english.tw 22 KB

  1. :: school_lesson_english
  2. <<switch $location_var[$here][0]>>
  3. <<case 'getData'>>
  4. <<set $result = {
  5. label:'English',
  6. varname:'eng',
  7. teacherId:'A137',
  8. flags: {
  9. start: 'own',
  10. listen:{
  11. actionOverwrite: true
  12. },
  13. skills:{
  14. intelligence: 0.5
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }>>
  18. <<case 'start'>>
  19. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/literature/classlit.jpg">>
  20. <p>
  21. "Everyone sit down, class is starting." <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> says in English, her voice thick with a Russian accent.
  22. A few students take their seat, but most of the class continues socializing as if they didn't hear her.
  23. "Class is starting, now take a seat!" she repeats loudly in Russian and the groups reluctantly scatter as everyone settles into their seats.
  24. </p>
  25. <<case 'listen'>>
  26. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/literature/work2.jpg">>
  27. You actively take part in the lesson, raising your hand to answer questions, following along in your textbook and working quietly on the worksheets when given them.
  28. <<actCLA 'Keep working'>>
  29. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','nerds',1)>>
  30. <<run $quest('school').func('class_activity_attributes','eng',$pc.skillLevel("charisma"))>>
  31. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  32. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/participation/ask.jpg">>
  33. Unlike most of the students in your class, you stay focused on your work.
  34. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>>
  35. <<gs 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'working'>>
  36. <</actCLA>>
  37. <</actCLA>>
  38. <</switch>>
  39. <!--
  40. <<if getvar("$dimaRevenge") == 1>>
  41. <<actCLA 'Continue'>>
  42. <<gt 'dimaRevenge' 1>>
  43. <</actCLA>>
  44. <<else>>
  45. <<actCLA 'Listen attentively' undefined `{willpower:['choreSchool']}`>>
  46. <<actCLA 'Talk to someone'>>
  47. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talk.jpg">>
  48. You tell yourself that you've worked long enough and deserve a break. Looking around the room, you decide to talk to...
  49. <<actCLA 'Vicky'>>
  50. <<set $pc.mood += 10>>
  51. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  52. <<relationship 'A15' 'like'>>
  53. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talkgirl#.jpg" 1 3>>
  54. <p>"I saw this video of an American girl dancing all sexy and stuff, and I'm thinking of learning the dance. Next time I go to the community center, I'll show up all the girls and steal their boyfriends!" she jokes with a playful smile, but you notice a wicked twinkle in her eyes.</p>
  55. Vicky''s bubbly personality makes her easy and fun to talk to, and you end up spending the rest of class smiling and laughing with her.
  56. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  57. <</actCLA>>
  58. <<actCLA 'Lena'>>
  59. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  60. <<relationship 'A20' 'like'>>
  61. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talkgirl#.jpg" 1 3>>
  62. <p>Lena sighs heavily. "Fuck, what's taking her so long?"</p>
  63. <p>"Who are you waiting for?" you ask.</p>
  64. <p>"Lera! She had to go take a piss, but she's taking forever!" she snaps back. "Her tongue probably needed a break anyways..." she mumbles quietly as a small smile spreads across her face.</p>
  65. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  66. <</actCLA>>
  67. <<actCLA 'Lera'>>
  68. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  69. <<relationship 'A21' 'like'>>
  70. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talkgirl#.jpg" 1 3>>
  71. <p>"It's hard enough having my dad as a teacher at school, but now that freak Lesco is living with us." Lera spends the rest of class talking about all the awkward run-ins she's had with her dad in school and how she and Lena had to beat the shit out of anyone that tried spreading weird rumors about her being "close" to her cousin Lesco.</p>
  72. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  73. <</actCLA>>
  74. <<actCLA 'Radomir'>>
  75. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  76. <<relationship 'A154' 'like'>>
  77. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talkboy#.jpg" 1 3>>
  78. You try talking to Radomir, but it's hard to get a word in with how hard he's stroking his own ego. "You should have heard me last night, I killed it. You should come hear us play. Everyone thinks we're amazing, especially the girls. I know you'll love it, too." he says with a wink. He keeps saying "we" a lot to refer to the rest of the band, but something tells you he's still talking about himself.
  79. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  80. <</actCLA>>
  81. <<actCLA 'Ivan'>>
  82. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  83. <<relationship 'A3' 'like'>>
  84. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talkboy#.jpg" 1 3>>
  85. <p>With a confident smile, Ivan starts telling you about a recent match he had at the community center. "This kid I've never seen before comes up to me and starts talking shit, saying my form is bad and that I couldn't hit someone even if they were standing still right in front of me!" he says with a scoff. "I told him to put his money where his mouth is and get in the ring, and guess what happened?"</p>
  86. <p>"You beat the crap out of him?" you say with a smile.</p>
  87. <p>Ivan laughs and you can see his chest puff out slightly. "Of course! The best part is that his girlfriend was there to see it happen, and while he was lying on the mat knocked out, she gave me her number."</p>
  88. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  89. <</actCLA>>
  90. <<actCLA 'Bella'>>
  91. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  92. <<relationship 'A22' 'like'>>
  93. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talkgirl#.jpg" 1 3>>
  94. <p>"God, this place is more like a daycare than a high school!" Bella says, scoffing in disgust. A few seconds later, a group of students start talking and laughing loud enough to disrupt the class. "See what I mean?" she adds as she rolls her eyes. "They're practically adults, but they act so childish. I hate it. They need to act their age, like I do."</p>
  95. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  96. <</actCLA>>
  97. <<actCLA 'Veronika'>>
  98. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  99. <<relationship 'A141' 'like'>>
  100. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/talkgirl#.jpg" 1 3>>
  101. <p>You try talking to Veronika, but she has little to say, which is no surprise; she's always been standoffish. Still, she doesn't outright tell you to leave you alone, so you take it as a sign that she's okay with listening to you talk.</p>
  102. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  103. <</actCLA>>
  104. <<if $npc('A189').grupTipe == 4>>
  105. <<actCLA 'Niko'>>
  106. <<run $pc.skillExperienceGain('charisma',rand(1,2))>>
  107. <center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [$Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>
  108. <<if getvar("$NikoPayback") > 0>>
  109. <<image 'characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg'>>
  110. <p>Niko sneers at you as you approach. "What do you want?"</p>
  111. "I just want to talk," you reply and he scoffs before nodding. You spend the next few minutes having a strained conversation until the end of the class.
  112. <<elseif getvar("$NikoVolkovQW") >= 5>>
  113. <<relationship 'A189' 'like'>>
  114. <<image 'characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg'>>
  115. <p>As you approach Niko, he gives you a warm smile. "My princess graces with me with her presence. How can be of assistance?"</p>
  116. You giggle. "I have spare time and I can't think of a better use of it than spending it with you." Niko chuckles and grabs onto your hand, lifting it toward his face and giving it a soft kiss before saying "Your wish is my command." You both spend the next few minutes chatting while exchanging loving glares until the end of the class.
  117. <<else>>
  118. <<relationship 'A189' 'like'>>
  119. <<image 'characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg'>>
  120. <p>As you approach Niko, he gives you a warm smile. "Ahh a lovely princess decides to grace me with her presence. How can I be of assistance?"</p>
  121. <p>You giggle. "You're so weird! I just want to chat for a bit, okay?" Niko chuckles and grabs onto your hand, lifting it toward his face and giving it a soft kiss before saying "Your wish is my command." You both begin chatting until the end of the class.</p>
  122. <</if>>
  123. <<actCLA 'Finish class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  124. <</actCLA>>
  125. <</if>>
  126. <</actCLA>>
  127. <</actCLA>>
  128. <<actCLA 'Daydream'>>
  129. <<set $time.daydream = rand(1,4)>>
  130. <<if getvar("$time.daydream") == 1>>
  131. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/sleeping.jpg">>
  132. Unable to pay attention, you retreat into your own thoughts. You distract yourself with a number of things, from doodling in your notebook to just staring blankly out the window.
  133. <p>"$pc.name_last!"</p>
  134. Hearing your name being called, you snap back to reality to see <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> staring daggers at you from the front of the class. The scattered laughter from students causes you to squirm slightly in your seat.
  135. <p>"I've called your name three times now! If you want to sleep, you can do it during detention!" she warns as she points to the door.</p>
  136. <<actCLA 'Apologize'>>
  137. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','cool',-1)>>
  138. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','gopniks',-1)>>
  139. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','nerds',1)>>
  140. <<image "characters/shared/headshots_main/big137.jpg">>
  141. "Sorry, <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>..." you mumble quietly as you sit up straight and refocus on the lesson. Satisfied, <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> returns to teaching with a small smile.
  142. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  143. <</actCLA>>
  144. <<actCLA 'Be a smart ass' undefined `{willpower:['misc','self','medium']}`>>
  145. <<set $demerit += 5>>
  146. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','cool',1)>>
  147. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','gopniks',1)>>
  148. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','nerds',-1)>>
  149. <<video "pc/reactions/eyeroll.mp4">>
  150. <p>You roll your eyes and sigh heavily. "I can't help it, you just keep talking and talking..." Your unexpected response causes the room to go quiet. "Everything you say is just so pointless. When am I ever going to need to know this stuff?" you ask rhetorically. "Never. Never is the answer."</p>
  151. The whole class starts to ''ooh'' in disbelief at your bold response. Arkadi, Roman and Anushka''s laughter can probably be heard all the way down the hall.
  152. <p><<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>'s face turns red and her expression darkens, a mixture of rage and embarrassment. "Get out and report to the principal's office right now!" she barks.</p>
  153. <<actCLA 'Go to the principal`s office'>>
  154. <<set $demerit += 5>>
  155. <<video "pc/reactions/smirk.mp4">>
  156. "Fine by me," you say with a smirk as you get up from your seat. You saunter past your fellow students and to the front of the class where you flash <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> a mockingly sweet smile before exiting the classroom.
  157. <<act 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>>
  158. <<gt 'gschool_office' 'principal'>>
  159. <</act>>
  160. <</actCLA>>
  161. <</actCLA>>
  162. <<elseif getvar("$time.daydream") == 2>>
  163. <<if getvar("$class['school_eng_grade']") >= 80>>
  164. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/sleeping.jpg">>
  165. <p>As <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> continues talking, you find yourself unable to stay awake. You're just on the edge of falling completely asleep when you're snapped back to reality by the teacher calling your name. "Well? What's the answer?" she asks with a smug smile.</p>
  166. You didn''t catch what the question was, so you take a quick look around the room and piece together an answer you hope is right. <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> can barely hide her annoyance as she reluctantly admits that you're right.
  167. <<else>>
  168. <<set $pc.mood -= 10>>
  169. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/sleeping.jpg">>
  170. <p>As <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> continues talking, you find yourself unable to stay awake. You're just on the edge of falling completely asleep when you're snapped back to reality by the teacher calling your name. "Well? What's the answer?" she asks with a smug smile.</p>
  171. You didn''t catch what the question was, so you take a quick look around the room and piece together an answer you hope is right. Unfortunately, you answer incorrectly, which <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> is happy to point out to the entire class.
  172. "A perfect example of how to fail my class." she smirks as your classmates begin to laugh at you.
  173. <</if>>
  174. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>>
  175. <<gs 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'english'>>
  176. <</actCLA>>
  177. <<else>>
  178. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/sleeping.jpg">>
  179. You fell asleep and the bell wakes you up.
  180. <<actCLA 'Leave class'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  181. <</if>>
  182. <</actCLA>>
  183. <<actCLA 'Play with your phone'>>
  184. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/phone.jpg">>
  185. You take out your phone and begin to play a game, hoping the boring lesson will be over soon.
  186. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>><<gs 'school_schedule'>><</actCLA>>
  187. <<set $playphone = rand(1,2)>>
  188. <<if getvar("$playphone") == 1>>
  189. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/phone.jpg">>
  190. <p>"Miss $pc.name_last, are you playing on your phone during class?" <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> asks as she makes her way towards you.</p>
  191. <<actCLA 'Put your phone away'>>
  192. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','cool',-1)>>
  193. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','gopniks',-1)>>
  194. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','nerds',1)>>
  195. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/bored.jpg">>
  196. You decide not to aggravate the situation and put your phone away. You can see <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> isn''t happy, but she's willing to let it go for now and goes back to teaching the class without reprimanding you.
  197. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>>
  198. <<gs 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'english'>>
  199. <</actCLA>>
  200. <</actCLA>>
  201. <<actCLA 'Keep using your phone' undefined `{willpower:['misc','self','medium']}`>>
  202. <<gs 'willpower' 'pay' 'self'>>
  203. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','nerds',-1)>>
  204. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','gopniks',1)>>
  205. <<set $demerit += 5>>
  206. <<image "characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/raven/angry.jpg">>
  207. <p>You shrug your shoulders dismissively, which only serves to anger her more. "So, that's how it's going to be?" she laughs dryly.</p>
  208. <<actCLA 'Hand over the phone'>>
  209. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','gopniks',-1)>>
  210. <<run $quest('school').func('groupRelInc','nerds',1)>>
  211. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/bored.jpg">>
  212. Realizing it isn''t worth it, you hand over your phone without argument. "You can have this back after class," <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> says as she walks back to the blackboard.
  213. <<act 'Continue'>>
  214. <<gt 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'getphone'>>
  215. <</act>>
  216. <</actCLA>>
  217. <<actCLA 'Take photos under your skirt' undefined `{willpower:['exhib','self']}`>>
  218. <<gs 'willpower' 'exhib' 'self'>>
  219. <<gs 'willpower' 'pay' 'self'>>
  220. <<if $wardrobe.isWearingPanties>>
  221. <<arouse 'flash' 1>>
  222. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/upskirtselfie.jpg">>
  223. With a mischievous smile, you deftly slide your phone under your skirt and spread your legs to take a picture of your panties. <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> stops in front of your desk, her hands on her hips as she stares daggers at you.
  224. <p>"Hand it over." she orders, one of her hands now held out in front of you. You obediently hand over your phone to her without argument. When she sees the screen is still on, she smiles smugly. "You were texting, weren't you? Of course you were, that's all you kids do these days. Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I shared with the class what you were--"</p>
  225. <p>You can barely keep a straight face as you watch <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>'s expression change from smug to confusion and then anger in a matter of seconds. You expect her to go through with her threat and show the class what you were doing, but for whatever reason she doesn't. "I don't want to see you ever doing that again young lady! You can have this back after class." she warns you as she turns the screen off and returns to the front of the class.</p>
  226. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>>
  227. <<gs 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'getphone'>>
  228. <</actCLA>>
  229. <<else>>
  230. <<arouse 'flash' 1>>
  231. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/literature/nopanties_upskirt.jpg">>
  232. With a mischievous smile, you deftly slide your phone under your skirt and spread your legs to take a picture of your bare pussy. <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> stops in front of your desk, her hands on her hips as she stares daggers at you.
  233. <p>"Hand it over." she orders, one of her hands now held out in front of you. You obediently hand over your phone to her without argument. When she sees the screen is still on, she smiles smugly. "You were texting, weren't you? Of course you were, that's all you kids do these days. Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I shared with the class what you were--"</p>
  234. You can barely keep a straight face as you watch <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>''s expression change from smug to confusion and then anger in a matter of seconds. You silently wait for her to order you out of the class and to the principal''s office, but she looks lost in her own thoughts as she continues to stare at the screen. When she finally snaps back to reality, you could have sworn you saw a twinkle of excitement and longing in her eyes.
  235. <p>"I don't want to see you doing such things in my class again Miss $pc.name_last! You can have this back after class." She says sharply, but the way she licks her lips afterwards speaks of something else. Without another word, she turns the screen off and returns to the front of the class to resume the lesson.</p>
  236. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>>
  237. <<gs 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'getphone'>>
  238. <</actCLA>>
  239. <</if>>
  240. <</actCLA>>
  241. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self' 'medium'>>
  242. <<if $wardrobe.isWearingBra and $will_cost <= $pc.willpower>>
  243. <<actCLA 'Hide the phone in your bra (will_cost Willpower)'>>
  244. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self' 'medium'>>
  245. <<gs 'willpower' 'pay' 'self'>>
  246. <<set $demerit += 5>>
  247. <<set $pc.horny += 15>>
  248. <<image "locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/nophone.jpg">>
  249. <p>You deftly shove the phone in your bra, and smile fiendishly as you see the momentary hesitation from your teacher as they stop at your desk. "You think this is a joke, Miss $pc.name_last?" <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>> asks, her eyes narrowing.</p>
  250. <p>"If you want my phone, go ahead and take it." you reply in a mockingly sweet voice as you thrust your chest out. Her eyes darken dangerously as you think you've won, but your bluff is called as one of <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>'s hands plunges into your shirt. "<<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>, I didn't know today's lesson would be so hands on!" you tease as you feel her hand slip inside your bra. Your smile widens as you hear the class erupt with cheering and laughter.</p>
  251. <p>"You think you're clever, don't you?" she whispers, her voice low so only you can hear. You try to respond, but your words get caught in your throat as she starts to tease one of your nipples between her fingertips. Suddenly, she's no longer searching but groping, her skillful fingers carefully moving between each breast until both of your sensitive buds are hard and straining almost uncomfortably against your bra. You can't help but shift slightly in your seat as you feel a tightening sensation in your lower belly and an aching throb between your legs.</p>
  252. <p>"Don't make me remind you of your place, little girl!" <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>'s warning is punctuated painfully as she gives a sharp pinch and tug to one of your nipples, eliciting a soft whimper from you. Having gotten her point across, she grabs your phone and removes her hand from your shirt. "You can get this back after class."</p>
  253. Flustered and aroused, you regain your senses and remember that you're sitting in class right now. You look around the room, but it seems like her groping went unnoticed and was seen as her fishing out your phone like you challenged her to do.
  254. <<act 'Continue'>>
  255. <<gt 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'getphone'>>
  256. <</act>>
  257. <</actCLA>>
  258. <<elseif $wardrobe.isWearingBra and $will_cost > $pc.willpower>>
  259. <<actCLA `'Hide the phone in your bra ('+$will_cost+')'`>><font color=red><br/>You don`t have enough willpower to use this action.</font><</actCLA>>
  260. <</if>>
  261. <</actCLA>>
  262. <<else>>
  263. You play on your phone for the duration of class. You play a few games and text a few friends, all under <<npc _schoolClassEvent.teacherId>><</npc>>''s oblivious nose.
  264. <<actCLA 'Wait for the end of the lesson'>>
  265. <<gs 'gschool_lessonsev3' 'english'>>
  266. <</actCLA>>
  267. <</if>>
  268. <</actCLA>>
  269. <</if>>
  270. -->