.gitignore 811 B

  1. # In repository we don't need to have:
  2. # Compiled object files
  3. *.o
  4. # Generated MOC, resource and UI files
  5. moc_*.cpp
  6. qrc_*.cpp
  7. ui_*.h
  8. Makefile
  9. Makefile.*
  10. *.pro.user
  11. # .log files (usually created by QtTest - thanks to VestniK)
  12. *.log
  13. # Built windows .exe and linux binaries
  14. # NOTE: PROJECT is a your project's name, analog of PROJECT.exe in Linux
  15. *.exe
  16. *.dll
  17. # Windows-specific files
  18. Thumbs.db
  19. desktop.ini
  20. # Mac-specific things (thanks to Michael Aaron Safyan)
  21. .DS_Store
  22. # Editors temporary files
  23. *~
  24. *.bak
  25. # Failed patch
  26. *.orig
  27. *.rej
  28. #Carbide project files
  29. *.project
  30. *.cproject
  31. *.settings
  32. plugin_commonU.def
  33. #Visual Studio files
  34. *.sln
  35. *.vcproj
  36. *.suo
  37. *.ncb
  38. *.user
  39. #from qt git
  40. *.dylib
  41. *.so.*
  42. *.so
  43. *.so.debug
  44. .cd.rc
  45. *.swp
  46. core
  47. *.Debug
  48. *.Release
  49. *.pdb
  50. *.idb
  51. *.ib_pdb_index
  52. config.pri
  53. config.in
  54. .qmake.cache