4.5 KB

  1. :: index[noSave noVersionUpdate]
  2. <!--
  3. This is the first passage that's presented to the player.
  4. Note that it is include in the passage Start when the player opens it for the first time.
  5. -->
  6. <<debug>>
  7. <h2>Important: Debug-Mode</h2>
  8. <p>
  9. You are viewing this game in debug-mode.
  10. As the name implies, it is meant for developers and displays additional game data.
  11. </p>
  12. <p>
  13. In case you are not a developer, there are the following reasons why you might not want the debug-mode to be enabled:
  14. <ol>
  15. <li>The information might include major spoilers.</li>
  16. <li>The information will clog up your console. You will notice this by the game slowing down.</li>
  17. <li>You will be presented with otherwise hidden options that lead to broken and/or incomplete storylines.</li>
  18. </ol>
  19. </p>
  20. <<actCLA 'Click here to deactivate Debug-Mode' 1>>
  21. <<set $DEBUGGING to false>>
  22. <<gt 'index'>>
  23. <</actCLA>>
  24. <</debug>>
  25. <<set $version = Config.saves.version>>
  26. <center>Version <b>SC <<version>></b></center>
  27. <<image "system/1_openings/splashes/splash#.jpg" 1 14>>
  28. <center>
  29. <p>
  30. This game is about the simulated life of a woman containing elements of RPG, strategy, porn and magical combat.
  31. You may choose what kind of life the character will live according to your play style, conscience or even personal beliefs.
  32. <p>There are many choices to make in this game, will you be a saint or a sinner?</p>
  33. All characters in this game are fictional and any similarities to any persons living or dead are purely coincidental.
  34. All explicit images are performed by consenting adults aged 18 or older. Images are for illustrative purposes only.
  35. </p>
  36. <p>
  37. Based on the Russian game ЭТО by DeGross.<br/>
  38. Quest Soft Player-version developed and extended by the team directed by Kevin Smarts (<a href="">Forum Link</a>).<br/>
  39. Converted to Sugarcube by Steuchs (<a href="">Git Repository</a>).
  40. </p>
  41. <p>
  42. If you would like to report a bug please do so at <a href="">our Discord</a> or at <a href="">the thread at tfgames</a>.
  43. </p>
  44. /*<p><b>
  45. [[Change log|versionHistory]], [[Game history|history]] and [[Differences between the SC- and the QSP-version|DifferencesToQSPVersion]]
  46. </b></p>*/
  47. <p>
  48. <b><i>Wiki hosted by Google sites available <a href="">here</a></i></b>
  49. </p>
  50. <font color="red">
  51. <b>Children under 18 years are strictly forbidden to play</b>
  52. </font>
  53. <p>
  54. <<checkbox "$DEBUGGING" false true autocheck>> Enable Debugging
  55. </p>
  56. <<act '<b>Start</b>'>>
  57. <<include 'init_pre_intro'>>
  58. <<gt 'content_warning'>>
  59. <</act>>
  60. <<act 'Image Settings'>>
  61. <<gt 'ImageSetting'>>
  62. <</act>>
  63. <<act 'Mod Manager'>>
  64. <<gt 'ModManager'>>
  65. <</act>>
  66. </center>
  67. <!-- ! WD: Set variable to store Image needed HTML code-->
  68. <<set $ImageNeededPlacholder = '<center>IMAGE MISSING</center>'>>
  69. :: ImageSetting[noSave]
  70. <<done>>
  71. <<replace "#imageTestArea">>
  72. <<include 'ImageTestImage'>>
  73. <</replace>>
  74. <</done>>
  75. <<act "Confirm">>
  76. <<run memorize('media_path', $media_path)>>
  77. <<goto "index">>
  78. <</act>>
  79. <h2>Image Settings</h2>
  80. <p>You need an official Girl Life-image-pack to see any images and videos.</p>
  81. <p><a href="">This place</a> might be a good place to look for one.</p>
  82. <p>Download and unzip it to any place on any of your drives. Then enter the relative path from the html-file to the image-folder inside the image-pack below.</p>
  83. <p>Image path: <<textbox "$media_path" $media_path>></p>
  84. <p>
  85. <<button "Test">>
  86. <<replace "#imageTestArea">>
  87. <<include 'ImageTestImage'>>
  88. <</replace>>
  89. <</button>>
  90. </p>
  91. <div id="imageTestArea">
  92. </div>
  93. :: ImageTestImage[noSave]
  94. <p><b style="color:red;">If you see an image below your settings are correct.</b></p>
  95. <<image "system/1_openings/splashes/splash#.jpg" 1 14>>
  96. :: ModManager[menu]
  97. <<set _modPaths = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('modPaths') || '[]')>>
  98. <<set _modPathsDisplay = _modPaths.join('\n')>>
  99. <<textarea "_modPathsDisplay" _modPathsDisplay>>
  100. <<button 'Apply'>>
  101. <<set _modPaths = _modPathsDisplay.split(/\r?\n|\r|\n/g)>>
  102. <<set _modPaths =>raw.trim()).filter((path)=>path!='')>>
  103. <<if _modPaths.length>>
  104. <<run localStorage.setItem('modPaths',JSON.stringify(_modPaths))>>
  105. <<else>>
  106. <<run localStorage.setItem('modPaths',"[]")>>
  107. <</if>>
  108. <<run location.reload()>>
  109. <</button>>
  110. <<link "Back">><<goto "index">><</link>>