71 KB

  1. :: Sidebar
  2. <<if $init_complete>>
  3. <<include "Sidebar_menu_on">>
  4. <</if>>
  5. <<debug>>
  6. <<set _debugCommand = recall('debugCommand', '')>>
  7. <<textbox "_debugCommand" _debugCommand>>
  8. <<button "GetVar">>
  9. <<run memorize('debugCommand',_debugCommand)>>
  10. <<if _debugCommand.includes("=")>>
  11. <<run $.wiki(_debugCommand)>>
  12. <<run console.log("Debug Command executed:",_debugCommand)>>
  13. <<else>>
  14. <<set _debugvar = State.getVar(_debugCommand)>>
  15. <<append "#passages">>
  16. <<debug>>
  17. <pre>
  18. <<=JSON.stringify(_debugvar,null,'\t')>>
  19. </pre>
  20. <</debug>>
  21. <</append>>
  22. <</if>>
  23. <</button>>
  24. <</debug>>
  25. :: Sidebar_menu_on
  26. /*<<gs 'outdoors' 'main'>>*/
  27. <<set _styleClass = ''>>
  28. <<if _menuDeactivated>>
  29. <<set _styleClass += ' deactivated'>>
  30. <</if>>
  31. <div id="sidebar_menu_on" @class=_styleClass>
  32. <div class="icons" style="--columnCount:6">
  33. <<menuLinkedImage 'system/icons/menu/icon_character.png'>>
  34. <<gt 'characterOverview'>>
  35. <</menuLinkedImage>>
  36. <<menuLinkedImage 'system/icons/menu/icon_phone.png'>>
  37. <<phoneMain>>
  38. <</menuLinkedImage>>
  39. <<menuLinkedImage 'system/icons/menu/journal_norm.png'>>
  40. <<gt 'notes'>>
  41. <</menuLinkedImage>>
  42. <<menuLinkedImage 'system/icons/menu/icon_purse.png'>>
  43. <<gt 'Purse'>>
  44. <</menuLinkedImage>>
  45. <<menuLinkedImage 'system/icons/menu/icon_menu.png'>>
  46. <<gt 'Menu'>>
  47. <</menuLinkedImage>>
  48. <<menuLinkedImage 'system/icons/menu/help.png'>>
  49. <<gt 'Help'>>
  50. <</menuLinkedImage>>
  51. </div>
  52. <div class="pc_name">
  53. <span class="nickname">$pc.name_nick</span>
  54. </div>
  55. <div id="time_current">
  56. <<datetime_current>>
  57. </div>
  58. <div id="currentDayEvents">
  59. <<currentDayEventsList>>
  60. </div>
  61. <div id="weather">
  62. <<weatherImage>>
  63. </div>
  64. <div id="money_owned">
  65. <<if $wardrobe.purse.isValidItem > 0>>Purse<<else>>Pockets<</if>>: <<money $>>
  66. <<if $stolmoney > 0>>
  67. , Drawer <<money $stolmoney>>
  68. <</if>>
  69. <<if $finances.hasBankAccount == 1>>
  70. <<if $ >= 0>>
  71. , Bank: <<money $>>
  72. <<else>>
  73. <font color="red">Your bank account is overdrawn by <<money $>>!</font>
  74. <</if>>
  75. <</if>>
  76. </div>
  77. <<include "stat_display_icon_messages">>
  78. <div class="icons">
  79. <<if $pc.isIndecent>>
  80. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/icon_info_night.png">>
  81. <p><<negative 2>>Your current appearance is deemed indecend! You try to avoid any attention until you have this problem fixed. Most social interactions are blocked.<</negative>></p>
  82. <<set _indecencies = $pc.indecencies>>
  83. <<if _indecencies.includes('naked_breast')>>
  84. <p>Your breasts are completely exposed. You should either wear a bra or some clothes.</p>
  85. <</if>>
  86. <<if _indecencies.includes('naked_pussy')>>
  87. <p>Your privates are completely exposed. You should either wear panties or some clothes.</p>
  88. <</if>>
  89. <<if _indecencies.includes('menses_blood')>>
  90. <p>Your clothes are stained by your own menstrual blood running down your legs. You need to get to a toilet to use a tampon or a sanpad and to clean up your clothes.</p>
  91. <</if>>
  92. <<if _indecencies.includes('cum')>>
  93. <p>You have visible cum on you.</p>
  94. <</if>>
  95. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  96. <</if>>
  97. <<set _jobsToday = $jobs.scheduledForDay()>>
  98. <<set _jobsTomorrow = $jobs.scheduledForDay($time.tomorrow)>>
  99. <<if Object.keys(_jobsToday).length > 0 or Object.keys(_jobsTomorrow).length > 0>>
  100. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/work.png">>
  101. <<if Object.keys(_jobsToday).length > 0>>
  102. <b>Jobs today:</b>
  103. <<for _jobKey, _jobData range _jobsToday>>
  104. <br/>_jobData.title (<<time_print _jobData.worktimes[0] _jobData.worktimes[1]>>-<<time_print _jobData.worktimes[2] _jobData.worktimes[3]>>)
  105. <</for>>
  106. <</if>>
  107. <<if Object.keys(_jobsTomorrow).length > 0>>
  108. <b>Jobs tomorrow:</b>
  109. <<for _jobKey, _jobData range _jobsTomorrow>>
  110. <br/>_jobData.title (<<time_print _jobData.worktimes[0] _jobData.worktimes[1]>>-<<time_print _jobData.worktimes[2] _jobData.worktimes[3]>>)
  111. <</for>>
  112. <</if>>
  113. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  114. <</if>>
  115. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/appearance.png">>
  116. People would rate your appearance as a $pc.hotcat out of 10.<br/>
  117. Your base appearance (genetics, skin quality, BMI, etc.) is $pc.appearance.lastingValue.
  118. <hr/>
  119. Short-term modifiers:
  120. <ul>
  121. <<for _modificator range $pc.appearance.currentModifiers>>
  122. <<set _modificatorStyle = ''>>
  123. <<if _modificator.dec>>
  124. <<set _modificatorStyle = 'negative'>>
  125. <<elseif>>
  126. <<set _modificatorStyle = 'positive'>>
  127. <</if>>
  128. <li @style='_modificatorStyle'>_modificator.label</li>
  129. <</for>>
  130. </ul>
  131. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  132. <<if $pc.cyclePhase == 'menses'>>
  133. <<if $pc.cycleProductsUsed>>
  134. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/vperiod_sanitaries.png">>
  135. You are currently experiencing your monthly bleeding. You are using feminine hygiene products.
  136. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  137. <<else>>
  138. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/vperiod_bleeding.png">>
  139. You are currently experiencing your monthly bleeding. <<negative 2>>You are not using feminine hygiene products.<</negative>>
  140. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  141. <</if>>
  142. <<elseif $pc.cycleProductsEnabled>>
  143. <<if $pc.cycleProductsUsed>>
  144. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/vperiod_sanitaries.png">>
  145. It feels like your monthly bleeding will start soon. You are using feminine hygiene products in preparation.
  146. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  147. <<else>>
  148. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/vagina.png">>
  149. It feels like your monthly bleeding will start soon. You should consider using feminine hygiene products in preparation.
  150. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  151. <</if>>
  152. <</if>>
  153. <<if $pc.makeupAmount > 0>>
  154. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/makeup_"+$pc.makeupAmount+".png"`>>
  155. You are wearing
  156. <<if $pc.makeupQuality < 0 >>
  157. ruined
  158. <<else>>
  159. <<switch $pc.makeupQuality>><<case 1>>low<<case 2>>medium<<case 3>>high<</switch>>
  160. quality
  161. <</if>>
  162. <<switch $pc.makeupAmount>><<case 1>>subtle<<case 3>>heavy<</switch>>
  163. makeup.
  164. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  165. <</if>>
  166. <<if $pc.pcs_hairbsh == 1>>
  167. /*<<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/hair_1.png"`>>
  168. Your hair is neatly styled.
  169. <</imageWithTooltip>>*/
  170. <<else>>
  171. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/hair_0.png"`>>
  172. Your hair is not brushed.
  173. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  174. <</if>>
  175. <<if $pc.pcs_lipbalm > 0>>
  176. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/lipstick.png"`>>
  177. Your lips are covered in moisturizing balm.
  178. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  179. <</if>>
  180. <<if $pc.eyelashes_false >= 1>>
  181. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/lashes.png"`>>
  182. You're wearing false <<if $pc.eyelashes == 4>>mink<</if>> lashes.
  183. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  184. <</if>>
  185. <<if $pc.pcs_sweat > 59>>
  186. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You are dripping wet from sweat and smell like a gym sock.'>>
  187. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sweat > 49>>
  188. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You really stink.'>>
  189. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sweat > 39>>
  190. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You stink.'>>
  191. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sweat > 29>>
  192. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You are a little smelly.'>>
  193. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sweat > 19>>
  194. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You`re sweating.'>>
  195. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sweat > 9 and $pc.deodorant_on == 1>>
  196. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You feel fresh with your deodorant.'>>
  197. <<elseif arrsize('sparrvol') == 0>>
  198. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You are sparkling clean.'>>
  199. <<elseif $pc.deodorant_on == 1>>
  200. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = 'You feel fresh with your deodorant on.'>>
  201. <<else>>
  202. <<set _stat_sweat_msg = ''>>
  203. <</if>>
  204. <<if $pc.deodorant_on == 1 and $pc.pcs_sweat < 20>>
  205. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/deodorant.png"`>>
  206. _stat_sweat_msg
  207. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  208. <</if>>
  209. <<if $pc.pcs_sweat > 19>>
  210. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/need_shower.png"`>>
  211. _stat_sweat_msg
  212. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  213. <</if>>
  214. <<if $pc.legHairVisibility > 1 or ($pc.pubestyle > 0 and $pc.pubesLength >= $shave_trigger)>>
  215. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/need_shave.png"`>>
  216. <<if ($pc.pubestyle > 0 and $pc.pubesLength >= $shave_trigger)>>
  217. You need to shave your
  218. <<if $pc.legHairVisibility > 1>>
  219. legs and
  220. <</if>>
  221. pussy.
  222. <<elseif $pc.legHairVisibility > 1>>
  223. You need to shave your legs.
  224. <</if>>
  225. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  226. <</if>>
  227. <<if $pc.pcs_willpwr < $pc.willpowermax>>
  228. <<set $willpower_percent = (100 * $pc.pcs_willpwr) / $pc.willpowermax>>
  229. <<if $willpower_percent > 60>>
  230. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/willpower_high.png"`>>
  231. You feel confident and in control. You still have <<=$pc.pcs_willpwr.roundToDecimal(1)>> (<<=$willpower_percent.roundToDecimal(1)>> %) of your willpower left.
  232. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  233. <<elseif $willpower_percent > 30>>
  234. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/willpower_med.png"`>>
  235. You feel like you have less control over yourself than usual. You have <<=$pc.pcs_willpwr.roundToDecimal(1)>> (<<=$willpower_percent.roundToDecimal(1)>> %) of your willpower left.
  236. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  237. <<else>>
  238. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/willpower_low.png"`>>
  239. In your current state, you could easily be pressured into doing things against your will. You have <<=$pc.pcs_willpwr.roundToDecimal(1)>> (<<=$willpower_percent.roundToDecimal(1)>> %) of your willpower left.
  240. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  241. <</if>>
  242. <</if>>
  243. <<if $pc.mood >= 80>>
  244. <<set _moodImage="system/icons/status/mood_1.png">>
  245. <<set _moodDescString = 'You are in a great mood.'>>
  246. <<elseif $pc.mood >= 60>>
  247. <<set _moodImage="system/icons/status/mood_2.png">>
  248. <<set _moodDescString = 'You are in an OK mood.'>>
  249. <<elseif $pc.mood >= 40>>
  250. <<set _moodImage="system/icons/status/mood_3.png">>
  251. <<set _moodDescString = 'You are in a good mood.'>>
  252. <<elseif $pc.mood >= 20>>
  253. <<set _moodImage="system/icons/status/mood_4.png">>
  254. <<set _moodDescString = 'You are in a bad mood.'>>
  255. <<elseif $pc.mood >= 5>>
  256. <<set _moodImage="system/icons/status/mood_5.png">>
  257. <<set _moodDescString = 'You are in a terrible mood.'>>
  258. <<else>>
  259. <<set _moodImage="system/icons/status/mood_6.png">>
  260. <<set _moodDescString = 'You are really depressed and need to improve your mood.'>>
  261. <</if>>
  262. <<imageWithTooltip _moodImage>>
  263. _moodDescString
  264. <div id="moodDetailsSidebar">
  265. <<for _moodletGroupId, _moodletGroup range $pc.moodletsActiveByGroupAccumulationApplied>>
  266. <<for _moodletId, _moodletData range _moodletGroup>>
  267. <<set _moodletStyleClass="moodlet">>
  268. <<if _moodletData.effect == 0>>
  269. <<set _moodletStyleClass+=" neutral">>
  270. <<elseif _moodletData.effect < 0>>
  271. <<set _moodletStyleClass+=" negative">>
  272. <<else>>
  273. <<set _moodletStyleClass+=" positive">>
  274. <</if>>
  275. <div @class="_moodletStyleClass">
  276. <span class="effectStrength">_moodletData.effect</span>
  277. <span class="title">_moodletData.title</span>
  278. <span class="timeLeft">
  279. <<set _moodEffectMinutesLieft = (_moodletData.expiration.getTime() - $ / 60000>>
  280. <<if _moodEffectMinutesLieft > 5256000>>
  281. (lasting)
  282. <<else>>
  283. (<<=setup.durationToString(_moodEffectMinutesLieft)>>)
  284. <</if>>
  285. </span>
  286. </div>
  287. <</for>>
  288. <</for>>
  289. </div>
  290. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  291. <<set _painTotal = $pc.painTotal>>
  292. <<set _painReduction = $pc.painReductionOfActiveEffects>>
  293. <<if _painTotal > 0>>
  294. <<set _painBodyPartMsg = 'Total: '+_painTotal.roundToDecimal(1)>>
  295. <<if _painReduction > 0>>
  296. <<set _painBodyPartMsg +=' (including a reduction of '+_painReduction+')'>>
  297. <</if>>
  298. <<set _painBodyPartMsg +='<ul>'>>
  299. <<for _paindata range $pc.painByBodypartsSorted>>
  300. <<set _painBodyPartMsg += '<li>'+setup.getBodypart(_paindata[0]).label+': '+_paindata[1].roundToDecimal(1)+'<ul>'>>
  301. <<for _painReasonData range $pc.painReasonsByBodypartSorted(_paindata[0])>>
  302. <<set _reasonLabel = setup.painReasons[_painReasonData[0]].label>>
  303. <<set _painBodyPartMsg += '<li>'+_reasonLabel+': '+_painReasonData[1].roundToDecimal(1)+'</li>'>>
  304. <</for>>
  305. <<set _painBodyPartMsg += '</ul></li>'>>
  306. <</for>>
  307. <<set _painBodyPartMsg += '</ul><hr/>You are always aware of the worst pain. All other values are added with diminishing effects.'>>
  308. <<if _painTotal > 80>>
  309. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/pain_3.png"`>>
  310. You feel you are at your limit with the amount of pain you're feeling!
  311. <hr/>_painBodyPartMsg
  312. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  313. <<elseif _painTotal > 50>>
  314. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/pain_2.png"`>>
  315. You are in a fair amount of pain, making you very uncomfortable.
  316. <hr/>_painBodyPartMsg
  317. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  318. <<elseif _painTotal > 20>>
  319. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/pain_1.png"`>>
  320. The pain you're feeling is noticeable. It makes you uncomfortable.
  321. <hr/>_painBodyPartMsg
  322. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  323. <<else>>
  324. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/pain_1.png"`>>
  325. The pain you're feeling is minimal. It makes you a little uncomfortable.
  326. <hr/>_painBodyPartMsg
  327. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  328. <</if>>
  329. <</if>>
  330. <<if $pc.horny > 90>>
  331. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/arousal_high.png"`>>
  332. You can not stop thinking about sex. You are soaked between your legs from your juices.
  333. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  334. <<elseif $pc.horny > 60>>
  335. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/arousal_med.png"`>>
  336. You are a little nervous, feeling itchy between your legs from arousal.
  337. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  338. <<elseif $pc.horny > 30>>
  339. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/arousal_low.png"`>>
  340. You are feeling a tingling sensation between your legs.
  341. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  342. <</if>>
  343. <<set _cum = $pc.cumVisibleBodypartIds>>
  344. <<if _cum.length > 0>>
  345. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/visible_cum.png"`>>
  346. You have visible cum on these bodyparts: <<=_cum.join(',')>>.
  347. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  348. <</if>>
  349. <<set _cum = $pc.cumBodypartIds>>
  350. <<if _cum.length > 0>>
  351. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/cum_covered.png"`>>
  352. You have cum on these bodyparts: <<=_cum.join(',')>>.
  353. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  354. <</if>>
  355. <<if $pc.pcs_energy < 30>>
  356. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/need_food.png"`>>
  357. <<if $pc.pcs_energy < 5>>
  358. You feel faint from hunger, if you don`t have something to eat very soon, you will pass out.
  359. <<elseif $pc.pcs_energy < 10>>
  360. You are starving, you really need to have something to eat.
  361. <<elseif $pc.pcs_energy < 20>>
  362. You are very hungry and struggle to concentrate on anything other than food.
  363. <<else>>
  364. You feel peckish, and your thoughts sometimes drift towards food.
  365. <</if>>
  366. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  367. <!--<<warn 'FTCL: <<set $statusIconBarTab += ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"<td><a href="exec: buterbrod = 0""">> <<set $pc.pcs_energy += 40>> <<set $cumspclnt = 2>> <<gs "cum_cleanup">> <<set $pc.fat += 1>> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """gs ""stat"""><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"Click to eat your sandwich." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """need_food.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>"""">>'>>-->
  368. <<info "TODO: Eat sandwhich from sidebar">>
  369. <</if>>
  370. <<if $pc.pcs_hydra < 30>>
  371. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/need_drink.png"`>>
  372. <<if $pc.pcs_hydra < 5>>
  373. You feel light-headed, if you don`t have something to drink very soon, you will pass out.
  374. <<elseif $pc.pcs_hydra < 10>>
  375. You are dehydrated, you really need to have something to drink.
  376. <<elseif $pc.pcs_hydra < 20>>
  377. You are thirsty, and your dry throat is irritating and distracting you.
  378. <<else>>
  379. You feel a little thirsty, and your mouth is a little dry.
  380. <</if>>
  381. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  382. <<info "TODO: Drink water bottle from sidebar">>
  383. <!-- <<if $inventory.get("water") == 0 and $refillable_bottle < 2>>
  384. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_thirst_msg"><img title="$stat_thirst_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/need_drink.png"></a></td>'>>
  385. <!-- <<elseif $cheatNoDrink == 0 and $stat_thirst_msg != '' and $refillable_bottle > 1 and $menu_off == 0>>
  386. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """'<td><a href="exec: refillable_bottle""" - ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """= 1""">> <<set $pc.pcs_hydra += 100>> <<set $cumspclnt = 2>> <<gs 'cum_cleanup'>> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """gs ''stat''"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"Click to drink from your refillable water bottle." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """need_drink.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>'""">> -->
  387. <!-- <<elseif $cheatNoDrink == 0 and $stat_thirst_msg != '' and $inventory.get("water") > 0 and $menu_off == 0>>
  388. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """'<td><a href="exec: bottle = 0""">> <<set $pc.pcs_hydra += 100>> <<set $cumspclnt = 2>> <<gs 'cum_cleanup'>> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """gs ''stat''"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"Click to drink from your water bottle." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """need_drink.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>'""">> -->
  389. <!-- <<elseif $cheatNoDrink == 0 and $stat_thirst_msg != '' and ($inventory.get("water") > 0 or $refillable_bottle > 1) and $menu_off == 1>>
  390. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_thirst_msg"><img title="Your water bottle has to wait until you can spare a minute." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/need_drink.png"></a></td>'>>
  391. <!-- <</if>>-->
  392. <</if>>
  393. <<if $pc.pcs_sleep < 30>>
  394. <<imageWithTooltip `"system/icons/status/need_sleep.png"`>>
  395. <<if $pc.pcs_sleep < 5>>
  396. You can't keep your eyes open, if you don't go to bed now, you will fall asleep right here.
  397. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sleep < 10>>
  398. You are exhausted, you really need to go to bed soon.
  399. <<elseif $pc.pcs_sleep < 20>>
  400. You are tired and you are struggling to concentrate.
  401. <<else>>
  402. You feel a little tired.
  403. <</if>>
  404. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  405. <</if>>
  406. <<for _effect range $pc.activeEffectsSidebar>>
  407. <<imageWithTooltip _effect.image>>
  408. _effect.desc
  409. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  410. <</for>>
  411. <!--<<if getvar("$birth_control['remind_icon']") == 1>>
  412. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/bc_pill.png">>
  413. It's time to take your birth control pill!
  414. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  415. <</if>>-->
  416. <<stat_clothes_icon>>
  417. <<if $wardrobe.clothingworntype == 'nude'>>
  418. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/nude.png">>
  419. <<stat_clothes_nude_msg>>
  420. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  421. <<else>>
  422. <<if !$wardrobe.bra.isValidItem>>
  423. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/boobs_white.png">>
  424. <<stat_bra_msg>>
  425. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  426. <</if>>
  427. <<if !$wardrobe.panties.isValidItem>>
  428. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/commando_white.png">>
  429. <<stat_panty_msg>>
  430. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  431. <</if>>
  432. <</if>>
  433. <!-- Anal Plug -->
  434. <<if $pc.analplugin == 1 and $pc.vibratorin == 0>>
  435. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/tbutt_plug.png">>
  436. A butt plug is inside your ass.
  437. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  438. <<elseif $pc.analplugin == 0 and $pc.vibratorin == 1>>
  439. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/tvibrator.png">>
  440. A vibrator is inside your vagina.
  441. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  442. <<elseif $pc.analplugin == 1 and $pc.vibratorin == 1>>
  443. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/tdouble_stuffed.png">>
  444. You are wearing a plug and a vibrator.
  445. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  446. <</if>>
  447. <<switch $pc.vehicleType>>
  448. <<case 'car'>>
  449. <<set _carData = $pc.vehicleData>>
  450. <<imageWithTooltip "system/icons/status/car.png">>
  451. You are driving your _carData.label.
  452. <<image _carData.imageExterior>>
  453. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  454. <</switch>>
  455. <<set setup.sidebarIconPassages ??= Story.lookup("tags", 'sidebarIcon')>>/*Might be expensive, so lets cache that*/
  456. <<for _sidebarIconPassage range setup.sidebarIconPassages>>
  457. <<gs _sidebarIconPassage.title>>
  458. <</for>>
  459. <!-- !!Row 5: Clothes,...-->
  460. <<if $stat_bfgf_msg_0 != ''>>
  461. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: $stat_bfgf_msg_0"><img title="$stat_bfgf_tooltip_0" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/date.png"></a></td>'>>
  462. <</if>>
  463. <<if $stat_bfgf_msg_1 != ''>>
  464. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: $stat_bfgf_msg_1"><img title="$stat_bfgf_tooltip_1" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/date.png"></a></td>'>>
  465. <</if>>
  466. <<if $stat_bfgf_msg_2 != ''>>
  467. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: $stat_bfgf_msg_2"><img title="$stat_bfgf_tooltip_2" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/date.png"></a></td>'>>
  468. <</if>>
  469. <<if _stat_clothes_msg != ''>>
  470. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg _stat_clothes_msg"><img title="_stat_clothes_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/_stat_clothes_icon.png"></a></td>'>>
  471. <</if>>
  472. <<if $stat_bra_msg != '' and $wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  473. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bra_msg"><img title="$stat_bra_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/bra.png"></a></td>'>>
  474. <</if>>
  475. <<if $stat_panty_msg != '' and $wardrobe.isWearingPanties and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') < 3>>
  476. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_panty_msg"><img title="$stat_panty_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/panties.png"></a></td>'>>
  477. <<elseif $stat_panty_msg != '' and $wardrobe.isWearingPanties and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') == 3>>
  478. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_panty_msg"><img title="$stat_panty_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/panties_red.png"></a></td>'>>
  479. <</if>>
  480. </div>
  481. /*<div id="quickaction">
  482. <<if !$pc.pcs_hairbsh>>
  483. <<act "Brush your hair" 1>>
  484. <<set $time.minutes += 2>>
  485. <<set $pc.pcs_hairbsh = 1>>
  486. <<refresh>>
  487. <</act>>
  488. <</if>>
  489. <<if getvar("$birth_control['remind_icon']") == 1>>
  490. <<actCLA "Take your birth control pill" 1>>
  491. <<gs 'din_bad' 'quick_takepill'>>
  492. <</actCLA>>
  493. <</if>>
  494. <<if !$cheatSlut>>
  495. <<actCLA "Cycle menu" 1>>
  496. <<d_cycreport_choice>>
  497. <</actCLA>> <!-- images/system/icons/status/vagina.png -->
  498. <</if>>
  499. </div>*/
  500. <div id="stats_table">
  501. <<set _color_arousal = 'rgb('+((16777216 + $fcolor) % 256)+','+((16777216 + $fcolor)/256 % 256)+','+(16777216 + $fcolor)/65536+')'>>
  502. <<statblock "Arousal" $pc.horny null _color_arousal>>
  503. <!--<<statblock "Pain" _painTotal>>-->
  504. <!--<<statblock "Health" $pc.pcs_health $pc.healthmax>>-->
  505. <<if setup.startingCharacterTagsIncludes('magic')>>
  506. <<statblock "Mana" $pcs_mana $manamax>>
  507. <</if>>
  508. <<if $pc.pcs_willpwr < $pc.willpowermax>>
  509. <<statblock "Willpower" $pc.pcs_willpwr $pc.willpowermax>>
  510. <</if>>
  511. <<if $pc.pcs_stam < $pc.stammax>>
  512. <<statblock "Stamina" $pc.pcs_stam $pc.stammax>>
  513. <</if>>
  514. <<statblock "Mood" $pc.mood>>
  515. <<if !$cheatNoEat>>
  516. <<statblock "Hunger" $pc.pcs_energy>>
  517. <</if>>
  518. <<if !$cheatNoDrink>>
  519. <<statblock "Thirst" $pc.pcs_hydra>>
  520. <</if>>
  521. <<if !$cheatNoSleep>>
  522. <<statblock "Sleep" $pc.pcs_sleep>>
  523. <</if>>
  524. </div>
  525. <hr/>
  526. <<imageWithTooltip $pc.image>>
  527. $pc.name_full
  528. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  529. </div>
  530. :: SidebarWidgets[widget]
  531. <<widget 'menuLinkedImage' container>>
  532. <<set _menuLinkedImageContents = _contents>>
  533. <<capture _menuLinkedImageContents>>
  534. <<linkedImage _args[0]>>
  535. <<if _menuDeactivated>>
  536. <<msg "The menu is deactivated here.">>
  537. <<else>>
  538. _menuLinkedImageContents
  539. <</if>>
  540. <</linkedImage>>
  541. <</capture>>
  542. <</widget>>
  543. <<widget 'statblock'>>
  544. <<set _label = _args[0]>>
  545. <<set _currentvalue = _args[1]>>
  546. <<set _maxvalue = _args[2] || 100>>
  547. <<set _valuePercentage = Math.clamp(parseInt(_currentvalue * 100 / _maxvalue),0,100)>>
  548. <<set _style = ''>>
  549. <<if _args[3]>>
  550. <<set _style = 'color:'+_args[3]>>
  551. <</if>>
  552. <<bar _valuePercentage `Math.ceil(_currentvalue)+" / "+_maxvalue`>>
  553. <font class="label" @style="_style">_label</font>
  554. <</widget>>
  555. <<widget 'bar'>>
  556. <<set _percentage to _args[0]+"%">>
  557. <div class="bar" @style='"--percentage:"+_percentage'>
  558. <div class="filling">
  559. </div>
  560. <<if _args[1]>>
  561. <div class="label">
  562. _args[1]
  563. </div>
  564. <</if>>
  565. </div>
  566. <</widget>>
  567. <<widget 'sidebarUpdate'>>
  568. <<run UIBar.update()>>
  569. <</widget>>
  570. <<widget 'refresh'>>
  571. <<gt `passage()` $location_var[$here]>>
  572. <</widget>>
  573. <<widget 'stat_clothes_icon'>>
  574. <<if !$wardrobe.clothes.isValidItem>>
  575. <<imageWithTooltip `'system/icons/status/body_writing.png'`>>
  576. You are not wearing clothes.
  577. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  578. <<else>>
  579. <<if $wardrobe.clothingworntype == 'danilovich_outfit'>>
  580. <<if $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  581. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  582. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing a gym outfit a bimbo would wear'>>
  583. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Bimbo gym outfit.'>>
  584. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'exercise_b'>>
  585. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 30>>
  586. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a revealing gym outfit.'>>
  587. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Revealing gym outfit.'>>
  588. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'exercise_s'>>
  589. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 20>>
  590. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a slightly revealing gym outfit.'>>
  591. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Slightly revealing gym outfit.'>>
  592. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'exercise_s'>>
  593. <<else>>
  594. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a normal gym outfit.'>>
  595. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Normal gym outfit.'>>
  596. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'exercise'>>
  597. <</if>>
  598. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloswimwear == 1>>
  599. <<if ($wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 50 or $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 6) and $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  600. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  601. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing an exhibitionist swimsuit a bimbo would wear.'>>
  602. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Exhibitionist/Bimbo swimsuit.'>>
  603. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'swimsuit_eb'>>
  604. <<elseif ($wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 50 or $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 6) and ($wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 0 or getvar("$cheatBimbo") == 1)>>
  605. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing an exhibitionist swimsuit.'>>
  606. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Exhibitionist swimsuit.'>>
  607. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'swimsuit_e'>>
  608. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  609. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  610. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing a swimsuit a bimbo would wear.'>>
  611. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Bimbo swimsuit.'>>
  612. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'swimsuit_b'>>
  613. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 40>>
  614. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a very revealing swimsuit.'>>
  615. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Very revealing swimsuit.'>>
  616. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'swimsuit_s'>>
  617. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 30>>
  618. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a revealing swimsuit.'>>
  619. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Revealing swimsuit.'>>
  620. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'swimsuit_s'>>
  621. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 25>>
  622. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a slightly revealing swimsuit.'>>
  623. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Slightly revealing swimsuit.'>>
  624. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'swimsuit_s'>>
  625. <<else>>
  626. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a normal swimsuit.'>>
  627. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Normal swimsuit.'>>
  628. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'swimsuit'>>
  629. <</if>>
  630. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothingworntype == 'gm_office'>>
  631. <<if $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4 and $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  632. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  633. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing an office dress a bimbo or a prostitute would wear'>>
  634. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Prostitute/Bimbo office dress.'>>
  635. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_pb'>>
  636. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4 and ($wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 0 or getvar("$cheatBimbo") == 1)>>
  637. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing an office dress a prostitute would wear.'>>
  638. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Prostitute office dress.'>>
  639. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_p'>>
  640. <<elseif ($wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 40 or $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 6) and $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  641. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  642. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing an exhibitionist office dress a bimbo would wear'>>
  643. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Exhibitionist/Bimbo office office dress.'>>
  644. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_eb'>>
  645. <<elseif ($wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 40 or $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 6) and ($wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 0 or getvar("$cheatBimbo") == 1)>>
  646. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing an exhibitionist office dress.'>>
  647. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Exhibitionist office dress.'>>
  648. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_e'>>
  649. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  650. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  651. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing an office dress a bimbo would wear'>>
  652. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Bimbo office dress.'>>
  653. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_b'>>
  654. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 30>>
  655. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a very revealing office dress.'>>
  656. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Very revealing office dress.'>>
  657. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_s'>>
  658. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 25>>
  659. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a revealing office dress.'>>
  660. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Revealing office dress.'>>
  661. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_s'>>
  662. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 20>>
  663. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a slightly revealing office dress.'>>
  664. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Slightly revealing office dress.'>>
  665. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office_s'>>
  666. <<else>>
  667. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a normal office dress.'>>
  668. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Normal office dress.'>>
  669. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'office'>>
  670. <</if>>
  671. <<elseif $quest('school')?.func('isWearingSchoolUniform')>>
  672. <<if $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4 and $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  673. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  674. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a school uniform a prostitute or bimbo would wear.'>>
  675. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Prostitute/Bimbo school uniform'>>
  676. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'uniform_pb'>>
  677. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4 and ($wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 0 or getvar("$cheatBimbo") == 1)>>
  678. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a school uniform a prostitute would wear.'>>
  679. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Prostitute school uniform.'>>
  680. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'uniform_p'>>
  681. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  682. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  683. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a school uniform a bimbo would wear.'>>
  684. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Bimbo school uniform.'>>
  685. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'uniform_b'>>
  686. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 30>>
  687. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a very revealing school uniform.'>>
  688. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Very revealing school uniform.'>>
  689. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'uniform_s'>>
  690. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 25>>
  691. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a revealing school uniform.'>>
  692. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Revealing school uniform.'>>
  693. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'uniform_s'>>
  694. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 20>>
  695. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a slightly revealing school uniform.'>>
  696. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Slightly revealing school uniform.'>>
  697. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'uniform_s'>>
  698. <<else>>
  699. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing a normal school uniform.'>>
  700. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Normal school uniform.'>>
  701. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'uniform'>>
  702. <</if>>
  703. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothingworntype == 'misc_outfits' and $wardrobe.clothingwornnumber == '1'>>
  704. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><b><font color = "yellow">You are wearing an old hessian sack the hunters gave you.</font></b>'>>
  705. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'You`re wearing a hessian sack.'>>
  706. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing an old hessian sack the hunters gave you.'>>
  707. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes'>>
  708. <<else>>
  709. <<if $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4 and $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  710. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo, prostitute outfit</font>'>>
  711. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing an outfit a bimbo, prostitute would wear.'>>
  712. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Prostitute/Bimbo outfit.'>>
  713. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_pb'>>
  714. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4>>
  715. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing an outfit a prostitute would wear.'>>
  716. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Prostitute outfit.'>>
  717. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_p'>>
  718. <<elseif ($wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 40 or $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 6) and $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  719. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo, exhibitionist outfit</font>'>>
  720. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing exhibitionist clothes a bimbo would wear.'>>
  721. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Exhibitionist/Bimbo outfit.'>>
  722. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_eb'>>
  723. <<elseif ($wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 40 or $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 6)>>
  724. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing exhibitionist clothes.'>>
  725. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Exhibitionist outfit.'>>
  726. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_e'>>
  727. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  728. <<set _stat_clothes_text = '<BR><font color = #FF00FF>You are wearing a bimbo outfit</font>'>>
  729. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing bimbo clothes.'>>
  730. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Bimbo outfit.'>>
  731. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_b'>>
  732. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 30>>
  733. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing very revealing clothes.'>>
  734. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Very revealing outfit.'>>
  735. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_s'>>
  736. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 25>>
  737. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing revealing clothes.'>>
  738. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Revealing outfit.'>>
  739. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_s'>>
  740. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothes.inhibition >= 20>>
  741. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You`re wearing slightly revealing clothes.'>>
  742. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Slightly revealing outfit.'>>
  743. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes_s'>>
  744. <<else>>
  745. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = "You're wearing normal clothes.">>
  746. <<set _stat_clothes_tooltip = 'Normal outfit.'>>
  747. <<set _stat_clothes_icon = 'clothes'>>
  748. <</if>>
  749. <</if>>
  750. <<set _stat_clothes_msg = 'You are wearing a '+setup.func('itemDescriptionFunctions','qualityString',$wardrobe.outfitQuality)+' quality '>>
  751. <<switch $wardrobe.outfitIndecency>>
  752. <<case 0>>
  753. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'conservative '>>
  754. <<case 1>>
  755. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'attractive '>>
  756. <<case 2>>
  757. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'sexy '>>
  758. <<case 3>>
  759. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'slutty '>>
  760. <<case 4>>
  761. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'whorish '>>
  762. <</switch>>
  763. <<if $wardrobe.isSchoolOutfit>>
  764. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'school outfit.'>>
  765. <<elseif $wardrobe.isSportsOutfit>>
  766. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'gym outfit.'>>
  767. <<if $wardrobe.PShoHeels > 1>>
  768. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += " <<negative>>You can't do sports while wearing heels.<</negative>>">>
  769. <</if>>
  770. <<elseif $wardrobe.isMaidOutfit>>
  771. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'maid outfit.'>>
  772. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloswimwear == 1>>
  773. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'swimming outfit.'>>
  774. <<else>>
  775. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += 'outfit.'>>
  776. <</if>>
  777. <<if !$wardrobe.isWearingShoes>>
  778. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += " You are currently not wearing your shoes.">>
  779. <</if>>
  780. <<set _stat_clothes_msg += "<div class='outfitMiniPreview'><<image `$pc.bodyImage('clothes')`>><<image `$pc.bodyImage('shoes')`>></div>">>
  781. <<imageWithTooltip `'system/icons/status/'+_stat_clothes_icon+'.png'`>>
  782. _stat_clothes_msg
  783. <</imageWithTooltip>>
  784. <</if>>
  785. <</widget>>
  786. <<widget 'stat_clothes_nude_msg'>>
  787. <<if $wardrobe.pantyworntype == 'salacious'>>
  788. <<if !$wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  789. <<='You are only wearing your see-through panties, and your boobs sway invitingly as you walk.'>>
  790. <<elseif $wardrobe.braworntype == 'salacious'>>
  791. <<='You are only wearing your see-through underwear.'>>
  792. <<else>>
  793. <<='You are only wearing your see-through panties and bra.'>>
  794. <</if>>
  795. <<elseif $wardrobe.isWearingPanties>>
  796. <<if !$wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  797. <<='You are only wearing your panties, and your boobs sway invitingly as you walk.'>>
  798. <<elseif $wardrobe.braworntype == 'salacious'>>
  799. <<='You are only wearing your see-through bra and panties.'>>
  800. <<else>>
  801. <<='You are wearing your underwear.'>>
  802. <</if>>
  803. <<else>>
  804. <<if $wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  805. <<='You are only wearing your bra, leaving your pussy and ass completely exposed.'>>
  806. <<else>>
  807. <<if $pc.pcs_inhib < 5>>
  808. <<='You are completely naked, and it makes you feel nervous and ashamed.'>>
  809. <<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib < 20>>
  810. <<='You are completely naked. You`re not too comfortable with nudity, but it is a little exciting.'>>
  811. <<elseif $pc.pcs_inhib >= 90>>
  812. <<='You are completely naked, which is far better than having to wear clothes.'>>
  813. <<else>>
  814. <<='You are completely naked. It`s exciting, and you feel tingly inside.'>>
  815. <</if>>
  816. <</if>>
  817. <</if>>
  818. <</widget>>
  819. <<widget 'stat_bra_msg'>>
  820. <<if $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 6>>
  821. <<if $wardrobe.PCloswimwear == 1>>
  822. <<='Your breasts are completely visible through your transparent swimsuit.'>>
  823. <<elseif $wardrobe.braworntype == 'salacious'>>
  824. <<='Your breasts are clearly visible through your transparent bra and top.'>>
  825. <<elseif $wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  826. <<='Your bra is clearly showing through your transparent top.'>>
  827. <<else>>
  828. <<='Your breasts are fully on display through your transparent top.'>>
  829. <</if>>
  830. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 5>>
  831. <<if $wardrobe.PCloswimwear == 1>>
  832. <<='The shape of your nipples is completely visible through your swimsuit.'>>
  833. <<elseif $wardrobe.braworntype == 'salacious'>>
  834. <<='The shape of your nipples is completely visible through your thin top and bra.'>>
  835. <<elseif $wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  836. <<if $wardrobe.PCloDress == 1>>
  837. <<='The shape and color of your bra is visible through your dress.'>>
  838. <<else>>
  839. <<='The shape and color of your bra is visible through your top.'>>
  840. <</if>>
  841. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra and $pc.horny >= 50>>
  842. <<='Your aroused nipples are hard and showing through your top.'>>
  843. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra and $weather.temperature < 14>>
  844. <<='Your nipples are freezing cold and visibly hard through your top.'>>
  845. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBra == 1>>
  846. <<='Your top is replacing a bra.'>>
  847. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  848. <<if $wardrobe.PCloDress == 1>>
  849. <<='The shape of your nipples is completely visible through your thin dress.'>>
  850. <<else>>
  851. <<='The shape of your nipples is completely visible through your thin top.'>>
  852. <</if>>
  853. <</if>>
  854. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloThinness == 4>>
  855. <<if $wardrobe.PCloswimwear == 1>>
  856. <<='Your nipples are slightly poking through your swimsuit.'>>
  857. <<elseif $wardrobe.braworntype == 'salacious'>>
  858. <<='You are wearing such a thin bra that your nipples are still being faintly outlined through your top.'>>
  859. <<elseif $wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  860. <<='Your bra is being outlined through your top.'>>
  861. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra and $pc.horny >= 50>>
  862. <<='Your aroused nipples are visibly hard.'>>
  863. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra and $weather.temperature < 14>>
  864. <<='Your nipples are freezing cold and visibly hard through your top.'>>
  865. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBra == 1>>
  866. <<='Your top is replacing a bra.'>>
  867. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  868. <<if getvar("$CloDress") == 1>>
  869. <<='The shape of your nipples is faintly visible through your dress.'>>
  870. <<else>>
  871. <<='The shape of your nipples is faintly visible through your top.'>>
  872. <</if>>
  873. <</if>>
  874. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBra == 1>>
  875. <<='Your top is replacing a bra.'>>
  876. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra and $pc.horny >= 50>>
  877. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your aroused nipples are rock hard.'>>
  878. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra and $weather.temperature < 14>>
  879. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your nipples are freezing cold.'>>
  880. <<elseif !$wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  881. <<if $pc.pcs_cupsize <= 5>>
  882. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your flat chest feels comfortable against the inside of your clothes.'>>
  883. <!-- !! $pc.titsize = 'AA cup'-->
  884. <<elseif $pc.pcs_cupsize <= 10>>
  885. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your modest breasts ever so slightly bounce as you walk.'>>
  886. <!-- !! $pc.titsize = 'A cup'-->
  887. <<elseif $pc.pcs_cupsize <= 15>>
  888. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your pert breasts jiggle softly as you walk.'>>
  889. <!-- !! $pc.titsize = 'B cup'-->
  890. <<elseif $pc.pcs_cupsize <= 20>>
  891. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your breasts bounce with every step.'>>
  892. <!-- !! $pc.titsize = 'C cup'-->
  893. <<elseif $pc.pcs_cupsize <= 30>>
  894. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your large breasts bounce with every step.'>>
  895. <!-- !! $pc.titsize = 'E cup'-->
  896. <<else>>
  897. <<='You are not wearing a bra and your enormous breasts bounce dramatically with every step.'>>
  898. <!-- !! $pc.titsize = 'K cup'-->
  899. <</if>>
  900. <</if>>
  901. <</widget>>
  902. <<widget 'stat_panty_msg'>>
  903. <<if !$wardrobe.isWearingPanties and !$wardrobe.isWearingSwimwear and $wardrobe.PCloPanties == 0>>
  904. <<if $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4>>
  905. <<='You are not wearing panties, but you are dressed as a hooker, so that`s hardly surprising.'>>
  906. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloBimbo == 1 or getvar("$bimbolevel") > 0 and $wardrobe.PCloSkirt > 3 and $cheatBimbo == 0>>
  907. <<='You like, totally forgot to put on any panties. You are such a bimbo.'>>
  908. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloSkirt > 3 and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') > 0>>
  909. <<='You feel liberated not wearing panties as your naked ass flashes from under your short skirt.'>>
  910. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloSkirt > 3 and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') < 1>>
  911. <<if $pc.pcs_inhib <= 50>>
  912. <<='Your face is flushed with shame. You are not wearing panties, and your naked ass flashes from under your short skirt.'>>
  913. <<else>>
  914. <<='It feels odd and a bit uncomfortable not wearing panties with such a short skirt. Your naked ass flashes from under it.'>>
  915. <</if>>
  916. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloPants > 0 and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') == 2>>
  917. <<='You are comfortably commando, not bothered at all by your bare pussy rubbing against the inside of your pants.'>>
  918. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloPants > 0 and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') == 3>>
  919. <<='You are happily commando, feeling very comfortable with your ass and pussy touching the inside of your pants.'>>
  920. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloPants > 0 and !$wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  921. <<='You aren`t wearing underwear, and your bare pussy is rubbing against your clothing.'>>
  922. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloPants > 0 and $wardrobe.isWearingBra>>
  923. <<='You aren`t wearing panties, and your bare pussy is rubbing against your clothing.'>>
  924. <<elseif getvar("$towel") == 1>>
  925. <<='Your naked body is covered only by a short towel.'>>
  926. <<elseif $wardrobe.clothingworntype != 'nude' and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') < 1>>
  927. <<='You are not wearing panties and it makes you uncomfortable.'>>
  928. <<else>>
  929. <<='You are not wearing panties.'>>
  930. <</if>>
  931. <<elseif $wardrobe.pantyworntype == 'salacious' and !$wardrobe.isWearingSwimwear>>
  932. <<if $wardrobe.PCloStyle == 4>>
  933. <<='You are wearing see-through panties, but you are dressed as a hooker, so that`s hardly surprising.'>>
  934. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloSkirt > 3 and $pc.pcs_inhib > 50>>
  935. <<='Your ass is clearly visible through your panties, is flashing from under your short skirt.'>>
  936. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloSkirt > 3 and $pc.pcs_inhib <= 50>>
  937. <<elseif $wardrobe.PCloPants > 0 and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') == 3>>
  938. <<='You wearing transparent panties, but that you`re wearing any at all is bringing down your mood.'>>
  939. <</if>>
  940. <<elseif $wardrobe.isWearingPanties and $pc.trait('commando_lvl') == 3>>
  941. <<='You wearing panties and it makes you uncomfortable.'>>
  942. <</if>>
  943. <</widget>>
  944. :: Sidebar_deprecated[deprecated]
  945. <!-- !!Row 3: Pregnancy, cum, lactation, STD...-->
  946. <<if $mesec > 0 and $isprok == 0 and $isprokp == 0>>
  947. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You need to use your feminine hygiene products'+iif($wardrobe.pantyworntype = 'none', ' and you need to also wear panties if you want to use a sanitary pad.', '.')>>
  948. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bleed_msg"><img title="$stat_bleed_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/vperiod_bleeding.png"></a></td>'>>
  949. <<elseif $mesec > 0 and ($isprok > 0 or $isprokp > 0)>>
  950. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You`re using feminine hygiene products.'>>
  951. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bleed_msg"><img title="$stat_bleed_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/vperiod_sanitaries.png"></a></td>'>>
  952. <<elseif $placebopart > 0 and $LutH > 0 and $pc.knowpreg == 0>>
  953. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'Your period is due to start soon.'>>
  954. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bleed_msg"><img title="$stat_bleed_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/vunknown.png"></a></td>'>>
  955. <!-- !!TMI elseif implant_day > 0 and ((daystart - implant_day) * 24 + hour - implant_hour) < 5:-->
  956. <!-- !!pregnancy spoiler $stat_bleed_msg = 'You feel a slight twinge in your abdomen.'-->
  957. <!-- !! $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bleed_msg"><img title="<<$stat_bleed_msg>>" height = <<set_siconht>> src="images/system/icons/status/vunknown.png"></a></td>'-->
  958. <<elseif $pc.thinkpreg == 0 and $pc.knowpreg == 0 and $cycle != 6 and $pillcon2 <= 30000 and $succubusflag != 1 and $cheatSlut == 0 and $mesec == 0>>
  959. <<if $abortionbirthdate == 0 and $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod > 28>>
  960. <<if $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod > 28 and $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod <= 35>>
  961. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'Your period is late by daystart - daylastperiod - 28 days.'>>
  962. <<elseif $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod > 35 and $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod <= 42>>
  963. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'Your period is late by more than a week!'>>
  964. <<elseif $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod > 42 and $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod <= 56>>
  965. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'Your period is late by more than two weeks! Maybe you should see a doctor?'>>
  966. <<elseif $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod > 56 and $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod <= 84>>
  967. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'Your period is late by more than a month! You really should see a doctor about it.'>>
  968. <<elseif $time.daystart - $time.daylastperiod > 84>>
  969. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You should consider the possibility of a pregnancy, since apparently you no longer have periods.'>>
  970. <</if>>
  971. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bleed_msg"><img title="$stat_bleed_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/vunknown.png"></a></td>'>>
  972. <<elseif $abortionbirthdate != 0 and $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate <= 26>>
  973. <<if $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate <= 13>>
  974. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You are still in your recovery period. Nothing to worry about.'>>
  975. <<elseif $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate > 13 and $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate <= 16>>
  976. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You are maybe still in your recovery period, but there could be a risk.'>>
  977. <<elseif $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate > 16 and $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate <= 21>>
  978. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You should have recovered from you abortion by know... Right?'>>
  979. <<elseif $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate > 21 and $time.daystart - $abortionbirthdate <= 26>>
  980. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You should have definitely recovered from your abortion by now.'>>
  981. <</if>>
  982. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bleed_msg"><img title="$stat_bleed_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/vunknown.png"></a></td>'>>
  983. <<elseif $pc.pregbirthdate != 0 and $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate <= 80>>
  984. <<if $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate <= 41>>
  985. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You are still in your recovery period. Nothing to worry about.'>>
  986. <<elseif $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate > 41 and $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate <= 48>>
  987. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You are probably still in your recovery period.'>>
  988. <<elseif $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate > 48 and $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate <= 55>>
  989. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You are maybe still in your recovery period, but there could be a risk.'>>
  990. <<elseif $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate > 55 and $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate <= 70>>
  991. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You should have recovered by know... Right?'>>
  992. <<elseif $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate > 70 and $time.daystart - $pc.pregbirthdate <= 80>>
  993. <<set $stat_bleed_msg = 'You should have definitely recovered from giving birth by now.'>>
  994. <</if>>
  995. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_bleed_msg"><img title="$stat_bleed_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/vunknown.png"></a></td>'>>
  996. <</if>>
  997. <<elseif $pc.preg == 1>>
  998. <<if $pc.thinkpreg == 1 and $pc.knowpreg == 0>>
  999. <<set $stat_preg_msg = 'You think you`re pregnant, but aren`t sure.'>>
  1000. <<set $stat_preg_tooltip = 'I think I`m pregnant.'>>
  1001. <<elseif $pc.knowpreg == 1>>
  1002. <<set $stat_preg_tooltip = 'I`m pregnant.'>>
  1003. <<set $stat_preg_msg = 'You are pregnant. Your due date is around $pc.pregduedate.'>>
  1004. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_preg_msg"><img title="$stat_preg_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/vpregnant.png"></a></td>'>>
  1005. <</if>>
  1006. <<elseif $pc.preg == 2>>
  1007. <<set $stat_preg_msg = 'Broken water and contractions, it`s pretty clear what is going on. You need to get to a hospital ASAP.'>>
  1008. <<set $stat_preg_tooltip = 'Go to the hospital, ASAP! You`re in labour!'>>
  1009. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_preg_msg"><img title="$stat_preg_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/labour.png"></a></td>'>>
  1010. <</if>>
  1011. <<gs 'lact_lib' 'breast_stat_icons'>>
  1012. <<if $stat_cumloc_check == 1 and $pc.trait('cumeater') == 1 and $cumeater_cheat == 0 and $menu_off == 0>>
  1013. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: gs 'cum_manage', 'cumeater_icon'>> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """gs ''stat''"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"Click to lick up all that delicious cum." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """cum_eater.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>'""">> -->
  1014. <<warn 'FTCL: <<set $statusIconBarTab += "<td><a href="exec: gs "cum_manage", "cumeater_icon">> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """gs ""stat"""><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"Click to lick up all that delicious cum." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """cum_eater.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>"""">>'>>
  1015. <<elseif $stat_cumloc_check == 1 and $pc.trait('cumeater') == 1 and $cumeater_cheat == 0 and $menu_off == 1>>
  1016. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_disable_msg"><img title="$stat_disable_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/cum_eater.png"></a></td>'>>
  1017. <</if>>
  1018. <<if $stat_cumloc_check == 1 and $inventory.get("wipe") > 0 and $menu_off == 0>>
  1019. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:dynamic $d_salf"><img title="Click to use your wipes." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/wipes.png"></a></td>'>>
  1020. <<elseif $stat_cumloc_check == 1 and $inventory.get("wipe") > 0 and $menu_off == 1>>
  1021. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_disable_msg"><img title="$stat_disable_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/wipes.png"></a></td>'>>
  1022. <</if>>
  1023. <<set $stat_STD_count = 0>>
  1024. <<set $stat_STD_msg = ''>>
  1025. <<if $Gerpes >= 10 and $GenHerpes == 1>>
  1026. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1027. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'Sores have appeared on your vagina. You have genital herpes.'>>
  1028. <<elseif $Gerpes >= 5 and $GenHerpes == 1>>
  1029. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1030. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'Your vagina is red and very itchy. You have genital herpes.'>>
  1031. <<elseif $Gerpes >= 3 and $Orerpes == 1>>
  1032. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1033. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'You have cold sores on your lips. You have oral herpes.'>>
  1034. <</if>>
  1035. <<if $Gerpes >= 20 and $GenHerpes == 1>>
  1036. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1037. <<if $stat_STD_count > 1>>
  1038. <<set $stat_STD_msg += '<br>'>>
  1039. <</if>>
  1040. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'The herpes sores also cover your ass.'>>
  1041. <</if>>
  1042. <<if $Sifilis >= 50>>
  1043. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1044. <<if $stat_STD_count > 1>>
  1045. <<set $stat_STD_msg += '<br>'>>
  1046. <</if>>
  1047. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'Syphilitic rashes cover your whole body.'>>
  1048. <<elseif $Sifilis >= 21>>
  1049. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1050. <<if $stat_STD_count > 1>>
  1051. <<set $stat_STD_msg += '<br>'>>
  1052. <</if>>
  1053. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'You have a single large, hard sore on the lip. You have syphilis.'>>
  1054. <</if>>
  1055. <<if $Triper > 2>>
  1056. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1057. <<if $stat_STD_count > 1>>
  1058. <<set $stat_STD_msg += '<br>'>>
  1059. <</if>>
  1060. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'It stings when you`re urinating. You have gonorrhea.'>>
  1061. <</if>>
  1062. <<if $Kandidoz > 30>>
  1063. <<set $stat_STD_count += 1>>
  1064. <<if $stat_STD_count > 1>>
  1065. <<set $stat_STD_msg += '<br>'>>
  1066. <</if>>
  1067. <<set $stat_STD_msg += 'There`s a white discharge coming from your vagina. You have yeast infection.'>>
  1068. <</if>>
  1069. <<if $stat_STD_count > 0>>
  1070. <<set $stat_STD_tooltip = 'You have '+iif(stat_STD_count = 1, 'a', 'stat_STD_count')+' STD'+iif(stat_STD_count = 1, '.', 's.')+' Click to find out more.'>>
  1071. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_STD_msg"><img title="$stat_STD_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/std.png"></a></td>'>>
  1072. <</if>>
  1073. <<if $stat_lack_of_sleep_msg != ''>>
  1074. <<if $pcs_condition['lack_of_sleep'] >= 20>>
  1075. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_lack_of_sleep_msg"><img title="$stat_lack_of_sleep_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/lack_of_sleep_4.png"></a></td>'>>
  1076. <<elseif $pcs_condition['lack_of_sleep'] >= 10>>
  1077. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_lack_of_sleep_msg"><img title="$stat_lack_of_sleep_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/lack_of_sleep_3.png"></a></td>'>>
  1078. <<elseif $pcs_condition['lack_of_sleep'] >= 5>>
  1079. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_lack_of_sleep_msg"><img title="$stat_lack_of_sleep_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/lack_of_sleep_2.png"></a></td>'>>
  1080. <<elseif $pcs_condition['lack_of_sleep'] >= 2>>
  1081. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_lack_of_sleep_msg"><img title="$stat_lack_of_sleep_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/lack_of_sleep_1.png"></a></td>'>>
  1082. <</if>>
  1083. <</if>>
  1084. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '</tr><tr>'>>
  1085. <!-- !!-----------------Status Icons (Start)-------------------->
  1086. <<if $cheatStatusIcons == 0>>
  1087. <!-- !!Row 4: Status, Jobs, School-->
  1088. <<if $bimbolevel > 0>>
  1089. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $bimbostatus"><img title="$bimbo_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/bimbo.png"></a></td>'>>
  1090. <</if>>
  1091. <<if $stat_hypno_msg != ''>>
  1092. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_hypno_msg"><img title="$stat_hypno_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/hypno_addict.png"></a></td>'>>
  1093. <</if>>
  1094. <<if $succubusflag == 1 and $succhungry > 0>>
  1095. <<set $stat_succ_msg = 'You have needed to feed for <<succhungry>> day'+iif(succhungry > 1, 's.', '.')>>
  1096. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_succ_msg"><img title="You need to feed." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/need_succubus_feeding.png"></a></td>'>>
  1097. <</if>>
  1098. <<if $stat_court_msg != ''>>
  1099. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_court_msg"><img title="$stat_court_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/court.png"></a></td>'>>
  1100. <</if>>
  1101. <<if $stat_musiclesson_msg != ''>>
  1102. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_musiclesson_msg "><img title="$stat_musiclesson_tip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/musiclesson.png"></a></td>'>>
  1103. <</if>>
  1104. <<if $stat_school_icon_msg != '' and $SchoolBlock == 0>>
  1105. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_school_icon_msg"><img title="$stat_school_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/school.png"></a></td>'>>
  1106. <</if>>
  1107. <<if $stat_uni_icon_msg != '' and ($university['semester_week'] == - 1 or ($university['semester_passed'] == $university['enrolled_in_semester'] and $university['diploma'] == 0))>>
  1108. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_uni_icon_msg"><img title="$stat_uni_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/uni_class_3.png"></a></td>'>>
  1109. <</if>>
  1110. <<if $stat_uni_icon_msg != '' and $university['semester_week'] > 0>>
  1111. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_uni_icon_msg"><img title="$stat_uni_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/uni_class_1.png"></a></td>'>>
  1112. <</if>>
  1113. <<if $stat_uni_icon_msg != '' and $university['exam_week'] > 0>>
  1114. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_uni_icon_msg"><img title="$stat_uni_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/uni_class_2.png"></a></td>'>>
  1115. <</if>>
  1116. <<if $stat_game_night_msg != ''>>
  1117. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_game_night_msg"><img title="$stat_game_night_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/game_night.png"></a></td>'>>
  1118. <</if>>
  1119. <!-- !!maybe we should remove this one, and create specialized icons for all the jobs? This one is not informative-->
  1120. <<if $work > 0>>
  1121. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: gt 'journal', 'records'"><img title="You have a job. Click to find out more." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/work.png"></a></td>'>>
  1122. <</if>>
  1123. <<if $masseuse['jobtype'] > 0>>
  1124. <<if ($masseuse[$time.weekday + '_shift_1'] == 1 and $time.hour <= 9) or ($masseuse[$time.weekday + '_shift_2'] == 1 and $time.hour <= 13) or ($masseuse[$time.weekday + '_shift_3'] == 1 and $time.hour <= 17)>>
  1125. <<set $stat_masseuse_msg = 'You work at the beauty salon today, at '>>
  1126. <<if $masseuse[$time.weekday + '_shift_1'] == 1 and $time.hour <= 9>>
  1127. <<set $stat_masseuse_msg += '9:00, '>>
  1128. <</if>>
  1129. <<if $masseuse[$time.weekday + '_shift_2'] == 1 and $time.hour <= 13>>
  1130. <<set $stat_masseuse_msg += '13:00, '>>
  1131. <</if>>
  1132. <<if $masseuse[$time.weekday + '_shift_3'] == 1 and $time.hour < 17>>
  1133. <<set $stat_masseuse_msg += '17:00, '>>
  1134. <</if>>
  1135. <<set $stat_masseuse_msg += 'and you have worked masseuse['shifts_worked'] of the required masseuse['shifts_required'] shifts.'>>
  1136. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: msg $stat_masseuse_msg"><img title="$stat_masseuse_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/masseuse.png"></a></td>'>>
  1137. <</if>>
  1138. <</if>>
  1139. <<if $model['icon'] == 1>>
  1140. <<if $model['status'] > 0 and $model_week < (daystart - week) / 7 and $model_job_week == 1>>
  1141. <<set $stat_model_msg = 'You can get paid for 1 more modeling job this week.'>>
  1142. <<elseif $model['status'] > 0 and $model_week < (daystart - week) / 7 and $model_job_week < 1>>
  1143. <<set $stat_model_msg = 'You can get paid for 2 modeling jobs this week.'>>
  1144. <</if>>
  1145. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: msg $stat_model_msg"><img title="$stat_model_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/model_'+iif(night_mode ! 3 and (($location_type = 'public_outdoors' and daystage = 5) or night_mode = 1 or night_mode = 2), 'white', 'black')+'.png"></a></td>'>>
  1146. <</if>>
  1147. <<if $AlbinaQW['StarletsJoined'] > 0 and $AlbinaQW['StarletsShutDown'] == 0 and $npc('A23').pregtalk == 0 and $starlets_on == 1>>
  1148. <<if $time.hour > 16 and $starlets_practice > 0>>
  1149. <<set $stat_starlet_msg = 'You missed practice with the Starlets today!'>>
  1150. <<else>>
  1151. <<set $stat_starlet_msg = 'You must be at Starlets practice between 15:00 and 16:00 today.'>>
  1152. <</if>>
  1153. <<if ($time.hour < 16 or $starlets_missed > 0) and $starlets['late_message'] == 0>>
  1154. <<if $starlets_missed == 0>>
  1155. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_starlet_msg"><img title="$stat_starlet_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/starlets_'+iif(night_mode ! 3 and (($location_type = 'public_outdoors' and daystage = 5) or night_mode = 1 or night_mode = 2), 'white', 'black')+'.png"></a></td>'>>
  1156. <<else>>
  1157. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """'<td><a href="exec: starlets[''late_message''] = 1""">> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """msg $stat_starlet_msg"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"<<$stat_starlet_msg>>" height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """starlets_'""" + iif(night_mode ! 3 and (($location_type = 'public_outdoors' and daystage = 5) or night_mode = 1 or night_mode = 2), 'white', 'black') + ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """'.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>'""">> -->
  1158. <<warn 'FTCL: <<set $statusIconBarTab += ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"<td><a href="exec: starlets[""late_message""] = 1""">> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """msg $stat_starlet_msg"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"<<$stat_starlet_msg>>" height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """starlets_"""" + iif(night_mode ! 3 and (($location_type = "public_outdoors" and daystage = 5) or night_mode = 1 or night_mode = 2), "white", "black") + ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """".png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>"""">>'>>
  1159. <</if>>
  1160. <</if>>
  1161. <</if>>
  1162. <<if $volleysostav > 0 and $time.weekday == 6 and $sorevday != $time.daystart and $time.hour <= 18>>
  1163. <<set $stat_volleyball_msg = 'There is volleyball tournament today at 18:00.'>>
  1164. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: msg $stat_volleyball_msg"><img title="$stat_volleyball_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/volleball.png"></a></td>'>>
  1165. <</if>>
  1166. <<if $pfilmNO != 1>>
  1167. <<if $pornstar['icon'] == 1 and $pornstar['icon_disable'] != $time.daystart>>
  1168. <<if $time.hour < 11>>
  1169. <<set $stat_porn_msg = 'You are starring in a porno today at 10:00.'>>
  1170. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: msg $stat_porn_msg"><img title="$stat_porn_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/porn_'+iif(night_mode ! 3 and (($location_type = 'public_outdoors' and daystage = 5) or night_mode = 1 or night_mode = 2), 'white', 'black')+'.png"></a></td>'>>
  1171. <<elseif $time.hour >= 11 and $time.hour < 13>>
  1172. <<set $stat_porn_msg = 'You`re late for your shoot at the porn studio!'>>
  1173. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: msg $stat_porn_msg"><img title="$stat_porn_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/porn_red.png"></a></td>'>>
  1174. <<else>>
  1175. <<set $stat_porn_msg = 'You missed a scheduled porn shoot!'>>
  1176. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """'<td><a href="exec: pornstar[''icon_disable''] = daystart""">> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """msg $stat_porn_msg"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"<<$stat_porn_msg>>" height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """porn_red.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>'""">> -->
  1177. <<warn 'FTCL: <<set $statusIconBarTab += ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"<td><a href="exec: pornstar[""icon_disable""] = daystart""">> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """msg $stat_porn_msg"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"<<$stat_porn_msg>>" height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """porn_red.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>"""">>'>>
  1178. <</if>>
  1179. <</if>>
  1180. <</if>>
  1181. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '</tr><tr>'>>
  1182. <!-- !!Row 5: Drugs and other short term stuff-->
  1183. <<if $siga > 0>>
  1184. <<set $stat_smoker_msg = 'You have <<siga>> cigarette'+iif(siga = 1, '', 's')+iif(smokerNeed > 0 and NarkImmune = 0, ' and you want to smoke.' , '.')>>
  1185. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_smoker_msg"><img title="$stat_smoker_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/cigarettes.png"></a></td>'>>
  1186. <</if>>
  1187. <<if $smoker >= 20 and $NarkImmune == 0 and $smokerNeed > 20 and $siga > 0>>
  1188. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: gs 'drugs','smoke'>> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """''You are smoking a cigarette.''"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"You really need to smoke""" , ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """click to smoke a cigarette." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """craving_nicotine.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>'""">> -->
  1189. <<warn 'FTCL: <<set $statusIconBarTab += "<td><a href="exec: gs "drugs","smoke">> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """""You are smoking a cigarette."""><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"You really need to smoke""" , ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """click to smoke a cigarette." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """craving_nicotine.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>"""">>'>>
  1190. <<elseif $smoker >= 20 and $NarkImmune == 0 and $smokerNeed > 20 and $siga <= 0>>
  1191. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg 'You really need to smoke, but you have no cigarettes.'"><img title="You really need to smoke, but you have no cigarettes." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/craving_nicotine.png"></a></td>'>>
  1192. <<elseif $siga > 0>>
  1193. <!-- <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec: gs 'drugs','smoke'>> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """''You are smoking a cigarette.''"><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"Click to smoke a cigarette." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """smoke_cigarette.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>'""">> -->
  1194. <<warn 'FTCL: <<set $statusIconBarTab += "<td><a href="exec: gs "drugs","smoke">> <<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """""You are smoking a cigarette."""><img title""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"Click to smoke a cigarette." height = <<set_siconht>> src="images""" / $system / $icons / $status / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """smoke_cigarette.png"><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a><""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """td>"""">>'>>
  1195. <</if>>
  1196. <<if $pc.narkday != $time.daystart and $pc.narkoman == 1 and $Slomka > 0>>
  1197. <<set $stat_drug_msg += 'You need heroin and cocaine.'>>
  1198. <<elseif $pc.narkday != $time.daystart and $pc.narkoman == 1 and $Slomka <= 0>>
  1199. <<set $stat_drug_msg += 'You need cocaine.'>>
  1200. <<elseif $SLomka > 0>>
  1201. <<set $stat_drug_msg += 'You need heroin.'>>
  1202. <<else>>
  1203. <<set $stat_drug_msg = ''>>
  1204. <</if>>
  1205. <<if $stat_drug_msg != ''>>
  1206. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_drug_msg"><img title="$stat_drug_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/craving_drugs.png"></a></td>'>>
  1207. <</if>>
  1208. <<if $mentats_dose >= 1>>
  1209. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg 'You feel sharp and focused.'"><img title="You feel sharp and focused." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/drugs.png"></a></td>'>>
  1210. <</if>>
  1211. <<if $aphrodisiac_timer > 0>>
  1212. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg 'You are feeling hot, and every move causes your groin to tingle.'"><img title="You are feeling hot." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/aphro_gum.png"></a></td>'>>
  1213. <</if>>
  1214. <<if $stat_frost_msg != ''>>
  1215. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_frost_msg"><img title="$stat_frost_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/hypothermia.png"></a></td>'>>
  1216. <</if>>
  1217. <<if $sick > 0>>
  1218. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_sick_msg"><img title="$stat_sick_tooltip" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/health.png"></a></td>'>>
  1219. <</if>>
  1220. <<if $recuperation == 1>>
  1221. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg 'You are still recovering from major surgery.'"><img title="You are recovering from major surgery." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/health.png"></a></td>'>>
  1222. <</if>>
  1223. <<if $bcream_used == 1>>
  1224. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg 'Your breasts feel hot and tingly.'"><img title="Your breasts feel hot and tingly." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/breast_cream.png"></a></td>'>>
  1225. <</if>>
  1226. <<if $cumcondslip > 0>>
  1227. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg 'You feel sick, and you are wondering about the used condom you never found. Maybe those two things are related?'"><img title="You feel sick. Click to find out more." height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/stuck_condom.png"></a></td>'>>
  1228. <</if>>
  1229. <<if $stat_writing_msg != ''>>
  1230. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '<td><a href="exec:msg $stat_writing_msg"><img title="$stat_writing_msg" height = set_siconht src="images/system/icons/status/body_writing.png"></a></td>'>>
  1231. <</if>>
  1232. <<set $statusIconBarTab += '</tr></table>'>>
  1233. <<set $stat_msg += setup.func('cleanHTML',$statusIconBarTab)>>
  1234. <<set $statusIconBarTab to null>>
  1235. <<else>>
  1236. <<set $stat_msg += '<br>'>>
  1237. <</if>>
  1238. <!-- !!-----------------Status Icons (End)-------------------->