tasks.json 1.8 KB

  1. {
  2. // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
  3. // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
  4. "version": "2.0.0",
  5. "tasks": [
  6. {
  7. "label": "MakeHTML",
  8. "type": "shell",
  9. "command": "./sugarcube_compile.bat",
  10. "presentation": {
  11. "echo": true,
  12. "reveal": "always",
  13. "focus": false,
  14. "panel": "dedicated",
  15. "showReuseMessage": false,
  16. "clear": true
  17. },
  18. "group": {
  19. "kind": "build",
  20. "isDefault": true
  21. },
  22. "problemMatcher": [],
  23. "dependsOn": [
  24. "esbuild"
  25. ]
  26. },
  27. {
  28. "label": "MakeReadme",
  29. "type": "shell",
  30. "command": "./readme/readme_compile.bat",
  31. "presentation": {
  32. "echo": true,
  33. "reveal": "always",
  34. "focus": false,
  35. "panel": "shared",
  36. "showReuseMessage": false,
  37. "clear": true
  38. },
  39. "group": {
  40. "kind": "build"
  41. },
  42. "problemMatcher": []
  43. },
  44. {
  45. "label": "BuildModFiles",
  46. "type": "shell",
  47. "command": "./mods/util/BuildModFiles.bat",
  48. "presentation": {
  49. "echo": true,
  50. "reveal": "always",
  51. "focus": false,
  52. "panel": "shared",
  53. "showReuseMessage": false,
  54. "clear": true
  55. },
  56. "group": {
  57. "kind": "build"
  58. },
  59. "problemMatcher": [],
  60. "dependsOn": [
  61. "MakeHTML"
  62. ]
  63. },
  64. {
  65. "type": "typescript",
  66. "tsconfig": "./sugarcube/tsconfig.json",
  67. "problemMatcher": [
  68. "$tsc"
  69. ],
  70. "presentation": {
  71. "panel": "dedicated",
  72. },
  73. "group": {
  74. "kind": "build"
  75. },
  76. "label": "TSC"
  77. },
  78. {
  79. "label": "esbuild",
  80. "type": "shell",
  81. "command": "esbuild sugarcube/temp/typescript.js --minify --outfile=sugarcube/src/typescript-min.js",
  82. "presentation": {
  83. "echo": true,
  84. "reveal": "always",
  85. "focus": false,
  86. "panel": "dedicated",
  87. "showReuseMessage": false,
  88. "clear": true
  89. },
  90. "group": {
  91. "kind": "build"
  92. },
  93. "problemMatcher": [],
  94. "dependsOn": [
  95. "TSC"
  96. ]
  97. },
  98. ]
  99. }