father 22 KB

  1. # father
  2. fatherAge = age + 30
  3. gs 'stat'
  4. gs 'dinfather'
  5. gs 'fathersex'
  6. $metkaM = $ARGS[0]
  7. $locM = $CURLOC
  8. $location_type = 'event'
  9. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></b></center>'
  10. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg"></center>'
  11. 'Your stepfather is a greying, slightly flabby man working as a truck driver. He is <<fatherAge>> years old. Your mother divorced your biological father and married Vladimir when you were only one year old. You''ve never seen your biological father since their divorce, and as such you have no real memory of him.'
  12. dynamic $fatherRep
  13. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  14. !--------------------------------father comments on appearance changes------------------------------------------------
  15. ! hair color
  16. if hcolfronce = 0:
  17. hcolfatherremember = hcol
  18. hcolfronce = 1
  19. end
  20. if hcolfatherremember ! hcol:
  21. if hcol = nathcol:
  22. $texthcol = 'Or, rather, un-dyed your hair. So you decided to go back to your natural color?'
  23. elseif hcol = 0:
  24. $texthcol = 'So you decided to become a brunette?'
  25. elseif hcol = 1:
  26. $texthcol = 'So you decided to go with black hair?'
  27. elseif hcol = 2:
  28. $texthcol = 'So you decided to become a brazen redhead?'
  29. elseif hcol = 3:
  30. $texthcol = 'So you decided to become a blonde?'
  31. end
  32. 'Your stepfather looks at you for a second, noticing that something is different about you. His eyes widen as he notices your hair. "Oh <<$nickname>>, I see you dyed your hair! <<$texthcol>>" It looks good on you.'
  33. hcolfatherremember = hcol
  34. end
  35. ! tongue piercing
  36. if pirsA >= 1 and pirsAfather=0 and pirsadaytalk!daystart:
  37. pirseerand=rand(1,100)
  38. pirsadaytalk=daystart
  39. if pirseerand>=75:
  40. 'Your stepfather looks at your mouth funnily as you greet him. "<<$nickname>>, do you have something shiny in your mouth?"'
  41. act'"No"':
  42. cla
  43. 'You shake your head: "Umm, no! No I don''t!"'
  44. 'You quickly turn away before he can get a good look at your tongue piercing.'
  45. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  46. end
  47. act'"Yes, want to see?"':
  48. cls
  49. pirsAfather=1
  50. gs'stat'
  51. '<center><img src="images/body/pirsa.jpg" ></center>'
  52. 'You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, showing him your piercing.'
  53. if TouchedByFather=0:'Your stepfather shakes his head: "<<$nickname>>, tongue piercings are only for lewd women who use their mouth to please men."'
  54. if TouchedByFather>0:'Your stepfather grins: "Nice, I bet you could make someone feel really good with that..."'
  55. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  56. end
  57. exit
  58. end
  59. end
  60. ! lip piercing
  61. if pirsB = 1 and pirsBfather=0 and pirsbdaytalk!daystart:
  62. pirsadbytalk=daystart
  63. 'Your stepfather takes a long look at your mouth, specifically at your new piercing. He seems confused and asks: "Why did you get that?"'
  64. act '"Don''t you think it looks cute?"':
  65. cls
  66. pirsBfather=1
  67. gs'stat'
  68. '<center><img src="images/body/pirsb.jpg" ></center>'
  69. 'You shrug. "I don''t know... I just like the way lip rings look, so I got one. Don''t you think it looks cute?"'
  70. if TouchedByFather=0:
  71. 'Your stepfather shakes his head: "Kids these days, always adding new holes to themselves..."'
  72. end
  73. if TouchedByFather>0:
  74. 'Your stepfather grins: "I must admit, it does look sexy on you."'
  75. end
  76. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  77. end
  78. exit
  79. end
  80. ! earrings
  81. if pirsC = 1 and pirsCfather=0:
  82. pirsCfather=1
  83. 'Your stepfather looks at your ears, noting your earrings: "I see you got your ears pierced? Your earrings are very cute."'
  84. end
  85. ! nose ring
  86. if pirsD = 1 and pirsDfather=0:
  87. pirsDfather=1
  88. 'Your stepfather looks a bit shocked at your nose ring: "Jesus, <<$nickname>>, what is- why?! I understand putting a ring in a bull''s nose to lead them by, but on a person? There''s no reason to do that!"'
  89. end
  90. ! eyebrow piercing
  91. if pirsE = 1 and pirsEfather=0:
  92. pirsEfather=1
  93. 'Your stepfather looks surprised when he sees your eyebrow piercing: "<<$nickname>>, why would you want that thing in your eyebrow?" He shakes his head in exasperation. "Kids these days..."'
  94. end
  95. ! lip tattoo
  96. if tatlip>0 and fatherTatLip=0 and father>=60:
  97. act 'Show him your lip tattoo':
  98. cls
  99. fatherTatLip=1
  100. minut+=1
  101. gs'stat'
  102. '<center><img src="images/body/tatlip<<tatlip>>.jpg" ></center>'
  103. if tatlip = 2: $textFatherTatLip = 'A tattoo on the inside of your lip?! That must''ve hurt like hell... it is cute, though.'
  104. if tatlip ! 2: $textFatherTatLip = 'That''s crazy! Why would you get something like that written on you, much less there?! No one would even think of doing that when I was your age.'
  105. 'You pull your lip down, showing your stepfather the tattoo on the inside of your lip. Your stepfather looks surprised: "<<$textFatherTatLip>>"'
  106. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  107. end
  108. end
  109. if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and pregTalkFather = 0 and pregtime > 90:
  110. 'Your stepfather looks at your belly with a surprised look on his face: "<<$name>>, you''re pregnant?"'
  111. if hadsexwithfather=1:
  112. 'You see him hesitate for a second, as if weighing whether he should say something or not. He finally does: "It''s not mine, I hope?"'
  113. end
  114. pregTalkFather = 1
  115. elseif $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and pregTalkFather = 0 and pregtime > 150:
  116. 'Your stepfather looks at your belly with a surprised look on his face: "<<$name>>, you''re pregnant?"'
  117. if hadsexwithfather=1:
  118. 'You see him hesitate for a second, as if weighing whether he should say something or not. He finally does: "It''s not mine, I hope?"'
  119. end
  120. pregTalkFather = 1
  121. end
  122. !!----------------------------------------end reaction block---------------------------------------------
  123. if week < 6:
  124. if father_go = 0 and hour >= 21:
  125. '"Alright <<$nickname>>. It''s getting late, I need to get to bed. See you tomorrow."'
  126. cla
  127. act '<B>Continue</B>':gt $loc, $metka
  128. exit
  129. end
  130. end
  131. if week >= 6:
  132. if father_go = 0 and hour >= 21:
  133. '"Alright <<$nickname>>. It''s getting late, I need to get to bed. See you tomorrow."'
  134. cla
  135. act '<B>Continue</B>':gt $loc, $metka
  136. exit
  137. elseif father_go = 1 and hour >= 16:
  138. 'Sorry <<$nickname>>, I have to go to the garage.'
  139. cla
  140. act '<B>Continue</B>':gt $loc, $metka
  141. exit
  142. end
  143. end
  144. act 'Chat':
  145. cls
  146. minut+=rand(10,15)
  147. father+=1
  148. gs 'stat'
  149. '<center><B><font color=maroon>Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></B></center>'
  150. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg"></center>'
  151. 'Your stepfather sits on the couch in the living room, he is watching TV. You decide to join for a while and sit down next to him.'
  152. dynamic $fatherRep
  153. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  154. if father<20:
  155. dynamic $d_father[1]
  156. exit
  157. elseif father>=20 and father<40:
  158. dynamic $d_father[2]
  159. exit
  160. elseif father >=40:
  161. if vnesh<=60:
  162. dynamic $d_father[3]
  163. exit
  164. end
  165. if vnesh>60:
  166. dynamic $d_father[4]
  167. exit
  168. end
  169. end
  170. end
  171. act 'Ask for money':
  172. cls
  173. minut += 5
  174. gs 'stat'
  175. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></b></center>'
  176. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg"></center>'
  177. 'Your stepfather is sitting on the couch, watching some boring TV show. You sit down next to him.'
  178. dynamic $fatherRep
  179. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  180. if fatherPayDay = daystart:
  181. 'Trying your cutest face on your stepfather, you ask him for some money. He just shook his head wearily: "No, <<$nickname>>. I''ve already given you some money today, don''t be greedy."'
  182. else
  183. if father<=40 and TouchedByFather=0 or vnesh<=60 and TouchedByFather=0:
  184. 'You ask your stepfather for some money, but he shakes his head in response: "I already gave my salary to your mother, go ask her."'
  185. else
  186. 'You ask your stepfather for some money, but he shakes his head in response: "I already gave my salary to your mother, go ask her."'
  187. if father>=40 and father<60 and fatherPayDay ! daystart:FatherMolest = RAND (1,4)
  188. if father>=60 and father<80 and fatherPayDay ! daystart:FatherMolest = RAND (1,2)
  189. if father>=80 and fatherPayDay ! daystart:FatherMolest = 1
  190. if FatherMolest=1:
  191. 'While you''re talking with him, you notice your stepfather is in a good mood today. Perhaps you can persuade him...'
  192. act '"Oh please?"':
  193. cla
  194. minut+=5
  195. gs 'stat'
  196. horny+=RAND(1,5)
  197. '"Oh come on, please Daddy?" you beg him, batting your eyelids and trying to look as cute as possible.'
  198. if vnesh >= 200:
  199. fatherLust = 1
  200. elseif vnesh >= 120:
  201. fatherLust = Rand (1,2)
  202. elseif vnesh >= 60:
  203. fatherLust = Rand (1,4)
  204. else
  205. fatherLust = 2
  206. end
  207. if fatherLust >= 2:
  208. '"Sorry <<$nickname>>, like I said, I have no money. Go ask your mother."'
  209. else
  210. money+=rand(200,300)
  211. fatherPayDay = daystart
  212. gs 'stat'
  213. '"Oh, alright then. Just don''t tell your mother!" he says in a tired voice, keeping his eyes on the doorway as he gives you the money. You act genuinely happy as you take the money from him, giving him a kiss on the cheek as you go.'
  214. end
  215. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  216. end
  217. if hadsexwithfather=1:
  218. act 'Blackmail him':
  219. cla
  220. minut+=5
  221. money+=rand(300,500)
  222. fatherPayDay = daystart
  223. gs 'stat'
  224. '"Aren''t you forgetting something?" you say in a serious voice, referring to your recent intimate moments with him.'
  225. 'Your stepfather is clearly embarrassed by this, and surprised at you for bringing it up. He clears his throat loudly, and the following silence makes you feel slightly uncomfortable. Nevertheless, he reaches for his wallet.'
  226. '"Here you go, you leech! You know you shouldn''t be taking advantage of me like that! Here, take your money and get out of here. Just keep your mouth shut!" You nod and pocket the money, feeling slightly worse for blackmailing him for it.'
  227. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  228. end
  229. end
  230. end
  231. if FatherMolest>1:
  232. '"<<$nickname>>, I already said no."'
  233. end
  234. end
  235. end
  236. end
  237. act 'Ask about him and your mother':
  238. cls
  239. minut += 5
  240. gs 'stat'
  241. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></b></center>'
  242. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg"></center>'
  243. 'You ask your stepfather how he met your mother. Your stepfather scratches his slightly balding head and replies: "I used to work as a taxi driver back then, drove your mother to places from time to time and we got along very well. Natasha is a strong and independant woman, raising you and Anya all by herself after she left your father. I didn''t know him very well, I''ve only met him a couple of times. All I know is that his name is Mikhail Kuznetsov, and that he moved to a different city soon after he and your mother divorced."'
  244. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  245. end
  246. act 'Ask about his work':
  247. cls
  248. minut += 5
  249. gs 'stat'
  250. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></b></center>'
  251. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg"></center>'
  252. 'You ask your stepfather about his work. Your stepfather reaches for his aching joints, with a grimace on his face. "I used to be a taxi driver. It was hard work though, often working many hours a day, and it could be dangerous too. With some money we saved up I bought a Gazelle pickup truck, and now I drive that selling goods and making deliveries. As you know I have two garages; one for our Volga, and the other one for the Gazelle."'
  253. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  254. end
  255. if motherKnowSpravka = 1 and hadsexwithfather=0:
  256. cla
  257. father = 0
  258. motherKnowSpravka = 2
  259. 'Your stepfather angrily walked up to you: "Damnit <<$name>>, your mother told me you''re sexually active already! You''re still so young! I know I can''t stop you, but at least have some decency and don''t bring them to our house." His facial expression then softens, and he adds in a milder voice: "And please... be careful, okay?" You can tell your stepfather is very disappointed in you.'
  260. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  261. exit
  262. end
  263. if alko > 0 and alkoday ! daystart:
  264. alkoday = daystart
  265. father -= 1
  266. 'Your stepfather notices the sharp smell of booze on you and looks disappointed. "<<$name>>, you smell like alcohol, what are you getting yourself into? You''re too young to drink that!"'
  267. end
  268. if TorgVokzalTimes>0 and YouCanGar=0:
  269. act 'Ask him permission to store things in his garage':
  270. cls
  271. minut+=5
  272. gs'stat'
  273. '<center><B><font color=maroon>Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></B></center>'
  274. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg" ></center>'
  275. 'You ask your stepfather if it is okay for you to store some things in his garage.'
  276. if father+dom>=80 or TouchedByFather=1:
  277. YouCanGar=1
  278. 'Your stepfather reluctantly agrees to let you store some things in his garage. You can hide some of your trinkets there now.'
  279. else
  280. 'Your stepfather shook his head and said "Sorry <<$nickname>>. The garage already has more stuff in it than I would like, there''s simply no room."'
  281. end
  282. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  283. end
  284. end
  285. act 'Ask him what he thinks of your outfit':
  286. cls
  287. minut+=rand(10,15)
  288. gs 'stat'
  289. '<center><B><font color=maroon>Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></B></center>'
  290. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg"></center>'
  291. 'Your stepfather is sitting on the couch, watching TV. You sat next to him on the sofa.'
  292. dynamic $fatherRep
  293. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  294. ''
  295. if father<=40 or vnesh<=60:
  296. 'You ask your stepfather what he thinks of your outfit. It looks like he''s not in the mood to indulge you, and impatiently waves you away with his hand: "Don''t bother me <<$nickname>>, I''m busy.'
  297. else
  298. 'You move slightly closer towards your stepfather, flirtatiously smile at him and ask him what he thinks of your outfit.'
  299. dynamic $din_father_hapri
  300. if father>=40 and father<60:FatherMolest = RAND (1,8)
  301. if father>=60 and father<80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,4)
  302. if father>=80:FatherMolest = RAND (1,2)
  303. if FatherMolest=1:
  304. horny+=RAND(1,5)
  305. gs 'stat'
  306. 'He seems happy to oblige, and asks you to twirl your body so he can look at your outfit from all angles. The approving nod and hungry look in his eyes that follow, show that he would like to do more than just watch.'
  307. if horny>=50 or TouchedByFather=1:
  308. dynamic $din_vertetzopa
  309. if fatherLust=1:'"Even though he did not expect this from you, you can tell by the spark in his eyes and his heavier breathing that he is, at least, pleasantly surprised by your request.'
  310. end
  311. if horny>=90 or TouchedByFather=1:
  312. dynamic $din_popravit
  313. dynamic $din_potr
  314. end
  315. end
  316. if FatherMolest>1:
  317. 'You twirl on the spot, showing off your outfit from all sides.'
  318. cla
  319. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  320. end
  321. end
  322. end
  323. act 'Watch TV together':
  324. cls
  325. minut+=60
  326. willpower+=RAND(5,10)
  327. manna+=RAND(10,50)
  328. gs 'stat'
  329. '<center><B><font color=maroon>Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></B></center>'
  330. '<center><img src="images/pics/telek.jpg"></center>'
  331. dynamic $fatherRep
  332. act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
  333. if father<20:
  334. dynamic $d_watchtv[1]
  335. exit
  336. elseif father>=20 and father<40:
  337. dynamic $d_watchtv[2]
  338. exit
  339. elseif father >=40:
  340. if vnesh<=60:
  341. dynamic $d_watchtv[3]
  342. exit
  343. end
  344. if vnesh>60:
  345. dynamic $d_watchtv[4]
  346. exit
  347. end
  348. end
  349. end
  350. if mother_go = 1 and hour = 16 and TouchedByFather = 1 and horny >= 50 or hadsexwithfather=1 and mother_go = 1 and hour = 16:
  351. act 'Seduce him':
  352. if father<20:
  353. 'Your stepfather seems to misunderstand your advances.'
  354. dynamic $d_father[1]
  355. exit
  356. elseif father>=20 and father<40:
  357. 'Your stepfather seems to misunderstand your advances.'
  358. dynamic $d_father[2]
  359. exit
  360. elseif father >=40:
  361. if vnesh<=60:
  362. 'Your stepfather clears his throat and changes the subject.'
  363. dynamic $d_father[3]
  364. exit
  365. end
  366. if vnesh>60:
  367. dynamic $d_fathersex[1]
  368. exit
  369. end
  370. end
  371. end
  372. end
  373. ! WD: Fix old nude variable
  374. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  375. if tatvag>0 and Putsawtatvag=0 and tanga=0:
  376. if father>=70:
  377. 'With your naked body on display, your pubic tattoo catches your stepfather''s eye. "Wow, that is one hard to miss tattoo. Obviously you didn''t get that one just for yourself", he says as he moves towards you and has a closer look.'
  378. father += 1
  379. Putsawtatvag=1
  380. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  381. exit
  382. else
  383. '"Damn tattoo, I can''t believe you would soil your body like that." Your stepfather obviously doesn''t like the tattoo you have in your pubic area. '
  384. father -= 1
  385. Putsawtatvag=1
  386. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  387. exit
  388. end
  389. end
  390. if pirsF>0 and PutsawpirsF=0:
  391. if hadsexwithfather ! 1:
  392. if father>=60:
  393. '"Hey, those look nice on you!" your stepfather says, nodding at your nipple piercings. He seems to like them.'
  394. father += 3
  395. PutsawpirsF=1
  396. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  397. exit
  398. else
  399. '"Why would you do that... you should probably take those out", your stepfather says as he shakes his head, pointing at the piercings in your nipples.'
  400. father -= 1
  401. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  402. exit
  403. end
  404. else
  405. if hour >= 18 and hour < 21:
  406. '"Hey, those look nice on you!" your stepfather says, nodding at your nipple piercings. He seems to like them.'
  407. father += 3
  408. PutsawpirsF=1
  409. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  410. exit
  411. else
  412. '"Wow, those are sexy!" your stepfather says, as he reaches out and touches your nipple piercings. You can''t help but let out an involuntary groan. He admires them for a moment, rubbing his fingers on your nipples and lightly tugging at them before he lets you go.'
  413. father += 3
  414. PutsawpirsF=1
  415. horny+=10
  416. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  417. exit
  418. end
  419. end
  420. end
  421. 'Your stepfather stares at your naked body, you can''t help but notice the admiring look on his face mixed with the torment of him knowing that he should know better. "<<$nickname>>, have you no shame? You shouldn''t be flaunting your naked body like that, you have no idea what kind of effect it has on men!"'
  422. if hadsexwithfather ! 1:
  423. if father>=40:
  424. 'He reluctantly turned his face away from you, and added: "Your body does look fantastic... but you really should go put some clothes on, your mother is around the house somewhere. Who knows what she''ll do when she sees you walking around like this!"'
  425. father += 1
  426. act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
  427. exit
  428. else
  429. 'He decisively turns his face away from you, avoiding the looks of your naked body. "Don''t be such a whore <<$name>>, go put some clothes on right now."'
  430. father -= 1
  431. act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
  432. exit
  433. end
  434. else
  435. if mother_go = 0:$mother_go_text = '"You really should go put some clothes on though, your mother is home."'
  436. 'His eyes never stop looking at your naked body, you can tell he''s very much impressed by your beauty as you walk around the room.<<$mother_go_text>>"'
  437. if mother_go = 0:
  438. act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
  439. exit
  440. end
  441. end
  442. end
  443. if hadsexwithfather =1 and pirsG=1 and PutsawpirsG=0 and (hour <= 18 or hour > 21):
  444. act 'Show off your labia piercing':
  445. cls
  446. gs'stat'
  447. minut+=5
  448. horny+=15
  449. PutsawpirsG=1
  450. if lobok > 2:
  451. '<center><img src="images/picb/pirsglob.jpg" ></center>'
  452. 'Moving closer to your stepfather, you tease him by showing him your somewhat hairy pussy. He doesn''t know you have a piercing in your labia yet, and you plan on showing it off today. As you absently rub your fingers through your bush, the glint of metal catches his eye and he pushes your hand away before you get a chance to tell him about it. "Well well, what do we have here?" he mutters, gently rubbing his fingers over the shiny new piercing. "<<$nickname>>, you are such a horny devil... I love it, we''re going to have a lot of fun with this." He spends the next few minutes rubbing and tugging on your new piercing, making lewd comments the whole time. After that he reluctantly lets you go, leaving you hornier than before.'
  453. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  454. else
  455. '<center><img src="images/picb/pirsg.jpg" ></center>'
  456. 'Moving closer to your stepfather, you tease him by showing him your smooth pussy. He doesn''t know you have a piercing in your labia yet, and you plan on showing it off today. As you absently rub your fingers over your labia, the glint of metal catches his eye and he pushes your hand away before you get a chance to tell him about it. "Well well, what do we have here?" he mutters, gently rubbing his fingers over the shiny new piercing. "<<$nickname>>, you are such a horny devil... I love it, we''re going to have a lot of fun with this." He spends the next few minutes rubbing and tugging on your new piercing, making lewd comments the whole time. After that he reluctantly lets you go, leaving you hornier than before.'
  457. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  458. end
  459. end
  460. end
  461. if hadsexwithfather=1:fatherwantssex=rand(1,2)
  462. ! WD: Fix old nude variable
  463. ! if nude = 1:
  464. if $clothingworntype = 'nude': fatherwantssex=1
  465. if hadsexwithfather=1 and fatherwantssex=1 and mother_go = 1 and hour = 16 and father>60:
  466. cls
  467. gs 'stat'
  468. '<center><B><font color=maroon>Your stepfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin</font></B></center>'
  469. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/father.jpg"></center>'
  470. ! WD: Fix old nude variable
  471. if $clothingworntype = 'nude': 'You give your stepfather a lewd smile. "I figured my clothes would only get in the way Daddy, so I took them off for you."'
  472. 'Knowing words are not neccessary, your stepfather simply unbuttons his pants revealing his stiff cock: "<<$nickname>>, help your old man out will you?"'
  473. act 'Change your mind and leave':gt $loc, $metka
  474. act 'Get down on your knees':dynamic $d_fatherblow_act[4]
  475. end
  476. $fatherRep = {
  477. if father<20:'You and your stepfather can''t stand each other, and spend as little time in the same room as possible.'
  478. if father>=20 and father<40:'You and your stepfather don''t get along very well.'
  479. if father>=40 and father<60:'You have a normal relationship with your stepfather.'
  480. if father>=60 and father<80:'You have a good relationship with your stepfather.'
  481. if father>=80:'You have a great relationship with your stepfather.'
  482. ''
  483. }
  484. --- father ---------------------------------