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add alexandria events according THX request

rachels před 3 roky

+ 1 - 0

@@ -776,6 +776,7 @@
 		<Location name="talent_agency"/>
 		<Location name="tatiana_lab"/>
 		<Location name="tatiana_missions"/>
+		<Location name="alexandriaEv"/>
 		<Location name="NewCloShop"/>
 		<Location name="office"/>
 		<Location name="restoran"/>

+ 365 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# alexandriaEv
+	menu_off = 1
+if $ARGS[0] = 'interview1':
+	if month >2 and month <9:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexhome.jpg"></center>'
+	else
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexhome2.jpg"></center>'
+	end
+	'"Ok, sub-zero <<$pcs_nickname>>, you can do this!"'
+	'Asking yourself for the umpteenth time if this is a good idea, you search the residentials for the mighty wizard''s lair, and what you find is... pretty normal? Utterly different from Tatiana''s carefully hidden lab. A big home in the more wealthy side of the neighborhood, but... not exactly "Rich", big, but not excessively, and with a modest fence to protect it''s privacy. In general, you will say, that Alexandria''s home is pretty forgettable.'
+	'"And you <<$pcs_nickname>> are talking alone, like a loonie, stalling for time, and gathering the courage to knock."'
+	'Sighing, you finally reach for the intercom, when there is a sudden surge of magic, and something pop behind you.'
+	'"<<$pcs_nickname>> please, can we talk?"'
+	'Turning towards the voice, you see...'
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	act '...Reinhold':
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Alexandria VS Reinhold?!</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/reinhold/gun.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
+		'There it is, your supposed guardian, with a look of concern, and suddenly, you feel like your mom caught you stealing her condoms... crap!'
+		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, the situation is tense enough. Tatiana advised you against..."'
+		'At that moment the front door opens, and Alexandria get out, locking her gaze with Reinhold, and suddenly, the air around you feel cold and heavy with tension.'
+		'"There is a problem? Ehm... Reinhold isn''t it?"'
+		'The mentioned, walk slowly until he is in front of you and to the right, with his left hand slightly raised in a protective(possessive?) gesture in front of you.'
+		'"Yes, Councilor, and I am here to talk with <<$pcs_firstname>> in an official matter, so... if you excuse us."'
+		'Alexandria look around the street, looking for something, before returning her gaze towards you two, a purple flash flicking through her eyes, and Reinhold quickly put himself between the two of you. There is a sudden flash, and you blink surprised as something appears on Reinhold''s hand. The item seems to flick around your visual field, in some sort of focused(and powerful) Haste spell... It''s a gun! Fuck! Are they going to fight here?!'
+		gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'force', 'hard'
+		minut += 2
+		gs 'stat'
+		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+			act 'Ask Reinhold to leave (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><b><font color="maroon">?????????</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/thelilith/thelilith.jpg"></center>'
+				'You must stop this, they are two high-level wizards in the middle of the street, go figure the level of damage, so there is only a thing you can do... stand before Reinhold, look him into the eyes and...'
+				'"Ok Reinhold, you better go."'
+				'Reinhold looks like he has just received a backhanded blow and Alexandria look at you with renewed interest and during a moment there is silence, before Reinhold talk again.'
+				'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I don''t think is a good idea, so please, listen to me and..."'
+				'And then, he stops, as around you, magic begins to rain, silencing the sounds and concealing your surroundings, there is a flicker of light and the partial image of the most beautiful and alien woman that you has ever seen, bloom in the air between you three.'
+				'"Reinhold, It''s seems that your protege''s words sound truer than you seem to imagine, as our presence here attest."'
+				'The clear and lyric voice sends shivers down your spine, make Reinhold hid his weapon in embarrassment and... make Alexandria focus angrily on the eerie woman, that holds her gaze whit an elegant smile, before talking again.'
+				'"Councilor Alexandria, We have taken a special interest on this case and with an act of largesse, propitiated thanks to your great expedience with Rikudo''s legacy, decided to let you collaborate as an observed with Us."'
+				'An with that, and before a pissed Alexandria can retort, the unearthly image disappear, snuffing away the magic and returning the scene to a relative normality.'
+				gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'hard'
+				gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3, 'sub'
+				npc_rel['A241'] +=1
+				pcs_willpwr += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				act 'Aftermatch':gt'alexandriaEv','interview2'
+			end
+		else
+			act 'Ask Reinhold to leave (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
+		end
+		act 'Try to deflate the situation':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">?????????</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/thelilith/thelilith.jpg"></center>'
+			if rand(1,100) < pcs_persuas:
+				npc_rel['A241'] +=2
+				'You must stop this, they are two high-level wizards in the middle of the street, go figure the level of damage, so there is only a thing you can do... stand between the two, look into their eyes and...'
+				'"Ok you two stops right now! I don''t care who do you think you are, this is a public place, so stop the cock wielding contest!"'
+				'The two of them seem to ignore your words, but after some tense heartbeats, they slowly turn towards you. Reinhold seems intrigued at your words and Alexandria... is smiling? At least her next words sound... amused?'
+				'"And <<$pcs_lastname>> how do you think, we must resolve..."'
+				'And then, he stops, as around you, magic begins to rain, silencing the sounds and concealing your surroundings, there is a flicker of light and the partial image of the most beautiful and alien woman that you has ever see, bloom in the air between you three.'
+				'"With our help as our presence here attest."'
+				'The clear and lyric voice sends shivers down your spine, make Reinhold hid his weapon in embarrassment and... make Alexandria focus angrily on the eerie woman, that holds her gaze whit an elegant smile, before talking again.'
+				'"Councilor Alexandria, We have taken a special interest on this case and with an act of largesse, propitiated thanks to your great expedience with Rikudo''s legacy, decided to let you collaborate as an observed with Us."'
+				'An with that, and before a pissed Alexandria can retort, the unearthly image disappear, snuffing away the magic and returning the scene to a relative normality.'
+			else
+				npc_rel['A241'] -=2
+				pcs_mood -= 20
+				'You must stop this, they are two high-level wizards in the middle of the street, go figure the level of damage, so there is only a thing you can do... and the best to deflate a tense moment is with some humor isn''t it?'
+				'"Jeez! Come on Reinhold! Ask in marriage this beautiful woman and end all this farse!"'
+				'Reinhold facepalm, groan, and look at you in disbelief, your little quip has worked, but now Alexandria is gritting her teeth and seems concentrated on you, as purple sparks fly between her gloves, and then, he stops, as around you, magic begins to rain, silencing the sounds and concealing your surroundings, there is a flicker of light and the partial image of the most beautiful and alien woman that you has ever see, bloom in the air between you three.'
+				'"Stop Councilor Alexandria, don''t make us intervene, because you have been testing our wrath."'
+				'The clear and lyric voice sends shivers down your spine, make Reinhold hid his weapon in embarrassment and... make Alexandria focus her anger on the eerie woman, that holds her gaze whit an elegant smile, before talking again.'
+				'"Councilor Alexandria, We have taken a special interest on this case and with an act of largesse, propitiated thanks to your great expedience with Rikudo''s legacy, decided to let you collaborate as an observed with Us."'
+				'An with that, and before a pissed Alexandria can retort, the unearthly image disappears, snuffing away the magic and returning the scene to a relative normality, a tense moment later, Alexandria dispel away her powers.'
+			end
+			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3, 'sub'
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'Aftermatch':gt'alexandriaEv','interview2'
+		end
+		act 'Wait for a resolution':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">?????????</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/thelilith/thelilith.jpg"></center>'
+			'You don''t know what to do, to stop the magical battle that seems at the brink to begin, so you begin back away slowly from the powerful sorcerers, and then, you stop, as around you, magic begins to rain, silencing the sounds and concealing your surroundings, there is a flicker of light and the partial image of the most beautiful and alien woman that you has ever see, bloom in the air between you three.'
+			'"We are very disappointed with this act Reinhonecessaryeems that our intervention is necessary"'
+			'The clear and lyric voice sends shivers down your spine, make Reinhold hid his weapon in embarrassment and... make Alexandria focus angrily on the eerie woman, that holds her gaze whit an elegant smile, before talking again.'
+			'"Councilor Alexandria, We have taken a special interest on this case and with an act of largesse, propitiated thanks to your great expedience with Rikudo''s legacy, decided to let you collaborate as an observed with Us."'
+			'An with that, and before a pissed Alexandria can retort, the unearthly image disappear, snuffing away the magic and returning the scene to a relative normality.'
+			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 3, 'sub'
+			pcs_mood -= 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'Aftermatch':gt'alexandriaEv','interview2'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'interview2':
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Alexandria & Reinhold</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pre/tg/reinholdpre.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
+	'During some moments, you three stand there considering what just happened. Reinhold seems lost in his thoughts and Alexandria... Well... it''s seems that she wants to burn with her glade the point where the mysterious apparition was. Without knowing what to do, you wait for some kind of break, that fortunately is provided by a weary Reinhold.'
+	'"I guess... that The Council approves, but now they are watching, and Sveta had better be safe here. My wrath is nothing compared to theirs."'
+	'Alexandria gives Reinhold a side glance, and seems to calm a little before answering, with a sigh full of content... for Reinhold, The Council or you are anybody guesses.'
+	'"I had accepted the loss of my amulet, my interest in <<$pcs_lastname>> is not malicious. There will not be danger coming from me, make sure you can say the same for your Council."'
+	'Coming to some kind of awkward resolution, Reinhold steps aside so you can walk towards Alexandria''s home, and as you follow her inside, a question surge towards your lips.'
+	'"Who was she?"'
+	'You don''t think she will answer, as Alexandria light a cigarette and take a deep breath, it isn''t tobacco, but some kind of weed that leave an oily sensation in your nostrils... Finally calmed, she talks.'
+	'"She, <<$pcs_lastname>>, is The Lilith, head of all Succubae, holder of the Succubus seat on The Council, and the direct leader of the Eastern European Succubae... and the high-minded fool that thinks herself in the right to interfere in our affairs."'
+	minut += 2
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'A little chat':
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Alexandria</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria2.jpg"></center>'
+		'After that informational tidbit, Alexandria seems to calm, and let you take notice of your surroundings. Her home is gloomy with most windows closed an a victorian decoration '
+		'"I must ask forgiveness at my surliness, <<$pcs_lastname>>, I wasn''t planning to meet you under these circumstances, and after these mismatches, you, without doubt, must hold me in low esteem... my lack of control obviously will cement any slander coming from your so-called <i>guardians</i>"'
+		'At this, you flinch, remembering Tatiana''s words and some of the things that she told you, that paint a bleak image on Alexandria, and then jump at her next words.'
+		'"Oh! So there was badmouthing! Don''t worry, <<$pcs_lastname>> I didn''t read your mind, but your eyes talk... Let me guess, the hackneyed tale about we the elder, feasting in the unbaptized flesh of mundane children? Nonsense! They don''t have Fae blood, how would that help me?"'
+		'Alexandria shakes her head and paces back and forth calming herself down before smiling and adding. "This is that little redhead''s doing isn''t it? Take it from me to never trust a trickster, all of them are amoral sociopaths, that hide behind the chaos they sow to further their goals."'
+		minut += 2
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Badmouth Tatiana':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Alexandria</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria3.jpg"></center>'
+			if rand(1,100) < pcs_persuas:
+				npc_rel['A241'] +=2
+				'Actually, you think that there are some true on Alexandria''s words, and is a good moment to voice your opinions.'
+				'"I don''t know Tatiana enough, and I am reluctant to judge without hearing an explanation, but... her description of you, seemed to me too forced, more rumor than anything else, and that weird thing about your hair."'
+				'Alexandria raises an eyebrow, and grab a (beautiful and long)lock of hair, smiling slightly, she is paying close attention to your words.'
+				'"Well... basically she tolls me that your magic was somewhat altered on your quest for the Talisman''s power and that a simple scare turned your hair white."'
+				'Whit that, she burst in a short-lived and dry laugh, before talking again with contempt in her voice.'
+				'"I can assure you, that I have total control over my magic, hmpf... More importantly than that, my hair didn''t turned white because like some simpleton, I was scared by a toad in the dark. I''m a natural blonde, and I take good care of my hair, it''s one of the few things that Rikudo''s curse hasn''t altered."'
+				'"Curse?"'
+				'Your words burst out, and during a moment, the two of you look each other in baffled surprise'
+				'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, Are you telling me that they didn''t toll you?! I am a man!"'
+			else
+				npc_rel['A241'] -=2
+				pcs_mood -= 20
+				'Actually, you think that there are some true on Alexandria''s words, and is a good moment to voice your opinions.'
+				'"Well, if you want my opinion, she is envious, I mean you are a powerful magician, and that weird thing about your hair, don''t help either."'
+				'Alexandria raise an eyebrow, and grab a (beautiful and long)lock of hair, as she pays close attention to your words.'
+				'"Well... basically she told me that your magic was somewhat altered on your quest for the Talisman''s power and that a simple scare turned your hair white, but if you ask me, it suits your style, I can''t blame the photographer for thinking that you... were... a model?"'
+				'Is like looking a train wreck, as Alexandria''s face goes darker at your dialogue. Finally, you shut up as she grit her teeth and with words full of contempt.'
+				'"I can assure you, that I have total control over my magic, hmpf... More importantly than that, my hair didn''t turned white because like some simpleton, I was scared by a toad in the dark. I''m a natural blonde, and I take good care of my hair, it''s one of the few things that Rikudo''s curse hasn''t altered, because... surprise! that trickster seemed to have forgotten to say you something important... I am a man!'
+			end if
+			minut += 2
+			gs 'stat'
+			act '"A man?"':gt'alexandriaEv','interview3'
+		end
+		act 'Defend Tatiana':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Alexandria</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria3.jpg"></center>'
+			'"I don''t think that Tatiana is that bad, after all, she is teaching me magic."'
+			'Alexandria fix her gaze at you and snort in derision.'
+			'"Oh really? When The Veil was lifted from your eyes, and you ended in our side of reality... What did she do? Teach you about your new world? Call Reinhold to inform about The Talisman''s fate? Or just... she shut up and waited to see what happened to you as you fumbled your way in total ignorance, uncaring of yours and others welfare?"'
+			'At those words, you are not sure how to answer, and feeling your indecision, Alexandria gives you a contempt half-smile before continuing.'
+			'"Let''s be generous <<$pcs_lastname>>, she hasn''t passed the pale where her antics begin to be accounted in destroyed lives, but, she isn''t really caring about your situation, only on what she can obtain from helping you, believe me I know her type, I learned this lesson, when Rikudo, probably the most powerful trickster of all times cursed me."'
+			'"Cursed?"'
+			'Your words burst out, and during a moment, the two of you look each other in baffled surprise'
+			'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, Are you telling me that they didn''t toll you?! I am a man!"'
+			npc_rel['A241'] -=1
+			pcs_mood -= 10
+			minut += 2
+			gs 'stat'
+			act '"A man?"':gt'alexandriaEv','interview3'
+		end
+		act 'Let her rant':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Alexandria</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria3.jpg"></center>'
+			'The truth is that you don''t want to be dragged in a discussion about Tatiana, with an obviously very opinionated wizard, so you do the most simple and just shut up, letting Alexandria badmouth your teacher.'
+			'"Let''s be generous <<$pcs_lastname>>, she hasn''t passed the pale where her antics begin to be accounted in destroyed lives, but, she isn''t really caring about your situation, only on what she can obtain from helping you, believe me I know her type, I learned this lesson, when Rikudo, probably the most powerful trickster of all times cursed me."'
+			'"Cursed?"'
+			'Your words burst out, and during a moment, the two of you look each other in baffled surprise'
+			'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, Are you telling me that they didn''t toll you?! I am a man!"'
+			minut += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			act '"A man?"':gt'alexandriaEv','interview3'
+		end
+	end
+end if
+if $ARGS[0] = 'interview3':
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei?</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/chair.jpg"></center>'
+	'You finally reach a study where a morose... Alexandria? sit on a couch, and in an interesting twist, there isn''t another one for you to lie.'
+	if $start_type = 'tg':
+		npc_rel['A241'] +=1
+		'"Yes Mr.Kuznetsu... I am another victim of Rikudo''s games, that is the reason for my interest in you."'
+	else
+		if csb_start = 1:
+			npc_rel['A241'] +=1
+			'"Yes Mr.Ivanov... I am another victim of Rikudo''s games, that is the reason for my interest in you."'
+		else
+			'"Yes... Cursed by Rikudo, the being that created The Talisman of Power, and the reason for my interest in you."'
+		end if
+	end if
+	'After this little revelation, he exhales a big puff of smoke, and continue with his explanation.'
+	'"As I remember telling you the last time we meet, my name is Aleksei, and the hows and whys of my curse it''s better to leave them for another time, suffice is to say, that is my understanding, that you and your relation with the powers that have been transferred to your persona, holds the key to break my current predicament. As you can see from our early confrontation, the powers that be, wanted the monopoly over your attention, so I looked for an alternative, that is the reason after the... convoluted way we meet in Aphrodite, hm... as an afterthought, if you want to know, I took care of that little parasite, banishing it."'
+	'As he gives you this explanation, the pieces of the puzzle click in your head, and begin to explain his conduct, but there is a thing to explain.'
+	'"Uh... I think that I begin to understand, but you mean, that you killed... Ehm... <i>her</i>?"'
+	'Aleksei look at you impassively, and in a cold voice that send shivers down your back, answer.'
+	'"Yes"'
+	minut += 2
+	gs 'stat'
+	if bimbolevel > 0:
+		act "But... she was like my friend!":
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/chair.jpg"></center>'
+			'Aleksei look at you during a long moment, raising an eyebrow and looking a little surprised by your words.'
+			'"Your friend?"'
+			'"Well... no friend, friend... but, we have much in common! We were models and did similar stuff, and... those shoes were great! I don''t think that killing her was a good idea!"'
+			'Aleksei''s mouth hangs open, with the cigarette hanging precariously over the lower lip, an indescribable expression on his face.'
+			'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, that is one of the more asinine things that I have heard in decades... No the most... but near, I... will not explain to you, why I did it, only, that it was necessary, and if you accept some advice, read a little more... big books... the ones that are mostly text and deal with, well... anything that uses big words."'
+			'"Asinine?"'
+			'You ask confused before Aleksei tilt his head like he was hearing something.'
+			'"Hm... Interesting. <<$pcs_lastname>> we have company."'
+			npc_rel['A241'] -=1
+			pcs_mood -= 10
+			minut += 2
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'End the interview':gt'alexandriaEv','interview4'
+		end
+	else
+		if succubusQW = 5:
+			act "You don''t have the right! She was my bitch!":
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/chair.jpg"></center>'
+				'At your words, Aleksei drags his cigarette, and raise an eyebrow questioningly.'
+				'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, what is your point?"'
+				'Your point? He doesn''t see it? Ok, time for Lady exposition.'
+				'"My point is, that this is my city, and I can''t let a two-bit poser insult the Succubae. She was asking to be made my little plaything, sitting on her fours, with a bowl at the side, and a leash in my hand."'
+				'Puffs of smoke exit his nostrils, as Aleksei seems to think on your words.'
+				'"And... interesting point of view, truly you have become a Succubus, but <<$pcs_lastname>>, Reinhold and I did oaths to protect the inhabitants of this world from beings like her, and at-risk to offend your sensitivities, this was necessary."'
+				'Aleksei say this as a matter of fact, before tilting his head like he was hearing something.'
+				'"Hm... Interesting. <<$pcs_lastname>> we have company."'
+				minut += 2
+				gs 'stat'
+				act 'End the interview':gt'alexandriaEv','interview4'
+			end
+		else
+			act '"That is horrible!"':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/chair.jpg"></center>'
+				if rand(1,100) < pcs_splcstng:
+					npc_rel['A241'] +=2
+					'At your words, Aleksei tilts his head and semes to think about them.'
+					'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, Let''s see, <i>It</i> was a dangerous parasite, whose feeding needs has damaged an undetermined number of women, and that left to its own devices would have exposed the whole agency to uncontrolled magic. The Veil is good to hide minor, short-duration events, but a long time magic exposition like her? We are lucky that the whole agency hasn''t ended as raving lunatics, so... what would you have done in my place?"'
+					'"I... look, I am not saying that she wasn''t dangerous, but for what I understand, she was bound to Tatiana''s photo set, so we could have taken it away to a more discrete place, and then feed her with mana. It was an alternative to just... well... killing her."'
+					'He takes a drag from his cigarette, and seem to digest your explanation.'
+					'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, it seems that you have been taking attention to your lessons" He exhales another puff and you can see a half-smile hidden by it "Indeed, I could have done that, but after that... what? <<$pcs_lastname>>, Reinhold and I did oaths to protect the inhabitants of this world from beings like her, and at-risk to offend your morality, this was necessary."'
+					'Aleksei say this as a matter of fact, before tilting his head like he was hearing something.'
+					'"Hm... Interesting. <<$pcs_lastname>> we have company."'
+				else
+					npc_rel['A241'] -=2
+					pcs_mood -= 20
+					'At your words, Aleksei tilts his head and semes to think about them.'
+					'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, Let''s see, <i>It</i> was a dangerous parasite, whose feeding needs has damaged an undetermined number of women, and that left to its own devices would have exposed the whole agency to uncontrolled magic. The Veil is good to hide minor, short-duration events, but a long time magic exposition like her? We are lucky that the whole agency hasn''t ended as raving lunatics, so... what would you have done in my place?"'
+					'"I... don''t know, but just killing her seems wrong."'
+					'He takes a drag from his cigarette, and looks intensely into your eyes.'
+					'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, is that your answer? Do you question my decision without knowing if it was the only solution?" He exhales another puff and you can see how he clenches his teeth "let''s be clear <<$pcs_lastname>>, Reinhold and I did oaths to protect the inhabitants of this world from beings like <i>It</i>, and at-risk to offend your morality, this was necessary."'
+					'Aleksei say this as a matter of fact, before tilting his head like he was hearing something.'
+					'"Hm... Interesting. <<$pcs_lastname>> we have company."'
+				end if
+				minut += 2
+				gs 'stat'
+				act 'End the interview':gt'alexandriaEv','interview4'
+			end
+			act '"Hm?"':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/chair.jpg"></center>'
+				'You are taken by surprise, at Aleksei confession, that observes in silence your reaction before deciding to explain himself.'
+				'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, You must understand, that <i>It</i> was a dangerous parasite, whose feeding needs has damaged an undetermined number of women, and that left to its own devices would have exposed the whole agency to uncontrolled magic. The Veil is good to hide minor, short-duration events, but a long time magic exposition like her? We are lucky that the whole agency hasn''t ended as raving lunatics."'
+				'Then, he takes a drag from his cigarette, and wait for you to digest this explanation, before tilting his head like he was hearing something.'
+				'"Hm... Interesting. <<$pcs_lastname>> we have company."'
+				act 'End the interview':gt'alexandriaEv','interview4'
+			end
+		end if
+	end if
+end if
+if $ARGS[0] = 'interview4':
+	AlexandriaQW = 7
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aleksei</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/alexandria3.jpg"></center>'
+	if npc_rel['A241'] < 6:
+		npc_rel['A241'] = 0
+		pcs_mood -= 50
+		'Aleksei, begin to concentrate on a spell, charging the room with static and making your hair stand, before a purple flash fills the room and something magical exit it.'
+		'"Hm... That will teach her a lesson <<$pcs_lastname>>, but..." Aleksei turns towards you with a half-smile, that quickly disappear under cold eyes "I think that you must go and see if that trickster is safe, we will continue our talks later."'
+		'He then stands, and signal towards the door, waiting for you to follow, and as you leave the room towards the exit, Aleksei decides to say something.'
+		'"I am disappointed with our little talk <<$pcs_lastname>>, is my impression that you lack, the maturity and will that are required to master the high arts, if not for my need to break Rikudo''s curse, I will promptly exhort The Council to take control of the situation... and you, but alas, I see myself in the need of your power."'
+		'Aleksei put out the cigarette in an ashtray, the next words exiting somewhat forced from his mouth.'
+		'"I offer you the possibility to train under my wing. This isn''t an apprenticeship offer <<$pcs_lastname>>, but just common interests, and even with that, I expect respect and diligence, so... until the next time and remember, my door is open only on daily hours."'
+	else
+		npc_rel['A241'] = 1
+		pcs_mood += 50
+		'Aleksei, begin to concentrate on a spell, charging the room with static and making your hair stand, before a purple flash fills the room and something magical exit it.'
+		'"Hm... That will teach her a lesson <<$pcs_lastname>>, but..." Aleksei turns towards you with a half-smile, and intrigued eyes "I think that you must go and see if your <i>friend</i> is safe, we will continue our talks later."'
+		'He then stands, and signal towards the door, waiting for you to follow, and as you leave the room towards the exit, Aleksei decides to say something.'
+		'"I must admit, that this has ended better than I expected <<$pcs_lastname>>, is my impression that you have the potential to master the high arts, and... even taking into consideration, my personal interest on you, I''m tempted to offer you something."'
+		'Aleksei put out the cigarette in an ashtray, the next words exiting somewhat excited from his mouth.'
+		'"I offer you the possibility of an apprenticeship under my wing. This will protect you, partially from The Council and Reinhold interests, but, I expect respect and diligence, so... until the next time and remember, my door is open only on daily hours."'
+	end if
+	minut += 4
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'Tatiana?':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 3
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Tatiana</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
+		'Your redheaded magic teacher, is waiting for you outside. There is a smoking phone on her... burned hands, something that doesn''t seem to bother the sorceress, as she seems musing happily to herself.'
+		'"Hm... Let''s see... Something like? No, it can be... Hm? <<$pcs_nickname>>, oh my! Reinhold send me to watch over you! Are you okay?!"'
+		'"Yeah... I am ok, and... you?"'
+		'Tatiana raise her hands, examining them, with critical eyes. "Don''t worry, remember... we body modding wizards are a tough breed, but... jeez, I have heard that she dislike Pranksters, but this? I am curious how she managed to... is there a problem <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
+		'"Yes Tatiana, you didn''t tell me about <i>his</i> curse, and those things about eating babes? What do you think was gonna be <i>his</i> reaction? This is the same, that when you told me about Reinhold and The Council!"'
+		'"You told her that? And she confirmed it? Because I don''t have much information about..." You blink surprised at her lack of concern, which prompts her to sigh and change the theme. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, when I talked about Reinhold and The Council, I was... well, <i>having fun at your expense</i>. But the truth is that you must be a little wary of their intentions. I wanted to win some time before talking to Reinhold and prevent, that some red-lipped succubus charmed you away to some gilded cage, and for Alexandria... Look, is my fault ok? I wasn''t expecting for you to run after her, but <<$pcs_nickname>>, you must understand that she is the equivalent of a walking magical WMD. She can impose terms at The Council, and ending on her grasp... Well, that can trigger all sort of bad scenarios with you in the middle, something that Reinhold is trying to prevent."'
+		'After this explanation, that you don''t know if belive, Tatiana turn back and return to her hideout, leaving you alone to digest the new situation.'
+		act 'Continue':gt'psiklin','start'
+	end
+end if
+--- alexandriaEv ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 0

@@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'win':
 	elseif fightEnding = 17:
 		fightEnding = 0
 		Win += 1
+		npc_rel['A241'] +=1
 		pcs_mood += 10

+ 35 - 25

@@ -3,22 +3,20 @@
 $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
 if $ARGS[0]='start':
-    cla
-    *clr
 	$loc = 'psiklin'
 	$loc_arg = 'start'
 	$menu_loc = 'psiklin'
 	$menu_arg = 'start'
 	menu_off = 0
-    gs'stat'
-    '<center><H4>Elite settlement<H4></center>'
-    '<left><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/settlement.jpg" ></left>'
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><H4>Elite settlement<H4></center>'
+	'<left><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/settlement.jpg" ></left>'
 	if hour >= 4 and hour <= 23:'The <a href="exec: minut += 5 & gt ''metro'', ''start''">Metro</a> station is only a short walk from here.'
-    if BDSMClub = 1 or BDSMmeet > 0:
-	    act 'BDSM-club':gt'BDSM_Club','start'
-    end
+	if BDSMClub = 1 or BDSMmeet > 0:
+		act 'BDSM-club':gt'BDSM_Club','start'
+	end
 	if home_owned[5] = 0:
 		'There is a vacant piece of land for sale where a large house could be constructed.'
@@ -29,38 +27,50 @@ if $ARGS[0]='start':
 		'One of the most impressive buildings is your newly built mansion.'
 		act 'Visit your mansion': gt 'youplace'
-	end
-    act 'View the insane asylum': minut += 2 & gt 'psiklin', 'ps1'
+	end if
+	act 'View the insane asylum': minut += 2 & gt 'psiklin', 'ps1'
 	act 'View the creepy old building': minut += 2 & gt 'psiklin', 'ps2'
 	act 'Go to the main road':nroad = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'road'
+	if AlexandriaQW = 6:
+		gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', 'easy'
+		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+			act 'Look for Alexandria''s direction (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+				gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'easy'
+				gt'alexandriaEv','interview1'
+			end
+		else
+			act 'Look for Alexandria''s direction (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
+		end if
+	end if
+end if
 if $ARGS[0]='ps1':
-    cla
-    *clr
+	cla
+	*clr
 	$menu_loc = 'psiklin'
 	$menu_arg = 'ps1'
 	menu_off = 0
-    gs'stat'
-    '<center><H4>Insane asylum<H4></center>'
-    'The inscription on the sign by the road reads: "Closed to the public".'
-    if psiklik = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/asylum0.jpg" ></center>'
-    if psiklik = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/asylum1.jpg" ></center>'
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><H4>Insane asylum<H4></center>'
+	'The inscription on the sign by the road reads: "Closed to the public".'
+	if psiklik = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/asylum0.jpg" ></center>'
+	if psiklik = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/asylum1.jpg" ></center>'
 	act 'Go': minut += 2 & gt'psiklin','start'
 if $ARGS[0]='ps2':
-    cla
-    *clr
+	cla
+	*clr
 	$menu_loc = 'psiklin'
 	$menu_arg = 'ps2'
 	menu_off = 0
-    gs'stat'
-    '<center><H4>An old abandoned building<H4></center>'
-    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/abandoned.jpg" ></center>'
-    'An abandoned building that spoils the local communities appearance and intimidates local residents.'
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><H4>An old abandoned building<H4></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/abandoned.jpg" ></center>'
+	'An abandoned building that spoils the local communities appearance and intimidates local residents.'
 	act 'Go': minut += 2 & gt'psiklin','start'

+ 57 - 70

@@ -361,12 +361,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 		'"It''s possible but I will have to draw on your magical energy, it will cost some of your mana to perform a spell."'
 		'"Also, this will be painful.  The magic will force your flesh into new shapes."'
-		$HairColorTab =  func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Hair Color', 500, 60, '$hairColors','i',         'pcs_haircol','hair',	'nathcol = bodyModVal')
+		$HairColorTab =  func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Hair Color', 500, 60, '$hairColors','i',		 'pcs_haircol','hair',	'nathcol = bodyModVal')
 		$HairLengthTab = func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Hair Length',200, 120,'$hairTypes', 'hairTypes', 'pcs_hairlng','hair',	'')
-		$EyeColorTab =   func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Eye Color',  300, 120,'$eyeColors', 'i',         'pcs_eyecol',	'eye',	'')
-		$EyeLashTab =    func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Eye Lashes', 100, 30, '$eyeLashes', 'i',         'pcs_lashes',	'eye',	'')
-		$LipTab =        func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Lip Size',   300, 120,'$lipSize',   'i',         'pcs_lip',	'lip',	'')
-		$BreastTab =     func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Breast Size',1000,240,'$breastSize','breastSize','nbsize',		'breasts','magicf2b=0')
+		$EyeColorTab =   func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Eye Color',  300, 120,'$eyeColors', 'i',		 'pcs_eyecol',	'eye',	'')
+		$EyeLashTab =	func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Eye Lashes', 100, 30, '$eyeLashes', 'i',		 'pcs_lashes',	'eye',	'')
+		$LipTab =		func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Lip Size',   300, 120,'$lipSize',   'i',		 'pcs_lip',	'lip',	'')
+		$BreastTab =	 func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Breast Size',1000,240,'$breastSize','breastSize','nbsize',		'breasts','magicf2b=0')
 		$SkinTab = "<a href=""EXEC:gs 'tatiana_lab','BodyModActuate',1000,240,'pcs_skin',100,'clear','Skin','chest',''"">Clear Skin</a>"
 		$VirginTab = "<a href=""EXEC:gs 'tatiana_lab','BodyModActuate',1000,120,'pcs_vag',0,'renewed','Virginity','vaginal',''"">Renew Virginity</a>"
@@ -648,90 +648,77 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 	if AlexandriaQW <=2 and pfilmNO = 1:
-	    act 'Tell Tatiana that you can''t finish the Aphrodite job.':
+		act 'Tell Tatiana that you can''t finish the Aphrodite job.':
 			minut +=5
-            AlexandriaQW = 3
+			AlexandriaQW = 3
 			gs 'stat'
 			'"Tatiana, I have a problem. It seems that I''ve been blacklisted and can''t enter the Aphrodite building."'
-            'She tilts her head and seems to think the problem over, but it looks like she isn''t too worried by this revelation.'
-            '"Hmm, that complicates the job somewhat, <<$pcs_nickname>>. It seems that the curse is only active during operating hours, so sneaking back in during the night isn''t an option."'
-            '"So... I need to sneak back in there during daylight hours?"'
-            'Tatiana just snorts. "Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I have Gustav for those sorts of jobs. No, I was thinking of an <i>alternative.</i>" She gives you a look that makes you shiver, then continues."I know a way to help you infiltrate the place so you can look for the item in question. When the moment feels right, go to Aphrodite building and give me a call, but remember, only when it''s open."'
-            'Saying this, Tatiana turns towards her studies, leaving you to your own devices.'
+			'She tilts her head and seems to think the problem over, but it looks like she isn''t too worried by this revelation.'
+			'"Hmm, that complicates the job somewhat, <<$pcs_nickname>>. It seems that the curse is only active during operating hours, so sneaking back in during the night isn''t an option."'
+			'"So... I need to sneak back in there during daylight hours?"'
+			'Tatiana just snorts. "Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I have Gustav for those sorts of jobs. No, I was thinking of an <i>alternative.</i>" She gives you a look that makes you shiver, then continues."I know a way to help you infiltrate the place so you can look for the item in question. When the moment feels right, go to Aphrodite building and give me a call, but remember, only when it''s open."'
+			'Saying this, Tatiana turns towards her studies, leaving you to your own devices.'
 			act 'Continue': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
-    if AlexandriaQW =4 or AlexandriaQW =5:
-	    act 'Tell Tatiana about the Aphrodite job.':
-		    cla
-			minut +=5
-			gs 'stat'
-			'It is time to tell Tatiana about your experience in Aphrodite. You head over to her and begin to explain everything, beginning with how you snooped around the agency and continuing with how you met her double. When you reach the part were you met Aleksei, Tatiana quickly walks towards a cabinet and pulls out an old photo, showing it to you. The image, taken in low-resolution on some street, is of Aleksei.'
+	if AlexandriaQW =4 or AlexandriaQW =5:
+		act 'Tell Tatiana about the Aphrodite job.':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/alexandria/photo.jpg"></center>'
+			'It is time to tell Tatiana about your experience in Aphrodite. You head over to her and begin to explain everything, beginning with how you snooped around the agency and continuing with how you met her double. When you reach the part where you met Aleksei, Tatiana quickly walks towards a cabinet and pulls out an old photo, showing it to you. The image, taken in black and white, shows an armed Aleksei.'
 			'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you sure that you met this woman? Blonde? Bossy? Tall?"'
 			'"Yes, I am pretty sure. Is that bad?"'
-			'Tatiana pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. "Yeah, <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s pretty bad. Alex is an ex-counselor and probably one of the most powerful magicians in the world. Remember how The Amulet of Power isn''t supposed to end up in the hands of a woman? Well, Alex was looking for a form to obtain it, but-- is there a problem?"'
-			'"Err... Tatiana, is this going to end the same way as it did with Reinhold?."'
-			'"Reinhold... Yes, I''m going to give him a call." Tatiana sighs. "Look, <<$pcs_nickname>>, when I talked about Reinhold and The Council, I was... well, <i>having fun at your expense</i>. But the truth is that you must be a little wary of their intentions. If The Council wished to spirit you away to some gilded cage, this is the sort of situation that would give them that excuse, so let''s let Reinhold to take care of Alex. In the meantime, we''re going to be good girls and try to keep our noses clean, okay, <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
+			'Tatiana pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. "Yeah, <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s pretty bad. Aleksei... Well, Alexandria, is an ex-councilor and probably one of the most powerful electric wizards in the world. Remember how The Amulet of Power isn''t supposed to end up in the hands of a woman? Well, she was looking for a form to obtain it, the back alleys word is that the quest made her magic <i>quirky</i>, and that beautiful blonde hair is the consequence of a simple scare."'
+			'"So... Pretty bad?"'
+			'"You have no idea <<$pcs_nickname>>." Tatiana sighs. "Look, we are talking here of a <i>centuries</i> old mindset, the one that yearns for the times were cannibalizing no-magical children was fashionable to recharge your energies. Do you a favor, just lie down, and let Reinhold take care of this."'
+			minut +=5
+			gs 'stat'
 			act '"Okay, Tatiana, and what do I get out of this job?"':
-		        if AlexandriaQW =4 and pfilmNO = 1:
-		            cla
-			        minut +=5
-			        AlexandriaQW = 6
-			        money += 5000
-			        gs 'stat'
-			        '<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
-					'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-					'However, at that moment, to everyone''s surprise, Gustav sneaks up to your side and grabs your hand, placing a roll of bills on it. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You succeeded in beating Tatiana''s double, and if not for Alex, the film would be here."'
-					'Gustav just stands there staring at a flabbergasted Tatiana who, after a beat, simply shrugs. "Okay, Gustav, don''t suggest that I am scrimpy or anything... Jeez..."'
-				elseif AlexandriaQW =5 and pfilmNO = 1:
-                    		cla
-			        minut +=5
-			        AlexandriaQW = 6
-			        gs 'stat'
-			        '<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
-					'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-					'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve failed to bring me the film. Instead, it has ended up in the hands of a powerful magician, who may be planning to use it against us."'
-					'You open your mouth to protest that it isn''t your fault, but one look at Tatiana''s face tells you that she''s already made up her mind... Fuck!'
-				elseif AlexandriaQW =4:
-	                	cla
-			        minut +=5
-			        AlexandriaQW = 6
-			        money += 5000
-			        gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', 10
-			        gs 'stat'
-			        '<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
-					'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-					'However, at that moment, to everyone''s surprise, Gustav sneaks up to your side and grabs your hand, placing a roll of bills on it. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You succeeded in beating Tatiana''s double, and if not for Alex, the film would be here."'
-					'Gustav just stands there staring at a flabbergasted Tatiana who, after a beat, simply shrugs. "Okay, Gustav, don''t suggest that I am scrimpy or anything... Jeez. I was going to speak to some of the people in the agency on her behalf, but now... . Okay, fine. <<$pcs_nickname>>, I will do it anyway."'
-		        else
-		            cla
-			        minut +=5
-			        AlexandriaQW = 6
-			        gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', 10
-			        gs 'stat'
-			        '<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
-					'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-					'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve failed to bring me the film. Instead, it has ended up in the hands of a powerful magician, who may be planning to use it against us."'
-					'You open your mouth to protest that it isn''t your fault, but before you can, Tatiana raises her hands consolingly.'
-					'"Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re not going to leave empty-handed. I''m going to speak to some of the people in the agency on your behalf. It''ll be good for your modelling career."'
-				end
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
+				if AlexandriaQW =4:				
+					money += 5000
+					if pfilmNO = 1:
+						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
+						'However, at that moment, to everyone''s surprise, Gustav sneaks up to your side and grabs your hand, placing a roll of bills on it. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You succeeded in beating Tatiana''s double, and if not for Alex, the film would be here."'
+						'Gustav just stands there staring at a flabbergasted Tatiana who, after a beat, simply shrugs. "Okay, Gustav, don''t suggest that I am scrimpy or anything... Jeez..."'
+					else
+						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
+						'However, at that moment, to everyone''s surprise, Gustav sneaks up to your side and grabs your hand, placing a roll of bills on it. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You succeeded in beating Tatiana''s double, and if not for Alex, the film would be here."'
+						'Gustav just stands there staring at a flabbergasted Tatiana who, after a beat, simply shrugs. "Okay, Gustav, don''t suggest that I am scrimpy or anything... Jeez. I was going to speak to some of the people in the agency on her behalf, but now... . Okay, fine. <<$pcs_nickname>>, I will do it anyway."'
+						gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', 10
+					end if
+				else
+					if pfilmNO = 1:
+						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
+						'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve failed to bring me the film. Instead, it has ended up in the hands of a powerful magician, who may be planning to use it against us."'
+						'You open your mouth to protest that it isn''t your fault, but one look at Tatiana''s face tells you that she''s already made up her mind... Fuck!'
+					else
+						gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', 10
+						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
+						'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve failed to bring me the film. Instead, it has ended up in the hands of a powerful magician, who may be planning to use it against us."'
+						'You open your mouth to protest that it isn''t your fault, but before you can, Tatiana raises her hands consolingly.'
+						'"Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re not going to leave empty-handed. I''m going to speak to some of the people in the agency on your behalf. It''ll be good for your modelling career."'
+					end if
+				end if
+				AlexandriaQW = 6
+				minut +=5
+				gs 'stat'
+				*nl
 				'Tatiana returns to her job, and before you can ask any more questions, Gustav grabs your arm to take you away.'
 				'As you walk, he presses a post-it into your hand. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Now you can meet Alex."'
 				'"What? How? Why?" You ask, more than a little confused.'
 				'After a moment of silence, the mutant shrugs. "I''m good at finding people. I knew that a powerful wizard had made his home in Saint Petersburg, and after overhearing what you said, I put two-and-two together. The rest is complicated. I think that Alex just wanted to talk. Messing with The Council isn''t on anyone''s agenda, and now that Reinhold is involved, you''re less likely to be in danger."'
-				'You look at the post-it. Scrawled on it are directions to a place in the suburbs. To reach it, you must take the train. There is a station nearby, but are you going to go and meet Alex?'
+				'You look at the post-it. Scrawled on it are directions to a place in the suburbs. To reach it, you must take the metro. There is a station nearby, but are you going to go and meet Alex?'
 				act 'Continue':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
-	end
+	end if
+end if
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatianasuctalk':

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