# rinwork if $ARGS[0] = 'start': $metkaM = $ARGS[0] $locM = $CURLOC $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC $answerrin = { if tipred = pokti: if pokvnirand = 0: pokpay = rand(1000, 1200) elseif pokvnirand = 1: pokpay = rand(1200, 1500) elseif pokvnirand = 2: pokpay = rand(1500, 2000) end else $rinitog = '<<$poktip>> puts the item back and leaves.' pokupatel = 0 end } $answerrin2 = { act 'Name the price': cla prodpay = input ("Enter the selling price") if prodpay < 1000:prodpay = prodpayum 'You tell them <> ' if prodpay <= pokpay: poknorand = rand(1, 100 + vnesh/4) if poknorand >= 10: rinmon += prodpay rinvesh += 1 'The buyer takes the item and pays <> .' act 'Trading on':gt 'rinwork', 'start' else 'The buyer twirls clothing in thier hands <> is too expensive.' dynamic $answerrin3 act 'I can not take less (take the item)':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif prodpay > pokpay and prodpay <= pokpay + 100: poknorand = rand(1, 100 + vnesh/4) if poknorand >= 10: 'The buyer twirls clothing in thier hands <> is too expensive.' dynamic $answerrin3 act 'I can not take less (take the item)':gt 'rinwork', 'start' else 'Buyer puts thing into place and leaves' act 'Trading on':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif prodpay > pokpay + 100: 'The buyer puts the item back and leaves.' act 'Trading on':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end end } $answerrin3 = { if prodpay >= 1100: act 'Reduce the price by 100 ': cla 'You have reduced the price by 100 .' poknorand = rand(1, 100 + vnesh/4) if poknorand >= 10: rinmon += prodpay - 100 rinvesh += 1 'The buyer takes the item and pays <> ' act 'Trading on':gt 'rinwork', 'start' else 'The buyer puts the item back and leaves.' act 'Trading on':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end end elseif prodpay >= 1050: act 'Reduce the price by 50 ': cla 'You have reduced the price by 50 .' poknorand = rand(1, 100 + vnesh/4) if poknorand >= 30: rinmon += prodpay - 50 rinvesh += 1 'The buyer takes the item and pays <> ' act 'Trading on':gt 'rinwork', 'start' else 'The buyer puts the item back and leaves.' act 'Trading on':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end end end } cla *clr gs 'stat' '
' '
' 'You stand at your clothes stall waiting for buyers.' 'Cash taken <> , You have sold <> items.' 'The average price on the market <>' if hour = 14: 'Arthur cames to you and you start to calculate how much you should give him.' act 'Give money to Arthur': cla *clr rinart = rinvesh * 1000 rinmon -= rinart money += rinmon gs 'stat' 'You gave Arthur <> per sold <> things.' 'Today you have earned <> ' if rinart < arturplan: arturnoo += 1 'Uh, <<$name>>, this is bad, you haven''t made enough money. You will completely ruin me.' else arturyes += 1 'Well done <<$name>>, good job.' end if arturnoo > arturyes:arturnoo = arturnoo - arturyes & arturyes = 0 if arturyes > arturnoo:arturyes = arturyes - arturnoo & arturnoo = 0 if arturnoo = arturyes:arturnoo = 0 & arturyes = 0 rinmon = 0 rinvesh = 0 if arturnoo > 10: arturnoo = 0 work = 0 workrin = 0 'Uh, you''re fucking useless. Here''s your papers. Hit the road, I do not want to see you ever again!' act 'Leave':gt 'street' exit end rinrand = rand(1, 400) if rinrand < vnesh and palevorin = 0 and rinhoz = 0: '"Hey <<$name>>, you and I have not even met properly. Come into the warehouse, eat barbecue, drink and get acquainted.' act 'Refuse': cla 'You start making excuses. Arthur says to you, "Hey, don''t insult me, your stall have is dirty, it has dust and dirt all over it. I should fine you, but if you''re nice I let you off.' act 'Goto warehouse':gt 'RynokHoz', 'the_beginning' act 'No': cla arturplan += 1000 if money >= 1000: money -= 1000 'Hey, your stall is dirty, you owe a thousand , in fine. Arthur takes the money.' else 'Go with him, before it gets worse' end act 'Leave.':gt 'street' end end act 'Goto warehouse':gt 'RynokHoz', 'the_beginning' exit elseif rinrand < vnesh and palevorin = 0 and rinhoz = 1: '"Hey <<$name>>. Come into the warehouse, eat barbecue, drink, rest." He walks right up to you and slaps you on the ass.' act 'Refuse': cla 'You start making excuses. Arthur says to you, "Hey, don''t insult me, your stall have is dirty, it has dust and dirt all over it. I should fine you, but if you''re nice I let you off.' act 'Goto warehouse':gt 'RynokHoz', 'the_beginning' act 'No': cla arturplan += 1000 if money >= 1000: money -= 1000 'Hey, your stall is dirty, you owe a thousand , in fine. Arthur takes the money.' else 'Go with him, before it gets worse' end act 'Leave.':gt 'street' end end act 'Come':gt 'RynokHoz', 'the_beginning' exit end act 'Leave work':gt 'street' end exit elseif hour < 14: pokrand = rand(0, 1) if pokrand = 0: $pokup = 'You have no customers.' pokupatel = 0 '' 'Aunt Katya pushes her trolley through the market carrying cakes and coffee.' else pokupatel = 1 poktiprand = rand(0, 7) if poktiprand = 0:$pokup = 'A middle-aged man approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Man' & pokti = 1 if poktiprand = 1:$pokup = 'A young man approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Guy' & pokti = 2 if poktiprand = 2:$pokup = 'A teenage boy approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Boy' & pokti = 3 if poktiprand = 3:$pokup = 'A woman approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Woman' & pokti = 1 if poktiprand = 4:$pokup = 'A girl approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Girl' & pokti = 2 if poktiprand = 5:$pokup = 'A teen girl approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Girlfriend' & pokti = 3 if poktiprand = 6:$pokup = 'An old man approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Old man' & pokti = 0 if poktiprand = 7:$pokup = 'A Grandma approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Granny' & pokti = 0 end '<<$pokup>>' if pokupatel = 1: act 'What do you want?': cla minut += 15 pokvnirand = rand(0, 2) if pokvnirand = 0: '<<$poktip>> with little interest examines your wares.' elseif pokvnirand = 1: '<<$poktip>> with interest looks through the clothes for sale.' elseif pokvnirand = 2: '<<$poktip>> picks up the item.' end !!dynamic $answerrin act 'Now this is very fashionable': cla tipred = 3 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0:act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end act 'This item is very high quality and reliable': cla tipred = 1 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0:act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end act 'You''ll find this very reasonable': cla tipred = 0 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0:act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end act 'That is so you': cla tipred = 2 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0:act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end end end act 'Laze around (0:15)': minut += 15 gt 'rinwork', 'start' end if hour = 9: rintakrand = rand(0, 5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = ' Hassan unloads clothes in front of saleswoman Nadias stall.' act 'See Hassan and Nadia': cla minut += 15 talkrand = rand(0, 2) if talkrand = 0:'Hassan utters to Nadia. "Today you will sell more, and to the rich ladies, I need the money."' if talkrand = 1:'Hassan opens trunks and puts clothes on the counter.' if talkrand = 2:'Hassan drags trunks to his stall.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'On the next stall Abdul is talking loudly aand giving clothes to saleswoman Anna.' act 'Look at Abdul and Anna': cla minut += 15 talkrand = rand(0, 2) if talkrand = 0:'Abdul swears. "We''re fucked, you can not sell anything!" Anna retorts, "You give me this rotten shit to sell, take it nobody wants it."' if talkrand = 1:'Abdul slaps Annas ass, she pretends that nothing happened.' if talkrand = 2:'Abdul drags trunks to his stall.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Abdul and Hassan stand beside your stall and saying something guttural.' act 'View the Caucasians': cla minut += 15 talkrand = rand(0, 2) if talkrand = 0:'Abdul and Hassan continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and can not understand what they say.' if talkrand = 1:'Abdul and Hassan ignore you and discuss what sounds like clothes prices.' if talkrand = 2:'Abdul looks at you and says to Hassan, "Look at that a girl, good fuck, yeah."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'Anna hangs clothes on her stall shouting at Nadia.' act 'Chat with girls': cla annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 talkrand = rand(0, 2) if talkrand = 0: 'Anna tells you that her skirt needed altering, there is a great Jewish tailor, his shop is nearby.' else 'Nadia tells her how some pervert molested her on the subway rubbing his dick on her ass.' end act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'Arthur is talking about something with Abdullah.' act 'View the Caucasians': cla minut += 15 talkrand = rand(0, 2) if talkrand = 0:'Abdul and Arthur continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and can not understand what they say.' if talkrand = 1:'Abdul and Arthur ignore you and discuss what sounds like clothes prices.' if talkrand = 2:'Abdul looks at you and says to Arthur, "Nice girl you got there, you fucking her?."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Arthur, Abdul Hassan are neighing loudly and talk about something in foreign language.' act 'View the Caucasians': cla minut += 15 talkrand = rand(0, 2) if talkrand = 0:'Caucasians continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and can not understand what they say.' if talkrand = 1:'Caucasians ignore you and discuss what sounds like clothes prices.' if talkrand = 2:'Abdul looks at you and says to the other Caucasians, "Pretty little girl, can i have her?"' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end end '<<$rintak>>' elseif hour = 10: rintakrand = rand(0, 5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'Hassan sits on a chair dejectedly chewing food and talking with his mouth full with saleswoman Nadia.' act 'Watch Hasan': cla minut += 15 'Hassan says to Nadia "Nadia, why you refuse? Come here, have some wine."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'At the stall in front of you sits Nadia doing crossword puzzles.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !!annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 'Nadia leaves the crossword and willingly gossips with you.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Nadias stall in front of you has many buyers and she fusses before them laying out goods.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !!annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna is drinking coffee.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW += 1 !!NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anna is happy to chat with you about any old nonsense.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna tries to interest buyers in her goods.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW -= 1 !!NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Anna is gossiping with Aunt Katya.' act 'Chat with Anna and Aunt Katya': cla annaQW += 1 !!NadiaQW += 1 tetaKataQW += 1 minut += 15 'Aunt Katya is talking about her pies and Anya complains that it because of her bloody pies that her ass is twice as big as it was...' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end end '<<$rintak>>' elseif hour = 11: rintakrand = rand(0, 5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'Nadia is approached by three Caucasian, Aslan, Camille and Mukhtar and they begin to molest her, she swears at them and tries to dodge.' act 'Look at Nadia and Caucasians.': cla !!annaQW += 1 !!NadiaQW += 1 !!tetaKataQW += 1 minut += 15 'The Caucasians seem to be trying to persude Nadia to have sex with them.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'At the stall in front of you sits Nadia eating cake.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !!annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 'Nadia finishes the cake and mubbles about the usual nonsense with you.' if clener = 0: clener = 1 'Nadia tells you about an office building not too far away that is looking for a cleaner.' end act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Nadias stall in front of you has many buyers and she fusses before them laying out goods.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !!annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna is reading a newspaper.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW += 1 !!NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anna is happy to chat with you about any old nonsense.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna tries to interest buyers in her goods.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW -= 1 !!NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Nadia is approached by three Caucasian, Aslan, Camille and Mukhtar and they begin to molest her, she swears at them and tries to dodge.' act 'Look at Nadia and Caucasians.': cla !!annaQW += 1 !!NadiaQW += 1 !!tetaKataQW += 1 minut += 15 'The Caucasians seem to be trying to persude Nadia to have sex with them.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end end '<<$rintak>>' elseif hour = 12: rintakrand = rand(0, 5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'Hasan has bought chebureki and is eating it while sitting behind Nadia in the stall.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !!annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia shies away from talking in front of Hassan.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'Nadia is surrounded by customers.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !!annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Nadia talks with Anna.' act 'Chat with girls': cla annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 talkrand = rand(0, 2) if talkrand = 0: 'Anna tells you that her friend used to clean an office building not far from here, they are looking for a new cleaner if you need to make some extra cash.' if clener = 0:clener = 1 elseif talkrand = 1: 'Nadia tells her how some pervert molested her on the subway rubbing his dick on her ass.' end act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'Anna is selling clothing to customers.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW -= 1 !!NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anna is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'Anna is drinking coffee sitting at her stall.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW += 1 !!NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anna happily chats with you about nonsense.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end elseif rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Nadia is idly trying to catch flies.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !!annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 2 minut += 15 'Nadia glad for the distraction and has fun chatting with you.' act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start' end end '<<$rintak>>' elseif hour = 13: rintakrand = rand(0, 5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'Hassan begins to slowly collect goods from Nadia.' elseif rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'Anya sits and calculates her profit for the day.' elseif rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Nadia calculates her days profit.' elseif rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'Abdul begins collecting goods from Anna.' elseif rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'Past your stall walks Arthur.' else $rintak = 'Aunt Katya stops trading pies and leaves.' end '<<$rintak>>' end if money >= 200: act 'Buy a snack (200 ) (0:15)': tetaKataQW += 1 money -= 200 gs 'kit_din' dynamic $snack end end end end --- rinwork ---------------------------------