# onobjsel !the dynamics can all be found in obj_din and Cheatmenu_din if $selobj = '
':gs '$menu_obnovit' if $selobj = '
': $dynamicCommand = input("Enter command to execute.") if $dynamicCommand = '':exit dynamic $dynamicCommand killvar 'dynamicCommand' end if $selobj = '
Toggle Debug Variables
': if objectWindowDebug = 0: objectWindowDebug = 1 else objectWindowDebug = 0 end gs 'stat' end if $selobj = '
Add Debug Variable
': $tmpVar = INPUT('Enter the variable name') if $tmpVar <> '': gs 'obj_din', 'AddDebugVar', $tmpVar gs 'stat' end killvar '$tmpVar' end if $selobj = '
Delete Debug Variable
': $tmpVar = INPUT('Enter the variable name to delete') if $tmpVar <> '': gs 'obj_din', 'DeleteDebugVar', $tmpVar gs 'stat' end killvar '$tmpVar' end if $selobj = '
Switch HTML
': usehtml = iif(usehtml,0,1) end if INSTR($selobj,':') > 0: tmpPos = INSTR($selobj,':') - 1 $tmpVar = MID($selobj, 1, tmpPos) $tmpVal = INPUT('Enter a value for <<$tmpVar>>') if $tmpVal <> '': if instr($tmpVar,'$') = 1: dyneval('<<$tmpVar>> = "<<$tmpVal>>"') else dyneval('<<$tmpVar>> = <>') end end gs 'stat' killvar '$tmpVar' killvar 'tmpPos' killvar '$tmpVal' end if $selobj = '
-1 Hour
':gs 'obj_din', '-1 Hour' if $selobj = '
+1 Hour
':gs 'obj_din', '+1 Hour' if $selobj = '
':gs 'obj_din', 'emergency' if $selobj = '
Remove debug info
': debug_warning_closed = 1 loadg_show_debug = 0 showobjs loadg_show_debug gs 'stat' end if $selobj = '
Toggle Call Trace
': if debug['trace_shown'] = 0: debug['trace_shown'] = 1 gs 'stat_display' else debug['trace_shown'] = 0 gs 'stat' end end unselect --- onobjsel ---------------------------------