school_start.tw 5.5 KB

  1. :: school_start
  2. <<if $time.hour == 8>>
  3. <<set $late = 1>>
  4. <</if>>
  5. <<run $q.school.inc('attendedDays',1)>>
  6. <<set $q.school.period = 0>>
  7. <<set $q.school.lastAttendedDay = $time.daystart>>
  8. <<include 'school_start_events'>>
  9. :: school_start_events
  10. <!-- Events of priority 1: Any teacher wants to talk with you -->
  11. <<if $q.school.stage == 8000>>
  12. <!-- You have been expelled but are not yet aware of it. -->
  13. <<run $q.school.fail(8001)>>
  14. <<addtime 5>>
  15. <h2>Expelled</h2>
  16. <<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big134.jpg">>
  17. <p>
  18. The principal waits for you in the hallway.
  19. She invites you to her office, where she explains to you, that you have been expelled from school for absenteeism.
  20. There seems to be no point in arguing with her.
  21. </p>
  22. <<act 'Leave'>>
  23. <<gt 'school_grounds'>>
  24. <</act>>
  25. <<else>><!-- Events of priority 2: Another student want to talk to you because you missed an event -->
  26. <<if false>>
  27. <<else>><!-- Events of priority 3: More important than priority 4 -->
  28. <<if !$q.questIsStarted('christina')>>
  29. <<run $q.questStart('christina')>>
  30. <<gs 'Zvereva_events' 'christina_bu_1'>>
  31. <<else>><!-- Events of priority 4: Everything else -->
  32. <<either 8>>
  33. <<gs 'school_start_skipEvents'>>
  34. <<or $time.daystart - $q.school.get('greetedByTeacherDay',0)>>
  35. <<run $q.school.set('greetedByTeacherDay',$time.daystart)>>
  36. <<gs 'gschool_events' 'teacher_greet'>>
  37. <<or 6>>
  38. <<set $eventtype = 'before_school'>>
  39. <<gs 'gschool_events' 'break_events'>>
  40. <</either>>
  41. <</if>>
  42. <</if>>
  43. <</if>>
  44. :: school_start_skipEvents
  45. <<gs 'school_schedule'>>
  46. <!--
  47. <<elseif getvar("$dimaRevenge") == 1>>
  48. <<set $menu_off = 1>>
  49. You're in a good mood today as you enter the school. That changes when Dimka stops you in the hall on the way to class.
  50. "I know what you did, bitch. Did you really thing I wouldn't figure out it was you that wiped my hard drive?"
  51. Before you can deny anything , he continues , "I don't even need that video to ruin your life. Just you wait. Soon the whole school will know what a whore you are."
  52. His words fill you with dread as you make your way to class.
  53. <<elseif getvar("$starlets_missed") == 1>>
  54. <<set $menu_off = 1>>
  55. <<set $starlets_missed = 0>>
  56. <<set $starlet_practice_skipped += 1>>
  57. <<if getvar("$starlet_practice_skipped") == 1>>
  58. <<gs 'npc_relationship' 'modify' 'A23' -10>>
  59. <p>As you walk down the hallway, you see an annoyed Albina waiting for you, her arms crossed as she glares at you. "Where the fuck were you $pc.name_nick?! And don't fucking lie to me!"</p>
  60. "Sorry, Albina. I... had a family thing I had to deal with and I didn''t have time to tell you." you meekly reply.
  61. She doesn''t look completely convinced. "Right... Well if you care about your place on the team, then you'll be at the next training session on time. No excuses."
  62. You nod at her and she gives you a pat on the head before walking away. It looks like you got off lightly this time.
  63. <<elseif getvar("$starlet_practice_skipped") == 2>>
  64. <<gs 'npc_relationship' 'modify' 'A23' -20>>
  65. You notice Albina angrily watching you walk down the hallway towards her and she drags you to the side when you reach her.
  66. <p>"Skipping training <i>again</i>, $pc.name_nick?! I thought I told you that you were to be there on time <b>no excuses</b>?! I don't care about what miserable story you have to defend yourself with. You either commit to the squad or you're out. This is your final warning $pc.name_nick, don't fucking test me!"</p>
  67. <p>You don't have a chance to speak before she storms off. Maybe it's best for both of you if you stopped pissing her off?</p>
  68. <<else>>
  69. <<setinit $AlbinaQW['StarletsJoined'] = -1>>
  70. <<gs 'npc_relationship' 'set' 'A23' 10>>
  71. You are walking down the hallway and freeze when you clock a furious Albina heading straight for you. You barely have time to react before she grabs your shirt and forcefully slams you into the lockers, silencing the hall as everyone looks at you.
  72. <p>Albina glares directly into your eyes. "ARE YOU DOING THIS TO MOCK ME YOU FUCKING BITCH?! I GAVE YOU ONE. LAST. FUCKING. CHANCE AND YOU THROW IT BACK IN MY FUCKING FACE?!" She tightens her grips as she gets up in your face. "You're done with the Starlets. If I <i>ever</i> see you anywhere near us, you better hope that I'm in a good fucking mood, bitch!"</p>
  73. She releases you and angrily storms off, shoving other students out of her way. You compose yourself and continue on your way, trying to ignore the stares.
  74. <</if>>
  75. <<elseif ($time.weekday == 1 or $time.weekday == 3 or $time.weekday == 5) and ($q.christina?.get('fight') == -1 or $q.christina?.get('submit') == 1) and $q.christina?.get('subpath') < 3>>
  76. <<set $menu_off = 1>>
  77. <<if $q.christina?.get('fight') == -1>>
  78. <p><<npc 'A18'>><</npc>> approaches you. "Have you recovered from your ass-kicking yet? At least you understand your place now. I'm looking forward to after P.E. class today!"</p>
  79. <p>"W-What happens after P.E. class?" you meekly ask.</p>
  80. Without answering, she simply smirks at you and walks away.
  81. <<else>>
  82. <p><<npc 'A18'>><</npc>> approaches you. "Hello, pet. I'm looking forward to after P.E. class today!"</p>
  83. <p>"W-What happens after P.E. class?" you meekly ask.</p>
  84. Without answering, she simply smirks at you and walks away.
  85. <</if>>
  86. <</if>>-->