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[Documentation] Finished documentation on used variables in femcyc. Sorted variables from A to Z.

sandra_schulz 3 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 96 lisäystä ja 97 poistoa
  1. 96 97

+ 96 - 97

@@ -15,115 +15,114 @@
-!!	LutH_Max : maximum Luteal time (in hours)
-!!	FocH_Max : maximum Follicular time (in hours)
-!!	pillcon : variable for contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy. More on that below.
-!!	rcntorgzm : determine wether Sveta had an orgasm withhin the last hour or not (1 or 0)
-!!	rcntorgzmtmp : temp variable to rewrite to rcntorgzm
+!!	$ChildFath : array for names of the childs biological father
+!!	$ChildFathDNA : array for the DNA of the childs father
+!!	$ChildThFath : array for the names of the childs believed father (can be different from the biological father)
+!!	$childtype : child type. single child, fraternal twin, identical twin ...
+!!	$cumfthname : the name of the father if sveta is sure
+!!	$cycreport_txt : Text for the current menstruation cycle. e.g. In labour.
+!!	$d_cycreport_update : Dynamic variable to update cycle report
+!!	$d_pregmovement : Dynamic variable for kid movement
+!!	$kid_dna : DNA of the baby/kid
+!!	$kidname : Name of the baby/kid
+!!	$npc_dna : npc DNA
+!!	$pcs_dna : Svetas DNA
+!!	$wombDNA : sperm in womb potent enough to cause pregnancy
+!!	$wombName : the name of the NPC
+!!	$wombpotfath : the name of the potential father, if sveta is not sure
+!!	arrmodtmp : temp array used in pregnancy progression
+!!	babyembryo : used during implant phase. if the fertegg successfully nests, babyembryo is +1. BabyEmbryo is for how many unborn babies are inside Sveta.
+!!	Babyptype : pregnancy type of unborn babies. they might be unimplanted 0, healthy 1, or Ectopic 2.
+!!	broodcurse : some modifier for fertility - brood curse
+!!	can_idx : candidate index - the index for the possible father
+!!	can_sz : has array size of cumarrnam[], used to check if there is cum in the womb.
+!!	cfl_ct : cum father lotto counter. used in a loop
+!!	cfl_idx : cum father lotto index. used as index for arrays.
+!!	cfl_sz : cum father lotto size. used for the size of the array
+!!	cfw_idx : used for the sperm lotto. Index for the father
+!!	cfw_sz : used for the sperm lotto. amount of semen in womb
+!!	ChildConType : Contraceptives used during conception. e.g. condom slipped off or sveta was on a pill.
+!!	ctemp : temporay array for cum ammount
+!!	cum_total : how many amounts of cum are in svetas womb
 !!	cumarr_idx : cum array index, used to identify how much cum is stored in the cum arrays
-!!	cumpdrop : used for calculation of drop in cum current potential
-!!	succubusflag : used for succubus story arc. If Sveta is a succubus, the sperm will be absorbed
-!!	succycletmp : succubus cycle temp var. Used during sperm absorption function.
-!!	sexnutrition : succubus sex nutrition
-!!	succublvl : succubus level (obviously)
-!!	succubxp : succubus experience
-!!	sucabscum : was cum absorbed by succubus? (1 or 0)
 !!	cumarrtemp : another temp var for cum arrays
 !!	cumcondslip : Introduced in Cum_Manage.qsrc. Did the condom slip off?
 !!	cumcondslip_aware : is Sveta aware it slipped?
-!!	sparrtmpv : temp var for spatter arrays for temporary array index tracking
-!!	cumsumvag : sum of cum on vagina
+!!	cumfatherDNA[] : used to figure out the DNA of the father in the sperm lotto
+!!	cumfathlotto[] : used to figure out the name of the father in the sperm lotto
+!!	cumpdrop : used for calculation of drop in cum current potential
 !!	cumsumass : sum of cum on ass
 !!	cumsumbod : sum of cum on body
-!!	ctemp : temporay array for cum ammount
-!!	cycle : current state of svetas cycle, can be 0 to 5. 0 to 4 are usual mentruation cycles including fertilization. 5 is for the status 'pregnant'.
-!!	mesec : variable for menstruation
-!!	lastmens : timestamp of last menstruation
-!!	EggRH : The egg counter. Some kind of egg age. Used for various functions.
-!!	FocH : Follicular counter. Hour counter for follicular phase.
-!!	temprand : used as temp var for randomizer
-!!	sterileov : sterile ovulation. used for negative effects on ovulation.
-!!	tempovbonus : temp var for ovulation bonus. Fertility bonus.
-!!	lastovulation : used to store the last ovulation date
-!!	Ovulate : used to trigger ovulation
-!!	ferteggage : fertile egg age. used to check age of the egg (in hours)
-!!	can_sz : has array size of cumarrnam[], used to check if there is cum in the womb.
-!!	UnfertEgg : Unfertilized Egg. Is there an unfertilized egg in the womb?
+!!	cumsumvag : sum of cum on vagina
 !!	cumtime[] : array to store how many times someone came in Sveta. More cumtime means more possibility to be the father.
-!!	can_idx : candidate index - the index for the possible father
-!!	cum_total : how many amounts of cum are in svetas womb
-!!	y : used as temp for a loop
-!!	x : used as temp for a loop
-!!	z : used as temp for a loop
-!!	$wombDNA : sperm in womb potent enough to cause pregnancy
-!!	wombAmount : how potent is the sperm of a guy
-!!	$wombName : the name of the NPC	
-!!	$wombpotfath : the name of the potential father, if sveta is not sure
-!!	$cumfthname : the name of the father if sveta is sure
-!!	cfw_idx : used for the sperm lotto. Index for the father
-!!	cfw_sz : used for the sperm lotto. amount of semen in womb
-!!	cfl_ct : cum father lotto counter. used in a loop
-!!	cumfathlotto[] : used to figure out the name of the father in the sperm lotto
-!!	cumfatherDNA[] : used to figure out the DNA of the father in the sperm lotto
+!!	cyccustom : custom cycle flag variable. Either 0 or 1. Activates custom cycle reports during pregnancy.
+!!	cycle : current state of svetas cycle, can be 0 to 5. 0 to 4 are usual mentruation cycles including fertilization. 5 is for the status 'pregnant'.
+!!	daykid : Birthday of the baby/kid
+!!	daylastperiod : daylastperiod is for Svetas knowledge on when she began her last period
 !!	egg_idx : egg index. There could be more than one egg in Svetas womb, so the eggs have an index
 !!	egg_sz : var to store amount of unfertilized eggs
+!!	EggRH : The egg release counter. The level of egg release that Sveta has for her ovulation event. 150 generates a single egg, higher amounts might release more.
+!!	eyeskid : Eye color of the child
 !!	fert_thresh : the threshold of an egg to be fertilized. Modified by being on contraceptives and negative factors.
-!!	broodcurse : some modifier for fertility - brood curse
-!!	steriletu : sterilized?
+!!	FertEgg : How many unimplanted eggs Sveta has in her. These are possible babies, but they die 330 hours after ovulation if they do not implant.
+!!	ferteggage : fertile egg age. used to check age of the egg (in hours). Time since the ovulation event. They last 330 and die if not implanted.
+!!	firstmens : The first day that Sveta bled during her last cycle. this is different than daylastperiod because this is the actual date, while daylastperiod is when Svetlana remembers it being.
+!!	FocH : FocH is for how many hours of Foccular cycle Sveta has gone through in her current fertility cycle. Focular starts at the end of her Luteal and contains the bleeding period in Svetkas cycle.
+!!	FocH_Max : maximum Follicular time (in hours)
+!!	hairkid : Hair color of the child
+!!	imp_rand : randomizer variable used during egg implantation phase
+!!	implant_day : day the egg was implanted
+!!	implant_hour : hour the egg was implanted
+!!	implant_idx : implant index used for array indexing, used in implantation phase
+!!	implant_sz : implant array size, used in implantation phase
+!!	isprok : used for menstruation bleeding flagging. can be 0 or 1.
+!!	kid : Kid counter variable
+!!	kidage : Age of the baby/child
+!!	knowpregloss : knowpregloss is for Svetas knowledge that she lost a baby. 1 is for an abortion, 2 is for a miscarrage. 
+!!	knowpregrecover : knowpregrecover is for Svetas knowledge that she just gave birth.
+!!	lactation[] : The lactation array. More on that in lact_lib
+!!	lastmens : timestamp of last menstruation. The last day that Sveta bled during her last cycle.
+!!	lastovulation : used to store the last ovulation date
 !!	lotto_idx : lotto index. Used to randomly pick a sperm.
-!!	FertEgg : fertilized egg counter. There can be up to 3 according to the code.
+!!	LutH : How many hours of Luteal cycle Sveta has gone through in her current fertility cycle.
+!!	LutH_Max : maximum Luteal time (in hours)
+!!	menoage : The age Svetas will be when she goes through menopause.
+!!	mesec : variable for menstruation. How many hours of bleeding Sveta has left in her current fertility cycle.
+!!	monthkid : birth month of the kid
 !!	nextbaby : index for babies.
-!!	$ChildFath :
-!!	$ChildFathDNA :
-!!	$ChildThFath :
-!!	$childtype :
-!!	$cycreport_txt :
-!!	$d_cycreport_update :
-!!	$d_pregmovement :
-!!	$kid_dna :
-!!	$kidname :
-!!	$npc_dna :
-!!	$pcs_dna :
-!!	arrmodtmp :
-!!	babyembryo :
-!!	Babyptype :
-!!	cfl_idx :
-!!	cfl_sz :
-!!	ChildConType:
-!!	cyccustom :
-!!	daykid :
-!!	daylastperiod :
-!!	eyeskid :
-!!	firstmens :
-!!	hairkid :
-!!	imp_rand :
-!!	implant_day :
-!!	implant_hour :
-!!	implant_idx :
-!!	implant_sz :
-!!	isprok :
-!!	kid :
-!!	kidage :
-!!	knowpregloss :
-!!	knowpregrecover :
-!!	lactation[] : The lactation array. More on that in lact_lib
-!!	LutH :
-!!	menoage :
-!!	monthkid :
-!!	polkid :
-!!	preg :
-!!	PregChem :
-!!	pregminut :
-!!	pregspeedcheat :
-!!	RecovH :
-!!	rej_idx :
-!!	rej_sz :
-!!	sterilewb : sterile womb
-!!	tempbabyi :
-!!	tempwbbonus :
-!!	totminut :
-!!	yearkid :
-!!	$d_cycreport_update
+!!	Ovulate : Ovulate is the amount of hours remaining in Svetas ovulation period of her current fertility cycle. 
+!!	pillcon : variable for contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy. More on that below.
+!!	polkid : Sex of the baby/kid. 0 = female, 1 = male
+!!	preg : Pregnancy flag. 0 = not pregnant, 1 = pregnant, 2 = delivery
+!!	PregChem : Progress of the pregnancy in hours.
+!!	pregminut : total minutes + 1440 minutes. The time Sveta has from the first uterine contraction to labour. Usually Sveta dies during labour if this time is surpassed.
+!!	pregspeedcheat : Cheat variable for faster pregnancies.
+!!	rcntorgzm : determine wether Sveta had an orgasm withhin the last hour or not (1 or 0)
+!!	rcntorgzmtmp : temp variable to rewrite to rcntorgzm
+!!	RecovH : Recovery counter in hours. RecovH is the amount of recover hours before Svetas fertility cycle resets after having a baby.
+!!	rej_idx : egg rejection array index. used during luteal phase to loop through any eggs not implanted.
+!!	rej_sz : egg rejection array size. used during luteal phase to loop through any eggs not implanted.
+!!	sexnutrition : succubus sex nutrition
+!!	sparrtmpv : temp var for spatter arrays for temporary array index tracking
+!!	sterileov : sterile ovulation. used for negative effects on ovulation.
+!!	steriletu : sterilized through tubal ligation procedure. Usually smaller than 0 when sterile.
+!!	sterilewb : sterile womb. Womb damage. Used for negative impact in the womb.
+!!	sucabscum : was cum absorbed by succubus? (1 or 0)
+!!	succublvl : succubus level (obviously)
+!!	succubusflag : used for succubus story arc. If Sveta is a succubus, the sperm will be absorbed
+!!	succubxp : succubus experience
+!!	succycletmp : succubus cycle temp var. Used during sperm absorption function.
+!!	tempbabyi : temp var for baby variable removal.
+!!	tempovbonus : temp var for ovulation bonus. Fertility bonus.
+!!	temprand : used as temp var for randomizer
+!!	tempwbbonus : temp variable for womb bonus during egg implant function
+!!	totminut : total minutes variable, used by various functions
+!!	UnfertEgg : UnfertEgg is how many unfertilized eggs Sveta has in her for fertilization during her Ovulation period. Unfertilized eggs are removed at the end of her Ovulation period.
+!!	wombAmount : how potent is the sperm of a guy
+!!	x : used as temp for a loop
+!!	y : used as temp for a loop
+!!	yearkid : Birth year of the baby/kid
+!!	z : used as temp for a loop
 !!	Cum Array indices (taken from Cum_Manage.qsrc):