gadforest.qsrc 40 KB

  1. # gadforest
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'forest_edge':
  3. *clr & cla
  4. ! force Mira to stay here if Sveta brought Mira here by choice - temporarily overrides Miras schedule to not annoy the player
  5. Mira_Stay = iif($loc ! 'Miroslava', 1 , 0)
  6. clothesAtLocation = FUNC('lost_clothes_here','forest_edge')
  7. $loc = 'gadforest'
  8. $loc_arg = 'forest_edge'
  9. $location_type = 'secluded'
  10. $menu_loc = 'gadforest'
  11. $menu_arg = 'forest_edge'
  12. menu_off = 0
  13. $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge'
  15. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  16. gs 'stat'
  17. '<center><H4>Edge of the Forest</H4></center>'
  18. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  19. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  20. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest1.jpg"></center>'
  21. *nl
  22. 'You are at the edge of the forest. Mushrooms and berries grow here and you can often find other people picking them.'
  23. else
  24. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_night1.jpg"></center>'
  25. *nl
  26. 'You are at the edge of the forest. Night in the woods is scary and uncomfortable.'
  27. end
  28. else
  29. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
  30. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_winter1.jpg"></center>'
  31. *nl
  32. 'You are at the edge of the forest. The forest during wintertime is very beautiful.'
  33. else
  34. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_winter_night1.jpg"></center>'
  35. *nl
  36. 'You are at the edge of the forest. Night in the forest during wintertime is very scary and uncomfortable.'
  37. end
  38. end
  39. gs 'gadforest','bushcraft','forest_edge'
  40. *nl
  41. if pcs_bushcraft < 10:
  42. '<font color="red">You don''t know this part of the forest very well. You could get lost if you go any deeper into the woods.</font>'
  43. else
  44. '<font color="green">You are comfortable navigating this part of the forest, and can adventure deeper into the woods if you want.</font>'
  45. end
  46. if clothesAtLocation = 1:*nl & 'Your clothes are nearby on the ground.'
  47. if forestpicnic = 1:
  48. if hour < 10 or hour > 14:
  49. forestpicnic = 0
  50. else
  51. *nl
  52. 'On the edge of the forest you see people. Apparently they are having a family <a href="exec:gt ''gadforest_event'',''picnic''">picnic</a>.'
  53. end
  54. end
  55. if hour < 8 or hour > 16 and mushroom_pickers ! 0:
  56. mushroom_pickers = 0
  57. *nl
  58. 'You don''t see or hear any other people picking mushrooms or berries in the forest right now.'
  59. else
  60. *nl
  61. if mushroom_pickers = 0:
  62. 'You don''t see or hear any other people picking mushrooms or berries in the forest right now.'
  63. elseif mushroom_pickers = 1:
  64. 'You can see other people picking mushrooms and berries here at the forests edge.'
  65. elseif mushroom_pickers = 2:
  66. 'You can hear people picking mushrooms and berries deeper in the forest.'
  67. end
  68. end
  69. if MiraLoc = 3:'<a href="exec: gt ''Miroslava'' ">Mira</a> is here with you.'
  70. foresteventrand = rand(1,20)
  71. ! Events with Mira
  72. if MiraLoc = 3:
  73. if hour >= 11 and Mira_Stay = 0:
  74. *clr & cla
  75. gs 'miroslava','miraclothes'
  76. *nl
  77. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m going to head home now, but we can hang out again more later." Mira said to you as she began to walk out of the forest.'
  78. ! Allow the player to override Mira schedule to get events done with her, also so Mira cannot appear and disappear before the player can interact with her
  79. act 'Convince her to stay with you':
  80. Mira_Stay = 1
  81. gt 'gadforest', 'forest_edge'
  82. end
  83. ! Allow the player to let Mira continue on her schedule if they want to get events done on their own
  84. act 'Say goodbye':
  85. MiraLoc = 0
  86. gt 'gadforest', 'forest_edge'
  87. end
  88. end
  89. if mirapickingtalk = 0 and miratalkday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'mira_picking_talk'
  90. if miranudetalk = 0 and miratalkday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'mira_nude_talk'
  91. ! stripping requires there to be no picnic going on, to have clothes on, for there to be no clothes already abandoned at the forest_edge, between april and october and already talked to Mira about being naked in the forest
  92. if forestpicnic = 0 and $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and clothesAtLocation = 0 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and miranudetalk = 1 and miratalkday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'mira_nude_event'
  93. ! Events without Mira
  94. else
  95. if metmira = 1 and MiraLoc ! 3 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 10:
  96. mirarand = rand(1,10)
  97. if mirarand >= 6: MiraLoc = 3 & gt 'gadforest_event', 'mira_morning_walk'
  98. end
  99. if foresteventrand <= 2 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 16 and mushroom_pickersday ! daystart: mushroom_pickers = 1 & gt 'gadforest_event', 'mushroom_pickers1'
  100. if foresteventrand <= 4 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 16 and mushroom_pickersday ! daystart: mushroom_pickers = 2 & gt 'gadforest_event', 'mushroom_pickers2'
  101. if foresteventrand = 5 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and hour >= 10 and hour <= 14 and temper >= 10 and sunWeather = 1 and week > 5 and forestpicnic = 0: forestpicnic = 1 & gt 'gadforest_event', 'picnic'
  102. end
  103. ! Events with or without Mira
  104. if foresteventrand <= 8 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and gadboyday ! daystart:
  105. if mitkaday ! daystart:
  106. if MiraLoc = 3: gt 'gadforest_event', 'mitka_temporary_event'
  107. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'mitka'
  108. !elseif kolyambaday ! daystart:
  109. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'kolyamba'
  110. !elseif vasyanday ! daystart:
  111. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'vasyan'
  112. end
  113. end
  114. !if foresteventrand = 9 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and gadboyday ! daystart:
  115. ! if mitkaday ! daystart and kolyambaday ! daystart:
  116. ! gt 'mitka_forest_2', '1'
  117. ! elseif mitkaday ! daystart and vasyanday ! daystart:
  118. ! gt 'mitka_forest_2', '2'
  119. ! elseif kolyambaday ! daystart and vasyanday ! daystart:
  120. ! gt 'mitka_forest_2', '3'
  121. ! elseif mitkaday ! daystart:
  122. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'mitka'
  123. ! elseif kolyambaday ! daystart:
  124. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'kolyamba'
  125. ! elseif vasyanday ! daystart:
  126. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'vasyan'
  127. ! end
  128. !end
  129. !if forest_eventrand = 10 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and gadboyday ! daystart:
  130. ! if mitkaday ! daystart and kolyambaday ! daystart and vasyanday ! daystart:
  131. ! gt 'mitka_forest_3'
  132. ! elseif mitkaday ! daystart and kolyambaday ! daystart:
  133. ! gt 'mitka_forest_2', '1'
  134. ! elseif mitkaday ! daystart and vasyanday ! daystart:
  135. ! gt 'mitka_forest_2', '2'
  136. ! elseif kolyambaday ! daystart and vasyanday ! daystart:
  137. ! gt 'mitka_forest_2', '3'
  138. ! elseif mitkaday ! daystart:
  139. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'mitka'
  140. ! elseif kolyambaday ! daystart:
  141. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'kolyamba'
  142. ! elseif vasyanday ! daystart:
  143. ! gt 'mitka_forest_1', 'vasyan'
  144. ! end
  145. !end
  146. act 'Leave the woods (0:15)':
  147. ! Allow Mira to continue on her schedule as normal if the player was keeping her here for events
  148. if MiraLoc = 3:
  149. Mira_Stay = 0
  150. MiraLoc = 0
  151. end
  152. ! Naked event when leaving forest
  153. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  154. *clr & cla
  155. menu_off = 1
  156. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  157. if rand(0,10) > 5:
  158. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadukino_nude.jpg"></center>'
  159. else
  160. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadukino_back.jpg"></center>'
  161. end
  162. else
  163. if rand(0,10) > 5:
  164. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadukino_nude_night.jpg"></center>'
  165. else
  166. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadukino_back_night.jpg"></center>'
  167. end
  168. end
  169. *nl
  170. ! clothes ripped apart in the woods or swamp
  171. if gadforest_clothestorn = 1:
  172. gadforest_clothestorn = 0
  173. 'Your clothes were torn to shreds in the woods, leaving you with no choice but to head back home naked.'
  174. 'You try your best to stay in the shadows as you move towards '+iif(StoryLine=1,'your grandparents house ','the village ')+'as stealthily as possible.'
  175. ! clothes are here
  176. elseif clothesAtLocation = 1:
  177. 'You decide to leave your clothes behind and sneak home naked, purely for the thrill of it.'
  178. 'You try your best to stay in the shadows as you move towards '+iif(StoryLine=1,'your grandparents house ','the village ')+'as stealthily as possible.'
  179. ! no clothes here
  180. elseif clothesAtLocation = 0:
  181. 'You seem to have misplaced your clothes, leaving you with no choice but to head back home naked. You wonder where you might have left your clothes.'
  182. 'You try your best to stay in the shadows as you move towards '+iif(StoryLine=1,'your grandparents house ','the village ')+'as stealthily as possible.'
  183. end
  184. ! Allow schoolgirl player to leave naked but go straight back home
  185. ! Non-schoolgirls will just find a random sweatshirt to put on - it is the same everytime but walking around naked in the village is not implemented yet
  186. act 'Go back to Gadukino naked':
  187. *clr & cla
  188. inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
  189. gs 'exhibitionism', 3
  190. gs 'stat'
  191. if StoryLine = 1 and grandaQW['block'] = 0:
  192. if hour >= 10 and hour < 16 and month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  193. forestcaughtrand = rand(4,10)
  194. elseif hour >= 6 and hour < 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  195. forestcaughtrand = rand(2,8)
  196. else
  197. forestcaughtrand = rand(0,6)
  198. end
  199. if forestcaughtrand >= 9:
  200. grandmaQW['nudity_trouble'] += rand(7,10)
  201. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadukino_old_woman.jpg"></center>'
  202. *nl
  203. 'You''ve been spotted walking home naked by all the women of the village. They scold you as you walk by. Your grandparents are definitely going to find out about this.'
  204. elseif forestcaughtrand >= 7:
  205. grandmaQW['nudity_trouble'] += rand(4,6)
  206. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadukino_old_woman'+rand(1,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
  207. *nl
  208. 'You''ve been spotted walking home naked by a woman from the village. You hope she doesn''t tell your grandmother.'
  209. elseif forestcaughtrand >= 5:
  210. grandmaQW['nudity_trouble'] += rand(1,3)
  211. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadukino_old_man'+rand(1,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
  212. *nl
  213. 'You''ve been spotted walking home naked by a man from the village. You hope he doesn''t tell your grandfather.'
  214. else
  215. grandmaQW['nudity_trouble'] += rand(0,1)
  216. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>'
  217. *nl
  218. 'No one saw you outside naked, but there''s a thrill in almost getting caught.'
  219. end
  220. act 'Continue home to your grandparents (0:30)':
  221. minut += 30
  222. gs 'stat'
  223. gt'gaddvor'
  224. end
  225. else
  226. average[520] = 1
  227. averageS[520] = 0
  228. averageH[520] = 100
  229. averageB[520] = pcs_hips
  230. gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'average', 520
  231. if CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest.jpg"></center>'
  232. if CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  233. *nl
  234. 'You begin to panic a little. You have no where to go and no one to help you can you are stuck naked in the woods.'
  235. 'As you look around frantically, you spot a sweatshirt someone must have lost. You quickly put it on, thinking about how lucky you are.'
  236. act 'Leave (0:15)':
  237. minut += 15
  238. gs 'stat'
  239. gt 'gadroad'
  240. end
  241. end
  242. end
  243. ! last chance for player to choose to get dressed
  244. if clothesAtLocation = 1:
  245. act 'Get dressed instead':
  246. *clr & cla
  247. minut += 5
  248. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 0
  249. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  250. gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', 'forest_edge', 1
  251. gs 'stat'
  252. if CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest.jpg"></center>'
  253. if CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  254. *nl
  255. 'You decide to change back into your clothes rather than try to get home through the village naked.'
  256. act 'Leave (0:15)':
  257. minut += 15
  258. gs 'stat'
  259. gt 'gadroad'
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  263. ! hessian sack from hunters is not allowed to leave the woods it is only supposed to be a temporary item
  264. elseif swamp_clothes = 1:
  265. *nl
  266. 'You cannot leave the woods wearing your current clothing. You should pickup your clothes and get dressed before you leave or just risk leaving naked.'
  267. else
  268. minut += 15
  269. gs 'stat'
  270. gt 'gadroad'
  271. end
  272. end
  273. ! Sveta cannot travel further into the forest if Mira is here at the forest with Sveta
  274. if MiraLoc ! 3:
  275. act 'Go further into the forest (0:15)': minut += 15 & gt 'gadforest','forest_outskirts'
  276. end
  277. gs 'bicycle', 'gadforest'
  278. ! Sveta can go to the Meadow if she has discovered it and bring Mira too if she is allowed
  279. if (meadow > 0 and MiraLoc ! 3):
  280. act 'Go to the meadow (0:20)': minut += 20 & gt 'meadow'
  281. elseif ((meadow = 3 or (meadow = 6 and npc_QW['A60'] >= 3)) and MiraLoc = 3):
  282. act 'Go to the meadow with Mira': minut += 20 & MiraLoc = 2 & gt 'meadow'
  283. end
  284. ! Can travel directly to the hunters cabin if Sveta has been there before, knows the hunters, and Mira is not here at the forest with Sveta
  285. if hunterscabin = 1 and huntersKnow = 1 and MiraLoc ! 3:
  286. act 'Go to the hunters cabin(1:00)':
  287. ! daytime chance to get stuck in swamp - use bike to get there 100% of the time
  288. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 22:
  289. gt 'swamp', 'stuck'
  290. ! nighttime chased by wolves - Sveta probably should not be roaming the forest at this time
  291. else
  292. gt 'gadforestlost','wolves','forest_edge'
  293. end
  294. end
  295. end
  296. ! tree circle teleportation for magic users - only found at the edge of the forest
  297. gs 'treeCircEntry', 'GadForest'
  298. ! the generic actions for the different parts of the forest are so similar that they are all stored in their own gosubs so the code is not duplicated
  299. gs 'gadforest', 'stripping'
  300. gs 'gadforest', 'dressing'
  301. gs 'gadforest', 'walking'
  302. gs 'gadforest', 'picking'
  303. end
  304. if $ARGS[0] = 'forest_outskirts':
  305. *clr & cla
  306. clothesAtLocation = FUNC('lost_clothes_here','forest_outskirts')
  307. $loc = 'gadforest'
  308. $loc_arg = 'forest_outskirts'
  309. $location_type = 'secluded'
  310. $menu_loc = 'gadforest'
  311. $menu_arg = 'forest_outskirts'
  312. menu_off = 0
  313. $forest_args1 = 'forest_outskirts'
  314. CLOSE ALL
  315. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  316. gs 'stat'
  317. '<center><H4>Forest Outskirts</H4></center>'
  318. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  319. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  320. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest2.jpg"></center>'
  321. 'You are in the forest. The fresh air and singing birds light up your soul with joy.'
  322. else
  323. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_night2.jpg"></center>'
  324. 'You are in the forest. Night in the woods is scary and uncomfortable.'
  325. end
  326. else
  327. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
  328. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_winter2.jpg"></center>'
  329. 'You are in the forest. The forest in the winter is very beautiful, the fresh air makes you happy.'
  330. else
  331. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_winter_night2.jpg"></center>'
  332. 'You are in the forest. Night in the forest during wintertime is very scary and uncomfortable.'
  333. end
  334. end
  335. gs 'gadforest','bushcraft','forest_outskirts'
  336. *nl
  337. if pcs_bushcraft < 20:
  338. '<font color="red">You don''t know this part of the forest very well. You could get lost if you go any deeper into the woods.</font>'
  339. else
  340. '<font color="green">You are comfortable navigating this part of the forest, and can adventure deeper into the woods if you want.</font>'
  341. end
  342. if clothesAtLocation = 1:*nl & 'Your clothes are nearby on the ground.'
  343. if hour < 8 or hour > 16:
  344. mushroom_pickers = 0
  345. *nl
  346. 'You don''t see or hear any other people picking mushrooms or berries in the forest right now.'
  347. else
  348. *nl
  349. if mushroom_pickers = 0:
  350. 'You don''t see or hear any other people picking mushrooms or berries in the forest right now.'
  351. elseif mushroom_pickers = 1:
  352. 'You can hear other people picking mushrooms and berries at the forests edge.'
  353. elseif mushroom_pickers = 2:
  354. 'You can see people picking mushrooms and berries here on the outskirts of the forest.'
  355. end
  356. end
  357. foresteventrand = rand(1,20)
  358. if foresteventrand <= 2 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 16 and mushroom_pickersday ! daystart:mushroom_pickers = 2 & gt 'gadforest_event', 'mushroom_pickers1'
  359. if foresteventrand <= 4 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 16 and mushroom_pickersday ! daystart: mushroom_pickers = 2 & gt 'gadforest_event', 'mushroom_pickers3'
  360. if foresteventrand = 5 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and ((hour >= 6 and hour < 12) or (hour >= 14 and hour < 18)) and foresteventday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'forest_hunters', 'forest_outskirts'
  361. act 'Head back out of the forest (0:15)': minut += 15 & gt 'gadforest', 'forest_edge'
  362. act 'Go further into the forest (0:15)': minut += 15 & gt 'gadforest','forest_center'
  363. ! the generic actions for the different parts of the forest are so similar that they are all stored in their own gosubs so the code is not duplicated
  364. gs 'gadforest', 'stripping'
  365. gs 'gadforest', 'dressing'
  366. gs 'gadforest', 'walking'
  367. gs 'gadforest', 'picking'
  368. end
  369. if $ARGS[0] = 'forest_center':
  370. *clr & cla
  371. clothesAtLocation = FUNC('lost_clothes_here','forest_center')
  372. $loc = 'gadforest'
  373. $loc_arg = 'forest_center'
  374. $location_type = 'secluded'
  375. $menu_loc = 'gadforest'
  376. $menu_arg = 'forest_center'
  377. menu_off = 0
  378. $forest_args1 = 'forest_center'
  379. CLOSE ALL
  380. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  381. gs 'stat'
  382. '<center><H4>Deep Forest</H4></center>'
  383. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  384. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  385. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest3.jpg"></center>'
  386. 'You are deep in the forest. The fresh air and singing birds light up your soul with joy.'
  387. else
  388. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_night3.jpg"></center>'
  389. 'You are deep in the forest. Night in the woods is scary and uncomfortable.'
  390. end
  391. else
  392. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
  393. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_winter3.jpg"></center>'
  394. 'You are deep in the forest. The forest in the winter is very beautiful, the fresh air makes you happy.'
  395. else
  396. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gadforest_winter_night3.jpg"></center>'
  397. 'You are deep in the forest. Night in the forest during wintertime is very scary and uncomfortable.'
  398. end
  399. end
  400. gs 'gadforest','bushcraft','forest_center'
  401. *nl
  402. if pcs_bushcraft < 30:
  403. '<font color="red">You don''t know this part of the forest very well. You could get lost if you go any deeper into the woods.</font>'
  404. else
  405. '<font color="green">You are comfortable navigating this part of the forest, and can adventure deeper into the woods if you want.</font>'
  406. end
  407. if clothesAtLocation = 1:*nl & 'Your clothes are nearby on the ground.'
  408. if hour < 8 or hour > 16:
  409. mushroom_pickers = 0
  410. *nl
  411. 'You don''t see or hear any other people picking mushrooms or berries in the forest right now.'
  412. else
  413. *nl
  414. if mushroom_pickers = 0:
  415. 'You don''t see or hear any other people picking mushrooms or berries in the forest right now.'
  416. elseif mushroom_pickers = 1:
  417. 'You can hear people picking mushrooms and berries at the forests edge.'
  418. elseif mushroom_pickers = 2:
  419. 'You can hear people picking mushrooms and berries at the outskirts of the forest.'
  420. end
  421. end
  422. foresteventrand = rand(1,20)
  423. if foresteventrand <= 2 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and foresteventday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'basket'
  424. if foresteventrand <= 3 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and foresteventday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'bilberry'
  425. if foresteventrand <= 4 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and foresteventday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'mushroom'
  426. if foresteventrand = 5 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and ((hour >= 6 and hour < 12) or (hour >= 14 and hour < 18)) and foresteventday ! daystart: gt 'gadforest_event', 'forest_hunters', 'forest_center'
  427. act 'Head back out of the forest (0:15)': minut += 15 & gt 'gadforest', 'forest_outskirts'
  428. act 'Go further into the swamp (0:15)': minut += 15 & gt 'swamp', 'start'
  429. ! the generic actions for the different parts of the forest are so similar that they are all stored in their own gosubs so the code is not duplicated
  430. gs 'gadforest', 'stripping'
  431. gs 'gadforest', 'dressing'
  432. gs 'gadforest', 'walking'
  433. gs 'gadforest', 'picking'
  434. end
  435. ! this gs handles the bushcraft increases, clothing degradation, and getting lost in the forest
  436. ! $ARGS[1] - location of forest where this is called from
  437. ! Example: gs 'gadforest', 'bushcraft', 'forest_edge'
  438. if $ARGS[0] = 'bushcraft':
  439. ! bushcraft_rand - the max amount of bushcraft exp that can be gained from an action in an area of the forest
  440. ! bushcraft_limit - the max amount bushcraft can be naturally raised to by visiting an area of the forest
  441. ! bushcraft_lost - bushcraft needed to no longer get lost when visiting an area of the forest
  442. ! torncloth_high_bushcraft - chance of tearing clothes with high bushcraft when visiting an area of the forest
  443. ! torncloth_low_bushcraft - chance of tearing clothes with low bushcraft when visiting an area of the forest
  444. ! Make sure Sveta always has at least 1 pcs_bushcraft
  445. if pcs_bushcraft <= 0:pcs_bushcraft = 1
  446. if $ARGS[1] = 'forest_edge':
  447. bushcraft_rand = 1
  448. bushcraft_limit = 10
  449. ! Sveta cannot get lost at the forest_edge part of the forest anymore
  450. bushcraft_lost = 1
  451. torncloth_high_bushcraft = 10
  452. torncloth_low_bushcraft = 9
  453. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'forest_outskirts':
  454. bushcraft_rand = 2
  455. bushcraft_limit = 20
  456. bushcraft_lost = 10
  457. torncloth_high_bushcraft = 9
  458. torncloth_low_bushcraft = 7
  459. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'forest_center':
  460. bushcraft_rand = 3
  461. bushcraft_limit = 30
  462. bushcraft_lost = 20
  463. torncloth_high_bushcraft = 8
  464. torncloth_low_bushcraft = 5
  465. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'swamp_woods':
  466. bushcraft_rand = 4
  467. bushcraft_limit = 40
  468. ! Sveta cannot get lost at the swamp_woods part of the forest either
  469. bushcraft_lost = 1
  470. torncloth_high_bushcraft = 7
  471. torncloth_low_bushcraft = 3
  472. end
  473. ! most annoying part of the old forest code was how difficult it was to do anything without getting lost and having your clothes destroyed quickly
  474. ! the new pcs_bushcraft stat will now help Sveta keep her clothes intact longer and it is much less grindy than the old goforest variable for navigating the forest
  475. ! also if Sveta meets the hunters they can help her raise this stat as well but it will go up naturally too from just visiting the forest every day
  476. ! if Sveta raises bushcraft with the hunters then she will get to a point where she no longer get lost in the forest since there is no cap on bushcraft when learning from them
  477. ripclothesrand = rand(1,10)
  478. if pcs_bushcraft < bushcraft_limit:
  479. ! use the higher chance of ripping clothes when Sveta has lower bushcraft
  480. if ripclothesrand >= torncloth_low_bushcraft: gs 'gadforest', 'torncloth'
  481. ! bushcraft exp gained is random to keep it from increasing too fast
  482. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  483. bushcraft_exp += rand(1,bushcraft_rand)
  484. end
  485. else
  486. ! use the lower chance of ripping clothes when Sveta has higher bushcraft
  487. if ripclothesrand >= torncloth_high_bushcraft: gs 'gadforest', 'torncloth'
  488. end
  489. ! decide if Sveta is now lost as Sveta raises her bushcraft her chances of getting lost decreases
  490. if pcs_bushcraft < bushcraft_lost:
  491. lostrand = rand(1,bushcraft_lost)
  492. if pcs_bushcraft < lostrand: lost_girl = 1 & forest_lostday = daystart & gt 'gadforestlost', $ARGS[1]
  493. end
  494. end
  495. ! this gs handles the actual degradation and removal of clothes from Sveta in the forest
  496. ! this should only be called from inside of gs 'gadforest', 'bushcraft'
  497. if $ARGS[0] = 'torncloth':
  498. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  499. if (PCloThinness = 1 or PCloSkirt > 0) and PCloQuality < 5:
  500. !skirts, not fit, and not high-class enough by illume
  501. '<font color="red">Your clothes get caught on some brush and tear slightly.</font>'
  502. dynamic $clothingworntype + 'H[<<clothingwornnumber>>] -= 1'
  503. !add remove clothes if worn out
  504. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$clothingworntype>>H[<<clothingwornnumber>>]') <= 0:
  505. '<font color="red">Your clothes were barely holding together, but now they have fallen apart completely. You discard the remains and are left naked.</font>'
  506. gadforest_clothestorn = 1
  507. gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'gadforest'
  508. gs 'stat'
  509. end
  510. end
  511. end
  512. end
  513. ! this gs handles stripping for Sveta in the various locations of the forest
  514. ! $forest_args1 - location of forest where this is called from
  515. ! Example: gs 'gadforest', 'stripping'
  516. if $ARGS[0] = 'stripping':
  517. ! stripping requires there to be no picnic going on, to have clothes on, for there to be no clothes already abandoned at the current location, between april and october and lowered inhibitions or higher exhibitionism
  518. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and clothesAtLocation = 0 and month >= 4 and month <= 10 and hour >= 6 and hour < 22 and (pcs_inhib >= 25 or exhibitionist_lvl > 1):
  519. ! Mira only goes to the forest edge
  520. if MiraLoc = 3 and $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge':
  521. ! stripping with Mira requires completing talking to her about it already and doing their nude event in the forest already
  522. if miranudetalk = 2:
  523. act 'Strip Naked with Mira (0:05)':
  524. *clr & cla
  525. menu_off = 1
  526. minut += 5
  527. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
  528. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  529. if swamp_clothes = 0:
  530. gs 'clothing', 'strip', $forest_args1
  531. elseif swamp_clothes = 1:
  532. gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'gadforest'
  533. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 0
  534. end
  535. gs 'exhibitionism', 3
  536. gs 'stat'
  537. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miraforest6.jpg"></center>'
  538. 'You and Mira quickly get undressed, leaving your clothes in a neat pile on the ground.'
  539. act 'Continue': gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  540. end
  541. end
  542. else
  543. ! picnic blocks being naked at the forest edge but not other parts of the forest
  544. if (forestpicnic = 0 and $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge') or $forest_args1 ! 'forest_edge':
  545. act 'Strip Naked (0:05)':
  546. *clr & cla
  547. menu_off = 1
  548. minut += 5
  549. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
  550. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  551. if swamp_clothes = 0:
  552. gs 'clothing', 'strip', $forest_args1
  553. elseif swamp_clothes = 1:
  554. gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'gadforest'
  555. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 0
  556. end
  557. gs 'stat'
  558. if CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest.jpg"></center>'
  559. if CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  560. 'You quickly get undressed, leaving your clothes in a neat pile on the ground.'
  561. if $forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods':
  562. act 'Continue': gt 'swamp_woods', 'start'
  563. else
  564. act 'Continue': gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  565. end
  566. end
  567. end
  568. end
  569. end
  570. end
  571. ! this gs handles dressing for Sveta in the various locations of the forest
  572. ! $forest_args1 - location of forest where this is called from
  573. ! Example: gs 'gadforest', 'dressing'
  574. if $ARGS[0] = 'dressing':
  575. ! code for different variations of getting dressed or dealing with clothes left in the forest
  576. if clothesAtLocation = 1:
  577. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  578. act 'Get dressed (0:05)':
  579. *clr & cla
  580. menu_off = 1
  581. minut += 5
  582. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 0
  583. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  584. gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', $forest_args1, 1
  585. gs 'stat'
  586. if CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest.jpg"></center>'
  587. if CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  588. *nl
  589. 'You change back into your clothes.'
  590. if $forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods':
  591. act 'Continue': gt 'swamp_woods', 'start'
  592. else
  593. act 'Continue': gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  594. end
  595. end
  596. elseif $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  597. ! hessian sack from hunters is not allowed to leave the woods it is only supposed to be a temporary item
  598. if $clothingworntype = 'cheap' and clothingwornnumber = 414:
  599. act 'Wear your abandoned clothing (0:05)':
  600. *clr & cla
  601. menu_off = 1
  602. minut += 5
  603. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 0
  604. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  605. gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', $forest_args1, 1
  606. gs 'stat'
  607. if CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest.jpg"></center>'
  608. if CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/nudeforest1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  609. *nl
  610. 'You wear your abandoned clothing and get rid of the hessian sack the hunters gave you.'
  611. if $forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods':
  612. act 'Continue': gt 'swamp_woods', 'start'
  613. else
  614. act 'Continue': gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  615. end
  616. end
  617. else
  618. act 'Pick up your abandoned clothing (0:05)':
  619. cla
  620. menu_off = 1
  621. minut += 5
  622. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 0
  623. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  624. gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', $forest_args1
  625. gs 'stat'
  626. *nl
  627. 'You pick up your abandoned clothing.'
  628. if $forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods':
  629. act 'Continue': gt 'swamp_woods', 'start'
  630. else
  631. act 'Continue': gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  632. end
  633. end
  634. end
  635. end
  636. end
  637. end
  638. ! this gs handles walking for Sveta in the various locations of the forest
  639. ! $forest_args1 - location of forest where this is called from
  640. ! Example: gs 'gadforest', 'walking'
  641. if $ARGS[0] = 'walking':
  642. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 22:
  643. ! Mira only goes to the forest edge
  644. if MiraLoc = 3 and $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge':
  645. act 'Go for a walk in the woods with Mira (1:00)':
  646. *clr & cla
  647. menu_off = 1
  648. minut += 60
  649. pcs_mood += 20
  650. pcs_health += healthmax/5
  651. gs 'gadforest', 'bushcraft', $forest_args1
  652. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  653. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand(1,5)
  654. gs 'exhibitionism', 3
  655. end
  656. gs 'stat'
  657. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  658. ! 10% chance of finding meadow (needed to advance Miras quest)
  659. if rand(0,9) = 0 and meadow = 0 and $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge':
  660. gt 'gadforest_event', 'find_meadow'
  661. else
  662. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miraforest'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  663. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miraforest_nude'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  664. *nl
  665. 'You spend an hour walking with Mira through the woods, chatting and enjoying the sounds of the forest and the fresh air.'
  666. end
  667. else
  668. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miraforestwinter.jpg"></center>'
  669. *nl
  670. 'You spend an hour walking with Mira through the snowy woods, chatting and enjoying the sounds of the forest and the fresh air.'
  671. end
  672. act 'Continue':gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  673. end
  674. else
  675. act 'Go for a walk in the woods (1:00)':
  676. *clr & cla
  677. menu_off = 1
  678. minut += 60
  679. pcs_mood += 20
  680. pcs_health += healthmax/5
  681. gs 'gadforest', 'bushcraft', $forest_args1
  682. if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand(1,5)
  683. gs 'stat'
  684. ! 10% chance of finding meadow (needed to advance Miras quest)
  685. if rand(0,9) = 0 and meadow = 0 and $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge':
  686. gt 'gadforest_event', 'find_meadow'
  687. else
  688. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  689. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and CloSkirtShortness = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest0.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  690. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and $pantyworntype ! 'none' and CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  691. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and $pantyworntype = 'none' and CloSkirtShortness > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest_tanga0.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  692. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest_nude0.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  693. *nl
  694. 'You spend an hour walking through the woods, enjoying the sounds of the forest and the fresh air.'
  695. else
  696. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforestwinter0.'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  697. *nl
  698. 'You spend an hour walking through the snowy woods, enjoying the sounds of the forest and the fresh air.'
  699. end
  700. if $forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods':
  701. act 'Continue': gt 'swamp_woods', 'start'
  702. else
  703. act 'Continue': gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  704. end
  705. end
  706. end
  707. end
  708. end
  709. end
  710. ! this gs handles mushroom and berry picking for Sveta in the various locations of the forest
  711. ! $forest_args1 - location of forest where this is called from
  712. ! Example: gs 'gadforest', 'picking'
  713. if $ARGS[0] = 'picking':
  714. if StoryLine = 1 or (StoryLine = 0 and mirapickingtalk = 1):
  715. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 22 and month >= 6 and month <= 9 and boletus + boletus_cooked + bilberry < 5:
  716. if ($forest_args1 = 'forest_edge' and edge_pickingday ! daystart) or ($forest_args1 = 'forest_outskirts' and outskirts_pickingday ! daystart) or ($forest_args1 = 'forest_center' and center_pickingday ! daystart) or ($forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods' and swamp_pickingday ! daystart):
  717. act 'Look for mushrooms and berries'+iif(MiraLoc = 3 and $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge', ' with Mira (0:30)',' (0:30)'):
  718. *clr & cla
  719. menu_off = 1
  720. if $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge':
  721. edge_pickingday = daystart
  722. mushroom_pickers_check = 1
  723. max_boletus = 1
  724. max_bilberry = 1
  725. elseif $forest_args1 = 'forest_outskirts':
  726. outskirts_pickingday = daystart
  727. mushroom_pickers_check = 2
  728. max_boletus = 2
  729. max_bilberry = 2
  730. elseif $forest_args1 = 'forest_center':
  731. center_pickingday = daystart
  732. mushroom_pickers_check = 3
  733. max_boletus = 3
  734. max_bilberry = 3
  735. elseif $forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods':
  736. swamp_pickingday = daystart
  737. mushroom_pickers_check = 4
  738. max_boletus = 4
  739. max_bilberry = 4
  740. end
  741. minut += 30
  742. new_boletus = 0
  743. new_bilberry = 0
  744. gs 'gadforest', 'bushcraft', $forest_args1
  745. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  746. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand(1,5)
  747. if MiraLoc = 3 and $forest_args1 = 'forest_edge': gs 'exhibitionism', 3
  748. end
  749. gs 'stat'
  750. ! mushroom_pickers are not at the location of the forest Sveta is in
  751. if mushroom_pickers ! mushroom_pickers_check:
  752. new_boletus += max_boletus
  753. new_bilberry += max_bilberry
  754. boletus += new_boletus
  755. bilberry += new_bilberry
  756. pcs_mood += 10
  757. gs 'stat'
  758. gs 'gadforest', 'picking_clothes', $forest_args1, 'berry'
  759. *nl
  760. 'After searching for mushrooms and berries for half an hour you found <<new_boletus>> kg of mushrooms and <<new_bilberry>> kg of berries.'
  761. ! mushroom pickers are at the location of the forest Sveta is in
  762. elseif mushroom_pickers = mushroom_pickers_check:
  763. new_boletus += rand(0,max_boletus)
  764. new_bilberry += rand(0,max_bilberry)
  765. boletus += new_boletus
  766. bilberry += new_bilberry
  767. gs 'stat'
  768. if new_boletus > 0 and new_bilberry > 0:
  769. pcs_mood += 10
  770. gs 'stat'
  771. gs 'gadforest', 'picking_clothes', $forest_args1, 'berry'
  772. *nl
  773. 'After searching for mushrooms and berries for half an hour you found <<new_boletus>> kg of mushrooms and <<new_bilberry>> kg of berries.'
  774. elseif new_boletus = 0 and new_bilberry > 0:
  775. pcs_mood += 5
  776. gs 'stat'
  777. gs 'gadforest', 'picking_clothes', $forest_args1, 'berry'
  778. *nl
  779. 'After searching for mushrooms and berries for half an hour you found <<new_bilberry>> kg of berries.'
  780. elseif new_boletus > 0 and new_bilberry = 0:
  781. pcs_mood += 5
  782. gs 'stat'
  783. gs 'gadforest', 'picking_clothes', $forest_args1, 'mushroom'
  784. *nl
  785. 'After searching for mushrooms and berries for half an hour you found <<new_boletus>> kg of mushrooms'
  786. elseif new_boletus = 0 and new_bilberry = 0:
  787. pcs_mood -= 5
  788. gs 'stat'
  789. gs 'gadforest', 'picking_clothes_empty', $forest_args1
  790. *nl
  791. 'After searching for mushrooms and berries for half an hour you found nothing.'
  792. end
  793. end
  794. if $forest_args1 = 'swamp_woods':
  795. act 'Continue': gt 'swamp_woods', 'start'
  796. else
  797. act 'Continue': gt 'gadforest', $forest_args1
  798. end
  799. end
  800. end
  801. end
  802. end
  803. end
  804. ! this gs handles images for mushroom and berry picking for Sveta in the various locations of the forest when she finds at least 1 kg of berries or mushrooms
  805. ! $ARGS[1] - location of forest where this is called from
  806. ! $ARGS[2] - whether you want images for mushrooms or berries
  807. ! Example: gs 'gadforest', 'picking_clothes', 'forest_edge', 'mushroom'
  808. if $ARGS[0] = 'picking_clothes':
  809. if $ARGS[2] = 'mushroom':
  810. if MiraLoc = 3 and $ARGS[1] = 'forest_edge':
  811. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miramushroom'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  812. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miramushroom_nude'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  813. else
  814. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/mushroom4.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  815. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and PCloSkirt = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/mushroom1.jpg"></center>'
  816. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $pantyworntype ! 'none' and PCloSkirt > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/mushroom2.jpg"></center>'
  817. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none' and PCloSkirt > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/mushroom3.jpg"></center>'
  818. end
  819. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'berry':
  820. if MiraLoc = 3 and $ARGS[1] = 'forest_edge':
  821. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miramushroom'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  822. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miramushroom_nude'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  823. else
  824. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/mushroom4.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  825. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and PCloSkirt = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/blueberry_picking_'+rand(3,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  826. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $pantyworntype ! 'none' and PCloSkirt > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/blueberry_picking_2.jpg"></center>'
  827. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none' and PCloSkirt > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/blueberry_picking_1.jpg"></center>'
  828. end
  829. end
  830. end
  831. ! this gs handles images for mushroom and berry picking for Sveta in the various locations of the forest when she finds 0 kg of berries or mushrooms
  832. ! $ARGS[1] - location of forest where this is called from
  833. ! Example: gs 'gadforest', 'picking_clothes_empty', 'forest_edge'
  834. if $ARGS[0] = 'picking_clothes_empty':
  835. if MiraLoc = 3 and $ARGS[1] = 'forest_edge':
  836. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miramushroom3.jpg"></center>'
  837. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miramushroom_nude3.jpg"></center>'
  838. else
  839. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and PCloSkirt = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest2.jpg"></center>'
  840. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $pantyworntype ! 'none' and PCloSkirt > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest3.jpg"></center>'
  841. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none' and PCloSkirt > 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest_tanga1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  842. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/gulforest_nude1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  843. end
  844. end
  845. --- gadforest ---------------------------------