# lesbidomhouse if $ARGS[0] = '': cls minut += 5 gs'stat' temp = RAND(0,2) if temp = 0: 'You ring the doorbell and no one answers, you ring it again, still no response.' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif temp > 0: 'You ring the doorbell several times. Finally the door opens.' if lesbiQW > 1:gt'lesbidomhouse','ev1' act 'Greet': cla *clr lesbiQW = 2 minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' 'You are nervous and you want to leave, but the desire to learn about controling girls over comes your fears.' 'Slowly, you enter the house.' '"Hello, it''s <<$name>>"' '"Ah, it''s you," the lady says dismissively. "Come."' act 'Go': cla *clr minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' 'You look around the apartment and it is very clean, but it doesn''t feel comfortable.' '"It''s not the most cozy of appartments." you say, and you''re immediately met with silence and a cold stare.' 'You become very uncomfortable.' '"Sorry."' '"Indeed. You have to get used to this situation. After all, even the smallest of things, like the right choice of word need to be right, to make a girl feel uncomfortable, weak, defenseless."' '"OK, I''ll remember that. I never asked your name."' '"Call me, Mistress."' act 'Agree': cla *clr subdom = 1 minut = 1 sub += 5 horny += 30 gs'stat' '
' 'You think she wants to make you a slave, not teach you. But you don''t say anything.' '"OK, Mistress, when do we start my training?"' '"The first thing is not to hurry. You should get to known the victim well. For example, begin with having a drink, get to know them and earn their trust."' '"To start with, you be the subject on and I''ll show you all my tricks."' 'You agree, and she leads you into another room where there is already drinks and snacks laid out.' act 'Drink': cla *clr minut += 35 horny += 20 alko += 6 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'You started drinking and soon your nerves and uncertainty disappear and you begin to tell Mistress about your adventures.' 'How many you guys you''ve had, many times you''ve had anal, all kinds of details.' 'You yourself have not noticed, in front of you sits an empty bottle, which, as it turned out, you drank, and the woman has not even finished her first glass. She then rudely forced you out of the door, saying, that will be waiting for you the next time...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end if dom > 0: act 'Object': cla *clr subdom = 2 minut += 5 dom += 5 horny += 30 gs'stat' '
' 'This isn''t what you came here for, you wanted to learn how to control other women, not be controlled. Your anger builds from your chest and in a flash your hand is firmly clasped the woman`s throat.' 'She gasps for breath and weakly tries to escape, but you hold her firm and explain to her, "You picked the wrong woman, I should make you my slave."' 'To your surprise, she immediately nods dutifully and you get the impression that this is not just an idle threat, but exactly what she wants.' 'Contemptuously and with authority, you slowly let go of her and advise hr to carefully consider her position when next you visit...' act 'Leave':gt'street' end end end end act 'Escape':gt'street' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ev1': if lesbiQW = 2: cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 10 gs'stat' '
' 'As soon as you enter the apartment, the mistress tells you to undress in a cold and authoritative voice.' act 'Undress': cla *clr lesbiQW = 3 minut += 30 horny += 20 sub += 2 gs'stat' '
' 'Overcoming the awkwardness and embarrassment, you slowly undress and following the instructions and observing the actions of Mistress, you get your hands behind your head, listening her lecture you about "submissive poses".' if analplugin = 1:'Seeing your ass plug, she suddenly starts laughing and giving it a little poke and twist, she says that you are on the right track.' 'The woman spends some time, touching and feeling you up. She explains you how to behave in the presence of a dom, then loudly slaps you on the butt and tells you to get out.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end if sub < 30: act 'Rebel': cla *clr minut += 10 horny -= 20 gs'stat' '
' 'You object to such impudence and blushing you demonstratively refuse to comply with such a humiliating request.' 'Mistress weary sighs and quickly moves toward you, she firmly grabs you by the chin, then slaps your cheeks a couple of times very hard, before reciting the rules to you the moral.' act 'Endure': cla *clr minut += 30 horny -= 20 sub += 3 gs'stat' '
' 'After ten minutes she physically forces you to strip and stands you up against the wall, then bring the rod and standing it next to you, she explains, the next time you disobedience will not be punished by words alone.' 'She leaves you stand against the wall for half an hour feeling humiliated, as she sits nearby drinking coffee and leafing through a magazine, before she orders you to quickly dress and leave.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end end if lesbiQW = 3: cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 20 gs'stat' '
' '"Oh, my slave." Mistress says with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, you have learned the previous lesson. Now, take off your clothes and get on your hands and knees! You can leave your underwear on, I`m in good mood today..."' act 'Obey': cla *clr minut += 30 horny += 30 sub += 2 lesbiQW = 4 gs'stat' '
' 'You obediently takes off her clothes and awkwardly staring at the floor, go down on all fours in front of her. Hostess chuckles appreciatively, then I put a collar on you and the next half hour walking around the house with you, explaining, how to behave, when you put the collar and begin to walk...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end if sub < 25: act 'Rebel': cla *clr minut += 10 horny -= 10 gs'stat' '
' 'You look at Mistress defiantly, and stubbornly refuse to fulfill her humiliating demands. Mistress just stares at you, the silence is deafening, then slowly a sinister smile form on her lips, as you remember her promise. She grabs you by the hair, rips off your clothes and throws you on the sofa.' act 'Wait': cla *clr minut += 30 horny = 0 sub += 3 spank += 1 sweat += 1 spanked = 3 spankedtime = totminut gs'stat' '
' 'Suddenly, you feel a sharp burning pain across your buttocks and you jump sharply from the couch, but Mistress immediately throws you back, then tells you to stand with your hands on the sofa, presenting your ass for your deserved punishment. Realising you have no choice, you take the position and recieve a couple of dozen small blows before Mistress allows you to get dressed and go.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end end if lesbiQW = 4: cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 10 gs'stat' '
' 'Mistress steps back and gives you an appraising look from head to toe, then, as usual orders you to undress and show her your pussy.' act 'Submit': cla *clr lesbiQW = 5 minut += 5 horny += 20 gs'stat' '
' 'You dutifully take off your clothes and with a slight pause, sit down on the nearest chair and with your fingers, stretch your pussy lips wide. Mistress crouches in front of your crotch, she spends a couple of seconds observing before saying with satisfation.' '"Wonderful, very fuckable!' 'You blush at these words, but Mistress just grabs you by the hair and drags you from the sofa.' act 'Crawl behind her': cla *clr minut += 60 horny += 20 sweat += 1 sub += 3 gs'stat' '
' 'You on all fours, your head sore from your hair being pulled, crawling behind Mistress, she turns around and deftly ties your arms and legs telling you you need to be familiar with ropes. For the next hour, you are used by Mistress as a footstall, as she reads fashion magazines.' act 'Leave':gt'street' end end if sub < 20: act 'Shake your head stubbornly': cla *clr minut += 20 horny = 0 spank += 1 spanked = 2 spankedtime = totminut sweat += 1 sub += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'You shake your head not wanting to obey, Mistress, loudly swearing, grabs you roughly by your hair and throws you across her knee, she uses a comb to relentlessly beat your ass, ignoring your screams.' act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 10 sweat += 1 sub += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Twenty minutes later, her arm finally tiring, she rudely throws you to the floor, then kicks you, which makes you pull your legs to your chest. Feeling the pain, like fire in your buttocks, you angrily and tearfully spread your pussy for Mistress. After a couple of minutes, breathing loudly and looking at her, she waves her hand and tells you to get out.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end end if lesbiQW = 5: cla *clr minut += 10 horny += 20 gs'stat' '
' 'You habitually undress, throwing some fearful glances at the impressive size of Mistress'' strapon and gradually understand, this is not going to be an easy fit.' '"Yes-yes, you understand correctly," snorts Mistress, noticing your glances. "Today I fuck you this and you will take it all, without question. So go ahead, go into my room and lie down on the bed.' act 'Go to her room': cla *clr minut += 20 sex += 1 lesbian += 1 girl += 1 sweat += 2 lesbiQW = 6 if vagina >= 30:horny += RAND(40,80) if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50) if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 1 & vgape = 2 & horny -= RAND(10,30) if vagina < 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 3 & horny = 0 if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & horny = 0 gs'stat' if analplugin = 1: '
' else '
' end 'You go into the room and lie down on the bed hesitantly, Mistress follows you and soon you feel her pushing her monsterous strapon against your pussy. She unceremoniously thrusts it in as far as possible, and then begins to skillfully, but rudely and imperiously fuck your languishing vagina.' if horny >= 100:'In the process you cum violently, instinctively clasping your legs around Mistress'' body, which allows her to practically hollow out your uterus.' 'Finally exhausted Mistress gets off of you and grabbing you by the hair, she forces your face to her crotch.' act 'Lick her': cla *clr minut += 10 horny += RAND(20,40) if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'You are breathless, but obediently start to lick the juices from her clearly very excited vagina.' if horny >= 100:'This is enough to drive you over the edge and you powerfully orgasm, while continuing to work your tongue in Mistress'' vagina, knowing all that matters is her satisfaction.' 'Ten minutes later, Mistress shudders to a knee trembling climax, after which see woozily sends you on your way.' act 'Leave':gt'street' end end if sub < 15: act 'Begged her not to do it': cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 1 sub += 2 gs'stat' '
' 'You fall to your knees in front of Mistress in the hope, she will spare your hole and beg for her not to skewer you with this ridiculous monster, afraid you would never be able to walk again.' '"No?" Mistress raises an eyebrow, she pats you on the head and sympathetically looks you in the eye. "Well, just because you look so sweet begging, I will not, I understand. I will have to punish you though, you understand?' act 'Thank her': cla *clr minut += 45 horny = 0 rape += 1 sub += 2 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 gs'stat' if analplugin = 1: '
' 'In relief you keep thanking Mistress, even though she has told you you are to be punished, but that''s OK, you deserve it. She puts you on your knees and pulls out your anal plug.' act 'Further': cla *clr analplugin = 0 minut += 5 sub += 1 sweat += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'No sooner has she removed it, she puts on a latex glove and generously coats it with Vaseline, then begins pushing her hand into you anus, paying no attention to your heart-rending mooing and twitching. For the next half hour, she furiously fingers and fists your ass, sometimes muttering to herself, about how she has to teach you obedience.' act 'Moo': cla *clr minut += 10 lesbiQW = 6 sweat += 1 manna = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'When she finally tires, with a loud pop and a sharp jerk she pulls her hand free from your gut and turning you over, spends some time watching your broken-down ass, very slowly closing as blood flows from your anus. She asks whether you have learned your lesson, and not waiting for an answer tells you to leave.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end else '
' 'In relief you keep thanking Mistress, even though she has told you you are to be punished, but that''s OK, you deserve it. until it connects you, and when you find yourself helpless, she puts on a latex glove and generously coats it with Vaseline, then begins pushing her hand into you anus, paying no attention to your heart-rending mooing and twitching.' 'For the next half hour, she furiously fingers and fists your ass, sometimes muttering to herself, about how she has to teach you obedience.' act 'Moo': cla *clr sweat += 1 minut += 10 lesbiQW = 6 gs'stat' '
' 'When she finally tires, with a loud pop and a sharp jerk she pulls her hand free from your gut and turning you over, spends some time watching your broken-down ass, very slowly closing as blood flows from your anus. She asks whether you have learned your lesson, and not waiting for an answer tells you to leave.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end end end end if lesbiQW = 6: cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 20 lesbiQW = 7 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' '"Undress, quickly!" Snaps Mistress, You have barely crossed the threshold. "I''m not in the mood today, let''s do this quickly."' act 'Undress': cla *clr minut += 20 horny += 20 gs'stat' if temp = 0: '
' 'Once you have undressed, Mistress grabs you strongly by the hand and drags you to a table in the hallway, on which stands a lamp and a couple of books. Removing them, she tells you to lie on your belly across the a table, then quickly and skillfully ties your limbs to the table legs.' 'She puts all the stuff that was on the table on your back, and says, "If anything falls, you are to blame and will be punished." After these words, she went to the next room and a minute later you hear her irritated voice, clearly arguing with someone on the phone.' act 'Lie': cla *clr minut += 100 horny += 20 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' if temp = 1: '
' 'Unable to free yourself or move, you spend a long time, like a doll, lying on the table. Until you feel, starting to slide down your back, the lamp. In desperation, you twitch trying to prevent it, but only makes it worse. The lamp immediately falls to the floor and breaks.' 'You hear a shriek, like a dog being stepped on, Mistress runs in and sees the broken lamp, immediately she forcefully slaps your bulging tummy.' '"Oh, you bitch! You broke it! I warned you, now admit to your mistake!' act 'Blame yourself': cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 0 agape = 3 sub += 3 sweat += 2 manna = 0 gs'stat' if analplugin = 1: '
' 'With a sharp pain and with a quick jerk, she pulls your anal plug from your ass.' act 'Continue': cla *clr analplugin = 0 minut += 30 vgape = 3 gs'stat' '
' 'From acute pain in the anus you start to scream and squirm, without being able in any way-or relieve pain, nor even move. And after a couple of seconds of your ass without any foreplay and lubrication begins roughly with the power to penetrate the hand of Mistress. The pain becomes unbearable and you do not hear, as a hostess through his teeth promises to teach you how to behave appropriately and suitable to your location. A minute later, her hand is completely in your anus, she immediately begins to beat wildly and flourish, simulating abnormal friction on the force. But that, she shows little small, and it begins to put his other hand to you in the pussy, and after only a couple of minutes you roughly fucked both your hands in the holes at the same time. After a while, tired hostess and unleash you, kicks, Vel cleaned...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else '
' 'You feel, the hand of an angry Mistress without preamble begins with the power to penetrate you in the ass. Soon, the pain becomes unbearable and you do not hear, as a hostess through his teeth promises to teach you how to behave appropriately and suitable to your location. A minute later, her hand is completely in your anus, she immediately begins to beat wildly and flourish, simulating abnormal friction on the force. But that, she shows little small, and it begins to put his other hand to you in the pussy, and after only a couple of minutes you roughly fucked both your hands in the holes at the same time. After a while, tired hostess and unleash you, kicks, Vel cleaned...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end else '
' 'Unable to free yourself or move, you spend a long time, like a doll, lying on the table, feeling the pressure on your back of the lamp and books. Mistress spends a long time on the phone, giving you the opportunity to reflect on your current situation, until, finally she comes to see you.' act 'Suck': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 30 sweat += 1 sub += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'She was already wearing her strap-on and, on-thriftily slap you on the ass, You took his head and telling him to open his mouth, unceremoniously start to fuck you in the throat. You had no choice, both under power cries Mistress sluggish sucking her artificial member. Fifteen minutes later she got sick and she, unleashing you, I told you to leave her alone...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end elseif temp = 1: '
' 'But clothing fully take off , you did not have time, the hostess ended patience. It, interrupting you, tied belts and put a brush in his mouth, ordered to do the cleaning, then she went to her room to talk to someone-on the phone. You two o`clock crept with a brush in his mouth at her apartment, until she got angry, like a dog, and strongly kicked the leg of vases protruding backwards, I told you to get out.' act 'Escape':minut += 120 & manna = 0 & gt'street' elseif temp = 2: '
' 'The hostess waited patiently, while you undress, then threw you a-the lump of tissue, telling him to dress and do the cleaning. The next couple of hours you spent on all fours, cleaning her apartment...' act 'Escape':minut += 120 & manna = 0 & gt'street' end end end if lesbiQW = 7: cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 20 sub += 1 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' ' - Today a little walk out of the window, - with a caustic grin let you Mistress and beckoned her finger...' act 'Step up': cla *clr sub += 2 minut += 40 horny += 30 lesbiQW = 9 gs'stat' if temp = 0: '
' 'As soon as you come to his mistress, she turned around and leisurely walked into the living room. You surprised a few followed her, where she took without preamble is already lying on the couch and expertly tied rope you, then slap on the ass sent to the window, and she sat down with a glass of wine in front flipping your favorite magazines. Have you seen, as the bottom metushilis about their business and passers of all time, while you were, Only a dozen people, looking up, We see you in touch. A couple of teenagers, smiling broadly teeth, even poked your fingers. attracting attention, but soon they went about their business, And ten minutes later Mistress put aside their magazines and turning to you ass, She puts her hands on the couch, ottopyrivaya her and demanded inviting look...' elseif temp = 1: '
' 'As soon as you come to his mistress, she turned around and leisurely walked into the living room. You surprised a few followed her, where she was told without preamble you undress, and when you do that, He took already lying on the couch and expertly tied rope you, then slap on the ass sent to the window, and she sat down with a glass of wine in front flipping your favorite magazines. Have you seen, as the bottom metushilis about their business and passers of all time, while you were, Only a dozen people, looking up, We see you in touch. A couple of teenagers, smiling broadly teeth, even poked your fingers. attracting attention, but soon they went about their business, And ten minutes later Mistress put aside their magazines and turning to you ass, She puts her hands on the couch, ottopyrivaya her and demanded inviting look...' elseif temp = 2: '
' 'As soon as you come to his mistress, she turned around and leisurely walked into the living room. You surprised a few followed her, where she was told without preamble you undress, and then lying on the couch took a rubber dildo on the suction cup and attach it directly to the window pane, ordered to suck, and she sat on the sofa, point-blank look on your actions. You, blushing with shame, slowly lean to the dildo and took it into his mouth, You begin to suck it, at the same time seeing the bottom metushaschihsya on business people. Soon you notice any-the two teenagers and their mouths razzinutymi, dumbfounded poking each other on your toes, started watching, you suck dildo. Wanting to go down the drain, you close your eyes, not to see people looking at you and all further time suck with eyes closed, until you are calling to Mistress...' end act 'Lick': cla *clr minut += 20 horny += 50 lesbian += 1 sweat += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'You dutifully come up to her and knelt, cling to her wet cunt. The hostess immediately launches his hand back and grabbed you by the hair, dents face into his crotch, making work more actively tongue. You dutifully licked her oozing vagina, leading up to orgasm, after which it allows you to leave...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end if sub < 10: act 'Remains in place': cla *clr minut += 15 horny = 0 spank += 1 spanked = 3 spankedtime = totminut gs'stat' '
' ' - That stupid bitch. - Mistress of evil curses and coming to you, It grabs you by the hand and drags the room, where strips, and then he throws on the bed and starts to mercilessly flog belt.' act 'squeal': cla *clr minut += 20 lesbiQW = 8 sweat += 1 sex += 1 anal += 1 sub += 2 lesbian += 1 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 2 if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 3 gs'stat' '
' 'You yelps in pain and rolled across the bed, but strikes continue to crumble on you, while, lastly, suddenly stopped. Lying on his back, crying in bed, a couple of minutes you feel, as you climbs Hostess, and a moment later you pokes her in the crotch strap. You are trying to be liberated from the-under it, but she firmly holds you in a minute , and is already beginning to roughly rape you, penetrating member in your aching pussy, in itchy anus...' act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 20 manna = 0 sweat += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After a while the hostess finally fizzles out and peel off from you, removing the strap. Do not you have time to recover, she throws a bag on your head. Trying to breathe the air desired, You open your mouth widely, which immediately, tearing cellophane, penetrate fingers Mistress. It slaps you in the face with his hand, He turns his back to you and grab the hair, pushes your face yourself in the vagina. Once it does, you understand, that you absolutely can not breathe and try to pull away, but does not hostess, firmly hold your head. You begin to actively lick her pussy, believing, the faster it will end, the sooner this is over, but soon begins to suffocate. The hostess gives you a moment to rest, and then again you pokes his nose in the crotch. You are at a furious pace rotate language, I sincerely wish, like never before, please her. A couple of times in the process, you almost lose consciousness, while, lastly, Hostess with groan does not clamp your head and your feet start to finish. After that, it makes you naked out the door and throwing clothes on the floor. You get dressed, gradually realizing, that with your mistress trifled...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end act 'Apologize': cla *clr minut += 5 lesbiQW = 9 sub += 5 sweat += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Already after a couple of blows with tears grohnetsya her feet and start to lick her feet, pleading no longer beat you. Hostess, hard to breath, a couple of minutes in silence stands, while you lick her shoes, and then all the breaks the silence:' ' - Okay, whore... Hope, You learned a lesson? No more unrest, For the next time your moaning and pleading will not help. Do you understand me, slave?' 'You nod your head and podostrastno mychite something affirmative, continuing to lick her feet, until it pushes you with words:' ' - On the back, whore!' act 'To perform': cla *clr minut += 20 sweat += 3 gs'stat' '
' 'You will quickly execute her order, Not wanting to test her patience. Mistress removes the garment and standing over you, you start to urinate. You frown with disgust and humiliation, but did not dare to violate its orders, therefore dutifully waits, until it finishes...' ' - Here you go, - The hostess handed, emitting at you the last drop. - Now you understand my place, slave?' ' - Yes-yes, I realized, Hostess, - obsequiously nod you head wet from urine. - You are my mistress, and I`m just a tiny slave!' ' - That`s good, - She allowed herself a smile Hostess. - From now on, call me Lady, This bothered me a hostess, too tasteless like-then...' ' - Yes, Mrs., As you wish!' ' - Then get out, - He waved your hand Mrs..' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end end end if lesbiQW = 8: cla *clr sub += 10 minut += 10 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'This time, failing to even give you remove outer clothing, The hostess rudely pushing you to the wall and weighed a couple of strong slaps.' ' - On knees, bitch, - she screams in your face, dragging for hair. - I`m sick to teach you, senseless whore, mind-reason! Enough! On knees, crud, or I can not answer for themselves!' act 'Do, as she wants': cla *clr minut += 5 horny = 0 manna = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'Understanding, it`s for your own good, you humbly go down on his knees in front of her, but after a moment of wild yelps of pain, when it comes to you on foot outstretched fingers...' ' - I will teach you, bitch, - through gritted teeth condemns it, - I will teach you! Will I have to go like silk, I`ll do today!' act 'Screaming in pain': cla *clr minut += 10 gs'stat' '
' 'Continuing hissing obscenities, Hostess skillfully immobilizes you, then you are able only to crawl on my knees humbling, far from bare ass sticking out...' act 'creep': cla *clr minut += 10 agape = 3 gs'stat' '
' 'Soon you feel, like you in the anus rests sharp heel Mistress and begins to penetrate unceremoniously. You squealing with acute pain, but Mistress, it seems, if he did not hear this, continuing to cripple your ass. After a couple of minutes, cursing his carelessness, you`re trying to beg her forgiveness, but gagged helplessly allows you moo.' ' - Well, how do you, crud, Artist?! I`ll stop, if you now vylizhesh to shine my boots and never will behave, like dumb sheep!' act 'Lick shoes': cla *clr minut += 20 nippain = 2 gs'stat' '
' 'Hearing this, you immediately, despite the pain, jerk jerks forward, feeling, like crazy pain pierces your anus, when it comes out of the landlady heel, and far from his tongue, hard start to lick her shoes. But the disgust repels you, then, for a moment before finalizing, returns and starts to poke fun at your breast. And only after that it allows you to lick her shoes...' act 'In the bathroom': cla *clr minut += 15 body_write = 2 gs'stat' '
' 'But this is little mistress and she kicks driving you to the restroom, which makes her lick clean toilet, as long as you do it, in every way making fun of your body, saying at the same time, that from now on you should call her Mistress only and nothing else.' act 'Moo': cla *clr minut += 30 lesbiQW = 9 gs'stat' '
' 'Finally distraught mistress of half an hour smacks you struggling, then pulls the hair and into the entrance after you eject your clothes...' act 'Dress and go':gt'street' end end end end end end end if lesbiQW = 9: cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 20 if sub < 75:sub += 1 if sub >= 75:lesbiQW = 10 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'Opening the door, Ms. immediately tells you to undress...' if temp = 0: act 'Undress': cla *clr sub += 1 minut += 30 horny += 30 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' if temp = 0: '
' 'When you are completely naked, She tells you to go down on all fours, then leads to the couch, which puts you on the back tray of champagne and the next half hour leisurely sipping his, flipping through his magazine. Shortly, to our surprise, It lets you...' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif temp = 1: sub += 1 minut += 75 temp = RAND(0,1) gs'stat' '
' 'When you are completely naked, She tells you to go down on all fours, then leads to the living room, It connects the center of the room, where you stand , and all of the following hour and a half, feeling, how nice rope cut into your crotch...' if temp = 1: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 30 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After, allowing you to her otlizat, it, lastly, It lets you back home.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif temp = 2: if analplugin = 1:sub += 1 minut += 70 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' if analplugin = 1: '
' else '
' end 'When you are completely naked, She tells you to go down on all fours, then I put a collar on you and the next hour walking around the house with you.' if temp = 1: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 30 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After, allowing you to her otlizat, it, lastly, It lets you back home.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end elseif temp = 1: act 'Undress': cla *clr sub += 1 minut += 15 horny += 30 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' if temp = 0: temp = RAND(0,2) '
' 'After, as you shoot off all my clothes, she skillfully connects you.' if temp = 1: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 40 horny = 100 lesbian += 1 sex += 1 sub += 1 if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2 gs'stat' '
' 'When you find yourself helpless, Ms. strap dress and begins to brutally rape you, skillfully brought to the state predorgazmennogo, but did not finish giving. Twenty minutes later, you`ve beg his mistress to give you finish, but she remained adamant , and departing from it, you feel, squelching like in your crotch overexcited...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 20 horny += 50 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'linking you, she-hostess puts his hand on your head and demanding pressure on the neck, poking his nose into the vagina. Obeying her wish, you shall bring her to orgasm...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end elseif temp = 1: sub += 1 minut += 15 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'After, as you shoot off all my clothes, she skillfully connects you.' if temp = 0: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 40 horny += 100 sub += 1 lesbian += 1 temp = RAND(0,1) gs'stat' '
' 'After that suits your face specially adapted for this two-way strap, one end of which penetrates deep into your mouth, while the second sits and rides your Mrs., bringing herself to orgasm...' if temp = 1: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 50 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'But it is so and whether it is impossible, whether it bothers, but she soon gets down to you and removing the mask, powerfully enough by the hair and poking his face in the expiring juices vagina...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end elseif temp = 1: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 30 horny += 10 sub += 1 temp = RAND(0,1) gs'stat' '
' 'linking you, She puts down the bowl with sour cream and looks like you lick her tongue, until you eat all.' if temp = 1: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 50 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After, allowing you to her otlizat, it, lastly, untie you and let go back home.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end elseif temp = 2: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 45 horny = 0 manna = mannamax sub += 1 orgasm += 1 if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 2 if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 3 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 temp = RAND(0,1) gs'stat' '
' 'linking you, Ms. suspends you on hooks driven into the ceiling above the bed and sticking to your ass steel hook with a round knob on the end, begins a rough fuck you-then stick to it with the attached rubber vibrator, which soon brings you to a powerful orgasm.' if temp = 1: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 20 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After, removing you from hooks, It allows you to otlizat it, then unleashes and lets you back home.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end elseif temp = 2: sub += 1 minut += 15 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'After, as you shoot off all my clothes, she skillfully connects you.' if temp = 1: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 40 sub += 1 if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & horny = 100 if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny += 50 if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 2 temp = RAND(0,1) gs'stat' '
' 'linking you, it is right there, pereveveruv you on the belly, It begins at a furious pace to fuck your ass with a rubber dildo, attached to a long stick.' 'Forty minutes later a frenzied masturbation, it, lastly, unties you...' if temp = 1: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 20 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'And grabbed his head, demanding poke face in her crotch, forcing her to lick, leading up to orgasm, after releases.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end else act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 30 horny += 50 if mistressvnesh < 10:mistressvnesh += 1 if mistressvnesh = 3:vnesh += 1 if mistressvnesh = 6:vnesh += 1 if mistressvnesh = 10:vnesh += 1 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'linking you, Ms. clothes on your neck and the leash dragging behind an apartment for, half an hour telling you all sorts of feminine subtlety, in which you can fall in love with any man and not only...' if temp < 2: act 'thank': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 50 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After a didactic sermons, She stops in front of you and a little straddle. You, It has excellent understanding, you have to, immediately ingratiating crawled to her and sticking his tongue diligently, Bring her orgasm.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end end end elseif temp = 2: act 'Undress': cla *clr sub += 1 minut += 10 horny += 30 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' if temp = 0: '
' 'You, without saying a word, silently take off her clothes, after which Mrs. orders you to be in position for spanking.' act 'Stand in the position': cla *clr sub += 1 minut += 30 horny = 0 spank += 1 spanked = 2 spankedtime = totminut sweat += 1 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'You dutifully lean hands on the nearest chair, helpfully ottopyrivaya his mistress ass, and a minute later the pain mychite, when she starts to spank you quite specifically for such cases the wooden plank on the buttocks...' if temp < 2: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 10 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After whipping it rests his hands on your chair just, just like you. Excellent understanding, you have to, you immediately cling bitten lips to her cunt...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end act 'Begging as-something else': cla *clr minut += 30 horny = 0 spank += 1 vgape = 3 temp = RAND(0,1) gs'stat' '
' 'You do not hesitate to ask Ms. smack you, She is hoping for her charity. Hearing this from his slave, It is the second surprise frowns, and a moment later with the full force hits you with a whip on the perineum, pulling out of your chest full of heart-rending cry of pain prolonged...' if temp = 0: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 240 manna = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'Then she throws you on the bed and not paying attention to your painful whine, tightly and rigidly connects, Plug gagged her mouth and leaves. The next four hours you pay for your long tongue so, that lie, like a doll, on the bed, unable to even move.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 40 manna = 0 sweat += 4 sub += 2 gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. raging whip is driving you to the restroom, where insults and threats to make you shine licks her toilet...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end elseif temp = 1: minut += 120 manna = 0 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'You take off her clothes and following the instructions Mistress, pass into the dressing room, where the next two hours to serve it stand for their brush...' if temp < 2: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 10 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After a couple of hours Ms. frees you and after, you lick it, permits to leave.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif temp = 2: minut += 40 temp = RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'You start to take off her clothes, but underwear Ms. stops you and says,, that it has today is that-there is no sentiment. Therefore, while you are just standing around on her lap, until she reads his magazines...' if temp < 2: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += 10 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Soon, she is bored and she, allowing you to her otlizat, let you on business..' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end end end if lesbiQW = 10: cla *clr if mistressqwest = 0: minut += 5 horny += 20 mistressqwest = 1 gs'stat' '
' ' - A, it`s you, - Mrs. stretches, letting you inside. - Well, come on, come on... Today I have for you special. assignment...' 'She smiles mysteriously and that smile that you run goosebumps.' ' - You know, in the center we have sex-shop, yes? - He raises an eyebrow. - Well, of course you know, this slut, how are you, simply can not know about this place, ha-ha!' 'You silently listened to ridicule, not daring to raise her a look, and in the meantime continues:' ' - Generally, my little lustful slut, his task you will perform it there, in the basement. Go there and suck through the hole... mmm... Say, twenty members... Yes, twenty, I think, will be sufficient. And do not come back to me, If you do not, Do you understand me?!' 'You obsequious nod and gesture of the Lady leave her apartment, sad thinking about myself, I never dare to trick her, otherwise, if it finds...' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressqwest > 20: minut += 5 horny += 20 gs'stat' '
' ' - I sucked, Mrs., - from the doorway of her mistress tell you on assignments.' ' - The Good Girl, - she smiles. - Well, now show, how much you love her mistress...' act 'Show': cla *clr mistressqwest = 0 lesbiQW = 11 lesbiday = daystart minut += 15 horny += 30 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'You immediately thumps on his knees and crawled to her, usual starting to lick her pussy...' 'After you have dutifully brought her to climax, Mistress explains to you that you are hers now and you will came and she her atleast once a week.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' ' - You did, I told you? - He raises an eyebrow Mrs..' 'Not daring to tell lies, You shake your head apologetically, pulling his shoulders.' ' - Oh, you little whore, - She instantly bristles. - I told you not to come back to me until then, otsosesh until his twenty members! Well , I `ll teach you, stupid whore, I will teach you! Take off your rags!' act 'Further': cla *clr horny = 0 manna = 0 sub += 5 health = 20 minut += 40 spank += 1 spanked += 3 spankedtime = totminut fingal = 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After waiting, while you undress, Ms. grabs you by the hair and starts killing, saying that through his teeth-something about humility and obedience. Half an hour later she finally-then exhaled by the hair and pulls out of the apartment. You have some time to wallow helplessly in front of her at the door, recovering, and then, feeling, how sore and aching body, still finds the strength to get up...' act 'Dress and go':gt'street' end end end if lesbiQW = 11: cla *clr minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. expectantly looks at you and look at it , you feel it a personal thing, her inanimate sex-plaything, with which it is entitled to do, that pleases.' act 'Undress': cla *clr sub += 1 minut += 10 horny += RAND(10,30) if sub >= 75 and BDSMmeet = 0: mistressrnd = RAND(0,30) else mistressrnd = RAND(0,25) end if mistressqwest > 0: mistressrnd = 25 gs'stat' '
' 'You will quickly take off her clothes and, as befits a well-bred slave, chillin stone statue in front of his mistress.' act 'Wait': cla *clr minut += 5 horny += RAND(10,20) gs'stat' if daystart > lesbiday + 7: lesbiday = daystart minut += 35 money = 0 spank += 1 sweat += 2 spanked = 3 manna = 0 if mop > 1:mop = 0 gs'stat' '
' '- Well, - with expressionless face begins MS. - So all-decided to be her Mistress? Remembered still, yes? I`ll show you, bitch, how to score cock on her mistress, I`ll teach you to mind-reason! Time to get in position for a spanking, small stuff, now I`m going to teach you some manners through the most digestible thee a place! Your Mistress half an hour from the heart smacks you, occasionally through gritted teeth prigovarivaya that-something about your bad behavior and lack of love and devotion with regards to his mistress. Then she takes all your money and evil makes for the door.' act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt'street' else lesbiday = daystart if mistressrnd = 0: mistressrnd = RAND(0,3) vital += RAND(0,1) if mistressrnd = 1 and mistressknowfoto = 1: minut += 20 else minut += 120 end gs'stat' '
' 'Mrs., little thought, It tells you to go down on all fours, then it makes you Decor, and she go about their business.' if mistressrnd = 0: act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += RAND(20,50) lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Two hours later, she, allowing you to her otlizat, It lets you back home..' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end if mistressrnd = 1 and mistressknowfoto = 1: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 60 horny += RAND(20,50) sub += 5 gs'stat' if month ! 1 and month ! 2 and month ! 12: if hour < 21: '
' 'About an hour you walk around with your mistress city and that sometimes makes spicy photos on your memory in the most interesting places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of city streets.' else '
' 'About an hour you walk around with your mistress city and that sometimes makes spicy photos on your memory in the most interesting places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of evening city streets.' end else '
' 'About an hour you are wandering around with his mistress in the city and that sometimes makes spicy photos of yourself in various public places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of strangers and unusual setting.' end end end elseif mistressrnd = 1: minut += 150 vital += RAND(0,2) gs'stat' '
' 'Mrs., little thought, It tells you to go down on all fours, then it makes you Decor, and she go about their business.' if modelfoto >= 10 and vnesh >= 100 and mistressknowfoto = 0: mistressknowfoto = 1 '- Oh, - suddenly well with clear surprise in his voice holds out she. - Yes my little whore, turns, another model! Why are you silent before, slave? And I thought, you`re just a regular toy, and it is as - Photo Model! I never thought, what my slaves will one day be one of those beautiful Sluts, I see in the logs... Well-well...' end temp = RAND(0,100) if temp > vital: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 15 if spank >= 30: horny += RAND(20,50) if spank < 30: horny = 0 spank += 1 spanked += 2 spankedtime = totminut gs'stat' '
' 'But soon, your hands get tired and you do not try to hold a basket of flowers on her head, but she soon falls. At the sound immediately goes out and starts to Ms. curse you, and when tired, then picks up the whip and just rushing you. All the rest of the time you are with crimson cheeks standing in the corner, reflecting on their behavior...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 2: minut += 30 anus += 1 horny += RAND(20,40) gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. throws you a rubber dildo and tells you to fuck her in the ass to them, while she is watching. You are doing it for half an hour obediently ordered, until it makes a gesture to you to stop and treat it...' act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += RAND(20,50) lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'You creep into Lady and obeying her wishes, bring her to orgasm...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 3: minut += 90 horny += 10 gs'stat' '
' 'This time Lady wanted something-something tasty and you half an hour, completely naked, is busy in the kitchen, indulging her whims. Having prepared, you call it the kitchen. Ms. nods and begins to reluctantly try your cooking, meanwhile, has ordered you to entertain her...' act 'entertain': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += RAND(30,50) if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & manna = mannamax temp = RAND(0,3) gs'stat' '
' 'Casting a quick glance her kitchen, you, without thinking twice, You grab the pan and start to fuck it yourself plastic handle. Mrs pretty smiling and you know, that really could lift her spirits.' if horny >= 100:'But when you begin to violently finish, pushing deeper into a pan, Ms. almost claps his hands and tenderly, as a host on your pet, lookn on you...' if RAND(0,3) = 0: 'Ms. wipes his hands, He rises from his chair and leans on his hands. You immediately rush headlong pan and rushes to her mistress, the next moment eagerly dropping mouth to her wet pussy...' act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 10 horny += RAND(10,20) lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'The groans of orgasm Mistress gets his hand back and grabbed you by the hair, cums in your mouth...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end end elseif mistressrnd = 4: minut += 40 horny += RAND(20,40) gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. hastily makes you bondage in the chest and attach the leash to the neck, half an hour walking through the apartment with you, talking with someone-on the phone...' if RAND(0,3) = 0: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 30 vagina += 1 anus += 1 sex += 1 horny += RAND(40,70) if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'When she finally hangs up, it looks very excited. wearing strap, Ms. unceremoniously puts you cancer and begins to brutally fuck you, while his fingers massaging your anus.' if horny >= 100:'You feel, as the inevitable wave approaching orgasm and can not hold it, lasciviously start to moo, crawl sloshing vagina on the rubber member.' act 'lick': cla *clr minut += 10 horny += RAND(10,20) gs'stat' '
' 'Soon Mrs. wearily climbs down and write to you on the couch, substituting you my wet pussy. You shall bring her to orgasm, and then gratefully licked clean, and then with a wave of the Lady dressed and go out.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 5: minut += 150 horny = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'You charge for the first button, intending to undress, but Mrs. irritably stops you:' ' - No! I have no time, so that today little pobudesh without his Mistress.' 'Having said that, She firmly binds you and where-then he goes about his business. You are more than two hours lying in a helpless position in her empty apartment, reflecting on his life, until he returns tired Lady and you will not let go...' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressrnd = 6: minut += 30 horny += RAND(20,40) gs'stat' '
' 'Lady waiting, while you undress, and then bind your hands behind your back and puts the gag, then leads to the kitchen and playing with his whip finds your attitude to it. Gagged you just nod your head and humbly look her in the eye... Half an hour later , she nods her head in satisfaction and removing the gag, orders to prove your love to her case.' act 'proving': cla *clr if temp < 3:lesbian += 1 & horny += RAND(20,40) minut += 15 horny += RAND(10,20) gs'stat' if RAND(0,3) < 3: '
' 'You slide off the chair onto the floor and crawled to her mistress, utykayas nose in her cunt. That issue appreciative groan and enjoy your caresses...' act 'Escape':gt'street' else '
' 'You slide off the chair onto the floor and crawled to the Lady, intending to lick her pussy, but she disdainfully pushes you. While you just lick her feet, yet it is not boring , and she chases you.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end elseif mistressrnd = 7: minut += 120 gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. connects you all next time you serve a support for her laptop, while she is working on it with some-the reports.' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressrnd = 8 or mistressrnd = 9: minut += 60 if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 2 & horny += RAND(60,90) if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(40,60) if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2 & horny -= RAND(20,40) if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & manna = mannamax gs'stat' temp = RAND(0,3) if temp = 0: '
' ' - What-I wanted something that-something such, - Ms. wrinkled her nose. - Become cancer, Today `s work with her ​​pussy...' 'You obediently get up on all fours and meekly suffer, until it was unceremoniously shoves you in the pussy hand, and then starts to fuck wildly.' else '
' ' - What-I missed the usual kind of trachea, - thoughtfully extends Ms.. - So today you have a holiday, slut, - After a moment, she added with a malicious grin, then it binds tightly and plug the mouth gag, then strap dress...' end if temp = 0: if horny >= 100: 'Very soon you covers sweet wave of a powerful orgasm and Mrs., a little more work on your pussy, orders you to thank her for her pleasure.' act 'thank': cla *clr lesbian += 1 horny += 20 minut += 15 gs'stat' '
' 'You can quickly be deployed to it and wait, while Mrs. sits on the couch, as well as she does , and spread her legs invitingly, you immediately cling to the language of her weary cunt...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else 'After some time, she is bored and she, You finally slapped on the ass, allows you to leave.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Moo': cla *clr lesbian += 1 horny += 20 minut += 15 sex += 1 if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax gs'stat' '
' 'Lady on-thriftily insert into your vagina and a little rubber member poelozit him, It begins to furiously peck you in the womb.' if horny >= 100: 'Very soon, unable to withstand the pressure of the wild, you loud and noisy ends, moaning that-something unintelligible in his personal gag.' else 'Despite the strong desire to give pleasure to behold Lady views his graduating pussy, and you can not reach orgasm. Ms. soon loses all interest in you and drives out...' end act 'Escape':gt'street' end end elseif mistressrnd = 10: minut += 150 manna = 0 if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50) if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40) if vagina < 10:vagina += 1 & vgape = 3 & horny = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. ties you to the dinner table and not paying attention to your moo, It pushes you into the vagina vase with flowers. Nearly two hours you serve beautiful decor in her kitchen, while it is engaged in its mundane affairs...' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressrnd = 11: minut += 150 horny = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'Mrs., not giving you even really get naked, routinely connects you, and sits down to read a book. All subsequent time you just sit in front of her, as she reads a-the female novel...' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressrnd = 12: minut += 120 horny = 0 sweat += 3 gs'stat' '
' 'Once you undress, Ms. driving you to the kitchen, which caused the language to lick the dirty dishes. You two solid hours, feeling, as a numb tongue, they crawl on porcelain. When all is done, Mrs. stretches your leg...' act 'thank': cla *clr minut += 10 gs'stat' '
' ' - Thanks you, Mrs., for, that allowed me to lick your dirty dishes, - in between the lines, thank you Mrs..' 'She nods, and then roughly pushes you and tells him to get out.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 13: minut += 120 horny = 0 sweat += 1 gs'stat' if hour > 18: '
' 'This time Ms. decides to give himself an exotic dinner. By linking your desk, She lights the candles and putting food on your body, slowly savor food...' act 'Escape':gt'street' else '
' 'mysteriously smiling, Mrs., without waiting, while you undress, goes where-the room, A few minutes later comes back and hands you what-things. Soon it turns out, today you will be in the role of her handmade dog and the next two hours you are on all fours in the apartment nosites, barked loudly cheeping...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 14: minut += 120 horny = 0 gs'stat' '
' ' - What-I like-the tired today, - Mrs. stretches languidly. - So go ahead, Get out there and shine your ass, Today will be a beautiful decoration of the living of my modest apartment...' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressrnd = 15: minut += 30 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & horny = 100 if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 3 & agape = 2 & horny += 50 if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 3 gs'stat' '
' 'This time Mrs. sits down on the sofa and gestured shows you lie down. You lie on your back obediently at her feet, which she begins to fuck you - one in your ass, and the other in the mouth, while constantly changing their.' act 'thank': cla *clr minut += 20 horny += RAND(10,20) gs'stat' '
' 'Soon she gasps and legs spread, pushes you head on his crotch. You dutifully bring her to orgasm, then, her gesture, go...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 16 or mistressrnd = 17 or mistressrnd = 18: minut += 5 horny = 0 gs'stat' if hour > 20: if mop > 1:mop = 0 & vidageday = vidageday - 1 if analplugIN:anus += 5 if vibratorIN = 1:horny = 100 & vagina += 3 minut += 600 gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. already just going to sleep, therefore it binds you and lay down with him. All night you sleep related near Lady, and in the morning wake up from her shock. It connects and allows you to leave...' act 'Escape':gt'street' else minut += 30 spank += 1 sweat += 2 spanked = 3 spankedtime = totminut gs'stat' '
' 'Do not you have time to undress completely, Mistress gives you a sign to stand in the position for spanking. You mentally cursing, but obediently takes her order and bear the next half hour the good old spanking...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 19: minut += 60 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny = 100 if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 3 & agape = 2 & horny += 50 if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 3 gs'stat' '
' 'This time Mrs. decided to make fun of your ass...' if RAND(0,3) < 2: act 'thank': cla *clr minut += 20 horny += RAND(10,20) lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'Soon she gasps and legs spread, pushes you head on his crotch. You dutifully bring her to orgasm, then, her gesture, go...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 20: minut += 20 lesbian += 1 horny += RAND(20,40) gs'stat' '
' 'Ms. bulge ass and you carefully lick her crack. You will have a good try, to bring her to orgasm.' if temp < 2:'When she cums, it suddenly becomes quite complacent and decided to encourage you...' if temp >= 2:'You try hard and soon she last-it ends, but it looks pretty angry, fixedly staring at you annoyed look...' if RAND(0,3) < 2: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 15 horny = 0 orgasm += 1 anal += 1 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 if anus < 10:anus += 3 if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0 gs'stat' if analplugin = 1: '
' 'She pulls the cork out of your ass, and a second look, slowly close your hole, then gently slaps on the ass, forcing it away Provocation...' act 'Provocation': cla *clr minut += 5 manna = mannamax gs'stat' '
' 'As soon as you do it, it surprisingly carefully and gently introduces you to a small dildo in the ass. While you groan from fullness in your rectum, Ms. other hand begins to skillfully pull your sex lips and clitoris. Soon you will rapidly come to an end, Ms. naturedly slap you on the ass and needs to leave her alone.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else '
' 'She orders you to be in the position, then carefully and gently introduces you to a small dildo in the ass. While you groan from fullness in your rectum, Ms. other hand begins to skillfully pull your sex lips and clitoris. Soon you will rapidly come to an end, Ms. naturedly slap you on the ass and needs to leave her alone.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end else act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 20 lesbian += 1 anal += 1 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40) if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 3 if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0 gs'stat' if analplugin = 1: '
' 'It is one jerk pulls the cork out of your ass, and a second look, slowly close your hole, and then throws you push down on the bed, requiring screw up to the shoulders leg...' act 'Zadran': cla *clr minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' 'After a few moments Mrs. been violently raped your ass, not paying absolutely no attention to your moans and grunts. Herded you angry, it takes some time a member of your ass and tells him to get out of her eyes off...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else '
' 'She throws you on the bed and told him to lift up your feet to the shoulders, begins to violently rape your ass. Herded you angry, it takes some time a member of your ass and tells him to get out of her eyes off...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end elseif mistressrnd = 21: minut += 40 lesbian += 1 anal += 1 if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny += RAND(40,80) if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40) if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0 gs'stat' if analplugin = 1: '
' 'Mrs., I am ordering you to stand on all fours, pulls out of your ass anal plug, then begins to associate...' act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' 'When you find yourself helpless, she wears a strap and begins to brutally fuck you in the ass. After some time, she is bored and it allows you to leave and oedtsya.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else '
' 'Mrs., I am ordering you to stand on all fours, connects you, and when you find yourself helpless, she wears a strap and begins to brutally fuck you in the ass. After some time, she is bored and it allows you to leave and oedtsya.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif mistressrnd = 22 or mistressrnd = 23: minut += 40 lesbian += 1 sex += 1 if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & horny += RAND(20,50) if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 1 & horny += RAND(60,90) if vagina < 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50) if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax gs'stat' if analplugin = 0:'
' if analplugin = 1:'
' 'This time Ms. without any fancy just puts you cancer and wearing a strap-on, a pussy...' if horny >= 100:'Soon you will rapidly come to an end, writhing on its members, for that you get a tangible slap on the ass.' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressrnd = 24: minut += 10 sweat += 3 gs'stat' '
' 'Mrs., not allowing you to really get naked, look shows kneel, and then rises above you and pees right at you. You dutifully bear, until it finishes...' temp = RAND(0,3) if temp = 0: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 30 horny += RAND(40,80) gs'stat' '
' 'When finished you urinate, it puts you in the face and strap, to the great surprise of your, It needs to fuck her in the ass. You carefully pierce the tip of her ass, and then you start doing head reciprocating motion. Lady in enjoying throws back his head and enjoys these frictions, and soon the hand begins to play with her pussy, podmahivaya simultaneously meet you ass. Soon she violently kills and patting you on the head, removes the mask and allows to get dressed and go.' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif temp = 1: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 30 lesbian += 1 sex += 1 orgasm += 1 vaginalOrgasm += 1 horny = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'When finished you urinate, it takes a two-way dildo and sat down on the sofa, to the great surprise of your, He shoves it into my pussy, gesturing to climb on top. You sotorozhno climb on his mistress and slowly sit down on her vagina artificial Member. Mrs. second look at it, and then some jerk you skewer until it stops. A minute later you are riding a dildo furiously, feeling, as a slap on the buttocks skin Lady, and in the stomach and chest drain into small droplets of sweat mixed with her ​​urine. After a powerful simultaneous orgasm, Ms. gently clears you from yourself and gestures leave her alone...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif temp = 2: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 15 horny += RAND(40,80) gs'stat' '
' 'When finished you urinate, it puts you in the face and strap, to the great surprise of your, standing on all fours, gesture shows you fuck her. You, obeying her orders, gently insert it Strap, and in a couple of minutes you are actively running neck, will drive her pussy dildo. Soon she cums violently and took off your mask, allows you to get dressed and go...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end elseif temp = 3: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 20 horny = 0 orgasm += 1 lesbian += 1 manna = mannamax gs'stat' '
' 'When finished you urinate, she wears latex gloves and gestures you get on to all fours.When you do, then, to the great surprise of your, she begins to gently caress your fingers. You feel, both turn your ass includes two of her fingers, and the third penetrates the pussy. A few minutes later Mrs. already fast, but gently nadrachivat your hole and soon you covered powerful orgasm. Ms another minute crawl gently with your fingers in your cheeks, and then the floor goes next...' act 'thank': cla *clr minut += 25 horny += RAND(10,20) gs'stat' '
' 'You cling grateful to her vagina juices flowing and entering into her finger, Lady bring it to the powerful orgasm, after which she shows you, you to leave her alone...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end end end elseif mistressrnd = 25: if mistressqwest = 0: minut += 5 horny += 20 mistressqwest = 1 gs'stat' '
' ' - On the agenda we have a dozen members of juicy delicious, - slyly smiling at you Mrs.. Go to the sex shops and suck twelve members, and before that is better catches my eye!' act 'Escape':gt'street' elseif mistressqwest > 12: minut += 5 horny += 20 gs'stat' '
' ' - I sucked, Mrs., twelve members, like you and ordered, - from the doorway of her mistress tell you on assignments.' ' - The Good Girl, - she smiles. - Well, now show, how much you love her mistress...' act 'Show': cla *clr mistressqwest = 0 lesbiQW = 11 minut += 15 horny += 30 lesbian += 1 gs'stat' '
' 'You immediately thumps on his knees and crawled to her, usual starting to lick her pussy...' act 'Escape':gt'street' end else minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' ' - You did, I told you? - He raises an eyebrow Mrs..' 'Not daring to tell lies, You shake your head apologetically, pulling his shoulders.' ' - Oh, you little whore, - She instantly bristles. - I told you not to come back to me until then, otsosesh until his twenty members! Well , I `ll teach you, stupid whore, I will teach you! Take off your rags!' act 'Further': cla *clr horny = 0 manna = 0 sub += 5 health = 20 minut += 40 spank += 1 spanked += 3 spankedtime = totminut fingal = 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After waiting, while you undress, Ms. grabs you by the hair and starts killing, saying that through his teeth-something about humility and obedience. Half an hour later she finally-then exhaled by the hair and pulls out of the apartment. You have some time to wallow helplessly in front of her at the door, recovering, and then, feeling, how sore and aching body, still finds the strength to get up...' act 'Dress and go':gt'street' end end elseif mistressrnd > 25: minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' if BDSMmeet = 0: '“ Get in the kitchen! take orders from you Mistress, you barely take their clothes off.' act 'Go to the kitchen': cla *clr minut += 5 horny += 10 gs'stat' '
' 'Going after her to the kitchen, you notice, MS tipsy. The reason is right there, on the table - almost empty bottle of cheap wine. She sits in a chair, and throws: Get! But not on the stool, animal! On the floor! You kneel on the floor at the feet of Mistress. Pei! In the dog bowl of wine is poured. You diligently lacaita. “ This is, life... what do you know about life, snot green... And just-tonado a bit... “ faltering voice, says MS. “ A little bit of money... – Yes, money would not hurt, “ faithfully looking at the Lady, you said. “ What? Who told you to say? mistress bends down and slaps you. But all of a sudden anger as the wind blows away - on the face of the Lady clearly thought. “ You know what, can you help me! she rises and begins to pace around the kitchen. The lady picks up the phone and calls a taxi. “ Go to one place...this is a BDSM club. Will do, what do you say. Okay? You fearfully move back. “ To the leg! “ command of MS. Can not resist, you pressed against the leg of the Lady. “ No sweat so, there is a serious office. Going to make some money, fool! And I will help... MS gives you a card with a shimmering three-dimensional logo.' act 'Go to BDSM club':BDSMtaxi = 1 & GT 'BDSM_Club','start' end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'mistvisit': cla *clr 'The doorbell rings' act 'Come to the door': cls gs'stat' 'You came to the door and looked through the peephole. On the site you saw a familiar female figure you your obviously drunken Lady. - Open, mischievous bitch, I know, that you`re home, - angrily she demanded, in an emphasis looking straight in the eye.' if sub > 0: act 'Open the door': cla *clr lesbiday = daystart minut += 5 gs'stat' '
' 'Instantly crestfallen, you open the door, not daring to ignore your Mistress. Barely crossed the threshold, it immediately grabs you firmly by the neck, with a force pressing to the wall with the words: - Well, that, bitch, did not expect?! Little tramp decided to forget about the Mistress? Yeah I`ll teach you to mind-reason, rag!' act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 45 horny = 0 manna = 0 sub += 15 health -= 10 spank += 1 spanked += 3 fingal = 1 if mop > 1: mop = 0 stolmoney = 0 money = 0 paytomistress = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'The lady angrily rips off your clothes and begins to brutally beat, through the tsuba Zeda in your address obscene curses. You howling and rolling on the floor tears, enduring her beatings, while she, lastly, therefore, then-farming, like at home, passed by your apartment, rummaging through desks and lockers, yet to be found in the table your hidden money. Quite a fall since, she puts them in her purse, and already at the exit forces you to give all the available money, then, not even bothering to close the door behind you, leaves.' act 'Close the door':gt $curloc end end else act 'Not open':minut += 5 & gt $curloc end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'mistmeet': cls cla *clr minut += 5 sub += 5 gs'stat' '
' 'On the street you suddenly bump into your Mistress. Seeing you, she immediately spreads evil smile and quickly says somthing to her companion. She nods her head and looks at you. After a moment, you find yourself sandwiched between them, and after a moment MS`s pushing your breast out in the middle of the street. Passers-by surprising turn, some even stop, to see this. - Well, bitch, - Mistress hisses in your ear, - Oh, am I so easily to escape?!' act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 5 sub += 4 gs'stat' '
' 'Mistress and a stranger with the power of wring your hands and you have no choice but bend in the middle of the street. Men powerfully lifts your skirt, exposing your naked ass for the public view. Blushing, you hear some onlookers cry out in surprise watching this scene.' act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 5 sub += 3 gs'stat' '
' 'Mistress hands to the thin fabric of your panties and forcefully pulls them up. Feeling, as the fabric painfully cuts into pussy, you have no choice, but to follow her...' act 'Go for it': cla *clr minut += 10 sub += 2 gs'stat' '
' 'You finally-come in and try to rebel, but she plugs your mouth with you hand, continuing to pull along, and her companion immediately move behind you in case you did some thing "stupid". Mistress leads you away from crowds to an alley, then her companion presses on your shoulders with force, making squat.' act 'Submit': cla *clr minut += 5 sub += 1 bj += 1 if mistmeets = 0:guy += 1 horny += 15 temp = RAND(0,2) lesbiday = daystart gs'stat' '
' 'A man with a short laugh he pulls down his pants in front of your face, and Mistress, weighed you a few slaps, tightly grabs your head and Fucks you over with the force of her mouth on the elastic member. Understanding, there is no other way, you dutifully swallow hot flesh, but the Lady shows this is not enough, and it starts until it stops to stick your head on the erect member of her companion.' if temp = 1: act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 10 sub += 1 mistmeets = 1 horny += 20 $boy = 'Mistress` companion' cumprecheck = 1 & gs 'cum_manage' spafinloc = 11 & gs 'cum_manage' silavag = 2 dick = 19 money = 0 pose = 1 gs'stat' '
' 'After a couple of minutes your Mistress grab your head by hair, relieves from choke. You, having the opportunity to speak, starting-to stutter, asking for forgiveness, but she pulls from her purse a gag and plug your mouth, not wanting to hear anything, then forces you to substitute the ass man. The couple of moments attached to your pussy, and then unceremoniously penetrates.' dynamic $sexstart2 dynamic $sexcum act 'Finish':gt'street' end else act 'Further': cla *clr minut += 10 sub += 1 mistmeets = 1 horny += 20 $boy = 'Mistress` companion' & spafinloc = 12 & gs 'cum_manage' money = 0 gs'stat' '
' 'After screwing you in the mouth, the stranger is waiting, while you are on the orders of the Mistress to clean his cock with tongue, after running the show in his pants and goes along, Mistress finally ordered you to sit on the ground, put your hands behind head and wait in this position, until they leave. You fulfill the order, and as soon as they are out of sight, starting to freshen up... ' act 'Finish':gt'street' end end end end end end end --- lesbidomhouse ---------------------------------