSet('hj','aware',10)>>
-	<<run $pc.sexStatSet('bj','aware',5)>>
-	<<run $pc.sexStatSet('vaginal','aware',1)>>
-	<<set $Gspassed = 0>>
-	<<fame 'pav' 'sex' 30>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('setGroupMembership','gopniks')>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'gopnikstart'>>
-	<h2>Gopnik</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_1.jpg">>
-	You were a gopnik in school. While you were still low in the gopnik pecking order, you had already proven yourself to them and most of them accepted you as an equal. You had problems at home and school due to your antisocial behavior, especially with your mother and stepfather, who seen you going down the wrong path.
-	Now you are in the big city, a whole new playground to find trouble in.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'gopnik'>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -10 -10 -10 5 -10 -10>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 18>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',75)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.vitality = 45>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('jabs',35)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('punch',35)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('kick',35)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('defense',35)>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 86>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 5>>
-		<<set $npc('A9').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A10').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A11').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A20').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A21').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A24').rel += 10>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A28','rel',10)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A29','rel',20)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A33','rel',10)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A34','rel',10)>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 75>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',25)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'troublemaker'>>
-	<h2>Troublemaker</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_2.jpg">>
-	You were a troublemaker in school. Nothing made you happier than causing problems, whether it be petty larceny, getting into fights or vandalism. You lived for the thrill of breaking the rules and got along fairly well with the gopniks, who accepted you as a kindred spirit. If you couldn''t find any trouble, you would happily make your own. You had problems at home and school due to your antisocial behavior, especially with your mother and stepfather, who see you going down the wrong path.
-	Now you are in the big city, a whole new playground to find trouble in.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_points',-50)>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'gopnik'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 19>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 30>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',65)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('jabs',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('punch',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('kick',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('defense',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',10)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('persuasion',10)>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 65>>
-		<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','nose',4)>>
-		<<set $PirsD4_owned = 1>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('dolls_purse_16')>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 5>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") != 1>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 55>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 0 0 -10 10 -10 -10>>
-		<<set $npc('A24').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A155').rel += 15>>
-		<<set $npc('A157').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A143').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A144').rel += 15>>
-		<<set $npc('A145').rel += 10>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A28','rel',10)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A29','rel',20)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A33','rel',10)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A34','rel',10)>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 70>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',25)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<!-- !!Vitek GF was removed as a choice as it doesn''t fit. He stayed in Pavlovsk and wouldn''t let his GF move to the city, so she would have to break up with him.-->
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'alternative'>>
-	<!-- !!can choose two more starting tattoo''s-->
-	<h2>Alternative</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_4.jpg">>
-	<p>You marched to your own tune. You did what you wanted when you wanted, and did it with a fuck-it-all attitude. The gopniks respected you even though you weren't one of them, but you had problems at home and school due to your behavior, especially with your mother and stepfather, who seen you going down the wrong path.</p>
-	That doesn''t matter now since you're out in the city on your own, ready to do as you please.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_points',-20)>>
-		<<set $pcs_exhib = 25>>
-		<<set $Exhibitionist_lvl = 1>>
-		<<set $addictive_exp = 1>>
-		<<set $addictive_trait_lvl = 1>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'gopnik'>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 21>>
-		<<set $pc.vitality = 45>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',45)>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 18>>
-		<!-- !!c cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<set $pc.salo = 75>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',35)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('persuasion',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('dance',30)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',20)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('falselashesplain',5)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','nose',5)>>
-		<<set $PirsD5_owned = 1>>
-		<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','tongue',2)>>
-		<<set $PirsA2_owned = 1>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('dolls_purse_15')>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 4>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 700>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = -1>>
-		<<set $pc.tan = 5>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 35>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_vag = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_ass = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_throat = 5>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('hj','aware',15)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('bj','aware',10)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('vaginal','aware',3)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('anal','aware',1)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('vaginal_finger','aware',5)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('vaginal_finger_give','aware',5)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('cuni','aware',3)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('cuni_give','aware',3)>>
-		<<fame 'pav' 'sex' 40>>
-		<<set $Gspassed = 0>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 5 0 0 10 0 0>>
-		<<set $npc('A154').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A155').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A156').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A158').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A143').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A144').rel += 20>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A28','rel',10)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A29','rel',10)>>
-		<<set $npc('A33').rel += 10>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 65>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',25)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'outcast'>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 10>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',0)>>
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -20 -10 0 -10 0 0>>
-	<<set $npc('A133').rel += 20>>
-	<<run $npcs.dec('A11','rel',10)>>
-	<<run $npcs.dec('A33','rel',10)>>
-	<<run $npcs.dec('A34','rel',10)>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 200>>
-		<<set $pc.hairColor = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.eyecolor = 0>>
-		<<set $pc.eyesize = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 1>>
-		<<set $pc.eyelashes = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 500>>
-	<<set $pc.tan = 0>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('setGroupMembership','outcasts')>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',20)>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'friendless'>>
-	<h2>Friendless</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_1.jpg">>
-	You were never very social and never learned how to make friends. You were often made fun of or bullied by the other kids as you grew up. As such, you naturally shielded away from them, an action that only served to isolate you even further.
-	Now that you have moved to the city, you have a chance to do things differently and make new friends.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'outcast'>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 0>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 22>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 12>>
-		<!-- !!b cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('observation',20)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 300>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',10)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A11','rel',20)>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 60>>-->
-		<<set $pc.salo = 68>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'uglyduckling'>>
-	<h2>Ugly duckling</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_2.jpg">>
-	<p>Some girls blossom early and others have natural good looks- you got neither. In fact, you seem to have been cursed with an androgynous face and fat body, and have been mistaken for a boy more times than you would care to admit.</p>
-	Your lack of good looks made you a social pariah in school. Nobody liked you or wanted to spend time with you unless they were making fun of you. Now that you have moved to the city, you're hoping that is all about to change.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'outcast'>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting_boys' -10 -10 0 -10 0 0>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 23>>
-		<<if $pc.glass < 1>>
-			<<set $pc.glass = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 28>>
-		<!-- !!e cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 5>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 0>>
-			<<set $pc.lip_size = 0>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 2>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 3>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_purse_8')>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 130>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_teeth = 2>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 55>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',25)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'goodgirl'>>
-	<h2>Good girl</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_3.jpg">>
-	You were the good girl who parents, teachers and adults loved and the other kids hated. You always reminded the teacher to give out homework and would snitch on anyone for doing anything. You also regularly attended church.
-	Now you are in the big city and have suddenly found there are no teachers or adults to impress. In fact, it seems buttering up to the adults your entire life has become something of a hinderance.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_points',100)>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_status',3)>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_lernHome',5)>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'outcast'>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -10 -5 10 -20 0 20>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A25','rel',5)>>
-		<<set $npc('A28').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A29').rel += 10>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A11','rel',20)>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 24>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',40)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',65)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 5>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',10)>>
-		<<set $church_moral = 40>>
-		<<set $finances.cash += 1000>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',10)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 500>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_purse_6')>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 300>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 3>>
-			<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 3>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 58>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 13>>
-		<!-- !!b cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 75>>-->
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',80)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'slut'>>
-	<h2>Slut</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_4.jpg">>
-	You became curious about sex far sooner than other kids your age. You started masturbating long before the others in your year and loved the sensation so much that you wanted to find out how good sex would feel, becoming the first girl in your year to lose your virginity.
-	However, your resultant addiction to sex made you a social pariah, and you were constantly mocked by your peers. Now you are in the big city where nobody knows you, giving you a chance to either start over or continue your life of debauchery.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('commando_lvl',2)>>
-			pcs_traits['cumeater'] = 1 and cumeater_cheat = 1
-		-----
-			<<run $pc.traitSet('cumeater',ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """1 and cumeater_cheat = 1""")>>
-		-->
-		<<warn "CONVERSION ERROR 3248eb6d14c9170e062ee6ced80ad3c4">>
-		<<set $pcs_exhib = 40>>
-		<<set $Exhibitionist_lvl = 1>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'outcast'>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting_boys' 15 15 0 20 0 0>>
-		<<set $npc('A11').rel += 20>>
-		<<set $npc('A25').rel += 30>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A28','rel',20)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A29','rel',30)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A33','rel',10)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A34','rel',10)>>
-		<<set $npc('A144').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 25>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',40)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('dance',30)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',50)>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 22>>
-		<!-- !!d cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',30)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('falselashesplain',20)>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_purse_10')>>
-		<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('comb',1)>>
-		<<set $kosmetitka = 10>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('wipe',10)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('razor',10)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.decoWear('piercing','ears',2)>>
-		<<set $PirsC2_owned = 1>>
-		<<set $motherKnowSpravka = 1>>
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 120>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 2>>
-		<<set $pcs_perform = 20>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 600>>
-		<<set $pc.tan = 20>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_vag = 10>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_ass = 10>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_throat = 10>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 60>>
-		<<fame 'pav' 'sex' 600>>
-		<<set $GspravkaT = 2>>
-		<<set $motherKnowSpravka = 2>>
-		<<set $Gspassed = 0>>
-		<<set $pc.salo = 70>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('porn','aware',75)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('mast','aware',100)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('hj','aware',70)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('bj','aware',50)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('vaginal_finger','aware',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('cuni','aware',5)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('vaginal','aware',30)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('anal','aware',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.sexStatSet('group','aware',5)>>
-		<<set $guy = 15>>
-		<<set $orgasm = 120>>
-		<<set $swallow = 40>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('cumeater',1)>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 50>>-->
-		<<set $motherKnowWhore = 1>>
-		<<set $sisterknowslut = 1>>
-		<<set $brotherknowslut = 1>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'goth'>>
-	<h2>Goth</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_5.jpg">>
-	<p>Every school has their oddball, in your case - You. You never felt like you fit in, at least until you watched some American movies, saw some goths and suddenly felt like you belonged. You quickly used all the allowance you had to buy new clothes and makeup so you could finally feel good about yourself. Your family and classmates didn't approve, but you didn't care.</p>
-	With school over, you've moved to the city, where you feel a lot more accepted, although people still give you the odd stare.
-	<<actCLA 'Confirm this starting option'>>
-		<<run $pc.traitSet('nerd_points',-10)>>
-		<<gs 'intro_city_select' 'outcast'>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' 0 0 5  + 20 0 0>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A28','rel',20)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A29','rel',20)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A33','rel',20)>>
-		<<run $npcs.dec('A34','rel',20)>>
-		<<set $npc('A144').rel += 10>>
-		<<set $npc('A155').rel += 5>>
-		<<set $alterstrtimg = 28>>
-		<<set $pc.genbsize = 13>>
-		<!-- !!b cup for ideal bmi-->
-		<<set $pc.salo = 55>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',45)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',50)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('observation',5)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',35)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',60)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('dance',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('art',20)>>
-		<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('sewing',20)>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 700>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 25>>
-		<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 65>>-->
-		<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 0>>
-			<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 265>>
-			<<set $pc.hairColor = 0>>
-			<<set $pc.eyesize = 3>>
-			<<set $pc.eyecolor = 1>>
-			<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $school_clothing = 1>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('cosmetics',25)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('razor',20)>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('tampon',10)>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.wear('dolls_purse_18')>>
-		<<run $inventory.set('umbrella',1)>>
-		<<set $finances.cash -= 1000>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',70)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',80)>>
-		<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Return to starting options'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'charselect'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'sg_settings'>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('school_6')>>
-	<<set $sisboyday = -2>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'block_access' 'city_apartment'>>
-	<<set $cltarelka = 0>>
-	<<set $fairy = 0>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('food',0)>>
-	<<set $poroshok = 0>>
-	<<run $inventory.set('shampoo',0)>>
-	<<set $hcolmotherremember = $pc.hairColor>>
-	<<set $hcolfatherremember = $pc.hairColor>>
-	<<set $hcolfronce = 1>>
-	<!-- !!Setting Kolkas birthday based off the player''s-->
-	<<set $koldobtmp_d = rand(1,28)>>
-	<<set $koldobtmp_y = $pc.birthyear>>
-	<<set $koldobtmp_m = $pc.birthmonth + 11>>
-	<<if getvar("$koldobtmp_m") > 12>>
-		<<set $koldobtmp_y += 1>>
-		<<set $koldobtmp_m -= 12>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $npc('A34').dob = $koldobtmp_y * 10000>>
-	<<set $npc('A34').dob += $koldobtmp_m * 100>>
-	<<set $npc('A34').dob += $koldobtmp_d>>

+ 0 - 354

@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_city_tg
-<<set $here = 'intro_city_tg'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<!-- !!2022/03/17-->
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start'>>
-	<<set $menu_off = 1>>
-	<h2>Apartment</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/1.jpg">>
-	You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock and hear Luda, your wife, mumbling next to you. "Don't want to, it's too early." She pulls her blanket up and rolls over. You reach over and turn the clock off.
-	<i>There are days when I just want to keep sleeping,</i> you think to yourself. <i>But I can't, not today.</i>
-	<<actCLA 'Go to the bathroom'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/mikhail_2.jpg">>
-		Being careful not to wake up your daughter, you head to the bathroom and take care of your morning routine.
-		<<actCLA 'Leave the apartment'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/3.jpg">>
-			Your car sits in a parking lot near your house. You unlock it with the remote key and climb in.
-			<<actCLA 'Go to work'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/4.jpg">>
-				You turn the key and the engine roars to life. The morning rush hour means that the roads are filled with traffic as you head to work. You drive for what feels like an eternity, but you eventually reach the office. The music on the radio was pleasant, at least.
-				<<actCLA 'Park at the office'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/5.jpg">>
-					You pull into a parking lot near the building and manage to find a good spot. You greet the security guard on your way in before heading upstairs to your office. Shortly after you sit down at your desk and boot up your computer, your boss''s secretary comes in and hands you a folder with several travel documents.
-					<p>"Am I going on a business trip or something?" you inquire.</p>
-					"Yes, the director said it had something to do with a construction project out in the middle of nowhere. That's pretty much all I know," she replies.
-					After she leaves, you read over the travel documents and fill them out. Time to go to the director.
-					<<actCLA 'Go and see your boss'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_roman.jpg">>
-						You head into the directors'' office, greet him and hand him the papers to sign. The director, Roman Gromov, scans through the text before signing off on it with a broad, sweeping stroke.
-						"Ms. Glavbukh is in her office. Get some travel money while I make a few calls. We'll discuss your trip when you get back."
-						<<actCLA 'Go to the chief accountant'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_marina.jpg">>
-							Marina is indeed already in her office. After filing your signed travel documents, she grumbles about antiquated systems as she counts out the money.
-							<<actCLA 'Return to the director'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_roman.jpg">>
-								<p>Roman is busy talking on the phone when you re-enter the his office. He gestures for you to sit down on one of the chairs across from him.</p>
-								"Yes, I understand... yes. I'll send Mikhail over ASAP, he'll represent me... Yes... Tell your men to work on some other parts of the project in the meantime. Have Igor guard the pit and let no one make any fuss, and make sure nobody gets wind of this and, you know, try to halt the construction... Okay, we'll keep in touch."
-								<p>Roman hangs up and turns to you. "Last night, while excavating for the foundations, the workers stumbled upon something; one of the excavators dug into a hollow space of some sort. Luckily, Igor was on site and halted the excavation.</p>
-								"It's not clear what exactly it is, yet. Maybe an abandoned bunker or a cave. But in any case, if there are any more chambers under the foundation, we might not be able to build on the land. So what I want you to do, is to go to the construction site, figure out exactly what the problem is and solve this whole mess as quickly as possible."
-								<<actCLA 'Remind him of the correct procedures'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_roman.jpg">>
-									"Firstly we need to talk to..." you start to say, but are quickly interrupted.
-									<p>"Mikhail, do you realize what's at stake here? We're near the end of our credit line, we still have unfinalized agreements on the project's contract, and we already have guys digging the pit. If there's a huge hole under the foundation and we can't build on the site, that could bankrupt the company. So this mysterious structure must be addressed immediately and I have to hold the fort here and keep a lid on things."</p>
-									<<act 'Doesn`t look like you have a choice'>>
-										<<gt 'intro_city_tg' 'roadPRE'>>
-									<</act>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'roadPRE'>>
-	<<set $music_loop = 0>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/4.jpg">>
-	You leave the office and phone Luda in your car. You explain the situation to her and drive off to the construction site.
-	<<actCLA 'Drive'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-		You're on the highway for hours before you arrive at the town near the site, leaving you feeling tired. Before you can check into a hotel and get some sleep, you need to get an understanding of the magnitude of the problem you're dealing with. You follow the directions to the site, Igor calling on the way and telling you that you won''t have to go through a security check.
-		You arrive and park your car at the site. You see Igor waving at you from a distance and walk up to him.
-		<<actCLA 'Greet Igor'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_igor.jpg">>
-			<p>Igor greets you. He's obviously concerned about the situation and leads you to the pit's fenced-off entrance without delay. It rained earlier, so the ground is soft and muddy.</p>
-			"The ladder''s over there," Igor informs you, while pointing to your left.
-			You reach the hole in the ground and peek inside using the small flashlight from your keychain. "There seems to be a floor about 5 meters down."
-			<p>"Well, what do you think Mikhail? Shall we go down?" Igor asks with a faint glimmer of adventure in his eyes.</p>
-			<<actCLA 'Descend'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_1.jpg">>
-				Igor hands you a powerful flashlight and tells the guard bring a ladder over. Igor heads down first and you quickly follow him.
-				The cave smells musty and looks gloomy, but you can breathe freely and the light from your flashlight illuminates the walls. You shoot a beam of light into the corridor and see something that resembles a door in the distance.
-				<p>"Damn. If any historians hear about this, they'll be all over this place!" Igor mutters.</p>
-				You walk up to the door and see drawings on it. Most of them resemble people, but with other stick figures as well.
-				<<actCLA 'Open the door'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_3.jpg">>
-					You lean against the door. It's stiff, but you manage to push it open.
-					<p>"Oh shit! Take a look over there!" Igor exclaims nervously.</p>
-					You take a look at what Igor is pointing at and see a pile of human bones with a skull on top.
-					"A tomb, I suppose..." he mutters while looking apprehensive.
-					"Probably," you nod. "We can't rule anything out just yet."
-					<<actCLA 'Go further'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_5.jpg">>
-						Further into the cave, you reach a room that resembles some kind of archive, filled with dozens of old, dusty scrolls inside racks built into the walls.
-						<p>Igor takes one of the scrolls and carefully unrolls it. "What the hell? Look at this, it must be some kind of ancient language," he says. "I'll take one with me and see what I can find out about these. Maybe I can get it deciphered so we know what we're dealing with."</p>
-						Looking around, you notice another door on the other side of the chamber and walk over and open it.
-						<<actCLA 'Enter the room'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-							There''s an altar in the center of the room with pots, several gold amulets and even stone figures scattered around it. You continue looking around the room curiously, trying to figure out what it's purpose was.
-							Looking closely at the altar, you notice a strange little amulet placed at the top.
-							<<actCLA 'Examine the amulet'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/item_amulet.jpg">>
-								You pick up the strange amulet and examine it. <i>This is clearly very old</i> you think to yourself.
-								While holding the amulet, you realize that it's getting warm, almost hot, before you feel heat coursing through your entire body and feel a surge of strength inside you. It's like you just finished a long jog, but without the fatigue.
-								<p>Igor enters the room with one of the scrolls in his hands. "Huh. Interesting little room," he observes while glancing over the altar. "Well, we have to make a decision: either we fill these catacombs up with cement or we let someone in to study them. Who knows what all this stuff is. Maybe it's worth more than it looks?"</p>
-								<<actCLA 'Consult you boss'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-									"I've got to think about it and consult the director before we do anything," you reply and, without thinking about it, stuff the small amulet in your pocket.
-									"Well, one thing''s for sure. You won''t get reception down here. Let''s head outside," Igor replies while motioning for you to leave.
-									<<actCLA 'Go back to the surface'>>
-										<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-										You walk out of the strange chambers and climb back up the ladder to the surface.
-										"We must have been down there longer than I thought, it's already late. There will only be security on site now, so there''s nothing we can do here until morning. You should go to the hotel." Igor informs you.
-										<p>With a hasty goodbye, you make your way back to your car. <i>Damn!</i> you think. <i>Tomorrow's going to be a stressful day.</i></p>
-										<<act 'Go to the hotel'>>
-											<<gt 'intro_city_tg' 'otelPRE'>>
-										<</act>>
-									<</actCLA>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'otelPRE'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/6.jpg">>
-	Your trip to the hotel is quite uneventful compared to your tomb raiding adventure.
-	You park your car and go to the receptionist to get a room. There are only double rooms available, but it's going on the company card, so that just means you'll get a bigger room. You swipe the card and take your room key.
-	<<actCLA 'Head upstairs to your room'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-		Lying down on one of the beds, you start to wonder just who built that crypt and what it's purpose was as your thoughts drift to the amulet you found. The way that thing is still making you feel wonderful baffles you.
-		<<actCLA 'Call the director'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-			You dial Roman''s number and after a few rings, he picks up. You inform him of what you found at the site: an ancient tomb, human bones, scrolls in a mysterious language and a strange altar.
-			Roman stays silent while you give your report. He decides that it would be best to stop the construction and tells you to stay and keep watch over the site until further notice.
-			You put the phone down. <i>Looks like this trip is going to last longer than expected,</i> you think to yourself.
-			<<actCLA 'Go to bed'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-				It doesn''t take you long to drift off to sleep
-				Images begin to form in your mind and you soon find yourself in a middle of a dream. The amulet stands before you and out of it comes a ghost of some sort. Before you even realize what you are doing, you find yourself staring deep into the ghost''s eyes, which turn into two Earths.
-				"Looking at the world most just see the mundane, but there is more to it, much more and now you see that too. You have the potential to shape it all, but first, you have company."
-				You suddenly return to your senses and become aware of not only the room around you, but that you're not alone.
-				<<actCLA 'Open your eyes'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_reinhold.jpg">>
-					<p>As you open your eyes, you see a man standing in your room. He is wearing a long black coat and his face looks weary; he is unshaven and reminds you of scruffy Hollywood police detectives.</p>
-					<p>"Where is the amulet?" he asks as he approaches you.</p>
-					<<actCLA 'Ask who he is'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_reinhold.jpg">>
-						<p>"Who are you?" you ask, puzzled. The man's sudden appearance and a sense you never knew you had tells you something about him; that he is not of this world.</p>
-						"Don't cause any problems now. Give me the amulet, close the construction site and all will be fine. After all, that place belongs to us," he says in a firm voice.
-						<p><i>Belongs to us?</i> His response leaves you bewildered, wondering who he is and what this is all about.</p>
-						<p>"Well, how about I give you a small taste of my power?" the man asks, and out of nowhere comes a burning desire to give him the amulet.</p>
-						<<actCLA 'Give him the amulet'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-							You get out of the bed and give him the stone figure you had put in your pocket earlier. The man takes it, steps back, and without warning, something in his eyes begins to spin like a whirlwind, causing your own eyes to blur as if he was hypnotizing you. A few seconds later, your vision clears with the man having somehow disappeared into thin air.
-							<p>You rub your eyes. "What the hell is going on here? Was that a dream? No, it can't be. I wouldn't walk around in a dream. I think," you say to yourself before checking your pocket. The amulet is indeed gone. You sit down on the bed, trying to make sense of what just happened.</p>
-							While lost in thought, you hear a knock on the door. You get up to open the door, not even thinking why you would have visitors this late at night.
-							<p>"...Who's there?" you ask, still confused.</p>
-							A woman''s voice responds that she's the hotel receptionist and that she needs to talk to you about an urgent matter.
-							<<actCLA 'Answer the door'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-								<p>You open the door, but don't recall the woman in front of you being at the reception desk; the woman from earlier didn't have red hair and glasses. After entering the room she quickly examines the place, before locking her eyes on you.</p>
-								<p>"Mikhail, right?" she asks and you nod.</p>
-								"You went to a certain place last night and took something very valuable, and very powerful..." she continues.
-								<<actCLA 'Another one?'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-									You sigh, irritated that not only have you been disturbed in the middle of the night, but these idiots apparently can't even agree amongst themselves which one should be disturbing you.
-									"Listen, you're starting to bother me. That other guy already showed up asking for the damn amulet."
-									<p>She looks at you with surprise. "What? Someone already came here? Who was it?"</p>
-									<<actCLA 'Tell her'>>
-										<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-										"It was some guy in a navy cloak with ginger hair and a light beard. He didn''t tell me his name. He already took the amulet."
-										<p>The girl's face drops. "Damn it!" She looks into your eyes. "Okay... Mikhail, we have to go somewhere else. There are too many people that might get hurt here. Gustav, come here!" The girl calls out to the corridor and a tall man enters the room.</p>
-										<<set $pc.name_first = 'Mikhail'>>
-										<<set $pc.name_last = 'Ivanov'>>
-										<<set $pc.age = 35>>
-										<<set $pc.visualAge = 35>>
-										<!-- !!body-->
-										<<set $pc.pcs_hgt = 186>>
-										<<set $dick = 0>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_energy = 60>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_hydra = 60>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_sleep = 70>>
-										<!-- !!stats-->
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',160)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',50)>>
-										<<set $pc.vitality = 160>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',50)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',100)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',50)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('kick',20)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('punch',20)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('jabs',20)>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_health = $pc.vitality * 10>>
-										<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 60>>-->
-										<<set $pcs_mana = ($pc.skillLevel("intelligence") * $pcs_magik) + $pc.vitality * 5>>
-										<<set $pc.birthday = 1>>
-										<<set $pc.birthmonth = 4>>
-										<<set $pc.birthyear = 1983>>
-										<<set $pcs_dob = 19830401>>
-										<<actCLA 'Prepare to fight'>>
-											<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_gustav.jpg">>
-											The man has a large tattoo across the left side of his face. He too has red hair.
-											<<set $sex.npcId = 'Gustav'>>
-											<<gs 'fight' 'initFight' 1>>
-											<<gs 'fight_npcdata' 'gustav'>>
-											<<set $fightEnding = 1>>
-											<<act 'Fight'>>
-												<<gt 'fight' 'start'>>
-											<</act>>
-										<</actCLA>>
-									<</actCLA>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'tatianaPRE'>>
-	<<set $pc.name_first = '$temp_firstname'>>
-	<<set $pc.name_last = '$temp_lastname'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-	<p>You wake up in an unfamiliar room. Standing near you is the same red-haired girl that entered your hotel room.</p>
-	"Ah, you're awake," she chirps. "I told this jerk Gustav that he should have treated you more carefully, but he's bad at listening. As a result, I had to use some magic to stabilize you. He almost knocked you out permanently."
-	"While you were unconscious, I did some research on you. Turns out the Amulet of Power passed to you. Must have happened when you touched it. Unfortunately, Reinhold, the guy in your room, he's probably realized by now that the amulet no longer has the power and now he's out to hunt you down."
-	<<actCLA 'What`s going on?'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-		<p>"What the hell is going on?" you respond. You try to move your hands, but you're tied to the bed.</p>
-		"I'll start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Millennia ago, the world was not the same. The fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance, but the succubus were free to breed with whomever they wished."
-		"They bred with humans, and with that human magicians were born. The Sidhe, as the most powerful of the fae, feared the increasing number of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them. This prevented either from being able to reproduce without the other."
-		"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in there bodies and it is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic." The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignores magic or are protected from it by magic''s natural desire to remain hidden."
-		<p>"But last night, there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly seen by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search. That source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could do untold horrors."</p>
-		She stops for a few seconds for you process the information. It seems really far fetched.
-		"As you can figure out, Reinhold wanted to prevent the amulet being misused, but he was not very thorough and didn''t check you over."
-		<<actCLA 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-			<p>"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures, but the rest of us just don't see it, or convince ourselves it didn't happen?"</p>
-			The girl nods. "Yes. You're a quick study. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet. All this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. The human mind can't process magic, so it blocks it as a way to protect the person from going crazy."
-			"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists and spontaneous combustion are when people encounter a difficult to hide phenomenon and the conclusion is flawed. In some cases, if someone''s mind can't cope with the spell they witness, they can be driven insane."
-			<<actCLA 'And who are you?'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-				<p>"And who are you?" you ask.</p>
-				<p>The girl smiles. "Me? I'm Tatiana, a young mage with a keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He's a Mutant due to magical exposure. It gives him unmatched physical strength and he is a great tracker."</p>
-				"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."
-				<<actCLA 'What do you want from me?'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-					<p>"What do you want from me?" you ask.</p>
-					"Well, the amulet obviously," Tatiana replies. "When I looked for you, I was hoping to get that object of power to study, but Reinhold got to you first. The amulet will now be pretty much useless anyway, as its power passed on to you."
-					"But this is not good for you. You may think that since you have the amulet''s power, you can do anything. But in reality, you're helpless without the skill to use it. Reinhold easily overpowered your will and forced you to obey, and Gustav beat you like a puppy."
-					<<actCLA 'What is this amulet?'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-						<p>"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.</p>
-						Tatiana thinks about it for a few seconds. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians before he died, he taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form and making it only activate for a male mage."
-						<p>"Great. So I've been thrown into this mess by the dead owner of that ancient tomb. Hang on! I'm not a mage, so how could the power be transferred to me?"</p>
-						"It seems that its long time underground caused it to malfunction and its power has entered your body. The bad news is it is far too powerful and will kill you." Her words fill you with fear and you start to struggle against your bindings.
-						"You're lucky Reinhold didn''t realize this. He would have stopped you from accidentally wielding the power and killing yourself and who knows how many others by killing you in that hotel room. I have another way to save you, but you're not going to like it."
-						You don't say anything, so she continues. "I can feel the aura of power emanating from you. By drawing from that, I can perform a powerful magic spell that will transform you into someone who is protected from the masculine alignment of the power."
-						<<actCLA 'I don`t understand'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-							<p>"Uh, I do not understand. What are you suggesting?"</p>
-							Tatiana runs a hand through her hair and giggles. "I'll make you a pretty, young girl and the power will lie dormant, saving you from blowing up a city or something."
-							Your eyes widen in shock. "Well, there is another way. I can just stop your heart and let your power dissolve into nature, but you will die. I'm not Reinhold, I can take this risk and I don't want to kill you. Maybe with more time doing research, I can work out another solution, but I can't leave you like this."
-							<<actCLA 'What about your family?'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-								<p>"Hey, I don't want to be a woman. I have a family! A wife and daughter!" you protest.</p>
-								Tatiana smiles. "Well the choice is simple. You either die or live without a penis for the time being. As for your family, not to worry. I'll arrange everything. We'll fabricate your death to get Reinhold off your back. To make your transition easier, I'll cover your memory of your family. They will only be ghostly memories, you won''t even remember where you lived. Don't worry, I won''t erase your entire memory and leave you a useless vegetable."
-								<<actCLA 'There must be another way!'>>
-									<<set $loc = 'intro_city_tg'>>
-									<<set $loc_arg = 'custom'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-									<p>"There must be another way!" you panic while tugging at the restraints on the bed.</p>
-									Tatiana''s face turns serious. "Do not argue. It's the only way available to me. You'll need to use a new name, so think it over in your dreams and tell me when you wake up, otherwise I'll give you a pretty name. Now go to sleep." She puts her hand on your chest and your vision immediately fades. You dream about a girl you never knew and what she did at school...
-									<<act 'Dream'>>
-										<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'start'>>
-									<</act>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'custom'>>
-	<<set $loc = 'intro_city_tg'>>
-	<<set $loc_arg = 'custom'>>
-	<!-- !!	This is to bypass the next part if the avatar system was used-->
-	<!-- !!	It will be changed to bypass the head options, once more body options are added-->
-	<!-- !!	Just hair and eye color here for now; the dialog will be updated as more options are added-->
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/character_creation_2.jpg">>
-	As you drift in unconsciousness, an impression of a woman forms in your mind. Many aspects of her appearance are indistinct, but there are some things you can make out.
-	She is fairly tall.
-	<center>Customize your:</center>
-	<center><a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''hair''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_hair.png'>></a> <a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''eyes''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_eye.png'>></a></center>
-	Everything else about her is fuzzy...
-	<<act 'Done'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_tg' 'sleepPRE'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'sleepPRE'>>
-	$killobj
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-	<p>"You're awake?" Tatiana asks while looking into your eyes.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Look at yourself'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/8.jpg">>
-		"Fuck," you say and immediately shut your mouth again. Your voice... it's so feminine. Tatiana giggles.
-		"This is the first time I've changed someone''s gender, therefore I just <i>had</i> to see your reaction. Totally worth it. But you turned out beautiful. For a first try anyway. I should tell you that your body will change much faster than one of a natural born woman, for awhile, until it regulates itself to your new reality. That means it will be easier to gain and lose weight, muscle, stuff like that. All in all, you turned out quite well. You look pretty much exactly like her."
-		"By the way, your new ''equipment'' down there is fully functional, so if you don't want to be a mother, you should think about using contraceptives."
-		<p>You glare at Tatiana. "So that makes me a woman now? On the outside maybe, but guess what? I'm still a 34 year old man on the inside!"</p>
-		"Well, yes. I won''t argue about that." Tatiana agrees. "It's your life and you decide what you do with it, but for the time being, you can't go back to your old life, so deal with it. On a side note, I already took care of an alibi. Mikhail crashed his car into the pit and died, it's on the news." Tatiana picks up a remote and turns on the TV.
-		<<actCLA 'Watch TV'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/9.jpg">>
-			There is a news report about a businessman who drove his car into a hole at a construction site. He died in hospital without regaining consciousness.
-			You look at Tatiana, bewildered. She has an enigmatic smile on her face. "Well, I'm still a magician and that's something that I can do. Reinhold has definitely lost the trail. The body in that car was a perfect copy of your old self, from your absorbed amulet energy down to the placement of every single hair."
-			<p>"Anyways, here are your new legal documents, including a new passport. Starting today, you are $pc.name_first $pc.name_last, an 18 year old girl who lives in the city. She grew up in Pavlovsk, with her mother, step father, sister and half brother. She just recently rented a apartment in the city after graduating from the Secondary school in Pavlovsk, tomorrow is moving day. Luckily for us she kept a journal about her life, notes about her family and friends, as well as many other things. I suggest you study it and memorize it, but to help you out she was admitted to the hospital with a minor head injury. I made sure her family was informed she has some memory issues so it should help with you fitting in and acting different than she did. But learn to act like her as quickly as you can, so you don't bring unwanted attention to yourself.</p>
-			<p>This is a lot for you to take in and it takes a moment for you to grasp it all. "Wait what about the real $pc.name_first?"</p>
-			She gives you a sad smile. "She was killed recently, that is why I picked her. No one knows she died so I was able to fix it so no one will know and give you a new life to hide in. I know it is not ideal and whenever we can fix this and change you back we can let her rest, think of it this way you are giving her family extra time with her."
-			You sigh and shake your head, this is all so much to take in, you don't even know what to say. Then she adds "At least she had an apartment to call home. Here are the keys, she didn''t have much in her apartment yet, but study her journal, learn it like your life depends on it, because in a way it does. Now get up, you've got to go to your new home and start a new life."
-			Gustav, the redhead with a tattoo on his face, enters the room. He looks at you. "Come on, I'll take you."
-			<<actCLA 'Go with Gustav'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_gustav.jpg">>
-				Gustav silently takes you to the garage and you enter his black jeep. Gustav gets behind the wheel and drives you into the city. You silently speculate about what to do now.
-				After a few minutes, while keeping his eyes on the road, Gustav speaks. "I'm sorry I beat you up. I have trouble controlling myself during a fight. You had a large build and for a second I thought you might be dangerous, so I ended up hitting you with my full force."
-				<p>You look at him. "Forget it. Listen Gustav... What do I do now?"</p>
-				Gustav nods. "Well, I would advise you to start by buying food, all sorts of washing powders, laundry detergent and dishes. There are a few supplies already in the apartment, but they'll only last you a day or two. There''s no TV either. Then get a job. Not far from your new home is a small café. If I remember correctly, there was a vacant waitress position there not too long ago. You should talk to the owner about the job. Don't forget to monitor your health, keep your mood up and have a clear mind."
-				<p>"Your mind is very weak. If you don't take care of yourself you will go crazy. You need to eat well, sleep regularly and have fun. Don't become depressed or else you'll end up in a madhouse. Don't go looking for Tatiana; you won't find her. Secondly, if we need to contact you, we will find you."</p>
-				You arrive at some old Soviet era buildings in Pavlovsk. Gustav stops the car and points a finger at the entrance. "You're in apartment 7 on the second floor. Tatiana already gave you the key, so go. Don't just give up. Not everyone gets an entirely new chance at life. Tatiana and I will keep an eye out for you."
-				"Also study that journal, try to fit in and make the best of your new life." You just nod, not knowing what to say you open the car door to get out.
-				<<actCLA 'Get out of the car'>>
-					<<gs 'intro_initialization_city'>>
-					<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/start_tf.jpg">>
-					You are exhausted and trying to take in all the strange things you've learnt and barely speak to anyone at home. You remember your Mom sitting you down and making you eat something before you get an early night''s sleep.
-					<<act 'Sleep'>>
-						<<gt 'intro_city' 'city_intro'>>
-					<</act>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'welcome_intro'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization_city'>>
-	<!-- !! Welcome to Girl Life speech-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 0>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',0)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',0)>>
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/5_city/city_start.jpg">>
-	<p>Welcome to the Transformation start! Although you've lost your masculinity and your old life, new possibilities are opening up before your eyes, not least aided in your newfound knowledge of the magical nature of the world!</p>
-	Don't forget to enroll in university during August if that's a goal you want to pursue.
-	<<act 'Start the game'>>
-		<<gt 'korr'>>
-	<</act>>

+ 0 - 431

@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_initialization_city
-<<set $here = 'intro_initialization_city'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<!-- !!*************************-->
-<!-- !!	Final Initializations-->
-<!-- !!	Top area for things that need to be done before setting the variables for either start-->
-<<if mid($start_type,1,3) != 'uni'>>
-	<<set $time.month = 6>>
-	<<set $time.day = 4>>
-	<<set $time.weekday = 2>>
-	<<set $time.hour = 13>>
-<<set $time.year = 2017>>
-<<set $BDSMfilm = 0>>
-<<set $pornstudio = 0>>
-<<set $pfilmSTOP = 0>>
-<<set $pc.thinkpreg = 0>>
-<<set $denypreg = 0>>
-<<set $pertemp = 1>>
-<<set $pillcvrt = 1>>
-<<set $pcs_naturallashes = $pc.eyelashes>>
-<!-- !!	Initializing elasticity-->
-<<set $vshrink = 1>>
-<<set $vshrinkdays = 6>>
-<<set $ashrink = 1>>
-<<set $ashrinkdays = 3>>
-<<set $fairycurse = -1>>
-<<gs 'telefon' 'setup'>>
-<<set $pcs_dob = $pc.birthyear * 10000>>
-<<set $pcs_dob += ($pc.birthmonth * 100)>>
-<<set $pcs_dob += $pc.birthday>>
-<<set $pc.age = $time.year - (($pcs_dob - ($pcs_dob % 10000)) / 10000)>>
-<<if (($time.month * 100) + $time.day) < $pcs_dob % 10000>>
-	<<setn $pc.age -= 1>>
-<!-- !! apartment access and two months of rent paid-->
-<<if setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes('city')>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'give_access' 'homeParents'>>
-	<<set $SchoolAtestat = 1>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'rent_property' 'city_apartment' 61>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'set_home' 'city_apartment'>>
-<<set $pc.visualAge = $pc.age - 1>>
-<<set $pc.visualAgeDaysInverse = 300>>
-<<set $pc.pcs_health = $pc.vitality * 10 + $pc.skillLevel("strength") * 5>>
-<<set $pc.willpower = $pc.skillLevel("intelligence") * 5 + $pc.skillLevel("spirit") * 5>>
-<<set $pcs_mana = ($pc.skillLevel("intelligence") * $pcs_magik) + $pcs_magik * 100 + $pc.vitality * 10 + $rikudo>>
-<<set $pc.pcs_stam = 100>>
-<<set $pc.hairColorNatural = $pc.hairColor>>
-<<set $pcs_pubecol = $pc.hairColor>> <<setinit $pcs_pubecol_num[1] = 1>>
-<<set $oldsavepcs_haircol = 1>>
-<<gs 'dina'>>
-<!-- !!	**********-->
-<!-- !! KEY! I merged 'dinBoroda' with 'clener' and removed the dynamics. This line was at the end of dinBoroda, so I moved it here just in case. Sicaa-->
-<<set $rikudootvet = 1415>>
-<<gs 'BanSexType'>>
-<<set $menoage = rand(40,50)>>
-<<set $temprand = rand(0,10)>>
-<<if getvar("$temprand") == 0>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(0,5)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") < 4>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(3,10)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") < 9>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(5,12)>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(7,13)>>
-<!-- !!Setting up period start and turning on auto tracking if not on hardcore difficulty-->
-<<set $time.daylastperiod = $time.daystart>>
-<<set $temprand = rand(1,3)>>
-<<if getvar("$temprand") == 1>>
-	<<set $cycle = 1>>
-	<<set $EggRH = rand(1,149)>>
-	<<set $FocH = $EggRH + 4 * 24>>
-	<<set $mesec = 0>>
-	<<set $unfertegg = 0>>
-	<<set $ferteggage = 0>>
-	<<set $Ovulate = 0>>
-	<<set $LutH = 0>>
-	<<set $time.daylastperiod -= $FocH / 24>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") == 2>>
-	<<set $lastovulation = $time.daystart>>
-	<<set $cycle = 2>>
-	<<set $unfertegg = 1>>
-	<<set $ferteggage = rand(0,44)>>
-	<<set $Ovulate = (rand(24,44) - $ferteggage)>>
-	<<if getvar("$Ovulate") <= 0>>
-		<<set $Ovulate = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $mesec = 0>>
-	<<set $EggRH = 0>>
-	<<set $FocH = 0>>
-	<<set $LutH = 0>>
-	<<set $time.daylastperiod -= 10 + ($ferteggage / 24)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") == 3>>
-	<<set $cycle = 3>>
-	<<set $LutH = rand(0,300)>>
-	<<set $ferteggage = 36 + $LutH>>
-	<<set $mesec = 0>>
-	<<set $EggRH = 0>>
-	<<set $FocH = 0>>
-	<<set $unfertegg = 0>>
-	<<set $Ovulate = 0>>
-	<<set $time.daylastperiod -= 10 + ($ferteggage / 24)>>
-<<if $time.daylastperiod + 4 > $time.daystart>>
-	<<set $lastmens = $time.daylastperiod - 20>>
-	<<set $lastmens = $time.daylastperiod + 4>>
-<<if getvar("$difficulty") == 4>>
-	<<set $cyccustom = 0>>
-	<<set $cyccustom = 1>>
-<<set $pc.horny = 0>>
-<<set $opPRE to null>>
-<<set $tgs_skipinto to null>>
-<!-- !!Clothing has to run last so that hip size is set-->
-<!-- !! Adding underwear and default shoes and assigning them-->
-<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_panties_1')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_bra_1')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_panties_1')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_bra_1')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_shoes_6')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_shoes_6')>>
-<<setinit $gm_coats[1] = 1>>
-<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_coat_1')>>
-<!-- !!	Starting clothing set-->
-<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_panties_12')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_bra_12')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_shoes_9')>>
-<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_30')>>
-<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[30] = 100>>
-<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[30] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_dress_1')>>
-<<setinit $cats_dress_h[1] = 100>>
-<<setinit $cats_dress_b[1] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_shoes_21')>>
-<<if getvar("$school_clothing") == 7>>
-	<!-- !!Dancer gets leotard and nicer swimwear-->
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_155')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[155] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $allure_bikinis[6] = 1>>
-	<<setinit $allure_bikinis_h[6] = 60>>
-	<<setinit $allure_bikinis_b[6] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_81')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[81] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_swimsuit[3] = 1>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_swimsuit_h[3] = 60>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_swimsuit_b[3] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-<<if getvar("$school_clothing") == 1>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_panties_15')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_bra_15')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_panties_15')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_bra_15')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_91')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[91] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_shoe[21] = 0>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_shoes_19')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_shoe[9] = 0>>
-	<<setinit $gm_shoe[25] = 0>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_shoes_25')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('bomba_dress_7')>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_dress_h[7] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_dress_b[7] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_shoes_1')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_dress_4')>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_dress_h[4] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_dress_b[4] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_dress_23')>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_dress_h[23] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_dress_b[23] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_outfit_16')>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_outfits_h[16] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_outfits_b[16] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_outfit_31')>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_outfits_h[31] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_outfits_b[31] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 91>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','dolls_dress',4)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 5>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_30')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[30] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[30] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_2')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[2] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[2] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_54')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[54] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[54] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('coco_outfit_5')>>
-	<<setinit $coco_outfits_h[5] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $coco_outfits_b[5] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_81')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[81] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_dress_14')>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_h[14] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_b[14] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 81>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','cats_dress',1)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 10>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_15')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[15] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[15] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_80')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[80] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('flamingos_outfit_9')>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_outfits_h[9] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_outfits_b[9] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('nerdvana_outfit_38')>>
-	<<setinit $nerdvana_outfits_h[38] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $nerdvana_outfits_b[38] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<setinit $gm_office[11] = 1>>
-	<<setinit $gm_office_h[11] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_office_b[11] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_4')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[4] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[4] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 80>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','gm_dress',4)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 15>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_58')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[58] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[58] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_106')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[106] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_7')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[7] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[7] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_16')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[16] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[16] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('bomba_outfit_12')>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_outfits_h[12] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_outfits_b[12] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('bomba_outfit_3')>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_outfits_h[3] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_outfits_b[3] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 106>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','gm_dress',7)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 20>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_55')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[55] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[55] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_102')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[102] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_64')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[64] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('flamingos_dress_109')>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_dress_h[109] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_dress_b[109] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_99')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[99] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[99] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_7')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[7] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[7] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 43>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','gm_outfits',99)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 25>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_58')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[58] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[58] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_181')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[181] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[181] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_outfit_1')>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_outfits_h[1] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $dolls_outfits_b[1] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('flamingos_dress_59')>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_dress_h[59] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_dress_b[59] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_87')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[87] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_39')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[39] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[39] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 1>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','flamingos_dress',59)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 30>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_91')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[91] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[91] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_96')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[96] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('flamingos_dress_89')>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_dress_h[89] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $flamingos_dress_b[89] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('fashionista_outfit_17')>>
-	<<setinit $fashionista_outfits_h[17] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $fashionista_outfits_b[17] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_dress_2')>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_h[2] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_b[2] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_57')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[57] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[57] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 48>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','flamingos_dress',89)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 35>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_95')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[95] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[95] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_48')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[48] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_dress_18')>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_h[18] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_b[18] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('bomba_outfit_36')>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_outfits_h[36] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $bomba_outfits_b[36] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_dress_67')>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_h[67] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_b[67] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_63')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[63] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[63] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 40>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','bomba_outfits',36)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 40>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_124')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[124] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[124] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_45')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[45] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_dress_45')>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_h[45] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_b[45] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_dress_203')>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_h[203] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_b[203] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_outfit_196')>>
-	<<setinit $cats_outfits_h[196] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $cats_outfits_b[196] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_89')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[89] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[89] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 45>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','cats_dress',203)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 45>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_131')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[131] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[131] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_38')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[38] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_dress_7')>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_h[7] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_b[7] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('market_outfit_2')>>
-	<<setinit $market_outfits_h[2] = 40>>
-	<<setinit $market_outfits_b[2] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_dress_219')>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_h[219] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $cats_dress_b[219] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_109')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[109] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[109] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 38>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','market_outfits',2)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 50>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_145')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[145] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[145] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_17')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[17] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_dress_96')>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_h[96] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_b[96] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('market_outfit_10')>>
-	<<setinit $market_outfits_h[10] = 40>>
-	<<setinit $market_outfits_b[10] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('nerdvana_outfit_60')>>
-	<<setinit $nerdvana_outfits_h[60] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $nerdvana_outfits_b[60] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_123')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[123] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[123] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 143>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','scandalicious_dress',96)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_149')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_h[149] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_outfits_b[149] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_15')>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_outfits_h[15] = 100>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_dress_46')>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_h[46] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_dress_b[46] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_outfit_16')>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_outfits_h[16] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_outfits_b[16] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('market_outfit_12')>>
-	<<setinit $market_outfits_h[12] = 40>>
-	<<setinit $market_outfits_b[12] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	$market_outfits
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_dress_149')>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_h[149] = 100>>
-	<<setinit $gm_dress_b[149] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_bikinis[55] = 1>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_bikinis_h[55] = 60>>
-	<<setinit $scandalicious_bikinis_b[55] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-	<<set $sportsclothingnumber = 15>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear_clothes_legacy('clothes','scandalicious_dress',46)>>
-<<if getvar("$swim_start") == 99>>
-	<<setinit $allure_swimsuit[99] = 1>>
-	<<setinit $allure_swimsuit_h[99] = 60>>
-	<<setinit $allure_swimsuit_b[99] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-<<elseif getvar("$swim_start") == 1>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_swimsuit[1] = 1>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_swimsuit_h[1] = 60>>
-	<<setinit $danilovich_swimsuit_b[1] = $pc.pcs_hips>>
-<<if $danilovich_shoe[17] == 1>>
-	<<set $sportsshoenumber = 17>>
-	<<set $sportsshoenumber = 21>>
-<<set $sportspursetype = $currentpursetype>>
-<<set $sportspursenumber = $currentpursenumber>>
-<<set $sports_clothing_name = 'default sports outfit'>>
-<<set $swim_start to null>>
-<<run $pc.bodyDailyUpdate()>>

+ 0 - 89

@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_city_scripts[script]
-setup.startingCharacters ??= {};
-setup.startingCharacters.city_starting_category = {
-	parent: 'default',
-	housing:{
-		home: 'cityResidentialApartment'
-	},
-	quests:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-	},
-	time:{
-		start: [2018,8,28,6,0]
-	},
-	finances:{
-		hasBankAccount: 1
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.city_orphan_category = {
-	parent: 'city_starting_category',
-	label: 'Orphan',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/5_city/oprhan.jpg',
-	desc: 'Your parents died in an accident when you were little. With no family and no friends to speak of, you are ready to start your new life as an adult.'
-setup.startingCharacters.city_orphan_average = {
-	parent: 'city_orphan_category',
-	label: 'Average girl (orphan)',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/5_city/ophan_average.webp',
-	desc: '',
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 21,
-		legHairVisibility: 1,
-		skinAppearance: 1,
-		tan: 0,
-		hairColor: 3,
-	},
-	skills:{
-		chess:20,
-		computer:20,
-		gaming:20,
-		highHeels:5,
-		inhibition:10,
-		intelligence:45,
-		makeup:15,
-	},
-	finances:{
-		cash: 2000,
-		bank: 3000
-	},
-:: intro_city[quest]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/5_city/city_start.jpg'>>
-	<p>
-		Your name is <<textbox "$pc.name_first" $pc.name_first>> <<textbox "$pc.name_last" $pc.name_last>>, nicknamed <<textbox "$pc.name_nick" $pc.name_nick>> by friends and family.
-	</p>
-	<<act 'Confirm'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select_char'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_city_select_char[quest]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/5_city/city_start.jpg'>>
-	<p>
-		Select how your life went in the past.
-	</p>
-	<<characterSelect 'city_starting_category' 'intro_city_finalize'>>
-:: intro_city_finalize[event]
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization'>>
-	<<gs 'init_post_intro'>>
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/5_city/city_start.jpg'>>
-	<p>Welcome to the City version! Your setup is done, you are ready to begin your new life in the city now.</p>
-	<<act 'Begin'>>
-		<<run $pc.init_final()>>
-		<<gt 'city_apartment_dynamic'>>
-	<</act>>

+ 0 - 342

@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_customization
-<<set $here = 'intro_customization'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<div class="table" style="--columns-count:2">
-	<h3>Game Start</h3>
-		<div>Location</div>
-		<div>
-			<<radiobutton "$start_location" 1 autocheck>> Parents home<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$start_location" 2 autocheck>> Grandparents home<br/>
-		</div>
-	<h3>Possessions</h3>
-		<div>Cash</div>
-		<div><<textbox "$finances.cash" $finances.cash>></div>
-		<div>Computer</div>
-		<div><<checkbox '$inventory.get("computer")' 0 1 autocheck>> Computer owned</div>
-		<div><<textWithTooltip "Fake passport">>A document that allows you access to some activities which are normally restricted to adults.<</textWithTooltip>></div>
-		<div><<checkbox "$fakepassport" 0 1 autocheck>> Fake passport owned</div>
-	<h3>Appearance</h3>
-		<div>Eye-Color</div>
-		<div>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyecolor" 0 autocheck>> brown<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyecolor" 1 autocheck>> gray<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyecolor" 2 autocheck>> green<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyecolor" 3 autocheck>> blue
-		</div>
-		<div>Eye-Size</div>
-		<div>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyesize" 0 autocheck>> small<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyesize" 1 autocheck>> average<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyesize" 2 autocheck>> large<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyesize" 3 autocheck>> huge
-		</div>
-		<div>Eyelases</div>
-		<div>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyelashes" 0 autocheck>> short<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyelashes" 1 autocheck>> normal<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.eyelashes" 2 autocheck>> long
-		</div>
-		<div><<textWithTooltip "Genetic Breast Size">>this is the genetic disposition and not the actual size at game start<</textWithTooltip>></div>
-		<div>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 2 autocheck>> very small<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 7 autocheck>> below average<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 12 autocheck>> average<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 17 autocheck>> above average<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 22 autocheck>> large<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 27 autocheck>> extra large<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 32 autocheck>> really big small<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 37 autocheck>> massive<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 42 autocheck>> silly big<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 47 autocheck>> crazy big<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 57 autocheck>> freakishly big<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 67 autocheck>> movement-impairing big<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.genbsize" 87 autocheck>> almost moon-sized
-		</div>
-		<div>Glasses</div>
-		<div><<checkbox "$pc.glass" 0 1 autocheck>> wear glasses</div>
-		<div>Hair Color</div>
-		<div>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.hairColor" 0 autocheck>> black<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.hairColor" 1 autocheck>> brown<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.hairColor" 2 autocheck>> red<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.hairColor" 3 autocheck>> blond
-		</div>
-		<div>Hair Length</div>
-		<div><<numberbox "$pc.pcs_hairlng" $pc.pcs_hairlng>> mm</div>
-		<div>Height</div>
-		<div><<numberbox "$pc.pcs_hgt" $pc.pcs_hgt>> cm</div>
-		<div>Weight</div>
-		<div>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.salo" 20 autocheck>> underweight<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.salo" 40 autocheck>> skinny<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.salo" 60 autocheck>> healthy<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.salo" 80 autocheck>> cute<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.salo" 100 autocheck>> chubby<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.salo" 120 autocheck>> overweight<br/>
-			<<radiobutton "$pc.salo" 140 autocheck>> fat<br/>
-		</div>
-<<actCLA 'Begin'>>
-	<<run $pc.init_final()>>
-	<<gt_start_location>>
-:: intro_customization_deactivated
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modite_cos'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modite_cos'>>
-	<center><b>Cosmetic items</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'kosmetica' 'Cosmetics'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'stanok' 'Razors (number of shaves)'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'krem' 'Sunblock'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'hscrunch' 'Hair scrunchies'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'hpingrip' 'Hair pins'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	<!-- !act 'Shampoo ($inventory.get("shampoo")/100)': gs 'intro_customization','setval3' & shampoo = nstat & gt 'intro_customization','modite_cos'-->
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modite'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modite_pha'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modite_pha'>>
-	<center><b>Pharmaceutical items</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'prezik' 'Condoms'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pregtest' 'Pregnancy tests'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'tabletki' 'Birth control pills'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'lekarstvo' 'Antibiotics'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'vitamin' 'Vitamins'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'painkiller' 'Painkillers'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'mosolmaz' 'Ointment for chafing'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'lubri' 'Lubricants'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'lipbalm' 'Lip balms'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'fatdel' 'Weight loss pills'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'tampon' 'Tampons'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'sanpad' 'Sanitary napkins'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modite'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modite_mis'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modite_mis'>>
-	<center><b>Misc items</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'siga' 'Cigarettes'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'dur' 'Cocaine'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pranik' 'Tea Biscuits'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modite'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modatt'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modatt'>>
-	<center><b>Attributes</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_stren' 'Strength'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_agil' 'Agility'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_vital' 'Endurance'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' '$pc.intelligence' 'Intelligence'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_sprt' 'Spirit'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_react' 'Reaction'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_chrsm' 'Charisma'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_prcptn' 'Perception'>>
-	<<if setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes('magic')>>
-		<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_magik' 'Magic'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup4' 'pcs_inhib' 'Inhibition'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_heels' 'Heels'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup3' 'willpowermax' 'Willpower'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	$nl
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'start'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modskl'>>
-	<<act 'Mental skills'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl_men'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Sport skills'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl_spo'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Beauty skills'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl_bea'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Artistic skills'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl_art'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Job skills'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl_job'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'start'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modskl_men'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modskl_men'>>
-	<center><b>Mental Skills</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<if setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes('magic')>>
-		<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_splcstng' 'Spell Casting'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_humint' 'People skills'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_persuas' 'Persuasion'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_observ' 'Observation'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	$nl
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modskl_spo'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modskl_spo'>>
-	<center><b>Sport Skills</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_jab' 'Jabs'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_punch' 'Power Strikes'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_kick' 'Kicks'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_def' 'Defence'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_run' 'Running'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_vball' 'Volleyball'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_ftbll' 'Football'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_wrstlng' 'Wrestling'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_shoot' 'Marksmanship'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_bushcraft' 'Bushcraft'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_chess' 'Chess'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_icesktng' 'Ice Skating'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_gaming' 'Gaming'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	$nl
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modskl_bea'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modskl_bea'>>
-	<center><b>Beauty skills</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_makupskl' 'Makeup Skills'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_danc' 'Modern Dancing'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_dancero' 'Erotic Dancing'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_dancpol' 'Pole Dancing'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_cheer' 'Cheerleading'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_mdlng' 'Modelling'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	$nl
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modskl_art'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modskl_art'>>
-	<center><b>Artistic Skills</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_vokal' 'Singing'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_instrmusic' 'Instrumental Music'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_photoskl' 'Photography'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_artskls' 'Artistic Skills'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_perform' 'Performance'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	$nl
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'modskl_job'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'modskl_job'>>
-	<center><b>Job Skills</b></center>
-	<<set $table_display to null>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_compskl' 'Computer Skills'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_comphckng' 'Hacking'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_hndiwrk' 'Handy-work'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_sewng' 'Tailoring'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_servng' 'Serving'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_customization' 'modrel_setup2' 'pcs_medcn' 'Medicine'>>
-	<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25  bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>
-	$table_display
-	</table></center>
-	$nl
-	<<act 'Return'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'modskl'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'lip'>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 1>>
-		<center><img HEIGHT = 478 src="images/avatar.jpg"></center>
-	<<else>>
-		<!--<<image $pc.image>>-->
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.lip_size == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 'you have thin$pc.pcs_lipbalm lips.'>> <<set $liptalk = 'thin lips'>> <<set $liptalk2 = 'thin lips'>> <<set $liptalk3 = 'thin lips'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.lip_size == 1>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 'You have normal$pc.pcs_lipbalm lips.'>> <<set $liptalk = 'soft lips'>> <<set $liptalk2 = 'delicate lips'>> <<set $liptalk3 = 'tender lips'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.lip_size == 2>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 'You have plump$pc.pcs_lipbalm lips.'>> <<set $liptalk = 'plump lips'>> <<set $liptalk2 = 'plump lips'>> <<set $liptalk3 = 'plump lips'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.lip_size == 3>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 'You have large,$pc.pcs_lipbalm full lips.'>> <<set $liptalk = 'full lips'>> <<set $liptalk2 = 'plump lips'>> <<set $liptalk3 = 'full lips'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.lip_size == 4>>
-		<<set $pc.lip_size = 'You have huge, thick$pc.pcs_lipbalm lips.'>> <<set $liptalk = 'thick lips'>> <<set $liptalk2 = 'thick lips'>> <<set $liptalk3 = 'thick lips'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<center>Adjust the size of your lips to match your <<link "image">><</link>>:</center>
-	<center><i><<$pc.lip_size>></i></center>
-	<<if $pc.lip_size < 4>>
-		<center><<link "Bigger lips">><<set $pc.lip_size += 1>> <<gs 'intro_customization' 'lip'>><</link>></center>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.lip_size > 0>>
-		<center><<link "Smaller lips">><<set $pc.lip_size -= 1>> <<gs 'intro_customization' 'lip'>><</link>></center>
-	<</if>>
-	<<actCLA '<center><b>Done</b></center>'>>
-		<<gt $location>>
-	<</actCLA>>

+ 0 - 262

@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_initialization
-<!-- !!*************************-->
-<!-- !!	Final Initializations-->
-<!-- !!	Top area for things that need to be done before setting the variables for either start-->
-<<run $wardrobe.add('school_6')>>
-<<set $BDSMfilm = 0>>
-<<set $pornstudio = 0>>
-<<set $pfilmSTOP = 0>>
-<<set $denypreg = 0>>
-<<set $pertemp = 1>>
-<<set $pillcvrt = 1>>
-<<set $pcs_naturallashes = $pc.eyelashes>>
-<!-- !!	Initializing elasticity-->
-<<set $vshrink = 1>>
-<<set $vshrinkdays = 6>>
-<<set $ashrink = 1>>
-<<set $ashrinkdays = 3>>
-<<set $fairycurse = -1>>
-<<gs 'telefon' 'setup'>>
-<<if getvar("$pc.age") < 17>>
-	<<set $pc.visualAge = $pc.age>>
-	<<set $pc.visualAge = $pc.age - 1>>
-<<set $pc.pcs_health = $pc.vitality * 10 + $pc.skillLevel("strength") * 5>>
-<<set $pc.willpower = $pc.skillLevel("intelligence") * 5 + $pc.skillLevel("spirit") * 5>>
-<<set $pcs_mana = ($pc.skillLevel("intelligence") * $pcs_magik) + $pcs_magik * 100 + $pc.vitality * 10 + $rikudo>>
-<<set $pc.pcs_stam = 100>>
-<<set $pc.hairColorNatural = $pc.hairColor>>
-<<set $pcs_pubecol = $pc.hairColor>> <<setinit $pcs_pubecol_num[1] = 1>>
-<<set $oldsavepcs_haircol = 1>>
-<<gs 'dina'>>
-<!-- !!	**********-->
-<!-- !! KEY! I merged 'dinBoroda' with 'clener' and removed the dynamics. This line was at the end of dinBoroda, so I moved it here just in case. Sicaa-->
-<<set $rikudootvet = 1415>>
-<<gs 'BanSexType'>>
-<<set $menoage = rand(40,50)>>
-<<set $temprand = rand(0,10)>>
-<<if getvar("$temprand") == 0>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(0,5)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") < 4>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(3,10)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") < 9>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(5,12)>>
-	<<set $menoage += rand(7,13)>>
-<!-- !!Setting up period start and turning on auto tracking if not on hardcore difficulty-->
-<<set $time.daylastperiod = $time.daystart>>
-<<set $temprand = rand(1,3)>>
-<<if getvar("$temprand") == 1>>
-	<<set $cycle = 1>>
-	<<set $EggRH = rand(1,149)>>
-	<<set $FocH = $EggRH + 4 * 24>>
-	<<set $mesec = 0>>
-	<<set $unfertegg = 0>>
-	<<set $ferteggage = 0>>
-	<<set $Ovulate = 0>>
-	<<set $LutH = 0>>
-	<<set $time.daylastperiod -= $FocH / 24>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") == 2>>
-	<<set $lastovulation = $time.daystart>>
-	<<set $cycle = 2>>
-	<<set $unfertegg = 1>>
-	<<set $ferteggage = rand(0,44)>>
-	<<set $Ovulate = (rand(24,44) - $ferteggage)>>
-	<<if getvar("$Ovulate") <= 0>>
-		<<set $Ovulate = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $mesec = 0>>
-	<<set $EggRH = 0>>
-	<<set $FocH = 0>>
-	<<set $LutH = 0>>
-	<<set $time.daylastperiod -= 10 + ($ferteggage / 24)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$temprand") == 3>>
-	<<set $cycle = 3>>
-	<<set $LutH = rand(0,300)>>
-	<<set $ferteggage = 36 + $LutH>>
-	<<set $mesec = 0>>
-	<<set $EggRH = 0>>
-	<<set $FocH = 0>>
-	<<set $unfertegg = 0>>
-	<<set $Ovulate = 0>>
-	<<set $time.daylastperiod -= 10 + ($ferteggage / 24)>>
-<<if $time.daylastperiod + 4 > $time.daystart>>
-	<<set $lastmens = $time.daylastperiod - 20>>
-	<<set $lastmens = $time.daylastperiod + 4>>
-<<if getvar("$difficulty") == 4>>
-	<<set $cyccustom = 0>>
-	<<set $cyccustom = 1>>
-<<set $opPRE to null>>
-<<set $tgs_skipinto to null>>
-<!-- !! Clothing must go last so that hip size is set-->
-<!-- !! Adding underwear and default shoes and assigning them-->
-<<if $location_var[$here][1] != 'CSB' and getvar("$school_clothing") != 1>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_panties_1',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_bra_1',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_shoes_21')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_shoes_6',false)>>
-<<if getvar("$school_clothing") == 7>>
-	<!-- !!Dancer gets leotard-->
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_155')>>
-<!-- !!	Starting clothing set-->
-<<if getvar("$school_clothing") == 1>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_panties_15',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_bra_15',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_80')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_shoes_19')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_shoes_25',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_outfit_16')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('dolls_outfit_37',false)>>
-<<elseif $location_var[$here][1] == 'CSB'>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_panties_12',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_bra_12',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_81')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_shoes_21')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_shoes_9',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_30')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_dress_1',false)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$alterstrtimg") == 17>>
-	<!-- !!Beautiful start-->
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_outfit_56')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_136')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('cats_dress_59')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_57',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 5>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_30')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_81')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_dress_1',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 10>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_15')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_80')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_4',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 15>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_58')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_106')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_7',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 20>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_55')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_102')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_7',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 25>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_58')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_87')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_39',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 30>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_91')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_96')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_57',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 35>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_95')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_48')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_63',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 40>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_124')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_45')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_89',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 45>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_131')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_38')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_109',false)>>
-<<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 50>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_145')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_17')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_123',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('gm_outfit_149')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_15')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_dress_149',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('scandalicious_swim_two_55')>>
-<<if getvar("$swim_start") == 99>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_inhib <= 10>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('allure_swim_one_3')>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('allure_swim_one_99')>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif getvar("$swim_start") == 1>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_inhib < 10>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_swim_one_1')>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_swim_one_12')>>
-	<</if>>
-<!-- !!setting default danilovich outfit and setting coats-->
-<<if getvar("$school_clothing") == 1>>
-	<<set $school_clothing to null>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('dolls_outfit_29')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_bra_3')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_panties_3')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('dolls_coat_19',false)>>
-<<elseif getvar("$alterstrtimg") == 17>>
-	<!-- !! beautiful start-->
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('cats_coat_16',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_bra_4')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_panties_4')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('school_48')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.wear('gm_coat_12',false)>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_bra_1')>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_panties_1')>>
-	<<if getvar("$school_clothing") == 2>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('school_49')>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('market_outfit_17')>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$school_clothing") == 3>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('school_25')>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$school_clothing") == 4>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('bomba_dress_40')>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$school_clothing") == 5>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('school_52')>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$school_clothing") == 6>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('school_4')>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$school_clothing") == 7>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('school_17')>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_outfit_65')>>
-		<<run $wardrobe.add('danilovich_shoes_17')>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<unset $school_clothing>>
-<<unset $swim_start>>
-<<run $pc.bodyDailyUpdate()>>
-<<set _currentOutfit = $wardrobe.wornItemIds>>
-<<run $wardrobe.outfitAdd('Default',_currentOutfit)>>
-<<set _anySchoolClothingItems = Object.values($wardrobe.itemsFiltered({subtype:'school'}))>>
-<<if _anySchoolClothingItems.length > 0>>
-	<<set _schoolOutfit = clone(_currentOutfit)>>
-	<<set _anySchoolClothingItemId = _anySchoolClothingItems[0].id>>
-	<<set _schoolOutfit.clothes = _anySchoolClothingItemId>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.outfitAdd('School',_schoolOutfit)>>
-	<<set $wardrobe.outfitSchool = 'School'>>
-	<<run $wardrobe.setMetadata(_anySchoolClothingItemId,{h:-1,bmi:0})>><!-- Make the school uniform indesctructable -->
-<<set _sportsOutfit = clone(_currentOutfit)>>
-<<set _sportsItems = $wardrobe.itemsFiltered({vendor:'danilovich'})>>
-<<for _key,_itemData range _sportsItems>>
-	<<set _sportsOutfit[_itemData.type] = _itemData.id>>
-<<run $wardrobe.outfitAdd('Sports',_sportsOutfit)>>
-<<set $wardrobe.outfitSports = 'Sports'>>

+ 0 - 120

@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_sg_m
-<<set $here = 'intro_sg_m'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'four'>>
-	<<set $menu_off = 1>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_gadukino.jpg">>
-	After your second to last year of school, you go on summer holiday with your parents to your grandparents farm in the village of Gadukino, but there''s nothing to do here but watch animals graze and help your grandparents, which does earn you some extra cash, even if it's very tedious.
-	<<actCLA 'Take a walk'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_woods.jpg">>
-		After several hours, you grow bored and decide to go for a walk through the forest, spending most of the time on your phone.
-		Your phone signal then drops, meaning you've strayed too far from the village. Looking up, you don't recognise anything and suddenly realize that you are lost.
-		<<actCLA 'Find a way back'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_ruin.jpg">>
-			You try to find your way back, but the only thing you manage to do is get even more lost. After hours of wandering around, you come across an old ruin.
-			<<actCLA 'Take a break'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_1.jpg">>
-				You sit down on a large stone in the ruins and take a breath. You're starting to get hungry, and stomp your foot in frustration. The floor suddenly gives way and you desperately try to hold on to something, but everything in reach comes loose and falls down the hole with you. You feel slightly dazed, but after a quick check you seem to be uninjured. You seem to be in an underground chamber of some sort and looking up, you see that climbing out is not an option.
-				You spot an old gate, but it's either locked or rusted shut. The only way out seems to be the tunnel on the other side of the chamber. You pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight before heading into the tunnel.
-				<<actCLA 'Follow the tunnel'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_2.jpg">>
-					The tunnel goes on for what feels like miles. You start to worry that your phone battery will die.
-					<<actCLA 'Further'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-						<p>Reaching the end of the tunnel, you find a dead end. Or at least it seems so. You can see light coming through the cracks in the wall, so you do your best to knock it down. The wall crumbles and you find yourself in another chamber filled with old pottery and baubles. Opposite you is another tunnel, which hopefully leads outside. In the center of the room is an altar and on it is what seems to be centerpiece of this room; a strange amulet.</p>
-						<<actCLA 'Examine the amulet'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/item_amulet.jpg">>
-							<p>You take the amulet in your hands and notice it's much lighter than it looks and is unusually warm for a piece of metal. It's shaped like an antique oil lamp and... is that a penis?</p>
-							As you're about to pocket it, the amulet grows even hotter and zaps you, forcing you to drop it. You decide that it's best to try and find a way out.
-							<<actCLA 'Find a way out'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-								You follow the passage and find yourself in a construction site. There are several <b>keep out</b> signs visible from here. Shit.
-								<<actCLA 'Sneak out'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_road.jpg">>
-									The workers shift has long since finished, so sneaking out is not too hard. The site is on the highway so hopefully you can make it back before your mother starts freaking out. As you start walking back, you feel a sudden rush of heat and find yourself falling...
-									<<act 'Continue'>>
-										<<gt 'intro_sg_m' 'five'>>
-									<</act>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'five'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-	<p>You wake up in an unfamiliar room. Standing near you is a red-haired girl.</p>
-	<p>"Ah, you woke up," she chirps. "We found you half-dead, you know. You almost didn't make it. You shouldn't be fondling ancient amulets you know nothing about."</p>
-	"I did some research on what happened to you. Turns out the Amulet of Power passed to you, which should only happen if touched by a male mage. Unfortunately, I've got some bad news for you. Reinhold, a really powerful mage, has been tracking down this amulet for a while now and if he realizes that the amulet''s power has passed to you, he might think you pose a risk."
-	<<actCLA 'What`s going on?'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-		<p>"What the hell is going on?" you respond. You try to move your hands, but you're tied to the bed.</p>
-		"I'll start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Milennia ago, the world was not the same. The fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance, but the succubus were free to breed with whomever they wished."
-		"They bred with humans and so human magicians were born. The Sidhe, as the most powerful of the fae, feared the increasing number of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them. This prevented one from being able to reproduce without the other."
-		"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in their bodies and it is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic."
-		<p>The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignores magic or are protected from it by magic's natural desire to remain hidden, but last night there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly seen by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search. That source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could do untold horrors."</p>
-		She stops for a few seconds for you to process the information. It seems really far fetched.
-		"Reinhold wants to prevent the amulet being misused. He is tasked with maintaining order and will search for you."
-		<<actCLA 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-			<p>"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures, but the rest of us just don't see it, or convince ourselves it didn't happen?"</p>
-			The girl nods. "Yes. You're a quick student. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet. All this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. The human mind can't process magic, so it blocks it as a way to protect the person from going crazy."
-			"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists and spontaneous combustion are when people encounter a difficult to hide phenomenon and the conclusion is flawed. In some cases, if someone''s mind can't cope with the spell they witness, they can be driven insane."
-			<<actCLA 'And who are you?'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-				<p>"And who are you?" you ask.</p>
-				<p>The girl smiles. "Me? I'm Tatiana, a young mage with a keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He's a Mutant due to magical exposure. It gives him unmatched physical strength and he is a great tracker."</p>
-				"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."
-				<<actCLA 'What do you want from me?'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-					<p>"What do you want from me?" you ask.</p>
-					"Well, the amulet obviously," Tatiana replies. "When I looked for you, I was hoping to get that object of power to study, but the power transferred to you first. The amulet will now be pretty much useless."
-					"But this is not good for you. You may think that since you have the amulet''s power, you can do anything. But in reality, you're helpless without the skill to use it. Its power already knocked you out and I had to use magic to stabilize you."
-					<<actCLA 'What is this amulet?'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-						<p>"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.</p>
-						Tatiana thinks about it for a few seconds. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians before he died. He taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form and making it only activate for a male mage."
-						<p>"Great. So I've been thrown into this mess by the dead owner of that ancient tomb. Hang on! I'm not male or a mage, how could the power be transferred to me?"</p>
-						"It seems that its long time underground caused it to malfunction and its power has entered your body."
-						"You're lucky to be a woman," Tatiana adds. "Rikudo''s power seems to only work if it is in a man''s body. Since you can't harness its power, you shouldn''t arouse any suspicion."
-						<<actCLA 'So what should I do?'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-							<<set '"Lay low for now. Get on with your life. We'll contact you if anything comes up. Gustav here will drop you off at your ' + iif($time.month = 'June','grandparent's','parent's')+' place."'>>
-							<<actCLA 'Follow Gustav'>>
-								<<set $finances.cash = 5000>>
-								<<if getvar("$start_location") == 2>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_gadukino.jpg">>
-									You give Gustav directions to your grandparent''s house. Half an hour later, he drops you off at your grandparent''s yard in Gadukino.
-								<<elseif getvar("$start_location") == 1>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_pavlovsk.jpg">>
-									You give Gustav directions to your family''s apartment building. Half an hour later, he drops you off in front of your apartment complex in Pavlovsk.
-								<</if>>
-								<<act '<center><b>Done</b></center>'>>
-									<<gt 'intro_sg_m' 'six'>>
-								<</act>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'six'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_sg_select' 'sg_settings'>>
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization'>>
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/start_csg.jpg">>
-	<p>Welcome to the Cursed Schoolgirl version! Guide $pc.name_nick through her school life, relationships and myriad of other issues that might pop up, all with the added spice of magic to keep things interesting!</p>
-	<<actCLA '<center><b>Begin!</b></center>'>>
-		<<if getvar("$start_location") == 2>>
-			<<gt 'gadhouse' 'intro'>>
-		<<elseif getvar("$start_location") == 1>>
-			<<gt 'bedrPar' 'intro'>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</actCLA>>

+ 0 - 356

+ 0 - 507

@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_sg_tg[event]
-<<set $here = 'intro_sg_tg'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start'>>
-	<<set $locM = 'intro_sg_tg'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'start'>>
-	<<set $menu_off = 1>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_ivan.jpg">>
-	You are Mikhail Ivanov.
-	Your parents died shortly after you were born and your only remaining relative, your great uncle Ivan (pictured), took you in. Your uncle has always made it clear that he took you in as a courtesy to your parents, not to become one himself. You never became close, resulting in a lonely childhood.
-	<!-- !date_toggle = args[1]-->
-	<<if $pc.birthday < 10 and $pc.birthmonth < 10>>
-		<<set $startdob = 'Your birthday: <B>0birthmonth/0birthday/birthyear</B> ($MM / $DD / $YYYY)'>>
-	<<elseif $pc.birthday < 10 and $pc.birthmonth >= 10>>
-		<<set $startdob = 'Your birthday: <B>birthmonth/0birthday/birthyear</B> ($MM / $DD / $YYYY)'>>
-	<<elseif $pc.birthday >= 10 and $pc.birthmonth < 10>>
-		<<set $startdob = 'Your birthday: <B>0birthmonth/birthday/birthyear</B> ($MM / $DD / $YYYY)'>>
-	<<elseif $pc.birthday >= 10 and $pc.birthmonth >= 10>>
-		<<set $startdob = 'Your birthday: <B>birthmonth/birthday/birthyear</B> ($MM / $DD / $YYYY)'>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/1.jpg">>
-		You had a pleasant, undisturbed childhood when you were young. Although you don't remember much from kindergarten, you do remember going to elementary school when you were 6 years old. While you wanted your uncle to act like the fathers of the other kids at school, you were never allowed to call him anything other than "sir."
-		<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/2.jpg">>
-			Your teenage years were beset by the same changes as other boys your age: You got taller and gained some muscle, your shoulders widened, your voice deepened and hair sprouted from everywhere on your body.
-			<p>You spent most of the last few years in a near-constant state of arousal, set off by as little as a suggestively shaped vegetable. Thankfully, the awkward changes and acne have started to subside, leaving you looking like the young man you will become.</p>
-			But you are lonely. Lonely and extremely horny. Unfortunately, your overflowing sex drive is not getting cared for by a loving girlfriend and you walk around with an erection almost every day, non stop.
-			<p>You need a girlfriend, someone to talk to, to flirt with, to slowly but surely lure out of her various layers of clothing. You would settle for a friend with benefits; it sounded hot in the TV show you saw. Or even just some casual sex, but the girls in your class won't give you any attention, at least the ones that aren't utterly ugly. Most ignore you, or when they do acknowledge you, don't take pity on you and instead mock your awkwardness. You never learned how to talk to girls and because your mother died, you've never had a female to help you understand girls. Now that is making your life, among other things, very hard.</p>
-			<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/3.jpg">>
-				<p>Only recently your loneliness and natural tendency for peeping resulted in calamity - You peeked into the girls locker room at school. They were so beautiful, well most of them anyways. You got so horny watching them get undressed and then showering you couldn't help yourself, you don't know what came over you. You pulled out your dick and started to masturbate, trying to stay out of sight, but apparently made too much noise. When two girls came over to investigate, they caught you and started screaming. You tried to run, but were caught and taken the Headmaster, who called your uncle and told him what you had done. Since then, girls haven't stopped making cruel jokes about you being a pervert, or how small your cock supposedly is.</p>
-				Everyone you knew quickly turned on you and nothing you could say worked to change their minds. You became an outcast and received regular beatings from the other guys.
-				<<act 'Continue'>>
-					<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_2_name'>>
-				<</act>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_2_name'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/4.jpg">>
-	Your reputation was in tatters and no girl would give you the time of day, let alone agree to sleep with you. Out of horny desperation and loneliness, you turn to the Internet to make friends. While on a forum for a mobile game, you happened to meet a girl from the nearby town of Pavlovsk. You both liked the game and quickly hit it off, talking almost every day.
-	<<act 'Her name was ...'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_3'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_3'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/17.jpg">>
-	<p>Her name was <<textbox "$pc.name_first" $pc.name_first>> <<textbox "$pc.name_last" $pc.name_last>>, <<textbox "$pc.name_nick" $pc.name_nick>> for short. You don't know why, but she seemed to liked you. Maybe she was as lonely as you were. You couldn't believe your luck.</p>
-	<p>You spent the next few weeks messaging back and forth. She told you all about her life, as well as her likes and dislikes.</p>
-	<<act 'Continue'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_4'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_4'>>
-	<<image "characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg">>
-	You found out about her mother Natasha, and how her biological father left when she was a baby. Her mother remarried shortly afterwards to a man called Vladimir.
-	She had a sister named Anya who was a few years older than her. Anya chose to live at home instead of going to college, working at the local grocery during the day and partying at night.
-	<p>She also had a half-brother Kolka, who was a year younger than her and really into football.</p>
-	<p>Her mother's sister, Aunt Luda, lives on the top floor of the same building as her. Her stepfather's best friend is called Uncle Misha, who lives across the hall. Her mother's old friend Sergey Shulgin lives on the floor above them, and $pc.name_nick's old childhood friend Vasily is his son.</p>
-	Her great grandparents live in a nearby village, where she occasionally spent a weekend. Apparently, her mother's parents are both dead.
-	You listened to her complaining about her extended family and about how she and Vasily drifted apart, comforting her as best you could. Yet you can't help but feel a little jealous at how many caring relatives she has, given that your only relation is a great uncle who is about to kick you onto the streets for the sake of his own reputation.
-	<p>You did the best you could to repress any resentment towards $pc.name_nick about how little she appreciated what she had.</p>
-	<p>When she talks about her mother, she calls her <<textbox "_motherNick" $npc('A29').nickname>>.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<set $npc('A29').nickname = _motherNick>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_5'>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_5'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/6.jpg">>
-	<p>A few months passed. You and $pc.name_nick continued to talk, and you learned even more about her life. As the summer break approaches, you bring up the idea of meeting up. $pc.name_nick was excited at the prospect and you agreed to meet at the café where her mother works.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/7.jpg">>
-		Things at home haven't been going so well during this time.
-		<p>Instead of the rumors dying, they kept escalating.
-		You've had to plan your routes home from school to avoid spots where you'll be cornered and beaten.
-		You spend quite some time chatting with her, and when the summer break comes and you finally get out of school,
-		you wonder whether you can finally meet your chat buddy - and maybe make her your girl...</p>
-		<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/8.jpg">>
-			The morning you agreed to meet her, you pack condoms and some spare cash into a backpack before heading off to the train station in the hopes of getting a girlfriend, or at least getting laid.
-			<p>On the train ride to Pavlovsk, you get a message from $pc.name_nick. Her parents have taken her to spend time with her grandparents in Gadukino. She was unable to get out of the trip, since her mother has been upset at how she has been spending so much time on her phone and not with her family.</p>
-			With no other choice, you buy a second ticket to meet her at Gadukino.
-			<<actCLA 'Travel to Gadukino'>>
-				<<image "locations/shared/train/gadplat.jpg">>
-				<p>You get off the train next to a small road in the middle of nowhere. A dirt road leads to a small village made up of rickety wooden houses and even more ruined ones. Unsure which house belongs to $pc.name_nick's family, you pull out your phone to text her.</p>
-				<p>A few minutes later, an excited teenage girl comes rushing down one of the dirt roads. You double-check a picture of $pc.name_nick on your phone, as this is the first time you've seen her with your own eyes.</p>
-				<<act 'Take a look at her picture'>>
-					<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'settings'>>
-				<</act>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'settings'>>
-	<<set $locM = 'intro_sg_tg'>>
-	<<set $locM_arg = 'intro_6_looks'>>
-	<<set $ml_update_1 = 1>>
-	<<set $pcs_dna = setup.func('dna','generate',$npc('A29').dna,$npc('A35').dna)>>
-	<!-- !! default friendship is 30 for all  npcs-->
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'default'>>
-	<!-- !! changes the values for family members and old friends-->
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'default_family_friends'>>
-	<!-- !! Makes sure Christina hates the player character-->
-	<<set $npc('A18').rel = 1>>
-	<!-- !! Sveta was an outcast (good girl start)-->
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'socialgroup_setting' -5 -5 0 -20 0 0>>
-	<<run $npcs.dec('A25','rel',5)>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'give_access' 'homeParents'>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'set_home' 'homeParents'>>
-	<<set $pc.eyesize = 3>>
-	<<set $pc.lip_size = 2>>
-	<<set $pc.eyelashes = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.hairColor = 3>>
-	<<set $pc.eyecolor = 3>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_hairlng = 300>>
-	<<if $pc.birthmonth == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.birthmonth = 4>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.birthday == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.birthday = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $pc.birthyear = 1999>>
-	<<set $time.yearlefttemp = 1>>
-	<!-- !!Looks-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_hgt = 170>>
-	<<set $pc.salo = 80>>
-	<<set $pc.genbsize = 17>>
-	<<set $pc.pubesLength = 30>>
-	<<set $pc.legHair = 12>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_makeup = 1>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_skin = 40>>
-	<<set $dick = 0>>
-	<!-- !!Basic-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_energy = 60>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_hydra = 60>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_sleep = 70>>
-	<!-- !!Attributes-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 10>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',30)>>
-	<<set $pc.muscularity = 10>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',30)>>
-	<<set $pc.dexterity = 10>>
-	<<set $pc.vitality = 30>>
-	<<set $pc.healthiness = 10>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',30)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',30)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('charisma',35)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('perception',40)>>
-	<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 50>>-->
-	<!-- !!Skills-->
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('defense',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('run',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('gaming',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('people',20)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('observation',20)>>
-	<<set $class_list_institution to null>>
-	<<set $class_list_name to null>>
-	<!-- !!Setting the shcoll classes such that grades can be assigned-->
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','math',3,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','rus',3,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','lit',2,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','art',2,2,'yes','no',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','bio',2,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','pe',3,1,'yes','no',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','eng',2,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','geo',2,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','sci',2,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','shop',2,2,'yes','no',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','comp',3,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','mus',2,2,'yes','no',0,0)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('createclass','his',2,2,'yes','yes',0,0)>>
-	<!-- !!Grades-->
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','math',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','rus',25)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','lit',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','art',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','bio',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','pe',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','eng',25)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','geo',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','sci',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','shop',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','comp',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','mus',55)>>
-	<<run $quest('school').func('grade_award','his',55)>>
-	<!-- !!Money, School, ...-->
-	<<set $finances.cash = 2000>>
-	<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_7'>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_6_looks'>>
-	<<set $loc = 'intro_sg_tg'>>
-	<<set $loc_arg = 'intro_6_looks'>>
-	<<if getvar("$player_avatar") == 1>>
-		<center><img HEIGHT = 478 src="images/avatar.jpg"></center>
-		She looks exactly like the picture she sent you.
-	<<else>>
-		<h2>Character Face</h2>
-		<center><b>Allows you to alter hair and eyes.</b></center>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/character_creation_2.jpg">>
-	<</if>>
-	<center>Customize your:</center>
-	<center><a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''hair''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_hair.png'>></a> <a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''eyes''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_eye.png'>></a></center>
-	<<act 'Meet her'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_7'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Customise $pc.name_first'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_customization' 'start'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_7'>>
-	<!--<<image $pc.image>>-->
-	You couldn't tell from her photo, but although shorter than you, she is rather tall for a girl.
-	She looks like she's spent some time in front of the mirror trying to pretty herself up, and her clothes are very clean. Despite that, she still looks rather average. Like she is the type of girl that would be a background character in another person's life.
-	<<actCLA 'Go for a walk'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_gadukino.jpg">>
-		<p>You both walk along a dirt road heading through grain fields towards a forest. $pc.name_nick holds your hand and keeps babbling on, asking you question after question.</p>
-		<<actCLA 'Keep walking'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_ruin.jpg">>
-			You end up being dragged into her pace, getting lost in the conversation. Before long, you look up and realize that, while you were talking, you've ended up somewhere in the forest. Just ahead of you is an old ruin.
-			<<actCLA 'Take a rest and make a move'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/9.jpg">>
-				<p>You see a large stone at the ruins where you and $pc.name_nick decide to sit down. Being this close to a girl has given you a hardon, so you pull out your shirt and do your best to hide it. She turns and looks at you and you feel this is your moment, so you lean in to kiss her when...</p>
-				<<actCLA 'What`s that sound?'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_1.jpg">>
-					A loud crack runs through the ruins and the ground gives way beneath you, sending you both tumbling down into the dark. Miraculously, you both manage to land with only minor scrapes and bruises. You curse and look around at your surroundings.
-					You seem to be in an underground chamber of some sort. Looking up, you see that climbing out is not an option. There is also an old gate on one side of the chamber, but it's either locked or rusted shut. Looks like the only way out is the tunnel on the other side of the chamber.
-					<p>Thoughts of getting a kissing picture have been thoroughly broken. You have more immediate concerns, so you pull your backpack back onto your shoulders, turn on the flashlight on your phone, and lead $pc.name_nick out the only way you can.</p>
-					<<actCLA 'Follow the tunnel'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_2.jpg">>
-						The tunnel goes on for what feels like miles. You start to worry about your phone''s battery dying.
-						<<actCLA 'Keep going'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-							<p>Reaching the end of the tunnel, you find a dead end. Or at least it seems to be. $pc.name_nick notices light coming through the cracks in the wall. You do your best to knock it down.</p>
-							<p>After a few good hits, the wall crumbles and you find yourself in another chamber filled with old pottery and baubles. Opposite you is another tunnel that hopefully leads out. In the center of the room is an altar and on it is what seems to be the centerpiece of this room; a strange amulet.</p>
-							<<actCLA 'Examine the amulet'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/item_amulet.jpg">>
-								<p>You pick up the strange amulet and examine it. You notice it's much lighter than it looks, and unusually warm for a piece of metal. It's shaped like an antique oil lamp and... is that a penis? This is clearly very old.</p>
-								While holding the amulet, you realize that it's getting warmer, to the point of being almost hot. You suddenly feel heat coursing through your entire body and feel a surge of strength inside you. It's like you just finished a long jog, but without the fatigue.
-								<p>$pc.name_nick touches your arm, asking what you found. "Just some old junk," you reply as you pocket the amulet. "Come on, let's get going."</p>
-								<<actCLA 'Find a way out'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-									You follow the passage and find yourselves in a construction site. There are several keep out signs visible from here.
-									<span class="innerThought">Shit!</span>
-									<<actCLA 'Sneak out'>>
-										<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_road.jpg">>
-										<p>The workers shift has long since finished, so sneaking out isn't too hard. The site is on a highway, so hopefully you can make it back before people notice that $pc.name_nick is missing. It's already late in the afternoon and you're hoping you can get back before dark.</p>
-										<<actCLA 'Walk towards Gadukino'>>
-											<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_road.jpg">>
-											<p>You and $pc.name_nick walk along the road for several hours. The sun has started to set and the trees cast long shadows across the road. $pc.name_nick is lagging behind, getting tired.</p>
-											You stick your hands in your pockets, slowing down to let her catch up. You feel a hard object and pull out the amulet to look at it.
-											It still looks kind of funny, but holding it is sending a pleasant rush of heat and energy through you. There''s something about it that...
-											<p>Suddenly, $pc.name_nick grabs your arm. "Who's that?"</p>
-											<<act 'Look up'>>
-												<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_8'>>
-											<</act>>
-										<</actCLA>>
-									<</actCLA>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_8'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/10.jpg">>
-	You look up to see a dark figure in a long coat. The shadows cast by the setting sun obscure his figure, but you can see him striding purposefully towards you.
-	<p>All of a sudden, a cold chill of fear run through you. Two teenagers alone, in the dark, on the side of a road, in the middle of nowhere, being approached by a tall figure cloaked in shadows? There are dozens of horror stories that begin this way, and you don't want to stick around to find out how it ends.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Run'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_reinhold.jpg">>
-		<p>$pc.name_nick seems to share your thoughts, and she grabs your hand and dashes into the woods, pulling you along with her. Amidst the panic, the amulet slips from your hands and lands in the grass, giving off a slight glow that briefly illuminates the face of the man who was following you. Your long legs allow you to take the lead, dragging $pc.name_nick behind you into the forest.</p>
-		<<actCLA 'Keep running'>>
-			<<image "locations/gadukino/forest/gadforestlost_night0.4.jpg">>
-			<p>You drag $pc.name_nick along in a mad dash to escape the dark figure. You twist and turn, trying to lose him in the woods. After a few minutes, you feel $pc.name_nick's hand rip out of your grasp. You look back to see her collapsing on the ground, panting in exhaustion. There's no sign of the man anywhere, and you sigh in relief.</p>
-			<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-				<<image "locations/gadukino/forest/howl.jpg">>
-				<p>Suddenly, you hear a terrifying howl close behind you. Another jolt of adrenaline passes through you. Wolves?!</p>
-				<<actCLA 'Run away'>>
-					<<image "locations/gadukino/forest/run_wolf.jpg">>
-					<p>You turn to help $pc.name_nick just in time to see a wolf knock her to the ground. She screams in fear and reaches out to you before the wolf sinks its fangs into her throat, blood spraying over the wolf and pouring down her neck as she helplessly gurgles and chokes on it. You look on in shock before trying to escape, but almost immediately feel something heavy crash into you from behind and knock you down.</p>
-					<<actCLA 'Lash out'>>
-						<<image "locations/gadukino/forest/wolf.jpg">>
-						You panic and lash out with your hands, causing the wolf attacking you to spring backwards out of range. Yet another wolf rushes in from the side, tearing into your shoulder.
-						<<actCLA 'Scream in pain'>>
-							<<image "locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_night2.jpg">>
-							<p>You let out a scream of pain, every thought being buried under the wild panic of adrenaline. You try to get up to run, but a pair of jaws bites deep into your thigh, sending you to the ground. You catch a brief glimpse of the blood soaked wolf and other members of the pack tearing into $pc.name_nick's corpse. There is a look of immense terror in her now dead eyes.</p>
-							<<actCLA 'Oh god...'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/11.jpg">>
-								Shock and blood loss set in, causing your vision to start to black out. So this is how you die. Moments before you pass out, you swear you can hear the sound of crunching bones and see a flash of bright red hair.
-								<<act '...am I dying?'>>
-									<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_9'>>
-								<</act>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_9'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/11.jpg">>
-	Darkness consumes your thoughts for some time. Eventually, images begin to form in your mind and you soon find yourself in the middle of a dream. The strange amulet stands before you and out of it comes a ghost of some sort. Before you even realize what you are doing, you find yourself staring deep into the ghost's eyes, which turn into two Earths.
-	"Most who look at the world see only the mundane, but there is more to it. Much more. Now you see that too. You have the potential to shape it all, but first, you have company."
-	<<actCLA 'Wake up'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-		<p>You open your eyes to see you are in a hospital room. Next to you is an unfamiliar red-haired girl.</p>
-		<p>"Ah, you woke up," she chirps. "We found you half-dead, you know. You almost didn't make it. There was nothing I could do for the girl though, poor thing was ripped to pieces before I could get to you. Running half-exhausted through the forest made you a pretty tempting target for that pack. Then again, given how you picked up that amulet, you probably wouldn't have lasted much longer, even if you had managed to get away."</p>
-		<<actCLA 'What? Who? Where?'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-			<p>You try to ask her all the questions running through your mind right now. Unfortunately all that comes out of your mouth is a croaking groan. Your tongue feels half-numb, as does the rest of your body. Your head is too fuzzy to think straight.</p>
-			"I'd take it easy right now. I managed to save you, but your body still needs to get used to the change."
-			<<actCLA 'What change?'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-				<p>"What change?" You manage to get those words out, though your voice sounds a lot higher than normal.</p>
-				The girl points at your chest. "Take a look for yourself."
-				<<actCLA 'Look down'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/12.jpg">>
-					You look down, hair longer than it was yesterday shifting in front of your eyes. The covers of the hospital bed lie flat over your body, but they cover a far different shape than you are used to.
-					<p>You whip back the covers and the front-open hospital gown to discover a pair of naked breasts and the smooth curves of a teenage girl. An empty feeling between your legs informs you that your old friend has gone missing.</p>
-					You hastily recover your body in a panic, turning to the girl at your bedside.
-					<<actCLA 'What did you do to me?!'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-						The girl frowns at your tone. "<i>I</i> saved your life. Twice, even. You shouldn't run off into the woods at night, let alone be fondling ancient amulets you know nothing about. Especially something like the Amulet of Power. Turns out that it passed to you. Must have happened when you touched it."
-						<<actCLA 'What`s going on?'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-							<p>"What the hell is going on?" you respond. "What does that have to do with turning me into a girl?!"</p>
-							"Hold on, I'll get to that. Let me start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Millenia ago, the world was not the same. The fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance, but the succubus were free to breed with whomever they wished."
-							"They bred with humans, and with that human magicians were born. The Sidhe, the most powerful of the fae, feared the increasing number of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them, preventing either from being able to reproduce without the other."
-							"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in their bodies. It is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic."
-							The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignores magic, or are protected from it by magic''s natural desire to remain hidden."
-							<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-								<p>"But last night there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly felt by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search. That source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could cause untold horrors."</p>
-								She stops for a few seconds for you to process that information. It seems really far fetched.
-								"A man named Reinhold wanted to prevent the amulet being misused, so he went out to find it. Of course, the moment you saw him, you dropped the amulet and bolted into the woods. He picked it up but didn't bother to check you over. Unfortunately, he's probably realized by now that the amulet no longer has the power and now he'll be out to hunt you down."
-								<<actCLA 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-									<p>"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures. But the rest of us just don't see it, or we convince ourselves it didn't happen?"</p>
-									The girl nods. "Yes. You're a quick study. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet. All this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot a flamethrower. The average human mind can't process magic, so it blocks it out as a way to protect the person from going crazy."
-									<p>"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists and spontaneous combustion are from when people encounter a difficult-to-hide phenomenon and their minds come to a flawed conclusion. In some cases, a person's mind can't cope with the spell they witness and they are driven insane."</p>
-									<<actCLA 'And who are you?'>>
-										<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-										<p>"And who are you?" you ask.</p>
-										<p>The girl smiles. "Me? I'm Tatiana, a young mage with a keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He's a Mutant due to magical exposure. It gives him unmatched physical strength, plus he's a great tracker."</p>
-										"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."
-										<<actCLA 'What do you want from me?'>>
-											<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-											<p>"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.</p>
-											Tatiana thinks about it for a few seconds. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians. He taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form, yet making it only activate for a male mage."
-											<p>"I'm not a mage though. How could the power be transferred to me? And what does that have to do with turning me into a girl?"</p>
-											"Well as for how the power was transferred, it seems that its long time underground caused it to malfunction and its power to enter your body. It was far too powerful for your body and would have ended up killing you and who knows how many others. Which is where the ''turning you into a girl'' part comes in."
-											<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-												<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-												"See, when I found you I could feel the aura of power emanating from you. That made it easy to put things together. I knew enough about the Amulet to know that the power would have destroyed you. So I drew from that aura to transform you into someone who was protected from the masculine alignment of the power."
-												Tatiana runs a hand through her hair and giggles. "So I made you into a pretty teenage girl. Now the power is going to lie dormant, saving you from blowing up a city or something."
-												<p>"Wasn't there any other way? Taking away my manhood is a pretty drastic move!"</p>
-												<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-													<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-													"Of course there was another way. I could have just stopped your heart and let your power dissolve into nature. You would have died though. Reinhold might be the kind of person to kill you to save others, but I didn't want to kill you right after saving you. Plus, with my magic, I was able to take this risk. Sure, maybe with more time doing research I could have worked out another solution, but I didn't have a lot of time."
-													"Of course I couldn't just leave a newly created teenage girl without parents or a home. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Instead of just turning you into any old girl, I turned you into the girl you were with."
-													<<actCLA 'What?'>>
-														<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-														<p>Startled, you reach up to your face, tracing out the features. You didn't get a chance to become familiar with her face, but it feels about right. This whole time, $pc.name_nick's death didn't feel real, like she was still around somehow. Maybe it's because you now <i>are</i> $pc.name_nick, but even now you don't feel a sense of loss or guilt.</p>
-														<p>"Having a template to work off of really helped. Not even a geneticist could tell you two apart; you are identical from your fingerprints down to your DNA. Of course, that means your new 'equipment' down there is fully functional as well, so if you don't want to be a mommy, you should start thinking about contraceptives. You should probably also stay away from any male relatives if you don't want to end up with a kid with eleven toes or something."</p>
-														<p>You angrily glare at Tatiana. "So you think I'm a girl now? On the outside maybe, but guess what? I'm still a boy on the inside!"</p>
-														<p>"Well, yes. I won't argue about that." Tatiana agrees. "You can decide what you want to do with your life, but you might want to play the part of $pc.name_first until graduation at least. On a side note, I already took care of an alibi. Yesterday, "$pc.name_first" was found half-dead on the edge of the woods while the leftovers of Mikhail's body were found deeper in. It's in the news." With these words, she tosses a newspaper onto the bed, an article circled out.</p>
-														<<actCLA 'Read the newspaper'>>
-															<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/13.jpg">>
-															<p>There is a news report about a teenage boy, whose remains were found by a group of hunters half-eaten by wolves.</p>
-															<p>You give Tatiana a bewildered stare. She has an enigmatic smile on her face. "Well, I am a magician. That's something that I can do. Reinhold has definitely lost the trail; there's no reason he should suspect the power been passed to a girl. You took $pc.name_first's place, and she took yours. The body in the woods was a perfect copy of your old self, from your absorbed amulet energy down to the placement of every single hair."</p>
-															<p>"Anyways, your 'mother' will be by in a few hours to pick you up; she thinks that you've got some amnesia from a head injury and mental trauma from seeing your 'boyfriend' get eaten alive by wolves, so you should probably be covered for any slip-ups. Just play the part of the traumatized little schoolgirl and it should be all good. Have fun."</p>
-															She gets up and heads to the door, opening it up to reveal a tall man with red hair and face tattoos. "Come on, Gustav, let's go." The pair disappear into the hall, leaving you with your thoughts.
-															<<actCLA 'Think about your situation'>>
-																<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/14.jpg">>
-																You aren't sure what to think.
-																On the one hand, you've lost your manhood forever. You'll have to deal with skirts and periods and makeup and babies and all other sorts of girly things.
-																On the other, you've been granted a clean slate. No more beatings, no threats of becoming homeless, and you're gaining the family you never had. Plus, you're going to be able to spy on girls in the locker room without them screaming this time.
-																<p>Whining about the situation isn't going to change it, so you resolve to deal with it one day at a time, living your new life as $pc.name_first "$pc.name_nick" $pc.name_last.</p>
-																<!-- !! default start-->
-																<<actCLA 'Start at the end of August'>>
-																	<<run $time.initTime(2018,8,28,9,0)>>
-																	<<setinit $grandmaQW['last_month_paid'] = $time.month>>
-																	<<set $kanicont = 6>>
-																	/*<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_end'>>*/
-																	<<set $starting_location = 'pavlovsk'>> <<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'game_start'>>
-																<</actCLA>>
-																/*<<actCLA 'Start at the beginning of June'>>
-																	<<set $time.month = 6>>
-																	<<setinit $grandmaQW['last_month_paid'] = $time.month>>
-																	<<set $time.day = 1>>
-																	<<set $time.weekday = 3>>
-																	<<set $kanicont = 92>>
-																	<<set $Gspassed = 1>>
-																	<<setinit $locat['Fam_set_month_inGad'] = 1>>
-																	<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'intro_end'>>
-																<</actCLA>>*/
-															<</actCLA>>
-														<</actCLA>>
-													<</actCLA>>
-												<</actCLA>>
-											<</actCLA>>
-										<</actCLA>>
-									<</actCLA>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro_end'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/start_csb.jpg">>
-	You can choose from two starting locations:
-	In the Pavlovsk start you awaken at your parent''s home in the provincial town of Pavlovsk <i>(Recommended for new players)</i>. In the Gadukino start you are visiting your grandparent''s house in the small farming village of Gadukino.
-	<<act 'Pavlovsk Start'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'pav_start'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Gadukino Start'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'gad_start'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'pav_start'>>
-	<center><h2>Pavlovsk</h2></center>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_pavlovsk.jpg">>
-	<center>A provincial town in a rural area of Russia, which looks much like all the other towns in the region. Population: 15000.</center>
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<set $starting_location = 'pavlovsk'>> <<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'game_start'>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Change location'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'gad_start'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'gad_start'>>
-	<center><h2>Gadukino</h2></center>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_gadukino.jpg">>
-	<center>A small farming village with just as many rickety wooden houses dot the landscape as ruins. The village has seen better days.</center>
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<set $starting_location = 'gadukino'>> <<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'game_start'>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<act 'Change location'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_tg' 'pav_start'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'game_start'>>
-	<<image "characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg">>
-	<p>Shortly after Tatiana left, your new mother showed up to take you to your new home. You met your new family and did the best you could to fit in, afraid of them figuring out that you're not $pc.name_first. They seem to have bought Tatiana's explanation of amnesia and mental trauma, going out of their way to reintroduce you to your new life.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/4_csb/15.jpg">>
-		<p>Over the next week, you slowly became accustomed to your new life. You aren't used to being a girl just yet, but you've come to think of yourself as $pc.name_nick instead of Mikhail, and $pc.name_nick's family as your own.</p>
-		<p>There were a few incidents where you acted in some decidedly non-feminine ways. Luckily Tatiana's alibi has proved helpful here as well, covering your mistakes.</p>
-		<p>You've noticed some other mental changes apart from just thinking of yourself as $pc.name_first. Perhaps it is a result of your new gender, but with your new body has come an attraction towards men. You are a little unsettled by these changes, but you can't feel repulsed by these new desires any more than you could have been repulsed for finding girls attractive before.</p>
-		<p>The first time you saw a man's penis was a mind-opening experience, awakening unfamiliar feelings. Luckily it seems that you've retained your attraction towards women, making your changing sexuality easier to deal with. So far, you haven't had the time to really explore a woman's pleasure.</p>
-		<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-			<<if $starting_location == 'pavlovsk'>>
-				<<image "locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/bedrpar.jpg">>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $starting_location == 'gadukino'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_gadukino.jpg">>
-			<</if>>
-			<p>It will take some more time for you to get completely used to your new body and life as $pc.name_first. For now, you should just focus on getting out of bed.</p>
-			<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-				/*<<gs 'intro_sg_select' 'sg_settings'>>*/
-				<<gs 'intro_initialization'>>
-				/*<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>*/
-				<!-- !!Stuff from the backpack, phone-->
-				<<run $inventory.set('condom',3)>>
-				<<set $pornMagazine = 40>>
-				<<gs 'internet_mobile' 'top_up_metered' 'meterd-calls' 240>>
-				/*<<set $time.minutes = 0>>
-				<<set $time.hour = 9>>*/
-				<<msg 'You have gained the trait ""Everything is New Again""! <br>Being thrust into a new life has forced you to re-evaluate and relearn everything. You pick up new skills more quickly for a short time.'>>
-				<<gs 'init_post_intro'>>
-				<<actCLA 'Start your new life'>>
-					<<set  $init_complete = true>>
-					<<if $starting_location == 'pavlovsk'>>
-						<<gt 'bedrPar'>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $starting_location == 'gadukino'>>
-						<<gt 'gadhouse' 'start'>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-:: start_schoolgirl_characterSelect[menu]
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/pre_4.jpg">>
-	<p>Select your personality/social group. Your social group will have a major defining impact upon your life in school and will determine your starting friends, starting traits and overall look. While you can always change groups later on, it takes time and effort, so choose wisely.</p>
-	<p>Click on the options to see details. You will be asked to confirm your choice at the end of the selection process.</p>
-	<<characterSelect 'sg_starting_category' 'startStageDynamic' 'start_schoolgirl_characterSelect'>>

+ 0 - 43

@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-:: start_schoolgirl_family[menu]
-	<h2>Friends and Family</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/pre_1.jpg">>
-	<p>
-		Your mother's name is <<textboxRand "_motherName" $npc($npc_mother).firstname "setup.randomName('female')">> and your biological father left when you were a baby,
-		your mother marrying your stepfather, <<textboxRand "_fatherName" $npc($npc_father).firstname "setup.randomName('male')">> $pc.name_last, shortly afterwards.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		<<textboxRand "_sisterName" $npc($npc_sister).firstname "setup.randomName('female')">> is your older sister, who is two years older than you but is still living at home while working at the local grocery store.
-		She chose not to attend university and instead spends most of her free time drinking and going to parties with her friends, much to your mother's dismay.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		You also have a younger half-brother, <<textboxRand "_brotherName" $npc($npc_brother).firstname "setup.randomName('male')">>, who is really into sports, especially football, and is shaping up to be a fine athlete.
-		He is a year younger than you and his father is your stepfather.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Your aunt <<textboxRand "_auntName" $npc($npc_aunt).firstname "setup.randomName('female')">> lives in the same building as you do, though you rarely see her except when you pass her in the stairwell.
-		She is your mother's older sister.
-		<<textboxRand "_nameA54" $npc('A54').firstname "setup.randomName('male')">>, as everyone calls him, is best friends with your stepfather.
-		<<textboxRand "_nameA11" $npc('A11').firstname "setup.randomName('male')">> <<textboxRand "_nameLastA11" $npc('A11').lastname "setup.randomName('last')">>, your childhood friend, is the same age as you and grew up living in the same apartment building on the floor above yours.
-		His father, <<textboxRand "_nameA112" $npc('A112').firstname "setup.randomName('male')">>, is an old friend of your mother.
-	</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Back'>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_father).firstname = _fatherName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_mother).firstname = _motherName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_aunt  ).firstname = _auntName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_sister).firstname = _sisterName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_brother).firstname = _brotherName>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_father).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_mother).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_sister).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_brother).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc('A54').firstname = _nameA54>>
-		<<set $npc('A11').firstname = _nameA11>>
-		<<set $npc('A112').firstname = _nameA112>>
-		<<set $npc('A11').lastname = _nameLastA11>>
-		<<set $npc('A112').lastname = _nameLastA11>>
-		<<gt 'start_schoolgirl_overview'>>
-	<</actCLA>>

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_sg_finalize[event]
-	<<set $sisboyday = -2>>
-	<<set $cltarelka = 0>>
-	<<set $fairy = 0>>
-	<<set $poroshok = 0>>
-	<<set $hcolfronce = 1>>
-	<!-- !!Setting Kolkas birthday based off the player''s-->
-	<<set _kolkasBirthday = new Date($pc.birthdayDate.getTime())>>
-	<<run _kolkasBirthday.setDate(_kolkasBirthday.getDate() + 280 + rand(0,30)+rand(0,30))>><!-- roughly 9-11 months difference -->
-	<<set $npc('A34').birthday = _kolkasBirthday>>
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization'>>
-	<<gs 'init_post_intro'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/start_sg.jpg">>
-	<p>Welcome to the Schoolgirl version! You will need to carry on with your school life, manage your relationships and deal with whatever else comes up along the way!</p>
-	<<act 'Begin'>>
-		<<run $pc.init_final()>>
-		<<gt_start_location>>
-	<</act>>

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-:: gt_start_location_widget[widget]
-<<widget 'gt_start_location'>>
-	/*<<if getvar("$start_location") == 2>>
-		<<gt 'gadhouse' 'intro'>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$start_location") == 1>>*/
-		<<gt 'intro_sg_mother_speech'>>
-	/*<</if>>*/

+ 0 - 32

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-:: start_schoolgirl_overview[menu]
-	<<image 'start/schoolgirl_nameSelect.webp'>>
-	<<act '<b>Continue</b>'>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_father).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_mother).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_sister).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<set $npc($npc_brother).lastname = $pc.name_last>>
-		<<gt 'startStageDynamic'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Family and friends'>>
-		<<gt 'start_schoolgirl_family'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act 'Backstory'>>
-		<<gt 'start_schoolgirl_backstory'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<run $time.initTime(2018,8,28,6,0)>>
-	<<set $npc_father = 'A28'>>
-	<<set $npc_mother = 'A29'>>
-	<<set $npc_aunt = 'A30'>>
-	<<set $npc_sister = 'A33'>>
-	<<set $npc_brother = 'A34'>>
-	<p>
-		Your name is
-		<<textboxRand "$pc.name_first" $pc.name_first "setup.randomName('female')">>
-		<<textboxRand "$pc.name_last" $pc.name_last "setup.randomName('last')">>, nicknamed <<textbox "$pc.name_nick" $pc.name_nick>> by friends and family.
-	</p>

+ 0 - 63

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-:: start_special_char_script[script]
-setup.startingCharacters ??= {};
-setup.startingCharacters.special = {
-	parent: 'default',
-	time: {start:[2018,10,1,6,0]}
-setup.startingCharacters.special_abductee = {
-	parent: 'special',
-	label: 'Abductee',
-	desc: 'You have been abducted by a man who wants to turn you into a sex slave.',
-	passage: 'abduction_start',
-	housing:{
-		home: 'cityResidentialApartment'
-	},
-setup.startingCharacters.special_abductee_attractive = {
-	parent: 'special_abductee',
-	label: 'Beautiful',
-	desc: `Being naturally beautiful you were an attractive target for abductions.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		faceGeneticAttractiveness: 2,
-		hairColor: 3,
-		legHairVisibility: 1,
-		skinAppearance: 1,
-		teethQuality:0,
-		tits: 4,
-		willpowermax: 70
-	},
-	skills:{
-		charisma:40,
-		highHeels:25,
-		inhibition:20,
-		makeup:30,
-		people:20,
-		persuasion:20,
-		iceskating:10,
-		spirit:40,
-	}
-:: start_special_char_select[quest]
-	<p>Choose your start.</p>
-	<<characterSelect 'special' 'start_special_finalize'>>
-:: start_special_finalize[event]
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization'>>
-	<<gs 'init_post_intro'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/start_sg.jpg">>
-	<p>Initialization completed.</p>
-	<<act 'Begin'>>
-		<<run $pc.init_final()>>
-		<<gt setup.getStartingCharacter().passage>>
-	<</act>>

+ 0 - 1104

@@ -1,1104 +0,0 @@
-setup.getStartingCharacter = function(id=undefined){
-	id ??= State.variables.startCharacter;
-	let currentData = clone(setup.startingCharacters[id]);
-	currentData.inheritance = [id];
-	if("parent" in currentData){
-		let parentData = setup.getStartingCharacter(currentData.parent);
-		let newcurrentData = setup.mergeDeep(parentData,currentData,{inheritance:[...parentData.inheritance,...currentData.inheritance]});
-		currentData = newcurrentData;
-		delete currentData.parent;
-	}
-	return currentData;
-setup.getStartingCharactersByFilter = function(filters,shallow = true){
-	let result = {};
-	charLoop: for (const [charId, charData] of Object.entries(setup.startingCharacters)) {
-		for (const [filterKey, filterValue] of Object.entries(filters)) {
-			if(charData[filterKey] !== filterValue)
-				continue charLoop;
-			if(shallow)
-				result[charId] = charData;
-			else
-				result[charId] = setup.getStartingCharacter(charId);
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-setup.startingCharacterApply = function(characterId){
-	const startCharacterData = setup.getStartingCharacter(characterId);
-	const variables = State.variables;
-	variables.startCharacter = characterId;
-	variables.pc.avatar = startCharacterData.image;
-	if(startCharacterData.time){
-		if(startCharacterData.time.start){
-			variables.time.initTime(
-				startCharacterData.time.start[0],
-				startCharacterData.time.start[1],
-				startCharacterData.time.start[2],
-				startCharacterData.time.start[3],
-				startCharacterData.time.start[4]);
-		}
-	}
-	variables.housing.home = startCharacterData.housing.home;
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.pc ?? {})){
-		variables.pc[_key] = _value;
-	}
-	for(const [_locationId,_locationValue] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.location ?? {})){
-		for(const [_fieldId,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_locationValue  ?? {})){
-			variables.location.set(_locationId,_fieldId,_fieldValue);
-		}
-	}
-	for(const [_locationTag,_locationTagValue] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.locationTags ?? {})){
-		for(const [_fieldId,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_locationTagValue  ?? {})){
-			variables.location.setTagValue(_locationTag,_fieldId,_fieldValue);
-		}
-	}
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.personality ?? {})){
-		variables.pc.personalityScale(_key).current = _value;
-	}
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.quests ?? {})){
-		if(_value === true){
-			variables.quest(_key).start();
-		}
-	}
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.skills ?? {})){
-		variables.pc.skillSetLevel(_key,_value);
-	}
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.traits ?? {})){
-		variables.pc.traitSet(_key,_value);
-	}
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.finances ?? {})){
-		variables.finances[_key] = _value;
-	}
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.items ?? {})){
-		if(typeof _value == "number")
-			variables.inventory.set(_key,_value);
-		else if(typeof _value === "object"){
-			if(_value.generateFunction)
-				variables.inventory.set(
-					_key,
-					1,
-					undefined,
-					Object.assign(
-						setup[_value.generateFunction](
-							...(_value.generateParameters ?? [])
-						),
-						{id:_key}
-					)
-				);
-			else
-				variables.inventory.set(_key,1,undefined,_value);
-		}
-	}
-	//<!-- NPCs -->
-		//<!-- BULK -->
-		for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.npcs?.bulk ?? {})){
-			let _filters = _value.filters ?? {};
-			for(const [_fieldKey,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_value.values ?? {})){
-				variables.npcs.setBulkByFilter(_filters,_fieldKey,_fieldValue);
-			}
-		}
-		//<!-- IDs: Need to come after bulk so they don't get overwritten -->
-		for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.npcs?.ids ?? {})){
-			for(const [_fieldKey,_fieldValue] of Object.entries(_value)){
-				variables.npcs.set(_key,_fieldKey,_fieldValue);
-			}
-		}
-	//<!-- School stuff -->
-	if(startCharacterData.school){
-		for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.school.grades ?? {})){
-			variables.quest('school').func('grade_award',_key,_value);
-		}
-		variables.quest('school').func('initGroupMembership',startCharacterData.school.group);
-	}
-	//<!--Wardrobe -->
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.wardrobe?.items ?? {})){
-		if(_value === 'wear')
-			variables.wardrobe.wear(_key);
-		else if(_value === 'add')
-			variables.wardrobe.add(_key);
-	}
-	for(const [_key,_value] of Object.entries(startCharacterData.wardrobe?.itemsByFilter ?? {})){
-		let _filters = _value.filters;
-		let _count = _value.count ?? 1;
-		let _action = _value.action ?? 'add';
-		let _itemIds = variables.wardrobe.allItemIdsFiltered(_filters,_count,true);
-		for(const _itemId of _itemIds){
-			switch(_action){
-				case 'add':
-					variables.wardrobe.add(_itemId);
-					break;
-				case 'wear':
-					variables.wardrobe.wear(_itemId);
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes = function(tag){
-	const startData = setup.getStartingCharacter(State.variables.startCharacter) ?? {};
-	const startDataTags = startData.tags ?? [];
-	return startDataTags.includes(tag);
-setup.startingCharacters ??= {};
-setup.startingCharacters.default = {
-	pc:{
-		faceGeneticAttractiveness: 0,
-		hairColor: 0,
-		hairLength: 300,
-		teethQuality: 1,
-		tits: 2,
-		pcs_hgt: 167
-	},
-	finances:{
-		cash: 2000
-	},
-	items:{
-		sanpad:10
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			parents_social:{
-				filters:{
-					group: 'group_parents_social'
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.sg_starting_category = {
-	parent: 'default',
-	housing:{
-		home: 'homeParents'
-	},
-	quests:{
-		school: true,
-		school_mother: true,
-		mother_virgin: true,
-		christina: true
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			cool:{
-				filters:{
-					group: 'cool'
-				},
-				values:{
-					fam: 150,
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-			jocks:{
-				filters:{
-					group: 'jocks'
-				},
-				values:{
-					fam: 150,
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-			nerds:{
-				filters:{
-					group: 'nerds'
-				},
-				values:{
-					fam: 150,
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-			ouctasts:{
-				filters:{
-					group: 'ouctasts'
-				},
-				values:{
-					fam: 150,
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-			gopniks:{
-				filters:{
-					group: 'gopniks'
-				},
-				values:{
-					fam: 150,
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-			teachers:{
-				filters:{
-					group: 'teachers'
-				},
-				values:{
-					fam: 50,
-					rel: 50
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-		items:{
-			'danilovich_swim_one_16':'add'
-		}
-	},
-	tags: ['sg']
-setup.startingCharacters.nerd = {
-	parent: 'sg_starting_category',
-	label: 'Nerd',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_0.jpg',
-	desc: 'Nerds, geeks and good students - These students tend to do well in school and are well liked by teachers and other adults. They tend to not have many friends outside of their own social group, however, and are also sometimes picked on or bullied. They are subpar athletically and place less value on looks and social skills than other cliques.',
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 24,
-		legHairVisibility: 4,
-		skinAppearance: 0,
-		tan: 0
-	},
-	skills:{
-		chess:20,
-		computer:20,
-		gaming:20,
-		highHeels:5,
-		intelligence:45,
-		makeup:15,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:10},
-	items:{
-		nerd_startarting_book_1:{
-			generateFunction:'generateBook',
-			generateParameters:['fantasy']
-		},
-		nerd_startarting_book_2:{
-			generateFunction:'generateBook',
-			generateParameters:['scifi']
-		}
-	},
-	finances:{
-		cash: 5000
-	},
-	traits:{
-		nerd_points:60,
-		nerd_status:2,
-		nerd_lernHome:5,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	art:75,	bio:80,	comp:80,	eng:85,	geo:80,	his:80,	lit:80,	math:85,	mus:75,	pe:60,	rus:80,	sci:90,	shop:55	},
-		group: 'nerds'
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			nerds:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 65
-				}
-			},
-			parents_social:{
-				values:{
-					rel: 70
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	tags: ['nerd']
-setup.startingCharacters.nerd_queen = {
-	parent: 'nerd',
-	label: 'Queen of the nerds',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_1.webp',
-	desc: `While you love all things nerdy, what you love the most is hanging out with your fellow nerds and doing nerdy things together. This has made you fairly social for a nerd and more general in your areas of knowledge. As you got older and started to develop as a woman, it also made you much more aware of your sexuality than most nerds are comfortable with. As such, you cultivated that awareness more than most and are now more at ease with your body than most of the other nerds.
-	By nerd standards, you are confident, dynamic and attractive and this has led to you being the leader of your group of friends. You are more acceptable to other social groups as a result, especially the cool kids, who seem to respect your social skills and looks.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		faceGeneticAttractiveness: 1,
-		hairColor: 3,
-		legHairVisibility: 1,
-		skinAppearance: 1,
-		teethQuality:0,
-		tits: 4,
-		//willpowermax: 70
-	},
-	skills:{
-		charisma:40,
-		highHeels:25,
-		makeup:30,
-		people:20,
-		persuasion:20,
-		iceskating:10,
-		spirit:40,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:20},
-	items:{
-		cosmetics:10,
-		razor:10
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			cool:{	values:{	fam: 300,	rel: 50}},
-			jocks:{	values:{	fam: 200,	rel: 40}},
-			nerds:{	values:{				rel: 75}},
-			gopniks:{values:{	fam: 200,	rel: 20}},
-			ouctasts:{values:{	fam: 200,	rel: 30}},
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-		itemsByFilter:{
-			anyFashionistaPurse:{
-				filters:{
-					vendor:'fashionista',
-					type: 'purse'
-				},
-				action: 'wear'
-			}
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.goodStudent = {
-	parent: 'nerd',
-	label: 'Good student',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_2.jpg',
-	desc: `You just love school, and your grades are more than good enough to attend the university of your choosing after graduation - all you have to do is not let them slip. You have always tried to absorb every bit of knowledge possible and have done everything you can to excel in school. While this attitude has gained you a lot of respect from the other nerds, it didn't earn you a lot of friends and you never found the time for sports.
-	You are often asked to be a tutor and sometimes find yourself forced to do others' homework for them. You have excellent grades, and your mother is very proud of you. She has shown her appreciation for your hard work by rewarding you with money.`,
-	pc:{
-		hairLength: 300,
-		//willpowermax: 75
-	},
-	skills:{
-		intelligence:60,
-		playInstrument:10,
-		art:10,
-	},
-	traits:{
-		nerd_points:100,
-		nerd_status:3,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	art:90,	bio:90,	comp:90,	eng:90,	geo:90,	his:90,	lit:90,	math:90,	mus:90,	pe:55,	rus:90,	sci:90,	shop:55	}
-	},
-	finances:{
-		cash: 7000
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.computerGeek = {
-	parent: 'nerd',
-	label: 'Computer geek',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_3.jpg',
-	desc: `You were always into computers, whether it be by playing video games, taking computers apart or learning programing and even hacking. You love everything about computers, but this passion left you little time to make friends - real-life friends, at least. You have managed to befriend many online players that you talk to while you play various video games, however, and you rarely spend any time outdoors, nor money on clothes or other girly stuff. You are far more interested in saving your money for a better computer in order to play even better games.
-	You've considered hosting a web series of video games or vlogs - you even took the time to learn how to video edit - but you aren't sure if you want to put yourself out there like that.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		hairColor: 3,
-		//willpowermax: 60
-	},
-	skills:{
-		intelligence:55,
-		computer:40,
-		hacking:20,
-		gaming:30,
-	},
-	traits:{
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	comp:95}
-	},
-	location:{
-        bedrPar:{
-            furniture:{
-                computer: {}
-            }
-        }
-    },
-	locationTags:{
-		homeParents:{
-			internet: true
-		}
-	},
-	npcs:{
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.chessPlayer = {
-	parent: 'nerd',
-	label: 'Avid chess player',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_4.jpg',
-	desc: `You were always into chess as a child, and have studied all the great chess masters. You can name them all, as well as their favorite strategies! You find nothing more interesting than matching your wits against someone else's in a game of chess. It has left you with the ability to often see the consequences of your actions better than most as you are used to looking several moves ahead.
-	All of this has left you with little time to make many friends, and you rarely spend any time outdoors.`,
-	pc:{
-		hairColor: 3,
-		hairLength: 200,
-		//willpowermax: 65
-	},
-	skills:{
-		intelligence:55,
-		perception:40,
-		reaction:40,
-		chess:40,
-	},
-	traits:{
-	},
-	school:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.jock = {
-	parent: 'sg_starting_category',
-	label: 'Jock',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_0.jpg',
-	desc: "Jocks and natural athletes - These students are gifted in their chosen sport and are very athletically inclined. This means that they tend to be fit and in good shape, often making them better looking than many of the other students. They get along with other jocks and are respected by the cool kids while being feared by the nerds and losers. They don't value academic achievements and can come into conflict with the gopniks and other troublemakers.",
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		legHairVisibility: 2,
-		tan: 20
-	},
-	skills:{
-		agility:45,
-		bushcraft:5,
-		dance:10,
-		football:10,
-		highHeels:20,
-		iceskating:20,
-		makeup:30,
-		people:10,
-		reaction:45,
-		run:20,
-		spirit:45,
-		strength:75,
-		vitality:45,
-		volleyball:10,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:20},
-	items:{
-		cosmetics: 10,
-		hairScrunchie: 10,
-		razor: 10,
-		sanpad: 20,
-		tampon: 20,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	art:55,	bio:55,	comp:55,	eng:55,	geo:55,	his:55,	lit:55,	math:55,	mus:55,	pe:95,	rus:55,	sci:55,	shop:55	},
-		group: 'jocks'
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			cool:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 300,
-					rel: 55
-				}
-			},
-			jocks:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 65
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-		itemsByFilter:{
-			anyFashionistaPurse:{
-				filters:{
-					vendor:'fashionista',
-					type: 'purse'
-				},
-				action: 'wear'
-			}
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.volleyball = {
-	parent: 'jock',
-	label: 'Volleyball player',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_1.jpg',
-	desc: `Ever since the first time you played volleyball, you have been in love with the sport. You spent a lot of your free time trying to improve your ability, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with volleyball, however, has had some repercussions on your school performance. You're a sub-par student, and you haven't made many friends other than your fellow jocks. You are especially close with <<=$npc('A13').firstname>> and your coach.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 21,
-		hairColor: 3,
-		hairLength: 400,
-		tits: 3,
-		//willpowermax: 70
-	},
-	skills:{
-		volleyball:50,
-	},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			cool:{	values:{	fam: 200,	rel: 50}},
-			jocks:{	values:{	fam: 300,	rel: 50}},
-		},
-		ids:{
-			A13:{rel: 80,fam:700},
-			A69:{rel: 80,fam:700},
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.dancer = {
-	parent: 'jock',
-	label: 'Dancer',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_2.jpg',
-	desc: `You fell in love with dancing at an early age and never looked back. You spent a lot of your free time trying to improve your skills, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now!
-	<<=$npc('A11').firstname>> helpfully pointed out that an added benefit of dance was a greater increase in your flexibility (that is, of course, typical of <<=$npc('A11').firstname>>). Your obsession with dancing, however, has had some repercussions on your school performance. You're a sub-par student, and you haven't made many friends other than your fellow jocks.
-	You are particularly close with <<=$npc('A23').firstname>>, who is just as passionate about dancing as you are. You trained a lot together as children and have a mutual respect for each other's abilities.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 19,
-		hairColor: 0,
-		hairLength: 300,
-		skinAppearance: 1,
-		tan: 5,
-		//willpowermax: 80
-	},
-	skills:{
-		agility:50,
-		charisma:40,
-		dance:50,
-		highHeels:30,
-		makeup:40,
-		perform:35,
-		spirit:45,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:30},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{mus:95},
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-		},
-		ids:{
-			A23:{rel: 85,fam:700},
-			A144:{rel: 70,fam:600},
-		}
-	}
-// TODO: Eveerything below is dummy
-setup.startingCharacters.runner = {
-	parent: 'jock',
-	label: 'Runner',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_3.jpg',
-	desc: `Ever since you first tried track, you have been in love with the sport. When you're running, the rest of the world fades away and you experience a natural high like no other. You spent a lot of your free time trying to get better at it, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with running, however, has had some repercussions on your school performance. You're a sub-par student, and you haven't made many friends other than your fellow jocks and your coach.`,
-	pc:{
-	},
-	skills:{
-	},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	school:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.football = {
-	parent: 'jock',
-	label: 'Football player',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/jock_4.jpg',
-	desc: `Ever since your first football game, you have been in love with the sport. You spent a lot of your free time trying to get better at it, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with football has had some repercussions on your school performance, however, and you're now a sub-par student. You haven't made many friends other than your fellow jocks, especially <<=$npc('A149').firstname>> and your coach.`,
-	pc:{
-	},
-	skills:{
-	},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	school:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.cool = {
-	parent: 'sg_starting_category',
-	label: 'Popular kid',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/popular_0.jpg',
-	desc: `The popular, cool and beautiful - These students are typically socially-gifted and are often blessed with natural good looks. They are envied by many because of this, and most want to be their friends. More than any other clique, they have the ability to ruin someone's reputation and make them social outcasts, which earns them the fear of many students. Being cool and good looking is all they value, so they tend to be subpar both athletically and academically.
-	You spent most of your childhood outdoors, playing with other boys and girls. As a result, you're quite healthy and have a keen understanding about how to get yourself out of trouble (or shifting the blame to someone else). You were never very interested in school or sports, however, and are only a sub-par student. Your popularity has negatively impacted your relationship with <<=$npc('A11').firstname>>, and you're not as close as you once were.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 22,
-		legHairVisibility: 1,
-		tan: 5,
-		teethQuality:0,
-		//willpowermax: 70
-	},
-	skills:{
-		charisma:45,
-		dance:10,
-		highHeels:30,
-		iceskating:10,
-		makeup:40,
-		people:30,
-		perception: 45,
-		persuasion: 30,
-		spirit:45,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:20},
-	finances:{
-		cash: 3000
-	},
-	items:{
-		cosmetics: 20,
-		hairScrunchie: 10,
-		razor: 20,
-		sanpad: 20,
-		tampon: 20,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	art:65,	bio:65,	comp:65,	eng:65,	geo:65,	his:65,	lit:65,	math:65,	mus:65,	pe:65,	rus:65,	sci:65,	shop:55	},
-		group: 'cool'
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			cool:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 65
-				}
-			},
-			jocks:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 300,
-					rel: 55
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-		itemsByFilter:{
-			anyFashionistaPurse:{
-				filters:{
-					vendor:'fashionista',
-					type: 'purse'
-				},
-				action: 'wear'
-			}
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.beautiful = {
-	parent: 'cool',
-	label: 'Beautiful',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/popular_2.jpg',
-	desc: `You might not be the smartest, be the most social or have the toughest attitude - but what you do have is natural good looks. You blossomed earlier than most girls and the boys took note, especially <<=$npc('A11').firstname>>, who started acting differently around you. As you got older your looks only improved, and you are often considered one of the best looking girls wherever you go.
-	You are especially popular with the cool kids and jocks.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		faceGeneticAttractiveness:2,
-		hairColor: 0,
-		hairLength: 400,
-		skinAppearance: 2,
-		tan: 50,
-		tits:4,
-		//willpowermax: 80
-	},
-	skills:{
-		highHeels:40,
-		makeup:50,
-		people:20,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:25},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-		comb: 1,
-		cosmetics: 50,
-		sunblock: 10,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{},
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-		},
-		ids:{
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.sociable = {
-	parent: 'cool',
-	label: 'Sociable',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/popular_1.jpg',
-	desc: `You're friends with all of the important kids at school, which is what really matters. You were very social growing up and enjoyed being around others, often becoming the center of attention.
-	You've always had a knack for knowing the right thing to say at the right moment, which led to many other students wanting to be your friend. You can, with a little work, get along with nearly anyone if you put your mind to it.`,
-	pc:{
-		hairColor: 3,
-		hairLength: 250,
-	},
-	skills:{
-		charisma:50,
-		people:40,
-	},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{},
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-		},
-		ids:{
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.gopnik = {
-	parent: 'sg_starting_category',
-	label: 'Gopnik',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_0.jpg',
-	desc: `Gopniks, rebels, punks and troublemakers - These students don't play by the rules and, in fact, will often happily piss on them if given half a chance. They are in decent shape from all of their fighting and troublemaking, but their predilection for drinking, smoking and drugs often counteracts this to a point. They are not the most well-liked students; teachers and parents alike take a dim view of them, as do the local police. Most students fear them, either from the years of bullying or from the gopniks' willingness to fight. Some students secretly envy their carefree attitude and apparent ability to sneer and wave off many of the social pitfalls that other students face.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 22,
-		legHairVisibility: 4,
-		tan: 10,
-		//willpowermax: 75
-	},
-	skills:{
-		agility:40,
-		highHeels:10,
-		makeup:25,
-		people:10,
-		reaction:40,
-		run:20,
-		spirit:40,
-		strength: 50,
-		vitality: 40,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:25},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-		cosmetics: 10,
-		razor: 10,
-		sanpad: 30,
-		tampon: 10,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	art:25,	bio:25,	comp:25,	eng:25,	geo:25,	his:25,	lit:25,	math:25,	mus:25,	pe:80,	rus:25,	sci:25,	shop:80	},
-		group: 'gopniks'
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			gopniks:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 65
-				}
-			},
-			teachers:{
-				values:{
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.truegopnik = {
-	parent: 'gopnik',
-	label: 'Gopnik',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_1.jpg',
-	desc: `You are a gopnik. While you're still low in the gopnik pecking order, you've already proven yourself to them and most of them accept you as an equal. You have problems at home and school due to your antisocial behavior. This is especially true with your mother and stepfather, who see you going down the wrong path.
-	The jocks have a not so friendly rivalry with you and the other gopniks. While you don't get along, some of them have mutal respect for you.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 23,
-		hairColor:1
-	},
-	skills:{
-		defense: 35,
-		jabs: 35,
-		kick: 35,
-		punch: 35,
-		strength: 70,
-		vitality: 45,
-	},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	school:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			gopniks:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 75
-				}
-			},
-			parents_social:{
-				values:{
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.troublemaker = {
-	parent: 'gopnik',
-	label: 'Troublemaker',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_2.jpg',
-	desc: `You are a troublemaker. Nothing makes you happier than causing problems, whether it be petty larceny, getting into fights or vandalism. You live for the thrill of breaking the rules. You get along fairly well with the gopniks and they accept you as a kindred spirit, loving your willingness to jump head first into any and all trouble you run across - and if you can't find any, you will happily make your own, which keeps things lively.
-	You have problems at home and school due to your antisocial behavior. This is especially true with your mother and stepfather, who see you going down the wrong path. You are well known to both your teachers and the police.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		hairColor:0,
-		//willpowermax: 70
-	},
-	skills:{
-		defense:20,
-		jabs: 20,
-		kick: 20,
-		punch: 20,
-		spirit:40,
-		strength: 60,
-		vitality: 40,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:30},
-	traits:{
-		nerd_points:-50,
-	},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			gopniks:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 75
-				}
-			},
-			parents_social:{
-				values:{
-					rel: 25
-				}
-			},
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-		items:{
-			dolls_purse_16:'wear'
-		}
-	}
-/*setup.startingCharacters.vitekGirlfriend = {
-	parent: 'gopnik',
-	label: "Vitek's girlfriend",
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/gopnik_3.jpg',
-	desc: `You are <<=$npc('A9').nickname_possessive>> girlfriend. You love the thrill and danger of hanging out with the gopniks, even if you lack the true attitude yourself. You met <<=$npc('A9').nickname>> after he and <<=$npc('A11').firstname>> became friends. There was something about his bad boy attitude that drew you in, and you soon found yourself falling for him.
-	As you developed, he started to take an interest in you as well and you soon started dating. You're not technically a gopnik - you are considered more of a wannabe - but the rest of the gopniks seem to accept you anyways. You're not sure what would happen if you ever broke up with <<=$npc('A9').nickname>>, however, as being his girlfriend and hanging out with the other gopniks has cost you any real, close friends outside of their group.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		hairColor:0,
-		tits:4,
-		//willpowermax: 70
-	},
-	skills:{
-		defense:20,
-		jabs: 20,
-		kick: 20,
-		punch: 20,
-		spirit:40,
-		strength: 60,
-		vitality: 40,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:30},
-	traits:{
-		nerd_points:-50,
-	},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			gopniks:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 75
-				}
-			},
-			parents_social:{
-				values:{
-					rel: 25
-				}
-			},
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-		items:{
-			dolls_purse_16:'wear'
-		}
-	}
-setup.startingCharacters.outcast = {
-	parent: 'sg_starting_category',
-	label: 'Social Outcast',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_0.jpg',
-	desc: `Losers, teachers' pets, sluts and the ugly - These students are the outcasts, the people no one likes to spend time with, other than to bully them. Perhaps they are just socially awkward and never made many friends, broke one of the unwritten social rules, are ugly, a snitch, a slut and/or an outed gay boy. Either way, they all have one thing in common: they are easy targets to bully and mock.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 22,
-		legHairVisibility: 4,
-		tan: 10,
-		//willpowermax: 75
-	},
-	skills:{
-		agility:40,
-		highHeels:10,
-		makeup:25,
-		people:10,
-		reaction:40,
-		run:20,
-		spirit:40,
-		strength: 50,
-		vitality: 40,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:25},
-	finances:{
-	},
-	items:{
-		cosmetics: 10,
-		razor: 10,
-		sanpad: 30,
-		tampon: 10,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	art:50,	bio:50,	comp:50,	eng:50,	geo:50,	his:50,	lit:50,	math:50,	mus:50,	pe:50,	rus:50,	sci:50,	shop:50	},
-		group: 'outcasts'
-	},/*
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			gopniks:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 65
-				}
-			},
-			teachers:{
-				values:{
-					rel: 30
-				}
-			},
-		}
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-	}*/
-setup.startingCharacters.ugly = {
-	parent: 'outcast',
-	label: 'Ugly duckling',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/outcast_2.jpg',
-	desc: `Some girls blossom early and others have natural good looks - you got neither. In fact, you seem to have been cursed with an androgynous face and body, and have been mistaken for a boy more times than you would care to admit.
-	Your body seems to have grown out of sync, leaving you looking odd and, at best, unattractive for most of your life. Now in your teens, your body is starting to even out in growth, but you're still very androgynous and still considered ugly.
-	Your lack of good looks has made you a social pariah. Nobody seems to like you or want to spend time with you unless they are making fun of you.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 31,
-		faceGeneticAttractiveness: -2,
-		hairColor:2,
-		tits:5,
-		//willpowermax: 55
-	},
-	skills:{
-		inhibition: 5
-	}

+ 0 - 127

@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference path="StartingCharacters.ts" />
-setup.startingCharacters.debug = {
-	hidden: true,
-	parent: 'sg_starting_category',
-	label: 'Debug',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_0.jpg',
-	desc: 'Debug characters',
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 24,
-		legHairVisibility: 4,
-		skinAppearance: 0,
-		tan: 0
-	},
-	skills:{
-		chess:20,
-		computer:20,
-		gaming:20,
-		highHeels:5,
-		intelligence:45,
-		makeup:15,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:10},
-	items:{
-		nerd_startarting_book_1:{
-			generateFunction:'generateBook',
-			generateParameters:['fantasy']
-		},
-		nerd_startarting_book_2:{
-			generateFunction:'generateBook',
-			generateParameters:['scifi']
-		}
-	},
-	finances:{
-		cash: 5000
-	},
-	traits:{
-		nerd_points:60,
-		nerd_status:2,
-		nerd_lernHome:5,
-	},
-	school:{
-		grades:{	art:75,	bio:80,	comp:80,	eng:85,	geo:80,	his:80,	lit:80,	math:85,	mus:75,	pe:60,	rus:80,	sci:90,	shop:55	},
-		group: 'nerds'
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			nerds:{
-				values:{
-					fam: 500,
-					rel: 65
-				}
-			},
-			parents_social:{
-				values:{
-					rel: 70
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	tags: ['nerd']
-setup.startingCharacters.debug1 = {
-	parent: 'debug',
-	label: 'Queen of the nerds',
-	image: 'system/1_openings/2_sg/nerd_1.webp',
-	desc: `While you love all things nerdy, what you love the most is hanging out with your fellow nerds and doing nerdy things together. This has made you fairly social for a nerd and more general in your areas of knowledge. As you got older and started to develop as a woman, it also made you much more aware of your sexuality than most nerds are comfortable with. As such, you cultivated that awareness more than most and are now more at ease with your body than most of the other nerds.
-	By nerd standards, you are confident, dynamic and attractive and this has led to you being the leader of your group of friends. You are more acceptable to other social groups as a result, especially the cool kids, who seem to respect your social skills and looks.`,
-	pc:{
-		bmi: 20,
-		faceGeneticAttractiveness: 1,
-		hairColor: 3,
-		legHairVisibility: 1,
-		skinAppearance: 1,
-		teethQuality:0,
-		tits: 4,
-		//willpowermax: 70
-	},
-	skills:{
-		charisma:40,
-		highHeels:25,
-		makeup:30,
-		people:20,
-		persuasion:20,
-		iceskating:10,
-		spirit:40,
-	},personality:{exhibitionism:20},
-	items:{
-		cosmetics:10,
-		razor:10
-	},
-	npcs:{
-		bulk:{
-			cool:{	values:{	fam: 300,	rel: 50}},
-			jocks:{	values:{	fam: 200,	rel: 40}},
-			nerds:{	values:{				rel: 75}},
-			gopniks:{values:{	fam: 200,	rel: 20}},
-			ouctasts:{values:{	fam: 200,	rel: 30}},
-		}
-	},
-	time:{
-		start: [2016,8,28,6,0]
-	},
-	wardrobe:{
-		itemsByFilter:{
-			anyFashionistaPurse:{
-				filters:{
-					vendor:'fashionista',
-					type: 'purse'
-				},
-				action: 'wear'
-			},
-			shoeOfHeight0:{filters:{heels:0,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight1:{filters:{heels:1,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight2:{filters:{heels:2,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight3:{filters:{heels:3,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight4:{filters:{heels:4,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight5:{filters:{heels:5,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight6:{filters:{heels:6,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight7:{filters:{heels:7,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-			shoeOfHeight8:{filters:{heels:8,type:'shoes'},action:'add'},
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 313

@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_tg[event]
-<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/mysteryMan.jpg'>>
-<<set _nations = ['France','Germany','Russia','UK','USA','somewhere else']>>
-<<set _playerNation = _playerNation ?? 'Germany'>>
-	You are <<textbox "_playerNameFirst" 'Alexander'>> <<textbox "_playerNameLast" 'Peters'>>,
-	a <<numberbox "_playerAge" 42>> years old man from <<listbox "_playerNation" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _nations>><</listbox>>.
-	Right now, you are spending your holidays visiting St. Petersburg and the surrounding areas.
-<<act 'Next'>>
-	<<if _playerAge < 18 or _playerAge > 120>>
-		<<msg 'Please enter a valid age in the range 18-120.'>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $npc('playerOldSelf').gender = 0>>
-		<<set $npc('playerOldSelf').defaults = ['defaults']>>
-		<<set $npc('playerOldSelf').firstname = _playerNameFirst>>
-		<<set $npc('playerOldSelf').lastname = _playerNameLast>>
-		<<set $npc('playerOldSelf').ageRaw = _playerAge>>
-		<<set $npc('playerOldSelf').nationality = _playerNation>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_train'>>
-	<</if>>
-:: intro_tg_train[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/train.jpg'>>
-	<p>
-		For today, you decided to visit the city of Pavlovsk to take a look at the palace there.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		The train ride there was a tedious affair.
-		The old, worn-out train creaked and groaned as it chugged along the tracks,
-		its rhythmic sound creating a constant drone in the air.
-		The scenery outside the windows offered little to capture the attention of the weary passengers.
-		The train's interior was equally unremarkable, with faded, threadbare seats that offered little comfort.
-		The occasional jolt and bump reminded passengers of the train's age and lack of maintenance.
-		Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each passing minute feeling like an eternity as the train sluggishly made its way towards Pavlovsk.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		And then the train stops in the middle of nowhere.
-		At first you think that something must have broken down, but then you realize that the pathway next to the train is a rudimentary train plattform
-		and that this is actually a scheduled stop.
-		Apparently, this is the small village of Gadukino.
-	</p>
-	<<act 'Wait'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_sveta'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_tg_sveta[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/girl.jpeg'>>
-	<p>
-		A teenage girl, enters the compartment and, after briefly smiling at you and the other two people here, sits down on a seat next to a window.
-		She is around the age of 16 to 19 years.
-	</p>
-	<<set _tempPCAge = $npc('playerOldSelf').ageRaw>>
-	<p>
-		You don't know what it is, but she has it.
-		It feels like you've known her for all her life yet she is a stranger.
-		<<if _tempPCAge < 22>>
-			Maybe you should just talk to her? After all, you're not that much older than she is.
-		<<elseif _tempPCAge < 30>>
-			Talking to her might be deemed inappropriate. After all, you are quite a bit older than she is. But maybe that is a risk worth taking?
-		<<elseif _tempPCAge < 40>>
-			Talking to her might be deemed inappropriate. After all, you are almost twice her age. But maybe that is a risk worth taking?
-		<<elseif _tempPCAge < 60>>
-			You feel compelled to talk to her. But what would you say? After all, you are old enough to be her father.
-		<<elseif _tempPCAge < 80>>
-			You feel compelled to talk to her. But what would you say? After all, you are old enough to be her grandfather.
-		<<else>>
-			You feel like you need to talk to her. There's no need to worry, due to your high age you could claim to have senile dementia if she deems the approach inappropriate.
-		<</if>>
-	</p>
-	<<act 'Talk to her'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_crash'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_tg_crash[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/crash.jpg'>>
-	<p>
-		You stand up to go over to the girl.
-		Just as you are close enough for her to realize your intend and turn her head, it happens.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		The train jolts violently as a deafening screech filled the air.
-		Panic spreads through the carriage as passengers clung desperately to anything within reach.
-		The impact is jarring, causing the windows to shatter and sending shards of glass flying.
-		The screeching and grinding of metal fills the air, drowning out all other sounds.
-		The train lurches sideways, tilting at an alarming angle, as if defying gravity for a split second before crashing onto its side.
-		Screams of terror and cries for help fill the air.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		The last thing you realize is that you are lying on top of the lifeless body of the girl you just wanted to talk to.
-		Then everything turns dark.
-	</p>
-	<<act 'Darkness...'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_wakeup'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_tg_wakeup[event]
-	<<timed 4s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 3s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 2s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 1s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 1s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 1s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 1s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 1s>>
-		Peep.
-	<<next 1s>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_doctor'>>
-	<</timed>>
-:: intro_tg_doctor[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/doctor.jpg'>>
-	<p>
-		As consciousness slowly returned, the world around you seemed hazy and disorienting.
-		The soft hum of medical equipment and the sterile scent of disinfectant fills the air, signaling that you are in a hospital.
-		Your body aches with a dull, throbbing pain.
-		Even opening your eyes feels like a chore.
-		The sterile white walls add to the surreal atmosphere.
-		A middle-aged doctor approaches, his kind eyes offering a glimmer of comfort amidst the unfamiliarity.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		"Good morning. I'm Dr. Volkov, and I'm glad to see you awake."
-		<<if $npc('playerOldSelf').nationality != 'Russia'>>
-			Weird, since when do you understand Russian as if it were your native language?
-		<</if>>
-		"You've been in a coma for almost a week, but your progress has been remarkable.
-		Let me assure you that you are safe and receiving the best care possible.
-		You may be feeling disoriented and overwhelmed right now, and that's completely normal given the circumstances, Miss."
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Disoriented? He seems to be the one who is disoriented. Did he really just call you "Miss"?
-		Why would he do so?
-		Is there something that could have misled him?
-	</p>
-	<<act 'Look at your body'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_inspect'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_tg_inspect[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/inspect.png'>>
-	<p>
-		Even before you dared to look down, you felt it: an unfamiliar weight on your chest.
-		You explored the feeling with your hands and, to your shock, discovered that you had breasts now.
-		Starting to hyperventilate, you ran your hands down your body, barely recknognizing the lack of body hair and the soft skin.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		And, sure enough, it was gone!
-		Your manhood, your pride, your penis, wasn't there anymore!
-		It had been replaced with... yes, it feels exactly like a vagina.
-		And not just on the tips of your fingers, you feel them touching yourself as well.
-		You start to panic, as everything goes dark again.
-	</p>
-	<<act '...'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_mirror'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_tg_mirror[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/mirror.webp'>>
-	<p>
-		As you wake up, you see the doctor again.
-		"I am sorry, Miss, we had to sedate you. Apparently, the stress from the crash is still a little much.
-		At least I can assure you that your body is almost healed and you haven't suffered any permanent damage."
-		He helps you up and leads you to a big mirror which allows you to inspect your whole body.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		As you gaze into the mirror, a mix of shock and disbelief washes over you.
-		You have been transformed into a woman
-		And not just any woman.
-		You have the body from the girl you've seen at the train!
-		With hesitant hands, you begin to explore your new body, trying to comprehend the changes that had occurred.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		You delicately trace the contours of your face, noting the softer features, the subtle curves that now defined your cheeks and jawline.
-		Your eyes, once sharp and intense, now seem to hold a gentler, more enigmatic allure.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Moving downward, your hands hesitantly explore your neck and shoulders,
-		noting the grace and elegance that seemed to have replaced the broader,
-		more angular frame of your previous self.
-		Your fingertips trace the collarbones, now delicate and more pronounced, leading to a chest that is fuller, with a gentle curve that had not been there before.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Taking a deep breath, you cautiously run your hands across your new breasts,
-		feeling a mix of fascination and apprehension.
-		Their weight and sensitivity are entirely alien sensation.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Continuing the exploration,
-		your hands move down to your waist,
-		once straight and unyielding, now curving slightly, accentuating your new femininity.
-		You follow the curve of your hips, realizing the subtle shift in your center of gravity.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Finally, your hands reach your lower body, where you experience the absence of your member again.
-		It was replaced with a different anatomy, one that evoked a sense of shock confusion, but at the same time also wonder and curiosity.
-	</p>
-	<<actCLA 'I need to reverse this'>>
-		<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/mirror.webp'>>
-		<p>
-			Something has given you this new body.
-			And certainly there is a way to reverse it!
-			Maybe you should find your old body first.
-			You assume the girl who originally owned this body likely has it now.
-		</p>
-		<<act 'Ask about your old self'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_tg_askAboutOldBody'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA "That's actually not too bad">>
-		<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/mirror.webp'>>
-		<p>
-			All in all, that's not too bad.
-			You could easily learn to live like this.
-			But what about the original owner of this body?
-			Is she in your body now?
-		</p>
-		<<act 'Ask about your old self'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_tg_askAboutOldBody'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-:: intro_tg_askAboutOldBody[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/doctor.jpg'>>
-	<p>
-		As the doctor leads you back to your bed, you ask him about the whereabouts of your old body, giving him every detail you can think of.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		"I am sorry, Miss, but we have no record of anybody matching your description.
-		And we have treated every passenger who survived the crash.
-		I am afraid, the person you are looking for is not be amonst them."
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		You only have a split second to realize what he has just said before he continues.
-		"Anyways, we have contacted your mother. She will be here in a few minutes to pick you up. You are safe to go home now."
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		Your mother... wait, no, of course it would be the girls' mother.
-		How would you even reckognize her?
-	</p>
-	<<act 'Wait'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_mother'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_tg_mother[event]
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/mum.jpg'>>
-	<p>The doctor leaves you after wishing you farewell.</p>
-	<p>You don't have to wait long before a woman enters the room. She appears to be in her thirties and smiles at you.</p>
-	<<act '<i>Hello ... nurse?</i>'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_mother2'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act '<i>Hello ... dear sister?</i>'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_mother2'>>
-	<</act>>
-	<<act '<i>Hello ... Olga?</i>'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_tg_mother2'>>
-	<</act>>
-:: intro_tg_mother2[event]
-	<<set $npc_father = 'A28'>>
-	<<set $npc_mother = 'A29'>>
-	<<set $npc_aunt = 'A30'>>
-	<<set $npc_sister = 'A33'>>
-	<<set $npc_brother = 'A34'>>
-	<<image 'system/1_openings/tg/mum.jpg'>>
-	<p>
-		She still smiles at you.
-		"No, silly, it's me, your mother. I am so happy you are awake. The doctors said... nevermind, the only thing important is that you are healthy.".
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		She takes a closer look at you.
-		"You really don't remember me? That's fine. The doctors said something like this could happen. I'm sure your memory will be back in no time."
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		"Your name is <<textbox "$pc.name_first" $pc.name_first>> <<textbox "$pc.name_last" $pc.name_last>>,
-		but friends and family call you <<textbox "$pc.name_nick" $pc.name_nick>>.
-		My name is <<textbox "_motherName" $npc($npc_mother).firstname>> and we are living together with your stepfather,
-		<<textbox "_fatherName" $npc($npc_father).firstname>>, in Pavlovsk."
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		"<<textbox "_sisterName" $npc($npc_sister).firstname>> is your older sister. She also still lives at home,
-		as does your younger half-brother, <<textbox "_brotherName" $npc($npc_brother).firstname>>."
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		All these names mean nothing to you, but you guess that it would be best if you just pretended as if you were remembering.
-		You slowly and make a acknowledging "Uhuhm.".
-		This makes the woman smile brigthly. "See, you already remember your family.".
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		"I think it's time to get home. You've been here for long enough. Luckily, you haven't missed school. There are still some days of the summer holidays left."
-		Wait, what? You have to go to school?!
-	</p>
-	<<act 'Leave Hospital'>>
-		<<run $time.initTime(2018,8,28,9,0)>>
-		<<set _kolkasBirthday = new Date($pc.birthdayDate.getTime())>>
-		<<run _kolkasBirthday.setDate(_kolkasBirthday.getDate() + 280 + rand(0,30)+rand(0,30))>><!-- roughly 9-11 months difference -->
-		<<set $npc('A34').birthday = _kolkasBirthday>>
-		<<gs 'intro_initialization'>>
-		<<gs 'init_post_intro'>>
-		<<gt 'bedrPar'>>
-	<</act>>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/// <reference path="../startingCharacters/StartingCharacters.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../../_system/start/startingCharacters/StartingCharacters.ts" />
 /// <reference path="../../_system/npcs/NPCAccessor.ts" />
 /// <reference path="../../_system/locations/locations.ts" />
 /// <reference path="../../_system/inventory/Inventory.ts" />

+ 0 - 271

@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_uni
-<<set $here = 'intro_uni'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start'>>
-	<<gt 'intro_uni' 'intro'>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Intro to starting uni-->
-	<<set $loc = 'intro_uni'>>
-	<<set $loc_arg = 'custom'>>
-	<<image "locations/city/island/university/uni_day.jpg">>
-	<p>The big day has finally arrived! Your family piled into your stepfather's Gazelle pickup and you all traveled from your hometown, Pavlovsk, to St. Petersburg. Today is the day you move into the university dorms to start this new phase of your life.</p>
-	As you approach the city, you think back to your school days and recall what type of kid you were...
-	<<act 'Continue'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'start'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'custom'>>
-	<<set $loc = 'intro_uni'>>
-	<<set $loc_arg = 'custom'>>
-	<!-- !!	Just hair and eye color here for now; the dialog will be update as more options are added-->
-	<center><b>Allows you to alter hair and eyes, use to match fixed profile picture if in use.</b></center>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/character_creation_2.jpg">>
-	As you look in the mirror, your face comes into focus. While some aspects of your appearance are already set, you can define the others now.
-	You are fairly tall.
-	<center>Customize your:</center>
-	<center><a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''hair''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_hair.png'>></a> <a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''eyes''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_eye.png'>></a></center>
-	<<act 'Done'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'vlad_intro'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'vlad_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Intro to your stepfather-->
-	<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big28.jpg">>
-	<!-- !!basic desc of Vlad, maybe a preset is used somewhere in game already? If not already in the intro (I think it is.)-->
-	Having spent almost an hour in the cramped truck, you jump out as soon as you arrive. Vladimir gets out and stretches before telling you to take your sister and find out where you're staying while the rest of the family unloads your stuff.
-	Looking around, you see many people doing the same.
-	<<act 'Check Kolka'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'kolka_intro'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'kolka_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Intro to Kolka-->
-	<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big34.jpg">>
-	<!-- !!basic desc of Kolka, maybe a preset is used somewhere in game already? If not already in the intro (I think it is.)-->
-	Your brother, caught up in the excitement of opening day, tries to slide past Vlad unnoticed but is called back to help unload. He sighs and shuffles his feet before turning around to help. You feel bad for him, but he'll be able to get a better look around next year when he graduates secondary school and starts here.
-	<<act 'Head inside'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'anya_intro'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'anya_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Intro to Anya-->
-	<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big33.jpg">>
-	<!-- !!basic desc of Anya, maybe a preset is used somewhere in game already? If not already in the intro (I think it is.)-->
-	<p>Your sister comes up to you, links her arm with yours, and pulls you forward. "Come on, $pc.name_nick! I want to see this place."</p>
-	<p>Already knowing the answer, you ask anyway. "Why aren't you enrolled then?"</p>
-	"I'm comfortable where I am right now. When I'm ready, maybe I will."
-	Rolling your eyes, you let her keep pulling on your arm.
-	<<act 'Enter the university'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'diane_intro'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'diane_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Going into Uni quad to get escort - meeting Diane(Rex older sister)-->
-	<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big253.jpg">>
-	Joining the crowd heading inside, you head into the main courtyard where the new students are being greeted by the older students.
-	<p>A (color undecided)-haired girl comes up and introduces herself. "Welcome, I am Diane Borisyuk... Anya?"</p>
-	<p>Anya squeals with joy before running to her and giving her a hug. "Diane! I haven't seen you in a long time. $pc.name_nick, this is Diane, Rex's sister. She used to buy us booze for our parties when we were younger."</p>
-	<p>Diane laughs. "That <b>was</b> a long time ago. So this is your sister? Nice to meet you. You're going to have a lot of fun here. Let's get you your dorm keys and get you set up!"</p>
-	<p>"By the way, what are you studying?"</p>
-	<<act 'Get your key'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'degree_choice'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'degree_choice'>>
-	<!-- !! Choose your degree here.-->
-	<!-- !!variables for attending UNI-->
-	<<setinit $university['prep_counter'] = 0>>
-	<<setinit $university['prep_enrolled'] = 0>>
-	<<setinit $university['student'] = 1>>
-	<<setinit $university['enrolled_in_semester'] = 1>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'give_access' 'homeParents'>>
-	<<set $SchoolAtestat = 1>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'give_access' 'university_dorm'>>
-	<<gs 'homes_properties' 'set_home' 'university_dorm'>>
-	<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'default_family_friends'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/6_uni/degree_choice.jpg">>
-	This is where you decide what degree you wish to study. For now, Teaching is the only option, but more will be added in the future.
-	<<actCLA 'Teaching'>>
-		<!-- !!variables for teaching degree-->
-		<<setinit $university['enrolled_in'] = 'teaching_studies'>>
-		<<gs 'grades' 'createclass' 'uni_teaching_studies_semester_1' 'general education 101' 3 2 'no' 'no' 1 12>>
-		<<gs 'grades' 'createclass' 'uni_teaching_studies_semester_1' 'teaching methods 101' 3 2 'no' 'no' 1 12>>
-		<<gs 'grades' 'createclass' 'uni_teaching_studies_semester_1' 'learning theories 101' 3 2 'no' 'no' 1 12>>
-		<<gs 'grades' 'grade_award' 'uni_teaching_studies_semester_1' 'general education 101' 35>>
-		<<gs 'grades' 'grade_award' 'uni_teaching_studies_semester_1' 'teaching methods 101' 35>>
-		<<gs 'grades' 'grade_award' 'uni_teaching_studies_semester_1' 'learning theories 101' 35>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'select_electives'>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'select_electives'>>
-	<!-- !! Choosing elective classes for the first year-->
-	<<image "system/1_openings/6_uni/degree_choice.jpg">>
-	It's possible to enroll in up to 3 elective classes, which have to be chosen now.
-	<<if $university['elective_semester_1_1'] == ''>>
-		<<actCLA 'Read about the computer class'>>
-			<h2>Enrollment Office</h2>
-			<<image "locations/city/island/university/admin/enrollment2.jpg">>
-			You read about the computer class, which seems to be a basic class that teaches you how to use a computer, the functions of some of the more basic programs and how to troubleshoot the OS if something goes wrong. It seems like a fairly useful class.
-			<<actCLA 'Enroll in the computer class'>>
-				You decide to enrol in the computer class for the first and second semester of this year.
-				<<setinit $university['elective_semester_1_1'] = 'Computers 101'>>
-				<<setinit $university['elective_semester_2_1'] = 'Computers 102'>>
-				<<act 'Consider other elective classes'>>
-					<<gt 'intro_uni' 'select_electives'>>
-				<</act>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-			<<act 'Don`t enroll in the computer class'>>
-				<<gt 'intro_uni' 'select_electives'>>
-			<</act>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $university['elective_semester_1_2'] == ''>>
-		<<actCLA 'Read about the art class'>>
-			<h2>Enrollment Office</h2>
-			<<image "locations/city/island/university/admin/enrollment2.jpg">>
-			This class is about learning how to draw. It will start off with the basics before moving onto the more advanced art studies by the end of the second semester. It might be fun to take part in such a relaxed class.
-			<<actCLA 'Enroll in the art class'>>
-				You decide to enroll in the art class for the first and second semester of this year.
-				<<setinit $university['elective_semester_1_2'] = 'Art 101'>>
-				<<setinit $university['elective_semester_2_2'] = 'Art 102'>>
-				<<act 'Consider other elective classes'>>
-					<<gt 'intro_uni' 'select_electives'>>
-				<</act>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-			<<act 'Don`t enroll in the art class'>>
-				<<gt 'intro_uni' 'select_electives'>>
-			<</act>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<act 'Don`t enroll in any more elective classes'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'dorm_intro'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'dorm_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Going to the dorm to get the keys-->
-	<<image "locations/city/island/university/dorm/dorm.jpg">>
-	You follow Diane into the dorm building where an older woman with a very unpleasant and judgmental look on her face sits in a room just off the main hallway.
-	<p>Diane walks up to her. "I need $pc.name_first $pc.name_last's room key, please."</p>
-	The woman looks your name up on her computer before finding your dorm key and handing it to you.
-	<p>"Come on $pc.name_nick, I want to see your room." Anya drags you towards the elevators, with a smiling Diane following you.</p>
-	<<act 'Check out your room'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'vika_intro'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'vika_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Visiting dorm room - meeting Vika-->
-	<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big220.jpg">>
-	Arriving on the tenth floor, you check the number on your key and approach the matching door. You find a blonde haired girl inside sitting on one of the two beds in the room. Looking around, you see there is a desk for each of you and a large wardrobe for your clothes.
-	<p>The girl gets up and comes to greet you. "Hi, I'm Vika Kirilova. I guess one of you is my new roommate?" She looks between you and Anya, not sure who it is.</p>
-	<p>"Hello, Vika. I'm $pc.name_first $pc.name_last, but you can call me $pc.name_nick. I'm your roommate and this is my sister, Anya." Anya gives her a smile, but is mostly occupied with checking out your room.</p>
-	Diane stays in the doorway, though you do notice the strange look she gives Vika. "We should let your parents know which room you're in so they can drop off your stuff while I show you around the campus."
-	Once you get back out into the hallway, you ask why she doesn''t like your roommate. "There are a lot of nasty rumors about her. I'm not exactly a prude or anything, but if any of those rumors are true, then she makes me look like a virgin that's been living under a rock my whole life."
-	<<act 'Find your parents'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'mom_intro'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'mom_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Back outside Intro to Mom - answer sets relationship level-->
-	<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big29.jpg">>
-	<p>Once you get back outside, you find your family standing around the piles of boxes with your stuff, surrounded by people coming and going. You tell your father which room you're in and give him the key before <<npc 'A29' undefined 'your mother'>><</npc>> pulls you to one side. Anya and Diane step away to catch up and give you some privacy.</p>
-	<p>"Big day! Are you excited? I know I am." She gives you a proud look.</p>
-	<p>"Yeah, <<=$npc('A29').nickname>>! There's so much to do and see here."</p>
-	"Well don't forget to stay focused on your studies, and stay away from boys for now. There will be plenty of time after you've finished studying to think about that stuff."
-	<<if $start_subtype != 'tg'>>
-		<<actCLA 'Tell her what she wants to hear'>>
-			<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'set' 'A29' '50'>>
-			<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big29.jpg">>
-			<p>"Everything will be fine, <<=$npc('A29').nickname>>. You got me here, I will do the rest."</p>
-			She gives you a hug before going to stand over at your pile of stuff to keep an eye on it.
-			<<act 'Go on tour'>>
-				<<gt 'intro_uni' 'tour_intro'>>
-			<</act>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-		<<actCLA 'Snap at her'>>
-			<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'set' 'A29' '30'>>
-			<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big29.jpg">>
-			<p>"Just stop <<=$npc('A29').nickname>>! I'm an adult now, and I'll do whatever I want with whoever I want!"</p>
-			Her eyes flash in anger, but she doesn''t say anything. She goes and stands next to your pile to keep an eye on it.
-			<<act 'Go on tour'>>
-				<<gt 'intro_uni' 'tour_intro'>>
-			<</act>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<actCLA 'Appreciate her concern'>>
-		<<gs 'npc_relationship' 'set' 'A29' '70'>>
-		<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big29.jpg">>
-		<p>"I know, I know. Don't worry so much <<=$npc('A29').nickname>>. You got me here. I'll do the rest."</p>
-		She gives you a hug before going to stand over your pile of stuff to keep an eye on it.
-		<<act 'Go on a tour'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_uni' 'tour_intro'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'tour_intro'>>
-	<!-- !! Taking a short tour - can be expanded as more buildings are added - sports arena/pool etc-->
-	<<image "locations/city/island/university/uni_day.jpg">>
-	You rejoin Anya and Diane, who begins to point out the main areas of the university.
-	"Right now you're in the main courtyard. It's basically the main hub of the university. You already know where the dorms are, and I imagine you've been to the admin building already. It has all the main offices, so any paperwork or trouble you get into will be handled there."
-	She takes you to the front of what must be the largest building on campus. "This is the main building, where most of your classes will be held. Finding your way around inside is pretty easy despite its size. It's signposted like crazy in there."
-	She takes you up to another large building. "This is the library. Most students without a computer come here to study. You can find me here almost all the time and I'm always willing to help if you need it. I'm studying to be a teacher, so offering you assistance would help me as much as it helps you."
-	"Well, that's the basic tour. The rest you will learn as you go."
-	<<act 'End the tour'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'tour_end'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'tour_end'>>
-	<!-- !! End tour-->
-	<<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big253.jpg">>
-	The three of you walk back to the dorms. You take in the sights while Anya and Diane chat about Rex and the old days.
-	Once you get there, Diane reminds you to look for her in the library if you need anything before hugging Anya goodbye and heading back into the crowd of new students.
-	<p>Not seeing <<npc 'A29' undefined 'your mother'>><</npc>> or your pile of stuff, you head up to your room.</p>
-	<<act 'Say goodbye to your family'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni' 'family_goodbye'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'family_goodbye'>>
-	<!-- !! Say goodbye to your family-->
-	<<image "locations/city/island/university/dorm/dorm_room/room.jpg">>
-	<p>Returing to your room, you find your stuff piled on your bed and <<npc 'A29' undefined 'your mother'>><</npc>> putting the last of your clothes into the wardrobe. You don't see Vika, and assume she left to give you privacy or to avoid meeting your family.</p>
-	Anya gives a hug and congratulates you on starting university while your brother gives you an awkward hug and whispers to text him what it's like.
-	Vladimir comes over and hugs you too, telling you how proud he is to be your stepfather and to call if you need anything.
-	<<if $npc('A29').rel >= 60>>
-		<p><<npc 'A29' undefined 'Your mother'>><</npc>> finishes what she's doing and comes over, tears in her eyes. Wrapping you in a tight hug, she tells you how proud she is of you for enrolling in university and again reminds you to stay away from boys before joining the rest of the family by the door.</p>
-	<<elseif $npc('A29').rel <= 30>>
-		<p><<npc 'A29' undefined 'Your mother'>><</npc>> finishes what she's doing and gives you an awkward hug, apologising for fighting with you on your big day before joining the rest of the family by the door.</p>
-	<<else>>
-		<p><<npc 'A29' undefined 'Your mother'>><</npc>> finishes what she's doing and comes over and gives you a hug, telling how happy she is that you enrolled before joining the rest of the family by the door.</p>
-	<</if>>
-	They all wave at you before leaving. You spend some time putting the rest of your stuff away or stashing it under your bed before deciding to explore the grounds.
-	<<if $start_subtype == 'tg'>>
-		<<act 'Head outside'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_uni_tg' 'welcome_intro'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<<elseif !setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes('magic')>>
-		<<act 'Head outside'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_uni' 'welcome_intro'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<act 'Head outside'>>
-			<<gt 'intro_uni_m' 'welcome_intro'>>
-		<</act>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'welcome_intro'>>
-	<<set $time.year = 2017>>
-	<<set $time.month = 8>>
-	<<set $time.weekday = 5>>
-	<<set $time.hour = 7>>
-	<<set $time.day = 25>>
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization_city'>>
-	<!-- !! Welcome to Girl Life speech-->
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/6_uni/uni_start.jpg">>
-	<p>Welcome to Girl Life. Guide $pc.name_nick through the many challenges of life at university. Manage coursework, a job and relationships with the people you meet on your journey.</p>
-	<<act 'Start the game'>>
-		<<gt 'uni_grounds' 'main'>>
-	<</act>>

+ 0 - 114

@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_uni_m
-<<set $here = 'intro_uni_m'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_gadukino.jpg">>
-	<p>After your last year of school, your grades were good enough for you to get into university. <<npc 'A29' undefined 'Your mother'>><</npc>> convinced you to spend the day at your grandparents farm in the village of Gadukino, but there's nothing to do here but watch animals graze and help your grandparents, which does earn you some extra cash, even if it's very tedious.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Take a walk'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_woods.jpg">>
-		After several hours, you grow bored and decide to go for a walk through the forest, spending most of the time on your phone.
-		Your phone signal then drops, meaning you've strayed too far from the village. Looking up, you don't recognise anything and suddenly realize that you're lost.
-		<<actCLA 'Find a way back'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_ruin.jpg">>
-			You try to find your way back, but the only thing you manage to do is get even more lost. After hours of wandering around, you come across an old ruin.
-			<<actCLA 'Take a break'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_1.jpg">>
-				You take a seat on a large stone in the ruins and take a breath. You're starting to get hungry, and stomp your foot in frustration. The floor suddenly gives way and you desperately try to hold on to something, but everything in reach comes loose and falls down the hole with you. You feel slightly dazed, but after a quick check you seem to be uninjured. You seem to be in an underground chamber of some sort and looking up, you see that climbing out is not an option.
-				You spot an old gate, but it's either locked or rusted shut. The only way out seems to be the tunnel on the other side of the chamber. You pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight before heading into the tunnel.
-				<<actCLA 'Follow the tunnel'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_tunnel_2.jpg">>
-					The tunnel goes on for what feels like miles. You start to worry that your phone battery will die.
-					<<actCLA 'Further'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-						<p>Reaching the end of the tunnel, you find a dead end. Or at least it seems so. You can see light coming through the cracks in the wall, so you do your best to knock it down. The wall crumbles and you find yourself in another chamber filled with old pottery and baubles. Opposite you is another tunnel, which hopefully leads outside. In the center of the room is an altar and on it is what seems to be the centerpiece of the room; a strange amulet.</p>
-						<<actCLA 'Examine the amulet'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/item_amulet.jpg">>
-							<p>You take the amulet in your hands and notice it's much lighter than it looks and is unusually warm for a piece of metal. It's shaped like an antique oil lamp and... is that a penis?</p>
-							As you're about to pocket it, the amulet grows even hotter and zaps you, forcing you to drop it. You decide that it's best to try and find a way out.
-							<<actCLA 'Find a way out'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-								You follow the passage and find yourself in a construction site. There are several <b>keep out</b> signs visible from here. Shit.
-								<<actCLA 'Sneak out'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_road.jpg">>
-									The workers shift has long since finished, so sneaking out is not too hard. The site is on the highway so hopefully you can make it back before your mother starts freaking out. As you start walking back, you feel a sudden rush of heat and find yourself falling...
-									<<act 'Continue'>>
-										<<gt 'intro_uni_m' 'wakeup'>>
-									<</act>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'wakeup'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-	<p>You wake up in an unfamiliar room. Standing near you is a red-haired girl.</p>
-	<p>"Ah, you woke up," she chirps. "We found you half-dead, you know. You almost didn't make it. You shouldn't be fondling ancient amulets you know nothing about."</p>
-	"I did some research on what happened to you. Turns out the Amulet of Power passed to you, which should only happen if touched by a male mage. Unfortunately, I've got some bad news for you. Reinhold, a really powerful mage, has been tracking down this amulet for a while now and if he realizes that the amulet''s power has passed to you, he might think you pose a risk."
-	<<actCLA 'What`s going on?'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-		<p>"What the hell is going on?" you respond. You try to move your hands, but you're tied to the bed.</p>
-		"I'll start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Milennia ago, the world was not the same. The fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance, but the succubus were free to breed with whomever they wished."
-		"They bred with humans and so human magicians were born. The Sidhe, as the most powerful of the fae, feared the increasing number of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them. This prevented one from being able to reproduce without the other."
-		"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in their bodies and it is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic."
-		<p>The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignores magic or are protected from it by magic's natural desire to remain hidden, but last night there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly seen by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search. That source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could do untold horrors."</p>
-		She stops for a few seconds for you to process the information. It seems really far fetched.
-		"Reinhold wants to prevent the amulet being misused. He is tasked with maintaining order and will search for you."
-		<<actCLA 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-			<p>"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures, but the rest of us just don't see it, or convince ourselves it didn't happen?"</p>
-			The girl nods. "Yes. You're a quick student. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet. All this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. The human mind can't process magic, so it blocks it as a way to protect the person from going crazy."
-			"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists and spontaneous combustion are when people encounter a difficult to hide phenomenon and the conclusion is flawed. In some cases, if someone''s mind can't cope with the spell they witness, they can be driven insane."
-			<<actCLA 'And who are you?'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-				<p>"And who are you?" you ask.</p>
-				<p>The girl smiles. "Me? I'm Tatiana, a young mage with a keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He's a Mutant due to magical exposure. It gives him unmatched physical strength and he is a great tracker."</p>
-				"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."
-				<<actCLA 'What do you want from me?'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-					<p>"What do you want from me?" you ask.</p>
-					"Well, the amulet obviously," Tatiana replies. "When I looked for you, I was hoping to get that object of power to study, but the power transferred to you first. The amulet will now be pretty much useless."
-					"But this is not good for you. You may think that since you have the amulet''s power, you can do anything. But in reality, you're helpless without the skill to use it. Its power already knocked you out and I had to use magic to stabilize you."
-					<<actCLA 'What is this amulet?'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-						<p>"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.</p>
-						Tatiana thinks about it for a few seconds. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians before he died. He taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form and making it only activate for a male mage."
-						<p>"Great. So I've been thrown into this mess by the dead owner of that ancient tomb. Hang on! I'm not male or a mage, how could the power be transferred to me?"</p>
-						"It seems that its long time underground caused it to malfunction and its power has entered your body."
-						"You're lucky to be a woman," Tatiana adds. "Rikudo''s power seems to only work if it is in a man''s body. Since you can't harness its power, you shouldn''t arouse any suspicion."
-						<<actCLA 'So what should I do?'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-							"Lay low for now. Get on with your life. We'll contact you if anything comes up. Gustav here will drop you off at your apartment. Don't worry I already let your parents and grandparent know you decided to head back to your apartment in Pavlovsk."
-							<<actCLA 'Follow Gustav'>>
-								<<set $finances.cash = 5000>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/2_sg/start_sg.jpg">>
-								You give Gustav directions to your apartment building. Half an hour later, he drops you off in front of your apartment building in Pavlovsk. You head inside and feeling exhausted after the days events you go to your room and collapse on the bed, quickly falling asleep.
-								<<act '<center><b>Done</b></center>'>>
-									<<gt 'intro_uni' 'intro'>>
-								<</act>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'welcome_intro'>>
-	<<set $time.year = 2017>>
-	<<set $time.month = 8>>
-	<<set $time.weekday = 5>>
-	<<set $time.hour = 7>>
-	<<set $time.day = 25>>
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization_city'>>
-	<!-- !! Welcome to Girl Life speech-->
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/6_uni/uni_start.jpg">>
-	<p>Welcome to the Cursed Schoolgirl version! Guide $pc.name_nick through the many challenges of life at university. Manage coursework, a job and relationships with the people you meet on your journey.</p>
-	<<act 'Start the game'>>
-		<<gt 'uni_grounds' 'main'>>
-	<</act>>

+ 0 - 367

@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-:: intro_uni_tg
-<<set $here = 'intro_uni_tg'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<!-- !2022/01/09-->
-<!-- !!The TF Story Elements-->
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'start'>>
-	<<set $menu_off = 1>>
-	<h2>Apartment</h2>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/1.jpg">>
-	You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. You hear Luda, your wife, mumbling next to you, "Don't want to, it's too early." She pulls her blanket up and rolls over. You reach over and turn the clock off.
-	<i>There are days when I just want to keep on sleeping</i>, you think to yourself. <i>But I can't, not today.</i>
-	<<actCLA 'Go to the bathroom'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/mikhail_2.jpg">>
-		Quietly, so that you don't wake up your daughter, you go to the bathroom and take care of your morning routine.
-		<<actCLA 'Leave the apartment'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/3.jpg">>
-			In a parking lot near your house sits your car. You unlock it with the remote key and climb in.
-			<<actCLA 'Go to work'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/4.jpg">>
-				You turn the key and the engine roars to life. As you drive to work the roads are filled with traffic, but it's the morning rush hour, so it's no surprise. You drive for what feels like an eternity, give or take an hour, but you eventually reach the office. The music on the radio was pleasant, at least.
-				<<actCLA 'Park at the office'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/5.jpg">>
-					You pull into a parking lot near the building and manage to find a good spot. You greet the security guard on your way in to the building, and then go upstairs to your office. Shortly after you sit down at your desk and boot up your computer, your boss''s secretary comes in and hands you a folder with several travel documents.
-					<p>"Am I going on a business trip or something?" you ask her.</p>
-					"Yes, the director said it had something to do with a construction project, out in the middle of nowhere, but that's pretty much all I know," Oksana says.
-					After she leaves, you read over the travel documents and fill them out. Time to go to the director.
-					<<actCLA 'Go and see your boss'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_roman.jpg">>
-						You head into the directors'' office, greet him and hand him the papers to sign. The director, Roman Gromov, scans through the text before signing off on it with a broad, sweeping stroke.
-						"Ms. Glavbukh is in her office. Go get some travel money while I make a few calls. We'll discuss your trip when you get back."
-						<<actCLA 'Go to the chief accountant'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_marina.jpg">>
-							Marina is indeed already in her office. After filing your signed travel documents, she grumbles about antiquated systems as she counts out the money.
-							<<actCLA 'Return to the director'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_roman.jpg">>
-								<p>Roman is busy talking on the phone when you re-enter the his office, he gestures for you to sit down on one of the chairs across from him.</p>
-								"Yes, I understand... yes. I will send Mikhail over ASAP, he'll represent me... Yes... Tell your men to work on some other parts of the project in the meantime. Have Igor guard the pit and let no one make any fuss, and make sure nobody gets wind of this and, you know, try to halt the construction... Okay, we'll keep in touch."
-								Roman hangs up and turns to you.
-								<p>"Last night, while excavating for the foundations, the workers stumbled upon something; one of the excavators dug into a hollow space of some sort. Luckily Igor was on site and he halted the excavation.</p>
-								"It's not clear what exactly it is, yet. Maybe an abandoned bunker or a cave. But in any case, if there are any more chambers under the foundation, we might not be able to build on the land. So what I want you to do, is to go to the construction site, figure out exactly what the problem is and solve this whole mess as quickly as possible."
-								<<actCLA 'Remind him of the correct procedures'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_roman.jpg">>
-									"Firstly we need to talk to..." you start to say, but are quickly interrupted by your boss.
-									<p>"Mikhail, do you realize what's at stake here? We're near the end of our credit line, we still have unfinalized agreements on the project's contract, and we already have guys digging the pit. If there is a too big hole under the foundation, and we can't build on the site, that could bankrupt the company. So this mysterious structure must be addressed immediately and I have to hold the fort here and keep a lid on things."</p>
-									<<act 'Doesn`t look like you have a choice'>>
-										<<gt 'intro_uni_tg' 'roadPRE'>>
-									<</act>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'roadPRE'>>
-	<<set $music_loop = 0>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/4.jpg">>
-	You leave the office and from your car phone your wife Luda. You explain the situation to her and as soon as you finish the call, you drive off to the construction site.
-	<<actCLA 'Drive'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-		You've been on the highway for hours before you arrive at the town near the site, leaving you feeling tired. But before you can check into a hotel and get some sleep, you need to get an understanding of the magnitude of the problem you're dealing with. You follow the directions to the site. Igor calls on the way and tells you that you won''t have to go through a security check.
-		You arrive and park your car at the site. You see Igor waving at you from a distance and you walk up to him.
-		<<actCLA 'Greet Igor'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_igor.jpg">>
-			<p>Igor greets you. He is obviously concerned about the situation and without delay leads you to the pit's fenced-off entrance. It rained earlier so the ground is all muddy, you're going to have to clean your shoes when you get back to the hotel.</p>
-			"The ladder''s over there," Igor informs you, while pointing to your left.
-			You reach the hole in the ground and peek inside using the small flashlight from your keychain. "There seems to be a floor about 5 meters down."
-			<p>"Well, what do you think Mikhail? Shall we go down?" Igor says with a faint glimmer of adventure in his eyes.</p>
-			<<actCLA 'Descend'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_1.jpg">>
-				Igor hands you a powerful flashlight and tells the guard to get the ladder over here. Igor is the first one to go down, once he reaches the bottom, he holds the ladder so you can safely climb down as well.
-				The cave smells musty and looks all gloomy, but you can breathe freely and the light from your flashlight illuminates the walls. You shoot a beam of light into the corridor and in the distance see something that resembles a door.
-				"Damn. If any historians hear about this, they'll be all over this construction site." Igor mutters.
-				You walk up to the door and see drawings on it. Most of them resemble people, but with other stick figures as well.
-				<<actCLA 'Open the door'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_3.jpg">>
-					You lean against the door, it's stiff but you manage to push it open.
-					<p>"Oh shit...! Take a look over there. Human bones." Igor says nervously.</p>
-					You take a look at what Igor is pointing at and see a pile of human bones with a skull on top.
-					"A tomb, I suppose." Igor mutters looking apprehensive.
-					"Probably", you nod. "We can't rule anything out just yet."
-					<<actCLA 'Go further'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_5.jpg">>
-						Further into the cave, you reach a room that resembles some kind of archive, filled with dozens of old, dusty scrolls inside of racks built into the walls.
-						<p>Igor takes one of the scrolls and carefully unrolls it. "What the hell? Look at this, it must be some kind of ancient language," Igor says. "I'll take one with me, and see what I can find out about these, maybe I can get it deciphered. So we'll know what we are dealing with."</p>
-						Looking around, you notice another door on the other side of the chamber, you walk over and open it.
-						<<actCLA 'Enter the room'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-							There''s an altar in the center of the room, on it there are various pots, several gold amulets and even some stone figures. You continue looking around the room curiously, trying to figure out what it's purpose was.
-							Looking closely at the altar, you notice a strange little amulet placed at the very top.
-							<<actCLA 'Examine the amulet'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/item_amulet.jpg">>
-								You pick up the strange amulet and examine it. <i>This is clearly very old</i>, you think to yourself.
-								While holding the amulet, you realize that it's getting warm, almost hot. Suddenly you feel heat coursing through your entire body. You feel a surge of strength inside you. It's like you just finished a long jog, but without the fatigue.
-								Igor enters the room with one of the scrolls in his hands. "Huh. Interesting little room.", he says, glancing over the altar. "Well, we have to make a decision: either we fill the catacombs up to the brink with cement or we let someone into these rooms. Who knows what all this stuff is, maybe it's worth more than it looks."
-								<<actCLA 'Consult you boss'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_cave_altar.jpg">>
-									"I've got to think about it and consult the director before we do anything." You reply and without thinking about it, you put the small amulet into your pocket.
-									"Well, one thing''s for sure, you won''t get reception down here. Let''s go outside." Igor tells you.
-									<<actCLA 'Go back to the surface'>>
-										<<image "system/1_openings/shared/site_working.jpg">>
-										You walk together with Igor out of the strange chambers and up the ladder, back to the surface.
-										"We must have been down there longer than I thought, it's already late. There will only be security on site now so there''s nothing we can do here until the morning, you should go to the hotel." Igor says.
-										With a hasty goodbye to Igor, you make your way back to your car.
-										<i>Damn</i>, you think, <i>tomorrow''s going to be a stressful day.</i>
-										<<act 'Go to the hotel'>>
-											<<gt 'intro_uni_tg' 'otelPRE'>>
-										<</act>>
-									<</actCLA>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'otelPRE'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/6.jpg">>
-	Your trip to the hotel is quite uneventful compared to your tomb raiding adventure.
-	You park your car and go to the receptionist to get a room. There are only double rooms available, but it's going on the company card, so that just means you'll get a bigger room. You swipe your company card and take your room key.
-	<<actCLA 'Head upstairs to your room'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-		Lying down on one of the beds, you start to wonder just who built that crypt and what it's purpose was. Your thoughts drift to that amulet you found. The way that thing you touched half an hour ago is still making you feel wonderful baffles you.
-		<<actCLA 'Call the director'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-			You dial Romans'' number and after a few rings, he picks up. You report to him the details of what you found at the site with Igor: an ancient tomb, human bones, scrolls in a mysterious language and the altar in that room.
-			The director stays silent while you give your report. A few moments later, he decides that it would be best to stop the construction. He tells you to stay and keep watch over the site until further notice.
-			You put the phone away. <i>Looks like this trip is going to last longer than expected</i>, you think to yourself.
-			<<actCLA 'Go to bed'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-				It doesn''t take you long to drift off to sleep
-				Images begin to form in your mind and you soon find yourself in a middle of a dream. The amulet stands before you and out of it comes a ghost of some sort. Before you even realize what you are doing, you find yourself staring deep into the ghost''s eyes which then turn into two planet earths.
-				"Looking at the world most just see the mundane, but there is more to it, much more and now you see that too. You have the potential to shape it all, but first, you have company."
-				Suddenly your senses return and you are aware of the hotel room around you, you can tell you are not alone.
-				<<actCLA 'Open your eyes'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_reinhold.jpg">>
-					<p>As you open your eyes, you see a man standing in your room. He is wearing a long black coat and his face looks weary; he is unshaven and reminds you of most police detectives in Hollywood films.</p>
-					<p>"Where is the amulet?" he approaches you.</p>
-					<<actCLA 'Ask who he is'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_reinhold.jpg">>
-						<p>"Who are you?" you ask puzzledly. The man's sudden appearance and a sense you never knew you had tell you something about him, that he is not of the world you know.</p>
-						"Listen, don't cause any problems now. Give me the amulet, close the construction site, and all will be fine. After all that place belongs to us," he says in a firm voice.
-						<p><i>Belongs to us?</i> His response leaves you bewildered, wondering who he is and what this is all about.</p>
-						"Well, how about I give you a small taste of my power." the man says, and out of nowhere comes a burning desire to give him the amulet.
-						<<actCLA 'Give him the amulet'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/7.jpg">>
-							You get out of the bed and give him the stone figure you had put in your pocket earlier. The man takes it, steps back, and without warning, something in his eyes begins to spin like a whirlwind, causing your own eyes to blur as if he was hypnotizing you. A few seconds later your vision clears with the man having somehow disappeared into thin air.
-							<p>You rub your eyes, "What the hell is going on here? Was that a dream?. No, it can't be. I wouldn't walk around in a dream. I think." You say to no one in particular then check your pocket, the amulet is indeed gone. You sit down on the bed trying to make sense of what just happened.</p>
-							While lost in thought, you hear a knock on the door. You get up to open the door, not even thinking why you would have visitors this late at night.
-							<p>"...Who's there?", you ask, still confused.</p>
-							A woman''s voice responds that she's the hotel receptionist and that she needs to talk to you on an urgent matter.
-							<<actCLA 'Answer the door'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-								<p>You open the door, but don't recall the woman in front of you being at the reception desk; the woman from earlier didn't have red hair and glasses. After entering the room she quickly examines the place, before locking her eyes on you.</p>
-								<p>"Mikhail, right?" You nod.</p>
-								"Last night you went to a certain place and took out something very valuable and powerful." the woman speaks to you.
-								<<actCLA 'Another one?'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-									<i>Again?</i>
-									You sigh, irritated that not only have you been disturbed in the middle of the night, but these idiots apparently cannot even agree among themselves which one of them should disturb you.
-									"Listen, you're starting to bother me. That other guy already showed up asking for the damn amulet."
-									<p>She looks at you with surprise. "What? Someone already came here? Who was it?"</p>
-									<<actCLA 'Tell her'>>
-										<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-										"It was some man in a navy cloak with ginger hair and a light beard, he didn''t tell me his name. He already took the amulet." You answer.
-										<p>The girl's face drops. "Damn it!" She looks into your eyes. "Okay... Mikhail, we have to go somewhere else, there are too many people that might get hurt here. Gustav, come here!" The girl calls out to the corridor.</p>
-										A tall man enters the room
-										<<set $pc.name_first = 'Mikhail'>>
-										<<set $pc.name_last = 'Ivanov'>>
-										<<set $pc.age = 33>>
-										<<set $pc.visualAge = 33>>
-										<<set $time.year = 2016>>
-										<<set $time.month = 5>>
-										<<set $time.weekday = 1>>
-										<<set $time.hour = 7>>
-										<<set $time.day = 25>>
-										<!-- !!body-->
-										<<set $pc.pcs_hgt = 186>>
-										<<set $dick = 0>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_energy = 60>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_hydra = 60>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_sleep = 70>>
-										<!-- !!stats-->
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('strength',160)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('agility',50)>>
-										<<set $pc.vitality = 160>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('intelligence',50)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('spirit',100)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('reaction',50)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('kick',20)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('punch',20)>>
-										<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('jabs',20)>>
-										<<set $pc.pcs_health = $pc.vitality * 10>>
-										<!--<<set $pc.willpowermax = 60>>-->
-										<<set $pcs_mana = ($pc.skillLevel("intelligence") * $pcs_magik) + $pc.vitality * 5>>
-										<<set $pc.birthday = 1>>
-										<<set $pc.birthmonth = 4>>
-										<<set $pc.birthyear = 1983>>
-										<<set $pcs_dob = 19830401>>
-										<<actCLA 'Prepare to fight'>>
-											<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_gustav.jpg">>
-											The man has a large tattoo across the left side of his face. He too has red hair
-											<<set $sex.npcId = 'Gustav'>>
-											<<gs 'fight' 'initFight' 1>>
-											<<gs 'fight_npcdata' 'gustav'>>
-											<<set $fightEnding = 1>>
-											<<act 'Fight'>>
-												<<gt 'fight' 'start'>>
-											<</act>>
-										<</actCLA>>
-									<</actCLA>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'tatianaPRE'>>
-	<<set $pc.name_first = '$temp_firstname'>>
-	<<set $pc.name_last = '$temp_lastname'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-	<p>You wake up in an unfamiliar room. Standing near you is the same red-haired girl that entered your hotel room.</p>
-	"Ah, you're awake," she chirps. "I told this jerk he should have been more careful, but he never listens. As a result I had to use some magic to stabilize you, he almost knocked you out permanently."
-	"While you were unconscious I did some research on you. Turns out the Amulet of Power passed to you. Must have happened when you touched it. Unfortunately, Reinhold, the guy in your room, has probably realized by now that the amulet no longer has the power and now he's out to hunt you down."
-	<<actCLA 'What`s going on?'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-		<p>"What the hell is going on?" you respond. You try to move your hands, but you're tied to the bed.</p>
-		"Um, okay, I'll start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Ages ago the world was not the same, the fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance but the succubus were free to breed with whom ever they wished."
-		"They breed with humans with that human magicians were born. The Sidhe as the most powerful of the fae feared the increasing numbers of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them, this prevented either from being able to reproduce without the other."
-		"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in there bodies and it is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic."
-		The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignore magic or are protected from it by magic''s natural desire to remain hidden."
-		<p>"But last night there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly seen by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search, that source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could do untold horrors."</p>
-		She stops for a few seconds for you process that information. It seems really far fetched.
-		"As you can figure out, Reinhold wanted to prevent the amulet being misused, but he wasn''t very thorough and didn''t check you over."
-		<<actCLA 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-			<p>"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures, but the rest of us just don't see it, or convince ourselves it didn't happen?"</p>
-			The girl nods. "Yes. You're a quick study. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet, all this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. The human mind can't process magic, so it blocks it as a way to protect the person from going crazy."
-			"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists, spontaneous combustion, are when people encounter a difficult to hide phenomenon and the conclusion is flawed. In some cases, if someone''s mind can not cope with the spell they witness, they can be driven crazy and then no one believes them."
-			<<actCLA 'And who are you?'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-				<p>Trying to come to terms with your new reality, you ask "And who are you?"</p>
-				<p>The girl smiled. "Me? I'm Tatiana, a young mage with an keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He's a Mutant, his mutation is due to magical exposure and it gives him unmatched physical strength and he is a great tracker."</p>
-				"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."
-				<<actCLA 'What do you want from me?'>>
-					<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-					<p>"What do you want from me?"</p>
-					"Hmm, well... the amulet obviously," Tatiana replies. "When I looked for you, I was hoping to get that object of power to study but Reinhold got to you first. The amulet will now be pretty much useless anyway, as its power passed on to you."
-					"This isn''t good for you, though. You may think since you have the amulets'' power that you can do anything. But in reality, you're helpless without the skill to use it. Reinhold easily overpowered your will and forced you to obey, and Gustav beat you like a puppy."
-					<<actCLA 'What is this amulet? Where did it come from?'>>
-						<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-						<p>"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.</p>
-						Tatiana thinks about it for a few moments. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians. Before he died, he taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form and making it only activate for a male mage."
-						<p>"Great. So I've been thrown into this mess by the dead owner of that ancient tomb." Still trying to absorb all this information, something occurs to you. "Hang on, I'm not a mage, how could the power be transferred to me?"</p>
-						"It seems that its long time underground has caused it to malfunction and its power has entered your body. The bad news is it is far too powerful and will kill you." At this you are filled with fear and start to struggle against your bindings.
-						"You are lucky Reinhold didn''t realize this, he would have stopped you from accidentally wielding the power and killing yourself and who knows how many others by killing you in that hotel room. I have another way to save you, but you're not going to like it."
-						You don't say anything, so she continues, "I can feel the aura of power emanating from you, by drawing from that I can perform a powerful magic spell that will transform you into someone who is protected from the masculine alignment of the power."
-						<<actCLA 'Uh, I do not understand, what are you suggesting?'>>
-							<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-							<p>"Uh, I do not understand, what are you suggesting?" you ask her.</p>
-							Tatiana runs a hand through her hair and giggles. "I'll turn you into a young girl and the power will lie dormant, saving you from blowing up a city or something."
-							Your eyes widen in shock.
-							"Well, there is another way, I can just stop your heart and let your power dissolve into nature, but you will die. I'm not Reinhold, I can take this risk and I don't want to kill you. Maybe with more time and research I can work out another solution, but I cannot leave you like this."
-							<<actCLA 'What about your family?'>>
-								<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-								<p>"Hey, I don't want to be a woman. I have a family; a wife and a daughter," you tell her, afraid.</p>
-								Tatiana smiles. "Well the choice is simple, either you die or live without a penis for the time being."
-								"As for your family, not to worry. I'll arrange everything. We will fabricate your death to get Reinhold off your back. To make your transition easier I'll cover your memory of the family, they will only be ghostly memories, you won''t even remember where you lived. Don't worry, I won''t erase your entire memory and leave you a useless vegetable."
-								<<actCLA 'There must be another way!'>>
-									<<set $loc = 'intro_uni_tg'>>
-									<<set $loc_arg = 'custom'>>
-									<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-									<p>Panicking, you yell out "There must be another way!" You tug at the restraints on the bed.</p>
-									Tatiana''s face turns serious. "Do not argue. It's the only way available to me. You'll need to use a new name, so think it over in your dreams and tell me when you wake up, otherwise I'll give you a pretty name. Now go to sleep." She puts her hand on your chest and your vision immediately fades. You dream about a girl you never knew and what she did at school...
-									<<act 'Dream'>>
-										<<gt 'intro_city_select' 'start'>>
-									<</act>>
-								<</actCLA>>
-							<</actCLA>>
-						<</actCLA>>
-					<</actCLA>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'custom'>>
-	<<set $loc = 'intro_uni_tg'>>
-	<<set $loc_arg = 'custom'>>
-	<!-- !!	This is to bypass the next part if the avatar system was used-->
-	<!-- !!	It will be changed to bypass the head options, once more body options are added-->
-	<!-- !!	Just hair and eye color here for now; the dialog will be updated as more options are added-->
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/character_creation_2.jpg">>
-	As you drift in unconsciousness, an impression of a woman forms in your mind. Many aspects of her appearance are indistinct, but there are some things you can make out.
-	She is fairly tall.
-	<center>Customize your:</center>
-	<center><a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''hair''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_hair.png'>></a> <a href="exec:gs ''intro_customization'', ''eyes''"><<image 'images/system/1_openings/shared/icon_eye.png'>></a></center>
-	Everything else about her is fuzzy...
-	<<act 'Done'>>
-		<<gt 'intro_uni_tg' 'sleepPRE'>>
-	<</act>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'sleepPRE'>>
-	$killobj
-	<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_tatiana.jpg">>
-	<p>"You're awake?." Tatiana says looking into your eyes.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Look at yourself'>>
-		<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/8.jpg">>
-		"Fuck," you say and immediately shut your mouth again. Your voice... it's so feminine. Tatiana giggles.
-		"This is the first time I changed the gender of a person, therefore I just HAD to see your reaction. Totally worth it. But you turned out exactly like her."
-		<p>Puzzled, you ask "Like who?"</p>
-		<p>"$pc.name_first $pc.name_last of course. It's the dead girl I swapped you with. I found her in the morgue, erased evidence of her death,  made her look like you, and you like her. You needed an alibi, and I needed to throw Reinhold off your trail. Today, Mikhail crashed his car into the pit and died, it's on the news." With these words, Tatiana picked up the remote and turned on the TV.</p>
-		<<actCLA 'Watch TV'>>
-			<<image "system/1_openings/1_tf/9.jpg">>
-			There is a news report about a businessman who drove his car into a hole at a construction site. He died in hospital without regaining consciousness.
-			You look at Tatiana, bewildered. She has an enigmatic smile on her face. "Well, I'm still a magician and that's something that I can do. Reinhold has definitely lost the trail. The body in that car was a perfect copy of your old self, from your absorbed amulet energy down to the placement of every single hair."
-			<p>"Anyways, here are your new legal documents, including a new passport, and student ID. Starting today, you are $pc.name_first $pc.name_last, an 18 year old girl who is attending the Saint Petersburg University, after graduating from the Secondary school in Pavlovsk.. She grew up in Pavlovsk, with her mother, step father, sister and half brother. Tomorrow her family is helping her move to the dorms. Luckily for us she kept a journal about her life, notes about her family and friends, as well as many other things. I suggest you study it and memorize it, but to help you out she was admitted to the hospital with a minor head injury. I made sure her family was informed she has some memory issues so it should help with you fitting in and acting different than she did. But learn to act like her as quickly as you can, so you don't bring unwanted attention to yourself.</p>
-			<p>This is a lot for you to take in and it takes a moment for you to grasp it all. "Wait what about the real $pc.name_first?"</p>
-			She gives you a sad smile. "She was killed recently, that is why I picked her. No one knows she died so I was able to fix it so no one will know and give you a new life to hide in. I know it is not ideal and whenever we can fix this and change you back we can let her rest, think of it this way you are giving her family extra time with her."
-			You sigh and shake your head, this is all so much to take in, you don't even know what to say. Then she adds "At least she had an apartment to call home. Here are the keys, she didn''t have much in her apartment yet, but study her journal, learn it like your life depends on it, because in a way it does. Now get up, you've got to go to your new home and start a new life."
-			Gustav, the redhead with a tattoo on his face, enters the room. He looks at you. "Come on, I'll take you."
-			<<actCLA 'Go with Gustav'>>
-				<<image "system/1_openings/shared/npc_gustav.jpg">>
-				Gustav silently takes you to the garage and you enter his black jeep. Gustav gets behind the wheel and drives you into the city. You silently speculate about what to do now.
-				After a few minutes, while keeping his eyes on the road, Gustav speaks. "I'm sorry I beat you up. I have trouble controlling myself during a fight. You had a large build and for a second I thought you might be dangerous, so I ended up hitting you with my full force."
-				<p>You look at him. "Forget it. Listen Gustav... What do I do now?"</p>
-				<p>Gustav nods. "Well, I would advise you to buy what you will need and see about getting a part time job to help out with the expenses. Her family was fairly poor so I am not sure how much they will be able to help you. Also your mind is very weak. If you don't take care of yourself you will go crazy. You need to eat well, sleep regularly and have fun. Don't become depressed or else you'll end up in a madhouse. Don't go looking for Tatiana; you won't find her. Secondly, if we need to contact you, we will find you."</p>
-				You arrive at some old Soviet era buildings in Pavlovsk. Gustav stops the car and points a finger at the entrance. "You're in apartment 7 on the second floor. Tatiana already gave you the key, so go. Don't just give up. Not everyone gets an entirely new chance at life. Tatiana and I will keep an eye out for you."
-				"Also study that journal, try to fit in and make the best of your new life." You just nod, not knowing what to say you open the car door to get out.
-				<<actCLA 'Go to the apartment'>>
-					<<image "locations/city/island/university/uni_day.jpg">>
-					You are exhausted and trying to take in all the strange things you've learnt and barely speak to anyone at home. You remember your Mom sitting you down and making you eat something before you get an early night''s sleep.
-					<<act 'Continue'>>
-						<<gt 'intro_uni' 'intro'>>
-					<</act>>
-				<</actCLA>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'welcome_intro'>>
-	<<set $time.year = 2017>>
-	<<set $time.month = 8>>
-	<<set $time.weekday = 5>>
-	<<set $time.hour = 7>>
-	<<set $time.day = 25>>
-	<<set $pc.pcs_inhib = 0>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('highHeels',0)>>
-	<<run $pc.skillSetLevel('makeup',0)>>
-	<<gs 'intro_initialization_city'>>
-	<!-- !! Welcome to Girl Life speech-->
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'old'>>
-	<<image "system/1_openings/6_uni/uni_start.jpg">>
-	<p>Welcome to the Transformation start! Although you've lost your masculinity and your old life, new possibilities are opening up before your eyes, not least aided in your newfound knowledge of the magical nature of the world! Guide $pc.name_nick through the many challenges of life at university. Manage coursework, a job and relationships with the people you meet on your journey.</p>
-	<<act 'Start the game'>>
-		<<gt 'uni_grounds' 'main'>>
-	<</act>>
