# In repository we don't need to have: # Compiled object files *.o # Generated MOC, resource and UI files moc_*.cpp qrc_*.cpp ui_*.h Makefile Makefile.* *.pro.user # .log files (usually created by QtTest - thanks to VestniK) *.log # Built windows .exe and linux binaries # NOTE: PROJECT is a your project's name, analog of PROJECT.exe in Linux *.exe *.dll # Windows-specific files Thumbs.db desktop.ini # Mac-specific things (thanks to Michael Aaron Safyan) .DS_Store # Editors temporary files *~ *.bak # Failed patch *.orig *.rej #Carbide project files *.project *.cproject *.settings plugin_commonU.def #Visual Studio files *.sln *.vcproj *.suo *.ncb *.user #from qt git *.dylib *.so.* *.so *.so.debug .cd.rc *.swp core *.Debug *.Release *.pdb *.idb *.ib_pdb_index config.pri config.in .qmake.cache