serpent.tw 2.3 KB

  1. :: Serpent
  2. <<set $here = 'Serpent'>>
  3. <<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
  4. <<set $loc_arg = ''>>
  5. <<set $loc = 'Serpent'>>
  6. <<set $menu_loc = 'Serpent'>>
  7. <<set $menu_arg = ''>>
  8. <<set $menu_off = 0>>
  9. <<set $location_type = 'secluded'>>
  10. <<if getvar("$findneck") == 1>>
  11. <<video "locations/gadukino/serpent/serpentintro.mp4">>
  12. You hear a whispered word coming from somewhere in the barn. "Ahhhh, I sseee the little fae mortal hasss s found my horcrux. You hold in your handsss my greatessst prizzzzze." You look around for who is talking but don't see anyone in the barn with you.
  13. "Let usss make a deal, you and I. You return my prizzzze, and I will teeeach you muccch about the magicssss you possssessss." You hear a scraping sound coming from above you in the shadowy rafters.
  14. <p>"Who are you? Where are you?" you yell, looking for the owner of the strange sibilant voice.</p>
  15. "I am Zzathrezzz, Lord of Ssserpentsss." As the voice continues from above, you see a large snake emerge out of the shadows. Outside the barn, you hear Bandit start to loudly bark. Zathrez hisses in annoyance.
  16. <p>"That dog isss a noicccenccce!"</p>
  17. <<image "locations/gadukino/serpent/serpent1_0.jpg">>
  18. <p>"Now, do we have a deal?" the sibilant voice continues.</p>
  19. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self'>>
  20. <<if $will_cost <= $pc.willpower>>
  21. <<actCLA 'No, leave me alone you freaky snake (will_cost Willpower)'>>
  22. <<gs 'willpower' 'misc' 'self' 'hard'>> <<gs 'willpower' 'pay' 'self'>> <<set $serpent_path = 0>> <<gt 'gaddvor'>>
  23. <</actCLA>>
  24. <<else>>
  25. <<actCLA `'No, leave me alone you freaky snake ('+$will_cost+')'`>><font color=red><br/>You don`t have enough willpower to use this action.</font><</actCLA>>
  26. <</if>>
  27. <<gs 'willpower' 'skill' 'self' 'magik_lvl'>>
  28. <<if $will_cost <= $pc.willpower>>
  29. <<actCLA 'Maybe, but first tell me more about what you can teach me (will_cost Willpower)'>>
  30. <<gs 'willpower' 'skill' 'self' 'magik_lvl'>> <<gs 'willpower' 'pay' 'self'>> <<set $serpent_path = 1>> <<gt 'serpent'>>
  31. <</actCLA>>
  32. <<else>>
  33. <<actCLA `'Maybe, but first tell me more about what you can teach me ('+$will_cost+')'`>><font color=red><br/>You don`t have enough willpower to use this action.</font><</actCLA>>
  34. <</if>>
  35. <<actCLA 'You stand frozen as the snake`s head glides down towards you'>>
  36. <<gt $loc>>
  37. <</actCLA>>
  38. <</if>>
  39. <<if getvar("$serpent_path") == 1>>
  40. <</if>>