# carF $enddrive = { if cardrive = 1:gt 'street' if cardrive = 2:gt 'down' if cardrive = 3:gt 'Nord' if cardrive = 4:gt 'lake', 'start' if cardrive = 5:gt 'park', 'start' if cardrive = 6:gt 'zaprF', 'start' if cardrive = 7:gt 'autoservisF', 'start' if cardrive = 8:gt 'autosalonF', 'start' if cardrive = 9:gt 'autotraidF', 'start' if cardrive = 10:gt 'park', 'whore' if cardrive = 11:gt 'sauna' if cardrive = 12:gt 'obekt' if cardrive = 13:gt 'dachi' if cardrive = 18:gt 'youplace' if cardrive = 19:gt'vokzal' if cardrive = 20:gt 'pavResidential' if cardrive = 21:gt'zaprF','start' if cardrive = 22:gt'road' if cardrive = 23:gt'Gaddvor' if cardrive = 24:gt'pavCommercial' } if $ARGS[0] = 'start': $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC CLOSE ALL cla clr *clr minut += 1 gs 'stat' fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) '
' '
' act 'Move away from the machine':dynamic $enddrive if kanistra > 0: 'In the trunk <> pc. five-liter jerry cans of gasoline.' if benz <= 35: act 'Pour canister into the tank': cla benz += 5 kanistra -= 1 'You filled canister of gasoline in the tank.' act 'Move away':gt 'carF', 'start' end end end act 'Get in the car':gt 'carF', 'salon' end if $ARGS[0] = 'salon': $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC cla clr *clr minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' '
' 'Gasoline - <> liters, fuel tank capacity of 40 liters.' if teh <= 0:teh = 0 & wrek = 1 if teh <= 0 or wrek = 1:$teh = 'Car will not start, it needs repairs.' if teh >= tehcar * 75 / 100 and wrek = 0:$teh = 'Machine in excellent condition.' if teh < tehcar * 75 / 100 and teh >= tehcar * 50 / 100 and wrek = 0:$teh = 'When moving the machine you have any noises' if teh < tehcar * 50 / 100 and teh >= tehcar * 25 / 100 and wrek = 0:$teh = 'Car crash and barely rides.' if teh < tehcar * 25 / 100 and wrek = 0:$teh = 'As this bowl can still go, is a mystery even to the designers.' '<<$teh>>' if cardrive = 1:'Through the windshield you see the residential area.' if cardrive = 2:'Through the windshield you see downtown.' if cardrive = 3:'Through the windshield you see the northern region.' if cardrive = 4:'Through the windshield you see the lake.' if cardrive = 12:'Through the windshield you see a construction site.' if cardrive = 5:'Through the windshield, you can see the park.' if cardrive = 19:'Through the windshield you see Station.' if cardrive = 23:'Through the windshield you see huts of the village Gadyukino.' if cardrive = 24:'Through the windshield, you can see the Old Town.' if prava = 0:'You have no rights.' act 'Out of the car':dynamic $enddrive if benz > 0 and wrek = 0 and prava > 0: if teh >= tehcar * 75 / 100 and wrek = 0: wrekrand = rand(0, 1000) if wrekrand = 1000:wrek = 1 elseif teh < tehcar * 75 / 100 and teh >= tehcar * 50/100 and wrek = 0: wrekrand = rand(0, 100) if wrekrand = 100:wrek = 1 elseif teh < tehcar * 50 / 100 and teh >= tehcar * 25 / 100 and wrek = 0: wrekrand = rand(0, 100) if wrekrand >= 80:wrek = 1 elseif teh < tehcar * 25 / 100 and wrek = 0: wrekrand = rand(0, 100) if wrekrand >= 40:wrek = 1 elseif wrek = 1: 'Something clattered loudly and the engine stalled.' act 'Fuck':gt 'carF', 'salon' end if alko > 0: dpsrand = rand(0, 100) if dpsrand <= alko: 'Policeman stops you, he looks at your condition and requests to breath into a tube. You breathe and instrument panel lights red lamochka.' 'Traffic police snorts and writes something in his cell, and then shows you. There is written sms with the number 50000' 'Or let''s make the report. Now operates divestment forever for driving not sober.' if money >= 50000: act 'Give a bribe (50,000 )': cla money = money - 50000 'You pay and the policeman warns you that you will not be riding in this state.' act 'In the salon':gt 'carF', 'salon' end end act 'Come on, all under the law': cla prava = 0 'Disempower you, not for driving sober.' act 'In the salon':gt 'carF', 'salon' end exit end elseif alko >= 10: avarand = rand(0, 100) if avarand >= 50: teh /= 2 wrek = 1 'You with a drunk crashed into a tree, breaking the car into pieces.' act 'In the salon':gt 'carF', 'salon' exit end end if wrek = 0: if cardrive >= 20: if cardrive ! 3: act 'Go to town': cla minut += 75 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(3, 6) cardrive = 3 'You are more than an hour drive on the highway that would get here before the city.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 21: act 'Go to the gas station': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 21 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end end if placeMansion > 0 and cardrive ! 18: act 'Go to your site': cla if cardrive >= 20: minut += 60 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 18 else minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 18 end 'You drive to the town.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 1 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the residential area': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 1 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 2 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to city center': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 2 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 3 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the northern area': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 3 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 19 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the station': cla minut = minut + 15 benz = benz - 1 teh = teh - RAND(1,3) cardrive = 19 'For you 15 minutes, get to your destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 4 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the lake': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 4 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 5 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the park': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 5 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 6 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the gas station': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 6 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 7 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the car wash': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 7 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 8 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to a car dealership': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 8 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 9 and cardrive < 20: act 'Go to the car market': cla minut += 15 benz -= 1 teh -= rand(1, 3) cardrive = 9 'You get 15 minutes to the destination.' dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 12: act 'Go to the construction site': cla if cardrive < 20: minut += 60 'You get an hour to your destination.' else minut += 15 'For you 15 minutes, get to your destination.' end benz -= 1 teh -= rand(2, 5) cardrive = 12 dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 13: act 'Go to the Suburban Cooperative': cla if cardrive >= 20: minut += 60 'It takes an hour to get to your destination.' else minut += 15 '15 minutes later, you arrive at your destination.' end benz -= 1 teh -= rand(2, 5) cardrive = 13 dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 20: act 'Go to pavResidential': cla benz -= 1 teh -= rand(3, 6) cardrive = 20 if cardrive < 20: minut += 75 'You spend more than an hour on the highway going to Pavlovsk.' else minut += 15 '15 minutes later, you reach your destination.' end dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 23: act 'To go to the countryside Gadyukino': cla benz = benz - 1 teh = teh - RAND(3,6) cardrive = 23 if cardrive < 20: minut += 75 'You eat more than an hour on the highway in Pavlovsk.' else minut += 15 'For you 15 minutes, get to your destination.' end dynamic $enddrive end end if cardrive ! 24: act 'Go to pavCommercial': cla benz -= 1 teh -= rand(3, 6) cardrive = 24 if cardrive < 20: minut += 75 'You spend more than an hour on the highway going to Pavlovsk.' else minut += 15 '15 minutes later, you reach your destination.' end dynamic $enddrive end end act 'Go around the track (1:00)': cla 'You go on the road.' numberRoad = input("In which city will stop (from 0 to 20)") if numberRoad >= 0 and numberRoad <= 20: cardrive = 22 nroad = numberRoad ncarroad = numberRoad end xgt 'carF', 'salon' end act 'To drive on the track (1:00)': cla minut += 60 benz -= 4 teh -= rand(2, 6) manna += 20 wipo += 10 'You go to the track and having fun Likhachev, then turn back.' act 'Finish':xgt 'carF', 'salon' end end end end --- carF ---------------------------------