qwmeet 5.7 KB

  1. # qwmeet
  2. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  3. minut += 5
  4. vladimirQW = 25
  5. vladimirday = daystart
  6. gs 'stat'
  7. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Vladimir</font></b></center>'
  8. '<center><img src="images/characters/city/vladimir/001.jpg"></center>'
  9. 'Once you entered the lobby of the restaurant Vladimir came to you carrying a lush bouquet of roses. Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>. Well, let''s go to the restaurant?'
  10. act 'Take the bouquet and enter the restaurant with Vladimir':
  11. cla
  12. minut += 3
  13. gs 'stat'
  14. 'You''re a little confused but took the bouquet of roses from Vladimir and let him steer you as he took you by the elbow and led you into the restaurant. He took you to a table with a discreet "reserved" sign upon it and gallantly pulled out the chair for you to sit.'
  15. act 'Take a seat':
  16. cla
  17. minut += 3
  18. gs 'stat'
  19. 'A waiter appeared to present you with a menu and Vladimir asked you not to hesitate and to order whatever you want.'
  20. act 'Place an order':
  21. cla
  22. minut += 3
  23. gs 'stat'
  24. 'You made the order and the waiter whisked the menu away. At the table, an awkward silence descended. Vladimir paused for a moment and asked. "So <<$pcs_nickname>> who do you work for?"'
  25. if workrin = 1:
  26. $qwvladwork = 'I work in the market.'
  27. elseif young_shop_work = 1:
  28. $qwvladwork = 'I work in a store.'
  29. elseif workKafe > 0:
  30. $qwvladwork = 'I work as a waitress in a cafe.'
  31. else
  32. $qwvladwork = 'By and large, nothing.'
  33. end
  34. act '<<$qwvladwork>>':
  35. cla
  36. minut += 15
  37. gs 'stat'
  38. '"<<$qwvladwork>>" You tell him.'
  39. '"Right. I work behind a big desk, a businessman. I buy and sell, for short."'
  40. 'At this time the waiter appeared. carrying your orders to the table. After the plates were placed; Vladimir continued.'
  41. '"I''m 40 years old. Married and have a child. I''ve been with my wife for a long time and nothing binds us together any more, I''m ready to divorce her at any time."'
  42. 'Vladimir poured the wine and raised a toast to the relationship.'
  43. act 'Have a drink':
  44. cla
  45. minut += 15
  46. pcs_energy = 100
  47. water = 100
  48. gs 'stat'
  49. 'You drank the wine and began to dig in to the salad with the fork. Vladimir said, "Let''s move on you, I hope you do not mind?" You shake your head confirming that you too find this formal conversation style a bit much.'
  50. 'Vladimir continued "In business terms I''m a wolf. I find it impossible to stand still, I have to constantly find new prey. Now I''m opening another business. Therefore I could take you to work."'
  51. 'You chewed salad and stared at him. "We just met, you don''t know me," you protested'
  52. 'Vladimir nodded "Yes, but you''re a special girl. Unique. I just feel it."'
  53. 'The restaurant band has been playing throughout and now Vladimir stood, inviting you to dance.'
  54. act 'Dancing with Vladimir':
  55. cla
  56. minut += 15
  57. gs 'stat'
  58. 'Vladimir took you by the hand and led to the dance floor. There he you firmly embraced and began to dance. You can clearly feel your breasts pressed firmly against his chest as his warm hands clasp your waist and pull you tight against his body.'
  59. 'Soon the song faded and Vladimir guided you back towards your table, pulling out your chair to help you sit down. You continued to dine and talk. This time, Vladimir did not mention serious topics and recounted a story from his recent trip to a ski resort.'
  60. 'Once you ate and drank your fill Vladimir offered a lift home. He paid the waiter, left a generous tip and took you by the hand to lead you from the restaurant.'
  61. act 'Leave the restaurant':
  62. cls
  63. minut += 15
  64. gs 'stat'
  65. '<center><img src="images/characters/city/vladimir/car.jpg"></center>'
  66. 'The restaurant car was already prepared for you and Vladimir, he helped you to sit in the back seat and climbed into the seat next to you. The driver closed the door and sat behind the wheel. Without looking back, he asked where to go and you called out your address.'
  67. 'You practically flew through the streets at breakneck speed. The driver was a real ace, he deftly swept around the turns and went around barely moving cars, all while never hitting the brakes. Before long you pull to a halt outside your home. Vladimir shook his head sadly, "I unfortunately have to have a couple of things to do, so I''m in a hurry. I''ll call you tomorrow."'
  68. 'He leaned towards you, plainly expecting a kiss.'
  69. act 'Give a kiss on the cheek':
  70. cla
  71. 'You moved towards Vladimir and gave his cheek a brief, chaste, kiss.'
  72. gt 'qwmeet', 'qwmeetdy'
  73. end
  74. act 'Kiss on the lips':
  75. cla
  76. 'You kissed Vladimir on the mouth, his strong, firm, lips pressing hard against your pliant mouth.'
  77. gt 'qwmeet', 'qwmeetdy'
  78. end
  79. end
  80. end
  81. end
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. end
  87. if $ARGS[0] = 'qwmeetdy':
  88. 'The door opened and the driver took your hand.'
  89. act 'Climb out of the car with the driver''s assistance':
  90. cls
  91. minut += 3
  92. gs 'stat'
  93. '<center><img src="images/characters/city/glory/001.jpg"></center>'
  94. 'Stepping out of the car you just now spotted the driver. He appeared to be a young man of Asian origin. Apparently confident he smiled at you with a hint of impudence.'
  95. 'Vladimir looked out of the car "This is my driver, Glory. He may be a little scary. I''ll call you <<$pcs_nickname>>"'
  96. 'The Asian man smiled again and you shut the back door. Leaping into the driver''s seat, he again looked at you greedily, undressing you with his eyes, and slammed his door with a smirk. The wheels screeched and the car immediately jumped away from the pavement and flew away, disappearing into the distance.'
  97. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  98. end
  99. end
  100. --- qwmeet ---------------------------------