nichTanya.qsrc 34 KB

  1. # nichTanya
  2. !! Important variables concerning Tanya:
  3. !! nichTanyaOpinion: 0= she doesn't know you, 1= you are her lover, 10= you are her gf, 20= you are her lover and told her you don't want to be her gf, 30= you are her former lover
  4. !! nichTanyaBF: 0= she doesn't have a bf (includes her and Nicholas doing it, see nichNTRelation), 1= her bf is vladik, 2= her bf is grigory
  5. !! nichTanyaBFState: 0= PC hasn't met BF, 1 = PC has met BF, 2 = PC has fucked BF, 3 = PC has fucked BF and Tanya knows it
  6. !! nichTanyaFuckCounter: how many times Tanya and PC have fucked (doing it several times a day only counts once)
  7. !! nichTanyaFuckLast: the last day Tanya and PC have fucked
  8. !! nichTanyaFuckToday: how many times PC and Tanya have fucked today
  9. !! nichTanyaFuckPositions: how many positions there were during the current encounter. 3 are minimum and kissing does not count.
  10. !! nichTanyaFuckDom: how many times Tanya was dominant during the current encounter
  11. !! nichTanyaFuckSub: how many times Tanya was submissive during the current encounter
  12. !! nichTanyaStrapon: 1: Tanya owns a strapon and might use it sometimes
  13. !! nichTanyaDominance: how dominant Tanya is <= -70: very submissive, <= -20: submissive, >= 20: dominant, >= 70 very dominant
  14. !! nichTanyaUni = 1: Nicholas has asked Tanya to go to university, 11: PC has agreed to help convince Tanya, 50: Tanya has decided to quit university and Nicholas hasnt reacted yet, 51: Nicholas has reacted to 50, 100: Tanya goes to university and Sveta has not been rewarded by Nicholas, 101: Sveta got her reward
  15. !! nichTanyaUniStart: the day Tanya decided to attend university again. Her schedule will not be affected on this day (meaning she will not just vanish to university)
  16. !! nichTanyaRoom: 0= Tanya doesnt clean her room herself, 1= Tanya cleans her room herself
  17. if nichTanyaFuckLast ! daystart:
  18. nichTanyaFuckToday = 0
  19. end
  20. if $ARGS[0] = 'bedroomTanya':
  21. $nichTanyaPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','idle','apartment')
  22. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTanyaPic>>"></center>'
  23. nichTanyaPropSex = 0
  24. if nichGalaKnowsPT = 10:
  25. !! Galas order to break up
  26. if nichTanyaOpinion >= 30 or nichTanyaOpinion = 0:
  27. !! they broke up already or never were together (most likely because the player tinkered with the vars)
  28. nichGalaKnowsPT = 11
  29. gt 'nichTanya', 'bedroomTanya'
  30. else
  31. 'Gala ordered you to break up with Tanya. Maybe you should talk with her. But if you do so you risk losing her.'
  32. cla
  33. act 'Talk with her':
  34. '"Tanya, I have to talk with you..."'
  35. 'You tell her how her mother demanded you to break up with her.'
  36. 'After you finished you look at Tanya waiting for her reaction.'
  37. if nichTanyaOpinion = 1:
  38. 'She does not appear to be very upset.'
  39. '"Well, maybe she is right. I mean I wouldn''t have dreamt of being with a girl before I met you. And except for you I feel more attracted to men anyways."'
  40. 'She hesitates for a second.'
  41. '"And I really don''t want you to get into trouble with my mother. I think it would be for the best if stopped... well... whatever it is we are having."'
  42. 'You are about to object but Tanya seems to have made up her mind. So you can only nod and turn away.'
  43. nichTanyaOpinion = 30
  44. nichGalaKnowsPT = 11
  45. cla
  46. act 'Leave':
  47. gt $loc,'return'
  48. end
  49. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 10:
  50. 'She appears very upset.'
  51. '"What?! How can she..." she begins to sob. Trying to comfort her you embrace her.'
  52. act 'Break up':
  53. '"Tanya, I think you mother is right. It would be for the best if we broke up."'
  54. 'Hearing your words she pushes you away. Her eyes are watery but now she has an angry expression on her face.'
  55. '"How can you?!" she yells at you. "Do I mean so little to you?! Get out of my room! Right! Now!"'
  56. nichTanyaOpinion = 30
  57. nichGalaKnowsPT = 11
  58. cla
  59. act 'Leave':
  60. gt 'nichApartment'
  61. end
  62. end
  63. act 'Continue in secret':
  64. '"Tanya, I don''t want to leave you. But we have to be careful. At least until your mother accepts us."'
  65. 'Tanya sobs again. Then she nods.'
  66. 'You continue comforting her for a few minutes until she appears to be fine again. You kiss her passionately before leaving her.'
  67. minut += 15
  68. nichGalaKnowsPT = 12
  69. cla
  70. act 'Leave':
  71. gt $loc,'return'
  72. end
  73. end
  74. act 'Defy Gala':
  75. '"Tanya, I don''t want to leave you. And you mother can''t force us apart. You are an adult and Nicholas won''t fire me because of this. There is nothing Gala can really do to us."'
  76. 'Tanya sobs again. "I... I don''t know. Do you really think so? I mean I don''t want to lose you. Shouldn''t we just try to meet in secret?"'
  77. '"No, we don''t have to. Don''t worry. Everything will be just fine. You will see."'
  78. 'You continue comforting her for a few minutes until she appears to be fine again. You kiss her passionately before leaving her.'
  79. minut += 15
  80. nichGalaKnowsPT = 14
  81. cla
  82. act 'Leave':
  83. gt $loc,'return'
  84. end
  85. end
  86. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 20:
  87. 'She does not appear to be very upset.'
  88. '"Well, maybe she is right. After all you told me that you don''t want something more meaningful with me."'
  89. 'She hesitates for a second.'
  90. '"And I really don''t want you to get into trouble with my mother. I think it would be for the best if stopped... well... whatever it is we are having."'
  91. 'You are about to object but Tanya seems to have made up her mind. So you can only nod and turn away.'
  92. nichTanyaOpinion = 30
  93. nichGalaKnowsPT = 11
  94. cla
  95. act 'Leave':
  96. gt $loc,'return'
  97. end
  98. end
  99. end
  100. act 'Don''t tell her':
  101. nichGalaKnowsPT = 13
  102. 'You decide that it''s better not to upset Tanya with her mothers wishes.'
  103. cla
  104. act 'Further':
  105. gt 'nichTanya', 'bedroomTanya'
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  109. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 1:
  110. if nichTanyaFuckCounter > rand(12,15) and nichTanyaFuckToday = 0:
  111. 'As you approach her she greets you with a smile. She walks over to her bed and sits down on the edge. Apparently she expects you to sit next to her.'
  112. 'Once you''he settled down she says with a serious voice "<<$pcs_nickname>>, we have to talk."'
  113. 'You look at her. Her face does''t give away her thoughts.'
  114. '"I really enjoy our... well... special times. I really do. And I really really like you. But there is somebody... ehm... I guess..."'
  115. '"So there is this guy who asked me out for a date... and he is really cute and so..."'
  116. '"I really didn''t know what to tell him. I don''t have the feeling that you think our friendship is more than just a friendship. Please tell me if I am wrong!"'
  117. act 'Lets stay friends with benefits':
  118. cla
  119. '"You''re right, Tanya. I really like you, but I''d like things to stay casual."'
  120. 'She looks a tiny bit dissapointed. "Oh, that''s ok. So you wouldn''t mind if I brought a boy over here?"'
  121. '"No, of course not."'
  122. '"Well... that''s good... you have given me a lot to think about. Would you mind letting me think everything over?"'
  123. nichTanyaOpinion = 20
  124. act 'Of course not (Leave her)':
  125. gt $loc
  126. end
  127. end
  128. act 'I love you':
  129. cla
  130. '"Actually, Tanya, I wish we could be so much more than just friends."'
  131. '"Really?" She beams. "I feel the same way! I was only afraid..."'
  132. 'She is silenced by your kiss.'
  133. 'Once she is able to talk again she jumps up and hugs you. "Oh, this is so great. I am so happy now. Does this mean you are my girlfriend now?"'
  134. '"I guess so."'
  135. 'Tanya looks overjoyed. Unable to find any more words to express her emotions she starts to hug and kiss you again.'
  136. nichTanyaOpinion = 10
  137. !! Tanya will break off with Nicholas
  138. nichNTRelation = 10
  139. act 'Fuck her':
  140. gt 'nichTanya', 'sexL'
  141. end
  142. act 'Leave':
  143. gt $loc, 'return'
  144. end
  145. end
  146. else
  147. 'As you approach her she greets you with a smile.'
  148. nichTanyaPropSex = 1
  149. end
  150. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 10:
  151. if nichTanyaFuckLast < daystart - 5:
  152. 'As you approach her she greets you with a smile. "Hello sweety. Why didn''t you visit me lately? Have you been busy?"'
  153. elseif nichTanyaFuckLast = daystart:
  154. 'As you approach her she greets you with a smile. "Hello sweety. Are you back for another round?"'
  155. else
  156. 'As you approach her she greets you with a smile. "Hello sweety. How are you doing?"'
  157. end
  158. nichTanyaPropSex = 1
  159. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 20:
  160. if nichTanyaFuckCounter > rand(20,30) and nichTanyaFuckToday = 0:
  161. 'As you approach her she greets you with a smile. She walks over to her bed and sits down on the edge. Apparently she expects you to sit next to her.'
  162. 'Once you''he settled down she says with a serious voice "<<$pcs_nickname>>, we have to talk."'
  163. '"You remember the boy I told you about? Well, we went out for a few dates. He is a really great guy and I think he genuinely loves me."'
  164. 'She hesitates for a few seconds. "And since you told me that you are not interested in something longlasting..."'
  165. 'She stops for another few seconds. She obviously feels uncomfortable to speak out what she has to say.'
  166. '"Well... he is my boyfriend now. And I am his girlfriend."'
  167. '"So you are saying..."'
  168. '"Yes. I''m afraid our time of having fun together is over. Don''t get me wrong, I really enjoyed it. But it''s time for me to move on now. You understand that, do you?"'
  169. !! Tanya will break off with Nicholas
  170. nichNTRelation = 10
  171. nichTanyaBF = 1
  172. act 'Sure':
  173. cla
  174. nichTanyaOpinion = 30
  175. '"Of course."'
  176. '"Oh <<$pcs_nickname>>, I hoped you''d say that." She hugs you.'
  177. if nichTanyaUni >= 100:
  178. '"You will meet Vlad shortly. I''m sure you will like him. He is a really nice guy."'
  179. nichTanyaBF = 1
  180. else
  181. '"You will meet Grigory shortly. I''m sure you will like him. You two have much in common."'
  182. nichTanyaBF = 2
  183. end
  184. act 'Stand up':
  185. gt $loc
  186. end
  187. end
  188. !!Todo: fight for her
  189. else
  190. 'As you approach her she greets you with a smile.'
  191. nichTanyaPropSex = 1
  192. end
  193. end
  194. if nichTanyaPropSex = 1:
  195. act 'Propose having sex':
  196. cla
  197. if nichTanyaFuckToday >= 3:
  198. 'As you propose going for yet another round Tanya slowly shakes her head.'
  199. '"I''m sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m really exhausted. Doing it four times a day is too much for me. But we can cuddle if you''d like."'
  200. act 'Cuddle':
  201. gt 'nichTanya', 'cuddle'
  202. end
  203. act 'Move away':
  204. gt $loc
  205. end
  206. else
  207. '"Hey Tanya. I was wondering if you are in the mood to have some fun."'
  208. '"Of course! Just give me a minute."'
  209. act 'Wait for her':
  210. gt 'nichTanya', 'sexL'
  211. end
  212. end
  213. end
  214. end
  215. killvar 'nichTanyaPropSex'
  216. act 'Talk with her':
  217. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  218. end
  219. act 'Move away':
  220. gt $loc
  221. end
  222. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'desc':
  223. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/01.jpg"></center>'
  224. 'Tanya is the daughter of Gala and the step-daughter of Nicholas.'
  225. nichTanyaBdD = 22
  226. nichTanyaBdM = 6
  227. nichTanyaBdY = 1998
  228. if month > nichTanyaBdM or (month = nichTanyaBdM and day > nichTanyaBdD):
  229. 'She is ' + (year - nichTanyaBdY) + ' years old.'
  230. elseif month = nichTanyaBdM and day = nichTanyaBdD:
  231. 'Today is her ' + (year - nichTanyaBdY) + 'th birthday.'
  232. else
  233. 'She is ' + (year - nichTanyaBdY-1) + ' years old.'
  234. end
  235. if nichTanyaOpinion = 0:
  236. 'She seems to be pretty indifferent about you.'
  237. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 1:
  238. 'She is your lesbian lover. You feel like she considers your relationship being casual. She probably wouldn''t mind if you had another lover. On the other hand she might have somebody else herself.'
  239. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 10:
  240. 'She is your girlfriend. She expects you to be faithful. Likewise you can expect the same from her.'
  241. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 20:
  242. 'She is your lesbian lover. You told her that your relationship is a casual one. As far as you know there is at least one guy who is interested in her.'
  243. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 30:
  244. 'She is your former lesbian lover.'
  245. end
  246. $nichTemp = func('nichUtil','npcActivity','tanya')
  247. if $nichTemp = 'sleep':
  248. 'Usually Tanya is sleeping at this time.'
  249. elseif $nichTemp = 'bathMorning':
  250. 'You assume that currently Tanya is either in her room or in the master bathroom.'
  251. elseif $nichTemp = 'breakfast':
  252. 'It''s the time Tanya usually eats breakfast.'
  253. elseif $nichTemp = 'living':
  254. 'Tanya seems to be in the living room.'
  255. elseif $nichTemp = 'bathEvening':
  256. 'Tanya is likely heading for her bed now.'
  257. elseif $nichTemp = 'dinner':
  258. 'Tanya usually eats dinner around this time.'
  259. elseif $nichTemp = 'nicholas' or $nichTemp = 'tanya':
  260. 'Tanya seems to be in her room.'
  261. elseif $nichTemp = 'leaveUni' or $nichTemp = 'uni' or $nichTemp = 'returnUni':
  262. 'Tanya is usually at university around this time.'
  263. elseif $nichTemp = 'leaveBallet' or $nichTemp = 'ballet' or $nichTemp = 'returnBallet':
  264. 'Tanya usually takes ballet lessons around this time.'
  265. elseif $nichTemp = 'leaveFriend' or $nichTemp = 'friend' or $nichTemp = 'returnFriend':
  266. 'Tanya usually visits a friend around this time.'
  267. elseif $nichTemp = 'leaveShopping' or $nichTemp = 'shopping' or $nichTemp = 'returnShopping':
  268. 'Tanya usually goes shopping around this time.'
  269. else
  270. 'You have no idea where Tanya is at the moment.'
  271. end
  272. killvar '$nichTemp'
  273. act 'Back': gt $loc
  274. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sexL':
  275. !! lesbian sex between Tanya and PC
  276. minut += 1
  277. if $ARGS[1] = '' or $ARGS[1] = 'start':
  278. !! the encounter starts here
  279. nichTanyaFuckLast = daystart
  280. if nichTanyaFuckToday = 0: nichTanyaFuckCounter += 1
  281. nichTanyaFuckToday += 1
  282. nichTanyaFuckDom = 0
  283. nichTanyaFuckSub = 0
  284. $nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','undress')
  285. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
  286. 'Tanya slowly undresses and poses seductively for you.'
  287. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'repeat':
  288. !! PC wants another round. Very similar to start but Tanya is already naked
  289. nichTanyaFuckToday += 1
  290. nichTanyaFuckDom = 0
  291. nichTanyaFuckSub = 0
  292. $nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','pose')
  293. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
  294. 'Tanya smiles at you and poses seductively, ready to go for another round.'
  295. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'kiss':
  296. $nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','kiss')
  297. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
  298. !!TODO:description
  299. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'aeatout':
  300. nichTanyaFuckPositions += 1
  301. $nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','aeatout')
  302. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
  303. 'You begin by kissing her breasts, moving gradually down her body, lower and lower until you are facing her pussy. You start by gently caressing her swollen lips with up and down tongue lapping, up and down the swollen mound and moist slit, and getting ready to focus the tip of your tongue directly on her clitoris. You part her outer lips with your fingers, spreading her pouty inner lips giving you full access to her puffy pink clitoris.'
  304. gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', -1, 'lesbian'
  305. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger_give', -1, 'lesbian'
  306. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'peatout':
  307. nichTanyaFuckPositions += 1
  308. $nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','peatout')
  309. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
  310. 'Tanya begins by dragging her tongue up your thighs to your crotch and plants light kisses from the top of your slit down to the opening of your vagina. Her tongue pushes into your slickened hole a few times, then slides back up your cunny to caress your tingling clitoris again.'
  311. gs 'arousal', 'cuni', -1, 'lesbian'
  312. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'arimjob':
  313. nichTanyaFuckPositions += 1
  314. $nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','arimjob')
  315. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
  316. 'You kiss her buttocks in ever decreasing circles, eventually getting to the center where her puckered anus is waiting. Reaching your goal, you lick all around the tender star to get it plenty moist, then firmly push your tongue forward, penetrating her ass with just the tip. You retract it, again licking all around her anus, and repeating your tongue invasion into that most private entrance.'
  317. gs 'arousal', 'rimming_give', -1, 'lesbian'
  318. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'primjob':
  319. nichTanyaFuckPositions += 1
  320. $nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','primjob')
  321. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
  322. 'Tanya kisses your buttocks in ever decreasing circles, eventually getting to the center where your puckered anus is waiting. Reaching her goal, she licks all around the tender star to get it plenty moist, then firmly pushes her tongue forward, penetrating your ass with just the tip. She retracts it, again licking all around your anus, and repeats her tongue invasion into that most private entrance.'
  323. gs 'arousal', 'rimming', -1, 'lesbian'
  324. end
  325. nichTanyaChanceDom = 20
  326. nichTanyaChanceSub = 20
  327. !!Orgasm gets handled by arousal
  328. !!if pcs_horny >= 80 and nichTanyaFuckPositions >= 2:
  329. !! pcs_horny = 0
  330. !! orgasm += 1
  331. !!end
  332. gs 'stat'
  333. if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
  334. nichTanyaChanceDom = 40
  335. nichTanyaChanceSub = 5
  336. elseif nichTanyaDominance >= 20:
  337. nichTanyaChanceDom = 20
  338. elseif nichTanyaDominance <= -70:
  339. nichTanyaChanceDom = 5
  340. nichTanyaChanceSub = 40
  341. elseif nichTanyaDominance <= -30:
  342. nichTanyaChanceSub = 20
  343. end
  344. nichRand = rand(1,100)
  345. if nichRand <= nichTanyaChanceDom:
  346. !! Tanya is dominant
  347. nichRand = rand(0,1)
  348. if nichRand = 0:
  349. !! Tanya wants her pussy to be eaten
  350. if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
  351. 'Tanya pushes your head in the direction of her vagina. Apparently she expects you to service her with your tongue.'
  352. else
  353. 'Tanya softly directs your head in the direction of her vagina. Apparently she would like you to service her with your tongue.'
  354. end
  355. if sub >= 50:
  356. act 'Lick her':
  357. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  358. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','aeatout'
  359. end
  360. else
  361. act 'Lick her':
  362. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  363. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','aeatout'
  364. end
  365. act 'Have her lick you instead':
  366. nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
  367. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','peatout'
  368. end
  369. end
  370. !!elseif nichRand = 1:
  371. else
  372. if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
  373. 'Tanya pushes your head in the direction of her vagina. When she turns around you realize that it''s actually a rimjob she expects from you.'
  374. else
  375. 'Tanya softly directs your head in the direction of her ass. Apparently she would like you to service her asshole with your tongue.'
  376. end
  377. if sub >= 50:
  378. act 'Lick her':
  379. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  380. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','arimjob'
  381. end
  382. else
  383. act 'Lick her':
  384. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  385. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','arimjob'
  386. end
  387. act 'Have her lick you instead':
  388. nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
  389. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','primjob'
  390. end
  391. end
  392. end
  393. elseif nichRand >= 100-nichTanyaChanceSub:
  394. !! Tanya is submissive
  395. !! Tanya is dominant
  396. nichRand = rand(0,1)
  397. if nichRand = 0:
  398. !! Tanya wants to eat your pussy
  399. 'Tanya smiles at you while she approaches your vagina with her head. Apparently she wants to eat your pussy.'
  400. act 'Lick her instead':
  401. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  402. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','aeatout'
  403. end
  404. act 'Have her lick you':
  405. nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
  406. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','peatout'
  407. end
  408. !!elseif nichRand = 1:
  409. else
  410. 'Tanya approaches you from behind, her hands gently resting on your buttcheeks. Glancing behind you you see her approaching your ass with her tongue sticked out. Apparently she want to give you a rimjob.'
  411. act 'Lick her instead':
  412. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  413. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','arimjob'
  414. end
  415. act 'Have her lick you':
  416. nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
  417. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','primjob'
  418. end
  419. end
  420. else
  421. !! no special event
  422. act 'Kiss her':
  423. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','kiss'
  424. end
  425. act 'Lick her':
  426. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  427. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','aeatout'
  428. end
  429. act 'Have her lick you':
  430. nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
  431. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','peatout'
  432. end
  433. act 'Give rimjob':
  434. nichTanyaFuckDom += 1
  435. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','arimjob'
  436. end
  437. act 'Receive rimjob':
  438. nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
  439. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','primjob'
  440. end
  441. if nichTanyaFuckPositions >= 3:
  442. act 'Finish':
  443. if nichTanyaFuckSub >= nichTanyaFuckDom * 3:
  444. nichTanyaDominance -= 2
  445. pcs_dom += 2
  446. elseif nichTanyaFuckDom >= nichTanyaFuckSub * 3:
  447. nichTanyaDominance += 2
  448. pcs_dom -= 2
  449. end
  450. nichTanyaDominance = min(100,max(nichTanyaDominance,-100))
  451. killvar 'nichTanyaFuckPositions'
  452. killvar 'nichTanyaFuckDom'
  453. killvar 'nichTanyaFuckSub'
  454. gs 'arousal','end'
  455. gt 'nichTanya', 'sexLAfter'
  456. end
  457. end
  458. end
  459. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sexLAfter':
  460. !! Tanya will have a special after-sex-event if PC promised to take Nicholas job
  461. if nichWork = 1: gt 'nichApartment', 'visitTanya'
  462. if nichWork = 2 and nichGalaKnowsPT = 0:
  463. !! if Gala is home she may find out that PC and Tanya are doing it
  464. !! only fires if PC is employed (might change)
  465. !! risk is 5% (might change)
  466. nichTemp = func('nichUtil','isHome','gala')
  467. if (nichTemp = 1 and rand(1,100) <= 5) or nichDebug = 1:
  468. nichGalaKnowsPT = 1
  469. 'You here a muffled sound from outside the room. It sounded like somebody was moving just outside the door.'
  470. 'You turn over to Tanya. She doesn''t look as if she heard this sound.'
  471. 'Maybe it was only your imagination?'
  472. act 'Don''t worry about it':
  473. gt 'nichTanya', 'sexLAfter'
  474. end
  475. exit
  476. end
  477. elseif nichWork = 2 and nichGalaKnowsPT = 20:
  478. !! if Gala is home she may find out that PC and Tanya are still doing it despite PC claimed they broke up
  479. !! only fires if PC is employed (might change)
  480. !! risk is 5% (might change)
  481. nichTemp = func('nichUtil','isHome','gala')
  482. if (nichTemp = 1 and rand(1,100) <= 5) or nichDebug = 1:
  483. nichGalaKnowsPT = 25
  484. 'You here a muffled sound from outside the room. It sounded like somebody was moving just outside the door.'
  485. 'You turn over to Tanya. She doesn''t look as if she heard this sound.'
  486. 'Maybe it was only your imagination?'
  487. act 'Don''t worry about it':
  488. gt 'nichTanya', 'sexLAfter'
  489. end
  490. exit
  491. end
  492. end
  493. !! after sex is finished Tanya will stay in bed for a short time and one can chat with her or go for another round
  494. !! TODO: more description
  495. $nichTanyaPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','after')
  496. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTanyaPic>>"></center>'
  497. act 'Chat':
  498. gt 'nichTanya','chat'
  499. end
  500. act 'Cuddle':
  501. gt 'nichTanya', 'cuddle'
  502. end
  503. act 'Another round':
  504. if nichTanyaFuckToday >= 3:
  505. 'As you propose going for yet another round Tanya slowly shakes her head.'
  506. '"I''m sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m really exhausted. Doing it four times a day is too much for me. But we can cuddle if you''d like."'
  507. else
  508. gt 'nichTanya','sexL','repeat'
  509. end
  510. end
  511. act 'Dress and leave':
  512. if nichWork ! 2: gt 'down'
  513. gt $loc, 'return'
  514. end
  515. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'chat':
  516. *clr & cla
  517. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTanyaPic>>"></center>'
  518. if $ARGS[1] = 'relationship':
  519. '"How do you feel about us, Tanya?"'
  520. if nichTanyaOpinion = 1 or nichTanyaOpinion = 20:
  521. '"I like our special times together. I really do. Before I met you I would never have dreamt of doing it with a woman. I don''t know if it is you or me but being with you doesn''t feel wrong. It''s quite the opposite really."'
  522. elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 10:
  523. '"You know I love you. Just spending time with you always makes me a bit happier."'
  524. if nichTanyaDominance <= -70:
  525. '""'
  526. end
  527. end
  528. act 'What would your mother say?':
  529. '"What do you think your mother would say if she found out about us?"'
  530. 'Tanya thinks about her answer for a few moments.'
  531. '"I don''t think she would be very happy. She frequently mentions that she expects me to marry a rich boy just like she did. I guess she would view you as some kind of distraction from this goal."'
  532. end
  533. act 'What would Nicholas say?':
  534. '"What do you think Nicholas would say if he found out about us?"'
  535. 'Tanya hesitates for a second.'
  536. '"I guess he would understand. It surely would be difficult for him. But I think he would want me to be happy."'
  537. end
  538. act 'What would your friends say?':
  539. '"What do you think your friends would say if they found out about us?"'
  540. '"I don''t think they would mind. And if they did they wouldn''t be good friends anyways."'
  541. end
  542. act 'Another topic':
  543. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  544. end
  545. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'family':
  546. cla
  547. act 'Nicholas':
  548. cla
  549. '"How do you feel about Nicholas?"'
  550. if nichNTRelation < 10:
  551. !! they are together
  552. '"He is a really great man. He gives me hold and strength. I can always come to him with my ... <i>emotional needs</i>."'
  553. else
  554. !! either one of them broke up
  555. '"He is a really great man. He gives me hold and strength. He is a great father and I am glad having him."'
  556. end
  557. act 'His job':
  558. '"Do you know exactly what Nicholas is doing as his job?"'
  559. '"Of course. He is the chief executive officer of a big pharma company. He was a chemistrist before he climbed up the corporate ladder. Sometimes he says that he just wants to help people and that the shareholders and laws are hindering him."'
  560. end
  561. act 'His marriage':
  562. '"What do you think about his marriage to your mother?"'
  563. if nichTanyaOpinion >= 20 and nichTanyaOpinion< 30:
  564. '"I don''t think I''d feel comfortable talking about this."'
  565. else
  566. '"I heard some people saying that my mother only married Nicholas for his money. But I can''t believe that. They have some problems. Maybe even big ones. But don''t all couples have some of them?"'
  567. end
  568. end
  569. act 'His money':
  570. '"Did Nicholas earned all of his money himself?"'
  571. '"No, not all of it. His father also was a successful business man and Nicholas inherited his wealth. But for some reason he doesn''t want to spend money he didn''t earn himself."'
  572. end
  573. act 'Another topic':
  574. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  575. end
  576. end
  577. act 'Another topic':
  578. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  579. end
  580. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'room':
  581. '"I''d like to talk about your room."'
  582. if nichTanyaRoom = 1:
  583. '"Okay. I cleaned it just as you asked me to."'
  584. else
  585. '"Really? What about it?"'
  586. act 'Have Tanya clean it':
  587. cla
  588. '"I think you should clean it yourself from now on."'
  589. if nichTanyaDominance <= -30:
  590. '"Well, I guess you are right. I will try to keep the room clean from now on."'
  591. nichTanyaRoom = 1
  592. nichChoreState[5] = 0
  593. else
  594. '"Sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, but Nicholas pays you to clean it. Therefore you will be the one cleaning it."'
  595. end
  596. act 'Another topic':
  597. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  598. end
  599. end
  600. act 'Never mind':
  601. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  602. end
  603. end
  604. else
  605. '"What would you like to talk about?"'
  606. if nichTanyaOpinion >= 1 and nichTanyaOpinion < 30:
  607. act 'Our relationship':
  608. gt 'nichTanya','chat', 'relationship'
  609. end
  610. end
  611. act 'Tanyas room':
  612. gt 'nichTanya','chat', 'room'
  613. end
  614. act 'Tanyas family':
  615. gt 'nichTanya','chat', 'family'
  616. end
  617. if nichTanyaUni = 11:
  618. act 'University':
  619. '"I talked with Nicholas. And he really would like you to attend your courses at university."'
  620. '"I know, I know!" Tanya seems to be annoyed "But I don''t know if university is the right place for me. What do you think?"'
  621. cla
  622. act 'You should take university seriously':
  623. '"I think you should take university seriously."'
  624. '"Really? And why would I listen to you?"'
  625. cla
  626. if nichTanyaOpinion >= 10 and nichTanyaOpinion < 20:
  627. act 'I love you (relationship)':
  628. '"I love you and I only want the best for you. And I know that going to university is the best decision for your future."'
  629. 'She bites down on her lip and hesitates for a few seconds.'
  630. '"I love you too. You know I do. And maybe you are right. I think I will give university another shot."'
  631. nichTanyaUni = 100
  632. nichTanyaUniStart = daystart
  633. cla
  634. act 'Another topic':
  635. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  636. end
  637. end
  638. end
  639. if pcs_dom >= 20 and nichTanyaDominance <= -30:
  640. act 'Because I tell you to (submissive Tanya)':
  641. '"Because I tell you to."'
  642. 'She bites down on her lip and hesitates for a few seconds.'
  643. '"Maybe you are right. I think I will give university another shot."'
  644. nichTanyaUni = 100
  645. nichTanyaUniStart = daystart
  646. cla
  647. act 'Another topic':
  648. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  649. end
  650. end
  651. end
  652. if student > 0:
  653. act 'I know what I am talking about (student)':
  654. '"I know what I am talking about. I am a student myself."'
  655. 'She bites down on her lip and hesitates for a few seconds.'
  656. '"Maybe you are right. I think I will give university another shot."'
  657. nichTanyaUni = 100
  658. nichTanyaUniStart = daystart
  659. cla
  660. act 'Another topic':
  661. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  662. end
  663. end
  664. end
  665. if persuas_lvl >= 50:
  666. act 'Just trust me (persuasion)':
  667. '"Just believe me. It will be the best for you in the long run."'
  668. 'She bites down on her lip and hesitates for a few seconds.'
  669. '"Maybe you are right. I think I will give university another shot."'
  670. nichTanyaUni = 100
  671. nichTanyaUniStart = daystart
  672. cla
  673. act 'Another topic':
  674. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  675. end
  676. end
  677. end
  678. act 'Another topic':
  679. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  680. end
  681. end
  682. act 'You should quit university':
  683. '"I agree with you. University is not for everybody. I think you will be happier without it."'
  684. 'Tanya beams at you. "Exactly! Thank you for your advise. I guess I will take it to heart."'
  685. nichTanyaUni = 50
  686. cla
  687. act 'Another topic':
  688. gt 'nichTanya', 'chat'
  689. end
  690. end
  691. end
  692. end
  693. end
  694. act 'Finish chatting':
  695. if nichWork = 0: gt 'down'
  696. gt $loc, 'return'
  697. end
  698. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'cuddle':
  699. *clr & cla
  700. $nichTanyaPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','cuddle')
  701. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTanyaPic>>"></center>'
  702. 'You spend a few minutes in hugging and kissing Tanya.'
  703. minut += 10
  704. gs 'stat'
  705. act 'Chat':
  706. gt 'nichTanya' , 'chat'
  707. end
  708. act 'Leave':
  709. gt $loc
  710. end
  711. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'shoppingUniform':
  712. *clr & cla
  713. if $ARGS[1] = '':
  714. minut += 10
  715. 'The two of you enter the mall and Tanya leads you to the store where the maid uniforms are sold.'
  716. 'She asks you to wait for a few seconds while she looks for an appropriate uniform.'
  717. else
  718. minut += 1
  719. end
  720. gs 'stat'
  721. :nichTanyaShopUniLoop
  722. nichRand = rand(1,49)
  723. if uniform[nichRand] = 1 and nichLoopAttempt < 100: nichLoopAttempt += 1 & jump 'nichTanyaShopUniLoop'
  724. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'uniform', nichRand
  725. price = (20 * ((5 * CloQuality) + 100)) * 3 / 2
  726. price = price / 50 * 50
  727. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/clothing/10uniform/<<nichRand>>.jpg"></center>'
  728. if CloInhibit = 20:
  729. 'After a minute Tanya returns with an uniform. "What do you think about this one? My mother wouldn''t mind it but you would still look sexy."'
  730. elseif CloInhibit > 20:
  731. 'After a minute Tanya returns with an uniform. "What do you think about this one? I think you would look delicious wearing it. But my mother would surely think that you''re a slut."'
  732. else
  733. 'After a minute Tanya returns with an uniform. "What do you think about this one? I think it''s too much cloth. But I guess you can put it off when we want to have fun."'
  734. end
  735. 'She takes a look at the pricetag. "It only costs <<price>>."'
  736. if CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:
  737. act 'Too revealing':
  738. '"I think I won''t be comfortable showing this much skin."'
  739. '"Really? Given the way we met each other I would not have thought that you are a prude." she winks at you.'
  740. act 'Look for another uniform':
  741. *clr & cla
  742. gt 'nichTanya','shoppingUniform','return'
  743. end
  744. end
  745. elseif price > money:
  746. act 'Too expensive':
  747. '"I''m afraid I can''t afford that."'
  748. '"Really? You obviously need a job. I would be happy to help you out. You could consider this uniform my gift for you. I know you will find a way to repay me." she winks suggestively.'
  749. cla
  750. act 'Accept':
  751. '"Thank you, Tanya. That would be great."'
  752. 'Tanya smiles and hugs you. She heads to the cashier and pays your new uniform with her credit card.'
  753. uniform[nichRand] = 1
  754. uniformH[nichRand] = 50
  755. uniformB[nichRand] = pcs_hips
  756. cla
  757. act 'Return to her apartment':
  758. gt 'nichTanya','prepareInterview'
  759. end
  760. end
  761. act 'Choose another one':
  762. '"Thank you, Tanya. But maybe we should continue looking for something else."'
  763. cla
  764. act 'Look for another uniform':
  765. *clr & cla
  766. gt 'nichTanya','shoppingUniform','return'
  767. end
  768. end
  769. end
  770. else
  771. act 'Buy':
  772. '"That looks great. I will take it"'
  773. 'Tanya smiles and hugs you.'
  774. money -= price
  775. uniform[nichRand] = 1
  776. uniformH[nichRand] = 50
  777. uniformB[nichRand] = pcs_hips
  778. gs 'stat'
  779. cla
  780. act 'Return to her apartment':
  781. gt 'nichTanya','prepareInterview'
  782. end
  783. end
  784. act 'Look for another uniform':
  785. *clr & cla
  786. gt 'nichTanya','shoppingUniform','return'
  787. end
  788. end
  789. act 'Stop looking':
  790. '"I don''t think we will find something suitable today, Tanya."'
  791. 'She seems to be a bit dissapointed. "Okay. You will have to buy an uniform on your own then. Just come to my place wearing it between 18 and 22 o''clock."'
  792. act 'Leave':
  793. gt 'down'
  794. end
  795. end
  796. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'prepareInterview':
  797. $clothingworntype = 'uniform'
  798. clothingwornnumber = nichRand
  799. 'The both of you return to Tanyas apartment. You change into your new uniform before Tanya starts to inspect you carefully.'
  800. if spdirty > 0 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) or cumloc[11] = 1 or cumloc[1] = 1 or cumloc[2] = 1 or cumloc[4] = 1 or cumloc[5] = 1 or cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1 or cumloc[14] = 1 or cumloc[12] = 1:
  801. '"How did you manage to smell like cum? You can''t meet my parents like this."'
  802. 'She leads you to her bathroom where you take a quick shower.'
  803. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  804. minut += 5
  805. end
  806. if lashair ! 1 and pcs_pubes > 3 or pcs_leghair > 3:
  807. '"Your body hair is too long. But you can fix that later, that won''t be a reason not to hire you."'
  808. end
  809. if pcs_hairbsh = 0:
  810. '"You should brush your hair."'
  811. 'She hands you a brush and watches you while you do as you are told.'
  812. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  813. end
  814. if ShoHeels < 4:
  815. '"Nicholas might tell you to wear other shoes for work. But I think he won''t expect you to wear them right now."'
  816. end
  817. 'Taking a final look she finally gives you a nod. "I think you look fine. Come on now. My parents are waiting in the living room."'
  818. act 'Follow her': minut += 3 & gt 'nichApartment', 'hiring'
  819. end
  820. --- nichTanya ---------------------------------