var needle = require('../'), sinon = require('sinon'), should = require('should'), http = require('http'), Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter, helpers = require('./helpers'); var get_catch = function(url, opts) { var err; try { needle.get(url, opts); } catch(e) { err = e; } return err; } describe('errors', function() { after(function(done) { setTimeout(done, 100) }) describe('when host does not exist', function() { var url = 'http://unexistinghost/foo'; describe('with callback', function() { it('does not throw', function() { var ex = get_catch(url); should.not.exist(ex); }) it('callbacks an error', function(done) { needle.get(url, function(err) {; done(); }) }) it('error should be ENOTFOUND or EADDRINFO or EAI_AGAIN', function(done) { needle.get(url, function(err) { err.code.should.match(/ENOTFOUND|EADDRINFO|EAI_AGAIN/) done(); }) }) it('does not callback a response', function(done) { needle.get(url, function(err, resp) { should.not.exist(resp); done(); }) }) it('does not emit an error event', function(done) { var emitted = false; var req = needle.get(url, function(err, resp) { }) req.on('error', function() { emitted = true; }) setTimeout(function() { emitted.should.eql(false); done(); }, 100); }) }) describe('without callback', function() { it('does not throw', function() { var ex = get_catch(url); should.not.exist(ex); }) it('emits end event once, with error', function(done) { var callcount = 0, stream = needle.get(url); stream.on('done', function(err) { err.code.should.match(/ENOTFOUND|EADDRINFO|EAI_AGAIN/) callcount++; }) setTimeout(function() { callcount.should.equal(1); done(); }, 200) }) it('does not emit a readable event', function(done) { var called = false, stream = needle.get(url); stream.on('readable', function() { called = true; }) stream.on('done', function(err) {; done(); }) }) it('does not emit an error event', function(done) { var emitted = false, stream = needle.get(url); stream.on('error', function() { emitted = true; }) stream.on('done', function(err) { emitted.should.eql(false); done(); }) }) }) }) describe('when request times out waiting for response', function() { var server, url = 'http://localhost:3333/foo'; var send_request = function(cb) { return needle.get(url, { response_timeout: 200 }, cb); } before(function() { server = helpers.server({ port: 3333, wait: 1000 }); }) after(function() { server.close(); }) describe('with callback', function() { it('aborts the request', function(done) { var time = new Date(); send_request(function(err) { var timediff = (new Date() - time);, 300); done(); }) }) it('callbacks an error', function(done) { send_request(function(err) {; done(); }) }) it('error should be ECONNRESET', function(done) { send_request(function(err) { err.code.should.equal('ECONNRESET') done(); }) }) it('does not callback a response', function(done) { send_request(function(err, resp) { should.not.exist(resp); done(); }) }) it('does not emit an error event', function(done) { var emitted = false; var req = send_request(function(err, resp) { should.not.exist(resp); }) req.on('error', function() { emitted = true; }) setTimeout(function() { emitted.should.eql(false); done(); }, 350); }) }) describe('without callback', function() { it('emits done event once, with error', function(done) { var error, called = 0, stream = send_request(); stream.on('done', function(err) { err.code.should.equal('ECONNRESET'); called++; }) setTimeout(function() { called.should.equal(1); done(); }, 250) }) it('aborts the request', function(done) { var time = new Date(); var stream = send_request(); stream.on('done', function(err) { var timediff = (new Date() - time);, 300); done(); }) }) it('error should be ECONNRESET', function(done) { var error, stream = send_request(); stream.on('done', function(err) { err.code.should.equal('ECONNRESET') done(); }) }) it('does not emit a readable event', function(done) { var called = false, stream = send_request(); stream.on('readable', function() { called = true; }) stream.on('done', function(err) {; done(); }) }) it('does not emit an error event', function(done) { var emitted = false; var stream = send_request(); stream.on('error', function() { emitted = true; }) stream.on('done', function(err) {; err.code.should.equal('ECONNRESET') emitted.should.eql(false); done(); }) }) }) }) var node_major_ver = process.version.split('.')[0].replace('v', ''); if (node_major_ver >= 16) { describe('when request is aborted by signal', function() { var server, url = 'http://localhost:3333/foo'; before(function() { server = helpers.server({ port: 3333, wait: 600 }); }) after(function() { server.close(); }) afterEach(function() { // reset signal to default needle.defaults({signal: null}); }) it('works if passing an already aborted signal aborts the request', function(done) { var abortedSignal = AbortSignal.abort(); var start = new Date(); abortedSignal.aborted.should.equal(true); needle.get(url, { signal: abortedSignal, response_timeout: 10000 }, function(err, res) { var timediff = (new Date() - start); should.not.exist(res); err.code.should.equal('ABORT_ERR');, 50); done(); }); }) it('works if request aborts before timing out', function(done) { var cancel = new AbortController(); var start = new Date(); needle.get(url, { signal: cancel.signal, response_timeout: 500, open_timeout: 500, read_timeout: 500 }, function(err, res) { var timediff = (new Date() - start); should.not.exist(res); if (node_major_ver <= 16) err.code.should.equal('ECONNRESET'); if (node_major_ver > 16) err.code.should.equal('ABORT_ERR'); cancel.signal.aborted.should.equal(true);, 250); done(); }); function abort() { cancel.abort(); } setTimeout(abort, 200); }) it('works if request times out before being aborted', function(done) { var cancel = new AbortController(); var start = new Date(); needle.get(url, { signal: cancel.signal, response_timeout: 200, open_timeout: 200, read_timeout: 200 }, function(err, res) { var timediff = (new Date() - start); should.not.exist(res); err.code.should.equal('ECONNRESET');, 250); }); function abort() { cancel.signal.aborted.should.equal(false); done(); } setTimeout(abort, 500); }) it('works if setting default signal aborts all requests', function(done) { var cancel = new AbortController(); needle.defaults({signal: cancel.signal}); var start = new Date(); var count = 0; function cb(err, res) { var timediff = (new Date() - start); should.not.exist(res); if (node_major_ver <= 16) err.code.should.equal('ECONNRESET'); if (node_major_ver > 16) err.code.should.equal('ABORT_ERR'); cancel.signal.aborted.should.equal(true);, 250); if ( count++ === 2 ) done(); } needle.get(url, { timeout: 300 }, cb); needle.get(url, { timeout: 350 }, cb); needle.get(url, { timeout: 400 }, cb); function abort() { cancel.abort(); } setTimeout(abort, 200); }) it('does not work if invalid signal passed', function(done) { try { needle.get(url, { signal: 'invalid signal' }, function(err, res) { done(new Error('A bad option error expected to be thrown')); }); } catch(e) {; done(); } }) it('does not work if invalid signal set by default', function(done) { try { needle.defaults({signal: new Error(), timeout: 1200}); done(new Error('A bad option error expected to be thrown')); } catch(e) {; done(); } }) }) } })