kafe 31 KB

  1. # kafe
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. $metkaM = $ARGS[0]
  4. $locM = $CURLOC
  6. if sound = 0:PLAY 'sound/cafe.mp3',30
  7. cla
  8. *clr
  9. minut += 1
  10. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  11. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  12. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  13. clr
  14. gs 'stat'
  15. gs 'kit_din'
  16. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Cafe</font></b></center>'
  17. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kafe.jpg"></center>'
  18. 'You see <a href="exec:gt ''kafe'', ''vlad''">the owner of the cafe</a> dealing with paperwork.'
  19. 'Lunch - 100 <b>₽</b>'
  20. if QWdogReiq = 3 and week = 7 and hour >= 12:
  21. act 'Sit down at the table and wait for a Margarita':dynamic $margokafedin
  22. end
  23. !!act 'Agree':gt 'cafe3', 'wc'
  24. if money >= 100:
  25. act 'Eat (100 <b>₽</b>)':
  26. money -= 100
  27. gs 'food', 'dyn_meal'
  28. razvrand = rand(1, 10)
  29. if razvrand > 5:
  30. gs 'boy'
  31. 'A man comes over to your table <<$boybody>> <<$boybod>> <<$boyface>> introducing himself as <<$boy>>.'
  32. xgt 'kafe', 'razvod'
  33. end
  34. act 'Get up from the table':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  35. end
  36. end
  37. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  38. end
  39. if $ARGS[0] = 'vlad':
  40. cla
  41. *clr
  42. minut += 5
  43. gs 'stat'
  44. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Cafe</font></b></center>'
  45. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kafe.jpg"></center>'
  46. if givi = 0:'At the end of the counter sits a short, but very broad caucasian, he''s writing something.'
  47. if givi > 0:'At the end of the counter sits the owner of the cafe, Givi K. He''s writing something.'
  48. if workKafe = 0:
  49. if GiviSex >= 2 and Givisexday < 1 and Venera < 4:
  50. act 'Have some fun with Givi':
  51. cla
  52. *clr
  53. Givisexday = 1
  54. GiviSex += 1
  55. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kafe.jpg"></center>'
  56. 'You go behind the counter to Givi and tell him you want something to do.'
  57. '"Wow, <<$name>> you must be so bored!" says Givi K. unbuttoning his pants.'
  58. act 'To kneel':
  59. cla
  60. *clr
  61. bj += 1
  62. dick = 20
  63. harakBoy = 2
  64. minut += 30
  65. $boy = 'Givi Karapetovich'
  66. SUB += 1
  67. '<center><img src="images/picVA/barbj.jpg"></center>'
  68. 'You bend down so customers can''t see you behind the bar and kneel before Givi, as he takes out his member.'
  69. gs 'oral', 'start'
  70. 'Givis hard grabs you by the hair and pulls your mouth deeply on to his cock.'
  71. act 'Continue to suck.':
  72. cla
  73. *clr
  74. swallow += 1
  75. spafinloc = 12
  76. gs 'cum_manage'
  77. money += 500
  78. '<center><img src="images/picV/swallow1.jpg"></center>'
  79. 'A hot jet of sperm hits the back of your throat. You start to swallow cum, and <<$boy>> continues to cum in your mouth. Finally the flow of hot, pungent liquid stops.'
  80. '"Best waitress, ever!" Says Givi as he gives you 500 <b>₽</b>.'
  81. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. else
  87. if GiviSex >= 2 and Givisexday < 1 and Venera < 4:
  88. act 'Have some fun with Givi':
  89. cla
  90. *clr
  91. Givisexday = 1
  92. GiviSex += 1
  93. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kafe.jpg"></center>'
  94. 'You go behind the counter to Givi and tell him his paperwork will be much easier if he has a break.'
  95. '"Have I got something you want?" asks K. Givi not interested in your answer. He takes you by the hand.'
  96. act 'Kneel':
  97. cla
  98. *clr
  99. smenaKafe += 1
  100. bj += 1
  101. dick = 20
  102. harakBoy = 2
  103. minut += 30
  104. $boy = 'Givi Karapetovich'
  105. SUB += 1
  106. '<center><img src="images/picVA/barbj.jpg"></center>'
  107. 'You bend down so customers can''t see you behind the bar and kneel before Givi, as he takes out his member'
  108. gs 'oral', 'start'
  109. 'Givis hard grabs you by the hair and pulls your mouth deeply on to his cock.'
  110. act 'Continue to suck.':
  111. cla
  112. *clr
  113. swallow += 1
  114. spafinloc = 12
  115. gs 'cum_manage'
  116. '<center><img src="images/picV/swallow1.jpg"></center>'
  117. 'A hot jet of sperm hits the back of your throat. You start to swallow cum, and <<$boy>> continues to cum in your mouth. Finally the flow of hot, pungent liquid stops.'
  118. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  119. end
  120. end
  121. end
  122. end
  123. act 'Resign':
  124. cla
  125. work = 0
  126. workKafe = 0
  127. pay = smenaKafe * 600
  128. money += pay
  129. smenaKafe = 0
  130. 'Givi Karapetovich sadly shakes his head, "Okay, here''s your <<pay>> <b>₽</b> and employment history. Go."'
  131. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  132. end
  133. end
  134. if workKafe > 0 and week > 1 and week < 5:'Hi, <<$name>>. Skipping work?'
  135. if workKafe > 0 and week > 4:'Well, hello <<$name>>!'
  136. if givi = 1 and workKafe < 1:'He looks up waiting for you to speak.'
  137. if givi = 0:
  138. givi = 1
  139. 'Hello! I''m Givi Karapetovich, owner of the cafe. What do you want?'
  140. end
  141. if (work = 0 and workKafe = 0 and cheatWork = 0) or (workKafe = 0 and cheatWork = 1):
  142. act 'Apply for a job at the cafe.':
  143. cla
  144. '<br>You ask if Givi has any job openings at the cafe.'
  145. if vnesh < 20:'No no no, you would scare all the customers away. You need to improve your appearence, try better clothing, use makeup, brush your hair. You look just terrible.'
  146. if vnesh >= 20:
  147. '<br>Givi K. examines you from head to toe. "Okay, these are the working conditions."'
  148. '<br>"The cafe is open from 12 to 22 every day, except Monday. You work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Come to the café between 11 to 12, before opening. If you do not come to work, that day will not be counted in your salary. Salary is paid on the 25th of each month and for each shift you earn 600 <b>₽</b>. Plus whatever you can get as tips, that depends on you. Also you''ll get free meals."'
  149. '<br>"Oh, and I''ll take your work book, you can not apply for another job while working here. Well? Interested?"'
  150. act 'Take the job':
  151. cla
  152. work = 1
  153. workKafe = 1
  154. smenaKafe = 0
  155. '<br>You give Givi your work book. He takes it and reminds you. "Come to work every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, somewhere between 11 to 12."'
  156. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  157. end
  158. end
  159. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  160. end
  161. end
  162. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  163. end
  164. if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
  165. cla
  166. *clr
  167. minut += 5
  168. gs 'stat'
  169. smenaKafe += 1
  170. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Cafe</font></b></center>'
  171. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kafe.jpg"></center>'
  172. 'You have arrived for work at the cafe, Givi K. writes in a book that you came to work on time and stands behind the bar. The kitchen cook is a sturdy young caucasian, Ashot. Another waitress Irina is preparing for work. Tamara the dishwasher is cleaning the sink.'
  173. act 'Start work':
  174. cla
  175. minut = 0
  176. hour = 12
  177. Givi += rand(5, 10)
  178. gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  179. end
  180. act 'Resign':
  181. cla
  182. work = 0
  183. workKafe = 0
  184. pay = smenaKafe * 600
  185. money += pay
  186. smenaKafe = 0
  187. 'Givi Karapetovich sadly shakes his head, "Okay, here''s your <<pay>> <b>₽</b> and employment history. Go."'
  188. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  189. end
  190. end
  191. if $ARGS[0] = 'workPred':
  192. $metkaM = $ARGS[0]
  193. $locM = $CURLOC
  194. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  195. $loc = $CURLOC
  196. cla
  197. clr
  198. *clr
  199. gs 'kafedinamic'
  200. gs 'kit_din'
  201. gs 'stat'
  202. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Cafe</font></b></center>'
  203. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kafe.jpg"></center>'
  204. 'You''re at work in the café, the cook <a href="exec:dynamic $ashotdin">Ashot</a> is busy in the kitchen. Your fellow server <a href="exec:dynamic $iradin">Ira</a> waits tables with customers. The owner <a href="exec:dynamic $gividin">Givi K.</a> is standing behind the bar.'
  205. 'A small door leads to the <a href="exec:dynamic $kafetualet">toilets</a>.'
  206. if Givi > 100:Givi = 100
  207. if Givi > 90 and GiviSex = 0:Givi = 90
  208. if IrinaSlut = 1 and hour = 22:
  209. cls
  210. IrinaSlut = 2
  211. gs 'stat'
  212. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Cafe</font></b></center>'
  213. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kafe.jpg"></center>'
  214. 'Your shift has finished and Ira has disappeared somewhere. Looking around you see that Givi is nowhere to be seen. Tamara has slipped out the door, and Ashot is putting the dishes away.'
  215. act 'Search for missing Ira':
  216. cls
  217. horny += 10
  218. gs 'stat'
  219. '<center><img src="images/picKav/irinaslut.jpg"></center>'
  220. 'You walk to the back room from as a pleased looking Givi emerges, fastening his belt. He smiles at you and says, "What a good whore you found me, help her, after what she has done this horseman does not have anything left."'
  221. 'You go into the back room and see Irina there bent over and on her naked butt, is a pool of sperm. Ira blissfully moans "Such a thrill, I'' ve never done something this naughty before."'
  222. act 'Clean Ira and take her home':
  223. cla
  224. minut += 15
  225. gs 'stat'
  226. 'Taking a napkin you wipe the cum from her ass, help her to feet and sort her out. Ira,regaining her senses, looks to you with a beatific smile "That Givi is chock-bellied ugly, but he fucked me like nobody fucked, I even lost consciousness from an orgasm."'
  227. 'Ira is still floating in ecstasy, so you help walk her home. At her front door, she kisses you on the lips and leaves.'
  228. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  229. end
  230. if horny >= 50:
  231. act 'Lick off her ''problem''':
  232. cls
  233. horny += 10
  234. minut += 15
  235. spafinloc = 12
  236. gs 'cum_manage'
  237. gs 'stat'
  238. '<center><img src="images/picKav/irinaslut2.jpg"></center>'
  239. 'You kneel behind Ira, her reddening holes telling you she has just been fucked in her pussy and ass. You begin to lick up the sperm.'
  240. 'Ira moans, "Oh, it''s so nice, why I was afraid of this before?"'
  241. act 'Swallow sperm and take Ira home':
  242. cla
  243. minut += 15
  244. sub += 1
  245. swallow += 1
  246. gs 'stat'
  247. 'You swallow the sperm, help her to feet and sort her out. Ira,regaining her senses, looks to you with a beatific smile "That Givi is chock-bellied ugly, but he fucked me like nobody fucked, I even lost consciousness from an orgasm."'
  248. 'Ira is still floating in ecstasy, so you help walk her home. At her front door, she kisses you on the lips and leaves.'
  249. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  250. end
  251. act 'Spit sperm into her mouth':
  252. cls
  253. minut += 5
  254. dom += 1
  255. gs 'stat'
  256. '<center><img src="images/picKav/irinaslut3.jpg"></center>'
  257. 'You take Iras head in your hands and lift her face to yours, she readily opens her mouth, you spit and the sperm is transferred to Ira.'
  258. act 'Kiss':
  259. cls
  260. sub += 1
  261. gs 'stat'
  262. '<center><img src="images/picKav/irinaslut4.jpg"></center>'
  263. 'You move your lips to Ira and start kissing her and exchanging sperm between your mouths, finally you both swallowed some of the semen.'
  264. act 'Take Ira home':
  265. cla
  266. minut += 15
  267. gs 'stat'
  268. 'You wiped the remnants of sperm off your face, help her to feet and sort her out. Ira,regaining her senses, looks to you with a beatific smile "That Givi is chock-bellied ugly, but he fucked me like nobody fucked, I even lost consciousness from an orgasm."'
  269. 'Ira is still floating in ecstasy, so you help walk her home. At her front door, she kisses you on the lips and leaves.'
  270. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  271. end
  272. end
  273. act 'Take Ira home':
  274. cla
  275. minut += 15
  276. dom += 1
  277. swallow += 1
  278. gs 'stat'
  279. 'You wiped the remnants of sperm off your face, help her to feet and sort her out. Ira,regaining her senses, looks to you with a beatific smile "That Givi is chock-bellied ugly, but he fucked me like nobody fucked, I even lost consciousness from an orgasm."'
  280. 'Ira is still floating in ecstasy, so you help walk her home. At her front door, she kisses you on the lips and leaves.'
  281. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  282. end
  283. end
  284. end
  285. end
  286. end
  287. exit
  288. end
  289. if hour < 22:
  290. act 'Serve tables':
  291. cls
  292. minut += 30
  293. manna -= 5
  294. znarand = rand(0, 1200)
  295. chai = rand(0, vnesh/4 + oficiant/2)
  296. if oficiant < 100:oficiant += 1
  297. if vital < 30:vital += 1
  298. money += chai
  299. if chai = 0:willpower -= 5 & manna -= 15
  300. manna -= 5
  301. gs 'stat'
  302. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_client.jpg"></center>'
  303. 'You serve customers at a table and receive <<chai>> <b>₽</b> as tip.'
  304. act 'Move away':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  305. if znarand > vnesh or bfA > 0:
  306. kaferand = rand(0, 100)
  307. if kaferand = 0:
  308. cls
  309. gs 'stat'
  310. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/kafe1.jpg"></center>'
  311. 'Serving a table at one of the private booths you see two men seduce a pretty drunk girl. Pretty soon she is on her knees sucking on both of their cocks. One of the men is looking at you with a clear invitation to join them.'
  312. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  313. if daystart > 10 and sex > 0:
  314. act 'Join them':
  315. kafesexrand = 1
  316. picrand = 13
  317. guy += 2
  318. girl += 1
  319. gang += 1
  320. xgt 'sexdvanadva', 'var'
  321. end
  322. end
  323. elseif kaferand = 1:
  324. cls
  325. gs 'stat'
  326. dynamic $CatName, 'Customer'
  327. dynamic $CatName, 'Customer', '$boy1'
  328. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/kafe2.jpg"></center>'
  329. 'You serve a table in the attic, with two men. Each time you come by they strive to pinch or slap your butt, or run their hands under your skirt.'
  330. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  331. if daystart > 10 and sex > 0:
  332. act 'Succumb':
  333. kafesexrand = 1
  334. picrand = 17
  335. guy += 2
  336. xgt 'sexdvoe', 'var'
  337. end
  338. end
  339. elseif kaferand = 2 and vnesh > 60:
  340. cls
  341. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_client.jpg"></center>'
  342. 'At the table in a separate room sits a man. He looks at you appreciatively and says, "Girl, want to keep me company?" You notice the bulge in his trousers, he''s obviously arroused.'
  343. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  344. act 'Sit down next to him':
  345. cls
  346. 'You sit down next to the client. And look at him waiting for what he would do. He takes your hand and puts it on his crotch.'
  347. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  348. if horny >= 50 or bj > 0:
  349. act 'Unbutton his pants':
  350. cls
  351. dick = rand(12, 21)
  352. gs 'stat'
  353. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_work_2.jpg"></center>'
  354. 'You undo his pants and hold the warm and hard <<dick>> cm cock, covered with veins and a small drop of crimson on the head.'
  355. act 'Masturbate him':
  356. cls
  357. boy += 1
  358. hj += 1
  359. money += 500
  360. gs 'stat'
  361. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_work_hj.jpg"></center>'
  362. 'Clasping your fingers around his member you start to masturbate him, the man fairly quickly groans and discharges on your hand. Then you wipe his penis with a tissue and he gives you 500 <b>₽</b> for your work.'
  363. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  364. end
  365. act 'Suck his dick':
  366. cls
  367. boy += 1
  368. bj += 1
  369. gs 'stat'
  370. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_work_bj.jpg"></center>'
  371. dynamic $dinrandbj
  372. act 'Take the sperm in your mouth':
  373. cls
  374. spafinloc = 12
  375. gs 'cum_manage'
  376. money += 700
  377. gs 'stat'
  378. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_work_bj2.jpg"></center>'
  379. dynamic $dinrandswallow
  380. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  381. end
  382. end
  383. end
  384. end
  385. end
  386. elseif kaferand = 3 and vnesh > 60:
  387. cls
  388. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_client.jpg"></center>'
  389. 'At the table in a separate room sits a man. He looked appreciatively at you and says, "Girl, can you help? I have prepared for you a great tip, but accidentally dropped it under the table. And I myself have eaten soo much so that I can no longer bend down..." you notice he is undoing the fly on his trousers, his intention is obvious.'
  390. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  391. act 'Crawl under the table':
  392. cls
  393. gs 'stat'
  394. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_work_3_1.jpg"></center>'
  395. '"Well, now." You reply.'
  396. 'You could do with the tip and getting onto all fours, you climb under the table. You do find a 500 ruble note there, but when you reach for it, the mans shoe lowers onto the edge of it. He unzips his pants, pulls out of his penis and points at it.'
  397. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  398. if horny >= 50 or bj > 0:
  399. act 'Suck':
  400. cls
  401. bj += 1
  402. guy += 1
  403. gs 'stat'
  404. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_work_3_2.jpg"></center>'
  405. 'You knew there was no such thing as a free lunch.'
  406. 'Still, you need these five hundred <b>₽</b>, so take his cock in your hand and guide it straight into your mouth. The next five minutes, you carefully lick and chew it. Finally, the customer makes several short jerky movements with his hips and starts to pour hot cum into your mouth.'
  407. act '....':
  408. cls
  409. spafinloc = 12
  410. gs 'cum_manage'
  411. spafinloc = 11
  412. gs 'cum_manage'
  413. money += 500
  414. gs 'stat'
  415. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_work_3_3.jpg"></center>'
  416. 'Filling your mouth to the brim, he takes his foot off cash and you are finally able to pick it up.'
  417. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  418. end
  419. end
  420. end
  421. end
  422. elseif kaferand = 4:
  423. cls
  424. horny += 5
  425. gs 'stat'
  426. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand.jpg"></center>'
  427. 'Going into one of the booths you see a girl leaning over a guy sucking him.'
  428. act 'Tactfully leave':
  429. cls
  430. money += 300
  431. gs 'stat'
  432. 'You tactfully leave the booth, and after a couple of minutes they leave you a 300 <b>₽</b> tip.'
  433. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  434. end
  435. act 'Break it up':
  436. cls
  437. gs 'stat'
  438. 'You indignantly declared that the cafe is not a brothel, people are trying to eat in here.'
  439. iverand = rand(0, 2)
  440. if iverand = 0:'The guy has call you a bitch and him and his girlfriend quickly leave the cafe without leaving a penny tip.'
  441. if iverand = 1:'The guy says you are a fucking whore and calls you frigid, then finishing in his girlfriends mouth leaves without leaving a penny tip.'
  442. if iverand = 2:
  443. 'The guy gets out a 500 ruble bill, "For your discretion."'
  444. act 'Expel them':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  445. act 'Discreetly leave':
  446. cls
  447. money += 500
  448. gs 'stat'
  449. 'You take the money and leave the couple to their own devices.'
  450. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  451. end
  452. end
  453. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  454. end
  455. if bj > 10 and swallow > 5 and horny >= 50:
  456. act 'Giggle flirtatiously':
  457. cls
  458. gs 'stat'
  459. 'The girl looks up from the penis and waves her hand inviting you to join.'
  460. act 'Tactfully leave':
  461. cls
  462. money += 300
  463. gs 'stat'
  464. 'You tactfully leave the booth, and after a couple of minutes they leave you a 300 <b>₽</b> tip.'
  465. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  466. end
  467. act 'Kneel before the guy':
  468. cls
  469. bj += 1
  470. if SergeaAndKatjaSex = 0:SergeaAndKatjaSex = 1 & guy += 1
  471. gs 'stat'
  472. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrandBJ.jpg"></center>'
  473. 'You kneel down and start to suck dick with the girl kissing each other in the process.'
  474. act '....':
  475. cls
  476. spafinloc = 12
  477. gs 'cum_manage'
  478. spafinloc = 11
  479. gs 'cum_manage'
  480. gs 'stat'
  481. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrandCUM.jpg"></center>'
  482. 'Finally the stimulation is too much for the guy. Hot sperm gets into your mouth and a little on your face. You and the Girl lick the dick until it''s nice and clean.'
  483. if SergeaAndKatjaQW = 0:
  484. SergeaAndKatjaQW = 1
  485. 'After the blowjob the guy introduces himself, "I am Sergei and this is Katja. I didn''t know such hot waitresses worked here."'
  486. end
  487. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  488. end
  489. end
  490. end
  491. end
  492. elseif kaferand = 5:
  493. cls
  494. horny += 5
  495. gs 'stat'
  496. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand.jpg"></center>'
  497. 'Serving tables you accidentally notice as a girl is leaning over and blowing her boyfriend.'
  498. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  499. elseif kaferand = 6:
  500. cls
  501. horny += 5
  502. gs 'stat'
  503. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand3.jpg"></center>'
  504. 'Going into one of the stalls you see a couple of girls sitting there and one of them is on their knees licking the others vagina.'
  505. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  506. elseif kaferand = 7:
  507. cls
  508. horny += 5
  509. gs 'stat'
  510. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand4.jpg"></center>'
  511. 'Passing the dance floor where teens mess around you see one drunken girl sat on her haunches sucking cock.'
  512. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  513. elseif kaferand = 8:
  514. cls
  515. horny += 5
  516. gs 'stat'
  517. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand5.jpg"></center>'
  518. 'Walking past the bar you see a girl squatting sucking some guys dick as he drinks beer ..'
  519. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  520. elseif kaferand = 9:
  521. cls
  522. horny += 5
  523. gs 'stat'
  524. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand6.jpg"></center>'
  525. 'Going into one of the stalls you see that there is a cheerful company of young people and one of the beautiful girls is being fucked doggy style right in front of the table.'
  526. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  527. elseif kaferand = 10:
  528. cls
  529. horny += 5
  530. gs 'stat'
  531. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand7.jpg"></center>'
  532. 'On the dance floor girls are dancing and having fun.'
  533. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  534. elseif kaferand = 11:
  535. cls
  536. horny += 5
  537. gs 'stat'
  538. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand8.jpg"></center>'
  539. 'You see how the two drunken girls unashamedly kissing passionately.'
  540. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  541. elseif kaferand = 12:
  542. cls
  543. horny += 5
  544. gs 'stat'
  545. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand9.jpg"></center>'
  546. 'You see a drunk girl crawl under the table like she had lost something, she hikes uo her skirt and not wearing panties, almost all cafe can see everything.'
  547. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  548. elseif kaferand = 13:
  549. cls
  550. horny += 5
  551. gs 'stat'
  552. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand10.jpg"></center>'
  553. 'You see as a drunken couple plays, the girl licks cock and the guy is pouring champagne in her mouth.'
  554. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  555. elseif kaferand = 14:
  556. cls
  557. horny += 5
  558. gs 'stat'
  559. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand11.jpg"></center>'
  560. 'You happen to notice that a couple of fun chatting girls not only chatting, one of the girls put her hand into her friends panties and caresses her girlfriend there.'
  561. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  562. elseif kaferand = 15:
  563. cls
  564. horny += 5
  565. gs 'stat'
  566. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand12.jpg"></center>'
  567. 'You see on the dance floor a girl dancing and being groped, her skirt is slowly being lifted, but the girl apparently does not mind.'
  568. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  569. elseif kaferand = 16:
  570. cls
  571. horny += 5
  572. gs 'stat'
  573. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand13.jpg"></center>'
  574. 'Going into one of the stalls you see guys playing cards with girls. It looks like they are losing at strip-poker sitting in their underwear.'
  575. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  576. elseif kaferand = 17:
  577. cls
  578. horny += 5
  579. gs 'stat'
  580. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand14.jpg"></center>'
  581. 'You see two guys dancing with a girl touching her everywhere and lifting her skirt, the girl reacts by laughing without even trying to cover up how much the rest of the customers are staring.'
  582. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  583. elseif kaferand = 18:
  584. cls
  585. horny += 5
  586. gs 'stat'
  587. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand15.jpg"></center>'
  588. 'You see how the guy on the dance floor kisses with a girl and he runs his hand under her skirt practically fucking her with his fingers through her panties.'
  589. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  590. elseif kaferand = 19:
  591. cls
  592. horny += 5
  593. gs 'stat'
  594. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand16.jpg"></center>'
  595. 'You see a drunk girl, legs spread, skirt hitched and no panties as a cheerful young man fucks her pussy with his fingers.'
  596. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  597. elseif kaferand = 20:
  598. cls
  599. horny += 5
  600. gs 'stat'
  601. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand17.jpg"></center>'
  602. 'You see a guy hugs a drunken girl, he takes a mouthful of beer and pours it into her mouth with a kiss as a second guy massages her boobs.'
  603. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  604. elseif kaferand = 21:
  605. cls
  606. horny += 5
  607. gs 'stat'
  608. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand18.jpg"></center>'
  609. 'Going into the attic you see two guys either end of a girl who sucks cock as her bare ass wiggles with the second man fucking her as deeply as possible.'
  610. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  611. elseif kaferand = 22:
  612. cls
  613. horny += 5
  614. gs 'stat'
  615. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand19.jpg"></center>'
  616. 'You see on the dance floor one young madam in an outfit that is basically underwear dancing with a young guy pawing her.'
  617. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  618. elseif kaferand = 23:
  619. cls
  620. horny += 5
  621. gs 'stat'
  622. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand20.jpg"></center>'
  623. 'You see two young guys bending a girl over and depicting sex with her, all laughing hysterically.'
  624. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  625. elseif kaferand = 24:
  626. cls
  627. horny += 5
  628. gs 'stat'
  629. '<center><img src="images/picKav/ivrand21.jpg"></center>'
  630. 'Going into one of the stalls you see a man licking pussy in front of some cheeky person as she is lying on her back and catching a buzz from smoking a cigarette.'
  631. act 'Leave':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  632. elseif kaferand >= 90 and opusk > 0 and pirsA = 0:
  633. cls
  634. pirsA = 1
  635. ! WD: Unused ~ 'pirsday'
  636. ! pirsday = day
  637. '<center><img src="images/body/pirsA.jpg"></center>'
  638. 'You are beckoned you to one of the clients, you go to the table and notice that in front of you are the real criminals.'
  639. 'When you get to the table, the leader calls you closer to him, and when you go, you are very hard and painfully grabbed by the neck.'
  640. 'The leader tells you, "Bitch, open your mouth." You obediently open your mouth, he looks back at you and slaps you very hard. "I do not see a pierced tongue. Whores should wear piercings so that a decent person can immediately understand what they are."'
  641. 'The leader turned to his mobsters and tells them it is necessary to fix you. At the same moment you are grabbed and strong arms carry you out of the cafe, you are thrown into the back seat of the jeep and it drives off.'
  642. 'The drive is not very long, riding up to what looks like a jail, the jeep honks and gates open soundlessly. The jeep pulls up by the teritory cottages. A strong brother drags you out of the car and drags you to the basement.'
  643. 'The basement has all the tools set out ready. You sit on a chair and a heavily tattooed orangutan comes up to you with a clip and a pair of scissors, he pull your tongue out of your mouth and pierces it with lightning speed. In the bleeding wound in your tonuge he attaches a small bar.'
  644. 'Damn, it''s very painful. You moan with your tongue hanging out, bandits laughing at your pain. Finally your tongue is freed. Tears roll down your cheeks as the bandits escort you out of the cottages.'
  645. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  646. elseif kaferand > 25 and opusk > 0 and pirsA ! 0 and hour >= 12 and hour <= 19:
  647. cls
  648. 'Mob boss beckons you to his table. You approached him with trembling knees.''He looks at you like a boa constrictor on a rabbit and says, "Whore, open your mouth." You open your mouth obediently and quickly stick out your tongue.'
  649. if pirsA = 2:
  650. pirsA = 1
  651. 'The leader asks you where your tongue piercing is. You produce it from your pocket and shakily manage to fit it and screw it tight.'
  652. end
  653. 'The leader takes you by the face and you freeze under his piercing gaze. "All the same, good job guys. Okay whore, get under the table and entertain me."'
  654. act 'Get under the table':
  655. cla
  656. if glavar = 0:glavar = 1 & guy += 1
  657. bj += 1
  658. spafinloc = 11
  659. gs 'cum_manage'
  660. '<center><img src="images/pics/glavarBJ.jpg"></center>'
  661. 'You obediently crawl under the table and pull out the leaders penis from his pants, dutifully you caress it with your tongue and start sucking.'
  662. 'The ringleader, as if made of stone, did not flinch a muscle as he empties his the contents of his balls into your mouth.'
  663. horand = rand(1, 100)
  664. if horand > horny:horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied'
  665. if horand <= horny:horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You orgasm'
  666. 'You swallow all his sperm and suck him dry up.'
  667. act 'return to work':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  668. end
  669. end
  670. elseif znarand <= vnesh and bfA <= 0:
  671. cls
  672. gs 'boy'
  673. '<center><img src="images/picKav/waitress_client.jpg"></center>'
  674. 'At the table sits a <<$boybody>> <<$boybod>> <<$boyface>> guy. He is <<$boyClo>>'
  675. 'You take his order, and when you take him the bill, he asks if he could meet you.'
  676. act 'No':
  677. cla
  678. money += 10
  679. 'The man is angry he leaves you a 10 <b>₽</b> tip and goes.'
  680. act 'Move away':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  681. end
  682. if bfA <= 0 or bfB = 0 or bfC = 0:
  683. act 'Yes':
  684. cla
  685. money += 100
  686. gs 'boyfrend', 'start'
  687. stopboy = 0
  688. 'The man is glad that you do not mind dating him. He introduces himself as <<$boy>> and asks for your phone number, promising to call you back tomorrow.'
  689. 'Then he leaves you a hundred <b>₽</b> tip and goes.'
  690. act 'Move away':gt 'kafe', 'workPred'
  691. end
  692. end
  693. end
  694. end
  695. end
  696. if hour >= 22:
  697. act 'Finish shift and go home':
  698. cla
  699. if GiviSex = 0 and Givi < 90 or Vnesh < 0:
  700. 'Givi nods his head at you, "Goodbye, <<$name>>."'
  701. act 'Leave':
  702. cla
  703. minut += 5
  704. gt 'kafeend'
  705. end
  706. else
  707. dynamic $givipredlogdin
  708. end
  709. end
  710. end
  711. end
  712. if $ARGS[0] = 'razvod':
  713. cla
  714. !!*clr
  715. !!act 'Get up from the table':gt 'kafe', 'start'
  716. deyst = rand(0, 3)
  717. if deyst = 0:
  718. '<<$boy>> invites you to dance.'
  719. act 'Dance':gt 'cafe2', 'dance'
  720. if horny < 75:
  721. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  722. end
  723. elseif deyst = 1:
  724. '<<$boy>> asks permission to sit down at the same table as you.'
  725. act 'Drink':gt 'cafe2', 'booze'
  726. if horny < 75:
  727. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  728. end
  729. elseif deyst = 2:
  730. '<<$boy>> invites you to a nearby party which he is going to.'
  731. act 'Agree':gt 'cafe2', 'kompashka'
  732. if horny < 75:
  733. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  734. end
  735. elseif deyst = 3:
  736. '<<$boy>> is incredibly drunk and you feel tipsy just from the smell of booze on him. "Hey baby, got some spare time? Come have fun in the outhouse."'
  737. act 'Agree':gt 'cafe3', 'toilet'
  738. if horny < 95:
  739. act 'Leave':
  740. cla
  741. derand = rand(0, 400)
  742. if derand < vnesh:
  743. '"Come on, baby, give two thousand. Daddy should have fun."'
  744. act 'Agree':
  745. money += 2000
  746. gt 'cafe3', 'toilet'
  747. end
  748. else
  749. '"Well, okay, get out of here, you still have legs and curves fuck up like a monkey."'
  750. end
  751. act 'Fuck you':gt 'street'
  752. end
  753. end
  754. end
  755. end
  756. --- kafe ---------------------------------