begin.qsrc 17 KB

  1. # begin
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. $metka = 'start'
  4. $loc = 'begin'
  5. gs 'Cheatmenu_din'
  6. showstat 1
  7. Enable_settingmode = 2
  8. dynamic $cheatmenu['display']
  9. '<center><b><font color="maroon">CHOOSE GAME START</font></b></center>'
  10. *nl
  11. '<b>Transgendered Start:</b>'
  12. 'You are Michael Kuznetsov, a fairly average, 35 year old businessman who finds an artefact that changes everything about him and his life. Features magic.'
  13. *nl
  14. '<b>School girl Start:</b>'
  15. 'You are a school girl in the most lustful town in Russia. Will you study hard and keep your purity for that special someone or become a sex addicted whore? Or anything in between, the possibilities are endless. No magic.'
  16. *nl
  17. '<b>Cursed schoolgirl Start:</b>'
  18. 'Marvel as we recklessly squish both of the above into one start. You are a school girl who finds the amulet and not much changes, except the magic, actually that''s quite a big change.'
  19. *nl
  20. '<b>New in Town Start:</b>'
  21. 'You''re controlled by your overbearing mother and can''t take it any more. It is time to find a new life in the city away from her influence. For the first time you can make your own decisions and mistakes. No magic.'
  22. act '<center><b>Transgendered start</b></center>':
  23. Enable_settingmode = 0
  24. showstat 0
  25. cla
  26. act '<center>Show intro (recommended)</center>':
  27. gt 'preSYS', 'TGStart'
  28. end
  29. act '<center>Skip intro (seen it before)</center>':
  30. tgs_skipinto = 1
  31. gt 'preSYS', 'TGStart'
  32. end
  33. end
  34. act '<center><b>School Girl Start</b></center>':
  35. cla
  36. Enable_settingmode = 0
  37. showstat 0
  38. MagikDostup = 1
  39. gt 'preSYS', 'SGStart'
  40. end
  41. act '<center><b>Cursed Schoolgirl Start</b></center>':
  42. cla
  43. Enable_settingmode = 0
  44. showstat 0
  45. altQS = 1
  46. gt 'preSYS', 'SGStart'
  47. end
  48. act '<center><b>New in Town Start</b></center>':
  49. cla
  50. Enable_settingmode = 0
  51. showstat 0
  52. MagikDostup = 1
  53. gt 'preSYS', 'TGStart'
  54. end
  55. end
  56. if $ARGS[0] = 'real_character':
  57. cls
  58. '<center><b><font color = maroon>CHARACTER SELECTION</font></b></center>'
  59. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pre/shared/character_creation.jpeg"></center>'
  60. *nl
  61. 'This game offers you the ability to create your own character.'
  62. 'To do this, replace the image "<a href="exec:view''images/avatar.jpg''">avatar</a>" in the "images" folder of the game with a file of the same name and format JPEG (.jpg). That''s it!'
  63. 'Please note, this choice can only be changed in the cheat menu and in-game changes to hair color, length etc. will not affect the displayed image if you are using a custom one.'
  64. 'This function is made solely to simplify things for those that want to use a custom image without having to sort through hundreds of pictures.'
  65. 'Your selected image is your own personal choice, and is based on your personal preferences. By default, the game uses an avatar image from the site wikimedia.org.'
  66. *NL 'If you are playing with Quest player for Android, click '
  67. if Enable_Android = 1:
  68. *P '<a href="exec:Enable_Android = 0 & gt ''begin'',''real_character''">Here</a> (Current: <B>Yes</B>)'
  69. else
  70. *P '<a href="exec:Enable_Android = 1 & gt ''begin'',''real_character''">Here</a> (Current: <B>No</B>)'
  71. end
  72. act'<center><b>Start a standard character</b></center>':
  73. cls
  74. gt 'begin', 'start'
  75. end
  76. act'<center><b>Use the avatar system</b></center>':
  77. cls
  78. player_avatar = 1
  79. pcs_eyecol = 1
  80. pcs_eyesize = 2
  81. pcs_lashes = 1
  82. pcs_haircol = 1
  83. pcs_hairlng = 81
  84. pcs_lip = 2
  85. if birthyear = 0: birthyear = 1998
  86. if birthmonth = 0: birthmonth = 4
  87. if birthday = 0: birthday = 1
  88. gt 'begin', 'description_real_character'
  89. end
  90. end
  91. if $ARGS[0] = 'description_real_character':
  92. gs 'begin', 'hair'
  93. gs 'begin', 'lip'
  94. gs 'begin', 'eyes'
  95. if birthyear = 0: birthyear = 1998
  96. if birthmonth = 0: birthmonth = 4
  97. if birthday = 0: birthday = 1
  98. cls
  99. '<center><b><font color = maroon>CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION</font></b></center>'
  100. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pre/shared/character_creation_pic1.jpg"></center>'
  101. *nl
  102. '<center>On this screen, you may adjust your character''s description to match your <a href="exec:view''images/avatar.jpg''">avatar</a>. Please note, at present, hair color and glasses choice may be overridden by the personality choice you make during the game intro.</center>'
  103. *nl
  104. '<center>Customize your:</center>'
  105. !'<center>Your name is <B><i><<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>></B></i>. (You may change this during the intro, and also at the passport office in-game.)'
  106. '<center><a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''hair''"><img src="images/pre/shared/hair icon.png"></a> <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''eyes''"><img src="images/pre/shared/eye icon.png"></a> <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''lip''"><img src="images/pre/shared/lip icon.png"></a> <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''birthday''"><img src="images/pre/shared/birthday icon.png"></a></center>'
  107. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'begin', 'start'
  108. end
  109. if $ARGS[0] = 'hair':
  110. cls
  111. '<center><b><font color = maroon>CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION</font></b></center>'
  112. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pre/shared/character_creation_pic1.jpg"></center>'
  113. *nl
  114. if pcs_hairlng <= 1:
  115. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 31 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">very short</a>,'
  116. elseif pcs_hairlng <= 31:
  117. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 81 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">short</a>,'
  118. elseif pcs_hairlng <= 81:
  119. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 161 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">chin length</a>,'
  120. elseif pcs_hairlng <= 161:
  121. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 261 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">shoulder length</a>,'
  122. elseif pcs_hairlng <= 261:
  123. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 401 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">breast length</a>,'
  124. elseif pcs_hairlng <= 401:
  125. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 601 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">back length</a>,'
  126. elseif pcs_hairlng <= 601:
  127. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 801 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">hip length</a>,'
  128. elseif pcs_hairlng <= 801:
  129. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 1001 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">ass length</a>,'
  130. else
  131. $hair = 'You have <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng = 1 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">extremely long</a>,'
  132. end
  133. if pcs_haircol = 0 and curly <= 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 1 & curly = 2147483647 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">straight</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">black</a> hair.'& $hair2 = 'black hair' & $hair3 = 'black hair'
  134. if pcs_haircol = 1 and curly <= 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 1 & curly = 2147483647 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">straight</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">brown</a> hair.'& $hair2 = 'brown hair' & $hair3 = 'brown hair'
  135. if pcs_haircol = 2 and curly <= 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 1 & curly = 2147483647 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">straight</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">red</a> hair.'& $hair2 = 'Red hair' & $hair3 = 'red hair'
  136. if pcs_haircol = 3 and curly <= 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 1 & curly = 2147483647 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">straight</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">blonde</a> hair.'& $hair2 = 'blond hair' & $hair3 = 'blond hair'
  137. if pcs_haircol = 0 and curly > 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 0 & curly = 0 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">curly</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">black</a> hair.'& $hair2 = 'curls' & $hair3 = 'black curls'
  138. if pcs_haircol = 1 and curly > 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 0 & curly = 0 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">curly</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">brown</a> hair.'& $hair2 = 'curls' & $hair3 = 'brown curls'
  139. if pcs_haircol = 2 and curly > 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 0 & curly = 0 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">curly</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">red</a> hair.'& $hair2 = 'curls' & $hair3 = 'red hair'
  140. if pcs_haircol = 3 and curly > 0:$hair += ' <a href="exec:defcurly = 0 & curly = 0 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">curly</a>, <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''pcs_haircol'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">blonde</a> hair.' &$hair2 = 'curls' & $hair3 = 'blond curls'
  141. '<center>Adjust your hair to match your <a href="exec:view''images/avatar.jpg''">avatar</a>. Please note that, at present, hair choices are overridden by your starting personality choice (e.g. volleyball players will always have straight blond hair).</center>'
  142. *nl
  143. nathcol = pcs_haircol
  144. if player_avatar = 1:
  145. if avatar_hair = 1:
  146. '<center>Please note that this choice is given only once and you will not be able to change it without starting a new game!</center>'
  147. '<center>You have <i><<$av_hair>>.</i> <a href="exec:avatar_hair = 0 & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">Revert to default</a>.</center>'
  148. else
  149. '<center><i><<$hair>></i> You may also <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''hair_input'' & gs ''begin'', ''hair''">manually enter a description</a></center>.'
  150. end
  151. end
  152. if $start_type = 'sgs':
  153. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'preCUST', 'SGStart'
  154. else
  155. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'begin', 'description_real_character'
  156. end
  157. end
  158. if $ARGS[0] = 'pcs_haircol':
  159. pcs_haircol += 1
  160. if pcs_haircol > 3: pcs_haircol = 0
  161. end
  162. if $ARGS[0] = 'hair_input':
  163. avatar_hair = 1
  164. $av_hair = input("Enter a description of your hair:")
  165. end
  166. if $ARGS[0] = 'lip':
  167. cls
  168. '<center><b><font color = maroon>CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION</font></b></center>'
  169. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pre/shared/character_creation_pic1.jpg"></center>'
  170. *nl
  171. if pcs_lip = 0:$pcs_lip = 'you have thin<<$pcs_lipbalm>> lips.' & $liptalk = 'thin lips' & $liptalk2 = 'thin lips' & $liptalk3 = 'thin lips'
  172. if pcs_lip = 1:$pcs_lip = 'You have normal<<$pcs_lipbalm>> lips.' & $liptalk = 'soft lips' & $liptalk2 = 'delicate lips' & $liptalk3 = 'tender lips'
  173. if pcs_lip = 2:$pcs_lip = 'You have plump<<$pcs_lipbalm>> lips.' & $liptalk = 'plump lips' & $liptalk2 = 'plump lips' & $liptalk3 = 'plump lips'
  174. if pcs_lip = 3:$pcs_lip = 'You have large,<<$pcs_lipbalm>> full lips.' & $liptalk = 'full lips' & $liptalk2 = 'plump lips' & $liptalk3 = 'full lips'
  175. if pcs_lip = 4:$pcs_lip = 'You have huge, thick<<$pcs_lipbalm>> lips.' & $liptalk = 'thick lips' & $liptalk2 = 'thick lips' & $liptalk3 = 'thick lips'
  176. '<center>Adjust the size of your lips to match your <a href="exec:view''images/avatar.jpg''">image</a>:</center>'
  177. *nl
  178. '<center><i><<$pcs_lip>></i></center>'
  179. *nl
  180. if pcs_lip < 4:'<center><a href="exec:pcs_lip += 1 & gs ''begin'', ''lip''">Bigger lips</a></center>'
  181. if pcs_lip > 0:'<center><a href="exec:pcs_lip -= 1 & gs ''begin'', ''lip''">Smaller lips</a></center>'
  182. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt'begin','description_real_character'
  183. end
  184. if $ARGS[0] = 'eyes':
  185. cls
  186. '<center><b><font color = maroon>CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION</font></b></center>'
  187. if player_avatar = 1:
  188. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pre/shared/character_creation_pic1.jpg"></center>'
  189. else
  190. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
  191. end
  192. *nl
  193. if pcs_eyecol = 0:$pcs_eyecol = 'brown' & $glacol2 = 'brown'
  194. if pcs_eyecol = 1:$pcs_eyecol = 'gray' & $glacol2 = 'gray'
  195. if pcs_eyecol = 2:$pcs_eyecol = 'green' & $glacol2 = 'green'
  196. if pcs_eyecol = 3:$pcs_eyecol = 'blue' & $glacol2 = 'blue'
  197. if glass <= 0:$glass = '' & glassvnesh = 0
  198. if glass = 1:$glass = ' You wear silly glasses in a cheap frame.' & glassvnesh = 10
  199. if glass = 2:$glass = ' You wear glasses.' & glassvnesh = 0
  200. if pcs_lashes > 2:pcs_lashes = 2
  201. if pcs_lashes = 0:$pcs_lashes = 'with short eyelashes'
  202. if pcs_lashes = 1:$pcs_lashes = 'with normal eyelashes'
  203. if pcs_lashes = 2:$pcs_lashes = 'with long eyelashes'
  204. if pcs_eyesize > 3:pcs_eyesize = 3
  205. if pcs_eyesize = 0:$glaza = 'You have small <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''eye color'' & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''"><<$pcs_eyecol>></a> eyes, <<$pcs_lashes>>.<<$glass>>' & $glaza2 = '<<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes' & $glaza3 = '<<$glacol2>> eyes'
  206. if pcs_eyesize = 1:$glaza = 'You have expressive <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''eye color'' & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''"><<$pcs_eyecol>></a> eyes, <<$pcs_lashes>>.<<$glass>>' & $glaza2 = 'expressive <<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes' & $glaza3 = 'expressive <<$glacol2>> eyes'
  207. if pcs_eyesize = 2:$glaza = 'You have large <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''eye color'' & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''"><<$pcs_eyecol>></a> eyes, <<$pcs_lashes>>.<<$glass>>' & $glaza2 = 'big <<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes' & $glaza3 = 'high <<$glacol2>> eyes'
  208. if pcs_eyesize = 3:$glaza = 'You have huge <a href="exec:gs ''begin'', ''eye color'' & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''"><<$pcs_eyecol>></a> eyes, <<$pcs_lashes>>.<<$glass>>' & $glaza2 = 'great <<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes' & $glaza3 = 'great <<$glacol2>> eyes'
  209. if player_avatar = 1:
  210. '<center>Adjust your eyes and eyelashes to match your <a href="exec:view''images/avatar.jpg''">avatar</a>. Please note, glasses choice may be overridden by your starting personality choice (e.g. bookworms/nerds will always start with glasses).</center>'
  211. else
  212. '<center>Please note, glasses choice may be overridden by your starting personality choice (e.g. bookworms/nerds will always start with glasses).</center>'
  213. end
  214. *nl
  215. '<center><i><<$glaza>></i></center>'
  216. *nl
  217. if pcs_lashes < 2:'<center><a href="exec:pcs_lashes += 1 & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''">Lengthen lashes</a></center>'
  218. if pcs_lashes > 0:'<center><a href="exec:pcs_lashes -= 1 & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''">Shorten lashes</a></center>'
  219. if pcs_eyesize < 3:'<center><a href="exec:pcs_eyesize += 1 & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''">Larger eyes</a></center>'
  220. if pcs_eyesize > 0:'<center><a href="exec:pcs_eyesize -= 1 & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''">Smaller eyes</a></center>'
  221. if glass = 0 and glass < 2:'<center><a href="exec:glass = 2 & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''">Wear glasses</a></center>'
  222. if glass > 0 and glass <= 2:'<center><a href="exec:glass = 0 & gs ''begin'', ''eyes''">Remove glasses</a></center>'
  223. if player_avatar = 1:
  224. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt'begin','description_real_character'
  225. elseif $start_type = 'nt':
  226. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'preCUST', 'NTStart2'
  227. elseif $start_type = 'sgs':
  228. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'preCUST', 'SGStart'
  229. else
  230. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'preCUST', 'TGStart'
  231. end
  232. end
  233. if $ARGS[0] = 'eye color':
  234. pcs_eyecol += 1
  235. if pcs_eyecol > 3: pcs_eyecol = 0
  236. end
  237. if $ARGS[0] = 'birthday':
  238. cls
  239. '<center><b><font color = maroon>CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION</font></b></center>'
  240. if player_avatar = 1:
  241. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pre/shared/character_creation_pic1.jpg"></center>'
  242. else
  243. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
  244. end
  245. '<center>Choose your date of birth:</center>'
  246. *nl
  247. if birthyear = 0: birthyear = 1998
  248. if birthmonth = 0: birthmonth = 4
  249. if birthday = 0: birthday = 1
  250. if birthmonth = 2:
  251. if ((birthyear mod 4 = 0) and (birthyear mod 100 ! 0)) or (birthyear mod 400 = 0):
  252. monthdays = 29
  253. else
  254. monthdays = 28
  255. end
  256. elseif birthmonth = 4 or birthmonth = 6 or birthmonth = 9 or birthmonth = 11:
  257. monthdays = 30
  258. else
  259. monthdays = 31
  260. end
  261. if birthmonth > 12: birthmonth = 12
  262. if birthmonth < 1: birthmonth = 1
  263. if birthday < 1: birthday = 1
  264. if birthday > monthdays: birthday = monthdays
  265. if birthday < 10 and birthmonth < 10:
  266. '<center>Your birthday: <B>0<<birthmonth>>/0<<birthday>></B> (MM/DD)</center>'
  267. elseif birthday < 10 and birthmonth >= 10:
  268. '<center>Your birthday: <B><<birthmonth>>/0<<birthday>></B> (MM/DD)</center>'
  269. elseif birthday >= 10 and birthmonth < 10:
  270. '<center>Your birthday: <B>0<<birthmonth>>/<<birthday>></B> (MM/DD)</center>'
  271. elseif birthday >= 10 and birthmonth >= 10:
  272. '<center>Your birthday: <B><<birthmonth>>/<<birthday>></B> (MM/DD)</center>'
  273. end
  274. *nl
  275. '<center><a href="exec:birthday += 5 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">+5 Days</a></center>'
  276. '<center><a href="exec:birthday += 1 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">+1 Day</a></center>'
  277. '<center><a href="exec:birthday -= 1 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">-1 Day</a></center>'
  278. '<center><a href="exec:birthday -= 5 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">-5 Days</a></center>'
  279. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 1 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">January</a></center>'
  280. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 2 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">February</a></center>'
  281. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 3 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">March</a></center>'
  282. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 4 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">April</a></center>'
  283. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 5 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">May</a></center>'
  284. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 6 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">June</a></center>'
  285. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 7 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">July</a></center>'
  286. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 8 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">August</a></center>'
  287. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 9 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">September</a></center>'
  288. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 10 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">October</a></center>'
  289. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 11 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">November</a></center>'
  290. '<center><a href="exec:birthmonth = 12 & gs ''begin'', ''birthday''">December</a></center>'
  291. if player_avatar = 1:
  292. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'begin', 'description_real_character'
  293. else
  294. act'<center><b>Done</b></center>': gt 'preSYS', 'SGStart2'
  295. end
  296. end
  297. --- begin ---------------------------------