:: booty_call_after <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

You know what, <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>? Fuck you!" You leap off the bed in a huff, quickly grabbing your things and throwing your clothes on. <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> glares daggers at you the whole time but you don't care and the moment you have all your clothes on, you stalk out the door, giving him the finger as you slam it behind you.

<> <> <> <
> <
> <> <> Both of you lay back in bed, slightly frustrated with each other to the point that the mood is demonstrably ruined, but neither willing to concede. < 0>> <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Satisfied?" you ask sleepily.

<> <
> <> <> <> < 0 and $npcs.get($boy,'caretaker') == 1>> <> < 0>>

"Just a couple more times?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> begs. "I still want to get off a few more times with you."

<> <>

"You're done already?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> complains. "I still want to get off a few more times with you."

<> <>

"I was actually hoping to go a few more times," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says a bit wistfully. "But if you want to stop, that's all right."

<> <> <> <
> <> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <>

"I'm sorry <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>," you say, rubbing his arm, genuinely apologetic. "But I just can't keep up with your sex drive. I'm all tapped out. Maybe next time?"


<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> smiles wistfully at you.

"I guess it's okay then..." <> <> <> <>

"Come on, please? Just a couple more times?"

<> <> "Sorry," you shake your head. "But I just can't." <> <> <>

"Can I at least get a blowjob?"

<> <> <> "Sorry," you shake your head. "But I just can't." <> <> <> <
> <>

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> seems really disappointed, almost upset.

<> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <= 1>>

"Seriously <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>," you say. "I can't. You're gonna make me late."


"I wish I could, but I don't have time <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>," you shake your head. "I really need to get going soon."

> <> "Well, I don't want to make you late," he says softly. <> <>

"Come on, please? Just a couple more times?"


<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> seems really disappointed, almost upset.

> <
> <> <> <
> <= 22 or getvar("$time.hour") < 3)>> <> <> <> <= 1>> <>

"Seriously <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>," you say. "I can't. My mom is already going to kill me for staying out past curfew."


"Seriously <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>," you say. "I can't. I need to get home soon or my mom will kill me."

> <>

"I wish I could, but I need to get home <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>," you shake your head. "My mom will kill me if I'm not back before midnight."

> <> "Well, I guess there''s always next time," he says softly. <> <> <>

"Come on, please? Just a couple more times?"

<> <> <> <>

"Your mom's a bitch, you know that?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> grumbles, pulling away.

<> "Tell me about it," you roll your eyes. "At least you don't have to live with her." <> <> <>

"Hey!" you growl. "Don't talk about my mom like that!"

"But she-"

"She's still my mom, asshole!"

<> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> < 3>> <> <> <> "My pussy is so sore," you say, rubbing his arm, feeling genuinely apologetic. "You're gonna fuck me to death if we keep going." <>

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> smiles apologetically at you.

"Oh. Sorry about that..." <> <>

"Come on, please? Just a couple more times?"

<> <> <>

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> seems really disappointed, almost upset.

<> <
> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <>

"Well, we can't have you going unsatisfied now can we?" you say with a teasing smile.

<> <> <
> <little more time'>> "Well... I guess I might be able to keep going a little longer," you say with a soft smile. <> <> <> <> "Well... Maybe I could be a little late..." you say with a soft smile. <> <> <> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> "I need to tap out," you pant breathlessly. "You're just too big for me... I can't keep going..." <> "I need to tap out," you pant breathlessly, wincing at the pain of the large cock still filling you up. "You're just too big for me... I can't keep going..." <> <>

"Come on, don't be like that," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> moans. "You just need to get used to it. Don't pussy out now."

<> <> You grimace, rubbing your thighs together over your sore pussy. You can't believe you're about to do this. "Okay," you sigh. "Let''s keep going..." <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> "I just can't," you shake your head, legs tightening over your sore lady bits. "My pussy hurts so much, I can't handle your cock inside me again."

"Ugh," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says rolling his eyes. "Way to be a little bitch about it. Never going to learn to enjoy my big cock unless you practice."

<> <
> <> <>

"Sorry," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says, looking truly apologetic. "I know it's not easy for girls to handle. We can try again another time."

<> "Thanks," you say, smiling gratefully at him. "Yeah... maybe another time..." <> <> <> "Don't be sorry," you say, shaking your head. "It's not your fault you've got such a big dick. Maybe it's my fault for having a small pussy." You give him a little smile which he returns. <> <> <> <>

"Damn, my dick's too big for you?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> asks, smiling smugly when you return an exhausted nod. "Just one of those big dick problems I guess. Okay we'll try again later."

He laughs aloud, not seeming to care much that your pussy is sore beyond belief. <> <
> <
> <
> <
> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <>

"Wanna keep going?" you eagerly ask <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>.


"Wanna keep going?" you eagerly ask, flexing your pussy around <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock.


"Wanna keep going?" you eagerly ask <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>.

> "I don't think I can..." he groans. <>

You look down and see <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock already going limp, rapidly deflating right before your eyes.


You realize with a start that <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> is getting softer, not harder, inside you.

> "I think I might be all fucked out for the day..." <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> $booty_call['end_comment'] <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> $booty_call['end_comment'] <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> $booty_call['end_comment'] <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Seriously?" you scoff. "You're already done? I didn't even get to come!"


"Seriously?" you scoff. "You're already done?"

> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> "I guess we shouldn''t fuck today..." <> "I guess that's a sign we should stop..." <> <>

"I have a few," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says, reaching for another one."

<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <= $npcs.get($boy,'sexdrive')>>

"I think I'm all fucked out anyways," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> sighs limply.

<> <>

"Well this was fucking bullshit," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> grumbles.

<> <>

"Yeah, I think so too," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says.

<> <
> <
> <
> <> < 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['anus']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['butt']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['back']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['face']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['hands']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['stomach']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['tits']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['hair']") > 0>> <> < 0>> <> <> <> <> < 0 or $booty_call['last_cum'] == 'facial'>> <> <>

"Hey, got anything I can use to clean up?" you trying not to smile under the spunk covering your face.

"Oh yeah, right here." <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> reaches over to his nightstand, pulling a packet of tissues and tossing them over to you. Gratefully accepting them, you pull out a handful and get to work cleaning yourself up.

<> You reach up and poke at the sperm coating your face. Ew. You really need to clean that up before you do anything else. Reaching down to your purse, you pull some wipes out of your purse. <
> < 0>>

You carefully wipe the cum from your face, making sure to get every last drop, including getting the tangled web that <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> managed to get in your hair. About a minute later, you can still feel a faintly sticky layer over the top of your skin, but at least nobody is going to give you funny looks walking down the street.

<> You carefully wipe the cum from your face, making sure to get every last drop. About a minute later, you can still feel a faintly sticky layer over the top of your skin, but at least nobody is going to give you funny looks walking down the street. <
> < 0 or $booty_call['last_cum'] == 'stomach'>> <> <>

"Hey, got anything I can use to clean up?" you ask, looking at your belly, cum still spattered over it.

"Oh yeah, right here." <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> reaches over to his nightstand, pulling a packet of tissues and tossing them over to you. Gratefully accepting them, you pull out a handful and get to work cleaning yourself up.

<> You really need to clean yourself after up after that. Reaching down to your purse, you pull some wipes out of your purse. <
> < 0 or $booty_call['last_cum'] == 'ass' or $booty_call['last_cum'] == 'back'>> <> <>

"Hey, got anything I can use to clean up?" you ask, looking over your shoulder and wiggling your ass to emphasize the cum resting on it.

"Oh yeah, right here." <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> reaches over to his nightstand, pulling a packet of tissues and tossing them over to you. Gratefully accepting them, you pull out a handful and get to work awkwardly trying to wipe your ass and up your back.

<> You really need to clean yourself after up after that. Reaching down to your purse, you pull some wipes out of your purse, awkwardly wiping your ass and back with it. <
> < 0 or $booty_call['last_cum'] == 'creampie'>> < 0>> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> You reach down to your purse and pull out your bag of wipes before you stop, suddenly confused.

Why did I get out my wipes? you think to yourself. You frown at the packet, befuddled as to what you wanted to do with the,.

Meh. If it's important, it will come back to me later, you think to yourself as you put it back into your purse, oblivious to the liquid dribbling down the inside of your thigh. <>

"Hey, do you-" you start and then suddenly lose track of what you were trying to say. You frown to yourself as <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> looks at you quizically.

"Did you need something?"

"I uhh..." Your frown deepens. "I wanted to ask you something... but I forgot what it was... I guess it doesn''t really matter..." Meh. If it's important, it will come back to me later, you think to yourself, oblivious to the liquid dribbling down the inside of your thigh. <
> <> <> <> <
> <
> < 0>> Once you're satisfied that the rest of your body is clean, you wipe your hands off and toss the wipes into the trash. <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> <> You grab some tissues and clean up, wiping the cum from your tits. <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"I really can't... keep going... <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> huffs exhaustedly.

<> <= $npcs.get($boy,'sexdrive') + $booty_call['extra_cum']>> <>

"Yeah," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> pants. "I'm totally tapped out."

<> <> "Sorry," you say only a little apologetically. "I really can't keep going. I'm finished here."

"This is bullshit..." <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> grumbles.

<> <> <> "Yeah," he sighs. "I'm good." <> <
> <
> <> <>

"Really?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> asks, sitting up. "But we didn't fuck. You didn't even get to come."

<> <>

<<<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>>>''s Bedroom


"Come on <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>," you sigh. "You know I'm saving myself for marriage."

"And you still have a fuckbuddy." "Shut up," you roll your eyes. <> <
> <> <> <>

<<<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>>>''s Bedroom

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> "Sorry," you smile apologetically. "I'm saving myself for marriage."

"Why?" he asks, confusedly.


"Because I want to?" you shrug. "I just think it would be nice to give my virginity to my future husband. Do I need a better reason?"

<> <
> <>

"Because I want to," you scowl at him. "I have to explain what I want to do with my body?"

<> <
> <> <> "I don't know," you say, rolling your eyes in exhasperation. "Ask my mom why it's so important." <> <> <> <
> <
> <> "Just didn''t feel like doing anything else today," you shrug. "Wasn''t in the mood." <> <> <> "Just wanted to play with your cock for a while," you wink. "Don't worry that I didn''t get off. I had fun." <> <> <>

"Really?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> asks, sitting up. "But you didn't get to come."

<> "That's sweet of you," you say, smiling. "But don't worry about that. I'm okay without it today."

"You're sure?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure," you laugh back. <> <
> <> "I'm in a rush today. But don't worry, I still had fun." You give him a sly wink. "A girl doesn''t need to come every time you know."

"You really mean that?" he asks.

"Let's just not make a habit of it, all right?" you smirk back.

<> <
> <> <> "You took my virginity today," you smile. "I think that counts as enough for me." <> <> <> <
> <
> <> <> <> "Let''s call it here," you say, letting your negative feelings get to you.

"What, done already?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says, sitting up.

<> "I don't feel like doing anything else," you mumble, feeling deflated and dejected, sinking further into the bed. "I'm just... not in the mood anymore." <> <> <> "You killed the mood," you scowl at him. <> <> <> "You're an asshole," you scowl at him. "You know what you did." <> <> <
> <
> <> <> < 0>> <> <>

Your simultaneous orgasm was too much to handle and your vision begins to blur. At the back of your mind, you realize that your body is succumbing to exhaustion. The last thing you're aware of is <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock stuffed inside you, his cum filling your pussy to the brim, and then...

<> <>

Your simultaneous orgasm was too much to handle and your knees give out underneath you, collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion as your vision begins to blur and fade. The last thing you're aware of is <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock slipping from your pussy, the tickling sensation of his cum leaking from your snatch, and then...

<> <>

Your simultaneous orgasm was too much to handle and you collapse, no strength left to stay upright and your vision begins to blur. At the back of your mind, you realize that your body is succumbing to exhaustion. The last thing you're aware of is your breasts pressed up against <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s chest, his cock stuffed inside you and cum filling your pussy to the brim, and then...

> <> <> <>

Exhaustion hits you in a sudden wave and your vision begins to blur. The last thing you're aware of is <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> inside you, his cock and cum filling your pussy to the brim, and then...

<> <>

Exhaustion hits you in a sudden wave and your knees give out underneath you, collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion as your vision begins to blur and fade. The last thing you're aware of is <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock slipping from your pussy, the tickling sensation of his cum leaking from your snatch, and then...

<> <>

Exhaustion hits you in a sudden wave and you collapse, no strength left to stay upright and your vision begins to blur. The last thing you're aware of is your breasts pressed up against <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s chest, his cock and cum filling your pussy to the brim, and then...

> <> <>

You collapse to the bed, <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum still hot on your face. Your vision blurs and you struggle to keep your eyes open. The last thing you remember is a trickle of liquid running down your cheek, and then...

<> <>

You collapse to the bed as soon as you gulp, no strength left for you to stay upright. Your vision blurs and you struggle to keep your eyes open. The last thing you remember is the salty taste of <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum on your lips, and then...

<> <>

You collapse to the bed, <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum still dribbling down your chin. Your vision blurs and you struggle to keep your eyes open. The last thing you remember is a trickle of liquid running down your cheek, and then...

<> <>

You collapse to the bed, <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum hot on your face, still running down your chin. Your vision blurs and you struggle to keep your eyes open. The last thing you remember is a trickle of liquid dribbling from your lips, and then...

<> <> <> <> <> <>

You collapse to the bed, <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum hot on your chest. Your vision blurs and you struggle to keep your eyes open, to keep conscious. The last thing you remember is a trickle of liquid running down between your breasts, and then...

<> <> <> Exhaustion hits you in a sudden wave and your vision begins to blur, you struggle to keep your eyes open. The last thing you remember is hot liquid on your belly, already beginning to cool, and then... <> <> Exhaustion hits you in a sudden wave and your vision begins to blur, you struggle to keep your eyes open. You can't even lift your face off the bedsheets. The last thing you remember is something hot running down the crack of your ass, and then... <> <
> darkness... <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <
> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> You suddenly come to as a hand slaps you across the face.

"Hey! Wake up!"

You sit up in a rush, confused. "Wha... Whe..."

"You passed out suddenly," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says, looking annoyed. "You need to get dressed and get out. My girlfriend is going to be here any minute."

<> <> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Ugh..." you moan, holding your hand to your head. "Can I borrow your shower first? I'm kind of-"

"No, no time," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says, shaking his head. "If you wanted that, then you shouldn't have fallen asleep on me."

<> <> <> <> <> <
> <> <> <>

"Girlfriend?" you mumble, mind still foggy after being shaken awake. "You have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, and she's gonna catch us unless you get the fuck out of here now." <> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_hall')>>

"I'll text you next time I want to hook up," <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> says, and slams the door behind you.

<> <> <> <
> <> < 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['anus']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['butt']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['back']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['face']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['hands']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['stomach']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['tits']") > 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['hair']") > 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <>

"Got anything for this?" you ask, smiling wryly as you point to the sticky strands of cum covering your face.

< 0>> <
> < 0>>

"Yeah, got some wipes right here." <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> reaches for his nightstand, pulling a bag of wipes out of the drawer. He pulls one out and starts wiping himself down, tossing you the bag.


"Yeah, got some wipes right here." <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> reaches for his nightstand, pulling a bag of wipes out of the drawer and tossing it over.


You pull out a handful and clean yourself off as well. Following <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s lead, you finish by tossing the used wipe into a small trashcan in the corner of the room.

<> <> <> <> <> <
> < 0>> <> <> <>

<<<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>>>''s Bedroom

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> Leaning down off the bed, you dig into your bag with a clean hand and grab some wipes out of it, cleaning yourself off.

Feeling nice, you also take a moment to clean <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock for him at the same time. Once you're both all wiped down off, you toss it into the wastebasket by his bed.

<> <> <> <> <> <
> <
> < 0>> <> <> <> <> <>

Briefly making eye contact with <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>, you use your fingers to gather up all the loose cum on you and stick out your tongue, running it up your hand, licking every drop from it and into your mouth. You give your hand a thorough tongue bath, sucking your fingers clean at the end. Once finished, you smack your lips, smiling at <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> who stared at you the whole time.


"Any chance I could get one of those?" he gestures towards his cock.


<<<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>>>''s Bedroom

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> "Sorry soldier, but you're on your own," you giggle. "Of course I am..." He sighs but reaches for his nightstand, pulling a pack of wipes from it and gets to work cleaning himself up. Once he's done, he tosses the used wipe into a trash can in the corner of his room. <> <> <> <> <> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <>

You lean forward, wrapping your lips around <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock and running them up and down to clean him off. You can faintly taste yourself, as well as the remnants of cum that was still inside it, drawn out your mouth. Looking up at <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>, you are greeted with the sight of him staring down at you.


Opening your mouth, you lean forward, wrapping your lips around <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cock and running them up and down to clean him off. You can taste the remnants of cum that was still inside it, drawn out by your mouth. Looking up at <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>, you are greeted with the sight of him staring down at you.

> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <= $npcs.get($boy,'sexdrive') - 1 and rand(0,1) == 1>> <> <> < 0>> Afterwards, he reaches over to his nightstand and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <>

You lay back, settling down on the other side of the bed. Your body relaxes and you feel <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum seep from your pussy, trickling down the crack of your ass into the bedsheets.

<> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <
> <= $npcs.get($boy,'sexdrive') - 1 and rand(0,1) == 1>> <> <> < 0>>

The two of you pull apart and <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> reaches over to his nightstand and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.

<> The two of you quietly bask in the afterglow of your fuck together. <
> <> <
> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <> <> <> < 0>> <> <>

Your midnight fuck over, you and <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> cuddle up together and fall asleep again.

<> <> <> <
> <> <> <> <> <
> <> <> <> <> <>

You climb back into bed with <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>, snuggling up with him to relax.

<> <>

You and <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> both lay back, quietly relaxing together in the still bliss of your love-making.

<> <>

You lay back, quietly relaxing beside <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> in the still bliss of your love-making as he puffs away on his cigarette.

<> <
> <> <
> <
> <> <> <> < 0 or $npcs.get($boy,'smoker') > 0) and getvar("$booty_call['npc_late']") != 1>> <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <
> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bathroom')>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> You brush your teeth and now they are clean and minty fresh. <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0 and (getvar("$mesec") > 0 or (getvar("$placebopart") > 2 and getvar("$pillcon") < 40000)) and getvar("$isprokp") == 0 and getvar("$isprok") == 0 and $wardrobe.pantyworntype != 'none' and getvar("$pc.knowpreg") == 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> You use a sanitary pad. <> <> <> <> <> < 0 and (getvar("$mesec") > 0 or (getvar("$placebopart") > 2 and getvar("$pillcon") < 40000)) and getvar("$isprok") == 0 and getvar("$isprokp") == 0 and getvar("$pc.knowpreg") == 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> You use a tampon. <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <>

You sit on the toilet humming to yourself while you wait for <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum to drain from your pussy. It takes a long time with minutes passing between sudden gushes of semen pouring out of your snatch.

After about fifteen minutes, you figure you're safe and grab some toilet paper to wipe the last strands from your labia. <> <> <> <
> < 0>> <> <> <> You know this is going to take a long time so you take your smokes and a lighter into the bathroom with you.

Plopping down on the toilet, you light up while waiting for <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum to drain from your pussy. Minutes pass between sudden gushes of semen pouring out of your snatch and you pass the time puffing smoke and flicking ashes.

After about fifteen minutes, you figure you're safe and grab some toilet paper to wipe the last strands from your labia before making your long-drained cigarette is fully extinguished and tossing it in the trash.

<> <> <> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0 and getvar("$booty_call['get_up']") != 1>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

You lean over to kiss <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>, gently pressing your lips against his.

"What was that for?" <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> asks.

<> <>

"I just felt like it," you shrug, giving <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> a pleasant smile.

<> <
> <> <>

"Cause I like you," you say, giving <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> a pleasant smile.

<> <
> < 0>> <> <> "A thank you," you smile gratefully. "For making me come." <> <> <> <> <> <>

You lean over to kiss <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>, gently pressing your lips against his. Instantly, it sparks something within you and the kiss takes on a passion of its own and you find yourself drinking him in; his taste, his scent, his tongue, feverishly pressing your faces together as if you might die at any second.

It's several minutes before you finally break apart, panting breathlessly as you stare into each others eyes. <> <
> <> <> <>

You lean over to kiss <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> before his eyes widen and he shies away. It puzzles you for a moment before he draws a finger around his face in a circle.

"You've still got..." You blink before remembering. The cum. Right. He probably doesn''t want to kiss you with his own load blown all over your face. <> <
> <
> <> < 0 and getvar("$morning_after_pill") > 0 and getvar("$booty_call['plan_b']") != 2 and getvar("$birth_control['think_safe']") == 0 and getvar("$booty_call['angry_after']") == 0 and getvar("$mesec") == 0>> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> < 0>> <>

With <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum still leaking from your pussy, you reach down to your purse and pull out the morning after pill Luda gave you.


With <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum still leaking from your pussy, you reach down to your purse and pull out the morning after pill you keep inside.

> <> <> You reach down to your purse and pull out the morning after pill Luda gave you. <> You reach down to your purse and pull out the morning after pill you keep inside. <> <
> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <>

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> watches you pop the pill out of it's packaging and you can't help but blush beneath his gaze.

<> "My aunt gave me this for emergencies," you say shyly, blush intensifying as you put it in your mouth and force it down with a dry swallow. <> "The instructions say to take it as soon as possible for best effect," you smile shyly, blush intensifying as you put it in your mouth and force it down with a dry swallow. <> <> <> <
> <>

As <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> watches you pull the pill from its packaging, you stick out your tongue at him, popping the pill onto it and swallowing with a wide grin.

<> "There," you smirk. "Problem solved." <> "Chaser," you wink. <> "Not really looking to become a teen mom," you smirk. <> "I'm not ready to be a mom," you smirk. <> <> <> <
> <
> <> < 0 and $tabletkiday != $time.daystart and getvar("$booty_call['angry_after']") == 0 and getvar("$booty_call['bc_take']") != 1 and getvar("$booty_call['sleepover']") == 0>> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> < 0 and $time.hour >= $birth_control['remind_hour'] and $time.hour <= $birth_control['remind_hour'] + 1 and $tabletkiday != $time.daystart and getvar("$booty_call['bc_take']") != 1>> You notice your phone winking a calendar reminder at you: Take your vitamins! Right, you need to take your birth control pill for the day. <> A spark fires somewhere in the back of your brain reminding you of something very important. < 0>>

"Oh shit! I almost forgot to take my birth control!"

<> Right, you need to take your birth control pill for the day. <
> <
> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> < 0>>

With <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum still leaking from your pussy, you reach down to your purse and pull out your birth control.

<> "Hopefully we won''t have to worry about this stuff soon," you smile, shyly placing the pill between your lips and swallowing. <> "This is what the pill is for after all," you smile, shyly placing the pill between your lips and swallowing. <> <> You reach down to your purse and pull out your birth control. < 20000 and getvar("$birth_control['think_safe']") != 1>> <> "I think it'll kick in soon," you smile, shyly placing the pill between your lips and swallowing. < 10000 and getvar("$birth_control['think_safe']") != 1>> <> "It's gonna be a while before it starts working," you smile, shyly placing the pill between your lips and swallowing. < 0 and getvar("$birth_control['think_safe']") != 1>> <> "I only just started it," you smile, shyly placing the pill between your lips and swallowing. <> "This is what the pill is for after all," you smile, shyly placing the pill between your lips and swallowing. <> <
> <> <
> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> <> < 0>>

With <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>'s cum still leaking from your pussy, you reach down to your purse and pull out your birth control.

<> "You better hope this stuff kicks in soon," you say, placing the pill between your lips and swallowing with a grin. <> "My baby police pill," you say, placing the pill between your lips and swallowing with a grin. "So you can keep coming inside me without worry." <> "This is what the pill is for after all," you say, placing the pill between your lips and swallowing with a grin. <> <> You reach down to your purse and pull out your birth control. < 20000 and getvar("$birth_control['think_safe']") != 1>> <> "Just a few more days and we'll never have to worry about condoms again," you say, placing the pill between your lips and swallowing with a grin. < 10000 and getvar("$birth_control['think_safe']") != 1>> <> "It'll take a little while, but then we'll never have to worry about condoms again," you say, placing the pill between your lips and swallowing with a grin. < 0 and getvar("$birth_control['think_safe']") != 1>> <> "I only just started," you say, placing the pill between your lips and swallowing with a grin. "But in about a few weeks, we'll be able to go condom free." <> "Nothing sexier than safe sex," you say, placing the pill between your lips and swallowing with a grin. <> <
> <> <
> <
> <> <> <> <> < 0 and getvar("$booty_call['angry_after']") == 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0 and getvar("$booty_call['boy_smoked']") != 1>>

Seeing <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> inspires you to reach for your own cigarettes and light up too.

< 0>>

Feeling very irritated at <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>, you grab a cigarette and light up.

<> Still unsatisfied, you pull another cigarette from the box and flick your lighter, <> You pull a cigarette from your purse and place it in your mouth, sparking it with your lighter while inhaling deeply. <
> <> <> <> <> <> < 0 and getvar("$booty_call['boy_smoked']") != 1>> <> <> < 0>> The two of you puff away in silence, smoking up your irritation and refusing to speak to one another. <>

Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. As the smoke blows past your lips, it's like all your stress goes with it and you sigh happily, relaxing into the bed. <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> does the same beside you.

> <> <> < 0>>

You focus entirely on the cigarette in your mouth, making a point of ignoring <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> for as long as it burns between your lips.

<> Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. The smoke trails hazily around the room as you enjoy another cigarette. <> Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. As the smoke blows past your lips, it's like all your stress goes with it and you sigh happily, relaxing into the bed. <
> <
> <> <> <
> <
> <> <> < 0>> <>

"Can I get one of those?" you ask.

<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> hands over his pack to you and you accept one gratefully, lighting it and inhaling deeply.

<> <> <> <> <> < 0>> <>

Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. As the smoke blows past your lips, it's like all your stress goes with it and you sigh happily, relaxing into the bed. <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> does the same beside you.

<> <> Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. As the smoke blows past your lips, it's like all your stress goes with it and you sigh happily, relaxing into the bed. <
> <> <
> <> <>

"Got any smokes?" you ask but <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>> just shakes his head.

"I don't smoke. It's bad for you y''know." "Damn," you sigh unhappily. "A cigarette is just what I need right now..." <> <
> <
> <> < 0 and getvar("$booty_call['boy_smoked']") != 1>> <> <> Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. As the smoke blows past your lips, it's like all your stress goes with it and you sigh happily, reaching down for your phone. You decide to spend some time scrolling through your feeds, while the both of you puff your way through your cigarettes, fully unwinding. <> <> <> Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. The smoke trails hazily around the room as you enjoy another cigarette while continuing to tap away at your phone. <> Smoke fills your lungs and you hold it there, savoring it, before exhaling slowly. As the smoke blows past your lips, it's like all your stress goes with it and you sigh happily, reaching for your phone before relaxing into the bed. You spend some time scrolling through feeds while you puff your way through the cigarette, fully unwinding. <> <> <> <> <> <> <= 20 or $time.dayStage['desc'] == 'mid_night') and getvar("$booty_call['spend_night']") == 0 and getvar("$booty_call['angry_after']") == 0 and getvar("$booty_call['sleepover']") == 0>> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Mind if I spend the night?" you ask.

<> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Mind if I spend the night?" you ask. "I don't feel like going home tonight."

<> <
> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Mind if I spend the night?" you ask. "My mom has been such a bitch lately and I don't want to see her."

<> <
> <
> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Mind if I spend the night?" you ask. "If I go home now, my mom will chew me out for coming back to late. She'll still chew me out later, but I don't want to deal with it right now."

<> <
> <
> <
> <= 22 or getvar("$time.hour") < 5>> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Mind if I spend the night?" you ask. "It's late and I don't want to go."

<> <
> <
> < 0 and getvar("$living_with_npc") > 0>> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>>

"Mind if I spend the night?" you ask. "My boyfriend's been pissing me off lately and I don't want to go home to that."

<> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <> <> < 7 and getvar("$time.hour") < 22>> <> "Sorry, can't. My girlfriend wanted to come over tonight. In fact, you should leave soon before she catches you."

"Ugh. Bitch!"

"Yeah, I know. Sucks." <> <> "Sure, my girlfriend isn''t gonna be around for a while. You can crash here."

"Thanks," you yawn, snuggling into <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>. "Appreciate it."

<> <> He wraps his arms around you in return and you close your eyes, allowing yourself to drift off into sleep. <> <> <
> <> < 7 and getvar("$time.hour") < 22>> <> "Sorry, can't. I have something to do in the morning."

"Ugh, really?"

"Yeah, I know. Sucks." <> <> <> <> "Sorry, my girlfriend is coming over soon. Can't let her catch you here."

"Ugh, really?"

"Yeah, I know. Sucks." <> <> "Sure, I'm not doing anything tomorrow. You can crash here."

"Thanks," you yawn, snuggling into <<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>. "Appreciate it."

<> <> He wraps his arms around you in return and you close your eyes, allowing yourself to drift off into sleep. <> <> <
> <
> <
> <> <>

<<<<=$npcs.get($boy,'firstname')>>>>''s Bedroom

<> <> <> <> <> Your eyelids feel so heavy right now. You should probably get up but... you just need to rest your eyes... just... for... a minute... <> <> < 0>> <> < 0>> <> < 0 or getvar("$cum_loc['back']") > 0>> <> < 0>> <> <> <> <> just... for... a minute... That's the last thing you remember before everything fading into darkness... <> <> <> <> <> <> <<=$npcs.get($boy,'apt_bedroom')>> With tremendous effort, you force your eyes open and haul yourself out of bed. You can't fall asleep now, not yet. <> <> <
> <> <> As you lay there together, your eyelids slowly grow heavier until they close completely and your consciousness drifts slowly into darkness... <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 0) and getvar("$booty_call['sleep_fuck']") == 0>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 6>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < 6>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>