gschool2 59 KB

  1. # gschool2
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  4. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  5. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  6. gs 'indoors'
  7. gs 'stat'
  8. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School</font></b></center>'
  9. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/gschool2.jpg"></center>'
  10. 'The hallways of the school building are painted with a cheap green paint, which you think may be toxic. Budget cuts...'
  11. act 'Leave the school building':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  12. if zverSlutQW = 1 and week = 1 and lariskaQwestDay < daystart and lariskaQwestDay ! 0 and zverRageQW = 2:
  13. zverSlutQW = 2
  14. if KotovZverHelp ! 1:
  15. $npcText[18] = 'Ever since your fight, Christina has been avoiding you. She''s been humiliated ever since you told the whole school about how she sucked the P.E. teacher''s dick for a place in the running competition, and beat her up when she tried to fight you. Barely a shade of her former self she stands timidly in a corner, her head still wrapped in gauss. Whenever she opens her mouth, people can see the broken teeth she hasn''t had a chance to get fixed yet.'
  16. if lariskaHelp > 0:
  17. 'Larissa tells you that you crushed Christina''s spirit when she lost that fight to you, and that there''s no fight left in her now. She seems happy. You know better though; Christina is the type of person to hold a grudge, and you expect she''s just biding her time until she finds a good opportunity to get back at you.'
  18. end
  19. else
  20. if LinaSlut > 0:$text_end = ' and Lina'
  21. 'Larissa tells you that Christina will require treatment for several months to fully recover from the beating you gave her, and also that Avelina has been hooking up with Vitek Kotov recently. You suspect this might have something to do with Christina; Lina would do anything for Christina. You feel a knot in your stomach; being on Vitek''s bad side could be really bad for you.'
  22. end
  23. if lariskaHelp > 0:LariskaHomeIn = 1
  24. $npcText[13] = 'Larissa is an athletic girl with a weak personality: she''s very dependant on other people''s opinions of her. Christina used to control her, but ever since you took care of Christina she has been a lot more lively. She has a spark in her eyes, and is almost always in a good mood. Even though Mikhail Nikolayevich sees a lot of potential in her and offered her a spot on the volleyball team, she''s afraid to go pro.'
  25. elseif zverSlutQW = 0 and week = 1 and lariskaQwestDay < daystart and lariskaQwestDay ! 0 and zverRageQW = 2:
  26. $npcText[18] = 'Christina is a tall and strong girl. She''s one of the best athletes your school has to offer. Her leadership skills, combined with her intelligence and tenacity make her a very serious threat to anyone who would challenge her.'
  27. grupTipe[18] = 2
  28. grupNPC[18] = 0
  29. ''
  30. $npcText[13] = 'Larissa is an athletic girl with a weak personality: she''s very dependant on other people''s opinions of her. Christina controls her every move, and ever since the fight she has been avoiding you. She seems even more down than usual, and often looks sad. Even though Mikhail Nikolayevich sees a lot of potential in her and offered her a spot on the volleyball team, she''s afraid to go pro.'
  31. if lariskaHelp > 0:
  32. $text_end = ' And don''t you worry, I will take care of your girlfriend Larissa as well. I''ll teach her what happens when she sides against me.'
  33. $npcText[13] = 'Larissa is an athletic girl with a weak personality: she''s very dependant on other people''s opinions of her. Christina used to control her, but ever since you stood up to Christina she has been a lot more lively. Even though Mikhail Nikolayevich saw a lot of potential in her and offered her a spot on the volleyball team, she''s afraid to go pro. Her close ties with Christina Zvereva have put her in a bad light, and she has now been banned from playing for the volleyball team even if she wanted to.'
  34. end
  35. 'Christina Zvereva approaches you:'
  36. '"What do you want, bitch? Have you recovered from your ass-kicking yet? At least you understand your place now.<<$text_end>>"'
  37. lariskaQwestDay += 99999
  38. end
  39. if hour <= 8:
  40. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  41. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  42. else
  43. !meet teacher, from 1.2.4
  44. 'You walk down the corridor, past through countless classes and classrooms. On the next corner, you meet your teacher - Anatoly Evgenievich.'
  45. act 'Hello':
  46. cla
  47. *clr
  48. if grupNPC[26] < 10:
  49. if vnesh < 20:
  50. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/school/teacher1.jpg"></center>'
  51. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  52. '- Good morning, Anatoly Evgenievich, you have a nice day.'
  53. 'The teacher just waved his head in your direction and passed nedosluhavshy to you until the end.'
  54. else
  55. '- Hello Anatoly Evgenievich, looking forward to your classes.'
  56. '- Hello Anna! You better hurry to class, late, ` replied the teacher, calling you a different name. Apparently, he doesn`t even remember your name.'
  57. end
  58. manna -= 5
  59. else
  60. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/school/teacher2.jpg"></center>'
  61. '- Good morning, Anatoly Evgenievich, you have a nice day. Looking forward to your lessons - you turned to the teacher.'
  62. '- Hello <<$name>>, and I with impatience I shall wait for such a wonderful student like you, - replied the teacher, obviously not looking you in the face, but somewhere on the level of the hips.'
  63. grupNPC[26] += 1
  64. end
  65. else
  66. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/school/teacher2.jpg"></center>'
  67. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  68. '- Good morning, Anatoly Evgenievich, you have a nice day. Looking forward to your lessons - you turned to the teacher.
  69. - Hi, <<$nickname>>. Today I will ask homework. Prepared? Or shouldn`t I ask you? - a friend turned to you teacher
  70. - Oh you know, I tried to teach, but something really tired late last night with the girls from the club came back, can`t Wake to torment me today, please, ` groaned you, making pretty little face.
  71. - Okay <<$nickname>>, but this is the last time you answered the teacher phrase that was said more than once over the past few years.
  72. - Thank you, Anatoly Evgenievich! Why don`t we believe in our club? There goes a lot of adult men, and some teachers asked you.
  73. - Sorry, I`m married, ` replied you are the teacher and you both laughed.'
  74. manna += 5
  75. else
  76. '- Anatoly Evgenyevich, what we have today will be the lesson? New theme? And maybe let us go early? - asked you to the teacher.'
  77. '- Yes, the new theme. Release unfortunately, I can`t, the new Director strictly monitors it - sadly replied the teacher.'
  78. end
  79. grupNPC[26] += 1
  80. end
  81. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  82. end
  83. act 'Say Hello flirty ':
  84. cla
  85. *clr
  86. if grupNPC[26] < 10:
  87. if vnesh < 20:
  88. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  89. '- Hello, Anatoly Evgenievich, you are so pretty, you greeted the teacher, smiling with all his teeth, trying to attract attention.'
  90. '- <<$surname>>, to get I have fine, one little smile will be the master, but still smiled at you in response.'
  91. else
  92. 'You went to meet your teacher, he was quite sour, you decided to cheer him up and with a smile on his face waved to him.'
  93. 'In response, the teacher smiled at you and went on about their business'
  94. end
  95. grupNPC[26] += 1
  96. else
  97. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  98. '- Hello, Anatoly Evgenievich, you are so beautiful today. you greeted the teacher, smiling with all his teeth, trying to attract attention.'
  99. '- Thank you <<$nickname>>, I`d pay you a compliment, but do not support such informal relationships with pupils, - replied the teacher, but still smiled back.'
  100. grupNPC[26] += 1
  101. else
  102. '- Good morning, Anatoly Evgenievich, you have a new suit, so chic. - a very erotic voice, you turned to the teacher.'
  103. 'After your words, the teacher was kind of a weird shrinking and speeding up the move went towards the toilet. Before leaving, you heard muttering incoherently your teacher, you understand he`s trying to contact you to say Hello or respond to a compliment, but apparently a little confused.'
  104. end
  105. end
  106. else
  107. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  108. '- Hello, Anatoly Evgenievich, you are so pretty, you greeted the teacher, smiling with all his teeth, trying to attract attention.'
  109. '- Wife in night shift worked, so had to eat normal food in the cafe, ` replied you are a teacher and you laughed together.'
  110. '- Well, maybe I`ll try to cook, well, just to show you what I`ve learned in the classroom work - serious voice answered you.'
  111. '- You know, <<$nickname>>, maybe we should arrange something like the tea party with the class the girls to make a cake, the guys will prepare a class, - replied the teacher, obviously not understanding your hint.'
  112. '- That`s not what I meant, - obidevshis you replied and went away.'
  113. manna -= 10
  114. grupNPC[26] -= 1
  115. else
  116. '- Good morning, Anatoly Evgenievich, you have a new suit, so chic - very erotic voice, you turned to the teacher.'
  117. '- Thanks <<$nickname>>. I bought myself the latest patch - you said the teacher.'
  118. grupNPC[26] += 1
  119. end
  120. end
  121. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  122. end
  123. act 'Silently pass by':
  124. cla
  125. *clr
  126. if grupNPC[26] < 10:
  127. cla
  128. *clr
  129. if vnesh < 20:
  130. 'You are very hurried about their business, and you know bad. So we decided to just pass by. The more the teacher wasn`t even looking in your direction.'
  131. else
  132. '- Good morning, <<$surname>>, with a teacher you think has no need to greet? - strictly asked you teacher.'
  133. '- Oh, Anatoly Evgenievich, good morning, sorry I didn`t notice that fact, dreaming at all, ` replied the teacher, and you ran away.'
  134. end
  135. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  136. else
  137. cla
  138. *clr
  139. '- Good morning, <<$surname>>. Why not say Hello? The teacher can`t punish or reward for such actions. But still you`ve got this year exam. Should behave more kindly, - cdid you note teacher.'
  140. act 'To apologize and to say Hello':
  141. cla
  142. *clr
  143. 'Oh, Anatoly Evgenievich, I`m sorry, I didn`t see you. Of course, good day to you. Looking forward to our lessons - you said smiling.'
  144. grupNPC[26] += 1
  145. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  146. end
  147. act 'Touch your hand and apologize':
  148. cla
  149. *clr
  150. 'Oh, Anatoly Evgenievich, I`m sorry, I didn`t see you, said happily you and coming closer, as if by accident, touched his arm.'
  151. 'Just today, this morning heavy fell, but still not got much sleep. So you don`t get offended, and I put more fives.'
  152. if vnesh >= 20: grupNPC[26] += 1
  153. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  154. end
  155. act 'Ignore the comment':
  156. cla
  157. *clr
  158. 'You pretended that did not hear the teacher`s remark and went on about their business.'
  159. dom += 1
  160. grupNPC[26] -= 1
  161. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  162. end
  163. end
  164. end
  165. if grupNPC[26] > 20 and vnesh >= 20:
  166. act 'Seduce':
  167. cla
  168. *clr
  169. 'You decided to go. Yes, and everything, need to earn some extra points in front of a teacher.'
  170. act 'Lick lips':
  171. cla
  172. *clr
  173. 'You decided to tease Anatoly Evgenyevich and catching his eyes on her licked their lips.'
  174. '- Seeing this, the teacher smiled for a moment, but pretending nothing had happened, went further.'
  175. grupNPC[26] += 1
  176. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  177. end
  178. act 'Dropping textbooks':
  179. cla
  180. *clr
  181. grupNPC[26] += 1
  182. 'You dropped some books and standing on all fours steel from side to side to wag his booty.'
  183. '- <<$nickname>>, I guess you can just sit down, or you prefer. And the youth now went completely without complexes, look as if someone took the opportunity - with a smile said the teacher'
  184. act 'Stand up and try to start a conversation':
  185. cla
  186. *clr
  187. '- Well, then I was lucky that I met you. A grown and respectable man, not some kid. I don`t really understand it, and therefore I prefer to make friends and chat with older people, you answered the teacher.'
  188. '- Yes, <<$surname>>, the behavior you`re obviously a bad, - said the teacher and went down the hall. While leaving, he gently ran his hand on your back'
  189. horny += 3
  190. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  191. end
  192. act 'Bare ass':
  193. cla
  194. *clr
  195. 'You don`t have to pay attention to the master`s words and decided to have fun a little more. Reaching for the next tutorial, you inadvertently pulled the skirt, the teacher opened the full view of your ass.'
  196. if tanga = 1:
  197. '- <<$surname>>, what`s up, cover up, the teacher rushed to you and pulled your skirt, covering your ass.'
  198. '- Anatoly Evgenievich, but it`s just us. And with you around I always feel safe - you replied, getting up from the floor.'
  199. else
  200. '- <<$surname>>, what`s up, cover up, the teacher noticed that you don`t have underwear, quickly ran to you and pulled her skirt, hiding your charms.'
  201. end
  202. 'The teacher gave you a tutorial, and you went, not saying a word more to each other.'
  203. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  204. end
  205. end
  206. act 'Stumble and fall to the teacher at the hands':
  207. cla
  208. *clr
  209. if rand(0,4) > 0:
  210. 'You stumbled and fell to his teacher at the hands. He in turn, deftly catching you, did I:'
  211. '- <<$surname>>, why are you so worn, and hurt ourselves, said you and the teacher went on about their business.'
  212. else
  213. 'You fell in front of a teacher. However, he lacked the agility, and he caught you. From falling you scratched my leg and hurt yourself. The teacher bent over you trying to help.'
  214. '- Oh-Oh-Oh, my leg hurts. Oh, Anatoly Evgenievich, look, she`s all right? - you said and stretched out his wounded leg in front of the teachers face. He began to inspect the leg - one hand took you by the ankle, and the other was stroking on my thigh, just above the abrasion.'
  215. '- Well, <<$nickname>>, need to be careful. You have very beautiful legs that you have to protect them. - gently whispered to you teacher.'
  216. 'He took out his handkerchief and began to wipe the damaged place, continuing to caress your legs.'
  217. '- Well, I`ve done everything I could. Go to the infirmary, there to you will help. - he put you on his feet and went about his business.'
  218. grupNPC[26] += 2
  219. end
  220. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool2', 'start_classes'
  221. end
  222. end
  223. end
  224. end
  225. end
  226. end
  227. if $ARGS[0] = 'start_classes':
  228. hour = 9
  229. minut = 0
  230. !gt 'gschool3', 'rand_class'
  231. gt 'gschool2', 'class'
  232. end
  233. if $ARGS[0] = 'class':
  234. if hour = 9:
  235. minut += 60 * 3
  236. urand = rand(0, 12)
  237. if lernHome = 0:Suspeh += 2
  238. if lernHome > 0:Suspeh -= 1
  239. if Suspeh > 100:Suspeh = 100
  240. if Suspeh < 0:Suspeh = 0
  241. lernSkill += 1
  242. lernHome += 1
  243. if schoolSorev = 1:schoolSorev = 0
  244. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/urok<<urand>>.jpg"></center>'
  245. gs 'stat'
  246. 'You sit in the classroom and listen to the monotonous droning of your teacher, doing your best to not fall asleep.'
  247. if GorSlut > 0:'During the class you hear classmates whisper nasty things about you, and sometimes they make lewd gestures when the teacher is not looking.'
  248. if soniaPS = 1:soniaPS = 2 & 'Everyone is talking about Sonia today. Apparently, she got very drunk last night at the disco and gave five guys a blowjob... at the same time! Her reputation is ruined now, everyone thinks she''s a whore. No one wants to be seen with her any more. Sonia herself looks distraught.'
  249. end
  250. cla
  251. if hour <= 12 and (week = 2 or week = 4):
  252. $teacher = 'Anatoly E.'
  253. $teacher[1] = 'Anatoly E.'
  254. $teacher[2] = 'Anatoly E.'
  255. else
  256. $teacher = 'Ilya Yenotin'
  257. $teacher[1] = 'Ilya Yenotin'
  258. $teacher[2] = 'Ilya Yenotin'
  259. end
  260. if Enable_skipnoevclass > 0 and ($teacher = 'Ilya Yenotin' or RAND(1,100) > Enable_skipnoevclass):
  261. gt 'gschool2', 'lunch' & !skip class ev if 1.not Anatoly E. or 2. rand < set chance by illume
  262. else
  263. act'Listen attentively to <<$teacher[1]>>':
  264. cla
  265. Suspeh += 1
  266. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.': grupNPC[26] += 1
  267. if RAND(1,2) = 1:
  268. $school_class_txtrand = 'You listen attentively to <<$teacher[1]>> for the duration of the class. Today''s lesson was interesting and informative, and you feel smarter for it.'
  269. else
  270. $school_class_txtrand = 'You listen attentively to <<$teacher[1]>> for the duration of the class. You particularly enjoy the debate section.'
  271. end
  272. act'Ask a question about the lesson':
  273. cla
  274. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.': grupNPC[26] += 1
  275. if RAND(1,4) = 1:
  276. 'You ask a question about the lesson, hoping to learn even more on the subject. Unfortunately, the constant chatter of your classmates drowns out the teacher''s answer, and you don''t catch much of it. Maybe if you didn''t sit so far towards the back of the class, it would have been easier to hear.'
  277. gt 'gschool3', 'lesson'
  278. else
  279. Suspeh += 1
  280. '<<$teacher>> nods approvingly, always happy to see his students engaged in his class. He happily spends some extra time explaining the topic again, and answers any extra questions you might have. You feel smarter, thoroughly understanding today''s topics now.'
  281. end
  282. act'Wait for the end of the lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  283. end
  284. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.' and vnesh > 60 and grupNPC[26] >= 40:
  285. if grupNPC[26] >= 40 and grupNPC[26] < 60:
  286. ivrand = 1
  287. elseif grupNPC[26] >= 60 and grupNPC[26] < 80:
  288. ivrand = RAND (1,3)
  289. elseif grupNPC[26] >= 80:
  290. ivrand = RAND (1,4)
  291. end
  292. if ivrand = 1:
  293. grupNPC[26] += 1
  294. if RAND(1,3) = 1:
  295. $school_class_txtrand = 'Today, there''s a test about the homework you hopefully did. Anatoly E. calls you forward a lot, having you write your answers down on the board. When he asks you for the fourth time today, you begin to suspect he keeps asking you just because of how cute you look in your school uniform, and blush a little as you pick up the crayon once more.'
  296. elseif RAND(1,2) = 1:
  297. $school_class_txtrand = 'Today, school turns out to be quite interesting. Instead of just teaching, <<$teacher>> spends the hours engaging the students in a discussion about all sorts of topics. Whenever you say anything, he compliments the eloquent way you engage in discussion and uses you as an example for the rest of the class.'
  298. else
  299. $school_class_txtrand = 'Today, you had to work hard at school. It certainly pays off though, and <<$teacher>> does his best to involve you in the lessons.'
  300. end
  301. elseif ivrand = 2:
  302. grupNPC[26] += 1
  303. $school_class_txtrand = 'You listen closely to every word <<$teacher[1]>> says, doing your best to learn. You are however somewhat distracted by the way he keeps glancing at you when he thinks you''re not looking. You notice he keeps looking at your legs, which stick out from under your desk.'
  304. gt 'gschool3', 'legs'
  305. elseif ivrand = 3:
  306. $school_class_txtrand = '<<$teacher>> notices you appear to be stuck at one of the assignments and sits down next to you. He patiently explains to you what you are doing wrong, and slowly but surely you begin to understand.'
  307. gt 'gschool3', 'help'
  308. elseif ivrand = 4:
  309. grupNPC[26] += 1
  310. if RAND(1,2) = 1:
  311. $school_class_txtrand = 'You sit at your desk, writing a summary on today''s lesson to help you study later. Suddenly, <<$teacher>> comes up from behind you and puts his hand on your shoulder. He takes his time and patiently corrects your mistakes, leaning in a bit closer than is appropriate from a teacher. You don''t mind though, <<$teacher>> is always nice to you.'
  312. else
  313. $school_class_txtrand = 'As you are solving some math dilemmas in your text book, you notice <<$teacher>> walking past your table. When you hear a suspicious *click* you quickly look to your side, and see that he has his phone in his hand, and was quietly trying to make a photo of your legs from the side! He notices you looking at his hand, very embarrassed by the fact that you caught him. As he tries to walk away, you call him towards you and whisper in his ear, "Let me know next time, so I can get into a more elegant pose first..." before sending him off with a lewd wink.'
  314. end
  315. end
  316. end
  317. '<<$school_class_txtrand>>'
  318. act'Wait for the end of the lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  319. end
  320. act'Daydream':
  321. cla
  322. Suspeh -= 1
  323. if RAND(1,2) = 1:
  324. 'Today''s lessons don''t particularly interest you, and you find yourself drifting off constantly. After a while you notice <<$teacher>> has stopped teaching and is looking at you intently, asking you to pay attention. Apparently this is already the third time he asked; you missed the first two completely when you were stuck in your own thoughts. The whole class is looking at you now.'
  325. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.' and vnesh > 60 and grupNPC[26] >= 40:
  326. cla
  327. if sub < 30:
  328. act'Don''t pay attention':
  329. cla
  330. if dom > 70:
  331. '<<$teacher>> tries to sell you on the importance of today, "<<$name>>, please pay attention, this is very important. Today''s topic is going to be on the exam for sure."'
  332. '"Of course, sir. Please continue your super fascinating lesson. Just keep it a bit up-beat please... if you talk any slower, I might fall asleep!" you answer boldly.'
  333. 'The whole class bursts into loud laughter, and <<$teacher>> has a rough time getting everyone to quiet down.'
  334. '"<<$surname>>, get out of class! I should call your parents, and let the principal know you''re being impossible! Out, now!"'
  335. act'Don''t leave the classroom':
  336. '"What good would that do? Are you trying to get me to start smoking to pass the time? I''m not interrupting your classes, just leave me alone. I''m having some... girl problems. Would you like me to talk about those?" you answer brashly, not having any intentions of getting up.'
  337. 'Your teacher doesn''t know what to say, and after a while just decides to continue his classes. You obviously don''t learn anything today.'
  338. act'Wait for the end of the lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  339. end
  340. act'Leave the classroom':school_event_hour = daystart & gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  341. exit
  342. else
  343. 'The eyes of <<$teacher>> grow narrower, and even though you roll your eyes at him, you sit through the rest of the lesson in silence, at least pretending to pay attention sometimes. You don''t learn anything today.'
  344. act'Wait for the end of the lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  345. end
  346. end
  347. end
  348. act'Try to focus on the lesson':
  349. act'Wait for the end of the lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  350. end
  351. exit
  352. end
  353. act'Wait for the end of the lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  354. else
  355. act'Wait for the end of the lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  356. end
  357. end
  358. act'Play with your phone':
  359. cla
  360. Suspeh -= 1
  361. if RAND(1,3) = 1:
  362. $school_class_txtrand = 'This lesson is so boring, you have to do something to keep yourself entertained. You take out your phone and begin to play a mobile game, hoping the lesson will be over soon.'
  363. elseif RAND(1,2) = 1:
  364. $school_class_txtrand = '<<$teacher>> notices you''re not listening at all, and asks you to put your phone away. You decide not to make things worse, and put your phone back in your pocket. The lesson feels like it takes forever to end, and you''re glad when it''s finally over.'
  365. else
  366. $school_class_txtrand = 'This lesson is so boring, you have to do something to keep yourself entertained. You take out your phone and begin to play a mobile game, hoping the lesson will be over soon.'
  367. end
  368. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.' and vnesh > 60 and grupNPC[26] >= 40:
  369. cla
  370. gt 'gschool3', 'phone'
  371. else
  372. '<<$school_class_txtrand>>'
  373. end
  374. act'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool2', 'lunch'
  375. end
  376. end
  377. end
  378. if $ARGS[0] = 'lunch':
  379. cla
  380. if school_event_hour ! day:
  381. gt 'gschool3', 'rand_class'
  382. exit
  383. end
  384. if hour > 13:
  385. gt 'gschool', 'start'
  386. exit
  387. end
  388. gs 'stat'
  389. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/stolovka.jpg"></center>'
  390. act 'Go to the cafeteria':
  391. cls
  392. minut += 30
  393. gs 'stat'
  394. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/stolovka.jpg"></center>'
  395. if grupTipe[25] = 0:
  396. 'During the break, <a href="exec:gt ''Sgrup''">students</a> are standing in line waiting for their food.'
  397. else
  398. 'During lunch break, everyone wanting something to eat heads for the school canteen.'
  399. end
  400. if money >= 50:
  401. act 'Buy food (50 <b>₽</b>)':
  402. money -= 50
  403. gs 'food', 'dyn_meal'
  404. act 'Continue your break': gt 'gschool2', 'break'
  405. end
  406. end
  407. act 'Eat bagged lunch':
  408. gs 'food', 'bag_lunch'
  409. act 'Continue your break': gt 'gschool2', 'break'
  410. end
  411. act 'Skip lunch': gt 'gschool2', 'break'
  412. end
  413. end
  414. if $ARGS[0] = 'break':
  415. urand = rand(0, 12)
  416. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/urok<<urand>>.jpg"></center>'
  417. cla
  418. if hour > 13:
  419. gt 'gschool', 'start'
  420. exit
  421. end
  422. gs'stat'
  423. if npcSex[14] = 1 and KatjaLust >= 50 and KatjaHorny + KatjaSlut >= 100 and KatjaHorny > 50:
  424. 'During the break Katja Meynold approaches you, her face flustered in a mixture of arousal and shame. After a few seconds, she gathers enough courage to ask if you want go somewhere quiet with her.'
  425. act 'Go with Katja':
  426. cls
  427. minut += 60
  428. gs 'stat'
  429. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/katja/petting.jpg"></center>'
  430. 'You quietly nod and Katja takes you by the hand, leading you to a small storage closet. The door is barely closed behind you when she pulls you tightly against her, giving you an aggressive kiss on the lips. She whispers passionately, "<<$nickname>>, I want you..."'
  431. if rand(1,2) = 1 and katschoolsex >= 1:
  432. act 'go somewhere private': gt 'Katja_Tanga', 'secretroom'
  433. else
  434. act 'Eat Katja out':
  435. cls
  436. lesbian += 1
  437. sub += 1
  438. KatjaDom += 1
  439. katschoolsex += 1
  440. KatjaSlut += 1
  441. KatjaHorny = 0
  442. gs 'stat'
  443. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/katja/lesbian.jpg"></center>'
  444. 'You get down on your haunches in front of Katya, as she lifts her skirt up and pulls her panties to the side. You waste no time and dig right in, nuzzling her groin as your tongue deftly licks her tiny clitoris. You can tell her pussy gets wetter and wetter from your thorough licking, and enjoy her taste a lot.'
  445. 'As Katya gets closer to her orgasm, she firmly clutches your hair and roughly pulls your face even harder into her groin, encouraging you to keep going. A short while later, you can feel her pussy convulge against your mouth and a few drops of squirt come out, landing on your tongue and lips. You slowly keep lapping at her pussy while she recovers from her orgasm. When you look up into her eyes, you see her staring down at you lovingly for a second, before pushing your face away and quickly straightening her clothes.'
  446. '"Damn, next period is about to start! I''m sorry <<$nickname>>, I owe you one!" she apologizes, as she quickly gathers her things and leaves the closet. You''re hornier than ever, but also need to get going.'
  447. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  448. end
  449. end
  450. end
  451. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  452. exit
  453. elseif GorSlut >= 3 and kotovLoveQW <= 0 and AlbinaBlockHumiliation = 0:
  454. !! Saved by Albina.
  455. if AlbFrend >= 1:
  456. AlbinaBlockHumiliation = 1
  457. minut += 60
  458. if SchoolGossip > 0:
  459. 'During the break, you are approached by some local Gopniks in your school, "I know why you look so glum, you miss our cocks! Ain''t that right, cocksucker? Don''t worry, come with us. We''ll give you all the dick you want."'
  460. 'They put their hands around your arms and begin to guide you to the restrooms. Knowing you can''t take all of them on you meekly follow them, hoping for some miracle to get you out of this mess. Just when you arrive at the restrooms, Albina comes to your rescue! They try to shove her out of the way and pull you into a restroom, but she stands in the middle of their doorway and stops them, "Pull up your pants boys, and get out of here. <<$nickname>> is my friend. If I see you pestering her one more time, I''ll tell my father on you. You know who he is... you don''t want to get on his bad side, trust me!"'
  461. 'The guys look at each other for a moment, and then decide to let you go. They curse loudly as they walk away, and you give Albina a weak smile in gratitude. She gives you an encouraging nod and continues on her way to her next class."'
  462. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  463. exit
  464. else
  465. 'During the break, you are approached by some local Gopniks in your school, "<<$name>>, I hear you''re great at giving blowjobs. I think you should show us. Come on, let''s go to a restroom and you can show us your skills."'
  466. 'They put their hands around your arms and begin to guide you to the restrooms. Knowing you can''t take all of them on you meekly follow them, hoping for some miracle to save you. Just when you arrive at the restrooms, Albina comes to your rescue! They try to shove her out of the way and pull you into a restroom, but she stands in the middle of their doorway and stops them, "Pull up your pants boys, and get out of here. <<$nickname>> is my friend. If I see you pestering her one more time, I''ll tell my father on you. You know who he is... you don''t want to get on his bad side, trust me!"'
  467. 'The guys look at each other for a moment, and then decide to let you go. They curse loudly as they walk away, and you give Albina a weak smile in gratitude. She gives you an encouraging nod and continues on her way to her next class."'
  468. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  469. exit
  470. end
  471. elseif SchoolGossip > 0:
  472. !! Go with Brother
  473. if evgenQW >= 4 and Rand(1, 5) = 1:
  474. gt'brosh'
  475. exit
  476. end
  477. 'During the break, you are approached by some local Gopniks in your school, "<<$name>>, I hear you''re great at giving blowjobs. I think you should show us. Come on, let''s go to a restroom and you can show us your skills."'
  478. 'They put their hands around your arms and begin to guide you to the restrooms. Knowing you can''t take all of them on you meekly follow them, hoping for some miracle to save you.'
  479. act 'Enter the men''s restroom':
  480. cls
  481. SchoolGossip += 1
  482. gs 'stat'
  483. 'Your heart is pounding as you walk with them. You know perfectly well that they won''t let you go now, no matter what you say. When you arrive at the men''s restroom, one of the Gopniks stays by the door to keep watch while the others shove you in. The walls are covered in all sorts of crude text. A lot of it involves you. Across the entire wall, a large text reads "<<$name>> <<$surname>> = <$$gnikname>>".'
  484. 'Vitek grabs you by your hair, and snarks, "You know why you''re here, slut. Get down and get to work."'
  485. act 'Suck Vitek''s dick':
  486. cls
  487. minut += 60
  488. bj += 1
  489. if npcSex[9] = 0:npcSex[9] = 1 & guy += 1
  490. spafinloc = 12
  491. gs 'cum_manage'
  492. swallow += 1
  493. sub += 1
  494. gs 'stat'
  495. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/toiletBJ.jpg"></center>'
  496. 'You obediently squat before him, rubbing your hand over the bulge in Vitek''s sweatpants before pulling out his rod. Clasping your <<$liptalk3>> around the head, you lick it a few times before starting to suck. You don''t want him to get angry at you so you put some effort into it, sometimes licking his balls and taking his dick down your throat without really straining yourself. He mistakes your obedience for enthusiasm though, and tells his friends, "Look at this whore, she''s loving it!"'
  497. 'A few minutes later, Vitek is about to cum and tells you, "Good job, cocksucker. When I drop my load in your mouth, I want you swallow it all and lick me clean. If you spill anything, you''re licking it up from the floor. Got that?" You nod and diligently swallow his cum, making sure you don''t miss anything. Then you lick and suck his dick clean, and put it back in his sweatpants.'
  498. '"That was great, <<$name>>, I can see you''ve earned your reputation. We''ll definitely be doing this more often, maybe the other boys can have a turn as well next time. We''ll come find you when we want you. Understood?"'
  499. 'You''re not looking forward to the prospect, but know what he wants and just nod. After the guys leave the bathroom you quickly have a drink, trying to wash the nasty taste of his cum out of your mouth.'
  500. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  501. end
  502. end
  503. exit
  504. elseif soniaPS>= 3 and rand(0, 10) < 6:
  505. 'During the break, you are approached by some local Gopniks in your school, "I know why you look so glum, you miss our cocks! Ain''t that right, cocksucker? Don''t worry, come with us. We''ll give you all the dick you want."'
  506. 'You struggle a bit as the guys try to grab you, and you can see them get frustrated. Then another Gopnik says, "Ah, forget about her. We already have Sonia in there, ready and willing. She''ll just have to suck the dicks for both of them today."'
  507. 'They let you go and head for the restroom, laughing loudly. Some of them are already undoing their pants.'
  508. act'Go and look inside the men''s room':
  509. cla
  510. *clr
  511. gs'stat'
  512. minut+=10
  513. horny+=10
  514. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sonia/t.jpg"></center>'
  515. 'You walk to the restroom and carefully look inside, making sure not to draw any attention to you. You see Sonia resting on her knees, a cock deep down her throat. She must''ve had a lot of practise, there is no gag reflex whatsoever. Just around the corner two more Gopniks are stroking their dicks, getting it nice and hard for when it''s their turn. You watch Sonia''s head bob up and down the cock for a few minutes before you decide to leave, while you still can.'
  516. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  517. end
  518. act'Quickly get away from them':
  519. minut+=10
  520. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  521. end
  522. exit
  523. elseif SchoolGossip = 0:
  524. !! Go with Brother
  525. if evgenQW >= 4 and Rand(1, 5) = 1:
  526. gt 'brosh'
  527. exit
  528. end
  529. gopbjtoiletrand = rand(0, 2)
  530. if gopbjtoiletrand = 0:
  531. 'During the break, you are approached by some local Gopniks in your school, "<<$name>>, I hear you''re great at giving blowjobs. I think you should show us. Come on, let''s go to a restroom and you can show us your skills."'
  532. 'They put their hands around your arms and begin to guide you to the restrooms. Knowing you can''t take all of them on you meekly follow them, hoping for some miracle to save you.'
  533. act 'Enter the men''s restroom':
  534. cls
  535. SchoolGossip = 1
  536. gs 'stat'
  537. 'Your heart is pounding as you walk with them. You know perfectly well that they won''t let you go now, no matter what you say. When you arrive at the men''s restroom, they quickly chase everyone out and one of the Gopniks stays by the door to keep watch. The others shove you in and close the door behind them. The walls are covered in all sorts of crude text.'
  538. 'Vitek grabs you by your hair, and snarks, "You know why you''re here, slut. Get down and get to work."'
  539. act 'Suck':
  540. cls
  541. minut += 60
  542. bj += 1
  543. if npcSex[9] = 0:npcSex[9] = 1 & guy += 1
  544. spafinloc = 12
  545. gs 'cum_manage'
  546. swallow += 1
  547. sub += 1
  548. gs 'stat'
  549. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/toiletBJ.jpg"></center>'
  550. 'You obediently squat before him, rubbing your hand over the bulge in Vitek''s sweatpants before pulling out his rod. Clasping your <<$liptalk3>> around the head, you lick it a few times before starting to suck. You don''t want him to get angry at you so you put some effort into it, sometimes licking his balls and taking his dick down your throat without really straining yourself. He mistakes your obedience for enthusiasm though, and tells his friends, "Look at this whore, she''s loving it!"'
  551. 'A few minutes later, Vitek is about to cum and tells you, "Good job, cocksucker. When I drop my load in your mouth, I want you swallow it all and lick me clean. If you spill anything, you''re licking it up from the floor. Got that?" You nod and diligently swallow his cum, making sure you don''t miss anything. Then you lick and suck his dick clean, and put it back in his sweatpants.'
  552. '"That was great, <<$name>>, I can see you''ve earned your reputation. We''ll definitely be doing this more often, maybe the other boys can have a turn as well next time. We''ll come find you when we need you. Understood?"'
  553. 'You''re not looking forward to the prospect, but know what he wants and just nod. After the guys leave the bathroom you quickly have a drink, trying to wash the nasty taste of his cum out of your mouth.'
  554. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  555. end
  556. !!if dom > 0:end
  557. end
  558. exit
  559. elseif gopbjtoiletrand = 1:
  560. 'During the break, some guy you''ve never seen before approaches you, "Hi... <<$nickname>>, right? I hear you''re the best in the school at giving blowjobs! Want to umm... want to come with me and prove it?"'
  561. if gorslut = 6:'He then adds, "I''ll give you 50 <b>₽</b>?"'
  562. act 'Go to the men''s restroom with him':
  563. cls
  564. gs 'stat'
  565. 'Hmm... he is kind of cute. It could be your good deed for the day? Making sure no one is watching you, you tell him, "Alright then, come with me." You take him by the hand and quickly guide him to the men''s restroom.'
  566. act 'Suck him off':
  567. cls
  568. minut += 60
  569. bj += 1
  570. guy += 1
  571. spafinloc = 12
  572. gs 'cum_manage'
  573. swallow += 1
  574. sub += 1
  575. if gorslut = 6: money += 50
  576. gs 'stat'
  577. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/toiletBJ2.jpg"></center>'
  578. 'After you make sure the ground is clean, you get down on your knees and pull down his pants, revealing his stiff erection. You humor him for a bit and let him thrust the purple head against your lips, before you flash him a smile and close your <<$liptalk3>> around his cock. You don''t plan on taking long, and quickly use all your tricks to get him to cum as quick as you can: flicking your tongue over the head, licking the pee hole and stimulating the back side of the head with your tongue and lips. He doesn''t last long; within minutes you feel his cum squirting down your throat. You quietly swallow it all and release his cock, giving it a cute kiss before letting him tuck it back into his pants. As he thanks you and leaves, you can''t help but feel good about giving the guy a day at school he will never forget, even though you''ll probably never see him again.'
  579. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  580. end
  581. end
  582. if dom > 0:
  583. act 'Tell him to get lost':
  584. cls
  585. gs 'stat'
  586. if gorslut < 6:
  587. 'You''re outraged by the suggestion, and let him know just that! When he notices your angry face he quickly turns and leaves, running as fast as you can while your swearwords echo in the hallway.'
  588. elseif gorslut = 6:
  589. 'You give him a haughty smile, "Sweetie, does it look like I''m working now? Come find me at my home later, or in the nightclub."'
  590. end
  591. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  592. end
  593. end
  594. exit
  595. end
  596. if evgenQW >= 4 and Rand(1, 10) = 1:
  597. gt 'brosh'
  598. exit
  599. end
  600. end
  601. end
  602. if soniaPS = 2:soniaPS = 3 & 'When you walk through the hallways of your school during the break, you see Sonia Ivanko and Vitek Kotov talking about something. Sonia looks like she''s about to cry, but nods when Vitek tells her something.'
  603. act 'Relax in a classroom':
  604. cls
  605. minut += 60
  606. urand = rand(0, 20)
  607. gs 'stat'
  608. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/peremena<<urand>>.jpg"></center>'
  609. 'You decide to spend your break in a classroom. As you enter, you find several classmates already sitting there: the <a href="exec:gt ''Sgrup1''">smart kids</a> decided to get an early start on their homework assignments, while the <a href="exec:gt ''Sgrup5''">outcasts</a> are mostly just hoping no one will pick on them today.'
  610. if rand(1,6) = 1 and tanga = 1 and vagina > 12 and mesec <= 0:
  611. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/uroc/boysex_tualet.jpg"></center>'
  612. 'When you enter the class, you feel someone moving up behind you and pulling up your skirt. Then you feel their hand pawing at your panty-clad ass. When you move to turn around, the hand quickly pulls away. By the time you can see who''s behind you, you find half the guys in your class standing there: all looking in different directions inconspicuously, a few of them even having the gall to whistle innocently. You try to tell from their faces which one of them just touched you.'
  613. act 'Identify the perpetrator':gt 'gschool3', 'rand_scoolboy'
  614. end
  615. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  616. end
  617. act 'Hang out in the hallway':
  618. cls
  619. minut += 60
  620. gs 'stat'
  621. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/school.jpg"></center>'
  622. 'When the break finally comes, the girls wander through the hallways of the school, gossiping about pretty much everyone they know. The guys are standing around in small groups, some of them sneaking off to have a smoke behind the school building. The <a href="exec:gt ''Sgrup3''">cool kids</a> are hanging out in one area, and on the opposite side of the hallway the <a href="exec:gt ''Sgrup2''">sporty kids</a> are talking about their upcoming competitions.'
  623. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  624. if soniaPS = 5 and rand(1,3) = 1:
  625. cls
  626. gs'stat'
  627. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/school.jpg"></center>'
  628. 'As you walk past the Geography classroom, you hear a strange moaning.'
  629. act'See what''s happening':
  630. cls
  631. gs'stat'
  632. horny += 5
  633. '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/sonia/sonia.teach0,'+rand(0,1)+'.jpg"></center>'
  634. 'You carefully look around the corner, inside the classroom. You see Sonia and your geography teacher, both half naked. Sonia did her best to look the part, even wearing glasses to complete her look as a desperate student in need of help. Suddenly her good grades in school make perfect sense; all the teachers don''t miss their chance to take advantage of the school slut, in exchange for a decent grade. Sonia is currently giving the teacher a skilful blowjob, really giving it her all; you can see the teacher''s cock glistening with saliva all the way from where you''re standing.'
  635. act'Continue':
  636. cls
  637. gs'stat'
  638. horny += 10
  639. '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/sonia/sonia.teach1,0.jpg"></center>'
  640. 'When the teacher has had enough of her mouth, he puts her hands on his desk and begins to fuck her from behind. He''s quite rough about it, but Sonia doesn''t seem to mind at all and moans like a wanton whore. Realizing the loud moans might attract more attention from outside the class, you leave before anyone else finds you staring.'
  641. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  642. end
  643. end
  644. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  645. end
  646. end
  647. act 'Go to the restrooms':
  648. cls
  649. minut += 60
  650. urand = rand(0, 12)
  651. gs 'stat'
  652. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/toilet.jpg"></center>'
  653. 'You need to use the restroom, and as you enter you notice a lot of beautiful girls from your school there. They do some minor touch-ups on their make-up while they gossip about their classmates who happen to not be there. Some people are standing by the windows, smoking. The <a href="exec:gt ''Sgrup4''">Gopniks</a> from your class are standing near the toilets.'
  654. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  655. soniarand = rand(0,30)
  656. if soniarand >= 10:
  657. if soniaPS = 3:soniasexrand = 1
  658. if soniaPS = 4:soniasexrand = rand(1,2)
  659. if soniaPS = 5:soniasexrand = rand(1,3)
  660. if soniasextime => 3 and soniaPS = 3:soniaPS = 4 & soniasextime = 0
  661. if soniasextime => 5 and soniaPS = 4:soniaPS = 5 & soniasextime = 0
  662. if soniasexrand = 1:
  663. cls
  664. horny += 10
  665. if soniaPS < 5:soniasextime += 1
  666. gs 'stat'
  667. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sonia/t.jpg"></center>'
  668. 'When you enter the restroom you see Sonia, giving some kid you don''t know a skilful blowjob. She''s very much focused on her task, doing her best to make him feel good.'
  669. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  670. elseif soniasexrand = 2:
  671. cls
  672. horny += 15
  673. if soniaPS < 5:soniasextime += 1
  674. gs'stat'
  675. '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/sonia/sonia.school1,'+rand(0,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  676. 'When you enter the restroom you see Sonia, getting fucked by some guy you''ve never seen before. She''s very much focused on her task, doing her best to make him feel good.'
  677. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  678. elseif soniasexrand = 3:
  679. cls
  680. horny += 20
  681. gs'stat'
  682. '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/sonia/sonia.orgy.pre0,0.jpg"></center>'
  683. 'When you enter the restroom you see Sonia, surrounded by several guys. She stripped down completely, and is sitting on her knees waiting for the guys to give her what she wants.'
  684. act'Continue':
  685. cls
  686. horny += 10
  687. gs'stat'
  688. '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/sonia/sonia.orgy0,0.jpg"></center>'
  689. 'One of the guys brought a collar, and he puts it around Sonia''s neck for a bit of roleplaying, "You''re ours now... ain''t that right, whore?" Sonia, content to play along as long as she gets dicks to suck on, happily agrees and begins to deepthroat the guys one by one, massaging the others in turn with her hands to make sure no one feels left out. Sometimes an impatient tug on the leash tells her to switch cocks, when she''s sucking one cock for too long. Having seen enough, you leave them to their fun and head for your next class.'
  690. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  691. end
  692. end
  693. end
  694. end
  695. if zverevaQW = 2 and zverRageQW = 0 or zverevaQW = 3 and zverRageQW = 0:
  696. act 'Spread rumors about Christina':
  697. cls
  698. if zverRageQW = 0:zverRageQW = 1
  699. minut += 60
  700. gs 'stat'
  701. 'You spread rumours about how Christina Zvereva has sex with mr. Pavlovich, the P.E. teacher. The rumour spreads like wildfire: within the hour, everyone is talking about it.'
  702. act 'Go to afternoon lessons': gt 'gschool2', 'afternoon'
  703. end
  704. end
  705. end
  706. if $ARGS[0] = 'afternoon':
  707. cls
  708. minut += 60 * 3
  709. hour = 16
  710. minut = 0
  711. schoolprogul -= 1
  712. if week ! 3 and week ! 5:
  713. urand = rand(0, 12)
  714. lernSkill += 1
  715. lernHome += 1
  716. BeInSchool += 1
  717. gs 'stat'
  718. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/urok<<urand>>.jpg"></center>'
  719. 'You sit in the classroom and listen to the monotonous droning of your teacher, doing your best to not fall asleep.'
  720. act 'Continue':gt 'gschool3', 'rand_class'
  721. !'Finally the bell rang and students began to go home.'
  722. !act 'Finally! Leave the school building':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  723. elseif week = 3 or week = 5:
  724. gs 'stat'
  725. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/fizra.jpg"></center>'
  726. 'On Wednesdays and Fridays, you have gym class as always. After everyone gets dressed and gets ready for gym class, Viktor Pavlovich conducts a roll call to ensure everyone is there.'
  727. fizrarand = rand(0, 4)
  728. if fizrarand = 0:
  729. speed += rand(1, 3)
  730. manna -= 5
  731. fat -= 5
  732. sweat += 3
  733. beg += rand(0, 2)
  734. 'After the roll call, mr. Pavlovich announces that you will be going on a run today.'
  735. if temper >= 18 and sunWeather = 1:
  736. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Fizra/fizra2.jpg"></center>'
  737. 'Since the weather is nice outside, mr. Pavlovich decides to stage the run outside, on a nearby forest track he set out before the lesson.'
  738. if horny =>90 and npcSex[3] = 1:
  739. 'As you run through the forest, you feel a hand on your ass. It''s Ivan; he''s must faster than you, and sprints past you to show you how fast he can be when he wants. He then pauses and lets you catch up, and you run together for a while.'
  740. act 'Show him your tits':
  741. cla & *clr
  742. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Fizra/fizra3.jpg"></center>'
  743. 'Making sure no one else is near you, you pull up your shirt and reveal your <<$titsize>> boobs to Ivan. You almost immediately notice his erection growing in his tight shorts, and he awkwardly tries to hide his boner. As you pull your shirt back where it belongs you give him a sweet smile and say, "Try hiding that while you''re running past everyone!"'
  744. 'He grimaces as he sprints away from you, carefully checking to make sure no one is near him. You have a knowing smile on your face when, at the end of the class, his friends ask him why his lap time was so much slower than usual.'
  745. act 'Finish run':gt 'gschool2', 'postphys'
  746. end
  747. act 'Laugh it off and let him go':
  748. cla
  749. '"Very funny, Ivan" you tell him as you give him a wink. He salutes you theatrically as he sprints off again, finishing the run well before anyone else.'
  750. act 'Finish run':gt 'gschool2', 'postphys'
  751. end
  752. end
  753. else
  754. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Fizra/fizra1.jpg"></center>'
  755. end
  756. 'You join the class in running laps around the gymnasium. Half-way into the fourteenth lap, you wonder if there''s any way gym class could be more boring than this.'
  757. act 'Finish run':gt 'gschool2', 'postphys'
  758. elseif fizrarand = 1:
  759. agil += rand(1, 3)
  760. fat -= 5
  761. manna -= 5
  762. sweat += 3
  763. 'After the roll call, mr. Pavlovich announces that you will be taking turns performing vaults.'
  764. gs 'gschool3', 'fiz_rand'
  765. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'postphys'
  766. elseif fizrarand = 2:
  767. stren += rand(1, 3)
  768. manna -= 5
  769. fat -= 2
  770. sweat += 3
  771. 'After the roll call, mr. Pavlovich announces that you will all be doing pull-ups today.'
  772. if temper >= 18 and sunWeather = 1:
  773. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Fizra/fizra5.jpg"></center>'
  774. 'Since the weather is nice, the class will be having their gym class in the local stadium today.'
  775. else
  776. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Fizra/fizra6.jpg"></center>'
  777. end
  778. 'You wait for your turn and then do your best to do as many pull-ups as you can.'
  779. gs 'gschool3', 'fiz_rand'
  780. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'postphys'
  781. elseif fizrarand = 3:
  782. vital += rand(1, 3)
  783. manna -= 5
  784. fat -= 2
  785. sweat += 3
  786. 'After the roll call, mr. Pavlovich announces that you will all be doing abdominal exercises today.'
  787. gs 'gschool3', 'fiz_rand'
  788. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'postphys'
  789. elseif fizrarand = 4:
  790. cls
  791. stren += rand(1, 3)
  792. manna -= 5
  793. fat -= 2
  794. sweat += 3
  795. horny += 10
  796. gs 'stat'
  797. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/rope.jpg"></center>'
  798. 'On Wednesdays and Fridays, you have gym class as always. After everyone gets dressed and gets ready for gym class, Viktor Pavlovich conducts a roll call to ensure everyone is there.'
  799. 'After the roll call, he announces that you will all be taking turns climbing the ropes today.'
  800. if horny >= 100:
  801. horny = 0
  802. orgasm += 1
  803. rope_orgasm += 1
  804. 'You climb the rope as instructed, and can''t help but feel the rough robe rubbing against your pussy through your clothes. You do your best to climb up, but the rubbing of the rope against your pussy gets more and more intense as you try to climb higher. After a few seconds the stimulation from the rope against your clit brings you to orgasm, and you have to do everything in your power to not fall down as you quiver against the rope, stifling your moans. Your teacher looks up to you and says, "Why are you shaking, <<$surname>>? Are you tired or something? Go ahead, come down then."'
  805. elseif horny >= 50 and horny < 100:
  806. horny += 20
  807. 'You climb the rope as instructed, and can''t help but feel the rough robe rubbing against your pussy through your clothes. You do your best to climb up, but the rubbing of the rope against your pussy gets more and more intense as you try to climb higher. You manage to reach the top, but the rubbing of the rope has got you all worked up. With a bright blush on your face you slide back down, making sure the rope doesn''t rub against your most sensitive spots.'
  808. end
  809. gs 'gschool3', 'fiz_rand'
  810. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool2', 'postphys'
  811. end
  812. end
  813. end
  814. if $ARGS[0] = 'postphys':
  815. if week = 5 and razradbeg = 0:
  816. if schoolSorev = 0:schoolSorev = 1
  817. 'Mr. Pavlovich announces that the inter-school running competition will be held this Saturday at 11:00. If you want to participate, you should come to school between 10:00 and 11:00.'
  818. elseif week = 5 and razradbeg = 1:
  819. if schoolSorev = 0:schoolSorev = 2
  820. 'Mr. Pavlovich announces that the inter-school running competition will be held this Saturday at 11:00. If you want to participate, you should come to school between 10:00 and 11:00.'
  821. end
  822. if fizrukSex > 0 and kristinaSex > 0:
  823. 'When the class is dismissed, Christina approaches you, "<<$nickname>>, sweetie, Mr. Pavlovich wants you to join me again in his office. He wants us to... ''entertain him'', if you know what I mean. Want to join me?"'
  824. act 'Entertain Mr. Pavlovich with Christina':
  825. cls
  826. bj += 1
  827. !!spafinloc = 12
  828. gs 'cum_manage'
  829. if fizrukSex = 0:fizrukSex = 1 & guy += 1
  830. if kristinaSex = 0:kristinaSex = 1
  831. grupNPC[18] = 100
  832. gs 'stat'
  833. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/fiz.jpg"></center>'
  834. 'You follow Christina, and follow her lead as she squats before your teacher. She diligently takes off his clothes and takes his penis in her hand, sucking on it for a little while before offering it to you. You follow her lead and obediently take his cock in your mouth, sucking on it and trying to take it down as far down your throat as you are comfortable with. After a while she pushes your face away and closes her lips around it, sucking him off until he shoots his load inside her mouth. Unwilling to share, she swallows it and then goes to the changing room to get dressed.'
  835. act 'Change and leave the school':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  836. end
  837. end
  838. if zverRageQW = 10:
  839. cla
  840. !!Christina broke SG
  841. act 'In the locker room...':gt 'gKristinaZv'
  842. exit
  843. end
  844. !!if zverevaQW = 2:end
  845. !!if zverevaQW = 3 and fizrukSex = 0:end
  846. if zverevaQW = 1:
  847. 'After class, Mr. Pavlovich returns to his office. For some reason, Christina Zvereva is following him while all other students go to the locker rooms as usual.'
  848. act 'Listen in on Christina and Mr. Pavlovich':
  849. cls
  850. gs 'stat'
  851. 'You quietly move up to Mr. Pavlovich''s office, to listen to what they''re talking about. You hear Christina saying, "Please sir, you can''t let <<$name>> go to the regional competition!"'
  852. 'He replies, "<<$name>> beat you fair and square, Christina. There''s not a whole lot I can do about it."'
  853. 'Christina''s voice again, "But you promised! Please? I''ll make it worth your while if you choose me over her, sir..."'
  854. 'After a few seconds of silence, you hear him smirk, "Is that so, Christina? You know what to do then, this is not your first time here..." Seconds later you hear a gasp from your teacher, and then soft moaning from him.'
  855. act 'Try to see what''s happening':
  856. cls
  857. zverevaQW = 2
  858. horny += 10
  859. gs 'stat'
  860. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/zver.jpg"></center>'
  861. 'You lean over and try to look through the keyhole. You''re flabbergasted by what you see: Christina is on her knees in front of Mr. Pavlovich, and is sucking him off like her life depended on it.'
  862. act 'Burst into the room':
  863. cls
  864. zverevaQW = 3
  865. gs 'stat'
  866. !!'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/zver.jpg"></center>'
  867. if GorSlut = 0:
  868. 'You open the door and enter Mr. Pavlovich''s room. Christine is startled, jumping up from her kneeled position and desperately wiping her mouth while your teacher quickly stuffs his erection back into his shorts. "<<$surname>>, has no one taught you you should knock!? Me and Christina were just discussing some important matters!" he exclaims, pretending to be insulted by your sudden intrusion.'
  869. 'You can''t believe he''s even trying! You tell him just that, "Christina was using her mouth, but it certainly wasn''t for talking! You''re letting her suck you off so she can go to the regional competition instead of me!"'
  870. 'He drops the charade, but has a confident grin on his face, "Who would believe you? It''s your word against mine, and the word of our school''s star athlete Christina Zvereva. The principal would consider it slander! Your parents would be outraged! Face it... you don''t have shit on me, get out of my office. Christina, get back on your knees, we''re not done." The last part was directed at Christina.'
  871. 'Christina obliges, rubbing his cock through his shorts as she looks you in the eye. Having regained her confidence in knowing that she''ll be your school''s admission for the contest, she parrots, "Face it bitch, you can''t prove a thing. Now get the fuck out, Mr. Pavlovich and I have more to... discuss."'
  872. elseif GorSlut > 0:
  873. 'You open the door and burst into Mr. Pavlovich''s room. Christina pulls off her teacher''s dick in a panic reaction, but regains her confidence when she sees it''s you, "Look what the cat dragged in, it''s <<$name>> the <<$gnikname>>. I recognize that look... you want to suck him off too, don''t you? That''s okay, we can share."'
  874. act 'Give him a blowjob with Christina':
  875. cls
  876. bj += 1
  877. !!spafinloc = 12
  878. gs 'cum_manage'
  879. if fizrukSex = 0:fizrukSex = 1 & guy += 1
  880. if kristinaSex = 0:kristinaSex = 1
  881. grupNPC[18] = 100
  882. gs 'stat'
  883. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/fiz.jpg"></center>'
  884. 'You nod and get down on your knees next to Christina, thinking maybe if you outperform her, he will still pick you for the competition. She diligently takes off his clothes and takes his penis in her hand, sucking on it for a little while before offering it to you. You follow her lead and obediently take his cock in your mouth, sucking on it and trying to take it down as far down your throat as you are comfortable with. After a while she pushes your face away and closes her lips around it, sucking him off until he shoots his load inside her mouth. Unwilling to share, she swallows it and then goes to the changing room to get dressed. You might be faster than Christina, but she definitely outperformed you here.'
  885. act 'Change and leave the school':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  886. end
  887. end
  888. act 'Change and leave the school':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  889. end
  890. act 'Keep looking':
  891. cls
  892. horny += 10
  893. gs 'stat'
  894. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/zver.jpg"></center>'
  895. 'Mr. Pavlovich groans, and after a few minutes he can''t hold back any more shoots his load in Christina''s mouth. She diligently swallows his sperm without even taking her mouth off his cock, giving it a thorough tongue bath before tucking it back into his shorts. You hear her ask, "Did I do a good job, sir? Did I earn my spot in the regional championships?"'
  896. 'He groans, petting her head as he instructs her to stay on her knees for a while longer, "Absolutely, babe... as long as you keep taking care of me, I''ll make sure you''ll be running those championships. Don''t get up, stay there and keep nuzzling. I think I can go again in a minute."'
  897. act 'Admit defeat and go get changed':
  898. cls
  899. gs 'stat'
  900. 'As you see Christina happily dig her face into his groin, you quietly close the door and leave. It looks like, despite being the better runner, you won''t be going to the regional championships.'
  901. act 'Leave the school':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  902. end
  903. end
  904. act 'Admit defeat and go get changed':
  905. cls
  906. gs 'stat'
  907. 'Yea, you''re not willing to do that. As you see Christina happily dig her face into his groin, you quietly close the door and leave. It looks like, despite being the better runner, you won''t be going to the regional championships.'
  908. act 'Leave the school':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  909. end
  910. end
  911. end
  912. end
  913. gs 'stat'
  914. act 'Change and leave the school':gt 'gschool', 'start'
  915. end
  916. --- gschool2 ---------------------------------