foto_models.qsrc 125 KB

  1. # foto_models
  2. !!
  3. !!npc_rel['A213'] = Mari
  4. !!npc_rel['A206'] = Anastasia
  5. if $ARGS[0] = 'model_chatter':
  6. cla & *clr
  7. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/models.jpg"></center>'
  8. ' You lean on one of the sinks and listen in on the other models and their chattering...'
  9. *nl
  10. model_chatter = rand(1,9)
  11. if model_chatter = 1:
  12. ' "... does she do it? She''s so amazing!"'
  13. ' "Psh! Anastasia''s overrated. She''s only the most popular model because they keep giving her all the good jobs. If they gave me half the chance they give her, I''d have the top spot."'
  14. ' "Tsk-! You really think you could do better than her, Ivanna? She''s smart, she''s beautiful, and she''s knows how to carry herself. What do you have that she doesn''t?"'
  15. ' "I don''t have a fat ass."'
  16. elseif model_chatter = 2:
  17. ' "...cking making me do my makeup here."'
  18. ' "What do you mean? How is Katherine making you do makeup in the bathroom? What''s wrong with your station?"'
  19. ' "I caught her fucking her boyfriend there again! Fucking left cum all over my fucking seat! Like, I''m going to fucking sit down there after that. Probably come up with fucking herpes or some shit."'
  20. ' "God! What is wrong with that girl? Can''t she keep it in her pants for two seconds?"'
  21. ' "To be fair, we can''t really keep it in our pants either. None of us wear them!"'
  22. *nl
  23. ' Half the girls burst into giggles while the rest of them roll their eyes...'
  24. elseif model_chatter = 3:
  25. ' "...''s such a fucking bitch."'
  26. ' "Right?! What is her problem? It''s like she''ll do anything to get to the top!"'
  27. ' "I mean, I know we all do some competitive shit to each other. I once convinced a girl that her shoes were supposed to be tied together when she went down the runway-"'
  28. ' "That was you?"'
  29. ' "-but Emily just takes it too far! The last time we did fashion show together, she reached under my dress and shoved an anal plug up my ass before pushing me out onto the runway! I got yelled at later by the designer herself for ''walking funny'' and ruining her piece! As if it''s my fault..."'
  30. ' "Holy shit!"'
  31. ' "Why doesn''t anybody do anything back? Fight fire with fire?"'
  32. ' "I dunno. I hear she''s got some kind of shady connections."'
  33. ' "Me too! I heard the last girl who got close to passing her on the rankings got mugged on the way home from work. The muggers raped her within an inch of her life and took her clothes and purse when they finished. She was found naked on the streets the next morning."'
  34. ' "Couldn''t that just be a coincidence?"'
  35. ' "Maybe, but do you really want to find out?"'
  36. ' "That girl is bad news..."'
  37. elseif model_chatter = 4:
  38. ' "... and keeps trying to tell me to stop shaving. Psh! Like I''m ever going to stop doing that."'
  39. ' "I don''t know what''s with that girl but she is obsessed with that kind of stuff."'
  40. ' "Straight wrong too. Like I''m ever going to stop shaving my pussy. No man wants to be with a girl who looks like a Russian bear!"'
  41. *nl
  42. ' The girls giggle together as you tune out again...'
  43. elseif model_chatter = 5:
  44. ' "...nd he offered me a job at the porn studio down the road."'
  45. ' "Oh! You finally did your first nude shoot?"'
  46. ' "About time, girl. How long have you been here? Four months?"'
  47. ' "What?? Who took four months to do their first nude shoot?"'
  48. ' "I just didn''t want to show my pussy on camera, okay? It''s not like I''m shy, but it''s just a little classier that way."'
  49. ' "Still though, four months? I mean, second shoot was a nude shoot."'
  50. ' "Yeah but you''re a slut Stasya."'
  51. *nl
  52. ' The rest of the conversation devolves into shouting and laughter and you can''t really hear anything specific anymore...'
  53. elseif model_chatter = 6:
  54. ' "...iness card. Anyone actually take them up on the offer?"'
  55. ' "I think Nadia did. Right?"'
  56. ' "Hmm? What did I do?"'
  57. ' "You went to the porn studio right?"'
  58. ' "What?? You did porn?"'
  59. ' "Lay off! I only did it twice. I really needed the money."'
  60. ' "Yeah, lighten up Olya! We''re nude models, anyways, is there really that much of a difference?"'
  61. ' "Of course there is! We''re classier than that. We don''t have to show ourselves getting ass fucked on camera."'
  62. ' "You can be classy and do porn! You don''t have to get ass fucked either. Come on Nadia, tell em! What kind of scene did you do?"'
  63. ' "... double penetration with a facial at the end."'
  64. *nl
  65. ' With an eruption of laughter, the rest of the conversation falls apart and you can''t hear anything more...'
  66. elseif model_chatter = 7:
  67. ' You hear the whispers of two girls coming from the corner of the bathroom. You casually lean a little closer, straining hard to hear what they''re saying...'
  68. *nl
  69. ' "... and that she''s actually a high class hooker!"'
  70. ' "Anastasia?? Really?"'
  71. ' "I have a friend who works as a maid at the hotel. She says she sees Anastasia there almost every day with a different guy."'
  72. ' "Maybe she''s just speed dating, eager for a man to be with. Like Miranda, you know?"'
  73. ' "Maybe... I don''t know... I mean have you heard how candid she is when you ask her for advice?"'
  74. *nl
  75. ' The other girls in the room start getting too loud and you can''t hear the whispers any more...'
  76. elseif model_chatter = 8:
  77. ' "...ave to be naked all the time? It''s really embarrassing! Who even came up with this rule?"'
  78. ' "You''re new here aren''t you?"'
  79. ' "Yeah... I just joined last week... but what does that have to do wit-"'
  80. ' "I like being naked!"'
  81. ' "Yeah, you get used to it."'
  82. ' "I think it makes us better models."'
  83. ' "But don''t the photographers just do this so they have naked women to stare at all day?"'
  84. ' "They''d have naked women to stare at all day anyways. We''d still strip when they take pictures of us."'
  85. ' "Besides, it <i>does</i> actually save us some time when we''re getting ready for shoots. They''re not wrong about that. And the dressers seem to appreciate it and they''re all women. Maybe it''s this way because they really are professionals."'
  86. ' "Professional perverts you mean."'
  87. *nl
  88. ' The room erupts into laughter again before the conversation turns mundane again and you start tuning out...'
  89. elseif model_chatter = 9:
  90. ' "...''ve been trying to get into acting, but it''s just so hard."'
  91. ' "What are you trying to get into acting for? Modelling not paying the bills anymore?"'
  92. ' "I''ve always wanted to be an actress! Ever since I was a little girl. Modelling is just something I''ve been using to break into acting."'
  93. ' "Well why don''t you ask Olga about that? She''s an actress right?"'
  94. ' "She''s too eccentric for me. She''s the other way around. She gets all her money from acting, she just works here just for fun. Probably doesn''t have any good advice for getting in anyways."'
  95. ' "I guess you''re right. What about you Sofya? You''ve been getting jobs at Aurora right? Got any tips for the new girl?"'
  96. ' "You''ve been going to auditions?"'
  97. ' "Yeah."'
  98. ' "You do anything to stand out to there?"'
  99. ' "What do you mean?"'
  100. ' "I''m asking if you have a ''talented tongue''."'
  101. ' "Like if I sing? I''ve heard that singing experience makes it easier to get hired but I haven''t been auditioning for musical roles so why would I be singing?"'
  102. ' "No, I''m asking if you give head."'
  103. ' "Well... yeah, sure... I give my boyfriend blowjobs all the time. But what does that have to do with this?"'
  104. ' "Try offering to give the director one."'
  105. ' "What??? That''s ridiculous! What are you even saying? Besides, I could never cheat on Stephan like that!"'
  106. ' "Listen girl, nothing sets you apart from any other girl who comes into that audition room, no matter how talented you are. If you want to rely on talent alone, you either have to get lucky or you''ll just get nowhere. You want to stand out, you have to do be willing to do some favors."'
  107. ' "But-!"'
  108. ' "Listen, I get it. The first time I came home to my boyfriend after I fucked someone for a role I felt bad too. But I learned pretty quickly that fucking guys for roles is like getting naked here. It''s not cheating if another guy sees your tits in a magazine right? Just like it''s not cheating to blow a casting director to land a role. It''s just part of the job. Other than this, the only audition advice I have is not to wear panties and make sure you''re on birth control."'
  109. end
  110. act'Continue':gt'foto','bathroom'
  111. end
  112. if $ARGS[0] = 'mari_1':
  113. if mari = 2:gt 'foto_models','mari_2'
  114. if mari = 3:gt 'foto_models','mari_3'
  115. if mari = 4:gt 'foto_models','mari_4'
  116. cla
  117. *clr
  118. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/1.jpg"></center>'
  119. ' As you walk around the different sets inside the agency, you notice another model waiting on set for a shoot to start. You realize after a second, you can see right through her top, her pretty pink nipples pressed against the mesh fabric.'
  120. ' You stand there for a while in the background contemplating if you should approach her or not. After a while you decide to go for it, thinking what''s the worse that can happen.'
  121. act 'Chat':
  122. cla
  123. *clr
  124. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/2.jpg"></center>'
  125. ' "Hi, I hope I''m not bothering you. I''ve just been recruited by the agency and I wanted to introduce myself," you say as you step up to her.'
  126. ' "I''m <<$pcs_firstname>>."'
  127. ' Mari looks your way and smiles, "Hello, it''s nice meeting a new employee, I''m Mari." As she runs her hand through her hair absentmindedly, you can''t help but notice her breasts becoming even more visible now that her curly brown hair has been moved out of the way.'
  128. act'...':
  129. *clr & cla
  130. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/3.jpg"></center>'
  131. ' "I''m gonna to sit down if you don''t mind. Long hours standing up and all, no use standing when you don''t have to!" she says pleasantly as she sits down and puts one of her legs up on the bench.'
  132. ' During the conversation, Mari doesn''t appear to be bothered or embarrassed in the slightest that her breasts are basically on display while talking to you. She seems very comfortable with her body.'
  133. ' "How long have you been a model?" you ask.'
  134. ' "I''ve been working for this agency for about a year. Ever since I moved to the city really."'
  135. ' Something piques an interest in you as Mari mentions she''s from out of town, "If you don''t mind me asking where do you come from?"'
  136. ' "Oh, just some place called Gadukino. You''ve probably never heard of it. It''s a small village outside the city. Too small too be honest, same boring ins and outs every day. I wanted more excitement in my life! More than a simple farm girl would ever have. So I moved here."'
  137. if storyline = 1:
  138. act '"You''re from Gadukino?"':
  139. cla
  140. *clr
  141. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/4a.jpg"></center>'
  142. ' "You''re from Gadukino?" you exclaim. "My grandparents live in Gadukino! I''m from Pavlovsky right down the road!"'
  143. ' Her face breaks out into a smile as you say that.'
  144. ' "Well fancy that! Maybe we''re long lost cousins or something!"'
  145. act 'Talk about Gadukino':
  146. cla
  147. *clr
  148. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/1.jpg"></center>'
  149. ' You spend the next few minutes talking about your home towns until a photographer comes up and says, "Alright Mari, it''s time to start."'
  150. ' "Okay Vasin."'
  151. ' She hurriedly gets up and starts double checking her clothing and hair before giving you a quick wave and smile, whispering to you, "It was nice to meet you <<$pcs_firstname>>! I hope we''ll get to talk more later!"'
  152. ' You wave your farewells back and get off the set.'
  153. mari = 2
  154. act 'Watch her work':
  155. cla
  156. *clr
  157. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/5.jpg"></center>'
  158. ' You stick around for a while watching Mari as the photographer gives her instructions and she poses accordingly.'
  159. act '...':
  160. cla
  161. *clr
  162. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/6.jpg"></center>'
  163. ' You watch her drop her skirt on the photographer''s command, revealing her lack of underwear and a neat triangle of pubic hair.'
  164. act '...':
  165. cla
  166. *clr
  167. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/7.jpg"></center>'
  168. ' You watch her pull off her top next with a smile and a laugh and you realize that she''s genuinely happy right now.'
  169. act'...':
  170. cla
  171. *clr
  172. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/8.jpg"></center>'
  173. ' She seems to really love being a model.'
  174. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  175. end
  176. end
  177. end
  178. end
  179. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  180. end
  181. end
  182. end
  183. act 'Ask for modelling advice':
  184. cla
  185. *clr
  186. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/4b.jpg"></center>'
  187. ' You feel Mari being honest and open so you decide to ask her, "Do you have any advice for a new model like me?'
  188. ' Mari thinks for a minute before saying, "Just enjoy yourself! We get to live in this great city and experience life like so few get to!"'
  189. ' She smiles at you before continuing, "Sure, the money is good and every day is full of excitement, but that''s not what''s important. I''ve found that being grateful for what you have and enjoying what you do is the best way to live and it''ll help you in your work. So keep a positive attitude and you''ll be all good!"'
  190. act '"Thanks Mari, that helps a lot."':
  191. cla
  192. *clr
  193. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/1.jpg"></center>'
  194. ' You barely get to thank her for the advice before she''s suddenly being called up to get ready. She hurriedly gets up and starts double checking her clothing and hair before giving you a quick smile and whispering, "It was nice meeting you <<$pcs_firstname>>! I hope we can talk more later!"'
  195. mari = 2
  196. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  197. act 'Watch her work':
  198. cla
  199. *clr
  200. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/5.jpg"></center>'
  201. ' You stick around for a while watching Mari as the photographer gives her instructions and she poses accordingly.'
  202. act '...':
  203. cla
  204. *clr
  205. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/6.jpg"></center>'
  206. ' You watch her drop her skirt on the photographer''s command, revealing her lack of underwear and a neat triangle of pubic hair.'
  207. act '...':
  208. cla
  209. *clr
  210. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/7.jpg"></center>'
  211. ' You watch her pull off her top next with a smile and a laugh and you realize that she''s genuinely happy right now.'
  212. act'...':
  213. cla
  214. *clr
  215. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/meeting/8.jpg"></center>'
  216. ' She seems to really love being a model...'
  217. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  218. end
  219. end
  220. end
  221. end
  222. end
  223. end
  224. end
  225. end
  226. end
  227. if $ARGS[0] = 'mari_2':
  228. *clr & cla
  229. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading1.jpg"></center>'
  230. ' On your way to a shoot, you see Mari on a break, sitting in the chair of an unused set. At least you think she''s on break because she''s reading a book. But you''re not totally sure since she''s also completely naked.'
  231. act '"Hey Mari! What''re you doing here? Aren''t you on break?"':
  232. *clr & cla
  233. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading2.jpg"></center>'
  234. ' "Oh hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>," she says as she hears your voice and looks up. "I am! But it''s boring to spend it the break rooms. I spend most of my breaks lounging around on the sets. No one''s using them and it''s just more fun that way. Besides, this chair is really comfy!" she says with a laugh.'
  235. act '...':
  236. *clr & cla
  237. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  238. ' You can''t help but smile and laugh with her.'
  239. act '"But why are you naked?"':
  240. *clr & cla
  241. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading4.jpg"></center>'
  242. ' "But why are you naked?" you ask, still laughing.'
  243. ' She gives you a bit of a look, a slight smirk on her lips. "What do you mean? You''ve been working here for long enough, surely you''ve noticed."'
  244. act 'Shrug':
  245. *clr & cla
  246. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading5.jpg"></center>'
  247. ' You shrug and say, "I haven''t the faintest idea what you''re talking about Mari."'
  248. act'...':
  249. *clr & cla
  250. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading6.jpg"></center>'
  251. ' She stands up and laughs again. "We''re always naked!" she giggles. Once more, you can''t help but join in with her infectious laughter and remembering that you yourself are currently naked on the way to a shoot.'
  252. act'"You mean because we''re models?"':
  253. *clr & cla
  254. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading7.jpg"></center>'
  255. ' "You mean because we''re models?" you ask, still giggling.'
  256. ' Mari sits back down. "Well, sort of. I just thought you''d noticed that none of us walk around with clothes unless it''s for a shoot or we''re going home. We''re very casual about nudity here. Partially because of work, but it''s just kind of relaxing you know?"'
  257. act'You nod in questionable understanding...':
  258. *clr & cla
  259. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading8.jpg"></center>'
  260. ' You halfheartedly nod, but Mari sees that you still don''t really get it.'
  261. *nl
  262. ' Seeing your confusion she says, "I mean, there is a certain freedom being naked, but that''s not what I mean. We''re not nudists or anything. I just mean being naked with each other and acting like it''s nothing brings us together in a way. It''s... It''s like our uniform!" she blurts out, sending both of you into sputtering laughter.'
  263. *nl
  264. ' "It''s kind of weird, but do you know what I mean?" she says.'
  265. *nl
  266. ' You nod more confidently this time. "It''s kind of like, some unspoken thing isn''t it? You can''t put your finger on it, but there''s something special about it, in this place."'
  267. *nl
  268. ' Mari smiles at you. "Yeah. It''s exactly like that. But anyways, was there something you wanted to talk about?"'
  269. act '"Yeah, there was something I wanted to ask you about..."':
  270. *clr & cla
  271. ' <center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading2.jpg"></center>'
  272. ' "Sure, ask away," she says, giving you all the attention.'
  273. act 'Ask about her parents':
  274. cla
  275. ' All of a sudden you start to feel nervous. It''s such a personal question you don''t know if you should be asking, but you''re committed now. There''s no turning back. "It''s kind of personal, but I was wondering... what do your parents think of all this? I''m mostly asking since we kind of come from similar backgrounds and you know, your parents are from Gadukino and I''m from Pavlovsky and we''re in sort of similar situations and... you know..."'
  276. ' You trail off at the end of your sentence, unsure of how to end such a personal request.'
  277. act '...':
  278. *clr & cla
  279. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading9.jpg"></center>'
  280. ' Mari looks away for a moment, contemplating your question.'
  281. ' "Well, to be honest I don''t really know. I mean my parents know I''ve got a job in the city but they don''t know exactly what I do. I know they love me a lot and they''re very happy for me for living my dream and maybe they''d even be proud of me if I told them about it, but I don''t know."'
  282. act'...':
  283. *clr & cla
  284. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading10.jpg"></center>'
  285. ' "I''m not sure how much they <i>need</i> to know about their teenage daughter having pictures taken of her in the nude and put in magazines and on the internet. So my advice is, it all depends on your parents. If they''re cool with it, maybe you should tell them. Otherwise, I guess don''t."'
  286. act '...':
  287. *clr & cla
  288. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading11.jpg"></center>'
  289. ' She looks at you a bit concerned, hoping that she''s been of some help to you.'
  290. ' Unsure of what to do you hesitate in your response resulting in an awkward pause.'
  291. act'...':
  292. *clr & cla
  293. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading12.jpg"></center>'
  294. ' "Oh, come here silly," she says as she stands up and wraps you in a warm hug. You feel her soft breasts smushing into yours, the smoothness of her body rubbing against you, her nipples two gentle points of pressure on your skin, your own nipples pressing back into her... It''s all strangely calming. Mari''s right. It is relaxing to be naked together.'
  295. ' "If you need anything, I''m here for you <<$pcs_firstname>>." She pulls back and smiles wide at you.'
  296. ' You smile back, saying, "Thanks for the talk Mari, I''ll keep it in mind when I decide on how to deal with things."'
  297. act'"Anyways, I''ve gotta get going, I''ll let you go back to your book."':
  298. *clr & cla
  299. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading13.jpg"></center>'
  300. ' "Okay, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you around," she says as she goes back to reading her book. She''s still smiling, though you''re not sure if it''s from the conversation or if''s because she just read something funny.'
  301. mari = 3
  302. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  303. end
  304. end
  305. end
  306. end
  307. end
  308. end
  309. end
  310. end
  311. end
  312. end
  313. end
  314. end
  315. end
  316. end
  317. end
  318. if $ARGS[0] = 'mari_3':
  319. *clr & cla
  320. mari = rand(3,4)
  321. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading1.jpg"></center>'
  322. ' Looking for Mari, find her on break in her favorite set chair reading that same book as always.'
  323. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  324. act '"Hi Mari!"':
  325. *clr & cla
  326. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  327. ' She looks up and smiles as she hears your greeting.'
  328. ' "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>! What''s up? Did you want to talk?'
  329. act 'Just passing by':
  330. *clr & cla
  331. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading13.jpg"></center>'
  332. ' "Nah, just wanted to say hi. See you around Mari!"'
  333. ' "Okay! See you later!" she says as she goes back to reading her book.'
  334. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  335. end
  336. act '"Yeah!':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  337. end
  338. end
  339. if $ARGS[0] = 'mari_4':
  340. *clr & cla
  341. mari_busy = rand(1,3)
  342. if mari_busy = 1:
  343. mari = rand(3,4)
  344. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/busy.jpg"></center>'
  345. ' You''re looking for Mari when you hear her name called out from a set.'
  346. ' Peeking from the shadows, you see her holding up her hair with a smirk on her face while the camera flashes in front of her. The more you look at her, the more you feel like the smile is unconscious and just a byproduct of her genuinely enjoying her job.'
  347. ' She''s clearly busy right now. You can find her again later.'
  348. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  349. elseif mari_busy = 2:
  350. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/busy2.jpg"></center>'
  351. ' Searching for Mari, you peer into the sets, hoping to find her relaxing in one of them. You peek into another set and find yourself simultaneously gratified and disappointed. Standing fully nude amidst hay and wooden props is Mari, as well as a full crew in the middle of a shoot.'
  352. *nl
  353. ' <i>*click* *click*</i>'
  354. ' "Okay, just hold that pose Mari... Yeah, just like that. Try to keep on your toes and keep your back straight."'
  355. ' <i>*click* *click*</i>'
  356. ' She''s clearly being quite attentive and trying her best. But as you look closer you see her calves shaking, struggling to keep her on her toes.'
  357. *nl
  358. if mari_farm_shoot = 0:
  359. mari_farm_shoot = 1
  360. ' <i>Huh, I didn''t know we had a dedicated set just for shooting farm stuff. I thought they went out to Gadukino every time. Oh well, looks Mari''s busy. I guess I''ll have to find her some other time.</i> Eyeing her quivering toes one last time you think, <i>Hang in there girl!</i>'
  361. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  362. elseif mari_farm_shoot = 1:
  363. ' <i>Stuck playing the farm girl again, huh Mari? They really are slave drivers for this kind of thing aren''t they? I guess I''ll find you some other time.</i>'
  364. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  365. end
  366. elseif mari_busy = 3:
  367. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/busy3.jpg"></center>'
  368. ' You''re looking for Mari when you find her in the middle of a shoot.'
  369. *nl
  370. if mari_cloth_shoot = 0:
  371. mari_cloth_shoot = 1
  372. ' In more clothes than you''ve ever seen her wearing before (though admittedly, you''ve almost only ever seen her nude), she holds up her hair with an intense expression on her face and moving very intently. When the photographer gives commands she enacts them flawlessly. She seems to be in an incredible state of focus.'
  373. *nl
  374. ' <i>I guess even a cheerful girl like Mari gets serious sometimes... and someone as comfortable being naked does clothed shoots... I shouldn''t be a distraction to her. I''ll come find her again later.</i>'
  375. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  376. elseif mari_cloth_shoot = 1:
  377. ' She looks focused and intent again.'
  378. *nl
  379. ' <i>Ahh, she''s being serious. I shouldn''t bother her right now. I''ll find her again later,</i> you think to yourself before slipping away.'
  380. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  381. end
  382. end
  383. end
  384. if $ARGS[0] = 'mari_chat':
  385. *clr & cla
  386. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading2.jpg"></center>'
  387. ' "What''s up <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
  388. act 'Leave':
  389. *clr & cla
  390. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading13.jpg"></center>'
  391. ' "I''ve got to get going Mari, I''ll see you later!"'
  392. ' "Okay, bye <<$pcs_nickname>>!"'
  393. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  394. end
  395. act'Discuss random topics':
  396. if mari_sex = 1:
  397. mari_convo = rand(1,5)
  398. !elseif mari_sex = 0 and mari_modelling_ask = 1:
  399. ! mari_convo = rand(1,5)
  400. else
  401. mari_convo = rand(1,4)
  402. end
  403. if mari_convo = 1:
  404. *clr & cla
  405. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading2.jpg"></center>'
  406. ' "Hey Mari, how come you don''t shave your bush?"'
  407. ' "The photographers actually ask me not to shave. They say it helps sell my ''farm girl'' look," she says, causing you both to giggle a little. "Besides, I tried shaving once when I still lived in Gadukino and I hated that prickly feeling when it would start to grow back as stubble. It''s too much of a hassle to keep it smooth down there so since then I just decided to keep it trimmed."'
  408. if pubestyle = 2:
  409. ' "I know what you mean! Keeping it clean-shaven is too much work. What''s wrong with having a bit of bush?"'
  410. ' "Right???"'
  411. ' The two of you laugh together over your agreement in pubic hair fashion.'
  412. end
  413. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  414. end
  415. if mari_convo = 2:
  416. *clr & cla
  417. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading7.jpg"></center>'
  418. ' "Seen any good movies lately Mari?"'
  419. ' "No, not really. I don''t go to the movies much. I prefer reading. Besides, half the time there''s someone getting head in the back row! It''s really distracting!"'
  420. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  421. end
  422. if mari_convo = 3:
  423. *clr & cla
  424. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading15.jpg"></center>'
  425. ' "So, have you always been this comfortable with nudity?"'
  426. ' "Kind of? I guess? I''ve never felt very shy about my body. I''d go skinny dipping with all the other kids and be happy to jump in with them. I''d even say hi to the fishermen sometimes."'
  427. ' "You''d really do that? Mari, you were destined to be a nude model!" you laugh. "Would you even read nude like this in the village?"'
  428. ' She thinks for a moment before answering. "Probably not back then, but I will admit that I spend a lot more time in my apartment without clothes now. It''s kind of comfortable to relax like this isn''t it? To be honest I think the ''office culture'' here at the studio has had a bit of an effect on me," she says laughing.'
  429. act 'Laugh with her':
  430. *clr & cla
  431. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading6.jpg"></center>'
  432. ' "Don''t get me wrong, it''s not like I would hang around my parents house like this or anything like that, but since coming here, I think I''ve learned how much I enjoy being naked."'
  433. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  434. end
  435. end
  436. if mari_convo = 4:
  437. *clr & cla
  438. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  439. ' "Any siblings Mari?"'
  440. *nl
  441. ' "No, none for me. I''m an only child. What about you?"'
  442. if storyline = 1:
  443. if npc_rel['A34'] < 20:
  444. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my stupid little brother. He''s such a pain in the ass!"'
  445. ' Mari sits up a bit. "Really? What''s so bad about him?"'
  446. ' "Ugh! Everything! He''s an annoying little brat! He just spends all his time playing football with his friends and if I''m around he''ll scream at me until I go away. He''s always asking me to do his homework for him and worst of all he''s always trying to spy on me in the shower!"'
  447. ' "What? You don''t have a latch or something to stop him?"'
  448. ' You blush. "Uh, yeah I do, but I, uh, forget to lock it sometimes..."'
  449. elseif npc_rel['A34'] < 40:
  450. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my annoying little brother."'
  451. ' Mari sits up a bit. "Really? What''s so irritating about him?"'
  452. ' "Oh, nothing much. Just sibling squabbles. He''s not all that bad, just gets on my nerves sometimes."'
  453. elseif npc_rel['A34'] < 60:
  454. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my little brother."'
  455. ' "That sounds nice. What are they like?"'
  456. ' "Well to be honest, my sister can be a bit of a slut, but she''s still the best one I could ask for. My brother loves playing football so sometimes I join him and his friends at the field."'
  457. ' "Maybe I''ll get to meet them one day!"'
  458. elseif npc_rel['A34'] < 80:
  459. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my silly little brother."'
  460. ' Mari smiles at you. "That''s sounds nice."'
  461. ' You think of your siblings and smile. "Yeah. It is."'
  462. elseif sisterLesb >= 5:
  463. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my adorable little brother. I love them both so much!"'
  464. ' Mari smiles at you. "You sound close."'
  465. ' Your mind wanders back to your sister and how you sometimes wake her up in the middle of the night to fool around with her. "You could say that..."'
  466. elseif brothersex < 1:
  467. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my adorable little brother. I love them both so much!"'
  468. ' Mari smiles at you. "You sound close."'
  469. ' You think of your siblings and smile, "Yeah. We are."'
  470. elseif sisterLesb >= 5 and brotherSex < 7:
  471. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my adorable little brother. I love them both so much!"'
  472. ' Mari smiles at you. "You sound close."'
  473. ' Your mind wanders back to your siblings and how you''ve fooled around with both of them separately.'
  474. ' "You could say that..."'
  475. elseif sisterLesb >= 5:
  476. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my adorable little brother. I love them both so much!"'
  477. ' Mari smiles at you. "You sound close."'
  478. ' Your mind wanders back to your siblings and how you''ve fooled around with your sister and even had full fledged intercourse with your brother. Your thoughts wander to the memory of the last time his cock was inside you and it causes you to blush.'
  479. ' "You could say that..."'
  480. else
  481. ' "Yeah, I''ve got two. My sister who''s about the same age as you are and my silly little brother."'
  482. ' Mari smiles at you. "That''s sounds nice."'
  483. ' You think of your siblings and smile. "Yeah. It is."'
  484. end
  485. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  486. else
  487. ' "No, there''s just me."'
  488. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  489. end
  490. end
  491. !if mari_convo = 5:
  492. ! *clr & cla
  493. ! '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading4.jpg"></center>'
  494. ! ' "By the way <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just realized something," she says, giving you a suspicious look.'
  495. ! ' You look back at her quizzically.'
  496. ! ' "I told you about how I got started as a model here and why, but it''s not fair if only <i>I</i> share something like that. What about you? Why did you decide to become a model?"'
  497. ! act'To make money to buy things':
  498. ! cla & *clr
  499. ! '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  500. ! ' "I just really wanted the extra cash so I could buy more stuff. Clothes, makeup, whatever. It''s not like I really <i>need</i> to be doing this. I''m just in it for the money."'
  501. !
  502. ! act'To make money because I needed it':
  503. ! cla & *clr
  504. ! '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  505. ! ' "Oh, I just needed the money. Things to buy, bills to pay, you know."'
  506. !
  507. ! act'To build confidence':
  508. ! cla & *clr
  509. ! '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  510. !
  511. ! act'Because it turns me on':
  512. ! cla & *clr
  513. ! '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  514. !end
  515. if mari_convo = 5:
  516. *clr & cla
  517. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading5.jpg"></center>'
  518. ' "Sooooo Mariiiii! Any luck finding a boyfriend yet?"'
  519. ' "<<$pcs_nickname>>!" she cries.'
  520. ' "Hey girl! I''m just concerned for you! I want you to get that opportunity for that special someone to pop your cherry while we''re both still young! It''s like you say, us girls have to stick together don''t we?"'
  521. ' She smiles back at you. "Yeah. We do."'
  522. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  523. end
  524. end
  525. act 'Ask about her book':
  526. *clr & cla
  527. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading16.jpg"></center>'
  528. ' "How come you''re always reading the same book Mari?"'
  529. ' "Oh this old thing? I don''t know, it''s just one of my favorite stories. I fell in love with it back when I still lived in Gadukino. It''s about a girl who moves away from her home and experiences all kinds of stuff. Love, and adventure, and new things she never even dreamed existed... I guess it''s comforting to me because I feel like the girl in this story. And I suppose it also reminds me a bit of home and how it''s never far away..."'
  530. act'Continue':
  531. *clr & cla
  532. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading7.jpg"></center>'
  533. ' She says her last sentence with a smile. No sadness. No regret. Just happy to be living her life the way she is and happy she had parents who let her strike out on her own at such a young age.'
  534. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  535. end
  536. end
  537. act 'Ask about food':
  538. *clr & cla
  539. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  540. ' "Hey Mari, do you know any good places to eat around here?"'
  541. ' "Hmm... There''s a place near by here that sells really great burgers! But the photographers specifically ask us not to eat there too often or we''ll get fat and they''ll fire us."'
  542. ' You laugh about it together.'
  543. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  544. end
  545. act 'Ask how she stays in shape':
  546. *clr & cla
  547. ' <center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading6.jpg"></center>'
  548. ' "How do you stay in such good shape Mari? I''m struggling to keep this figure."'
  549. ' "I know right? It''s so hard!" The nice thing though is that there''s a fitness center nearby so I can always work out there on my way home from work. Good prices <i>and</i> conveniently placed! There''s a few perverts there though, so watch out!"'
  550. ' "Haha, okay Mari!"'
  551. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  552. end
  553. act 'Talk about modelling':gt'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  554. !!if week = 6:
  555. !! act 'Ask about her weekend plans':
  556. if mari_sex = 0:
  557. act 'Ask for sex advice':
  558. *clr & cla
  559. mari_sex = 1
  560. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  561. ' "Sex?? You want to ask me for advice on sex???" she says, seemingly surprised.'
  562. ' "Yeah, I just wanted to ask you about it since you always have such good advice about everything."'
  563. act 'Continue':
  564. *clr & cla
  565. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading5.jpg"></center>'
  566. ' "Well... That''s... I..." Mari is blushing heavily, her face turning dramatically red. You think this is the first time you''ve ever seen her embarrassed about something. "I might not be the best person to ask <<$pcs_nickname>>..."'
  567. act '"Wait... don''t tell me you..."':
  568. *clr & cla
  569. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading4.jpg"></center>'
  570. ' The realization dawns on you slowly as her face grows more and more red. "Wait... don''t tell me you''ve..."'
  571. ' "Never had sex?" she says shyly. "No... I haven''t..."'
  572. act 'Continue':
  573. *clr & cla
  574. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading5.jpg"></center>'
  575. ' Your mouth is agape as she wriggles in embarrassment. She doesn''t seem upset by any means, she''s still clearly smiling. It kind of reminds you of when you were younger and when girls asked each other if they had ever kissed a boy.'
  576. ' "You''re a virgin?! You''re a nude model who''s <<sisterage>> and living in St. Petersburg and you''re a virgin?!"'
  577. ' Your exclamations are met with hushes, "Shh! Shh! Shh shh shh shh! Not so loud!" as Mari tries to quiet you down while holding back her own nervous laughter.'
  578. act '"But... how?!"':
  579. *clr & cla
  580. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading6.jpg"></center>'
  581. ' "But ho-" you start to say before she jumps up and cuts you off.'
  582. ' "And who was I supposed to lose it to??" she says with a laugh. "You know Gadukino. Mitka or one of his friends? There isn''t much selection there is there?"'
  583. act 'Nod':
  584. *clr & cla
  585. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading14.jpg"></center>'
  586. ' You nod apologetically at her statement as you realize you wouldn''t want to hand your v-card over to any of them either.'
  587. ' "Oh, I want it to be <i>romantic!</i>" she says with a swoon and leans on some of the prop furniture before going into a ramble. "I want to be swept off my feet and fall in love and just slip head over heels with someone until one thing leads to the next and then they''re on top of me and our clothes are coming off and I feel them push inside me like a sword entering a scabbard... straight through my hymen with a slow and gentle thrust and..."'
  588. ' Her voice begins to grow softer and her list of fantasies begins to slow down. Her eyes glaze over as she stares into her daydream. "... and I orgasm in their embrace... and they kiss me at the end... and they hold me all night..."'
  589. ' Just before you speak up, you suddenly realize that she used gender neutral vocabulary the entire time. Is she bi?'
  590. act '". . ."':
  591. *clr & cla
  592. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading18.jpg"></center>'
  593. ' "Are you bi Mari?" you say, breaking her from her stupor.'
  594. ' She looks at you a little shocked. "What? No! I-... I like boys! Why would you ask... that...?" she says trailing off at the end.'
  595. ' "Oh, sorry. I didn''t mean to offend you. It''s just that I wasn''t sure and all, you never said ''he'' once while you were talking. I wasn''t sure if you went both ways."'
  596. act 'Continue':
  597. *clr & cla
  598. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading19.jpg"></center>'
  599. ' She looks a little confused and picks up her book again.'
  600. ' Mari blushes intensely and says,"N-no... I like boys..." You see her whisper the words again quietly to herself, "I like boys..."'
  601. act'Continue':
  602. *clr & cla
  603. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading10.jpg"></center>'
  604. ' She shakes her head and snaps out of it, sitting back down and picking up her book again.'
  605. ' "Anyways, was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"'
  606. act'"No, that was all"':
  607. *clr & cla
  608. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  609. ' "Alright <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you later okay?"'
  610. ' "For sure Mari!"'
  611. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  612. end
  613. act '"Yeah, I wanted to talk about..."':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  614. end
  615. end
  616. end
  617. end
  618. end
  619. end
  620. end
  621. end
  622. end
  623. end
  624. if mari_sex = 1:
  625. act 'Ask for sex advice':
  626. *clr & cla
  627. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading5.jpg"></center>'
  628. ' "<<$pcs_nickname>>, we already talked about this! I''m a virgin remember?"'
  629. ' "Well... you never know if something... <i>popped</i> up!" you say with a wink.'
  630. ' She blushes at the inference.'
  631. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_chat'
  632. end
  633. end
  634. end
  635. if $ARGS[0] = 'mari_modelling_chat':
  636. *clr & cla
  637. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading2.jpg"></center>'
  638. ' "You want to talk about modelling? What about it?"'
  639. act'Talk about something else':gt'foto_models','mari_chat'
  640. act 'Ask for modelling advice':
  641. *clr & cla
  642. mdlng_exp += 1
  643. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  644. ' "Hmm... Basically what I told you before: Just be grateful for what you have and be happy, and it''ll be alright. Keep a positive attitude and try not to take anything the photographers say personally. Remember, they''re trying to help themselves as much as they''re trying to help you."'
  645. ' You thank her for her advice.'
  646. ' "Oh! And one more thing too."'
  647. act'"What''s that?"':
  648. *clr & cla
  649. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading6.jpg"></center>'
  650. if pcs_pubes < 11:
  651. ' She stands up and gives you a tight hug. Once again you feel her soft breasts molding into yours and her hot skin rubbing against you. Her hug is so tight that your hips are being pressed together and you can feel her bush between your legs.'
  652. else
  653. ' She stands up and gives you a tight hug. Once again you feel her soft breasts molding into yours and her hot skin rubbing against you. Her hug is so tight that your hips are being pressed together and you can feel her bush brushing against your own.'
  654. end
  655. ' Pulling back with a smile she says, "Always make friends with your co-workers. Especially girls. We have to stick together you know!"'
  656. ' You can''t help but smile back, saying, "We sure do Mari!"'
  657. act'Continue':gt 'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  658. end
  659. end
  660. act 'Ask her how she became a model':
  661. *clr & cla
  662. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading2.jpg"></center>'
  663. ' "How did you become a model here Mari? Did you get hired here right after moving from Gadukino?"'
  664. ' "Well, no, not immediately. I tried a few other jobs out first. I tried being a clerk for a clothing store in the mall before I found this job."'
  665. ' "Jobs weren''t exciting enough for you?"'
  666. ' "Oh no, it''s not that. If I could do anything for work and still get paid enough to live comfortably, I don''t think I''d mind working at a clothing store."'
  667. ' You frown.'
  668. act '"Why''d you quit then?"':
  669. *clr & cla
  670. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading4.jpg"></center>'
  671. ' She gives you a look and says, "Too many perverts."'
  672. act '"We''re nude models!"':
  673. *clr & cla
  674. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading5.jpg"></center>'
  675. ' "Mari!" you cry out with a laugh. "We''re nude models!"'
  676. ' Laughing with you she looks down and says, "I know! I know! But at the diner the all the employees and the customers were constantly trying to get into my pants and I once walked in on the manager jerking off into a condom! At least as a model I can assume people are getting off by jerking it to pictures of me instead of trying to reach up my skirt. Then they''re happy and I don''t have to see it!"'
  677. ' After thinking about it a bit, you can''t help but be inclined to agree.'
  678. act'Continue':
  679. *clr & cla
  680. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading7.jpg"></center>'
  681. ' "So then how <i>did</i> you get hired here?"'
  682. ' Mari looks down at her book smiling in a way that looks like she''s slightly embarrassed. "I just... kind of... walked in... I saw some of the albums they have by the entrance, thought, ''Hey, maybe I can do this?'' and asked if I could get hired here."'
  683. ' "And they hired you just like that?" you ask.'
  684. ' "Well... There were a couple hoops I had to jump through. Don''t tell anyone but I was 17 at the time so I had to buy a fake passport just to get started. But as you can see, it was well worth it!"'
  685. mari_fakepassport = 1
  686. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  687. end
  688. end
  689. end
  690. end
  691. if mari_fakepassport = 1:
  692. act 'Ask about her fake passport':
  693. *clr & cla
  694. mari_modelling_ask = 1
  695. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading2.jpg"></center>'
  696. ' "Wait, you used a fake passport to start working here?"'
  697. ' "Yeah."'
  698. ' "So how old are you now?'
  699. if year = 2016:
  700. ' "I''m 18 now, thankfully. My birthday was actually just this last May."'
  701. elseif year > 2016 and month > 5:
  702. ' "I''m <<2016 - 1998>>. I turned 18 back in 2016."'
  703. else
  704. ' "I''m <<2016 - 1999>>. I turned 18 back in 2016."'
  705. end
  706. if age < 18 and fakepassport = 1:
  707. act '"Did you buy it from that suspicious guy at the train station?"':
  708. *clr & cla
  709. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  710. ' "Hey, did you buy it from that suspicious guy at the train station?" you ask her.'
  711. ' She perks up as you say this.'
  712. ' "I did! How did you know? Are you using one now? How old are you?"'
  713. act'Tell her shyly':
  714. cla
  715. *nl
  716. ' "I''m <<age>>... You''re not going to tell anyone are you?"'
  717. ' "Are you kidding? How could I? You basically did the same thing I did. We''d both get in trouble!" she laughs.'
  718. act '"Hey..."':
  719. *clr & cla
  720. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading6.jpg"></center>'
  721. ' "Hey... this reminds me for some reason... The guy who interviewed you... Did he also make you strip down before telling you how old you needed to be to work here?"'
  722. ' Mari jumps up out of her seat to finish your sentence, "And then told you that he liked your naked body so you should go to the train station and buy a fake passport??"'
  723. ' "Yeah he did!" you cry out. "What a perv! Going out of his way to make excuses to take pictures of underage girls like us!"'
  724. ' You laugh about it together and then try to quiet down a bit, remembering you should probably not spread it around that you''re only <<age>>...'
  725. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  726. end
  727. end
  728. act'Tell her excitedly':
  729. *clr & cla
  730. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading6.jpg"></center>'
  731. ' "I''m <<age>>!"'
  732. ' "What??" she cries, jumping up excitedly. "That''s crazy!"'
  733. ' "I know right? What are the odds that two girls like us from outside the city would both buy fake passports to end up here?"'
  734. ' "You said you visit your grandparents in Gadukino sometimes right? Maybe it''s something in the water!" she laughs.'
  735. ' You laugh with her for a moment before the both of you calm down again.'
  736. ' "Hey... this reminds me for some reason... The guy who auditioned you... Did he also make you strip down before telling you how old you needed to be to work here?"'
  737. ' "And then told you that he liked your naked body so you should go to the train station and buy a fake passport??"'
  738. ' "Yeah he did! What a perv! Going out of his way to make excuses to take pictures of underage girls like us!"'
  739. ' You both burst into fits of laughter before clapping your hands over your mouths and trying to stifle your hysterics. You probably shouldn''t spread it around that you''re only <<age>>...'
  740. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  741. end
  742. end
  743. end
  744. if age >=18 and fakepassport = 1:
  745. act '"Did you buy it from that suspicious guy at the train station?"':
  746. *clr & cla
  747. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  748. ' "Hey, did you buy it from that suspicious guy at the train station?" you ask her.'
  749. ' She perks up as you say this.'
  750. ' "I did! How did you know? Are you using one now? How old are you?"'
  751. act 'I''m <<age>>.':
  752. *clr & cla
  753. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  754. ' "Oh, I''m <<age>> and using my real one now. But when I first started out I still needed a fake one. This reminds me for some reason, did the guy who auditioned you also make you strip down before telling you how old you needed to be to work here?"'
  755. ' Mari jumps up out of her seat to finish your sentence, "And then told you that he liked your naked body so you should go to the train station and buy a fake passport??"'
  756. ' "Yeah he did!" you cry out. "What a perv! Going out of his way to make excuses to take pictures of underage girls like us!"'
  757. ' You laugh about it together and then try to quiet down a bit, remembering you should probably not spread it around that the studio uses underage models. Wouldn''t be very good for your careers...'
  758. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  759. end
  760. end
  761. end
  762. if fakepassport = 2:
  763. act '"Did you buy it from that suspicious guy at the train station?"':
  764. cla
  765. ' "Hey, did you buy it from that suspicious guy at the train station?" you ask her.'
  766. ' She perks up as you say this.'
  767. ' "I did! How did you know? Are you using one now? How old are you?"'
  768. act '"I''m <<age>>, I never used a fake passport."':
  769. *clr & cla
  770. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading3.jpg"></center>'
  771. ' "Oh no, I''ve never bought a fake passport. I''m <<age>> and I''ve always been working here legally, I just know about the guy. It was where the Gopniks in my school would go to get their fakes so they could buy booze," you say with a laugh.'
  772. ' "Oh! I didn''t realize he was that well known."'
  773. act'Continue':
  774. *clr & cla
  775. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading8.jpg"></center>'
  776. ' You decide to tease her a bit. "You know Mari, for a girl who went out of her way to start nude modelling before she was legal, you''re kind of innocent."'
  777. ' She grins back at you. "What can I say? I''m just a poor, naive, gullible farm girl who was promised fame and fortune if she got naked."'
  778. ' You both burst into laughter and then try to quiet down a bit, remembering you should probably not spread it around that the studio uses underage models. Wouldn''t be very good for your careers...'
  779. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  780. end
  781. end
  782. end
  783. end
  784. if fakepassport = 0:
  785. act '"Where did you even get it?"':
  786. cla
  787. ' "Where did you even get a fake passport? Weren''t you new here?"'
  788. ' "Oh! I definitely was!" Mari says. "When I asked about working here, the guy had me strip down to check me out. Then when he said I looked good enough he asked me how old I was. When I told him I was only 17 he said I couldn''t work here. I really needed the job so I asked him if there was any way I could and he said that since he liked my body, I should find a guy at the train station and buy a fake passport from him and come back."'
  789. act'"I can''t believe you went through so much to start nude modelling underage!"':
  790. *clr & cla
  791. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading5.jpg"></center>'
  792. ' "I can''t believe you went through so much to start nude modelling while you were underage!" you say in astonishment. "Couldn''t you have just waited a year?"'
  793. ' She looks down in embarrassment. "Well... I guess... But I <i>really</i> love this job <<$pcs_nickname>>. Wasn''t it all worth it?"'
  794. ' As you look at her, you relent a bit. You can''t really fault her for chasing so hard after something she loves doing.'
  795. act'Continue':
  796. *clr & cla
  797. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/mari_e/talking/reading8.jpg"></center>'
  798. ' Still, you decide the opportunity to tease her is too good to pass up. "You know Mari, for a girl who went out of her way to start nude modelling before she was legal, you''re kind of innocent."'
  799. ' She grins back at you. "What can I say? I''m just a poor, naive, gullible farm girl. They said they could make all my dreams come true if I took my clothes off for them..."'
  800. ' You both burst into laughter and then try to quiet down a bit, remembering you should probably not spread it around that the studio uses underage models. Wouldn''t be very good for your careers...'
  801. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','mari_modelling_chat'
  802. end
  803. end
  804. end
  805. end
  806. end
  807. end
  808. end
  809. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia1':
  810. if anastasia = 2:gt 'foto_models','anastasia2'
  811. if anastasia = 3:gt 'foto_models','anastasia3'
  812. if anastasia = 4: gt 'foto_models','anastasia4'
  813. if anastasia = 5: gt 'foto_models','anastasia5'
  814. if anastasia = 6: gt 'foto_models','anastasia6'
  815. *clr & cla
  816. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/10.jpg"></center>'
  817. ' As you''re walking around the different sets at the agency a nude woman with curly black hair walks up to you, "Sorry to bother you but you seem lost, need some help?"'
  818. ' You blush as you come to realization that you''ve must have looked like a fool just walking around... "Hi, I''m <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just got recruited by the agency and was just looking around. I didn''t mean to be of any trouble..."'
  819. ' "Hi, don''t worry about it, I''m sure no one minds! You must be the new girl they''ve been talking about. Interesting..." she says, looking you up and down. "I''m Anastasia by the way."'
  820. act '"Pardon?"':
  821. *clr & cla
  822. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  823. ' You begin thinking why she finds you interesting and without realizing you open your mouth, "Why do you..." you stop as you realize what you''ve just done.'
  824. ' Anastasia a bit surprised by you stopping in the middle of the sentence tilts her head, "Find you interesting? I was just interested in who the new recruit was. The photographers been talking about you, so it''s naturally I''m curious who they''ve brought on board."'
  825. ' "Thanks, I guess." you carefully answer. "I''m a bit overwhelmed right now so I''m just trying to learn the ropes."'
  826. ' Anastasia smiles and tells you, "Well, if you ever need anything just let me know and I''ll be glad to help you out."'
  827. ' You thank her for the welcome and watch on as she goes onto one of the sets...'
  828. anastasia = 2
  829. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  830. end
  831. end
  832. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia2':
  833. *clr & cla
  834. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/11.jpg"></center>'
  835. ' As you''re heading off the set after a photo session you notice Anastasia watching you from the arm of a sofa in the background. She''s hard to miss as she also completely naked, she must''ve just finished a shoot there.'
  836. ' You walk over to her smiling, "Hello Anastasia."'
  837. ' She smiles at you and says, "You seem to be improving greatly <<$pcs_firstname>>. You''re a natural at this."'
  838. act '"Thanks"':
  839. cla
  840. *nl
  841. ' You blush a little, embarrassed at the high praise you''re receiving from Russia''s number one model.'
  842. ' "I''ve got some advice to give you if you don''t mind about how you''ll exceed even more in this line of work." she tells you.'
  843. ' You listen eagerly saying, "Of course Anastasia! I''m still new at this so it''s a great honor getting advice from someone as experienced as yourself."'
  844. ' Anastasia giggles by your answer and proudly continues on, "The first thing you need to do is listen to your body. I saw several times when you cramped up a bit which makes you look less pretty."'
  845. ' You nod, closely listening to her as she continues on, "It''s also important to listen to the photographers, if they want you to pose in a way, you should follow their advice. They''re professionals and know what the audience want."'
  846. act 'Continue listening':
  847. *clr & cla
  848. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  849. ' She keeps on talking for quite a while and you start losing your concentration as she rambles on. Suddenly she stops and says, "Oh, I''m sorry, sometimes I get so worked up I forget that I can ramble on for quite a while."'
  850. ' You re-assure her that you don''t mind. Suddenly Anastasia looks at you a bit suspiciously.'
  851. ' "Are you sure you''re okay, you seem so spaced out. You''ve been working quite hard lately."'
  852. ' "Thanks for asking but I''m totally fine," you re-assure Anastasia.'
  853. ' "Please don''t be afraid to approach me with anything, even things outside work. Whatever it is I''m all ears and I''ll always have time for you," she says before wrapping you in her arms and giving you a big hug.'
  854. ' "Mph-kay," you hear your muffled voice say, your face buried in her shoulder and her big breasts pressing against you. As she walks away, the memory of them are still implanted in your mind. They''re really huge.'
  855. anastasia = 3
  856. mdlng_exp += 5
  857. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  858. end
  859. end
  860. end
  861. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia3':
  862. *clr & cla
  863. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  864. ' As you walk through the studio, a faint repetitive noise catches your attention. As you investigate, peering into different sets, the noise increases in clarity. A slapping noise, a bit fleshy, and at regular intervals. It''s the sound of... sex?'
  865. act 'Keep investigating':
  866. *clr & cla
  867. pcs_horny += 10
  868. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/sex/1.jpg"></center>'
  869. ' Rounding a corner you are suddenly confronted with the shocking image of Anastasia in lingerie being vigorously fucked by two men on the bed of an "unused" set.'
  870. ' You realize you''ve found the source of the fleshy slapping sounds as you watch Anastasia''s ass and pussy mercilessly pounded with large cocks.'
  871. ' "Ugh! Harder!" she grunts, as the man on bottom reaches up and twists her nipples. "Ahh! Yes! I''m almost there!"'
  872. ' You leave quietly, the groans of at least two people orgasming following your footsteps as a parting gift.'
  873. anastasia = 4
  874. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  875. end
  876. end
  877. !!Anastasia chat
  878. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia4':
  879. *clr & cla
  880. anastasia = rand(4,6)
  881. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  882. ' Walking about the studio, you pass by Anastasia who is walking around naked but holding a pair of panties. You are unsure if they''re hers and she''s going home or if she''s about to put them on for a shoot.'
  883. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  884. act '"Hello Anastasia"':
  885. *clr & cla
  886. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  887. ' She turns at your greeting and smiles at you.'
  888. ' "Hello, <<$pcs_nickname>>! Can I help you with something?"'
  889. act 'Just passing by':
  890. cla
  891. ' "Oh, no. I just wanted to say hi."'
  892. ' "Okay, so long as you''re alright. Don''t be a stranger!" she says before continuing on her way.'
  893. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  894. end
  895. act 'Chat':gt 'foto_models','anastasia_chat'
  896. end
  897. end
  898. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia5':
  899. *clr & cla
  900. anastasia = rand(4,6)
  901. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/busy.jpg"></center>'
  902. ' You''re looking for Anastasia when you find her working on a set.'
  903. ' "Now hold the pose just like that!" the photographer calls. Despite how awkward the pose looks, Anastasia doesn''t move even a centimeter while she is illuminated by camera flashes and the air is filled with rapid shutter clicks. A true pro, this is what it means to be St. Petersburg''s number one model.'
  904. ' Not wanting to interrupt just to talk to her, you decide to try and find her again later.'
  905. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  906. end
  907. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia6':
  908. *clr & cla
  909. anastasia = rand(4,6)
  910. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/sex/1.jpg"></center>'
  911. ' You are looking for Anastasia to ask her for some advice when you find her... in the bed of an unused being railed by two unknown men...'
  912. ' "Ugh! Yes! Yes! Just like that!" she cries out.'
  913. ' One of the men grins and pulls hard on her nipples, eliciting a sound from Anastasia that leaves you undecided on whether it was pain or pleasure.'
  914. ' "You''re such a fucking slut Anastasia. I bet you''ll do anything for money. What would happen to you if all your fans saw you like this right now?"'
  915. ' Unfazed by his insults she retorts without hesitation, "Then I''d stand to make a lot more money off of dirty old men like you!"'
  916. act 'Continue':
  917. *clr & cla
  918. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/sex/1.jpg"></center>'
  919. ' You''re admittedly impressed by Anastasia''s ability to remain in control of the situation despite the fact that she is literally being fucked in the ass.'
  920. ' "I''m cumming!" The man behind her groans and unloads into her ass. This seems to send Anastasia over the edge as she spasms in orgasm'
  921. ' "You''re so tight! It''s sucking me in!" The man underneath thrusts up and blows his load inside her as well.'
  922. *nl
  923. ' They all lay there panting for a while, Anastasia''s holes still plugged with their cocks before they start to rock back and forth and continue to fuck her.'
  924. ' "Ohhhh! <i>Ooooh...</i>" She moans as she gets into the sensation again. "This counts as another session you know, you''re paying double for this."'
  925. ' "Shut up and keep fucking, whore!"'
  926. act 'Leave them be':
  927. *clr & cla
  928. pcs_horny += 10
  929. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  930. ' It looks like they''re going to be a while longer, you''ll just have to wait to ask Anastasia... whatever it was you were going to ask her...'
  931. ' As you walk away, you feel a faint blush in your cheeks and a slight wetness between your legs when you realize how far away in the studio you can still hear their activities echoing off the walls.'
  932. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  933. end
  934. end
  935. end
  936. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia_chat':
  937. *clr & cla
  938. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  939. ' "What did you want to talk about <<$pcs_firstname>>?"'
  940. act 'Leave':
  941. *clr & cla
  942. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  943. ' "I have to be off Anastasia, it was nice chatting with you."'
  944. ' "Okay, have a nice day <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t be a stranger!"'
  945. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  946. end
  947. act 'Ask her how she became a model':
  948. *clr & cla
  949. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/9.jpg"></center>'
  950. ' "How did you become a model Anastasia?"'
  951. ' "Oh, this story could take a little while for an old gal like me," she says, sitting down. "It all began when I graduated high school. I grew up in this city you know, surrounded by the business and the glamour, and the rush. Naturally, I needed a job. I was 18, I was inexperienced, and I had no qualifications other than my diploma and that I was pretty. I found that I could get a job as a secretary for quite a bit of money, but I needed a secretarial diploma to get hired. They have courses at the community center in the industrial area, but it cost more money than I had. So to get that, I did nude modelling here."'
  952. ' "But-" she interrupts you by holding up her hand, telling you to wait for her to finish.'
  953. ' "It was a real spur of the moment thing. One second I was thinking how much money I needed for the course, the next thing I realized I was handed a flyer that said, <b>"Big money for nude models! Audition inquiry here!"</b> So I came."'
  954. act'Continue':
  955. *clr & cla
  956. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/4.jpg"></center>'
  957. ' She gushes a bit as she remembers her origins. "Oh, I was such a silly girl back then. Didn''t know what I was doing, photographers had to come up and re-arrange me all the time because I couldn''t get into the right poses. Oh, to be young... Anyways, after a few weeks I had enough money to take the secretarial course. I continued shooting here at the studio between classes to support myself and 10 short classes later, I was issued my diploma!"'
  958. ' She smiles brightly at you before fading into a dramatic and pouty frown. "But being a secretary wasn''t all was cracked up to be. The days were boring, the bosses were inattentive, and everything I had to do was repetitive and menial. I found myself daydreaming about being back in the studio and I realized, ''Well, why not go back?'' So I quit my job as a secretary and I''ve been modelling here ever since."'
  959. act '"Wow..."':
  960. *clr & cla
  961. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/3.jpg"></center>'
  962. ' "Wow Anastasia... That was quite the story."'
  963. ' She smiles at you and says, "I''m glad I wasn''t too boring for you."'
  964. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','anastasia_chat'
  965. end
  966. end
  967. end
  968. act 'Ask for modelling advice':
  969. *clr & cla
  970. mdlng_exp += 3
  971. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/15.jpg"></center>'
  972. ' "You must always stay calm, confident, and in control when modelling," she says, suddenly striking a pose. "Remember, you are a beautiful and graceful young woman. As long as you maintain confidence in yourself, that same confidence will shine through to your posture.'
  973. ' You thank her for her advice and you''ll try to keep it in mind.'
  974. mdlng_exp += 1
  975. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','anastasia_chat'
  976. end
  977. act 'Ask about food':
  978. *clr & cla
  979. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  980. ' "Do you know if there are any good places to eat around here?"'
  981. ' Anastasia suddenly grows very serious."<<$pcs_firstname>>, you should know that as a model and a young woman, a balanced diet is one of the most important things you can have. That is why I take the time to cook all my own food and make sure that I am getting all my nutrients."'
  982. ' You nod in understanding. She''s right, maybe you should be paying more attention to what you eat.'
  983. ' "Young Mari hasn''t been telling you to go to that burger joint has she?" she says in an admonishing tone.'
  984. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','anastasia_chat'
  985. end
  986. if anastasiasex = 0:
  987. act 'Ask how she stays in shape':
  988. *clr & cla
  989. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  990. ' "Oh, that''s a hard one <<$pcs_nickname>>. I myself barely have time to spare outside of the studio. A balanced diet really helps, but I find the best way is to just stay as active as you can. Group activities really help."'
  991. act '"Group activities? You mean like sports?"':
  992. *clr & cla
  993. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  994. ' "Hmm... In a way I suppose so..." she says somewhat mischeviously.'
  995. ' You think you''re more confused than before you asked.'
  996. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','anastasia_chat'
  997. end
  998. end
  999. end
  1000. if anastasiasex = 1:
  1001. act 'Ask how she stays in shape':
  1002. *clr & cla
  1003. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1004. ' "Oh, that''s a hard one <<$pcs_nickname>>. I myself barely have time to spare outside of the studio. A balanced diet really helps, but I find the best way is to just stay as active as you can. Group activities really help."'
  1005. act '"Group activities? You mean like sports?"':
  1006. *clr & cla
  1007. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1008. ' "You know what I mean!" she says with a wide smile. "You''ve seen me doing it! Sex, silly!" '
  1009. ' You blush as you think back to all the times you''ve walked in on her being energetically fucked by multiple men.'
  1010. ' Before you can say anything she starts to elaborate.'
  1011. ' "Like I said, I rarely have time to go to the gym, fitting my exercise in with my work is one of the best ways to get it in. A woman can burn more than 150 calories per hour during sex, it''s a great way to stay in shape. Even more if you''re being vigorous in the cowgirl position. That one really helps tone your core you know."'
  1012. anastasia_exercise = 1
  1013. act'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','anastasia_chat'
  1014. end
  1015. !! if guy > 0:
  1016. !! act'Oh! You mean like fucking!':
  1017. !! *clr & cla
  1018. !! ' "Oh! You mean like fucking!"'
  1019. end
  1020. end
  1021. if anastasiasex = 0:
  1022. act 'Tell her you saw her having sex in the empty set':gt'foto_models','anastasiasex'
  1023. end
  1024. if anastasiasex = 1:
  1025. act 'Ask for sex advice':gt 'foto_models','anastasiasextalk'
  1026. end
  1027. ! if city_modelling > 100 and anastasiasex = 1 and anastasia_ask = 0:
  1028. ! act'Ask Anastasia how to start selling yourself like she does':gt'foto_models','anastasia_ask'
  1029. ! end
  1030. end
  1031. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasiasex':
  1032. cla
  1033. anastasiasex = 1
  1034. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1035. ' "Oh you saw that?" She barely even reacts to what you said. She doesn''t appear to be surprised or embarrassed at all.'
  1036. act 'Continue':
  1037. *clr & cla
  1038. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/2.jpg"></center>'
  1039. ' "Just one of the perks of being the top model in Russia." She pauses for a moment to run her hands through her hair, almost like she''s stretching...'
  1040. ' "All the men end up wanting to fuck you."'
  1041. act 'Uh...':
  1042. *clr & cla
  1043. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/3.jpg"></center>'
  1044. ' Her candor catches you off guard, especially with how nonchalantly she says it. You didn''t expect her to be so open about her sexuality like that.'
  1045. ' "What''s the matter <<$pcs_nickname>>? You look shocked." She says, laying down on a couch of one of the nearby sets. Your teeth make a clicking sound as they snap together, not realizing your mouth had been agape. Following that, you can''t help but be excruciatingly aware of her wide open legs and her pussy that is spreading with them.'
  1046. ' "Oh come now darling, you know that even I have my needs don''t you? Sexually and financially that is."'
  1047. ' The word "financially" makes you pause, making you forget whatever it was you were about to say.'
  1048. act'"Financially?"':
  1049. *clr & cla
  1050. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/5.jpg"></center>'
  1051. ' Anastasia sits up a bit. "Yes, financially. I need money to live don''t I?"'
  1052. ' "No, wait! That''s not what I meant! Who were those men?"'
  1053. act'Continue':
  1054. *clr & cla
  1055. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/4.jpg"></center>'
  1056. ' She leans back again and closes her eyes as if she were tired. "My clients of course. I''m the number one model in the city, it makes it easy to do some escorting on the side. It''s a good deal for everyone. They get to live their dream, the studio makes more money on set rental, and in the end I get to supplement my sexual and financial needs. Men will pay a lot of money to have sex with a model like me."'
  1057. act'"But-"':
  1058. *clr & cla
  1059. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/6.jpg"></center>'
  1060. ' Before you can say anything she interrupts you as she gets on her knees and sticks her ass out towards you, saying, "Especially like this." The pose is particularly provacative, now showing her slightly parted pussy. "A tip for you <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you ever get to a position in your career like mine, you''ll find that this position is especially versatile."'
  1061. ' "If they want to fuck you from behind, they can pick either hole. If you''re on top, all you have to do is work your bum like this," she starts moving her hips up and down, simulating a cowgirl position, "and they''ll hit all the right spots. For you and for them. They cum in no time and so do I! As you saw, this position is also great if you want to service two, or even three men at once."'
  1062. act '"No, wait! I wasn''t asking about any of this!"':
  1063. *clr & cla
  1064. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/9.jpg"></center>'
  1065. ' "<<$pcs_nickname>>," she says, "if you''re going to have a career in this industry you can''t be naive about how it works. This is just another way to use your fame."'
  1066. ' She sounds vaguely disappointed in you, like a mother trying to teach her child manners.'
  1067. act'Continue':
  1068. *clr & cla
  1069. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1070. ' She picks up her panties and gets up again. "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re great at this job, and one day you might be as famous or even more famous a model than I am. And I want you to be ready when it happens. So just in case, my advice to you is to make sure you''re on birth control, make sure you enjoy yourself, and <i>always</i> charge extra for creampies, swallowing, and anal."'
  1071. ' And with that, she walks away, leaving you in the confused state of feeling like your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> just gave you advice on how to make the transition from nude model to professional hooker.'
  1072. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1073. end
  1074. end
  1075. end
  1076. end
  1077. end
  1078. end
  1079. if guy >= 10:
  1080. act'I know what you mean':
  1081. *clr & cla
  1082. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/3.jpg"></center>'
  1083. '"Oh yeah, I know what you mean," you nod.'
  1084. '"Oh?"'
  1085. act'Being pretty makes people want you':
  1086. cla & *nl
  1087. '"It''s not like I wasn''t pretty before I became a model," you shrug, smiling back. "Men want to fuck pretty girls."'
  1088. '"Men want to fuck anything that has two legs and a pussy dear. Though they will pay more to fuck <i>famous</i> pretty girls," she smirks.'
  1089. act'Pay?':gt'foto_models','anastasiasex2'
  1090. if slutty > 0:
  1091. act'Oh! We can do that here?':gt'foto_models','anastasiasex3'
  1092. end
  1093. end
  1094. if pcs_cupsize >= 25:
  1095. act'I''ve got big boobs':
  1096. cla & *nl
  1097. '"I had big boobs in high school too," you grin, looking down meaningfully at your <<$titsize>> breasts. "Boys wouldn''t be boys if they didn''t drool over the thought of fucking busty girls like me.'
  1098. '"True," she smirks. "Though they will pay more to fuck <i>famous</i> busty girls,"'
  1099. act'Pay?':gt'foto_models','anastasiasex2'
  1100. if slutty > 0:
  1101. act'Oh! We can do that here?':gt'foto_models','anastasiasex3'
  1102. end
  1103. end
  1104. end
  1105. if exhibitionist_lvl > 1:
  1106. act'Showing them your tits does that':
  1107. cla & *nl
  1108. '"Yeah, flashing your tits in the park tends to make boys want to fuck you," you say, biting your lip with a smile.'
  1109. '"You sly little minx you!" she chuckles. "I won''t deny that, I certainly teased enough boys during my youth as well. Though grown men tend to pay more for a fuck when they see your breasts on a magazine cover instead of pulled out of your blouse in the park."'
  1110. act'Pay?':gt'foto_models','anastasiasex2'
  1111. if slutty > 0:
  1112. act'Oh! We can do that here?':gt'foto_models','anastasiasex3'
  1113. end
  1114. end
  1115. end
  1116. end
  1117. end
  1118. end
  1119. end
  1120. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasiasex2':
  1121. *clr & cla
  1122. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/5.jpg"></center>'
  1123. '"Pay?" you ask quizzically.'
  1124. '"Yes. Pay."'
  1125. 'Anastasia regards you with a slight tilt of the head. "Those men were my clients. Who did you think they were?"'
  1126. '"Oh," you say. "I thought you were just doing it for fun."'
  1127. '"Well, I do still fuck for fun," she smiles. "But it''s much more efficient to charge for it as well. I''m the number one model in the city after all, it makes it easy to do some escorting on the side. It''s a good deal for everyone. They get to live their dream, the studio makes more money on set rental, and in the end I get to supplement my sexual and financial needs. Men will pay a lot of money to have sex with a model like me."'
  1128. act'Makes sense':
  1129. *clr & cla
  1130. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1131. '"Makes sense I suppose," you say, musing what Anastasia''s just told you. She picks up her panties and stands, regarding you warmly with a motherly touch on your cheek.'
  1132. '"Oh <<$pcs_firstname>>, you''re such a big girl," she says. "Not everyone would understand like you do. With an attitude like yours, you''ll go far in this industry. I see the potential in you to be as famous or even more famous than I am one day! Can I give you some advice?"'
  1133. '"Of course Anastasia," you nod, leaning in.'
  1134. '"Three important things," she says, whispering in your ear. "Make sure to enjoy yourself, never forget your birth control, and <i>always</i> charge extra for creampies, swallowing, and anal."'
  1135. 'With that, she stands back and gives you an eager smile. "Got it?"'
  1136. act'Uhh, yeah...':
  1137. *clr & cla
  1138. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1139. '"Uhh, yeah..." you say, trailing off. You weren''t sure what kind of advice you were expecting, but it sure wasn''t professional hooking tips.'
  1140. '"Words to live by dear," she smiles. "Words to live by. If you ever need more advice on that kind of thing, don''t be afraid to ask. Don''t be a stranger!"'
  1141. 'With that, she bids you farewell, walking towards another part of the studio.'
  1142. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1143. end
  1144. act'Yes':
  1145. *clr & cla
  1146. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1147. '"Yes Anastasia" you say, nodding obediently.'
  1148. '"Words to live by dear," she smiles. "Words to live by. If you ever need more advice on that kind of thing, don''t be afraid to ask. Don''t be a stranger!"'
  1149. 'With that, she bids you farewell, walking towards another part of the studio.'
  1150. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1151. end
  1152. end
  1153. end
  1154. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasiasex3':
  1155. *clr & cla
  1156. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1157. '"We can do that here?" you exclaim.'
  1158. '"But of course," she smiles at you. "We''re erotic models in the cultural capital of the nation my dear, it makes it easy to do some escorting on the side. The studio won''t complain because it makes more money on set rental, and at the same time, girls like you and me get to supplement our financial needs, not to mention all the enjoyable fucking we get to do. Men will pay a lot of money to have sex with a models like us."'
  1159. act'Wow!':
  1160. *clr & cla
  1161. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1162. '"Wow!"'
  1163. '"Yes indeed, we are quite privileged to have the opportunities we do. However, I really must be going deary. I have an appointment soon." You nod as she stand and picks up her panties. "Let me know if you''d like to get started on escorting. I''d love to help introduce you to the company. But before I go, may I offer some advice?"'
  1164. 'You listen eagerly as Anastasia leans in to whisper in your ear.'
  1165. '"There are three things you need to know in this business. Make sure to enjoy yourself, never forget your birth control, and <i>always</i> charge extra for creampies, swallowing, and anal."'
  1166. 'She stands back, meeting your eyes with a smile. "Words to live by my dear. Words to live by. But I must be off now. Don''t be a stranger!"'
  1167. 'With that, she bids you farewell, walking towards another part of the studio.'
  1168. '<b>dev note: escorting business still WIP</b>'
  1169. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1170. end
  1171. end
  1172. if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasiasextalk':
  1173. cla
  1174. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1175. ' "Sure <<$pcs_nickname>>, what would you like help with?"'
  1176. ' If you''re being honest, her reaction is still a little strange to you. She''s as nonchalant about this as if you asked her for advice about knitting.'
  1177. act 'Thank her and leave':
  1178. *clr & cla
  1179. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/studio/sex/pornwalk1.mp4"></video></center>'
  1180. ' You thank her for the advice and tell her you need to be on your way.'
  1181. ' "Glad I could help <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t be a stranger!" she says as she walks off.'
  1182. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1183. end
  1184. act 'Ask about blowjobs':
  1185. *clr
  1186. pcs_horny += 5
  1187. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1188. ' You decide asking her for advice on giving blowjobs.'
  1189. ' "You want advice on blowjobs? Of course dear. A couple tricks to remember:'
  1190. ' First of all, watch your teeth. A penis is very sensitive so even slight grazing can be painful. To prevent that from happening, you have to curl your lips over your top teeth and stick your tongue out wide and flat to cover the bottom ones. Drool as much as you can, it''ll keep your lips from splitting if they''re dry and it really helps keep his cock nice and slick for reduced friction. It will also subconsciously cause you to open your mouth wider which can be helpful for especially girthy boys. Use lubricant if you can''t drool enough.'
  1191. ' Second of all, if you''re trying to go for depth, the most important thing is to keep your throat relaxed. If your throat is tense, your gag reflex will kick in and you''ll choke. Nothing kills the mood like vomitting all over someone''s cock does it?" she says with a rueful smile. "Also, don''t give head for too long. That''s how you get lockjaw.'
  1192. *nl
  1193. ' "Is there anything else you wanted to ask about?"'
  1194. end
  1195. act 'Ask about sex':
  1196. *clr
  1197. pcs_horny += 5
  1198. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/8.jpg"></center>'
  1199. ' You decide asking her about regular sex.'
  1200. ' "You want advice on vanilla sex? Of course dear." She leads you over to some nearby set furniture and bends over.'
  1201. ' "If you''re doing it from behind, try it standing up. Get on your toes and stick your bum out like this. Being on the tips of your toes will make your leg muscles tense up and natural cause your vagina clench. Your vaginal walls will clamp down on his cock and will not only make it more enjoyable for the both of you but your orgasm will also be much more intense, so make sure you''re against a sturdy surface or that he''s ready to catch you when you cum or you might fall over!" she says with a laugh. Getting serious again she continues, "Watch out for cramps though! I wouldn''t recommend this with a boy who has a lot of stamina. Although I bet you don''t know many of those do you?" she says with a sly grin.'
  1202. ' You blush at the inquiry.'
  1203. *nl
  1204. ' "Is there anything else you wanted to ask about?"'
  1205. end
  1206. act 'Ask about anal':
  1207. *clr
  1208. pcs_horny += 5
  1209. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1210. ' You decide asking her about anal.'
  1211. ' "You want advice on anal? Of course dear. First, always be sure to use an enema. Doing anal can get really messy if you don''t. I won''t talk about the consequences, just be sure to never agree to it unless you''ve cleaned yourself out. For actual technique, in some ways it''s just like giving a blowjob: you need to relax. If you don''t relax, he''ll never get in the right way and you risk tearing something and anal bleeding. Lubricant is key. Don''t let any of the boys lie to you by saying spit or pussy juice will be enough. It''s not. Always make sure he''s lubed up so he can slip in nice and easy. Rough sex can feel good too, but be careful to not let anyone pound you too hard! Accidents <i>can</i> happen. Remember that you should always be in control and it''s up to you if you want to keep going or stop," she says in an cautioning tone. "It''s your body and you have a right to decide what happens to it."'
  1212. *nl
  1213. ' "Is there anything else you wanted to ask about?"'
  1214. end
  1215. act 'Ask about cunnilingus':
  1216. *clr
  1217. pcs_horny += 5
  1218. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/3.jpg"></center>'
  1219. ' You decide asking her about cunnilingus.'
  1220. ' "You want advice on cunnilingus? For giving or receiving? Doesn''t matter either way," she says as she lays down on a nearby sofa and spreads her legs. "The most important thing is to concentrate on the little man in the boat, your clit!" she says, massaging hers with her fingers. "He''s a little narcissist, but as long as all the attention is on him he''ll be happy to receive it and you or whoever you''re giving head to will be happy too," she says with a smile.'
  1221. *nl
  1222. ' "Is there anything else you wanted to ask about?"'
  1223. end
  1224. act 'Having sex with multiple men at once':
  1225. *clr & cla
  1226. pcs_horny += 10
  1227. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/6.jpg"></center>'
  1228. ' Embarrassed that you even considered asking her, you blush fiercely and mumble, "I wanted to know if you had any suggestions for having sex with more than one boy..."'
  1229. ' "Do you mean only two? Or did you mean three to five?" she says glibly. "I guess it doesn''t matter very much. Like I told you before, this position is exceptionally versatile," she says as she gets on a nearby sofa and points her ass towards you.'
  1230. ' "The beauty of this position is that it can be used for all situations! Whether you''re sucking and fucking or doing some double penetration or sucking while being doubly penetrated or even taking on five boys at once!" she says while moving her hands to jerk off two imaginary cocks, "this position will cover it all."'
  1231. act 'Continue':
  1232. *clr & cla
  1233. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/14.jpg"></center>'
  1234. ' "It''s also the most comfortable one," she says while turning over and spreading her legs. You''re starting to get even more embarrassed. This explanation is taking longer than you thought and several people have passed by while Anastasia continues to talk about the intricacies of being gangbanged at an educational volume. You''re once again reminded of a mother, loudly talking about her daughter''s embarrassing hobbies so everyone can hear. You''re legitimately worried that people around the studio will think you''re a slut.'
  1235. ' "See, if you try <i>this</i> position, bum down and pussy forward, even with only two cocks, it''s very hard to handle," she elaborates. "It''s almost impossible to find a comfortable way to give blowjobs and if you''re doing double penetration, the angle is very awkward on your asshole. <i>Very</i> uncomfortable. If you''re going to be penetrated by more than one boy or girl, I highly recommend the first position."'
  1236. ' You blush even harder as she casually slips in the option of using this position for girls with strap-ons. Just when you thought it couldn''t get any more embarrassing...'
  1237. *nl
  1238. ' "Is there anything else you wanted to ask about?"'
  1239. act '"Yeah, I actually wanted to ask..."':gt'foto_models','anastasiasextalk'
  1240. act '"No, that was all"':
  1241. *clr & cla
  1242. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/studio/sex/pornwalk1.mp4"></video></center>'
  1243. 'You thank her for the advice and tell her you need to be on your way.'
  1244. '"Glad I could help <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t be a stranger!" she says as she walks off.'
  1245. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1246. end
  1247. end
  1248. end
  1249. end
  1250. !if $ARGS[0] = 'anastasia_ask':
  1251. ! *clr & cla
  1252. ! '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1253. ! ' "Hey, Anastasia, do you have a minute? I wanted to ask you about something important."'
  1254. ! ' She smiles at you. "Of course dear, you can ask me anything. What''s this about?"'
  1255. ! act'Change your mind':
  1256. ! ' "Uhmm... You know what? It''s not actually that important right now. I''ll ask you about it later." You can tell that Anastasia still wants to know, especially after your initial prompting but doesn''t pressure you at all.'
  1257. ! ' "That''s alright <<$pcs_firstname>>. Whenever you''re ready okay?"'
  1258. ! act'Continue':gt'foto_models','anastasia_chat'
  1259. ! end
  1260. !
  1261. ! act'Ask her confidently':
  1262. ! anastasia_ask = 1
  1263. ! *clr & cla
  1264. ! '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/anastasia_p/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1265. ! ' "I want to know more about using my fame to make more money like you do. About using my fame to sell myself."'
  1266. ! ' Her face lights up with a smile that looks like she''s delighted that you asked. "Yes! Of course <<$pcs_firstname>>! Ever since you broke the barrier into the studio''s top ten I''ve been waiting for you to take this next step! I''m <i>very</i> proud of you for doing it and so happy that you came to me to find out more!"'
  1267. ! ' She leads you over to a nearby set and gestures for you to sit down across from her.'
  1268. ! act'Continue':gt'anastasia_escort','ana_pro_talk':
  1269. ! end
  1270. !
  1271. ! act'Ask embarrassedly':
  1272. ! anastasia_ask = 1
  1273. !
  1274. !end
  1275. if $ARGS[0] = 'krystal1':
  1276. if krystal = 2:gt 'foto_models','krystal2'
  1277. if krystal = 3:gt 'foto_models','krystal3'
  1278. if krystal = 4:gt 'foto_models','krystal4'
  1279. if krystal = 5:gt 'foto_models','krystal5'
  1280. *clr & cla
  1281. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1282. ' Walking by one of the sets you hear the photographer exclaim, "Yeah, that''s exactly what I was looking for. It''s always a pleasure working with you Katherine. You always seem to outdo yourself with every shoot."'
  1283. ' By hearing that you''re too excited and can''t miss the opportunity to find out what the fuss is about.'
  1284. act 'Continue':
  1285. *clr & cla
  1286. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting/1.jpg"></center>'
  1287. ' As you peek in you see a girl posing in several exposing poses. You are spellbound by how flexible she is and you don''t even realize that you''re now standing in the open with your mouth open.'
  1288. act 'Continue':
  1289. *clr & cla
  1290. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting/2.jpg"></center>'
  1291. ' Katherine looking teasingly your way says, "Looks like we have a little voyeur here."'
  1292. ' All of a sudden everyone stops and turns their attention towards you. You stand there, blushing, wanting to crawl under a stone. The photographer tells everyone to take five while Katherine walks over towards you smiling.'
  1293. act 'I''m so sorry I didn''t mean...':
  1294. *clr & cla
  1295. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting/3.jpg"></center>'
  1296. ' As Katherine approaches you, she keeps on laughing, "Did you enjoy the show?"'
  1297. ' You nod and tell her you''re sorry for disturbing on the set, it really wasn''t on purpose, "I was just amazed by the intensity in the shoot."'
  1298. ' "Thanks, I''ve had a lot of practice. If you play nice I might tell you all about it one day."'
  1299. act '"That would be nice"':
  1300. *clr & cla
  1301. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting/4.jpg"></center>'
  1302. ' "Who are you by the way? I don''t think I''ve seen you here before." Katherine asks.'
  1303. ' "Sorry, I''m <<$pcs_firstname>>. I just got recruited by the agency so I''m just walking around checking the place out."'
  1304. ' "Wow I''m impressed it might be the first time they''ve ever recruited someone interesting... Oh I totally forgot to introduce myself, I''m Krystal."'
  1305. act '"Krystal?"':
  1306. *clr & cla
  1307. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting/5.jpg"></center>'
  1308. ' "Krystal?" you ask. "Didn''t the photographer just call you Katherine?"'
  1309. ' "Hmm? Oh yeah. I work a lot of places, use a lot of aliases, but you can call me Krystal. That''s my real name."'
  1310. ' You hear the photographer yell out that the break is over and he wants Katherine, er- Krystal back on the set.'
  1311. ' "Alright, gotta go babe. Hope to see you later!" she says going back to set.'
  1312. act 'Continue':
  1313. *clr & cla
  1314. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting/6.jpg"></center>'
  1315. ' You say your farewells and watch her work for a few more mintues. If nothing else, she certainly has no shame.'
  1316. krystal = 2
  1317. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1318. end
  1319. end
  1320. end
  1321. end
  1322. end
  1323. end
  1324. end
  1325. if $ARGS[0] = 'krystal2':
  1326. *clr & cla
  1327. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting2/1.jpg"></center>'
  1328. ' As you walk through the studio, something catches your eye and you see that Krystal is waving you over. She''s sitting in a chair, completely naked except for a tie, so she must be getting ready for a shoot.'
  1329. ' "Hey, beautiful, long time no see. How are you today?" she asks.'
  1330. act 'Fine, thanks.':
  1331. cla
  1332. *nl
  1333. ' "Good to hear!"'
  1334. ' "And how are things with you Krystal?"'
  1335. ' "Me? I''m good. I''m great in fact!"'
  1336. ' Her good mood intrigues you. "Oh! Did something good happen?"'
  1337. ' She smiles and says, "Yeah! I got fucked <i>really</i> good before I came to work today."'
  1338. act '"Excuse me, what?"':
  1339. *clr & cla
  1340. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting2/2.jpg"></center>'
  1341. ' You''re a bit surprised by her brashness openly talking about her sex life like that.'
  1342. ' "You know when someone fills your holes <i>just</i> right and hits all those perfect spots? No better feeling than that in the world! Well... maybe except feeling the tip of a cock touch the back of your throat... Or maybe getting creampied... Or maybe swallowing... Or maybe it''s hot cum landing on your face..."'
  1343. ' She starts to ramble on before you interrupt her.'
  1344. ' "You''re uhh... pretty candid about this kind of stuff huh?"'
  1345. ' "Why wouldn''t I be? Sex is my favorite hobby! I love everything about it!"'
  1346. act '"Maybe you should try porn?"':
  1347. *clr & cla
  1348. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting2/3.jpg"></center>'
  1349. ' You jokingly mention that maybe she should consider doing porn if she enjoys sex that much. Might as well mix business with pleasure.'
  1350. ' "Hmm? Oh, I''m already a porn star."'
  1351. act '"What?!"':
  1352. *clr & cla
  1353. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting2/4.jpg"></center>'
  1354. ' "Oh yeah. That good fucking I was talking about? I just came from the porn studio. It was gangbang! My favorite kind of scene because I don''t have to choose one way to get fucked. Gangbangs are <i>soooooo good...</i>" she closes her eyes and starts to zone out a bit.'
  1355. ' You stand there awkwardly, unsure of what to say.'
  1356. ' "That''s... good for you...? I guess...?" you finally manage.'
  1357. act 'Continue':
  1358. *clr & cla
  1359. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting2/5.jpg"></center>'
  1360. ' "It really is! My boyfriend does a lot of scenes with me. He''s a porn star too. I love the idea that all over the world, people are watching us make love. Cumming on and in each other, fucking each other like animals, swallowing him whole... oh shit- I''m getting wet..."'
  1361. ' A photographer comes on set and says, "Alright Katherine, it''s time to start shooting. Your friend is going to have to clear out."'
  1362. ' You excuse yourself while everyone begins to set up.'
  1363. *nl
  1364. ' As you walk away, you hear Krystal say, "Hey, do you have a tissue or something? I got kind of carried away and I need to clean up. I''d ask you to lick me clean, but I think that might just make it worse."'
  1365. krystal = 3
  1366. act 'Move on':gt 'foto','studio'
  1367. end
  1368. end
  1369. end
  1370. end
  1371. end
  1372. end
  1373. if $ARGS[0] = 'krystal3':
  1374. *clr & cla
  1375. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting3/1.jpg"></center>'
  1376. ' You see Krystal standing by one of the sets with a male.'
  1377. ' <i>Must be a photographer.</i>'
  1378. act 'Say hi':
  1379. *clr & cla
  1380. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting3/2.jpg"></center>'
  1381. ' "Hey Krys-"'
  1382. ' You stop suddenly as the guy starts to reachs up her skirt and down her dress.'
  1383. act 'Continue':
  1384. *clr & cla
  1385. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting3/3.jpg"></center>'
  1386. ' As he pulls down her strap and bares one of her breasts, Krystal looks up and notices you.'
  1387. ' "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>! Good to see you! Come meet my boyfriend!"'
  1388. ' You timidly walk over to her.'
  1389. ' "This is my boyfriend, Ben," she says while he fondles her breast.'
  1390. ' "Uhmm... Nice to meet you Ben..." You hold out your hand and he says nothing to you, continuing to grope her and kiss the back of her neck.'
  1391. ' "Oh, don''t mind him," Krystal continues on. "We haven''t had sex together in a couple days so he''s very-! Eager-!" Her last word comes out as a squeal when he pinches her nipple and pulls on it.'
  1392. ' "Did you want to stick around? We could make this a threesome," she says casually while leaning onto her boyfriend. She''s clearly enjoying his advances.'
  1393. act '"No, that''s okay..."':
  1394. *clr & cla
  1395. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/meeting3/4.jpg"></center>'
  1396. ' "No... That''s okay..." you say. "You haven''t been with each other in... a little while... I don''t want to deprive you of each other so I''m just going to tip on out."'
  1397. ' "Alright," she says. The dress is starting to be pulled off both shoulders now. "Just thought I''d ask. You never know!"'
  1398. *nl
  1399. ' As you walk away, you hear her moaning more and more. Just before you get out of earshot you hear her say, "We have to be careful this time Ben. Someone was angry when they found cum on the last set we used. I don''t want to get in trouble if they catch us this time!"'
  1400. krystal = 4
  1401. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1402. end
  1403. end
  1404. end
  1405. end
  1406. if $ARGS[0] = 'krystal4':
  1407. *clr & cla
  1408. krystal = rand(4,5)
  1409. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1410. ' "Hey babe!"'
  1411. ' While walking around the studio, you hear someone call out to you. When you turn around, you see Krystal sitting on a sofa looking expectantly at you.'
  1412. ' "Oh, hey Krystal. I didn''t see you there."'
  1413. ' "I know. Wanna hang?"'
  1414. act'"Sorry, I''m busy"':
  1415. cla
  1416. *nl
  1417. ' "Sorry Krystal, I just remembered I need to do something. Some other time okay?"'
  1418. ' "Don''t worry about it. Catch you later beautiful!"'
  1419. act'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  1420. end
  1421. act'"Sure"':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1422. end
  1423. if $ARGS[0] = 'krystal5':
  1424. *clr & cla
  1425. krystal = rand(4,5)
  1426. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/12.jpg"></center>'
  1427. ' You''re looking for Krystal when you find her on set. She''s holding her legs open and you are being treated with a very explicit view of her pussy and asshole.'
  1428. ' "Is this wide enough for you?" she calls over to the photographer who is changing settings on his camera.'
  1429. ' He looks up at her, judging the open angles of her legs briefly before saying, "That''s perfect! Just hold that position right there!"'
  1430. ' "Okay!" she calls back with a sly grin on her face. "You know, not that it''s difficult for me to hold my legs like this, but you should probably hurry up if you want to get the shot off. This is reminding me of the last time I held my legs open for this long. I was getting fucking <i>pummelled</i> by my boyfriend and the memory is going to get me wet soon."'
  1431. ' Hearing that, the photographer rushes back to the set and you decide it''s probably best if you come back later.'
  1432. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  1433. end
  1434. if $ARGS[0] = 'krystal_chat':
  1435. *clr & cla
  1436. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1437. act 'Leave':
  1438. *clr & cla
  1439. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1440. ' "Alright. It was fun chatting with you Krystal. I gotta get going though."'
  1441. ' "Okay. See you later babe!"'
  1442. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1443. end
  1444. act'Discuss random topics':
  1445. krystal_convo = rand(1,4)
  1446. if krystal_convo = 1:
  1447. *clr & cla
  1448. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/' + rand(4,5) + '.jpg"></center>'
  1449. ' "So you''re a porn star as well as a nude model?"'
  1450. ' "Mhmm. Pays the bills pretty well. Plus who can say no to getting fucked for money? Win win!"'
  1451. ' "Are the photographers okay with that?"'
  1452. ' "Oh yeah, they love it. As far as they''re concerned, it''s free publicity to sell more magazines of me. How else do you think I got so popular?"'
  1453. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1454. end
  1455. if krystal_convo = 2:
  1456. *clr & cla
  1457. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/2.jpg"></center>'
  1458. ' "Is your boyfriend okay with you doing porn and having sex with other guys?"'
  1459. ' "Oh, he doesn''t mind all that much. He''s usually starring in films with me. Besides, he can''t complain since he gets to fuck other girls too and it''s kind of his fault we got into the business in the first place."'
  1460. ' "How do you mean?"'
  1461. ' "Well, it was his idea to start making home videos. I was already a model at the time so he thought videos would be a step up. At first it was just being around the house together, but then we''d start to get frisky with each other and the camera would keep rolling. Soon, we''d start fucking while watching videos of ourselves fucking. It was so hot taking a creampie watching him give me a cumshot at the same time... I couldn''t get enough so I signed us up for our first porn audition! A few dozen films later, here we are!"'
  1462. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1463. end
  1464. if krystal_convo = 3:
  1465. *clr & cla
  1466. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/2.jpg"></center>'
  1467. ' "Hey Krystal, do you know any good places to eat in the city?"'
  1468. ' "You could try the diner I used to work at before I became a porn star and modelling was only part time. It''s American themed in the residential area. If you need another job, you could probably be a waitress there. And if you ever want better tips as a waitress, you need to use your head. No, seriously, give the customers blowjobs. There''s always at least an extra 50<b>₽</b> in it. And you get to swallow some cum!"'
  1469. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1470. end
  1471. if krystal_convo = 4:
  1472. *clr & cla
  1473. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/6.jpg"></center>'
  1474. ' "Krystal, what was your first time like?"'
  1475. ' "My first time? Oh, it was quite special. It was in the boys bathroom back when I was still in school. I was giving someone a blowjob and some other guys walked in on us and wanted in on the action. I was trying to finish up with the boy I was with but they got impatient so one of them pulled my hips up and literally ripped my panties off and put himself inside! I was already masturbating with a dildo every day at this point in my life but I had never felt what it was like to have a real cock inside me. It was <i>soooooooo good...</i> I couldn''t get enough of it! When he came he didn''t pull out and the next guy just took his place. And they all just kept cumming inside me! Just before the last guy finished, a few more boys walked in and saw what was happening so they joined in too. And more boys would keep coming in and I just kept getting pushed against the wall feeling orgasm after orgasm. By the time I left the bathroom my legs were wobbly and I must have felt every cock in my class creampie me at least once. There was so much cum! It was streaming down my legs and dripping out of my pussy for the rest of the day! Sometimes I wish I could go back and get that first experience of cock inside me again. Anyways, pretty good story right?"'
  1476. ' She''s been going on for some time now at this point and you''ve been embarrassedly listening about how she lost her virginity to her classmates running train on her.'
  1477. ' "Uhm... yeah... great story..."'
  1478. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1479. end
  1480. end
  1481. act 'Ask for modelling advice':
  1482. *clr & cla
  1483. mdlng_exp += 2
  1484. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/10.jpg"></center>'
  1485. ' "You''ve really got to emphasize your assets." She puts her hands up on her head, pulling some of her hair with them. "Right now, what do you notice most about me?"'
  1486. ' As soon as she asks, your eyes begin to drift down towards her breasts before immediately flicking back towards her eyes in embarrassment, though not before her noticing.'
  1487. ' She smirks and says, "Exactly. No point in being a nude model if you''re not gonna show off the goods right? No matter what position, it''s all about your breasts, your pussy, or your ass. That''s what you want to be showing off!"'
  1488. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1489. end
  1490. act 'Ask how she stays in shape':
  1491. *clr & cla
  1492. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/11.jpg"></center>'
  1493. ' "Krystal, how do you stay so thin? You have the body of a goddess! What''s your secret?"'
  1494. ' "Proper dieting and exercise I''m afraid. I know, pretty boring answer, but the truth is there''s no real secret to this kind of thing. Just something you have to do to stay thin and pretty."'
  1495. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1496. if anastasia_exercise = 1:
  1497. act'But Anastasia said sex was good exercise':
  1498. *clr & cla
  1499. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/6.jpg"></center>'
  1500. ' "Oh." When you say this, you let a bit too much surprise slip into your voice.'
  1501. ' Krystal raises and eyebrow, saying, "Expecting something different?"'
  1502. ' "No! No! I-!" You stop yourself mid sentence as you realize you''re too deep to back out now. "Well... It''s just that Anastasia told me that she uses- er, that sex is a good way of staying in shape. I just thought you know... with your other job at the porn studio and your boyfriend and all that..."'
  1503. act'Continue':
  1504. *clr & cla
  1505. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/7.jpg"></center>'
  1506. ' "Ohhh, I get it now. Because of what Anastasia said, you thought that I stayed this thin just because I''m fucking constantly. Well, she''s is half right. Sex <i>is</i> good for burning calories and I definitely prefer to get my aerobic exercise in the bedroom with Ben instead of on a treadmill, but a body like this takes more maintenance than that just fucking."'
  1507. ' "How so?" you ask.'
  1508. ' "Well, if you look at me," she says, getting up on her knees and straightening her posture. "You''ll see my tummy isn''t just flat, it''s tight. And the same goes for the rest of my body. You can only get muscle tone like this by lifting weights and stuff." You nod understandingly.'
  1509. ' "Oh, okay. I think I get it now. Thanks Krystal!" You''re pretty surprised. A conversation you thought was going to be all about Krystal having sex with her boyfriend actually turned out to have some pretty decent advice for health and fitness.'
  1510. act'Continue':
  1511. *clr & cla
  1512. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/10.jpg"></center>'
  1513. ' Suddenly you realize Krystal is giving you a weird look.'
  1514. ' "W-What...?" you stammer. "Is there something on my face?"'
  1515. ' "No..." she says while eyeing you up. "I just wanted you to know that if you ever want to do some uhh... ''fat burning exercises'' with me and Ben... you''re more than welcome to join us." She gives you another smirk as she bites her lip.'
  1516. if pcs_inhib < 50:
  1517. ' You break eye contact with her and look away, blushing furiously and try to mumble some kind of response. "I... uhh... ummm... yeah..."'
  1518. ' <i>What the hell am I even supposed to say to that?</i> you think to yourself.'
  1519. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1520. else
  1521. ' You stare right back at her and give her a small smile. "I''ll think about it..." you say.'
  1522. ' <i>Especially before bed tonight...</i> you think to yourself.'
  1523. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1524. end
  1525. end
  1526. end
  1527. end
  1528. end
  1529. end
  1530. act 'Ask about movies':
  1531. *clr & cla
  1532. *nl
  1533. krys_movie = rand(1,4)
  1534. if krys_movie = 1:
  1535. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/6.jpg"></center>'
  1536. ' "See any good movies lately Krystal?"'
  1537. ' "Oh yeah! I love going to the movies! I just went to see that new superhero one with my boyfriend last week!"'
  1538. ' "Oh! Was it good?"'
  1539. ' "Yeah! Er... Not really...? Uhmm... Honestly, I don''t remember. I got distracted sucking Ben''s cock..."'
  1540. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1541. end
  1542. if krys_movie = 2:
  1543. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/6.jpg"></center>'
  1544. ' "See any good movies lately Krystal?"'
  1545. ' "Oh yeah! I love going to the movies! I just went to see that new horror movie with my boyfriend last week!"'
  1546. ' "Do you like horror movies?"'
  1547. ' "I love going to see horror movies! With all the screaming going on, Ben can get rough and I can cum as loud as I like and people just think it''s part of the movie!"'
  1548. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1549. end
  1550. if krys_movie = 3:
  1551. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/11.jpg"></center>'
  1552. ' "See any good movies lately Krystal?"'
  1553. ' "Oh yeah! I love going to the movies! I just went to see that new romcom with my boyfriend last week!"'
  1554. ' "Did you think it was funny? Worth watching?"'
  1555. ' "Not really. But it was hard to concentrate on any of the jokes with Ben''s cock up my ass and my nipples being pulled through my shirt."'
  1556. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1557. end
  1558. if krys_movie = 4:
  1559. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/talking/8.jpg"></center>'
  1560. ' "See any good movies lately Krystal?"'
  1561. ' "Oh yeah! I love going to the movies! I just went to see that new drama with my boyfriend last week!"'
  1562. ' "I''ve heard good things about that! Was it as good as they say?"'
  1563. ' "I thought it was just okay but I''m probably not a good judge," she says with a guilty but shameless grin. "Ben had me bent over like this into the aisle so I couldn''t see the screen that well."'
  1564. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','krystal_chat'
  1565. end
  1566. end
  1567. end
  1568. if $ARGS[0] = 'jeff_1':
  1569. if jeff = 2:gt 'foto_models','jeff_2'
  1570. if jeff = 3:gt 'foto_models','jeff_3'
  1571. if jeff = 4:gt 'foto_models','jeff_model'
  1572. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/0.jpg"></center>'
  1573. ' Walking around the studio, you suddenly stop when you see a naked girl staring at you.'
  1574. ' <i>Is she a model here? Why is she starring at me like that...?</i>'
  1575. ' Seeing you notice her, she waves you over.'
  1576. act 'Walk over':
  1577. *clr & cla
  1578. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/1.jpg"></center>'
  1579. ' "Hi! Are you the new model here?"'
  1580. ' "Yeah, I-" you start to say.'
  1581. ' "Welcome to our little family!" the girl says, interrupting you, suddenly jumping up and wrapping her arms around your neck.'
  1582. ' You can feel her puffy nipples against your skin and you can tell she''s really not shy in the least about physical boundaries or personal space.'
  1583. ' "Ah-! Ahm... Thanks..." you say awkwardly when she lets you go. "I was just looking around, getting familiar with the studio."'
  1584. ' "How do you like it? I personally find it very busy... People don''t want to play with me very often..." she says with a pouty face.'
  1585. act '"I don''t actually mind"':
  1586. *clr & cla
  1587. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/2.jpg"></center>'
  1588. ' "I don''t actually mind the busyness that much."'
  1589. ' "Well why not? Everyone should play more often! Well now, time for introductions! You go first!" she tells you.'
  1590. act 'Introduce yourself':
  1591. *clr & cla
  1592. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/3.jpg"></center>'
  1593. ' "I''m <<$pcs_firstname>>."'
  1594. ' "What a cute name!"'
  1595. ' <i>She''s got quite a bubbly personality doesn''t she?</i> you think to yourself before you realize she''s still standing in silence, continuing to smile at you.'
  1596. ' "And your name is...?" you say awkwardly.'
  1597. ' "Oh! You can call me Jeff!" she says.'
  1598. act '"Jeff...?"':
  1599. *clr & cla
  1600. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1601. ' "Jeff...?" you ask.'
  1602. ' She nods and smiles. "That''s what they call me here!"'
  1603. ' "That''s your real name?"'
  1604. ' "Nope!" She keeps smiling.'
  1605. ' "Ahh, uh... Okay..." you say.'
  1606. ' All of sudden she seems to startle herself and squeaks, "Oh no! I totally forgot, I was supposed to be on set! Gotta run! It was nice meeting you!" you hear Jeff call back as she skips off towards the other side of the studio.'
  1607. ' <i>What a weird girl...</i>'
  1608. jeff = 2
  1609. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1610. end
  1611. end
  1612. end
  1613. end
  1614. end
  1615. !!
  1616. if $ARGS[0] = 'jeff_2':
  1617. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/4.jpg"></center>'
  1618. ' As you walk past a set, you hear someone yell out from an armchair, "Hey there cutie!"'
  1619. ' Looking over you see Jeff smiling at you, sitting with her legs up and her neat little pussy on peeking out from between them. She must''ve just finished a shoot.'
  1620. act 'Hey!':
  1621. *clr & cla
  1622. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/5.jpg"></center>'
  1623. ' "Hey Jeff. How are you? Why are you sitting here all alone?" you ask.'
  1624. ' "Just goofing off a bit!" Jeff answers. She leans in towards you and whispers, "I''m supposed to be on set right now but I''m playing hooky for a little while!"'
  1625. act '"Isn''t that bad?"':
  1626. *clr & cla
  1627. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/6.jpg"></center>'
  1628. ' "Isn''t that bad?" you ask. "After all, they''re paying you to be on set and do the job aren''t they?"'
  1629. ' "Oh I knowwwww! But why can''t I have a bit of fun now and then?"'
  1630. ' She starts to kick her leg up and down playfully.'
  1631. ' Her carefree attitude is very interesting to you. You decide to ask her what she did before she was a model.'
  1632. ' "Before? Oh, I used to work for an escort service."'
  1633. act'"An... escort service...?"':
  1634. *clr & cla
  1635. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/7.jpg"></center>'
  1636. ' "Mhmmm! I needed some money to pay for my university tuition so I did some part time escorting."'
  1637. ' "So you would..."'
  1638. ' "Let boys use my innocent, nubile, teen body to fulfill their sexual fantasies for money? Sure! Sometimes they there weren''t very nice though," she says putting on a pouty face. "It could be hard sometimes because of that, but I was a big girl so I powered through! Anyways, that''s why I switched to modelling after a little while. They''re much nicer here!"'
  1639. act 'That''s... good?':
  1640. *clr & cla
  1641. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/8.jpg"></center>'
  1642. ' "Yup! Being a model is a lot more fun."'
  1643. ' "What is it you said you were studying in university?"'
  1644. ' "Economy and management!" she says proudly.'
  1645. ' <i>This airhead? Economy and management?!</i>'
  1646. ' "Well, I guess I should go now. Gotta get paid! Bye <<$pcs_nickname>>!" she says and then runs off.'
  1647. jeff = 3
  1648. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1649. end
  1650. end
  1651. end
  1652. end
  1653. end
  1654. !!
  1655. if $ARGS[0] = 'jeff_3':
  1656. *clr & cla
  1657. jeff = rand(3,4)
  1658. jeff_grope += 1
  1659. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/grope.jpg"></center>'
  1660. ' While walking through the studio, you suddenly feel someone''s arms wrap around your waist and two soft breasts press into your back.'
  1661. ' Before you can say anything you jump in surprise as you feel the person''s hands fly up your body and slap against your breasts to give them a firm squeeze.'
  1662. ' "Hiiiii cutie!" you hear a voice squeak out.'
  1663. act '"Oh-! Hi!!"':
  1664. *clr & cla
  1665. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1666. ' A bit startled, you turn around to see Jeff''s cheerful face.'
  1667. ' "<<$pcs_nickname>>! Hang out with me!"'
  1668. act '"Busy right now"':
  1669. cla
  1670. *nl
  1671. ' "Hey Jeff. Listen, I''m a little busy right now, can we we do this later?"'
  1672. ' "Sure! Sure! Catch you later cutie!" she says, changing her tune immediately. "Gotta work to earn! Gotta earn to eat! Gotta eat to live! Have fun!" she says before startling you again with a firm squeeze of your ass and skipping off.'
  1673. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1674. end
  1675. act '"Sure"':
  1676. cla
  1677. *nl
  1678. ' "Sure Jeff, I''ve got a minute."'
  1679. ' "What''cha want to talk about???" she asks.'
  1680. ' Wait, isn''t she the one who wanted to talk in the first place?'
  1681. act'Chat':gt'foto_models','jeff_chat'
  1682. end
  1683. end
  1684. end
  1685. if $ARGS[0] = 'jeff_chat':
  1686. *clr & cla
  1687. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/face.jpg"></center>'
  1688. act 'Leave':
  1689. cla
  1690. ' "Hey Jeff, I gotta get going I''ll see you later okay?"'
  1691. ' "Okay! Okay! See you later hot stuff!" she says, giving you a big hug so your breasts mush together before skipping off on her own.'
  1692. act 'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1693. end
  1694. act 'Chat':
  1695. *clr
  1696. jeff_convo = rand(1,5)
  1697. if jeff_convo = 1:
  1698. *clr
  1699. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/15.jpg"></center>'
  1700. ' "So Jeff, have you seen any good movies lately?"'
  1701. ' "Oh no! I don''t go to the movies. I hate them! They''re so loud and unpleasant! My poor ears can''t handle them!" she whines while putting her hands over her ears even though it is perfectly quiet right now.'
  1702. jeff_movies = 1
  1703. end
  1704. if jeff_convo = 2:
  1705. *clr
  1706. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/16.jpg"></center>'
  1707. ' "Hey Jeff, do you know any good places to eat around here?"'
  1708. ' "Hmmmm nooooo, not reaaaally. I mostly eat at the university''s cafeteria. They won''t let you in unless you''re a student though."'
  1709. '<i>Well, enrolling in a university just for food doesn''t seem like a viable option...</i>'
  1710. end
  1711. if jeff_convo = 3:
  1712. *clr & cla
  1713. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/9.jpg"></center>'
  1714. ' "Hey Jeff, how do keep your modelling figure while you''re going to school and working here at the same time?"'
  1715. ' "Cupcakes!"'
  1716. act'"Excuse me...?"':
  1717. *clr & cla
  1718. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/17.jpg"></center>'
  1719. ' "And candy! And chocolate! And-"'
  1720. ' "Wait Jeff! What are you talking about? You eat cupcakes and chocolate to maintain your figure??"'
  1721. ' "Hmm?? I thought you were asking me what my favorite things to eat are?"'
  1722. ' ". . ."'
  1723. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','jeff_chat'
  1724. end
  1725. end
  1726. if jeff_convo = 4:
  1727. *clr
  1728. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/14.jpg"></center>'
  1729. ' "So what do you do for fun Jeff?"'
  1730. ' "I like to dancing at the local nightclub. They won''t let you in unless you''re wearing the right kind of clothing and makeup, but you''re a model so getting that stuff should be easy. You should come with me sometime!"'
  1731. ' "Haha! Okay, maybe I will!"'
  1732. ' "It''ll be fun! The bartenders there are really nice! They always give me free shots when I show them my titties!"'
  1733. ' ". . ."'
  1734. if jeff_movies = 1:' Wait, didn''t she say that she hates going to the movies because they''re loud? How can she go to a nightclub with pounding music then???'
  1735. end
  1736. if jeff_convo = 5:
  1737. *clr & cla
  1738. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/18.jpg"></center>'
  1739. ' "Say... Jeff... What kind of grades are you getting at the university?"'
  1740. ' "My grades?" She tilts her head curiously. "I have a 4.9 average. Why do you ask?"'
  1741. ' Your jaw drops as you hear her near perfect grading scores. She continues to stare at you, wondering why you''re acting so strange. You only snap out of it when you have to slap her hands away for honking your boobs.'
  1742. ' "Oh! So these <i>are</i> your reset buttons!"'
  1743. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','jeff_chat'
  1744. end
  1745. end
  1746. act 'Ask for modelling advice':
  1747. mdlng_exp += 1
  1748. *clr & cla
  1749. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/9.jpg"></center>'
  1750. ' "How to be a better model? Oh that''s easy! Just have fun!" she says.'
  1751. ' <i>Typical answer from her... Couldn''t have expected more I guess...</i>'
  1752. act'Continue':
  1753. *clr & cla
  1754. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/10.jpg"></center>'
  1755. ' "Oh, and also, don''t forget to get sexy with it! They love it when cute girls like us... <i>mmm-mmm-!</i> act like... <i>pfft-!</i> dirty sluts!" It seems like she''s legitimately holding back laughter.'
  1756. ' <i>I guess she finds it funny...? Weird...</i>'
  1757. act 'Keep chatting':gt 'foto_models','jeff_chat'
  1758. end
  1759. end
  1760. if jeff_grope > 3:
  1761. act 'Ask her to stop groping you':
  1762. *clr & cla
  1763. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/12.jpg"></center>'
  1764. ' "Hey Jeff... You know how whenever you see me you come up behind me and grab my breasts?"'
  1765. ' "Yeah?" she says, smiling and completely oblivious to your awkward tone.'
  1766. ' "Yeah... Could you <i>not</i> do that? It makes me kind of uncomfortable..."'
  1767. act'Continue':
  1768. *clr & cla
  1769. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/13.jpg"></center>'
  1770. ' She laughs and says, "Of course not silly! Boobies are meant to be grabbed!" she says kneading her own to make her point.'
  1771. ' You realize with a sinking feeling that you probably can''t convince her...'
  1772. act'Keep chatting':gt'foto_models','jeff_chat'
  1773. end
  1774. end
  1775. end
  1776. end
  1777. if $ARGS[0] = 'jeff_model':
  1778. *clr & cla
  1779. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1780. 'You''re looking for Jeff when you hear her voice coming from one of the sets.'
  1781. jeff = rand(3,4)
  1782. act'Continue':
  1783. *clr & cla
  1784. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/jeff_m/talking/19.jpg"></center>'
  1785. ' "Whooo! Yipee!"'
  1786. ' You find her in the middle of a photoshoot and she''s jumping up and down on the bed kicking her legs and striking poses mid air.'
  1787. ' The photographer seems really excited saying, "Yes! I love that Jeff! Do you think you can do that again but get your leg higher so we can get a better look at your pussy?"'
  1788. ' "Sure thing boss! <i>Hyaaa!<i/>"'
  1789. ' <i>I guess she''s busy modelling right now. I''ll come find her again later.</i>'
  1790. act'Leave':gt 'foto','studio'
  1791. end
  1792. end
  1793. --- foto_models ---------------------------------