# loadg ! WD: Set variable to store Image needed HTML code if $ImageNeededPlacholder = '': set $ImageNeededPlacholder = '
' end gs 'din_pav' gs 'dinSex2' gs 'dina' gs 'din_van' gs 'din_bad' gs 'obj_din' gs 'BanSexType' if vshrink = 0 and vshrinkdays = 0 and ashrink = 0 and ashrinkdays = 0:vshrink = 1 & vshrinkdays = 6 & ashrink = 1 & ashrinkdays = 3 if bankAccount = 0 and karta > 0: bankAccount = 1 if bankDebtLimit = 0: bankDebtLimit = 5000 end if $cycreport_txt = '': temp[1] = daystart-daylastperiod $cycreport_txt = 'It has been <> days since you last had a period.' end if menoage = 0: menoage = rand(40,50) temprand = rand(0,10) if temprand = 0: menoage += rand(0,5) elseif temprand < 4: menoage += rand(3,10) elseif temprand < 9: menoage += rand(5,12) else menoage += rand(7,13) end end monthsend[1] = 31 if ((year mod 4 = 0) and (year mod 100 ! 0)) or (year mod 400 = 0): Leapyear = 1 & monthsend[2] = 29 else Leapyear = 0 & monthsend[2] = 28 end monthsend[3] = 31 monthsend[4] = 30 monthsend[5] = 31 monthsend[6] = 30 monthsend[7] = 31 monthsend[8] = 31 monthsend[9] = 30 monthsend[10] = 31 monthsend[11] = 30 monthsend[12] = 31 $monthName[1] = 'January' $monthName[2] = 'February' $monthName[3] = 'March' $monthName[4] = 'April' $monthName[5] = 'May' $monthName[6] = 'June' $monthName[7] = 'July' $monthName[8] = 'August' $monthName[9] = 'September' $monthName[10] = 'October' $monthName[11] = 'November' $monthName[12] = 'December' $month = $monthName[month] --- loadg ---------------------------------