# sister !!model Valentina Azarov - Megan Vale - Lupe Burnett sisterAge = year - ((npc_dob['A33'] - (npc_dob['A33'] mod 10000)) / 10000) $sisterLocationTitle = '


' gs 'stat' '


' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/sister' + rand(1,3) + '.jpg">
' 'Your sister Anya is a bit older than you. She is <> years old. She graduated from school, but didn''t go to the university. She works at Pavlovsk''s local supermarket.' gs 'sister_chat', 'checks' if hour = 8 and week < 6: 'God damn it, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I will be late for work because of you!' act 'Apologize and let her get ready': gt $loc, $loc_arg exit end if $ARGS[0] = 'pav_commcenter': *clr & cla if npc_rel['A33'] < 20: '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anyaroma1.jpg">
' '"What do you want? Fuck off!" Anya and her friends laugh and point at you until you leave them alone.' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg ! Showing up after party invite elseif week = 5 and (daystart / 7) mod 2 = 0 and sisterQW['party'] = 1 and daystart - sisterQW['partyday'] < 5: '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anyaroma2.jpg">
' 'Anya and some of her friends are dressed up and organizing themselves before going to the party. Anya sees you and waves at you. "Come on, I was starting to wonder if you were going to show up."' gs 'sister', 'partyanswer', 'anya' ! Anya heading to party elseif npc_rel['A33'] >= 70 and week = 5 and (daystart / 7) mod 2 = 0 and (sisterQW['party'] = 0 or sisterQW['party'] = 2): minut += 5 gs 'stat' if npc_rel['A57'] >= 80: '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/reks.jpg">
' 'Anya and her friends are dressed up and hanging out, but look like they are about to leave and go somewhere.' gs 'sister', 'partyanswer', 'rex' else '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anyaroma2.jpg">
' 'Anya and her friends are dressed up and hanging out, but look like they are about to leave and go somewhere.' 'Your sister sees you, smiles and waves you over. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! We''re going to a party at Rex''s place. Want to come with us?"' gs 'sister', 'partyanswer', 'anya' end else cla '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anya.jpg">
' 'Anya sits with her friends, drinking beer. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>!" Anya smiles. "Want a beer?"' act 'Drink beer': *clr & cla minut += 60 npc_rel['A33'] += 5 gs 'drugs ', 'alcohol', 'beer', 3 gs 'stat' if AniaFrends >= 1: gt 'sister', 'scene1' else AniaFrends = 1 '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anyaroma1.jpg">
' 'You meet Anya''s friends, who are all her former classmates. There''s the small and nimble Lusya, the ditzy Ira, a tall athletic guy whom everyone calls "Rex" and a lanky, red-haired guy named Roma. After the introductions, you sit down with them, drinking beer and chatting with Anya and her friends.' end act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg end gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist', 'easy' if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr: act 'Decline and move along (<> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Decline and move along (<> Willpower)': '
You don''t have enough willpower to resist.' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'partyanswer': if $ARGS[1] = 'anya': if mesec > 0 or pcs_mood < 25 or alko >= 3 or cumloc[11] = 1 or cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1: sisterQW['party'] = -1 if mesec > 0: '"Sorry Anya, I''m not in the mood today. You go without me."' '"What, are you on the rag today? You should have told me! Alright, go home and get some rest."' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg elseif pcs_mood < 25: '"Sorry Anya, I''m not in the mood today. You go without me."' '"You do look a little pale sis. Go home and get some rest."' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg elseif alko >= 3: '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, how the hell did you get so drunk already? I was going to invite you to a party, but you look like you have already been to one. Go home and sleep it off!"' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg else 'Her smile fades and she seems confused for a moment before a look of disgust appears on her blushing face. "My God, why are you walking around with cum all over your face!? You''ll get yourself a reputation! Go home and wash that off, quickly!" She then shoos you away as her friends stare at you.' 'You feel a little ashamed that you have embarrassed yourself and your sister by walking around like this in public.' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg end else act 'Decline': *clr & cla minut += 5 sisterQW['party'] = -1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/party_sister_1.jpg">
' '"I''d love to, but I have a lot of homework to do. I''m sorry."' '"Don''t worry. Maybe you can come next time?"' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg end act 'Go to the party': if sisterQW['partycount'] > 0: gt 'sbReksHome', 'party' else gt 'sister_party', 'sisboyQW_party' end elseif $ARGS[1] = 'rex': if pav_slut >= 250 or cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): rex_breakup = 1 reksLike = 0 npc_rel['A57'] = 0 rexPark = 0 rexCar = 0 if pav_slut >= 250: '"Shit, <<$pcs_nickname>> people everywhere are saying you are a fucking whore. What is this garbage, <<$pcs_nickname>>? I thought we were an item and things were getting serious, but you''re fucking everything that moves?"' '"I don''t know what came over me. I wasn''t myself. Please, forgive me if you can."' '"Listen, everything''s OK, but let''s just be friends and forget being together. Okay?"' '"Okay..."' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg else '"Shit <<$pcs_nickname>>, is that cum?" He leans in to get a better look then recoils in disgust.' 'Your hand goes up to the dried cum on your face that you forgot to wipe off. "I don''t know what came over me, I wasn''t myself. Please, forgive me if you can."' '"Whatever slut. Just get away from me." He moves away from you and you see everyone giving you either a disgusted or angry look.' '"Okay..." Not knowing what else to say, you walk away disheartened.' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif mesec > 0 or pcs_mood < 50: '"Sorry sweetie, but I''m not feeling too good today. You go without me."' '"Babe, I don''t want to leave you alone, but I need to go with the guys. Take care and do not be sad."' 'Rex gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek and leaves.' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg elseif alko >= 3: '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you drunk? I wanted to invite you to the party, but you look like you just left one. Go home and sleep it off."' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg else '"Babe, let''s go to my place. I''m throwing another one of my parties."' act 'Decline': cla minut += 5 sisterQW['party'] = -1 gs 'stat' '"Sorry Rex, but I have a lot of homework. I''d love to come, but I don''t want to fail my exams."' '"Well, go on then. But you''re definitely coming next time, okay?"' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg end act 'Accept': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'scene1': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anyaroma1.jpg">
' 'Your sister and her friends Lusya, Ira, Rex and Roma are sitting outside the community center, drinking beer.' if npc_QW['A33'] = 1: act 'Meet your sister''s boyfriend': *clr & cla minut += 5 npc_QW['A33'] = 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/sisboyqw_02.jpg">
' '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you wanted to meet my boyfriend, right? Well, this is Roma. Roma, this is my sister <<$pcs_nickname>>."' '"To friendship!!!" Rex shouts drunkenly, raising his cup. You pick up a cup full of beer and start drinking, glancing at your sister''s boyfriend.' 'Roma, red-haired and skinny, is actually pretty cute. He reminds you of Katja and Vicky, but more manly. You think to yourself how lucky Anya is to have him.' act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' end else temp = rand(0,4) if temp = 0: 'Impatiently, Anya picks up a bottle of beer and shouts "Come on guys! Will you pour me some beer today or what?"' if rand(0,1) = 0: 'Rex takes the bottle out of Anya''s hands.' temprand = rand(0,4) if temprand = 0: '"Stop shouting, I''m pouring!"' temprand = rand(0,2) if temprand = 0: 'Between fits of giggles, Anya says "I haven''t even started to yell. If I do, you''ll know!"' elseif temprand = 1: 'With a resounding slap on Rex''s shoulder, Lusya says "Hurry up, you piece of dog shit!"' else 'With a smile, Ira says "Don''t get angry, Rex."' if rand(0,10) = 0:'Anya quickly interjects. "We might need to chain him to a post until he calms down."' end elseif temprand = 1: '"Well, you always like to be late for the fun. Will your loud ass relax? I''m sorting it all out."' temprand = rand(0,2) if temprand = 0: 'Between fits of giggles, Anya says "My ass is always relaxed."' 'Roma wraps his arm around her and cups the side of her hip with his hand. "Hell yeah it is.", which gets everyone laughing.' elseif temprand = 1: 'With a resounding slap on Rex''s shoulder, Lusya says "If we had something to drink, we would be relaxed!"' else 'Roma giggles and says "If she relaxes it anymore, it will be too loose to feel anything."' '"That''s just because you have a little dick." Anya quips, which gets everyone laughing.' end elseif temprand = 2: '"Come on, you could have opened it yourself, you lazy bitch. Don''t you have hands?" he says with a smile.' temprand = rand(0,2) if temprand = 0: 'Anya giggles "Yeah, but what else are yours good for?"' if rand(0,10) = 0:'With mock indignation, Rex answers "Really? Just one other thing..."' elseif temprand = 1: 'With a resounding slap on Rex''s shoulder, Lusya says "Is that how you speak to a lady?"' if rand(0,10) = 0:'With mock indignation, Rex answers "Yes, I speak Russian to her."' else 'Ira smiles, saying "Don''t get so upset, Rex."' if rand(0,10) = 0:'Anya quickly interjects. "We might need to chain him to a tree to keep him calm."' end elseif temprand = 3: '"Allow me, madame."' temprand = rand(0,2) if temprand = 0: 'Anya giggles "Of course, monsieur."' elseif temprand = 1: 'With mock indignation, Anya says "Don''t you Madame me!"' if rand(0,10) = 0:'Rex bows gallantly and answers "I''m truly sorry, mademoiselle."' else 'Impatiently, Anya says "Pour it already, you clown."' end else '"Shit! Where are the cups? Did we not buy any?"' temprand = rand(0,2) if temprand = 0: 'Anya picks up the cups. "They''re right here, you blind moron."' elseif temprand = 1: '"Rex, you''re the one who bought them. Is your memory really that bad?" Roma asks.' else 'Lusya holds up the cups and says "Rex, calm down."' end end else 'Roma takes the bottle from Anya and opens it. "Somebody hold the cups."' temprand = rand(0, 3) if temprand = 0: 'Rex holds the cups while Roma pours the beer.' elseif temprand = 1: 'Rex takes the cups and mutters "That worthless ass. Can''t he use both of his hands at once?"' elseif temprand = 2: 'Ira takes the cups and says "Pour already, you big doofus."' else 'As Roma pours beer in the cups, he suddenly starts to tip over. Unable to regain his balance while this drunk, he falls over and spills all the beer on the ground.' temprand = rand(0, 2) if temprand = 0: 'Outraged, Rex screams "You worthless drunk ass! No one can trust you! Didn''t your mother ever tell you ''Always pour with two hands?!''"' elseif temprand = 1: 'Outraged, Rex says "How the fuck could you spill that? Are you really that drunk already?"' else 'Placing her head in her hand, Anya indigantly mutters "Always the fucking same! Getting too drunk, too fast..."' end end end elseif temp = 1: 'Indignantly, Lusya says "Did we come here to drink beer or to look at it?"' elseif temp = 2: 'With a flirty look, Ira bats her eyelashes and says "Boys, are we going to drink beer today or not?"' elseif temp = 3: if rand(0,1) = 0: 'Rex picks up a bottle of beer and pops it open.' if rand(0,2) = 0: '"Shit! Where are the cups? Did we not buy any?"' temprand = rand(0, 2) if temprand = 0: 'Anya picks up the cups. "They''re right here, you blind moron!"' elseif temprand = 1: '"Rex, you''re the one who bought them. Is your memory really that bad? Roma asks."' else 'Lusya holds up the cups and says "Rex, calm down."' end else '"Roma, hold the cups while I pour."' end else 'Rex picks up a bottle of beer and hands it to Roma. "You pour this time."' 'Roma takes the bottle from Rex and opens it. "Somebody hold the cups."' temprand = rand(0, 3) if temprand = 0: 'Rex holds the cups while Roma pours the beer.' elseif temprand = 1: 'Rex takes the cups and mutters "That worthless ass. Can''t he use both of his hands at once?"' elseif temprand = 2: 'Ira takes the cups and says "Pour it already, you big doofus."' else 'As Roma pours beer in the cups, he suddenly starts to tip over. Unable to regain his balance while this drunk, he falls over and spills all the beer on the ground.' temprand = rand(0, 2) if temprand = 0: 'Outraged, Rex screams "You worthless drunk ass! No one can trust you! Didn''t your mother ever tell you ''Always pour with two hands?!''"' elseif temprand = 1: 'Outraged, Rex says "How the fuck could you spill that? Are you really that drunk already?"' else 'Anya places her head in her hand and indignantly mutters "Always the fucking same! Getting too drunk, too fast..."' end end end else 'Roma picks up the bottle of beer, opens it and says "Somebody hold the cups."' temprand = rand(0, 3) if temprand = 0: 'Rex holds the cups while Roma pours the beer.' elseif temprand = 1: 'Rex takes the cups and mutters "That worthless ass. Can''t he use both of his hands at once?"' elseif temprand = 2: 'Ira takes the cups and says "Pour already, you big doofus."' else 'As Roma pours beer in the cups, he suddenly starts to tip over. Unable to regain his balance while this drunk, he falls over and spills all the beer on the ground.' temprand = rand(0, 2) if temprand = 0: 'Outraged, Rex screams "You worthless drunk ass! No one can trust you! Didn''t your mother ever tell you ''Always pour with two hands?!''"' elseif temprand = 1: 'Outraged, Rex says "How the fuck could you spill that? Are you really that drunk already?"' else 'Anya places her head in her hand and indignantly mutters "Always the fucking same! Getting too drunk, too fast..."' end end end act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' end 'Eventually, everybody''s plastic cup is filled with ice cold beer. You all merrily drink together.' if reksLike = 1 and toiletRexSex = 0 and sisterQW['partycount'] > 0 and rex_breakup = 0: temp = rand(1,100) if temp >= 70: 'You notice Rex briefly glancing at your feet.' if pcs_horny > 30 and (PCloSkirt > 2 or PCloPants > 4): act 'Show off your legs ': cla minut += 5 pcs_horny += 5 npc_rel['A57'] += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/event/community/rexpod<>.jpg">
' 'You cross your foot over your leg, doing your best to appear seductive without being obvious.' act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' exit end end elseif alko > 2 and temp <= 20 and npc_rel['A57'] <= 60: *clr & cla minut += 5 npc_rel['A57'] += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/rex.jpg">
' 'Already pretty tipsy, Rex approaches you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, let me refill your glass." However he, seemingly by accident, spills some on your foot. "Oh <<$pcs_nickname>>, forgive me! Here, I''ll clean that up for you."' 'Rex begins wiping off your legs with his shirt sleeve.' gs 'willpower', 'foreplay', 'resist', 'easy' if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr: act 'Step back (<> Willpower)': *clr & cla gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' minut += 5 npc_rel['A57'] -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/event/community/rexnet.jpg">
' '"No problem, I can manage that." you say as you clean your own shoe.' act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' end else act 'Step back (<> Willpower)': '
You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.' end act 'Wait': *clr & cla minut += 5 pcs_horny += 5 npc_rel['A57'] += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'Laughing, you wait until Rex finishes wiping your foot. While you are giggling, Rex becomes more bold, gradually replacing his sleeve with his palm and working up your leg towards your thigh. Just as Rex''s hand starts to drift to your inner thigh, you realize what is going on and hurriedly remove his hand, saying: "Hey..."' act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' end elseif rexPark = 1 and rexParkDay < daystart and rexSisTalk = 2: cla minut += 5 npc_rel['A57'] = 50 rexPark = 0 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/rex.jpg">
' gs 'reks', 'rexRep' 'Rex comes up to you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I looked like a real chump waiting for you alone in the park yesterday! That wasn''t very nice..."' act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' elseif rexCar = 1 and rexCarDay < daystart and rexSisTalk = 3: cla minut += 5 npc_rel['A57'] = 50 rexCar = 0 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/rex.jpg">
' gs 'reks', 'rexRep' 'Rex comes up to you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I was waiting at your door for almost two hours last night! It wasn''t very nice to ditch me like that..."' act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' elseif rexCar = 1 and rexCarDay < daystart and rexSisTalk = 4: cla minut += 5 npc_rel['A57'] = 50 rexCar = 0 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/rex.jpg">
' gs 'reks', 'rexRep' 'Rex comes up to you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you could have at least told me you didn''t want to go out! Last night was a disaster! Next time, please just tell me if you can''t make it."' act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' elseif temp > 50 and npc_rel['A57'] >= 30: cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/reks/rex.jpg">
' gs 'reks', 'rexRep' 'Rex is drinking a glass of beer.' act 'Chat': cla npc_rel['A57'] += 1 minut += 5 gt 'reks', 'rexGdkTalk' end act 'Continue to drink beer': gt 'sister', 'scene2' !sisboyparty !-1 - don''t go to the party !0 - don''t know about the parties !1 - knows about the parties !2 - agreed to go to the party !!again want to change rexs party to only every other Friday elseif week < 5 and week > 1 and (daystart / 7) mod 2 = 0 and pcs_vag > 0 and (sisterQW['party'] = 0 or sisterQW['party'] = 2) and daystart - sisterQW['partyday'] > 3: 'Roma looks up at you, suddenly remembering something. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, Rex''s apartment is available on Friday and he''s having a party. Do you want to go?"' sisterQW['partyday'] = daystart minut += 5 gs 'stat' act 'No (study)': sisterQW['party'] = -1 *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/sisboyqwparty_3.jpg">
' 'You turn down the invitation.' '"Sorry Roma, I would love to, but I can''t get behind at school. I have homework to do and books to read, you know what it''s like."' act 'Finish': gt 'sister', 'pav_commcenter' end if razradbeg > 0: act 'No (training)': sisterQW['party'] = -1 *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/sisboyqwparty_4.jpg">
' 'You turn down the invitation.' '"I would love to, but I have a competition to prepare for. I have to train."' act 'Finish': gt 'sister', 'pav_commcenter' end end if volleysostav = 1 or volleysostav = 2: act 'No (volleyball)': sisterQW['party'] = -1 *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/sisboyqwparty_5.jpg">
' 'You turn down the invitation.' '"Sorry, but I can''t. The coach doesn''t allow me to stay out late and drinking is also prohibited."' act 'Finish': gt 'sister', 'pav_commcenter' end end act 'Yes': sisterQW['party'] = 1 *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anyaroma1.jpg">
' 'You agree to go to the party.' '"Awesome <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''ll be fun. We will meet here. Just don''t forget to be here before 18:00, otherwise we will leave without you."' 'Anya gives Roma a dirty look, but he just shrugs it off.' act 'Finish': gt 'sister', 'pav_commcenter' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'scene2': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/community/anyaroma1.jpg">
' 'The bottles of beer are quickly drained and everyone seems a little tipsy at this point. Soon everyone gets up and staggers inside. As they go, they all shout goodbye at you, so you wave to them and head on your way.' act 'Leave': gt 'pav_commcenter' end --- sister ---------------------------------