mey_tamara_events 67 KB

  1. # mey_tamara_events
  2. !!{
  3. mey_tamara['bronson_qw'] mey_tamara['bronson_qw']
  4. mey_tamara['builder_qw'] mey_tamara['builder_qw']
  5. mey_tamara['drink_qw'] mey_tamara['drink_qw']
  6. mey_tamara['qw_end'] mey_tamara['qw_end']
  7. mey_tamara['reputation_qw'] mey_tamara['reputation_qw']
  8. }
  9. !! sobsno a subject
  10. $location_type = 'event'
  11. if $args[0] = 'tamara':
  12. *clr & cla
  13. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Tamara Mikhailovna</font></h4></center>'
  14. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tamara.jpg"></center>'
  15. 'Tamara Mikhailovna, the twins mom. She''s a tall, big busted woman, quite outspoken just like a man. She''s a very attractive woman just under "fifty" years old, redheaded just like the daughters.'
  16. 'If it wasn''t for the fiery hair color, no one would ever think that Katja and Vicky are her daughters. Tamara Mikhailovna works in the city Bank holding a middle management position, even though she often complains about the work, the pay is good so she stays put.'
  17. if $curloc = 'bank': act 'To go home': minut += 30 & gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  18. if $curloc = 'mey_home' and mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] >= 32 and mey_tamara['qw_end'] = 0:
  19. if week >= 6 or kanikuli > 0: act 'Ask to go to the city': minut += 30 & gt 'down'
  20. if pav_slut >= 75 and mey_tamara['reputation_qw'] = 0: act 'To talk about the fall': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'reputation'
  21. end
  22. act 'Depart':gt $curloc, $metka
  23. end
  24. !! the first meeting
  25. if $args[0] = 'first_meet':
  26. *clr & cla
  27. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Tamara Mikhailovna</font></h4></center>'
  28. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tamara.jpg"></center>'
  29. 'You ring on the bell to the Meynold residence. The door opens and you can see Katja and Vicky standing there with their mother. The girls'' mother is a very attractive woman just under "fifty" years old, busty and tastefully dressed even at home, and just like the twins, also a redhead.'
  30. 'Looking at the mothers'' huge bust, you begin wondering: "Too bad that the twins haven''t inherited their mothers'' biggest asset. It''s a shame having such small breasts instead of having huge breasts as their mother."'
  31. 'The mother eagerly welcomes you:'
  32. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Hello guys! Hi, Vanya."</i></font>'
  33. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Vicky, would you like to introduce your girlfriend?"</i></font>'
  34. 'You stand there a bit shyly, while Vicky introduces you two. Vicky''s mother smiles warmly and replies:'
  35. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I''m Tamara Mikhailovna. Come in, come in, don''t be shy! Vicky doesn''t invite her friends over very often, so I''m always wondering who her friends are. Well, I won''t disturb you anymore, I''ll be in the kitchen having some tea."</i></font>'
  36. act 'In the kitchen (1:00)':
  37. cls
  38. minut += 60
  39. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 25
  40. gs 'stat'
  41. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Tamara Mikhailovna</font></h4></center>'
  42. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tamara_first_meet_tea.jpg"></center>'
  43. 'You enter the kitchen seeing Tamara drinking tea by herself. She notices you and calls you over to join her. You sit down next to her and she pours you a cup of tea and begins talking continuously:'
  44. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I divorced my husband, he liked to drink, and when drunk, he always became aggressive and wanted to fight. He kept on drinking after our divorce, until he crossed paths with an other drunk and they started arguing ending in my ex-husband stabbing this person to death. They put him away for a long time. And since he didn''t know how to handle himself in prison, he got stabbed to death. And all I can say is, good riddance, he was a bad man that deserved what he got."</i></font>'
  45. '<font color="maroon"><i>"The first time after getting divorced was extremely hard, myself with my two precious girls! Well, since I couldn''t rely on anyone I started studying, settling in the city and started working at the bank. The working hours are rough, but the pay is good, so I can''t complain that much. As I started to climb the corporate ladder, I bought a car, built this house and raised the girls, all by myself. The time flew by and my girls have grown up so they barely have time for me! They come from school, eat lunch, and run away somewhere! So I rarely talk to anyone..."</i></font>'
  46. '<font color="navy"><i>"Why didn''t you remarry?"</i></font>'
  47. '"Sighing, she replies:"'
  48. '<font color="maroon"><i>"After the experience I had with my ex-husband, all the desire went away for getting into a new relationship. And there was no time either, I had to earn money and raise my daughters. There was never time to treat myself I was always sacrificing so my daughters could live a good life! Who would want me now, an old battered woman with a rusty roof?"</i></font>'
  49. 'You start objecting:'
  50. '<font color="navy"><i><font color="navy"><i>"What are you saying Tamara Mikhailovna, there is nothing called too old! You are a beautiful and a successful woman in your prime age. The men would be running head over heels for you!"</i></font>'
  51. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Thank you for the kind words. You don''t need to be so formal, <<$pcs_nickname>>. We''re not at work. You can call me aunt Tamara."</i></font>'
  52. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Vicky, your girlfriend is wonderful! You should invite <<$pcs_nickname>> here more often!"</i></font>'
  53. 'Vicky interrupts your conversation:'
  54. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Mom, you talk too much! You always scare away my friends with your talk."</i></font>'
  55. 'Tamara Mikhailovna pretends sighing and says:'
  56. '<font color="maroon"><i>"That''s what I get for raising you! Don''t worry about your lonely mother, just go on and play with your friend!"</i></font>'
  57. act 'Go with Vicky': gs 'mey_vika_events', 'first_visit'
  58. end
  59. end
  60. !! the second tea party
  61. if $args[0] = 'next_meet':
  62. *clr & cla
  63. minut += 1
  64. zz_stage = args[1]
  65. mey_vika['qw_day'] = daystart
  66. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 30
  67. gs 'stat'
  68. if zz_stage < 1:
  69. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tamara_tea0.jpg"></center>'
  70. 'You ring on the bell to the Meynold residence.'
  71. 'The door opens and you can see Katja and Vicky standing there with their mother.'
  72. act 'Ring the doorbell': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'next_meet', 1
  73. else
  74. if zz_stage < 8:
  75. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tamara_tea' + zz_stage + '.jpg"></center>'
  76. if zz_stage = 1:
  77. '"Oh hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I''m so glad to see you! Come in, come in, make yourself at home! I''ll put on a kettle right away!"'
  78. '<font color="maroon"><i>"My little carrots are somewhere in the house, while I''m here all alone..."</i></font>'
  79. 'You shyly walk past her, passing through a spacious hall from which a staircase leads to the second floor to the kitchen. The kitchen is large, bright and spacious, tastefully furnished. From the kitchen there is access to the veranda. You sit down at the oval dining table and Tamara Mikhailovna, wearing an apron, quickly moves over to the fridge, pulling out all sorts of jars with jam, fruit and cheese and placing them on the table.'
  80. elseif zz_stage = 2:
  81. 'There''s a large vintage nickel plated kettle on the stove boiling, it doesn''t really fit in with the rest of the kitchen setting, but you think as long as it does what it''s supposed to than being visually appealing. The kitchen has a lots of flowers in pots, there''s pots hanging along the walls and pots standing on the floor. The atmosphere is cozy, peaceful and relaxed.'
  82. elseif zz_stage = 3:
  83. 'Aunt Tamara asks you about school, friends, family, and your interests.'
  84. 'Finally the tea is ready and you''re sitting at a table, happily sipping a lemon fragrant tea, and talk about yourself. You start by telling aunt Tamara about how your father abandoned your mother a long time ago and now you all live with your stepfather. You keep on telling how the stepfather is good to you and your sister. Next you tell her about your sister that was not able to attend the University and now works at the checkout in the supermarket instead...'
  85. 'Tamara Mikhailovna listens with interest, pouring tea and offering you a plate filled with croissants and toast, while on the other plate there''s thinly sliced cheese and ham.'
  86. elseif zz_stage = 4:
  87. 'Your shyness is disappearing more and more and the two of you start excitedly chatting just like old friends, sharing stories.'
  88. 'You don''t even notice the age difference because aunt Tamara talks ceaselessly to you, telling you about herself. She is the daughter of a naval officer, and the family had to move around all over the country because the father served in the Baltic, Kamchatka and in the Northern Fleet.'
  89. 'Mentioning the North her eyes tighten a bit in a dreamy haze, happily talking about the harsh beauty of those places.'
  90. 'Tamara tells you that she enjoyed living in the North the most, and she’’s still feels like her soul was left there...'
  91. elseif zz_stage = 5:
  92. 'You can see both Katja''s and Vicky''s small quirks in aunt Tamara. She has preserved the beauty of Katja, sophisticated but not as youthfully naïve as Katja. She is calmer and more sensible than Vicky, even being more sociable and open than the cautious Katja.'
  93. 'Tamara gets a bottle of wine from the wine cooler and one glass:'
  94. '<font color="maroon"><i>"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you won''t mind if aunt Tamara has a glass of wine while we have this wonderful conversation?"</i></font>'
  95. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I have been living a reclusive life instead of just running wild. So that''s made me very distrusting. At work, I''m not dear Tamara Mikhailovna, but the big bad "boss", or the strict "businesswoman", I know that the "friendly female staff" are bad mouthing me, they probably think I slept my way up to the top."</i></font>'
  96. elseif zz_stage = 6:
  97. 'You are laughing at the figurative comparison, Tamara Mikhailovna is also smiling.'
  98. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I had a lot of friends here in Pavlovsk in my thirties, but as soon as I learned that I was pregnant the relationships started deteriorating. So I had a hard time talking to someone else but my ex-husband about becoming a mother."</i></font>'
  99. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Nine months later I gave birth to them. Katja came out first. It is hard for me to bear. "</i></font> says aunt Tamara tearing up a little. <font color="maroon"><i>"Katja had us scared for a minute or so because she didn’’t make any sounds immediately, it took two slaps from the doctor for her to start screaming."</i></font>'
  100. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Vicky flew out soon after like a cork from a bottle! You know, just like you see on comedy shows on tv."</i></font>'
  101. elseif zz_stage = 7:
  102. 'Tamara Mikhailovna glances at the wall clock.'
  103. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Oh, look at the clock, time really flies by when you''re enjoying yourself! "</i></font>'
  104. '<font color="maroon"><i>" Look how dark it is outside! "</i></font>'
  105. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You know what, you can stay the night. I don''t want you to running around this late! "</i></font>'
  106. 'You start making excuses, but aunt Tamara''s not listening:'
  107. '<font color="maroon"><i>" You never know who you might meet this late. And my little carrots will be glad. Let''s call your parents and say you''ll be staying here tonight! "</i></font>'
  108. 'You insist saying you do not want to impose...'
  109. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Impose? Don''t be silly. In this large house?!"</i></font> says aunt Tamara.'
  110. '<font color="maroon"><i>- No one will be bothered. We have a guest bedroom, it''s always empty. And the rest of us have our own private room here."</i></font> You longingly remember about your room, which you shared with your sister all your life... <font color="maroon"><i>"So let''s call your parents and let them know you`re staying, so they don''t worry."</i></font>'
  111. end
  112. act 'Drink tea with Tamara': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'next_meet', zz_stage + 1
  113. else
  114. pcs_energy = 20
  115. pcs_mood += 20
  116. hour = 22
  117. minut = rand(0,59)
  118. gs 'stat'
  119. '<font color="navy"><i>"I''m sorry, aunt Tamara, I must go home or else I''ll get some stern scolding..."</i></font>'
  120. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Well, I can''t say I''m not disappointed <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t stop anywhere on your way home."</i></font> said a disappointed aunt Tamara.'
  121. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Remember this, if you change your mind and want to hang out, come visit us anytime again! You’’re always welcome here!</i></font>'
  122. killvar 'zz_stage'
  123. act 'Go home': gt 'pavResidential'
  124. act 'Stay the night': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  125. end
  126. end
  127. end
  128. !! training, beginning
  129. if $args[0] = 'learning0':
  130. *clr & cla
  131. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/learning10.jpg"></center>'
  132. 'Nervously, you rang the doorbell to the Meynold residence. Short there after you hear the lock click open and the twins mother stands in front of you.'
  133. '<font color="navy"><i>"Hello Tamara Mikhailovna! I''ve come here to study."</i></font> You still don''t dare to call her aunt Tamara.'
  134. '<font color="maroon"><i>"So you''ve finally decided to go through it. Come in."</i></font> says Tamara.'
  135. 'The two of you make your way to the kitchen, Tamara puts on the familiar nickel plated kettle, and she begins taking out the jars of jam of the closet.'
  136. 'While doing her kitchen chores, Tamara is silent and not looking at you. You have a troubling feeling in the stomach, but you do not dare to start a conversation, you''re still too shy to talk with her.'
  137. act 'Ring the doorbell':
  138. *clr & cla
  139. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/learning11.jpg"></center>'
  140. 'You drink tea and talk casually with each other. You''re sitting on needles filled with anticipation waiting for Tamara to speak up.'
  141. 'Having finished the tea, Tamara Mikhailovna casually says:'
  142. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Stand up, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I want to take a look at you.</i></font>'
  143. 'You stand up. She carefully examines you like a bug under a microscope.'
  144. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Turn around, darling."</i></font>'
  145. 'You turn, letting her to check you out from all sides.'
  146. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Not bad, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I can work with this."</i></font> said Tamara nodding. <font color="maroon"><i>"But right now you''re just raw clay, which can be formed as a sculptural masterpiece or a simple brick. And who knows it may turn out to be just a dried up worthless piece of clay. Everything depends on you."</i></font>'
  147. 'She continues looking at you somewhat skeptical. It feels like she''s in a store checking the quality of the item. Under her careful scrutiny, you begin to shrink, like a violet.'
  148. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Walk around a little."</i></font>'
  149. 'You take a few steps in the kitchen. Tamara Mikhailovna snorts:'
  150. '<font color="maroon"><i>"No no, my dear, this will not do!"</i></font>'
  151. '<font color="navy"><i>"What''s wrong with my walk?"</i></font> you ask a bit surprised.'
  152. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Well my dear, to put it lightly, you walk like you just crapped your pants and you''re afraid it will smudge."</i></font> hearing this "compliment" you feel ashamed... <font color="maroon"><i>"But don''t worry, I''ll teach you how to walk like a goddess."</i></font>'
  153. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Do you know how to dance?"</i></font>'
  154. '<font color="navy"><i>"I love dancing..."</i></font> you answer.'
  155. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Show me."</i></font>'
  156. act 'Dance':
  157. *clr & cla
  158. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/learning10.jpg"></center>'
  159. if pcs_danc < 50:
  160. 'Tamara Mikhailovna annoyingly answers: <font color="maroon"><i>"Your dancing skills are exactly what I expected them to be. You dance like a skank from a rural disco."</i></font>'
  161. elseif pcs_dancero < 50:
  162. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You did okay..."</i></font> nods Tamara Mikhailovna. <font color="maroon"><i>"But you still need to improve."</i></font>'
  163. else
  164. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Very nice, <<$pcs_nickname>>!"</i></font> nods Tamara Mikhailovna approvingly. <font color="maroon"><i>"One less thing you need to teach."</i></font>'
  165. end
  166. act 'Hmm...':
  167. *clr & cla
  168. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/learning10.jpg"></center>'
  169. 'Tamara stands up from the table, pushing her cup, which she only had taken a sip of:'
  170. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Let''s take a trip to the city, my dear, so we can get going. Consider this the beginning of your studies."</i></font>'
  171. if pcs_apprnc < 15:
  172. '<font color="maroon"><i>"We can''t have you looking like this... We have a lot of work in front of us."</i></font>'
  173. end
  174. if pcs_apprnc >= 15 and pcs_apprnc < 30:
  175. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You''re really cute. But only thing cuteness does is that it makes it possible to marry a regular guy. We''re going to take it to the next level."</i></font>'
  176. end
  177. if pcs_apprnc >= 30 and pcs_apprnc < 50:
  178. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You''re quite good looking, and with such appearance there will be many suitors asking for your hand in marriage. You might even marry some average sugar daddy, being used by them for some years, until he finds someone prettier.</i></font>'
  179. end
  180. if pcs_apprnc >= 50:
  181. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You''re really beautiful. But even a diamond needs cutting and polishing to remove all the rough shapes. A little touch up never hurt anyone."</i></font>'
  182. end
  183. act 'Go the city': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'learning1'
  184. end
  185. end
  186. end
  187. end
  188. !! training trip to the city
  189. if $args[0] = 'learning1':
  190. *clr & cla
  191. minut += 30
  192. gs 'stat'
  193. 'You hop into the car and the two of you drive to the city center. Tamara Mikhailovna leads you to the shopping mall.'
  194. act 'Go shopping':
  195. cla
  196. 'Under the watchful eye of your mentor, she tells you you can buy two outfits, one from Pussy-Cats and the other one from the expensive boutique.'
  197. newdress_count = 0
  198. newdress_loop = 0
  199. !by random cloth, modify from :markbuyclomother. original kitty pussy *2 (average clothes), set to 1 formal 1 average
  200. '<center><table><tr><td>'
  201. :markbuyclotamaraaverage
  202. newdress_id = rand(1, 132)
  203. if average[newdress_id] = 0:
  204. average[newdress_id] = 1
  205. averageH[newdress_id] = 100
  206. averageB[newdress_id] = pcs_hips
  207. *P '<center><img height = 400 src="images/pc/clothing/2average/<<newdress_id>>.jpg"></center>'
  208. else
  209. newdress_loop += 1
  210. if newdress_loop > 1000:
  211. msg 'ERROR: average cloth loop > 1000'
  212. else
  213. jump 'markbuyclotamaraaverage'
  214. end
  215. end
  216. '</td><td>'
  217. :markbuyclotamaraformal
  218. newdress_id = rand(1, 33)
  219. if formal[newdress_id] = 0:
  220. formal[newdress_id] = 1
  221. formalH[newdress_id] = 35
  222. formalB[newdress_id] = pcs_hips
  223. *P '<center><img height = 400 src="images/pc/clothing/4formal/formal<<newdress_id>>.jpg"></center>'
  224. else
  225. newdress_loop += 1
  226. if newdress_loop > 1000:
  227. msg 'ERROR: formal cloth loop > 1000'
  228. else
  229. jump 'markbuyclotamaraformal'
  230. end
  231. end
  232. *P '</td></tr></table></center>'
  233. act 'Buy the clothes':
  234. cla
  235. '<font color="maroon"><i>"This will do, it''s the first time after all."</i></font> she says, approaching the counter, pulling out the purse.'
  236. '<font color="navy"><i>"But it''s so expensive! I can''t..."</i></font> you are taken aback by such generosity.'
  237. '<font color="maroon"><i>"My dear! Don''t see it as a gift but as an investment in a long-term project."</i></font><br>'
  238. act 'Enter the beauty salon':
  239. cla
  240. *clr
  241. 'Looks like Tamara Mikhailovna is well-known in both of the shops. As soon as she entered, the most experienced salesperson dropped everything, walked over to you and started picking out clothes for you.<br>'
  242. tan = 10
  243. pcs_lashes = 2
  244. skin = 4
  245. if shorthair = 0: curly = 7
  246. brow = 10
  247. pcs_pubes = 0
  248. pcs_lipbalm = 1
  249. pcs_makeup = 3
  250. hour = 19
  251. minut = 40
  252. gs 'stat'
  253. act 'Go further':
  254. cla
  255. '<font color="navy"><i>"<<$pcs_nickname>>, what do you wear to school?"</i></font> she asks you as you''re walking out from the beauty salon.'
  256. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Well, we have to wear a compulsory school uniform."</i></font><br>'
  257. !check if school uniform exist
  258. newdress_loop = 1
  259. newdress_id = 0
  260. :looptamaraschool
  261. if newdress_loop = 6: newdress_loop = 7
  262. !skip default uniform 6
  263. if school[newdress_loop] = 1:
  264. !'<center><img height = 400 src="images/pc/clothing/6school/school<<newdress_loop>>.jpg"></center>'
  265. newdress_id += 1
  266. else
  267. newdress_loop += 1
  268. end
  269. if newdress_id = 0 and newdress_loop <= 38:jump 'looptamaraschool'
  270. if newdress_id > 0:
  271. '<font color="navy"><i>"I picked a real sexy outfit, it''s so sexy that the boys will be spontaneously cumming in their pants."</i></font> you said smiling.'
  272. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Good! Now remember it’’s only to be used in school. Now lets start training how you walk. You can start by getting out of my car and take a walk home."</i></font> Tamara Mikhailovna hands you two thousand rubles. <font color="maroon"><i> "It''s important that you take care of your health so take the money and head over to the clinic and get an health exam. I''ll be waiting for you by the restaurant by 9 o''clock, don''t be late."</i></font>'
  273. killvar 'newdress_id'
  274. killvar 'newdress_count'
  275. killvar 'newdress_loop'
  276. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 36
  277. money += 2000
  278. gs 'stat'
  279. act 'Stay in the city': gt 'down'
  280. else
  281. cla
  282. minut += 20
  283. gs 'stat'
  284. 'Tamara Mikhailovna reaches into the purse and hands you two thousand rubles.'
  285. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I need to buy yourself a decent looking school uniform. And it''s only attended to be worn in school. I don''t want to see you wearying it somewhere else."</i></font>'
  286. '<font color="navy"><i>"Where should I buy it?" you ask her.</i></font>'
  287. 'Tamara Mikhailovna nods towards a sign. Looking up you see the luminous sign showing "Sex Shop".'
  288. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I''ll wait for you in the car."</i></font>'
  289. 'You quickly hide the money in your pocket and overcoming the shame, you walk into the sex shop. 20 minutes later you return with a brand new school uniform.<br>'
  290. newdress_loop = 0
  291. !by random cloth, modify from :markbuyclomother. school uniform in scene
  292. :markbuyclotamaraschool
  293. newdress_id = rand(1, 36)
  294. if school[newdress_id] = 0:
  295. school[newdress_id] = 1
  296. schoolH[newdress_id] = 130
  297. schoolB[newdress_id] = pcs_hips
  298. '<center><img height = 400 src="images/pc/clothing/6school/school<<newdress_id>>.jpg"></center>'
  299. else
  300. newdress_loop += 1
  301. if newdress_loop > 1000:
  302. msg 'ERROR: school cloth loop > 1000'
  303. else
  304. jump 'markbuyclotamaraschool'
  305. end
  306. end
  307. killvar 'newdress_id'
  308. killvar 'newdress_loop'
  309. act 'Return to the Meynolds residence': mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 40 & minut += 30 & gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  310. act 'Stay in the city':
  311. cla
  312. '<font color="maroon"><i>"No, dear. I need you to stay near here if you want I can drive you home to me or if you want to walk around the city. Either way you will need to kill a couple of hours. I''m feeling hungry so I''ll go and get something to eat."</i></font> said Tamara Mikhailovna. <font color="maroon"><i> "Whatever you decide, I expect you to be by the restaurant by 9 o''clock, I''ll be waiting for you there."</i></font><br>'
  313. act 'I insist staying here in the city': mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 36 & gt 'down'
  314. act 'Return to the Meynolds residence': mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 40 & minut += 30 & gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  315. end
  316. end
  317. end
  318. end
  319. end
  320. end
  321. end
  322. !! TM gg waiting outside the restaurant
  323. if $args[0] = 'wait_qw':
  324. *clr & cla
  325. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/expensiverest/restoran.jpg"></center>'
  326. 'Near the entrance, glancing at the clock, Tamara Mikhailovna waits for you.'
  327. act 'Return to the Meynolds residence': mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 40 & minut += 30 & gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  328. end
  329. !! crime and punishment
  330. if $args[0] = 'rebuke':
  331. *clr & cla
  332. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tamara_tea0.jpg"></center>'
  333. 'You stand outside the Meynold residence. You can hear footsteps behind the door, but when you ring the bell no one opens.'
  334. act 'Ring the doorbell':
  335. cla
  336. 'You ring the bell again... Once again you hear the sound of heels, but the door stays shut. You''re starting to get anxious.'
  337. act 'Ring the doorbell again':
  338. *clr & cla
  339. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/learning10.jpg"></center>'
  340. 'After some anxious waiting, the door opens. Tamara Mikhailovna looked at you without her usual warm smile, she just stood there silently. She stands in the doorway, reluctantly letting you enter. She seems upset.'
  341. 'Her cold gaze is making your belly upset and you feel the anxiety increase.'
  342. 'You finally gather some strength and say <font color="navy"><i>"P-please forgive m-me, Tamara Mikhailovna!"</i></font> in a childs thin voice when it knows it did something bad. <font color="navy"><i>"I promise I''ll never do the same mistake again! It will never happen again! Please believe me!"</i></font>'
  343. 'Tamara Mikhailovna silently answered with a nod indicating for you to continue on inside.'
  344. act 'Enter':
  345. *clr & cla
  346. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/rebuke3.jpg"></center>'
  347. 'You stand in front of her in the hall disheartened, while she sits on the couch, legs crossed, silently staring at you.'
  348. 'You feel this burning sensation in your ears and cheeks. All of a sudden this feeling that you need to visit the bathroom comes over you. You can barely hold it in.'
  349. act 'Drink tea with Tamara':
  350. *clr & cla
  351. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/rebuke4.jpg"></center>'
  352. 'Finally Tamara Mikhailovna ends the long drawn out silence by saying'
  353. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Listen to me very carefully, girl. What we set out to do is a very serious and difficult task. Also very expensive might I add. I invested my hard earned money on you. A lot of money, not to mention the effort and time and expect you to be able to justify these efforts. I don''t ask for much. But I demand complete obedience and to follow my instructions to the letter, if you want to succeed in life. I''m hoping you don’’t think I do this all out of pure unselfishness? You''re not Aladdin, and I''m not a genie here to fulfill any of your whishes. I have a lot to teach you, which will help you in many ways, giving you much more than you can accomplish alone."</i></font>'
  354. '<font color="maroon"><i>"But don''t be fooled, don''t take my kindness for weakness. Otherwise we will stop this right away. I''ll be frank with you, maybe you''re pleased having a bland life, marrying someone ugly, working a dead ass job at the local sewing factory, repeating the same thing day after day to the point of exhaustion. Do you want to end up like that?"</i></font>'
  355. '<font color="navy"><i>"No I don''t!"</i></font> you furiously shake your head, almost ripping it off. <font color="navy"><i>"I understand! Please, believe me! It will never happen again!"</i></font>'
  356. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I really hope this is the only time we need to have this conversation. Because there won''t be a second time, my dear."</i></font> said Tamara Mikhailovna clicking her nails on the armrest.'
  357. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Now come on, let''s have some tea, I''ve baked some wonderful cookies!</i></font> she suddenly warmly smiles again.'
  358. act 'Have a conversation':
  359. *clr & cla
  360. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/rebuke5.jpg"></center>'
  361. 'You drink the tea in the kitchen and taste the most delicious cookies you ever tasted, aunt Tamara laughs and tells all sorts of stories, and the anxiety that was in your belly, disappears.'
  362. 'She''s not the Snow Queen Tamara Mikhailovna anymore, that frightened you as just as she takes pleasure doing the same thing to her subordinates at the Bank. Instead she''s the fun-loving and kind aunt Tamara again.'
  363. 'All of a sudden Tamara Mikhailovna puts down her cup…'
  364. act 'Listen':
  365. cla
  366. if pcs_grades < 80:
  367. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Listen to me very carefully. From now on, no more adventures. You will follow all my orders, no exemptions. To the letter. You''re not even allowed to fart without my permission, understand! Don''t worry you''ll have lots of adventures."</i></font>'
  368. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Whether you like it or not, your school performance must improve. You will make a plan that you''ll show me on how you''ll improve. Don''t think this is a fairy tale. You will be putting blood, sweat and tears until your grades have gone up and I''m satisfied! You can forget about drinking and partying until your grades are good enough."</i></font>'
  369. 'You sadly nod your head, saying goodbye to the easy life...'
  370. else
  371. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Listen to me very carefully, my dear. You have a good thing going on here, and I''m happy about the progress you''ve made. But, from now on, no more adventures. You will follow all my orders. Without any questions. You''re not even allowed to fart without my permission, understand! Don''t worry I have lots of adventures planned for you."</i></font>'
  372. '<font color="maroon"><i>"And don''t be afraid, I''m not threatening you. But if you want to succeed in life you must follow the tasks I give and execute them to the letter. Without that, you''re just a diamond in the rough."</i></font><br>'
  373. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Based on your action, there seems to be a little nympho inside of you that loves sex, and with your talent and shamelessness you could easily become a career porn actress. You''ll probably become a big star, being sought after many men but in reality, you''ll just be lonely because all the men will think you''re only good for one thing. But who am I to judge, you can become whatever you want, I will not interfere, if your mind is made up. But whatever you decide to become you got to put in hard work in it. You have to focus on one thing only, not straying away from the path you''ve laid for yourself..."</i></font>'
  374. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Don''t be stupid throwing away all that you''ve learned. You can be sure I will never forgive you. Knowledge never hurt anyone, it will help you a lot in life...'
  375. end
  376. act 'Listen carefully':
  377. *clr & cla
  378. minut += 30
  379. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 40
  380. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/rebuke10.jpg"></center>'
  381. 'As you''re about to leave she stops you in the doorway...'
  382. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I hope you were paying attention to what I said today,"</i></font> and in a second the image of a smiling middle-aged housewife turns into the ice queen. <font color="maroon"><i>"I can''t barely wait until our next lesson!</i></font> Tamara Mikhailovna warmly smiles at you while she says goodbye.'
  383. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Oh yeah, I forgot one thing. I called your mother and told her that the girls and I are enjoying your company so we agreed that you would be staying with us for the next two weeks. I want to keep you on a tight leash."<font color="maroon"><i>'
  384. act 'Move away': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  385. end
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  389. end
  390. end
  391. end
  392. act 'Go home':
  393. minut += 10
  394. gt 'pavResidential'
  395. end
  396. end
  397. !! TM tells SG about corporate
  398. if $args[0] = 'party0':
  399. *clr & cla
  400. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party0.jpg"></center>'
  401. '<font color="maroon"><i>"My dear, my company is having an office party tonight, would you like to accompany me? I would like to introduce you to some people. If you do decide to tag along, you need to make yourself presentable. As soon as we enter I want the whole room to look in awe at you."</i></font>'
  402. act 'Refuse':
  403. cla
  404. ! close event until next month
  405. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 50
  406. '<font color="navy"><i>"I''m sorry aunt Tamara, I don''t feel well today, I won''t be able to accompany you..."</i></font>'
  407. '<font color="maroon"><i>"No worries, maybe next time."</i></font>'
  408. act 'Move away': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  409. end
  410. act 'Agree':
  411. cla
  412. ! gotta get ready for work
  413. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 41
  414. '<font color="navy"><i>"I would love to accompany you to the party, aunt Tamara! I''ll go and get ready right away."</i></font>'
  415. 'Tamara Mikhailovna looks mischievously at you, but strictly instructs you to...'
  416. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Wear your formal dress and put on normal makeup," she smiles. "Don''t overdo the makeup you should look normal, not too little, but don''t put on a ton of makeup either, you''re not a soldier, putting on war paint before battle! Be ready by 18 o''clock. I can''t be bothered waiting for you, I''ll be leaving by that time. Fail to show up and there might be some consequences..."</i></font>'
  417. act 'Move away': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  418. end
  419. end
  420. !! check appearance
  421. if $args[0] = 'check_look':
  422. *clr & cla
  423. ! dress, medium black, clean, looks stunning
  424. !there need a good glamour dress, change to formal or expensive in ECV (she already give you 1 formal)
  425. if ($clothingworntype = 'formal' or $clothingworntype = 'expensive') and (pcs_makeup = 1 or pcs_makeup = 2) and pcs_sweat <= 20 and pcs_apprnc >= 60:
  426. ! if long hair is desired styling
  427. if shorthair = 0 and pcs_hairbsh = 0:
  428. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party0.jpg"></center>'
  429. 'Tamara Mikhailovna examines you and shake his head in disproval. You''re not ready for your great "debut"... Disappointed, you head back...'
  430. act 'Depart': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  431. else
  432. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party0.jpg"></center>'
  433. '<font color="navy"><i>"I''m ready!"</i></font>'
  434. 'Tamara starts examining you.'
  435. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You''re looking great. Let''s go!</i></font>'
  436. act 'Go to the office party': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party1'
  437. end
  438. else
  439. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party0.jpg"></center>'
  440. 'Tamara Mikhailovna examines you and shake his head in disproval. You''re not ready for your great "debut"... Disappointed, you head back...'
  441. act 'Depart': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  442. end
  443. end
  444. !! corporate, start
  445. if $args[0] = 'party1':
  446. *clr & cla
  447. minut += 30
  448. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/expensiverest/restoran.jpg"></center>'
  449. 'Tamara Mikhailovna stops the car in front of the restaurant.'
  450. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Listen closely now, <<$pcs_nickname>>. It''s a very formal party with some big shots from the city so try not to embarrass me. You should act like Cinderella at the ball, being charming and entrance them with your beauty. Don''t get drunk and begin dancing naked on the table or accompany different men to the toilet, you''re not a prostitute. I really hope you follow my advice. Unlike the time I let Vicky tag along...</i></font>'
  451. 'You wisely decided not to ask aunt Tamara what happened that time she brought Vicky with her, you''ll ask her at the party instead.'
  452. act 'Go inside the restaurant':
  453. *clr & cla
  454. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party6.jpg"></center>'
  455. 'The doorman opens the door for you. The restaurant is hall filled with people. Men in expensive suits, and all the women in evening gowns. You hear classic music playing, the waiters carrying drinks are moving effortlessly among the guests. Tamara Mikhailovna takes a glass of champagne from a tray while a waiter passes by.'
  456. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Don''t be shy, my dear. Start mingling. I''ll call you over when I need you. Remember don''t drink too much. And be charming!"</i></font> she says while she theatrically raises her glass, smiling, and quickly moving towards someone she recognizes.'
  457. act 'Enter':
  458. *clr & cla
  459. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party7.jpg"></center>'
  460. 'You look around the hall. There''s a soft playing live string quartet in one of the corners. This is not some regular diner with a cheap tape recorder and karaoke. In another corner there''s a set of tables with all sorts of appetizers. The waiters are tirelessly running around the room with their trays...'
  461. 'You grab a glass from a waiters tray while he''s passing by, with the same grace and elegance like your mentor. Around the room you see groups of people with glasses in their hands, mingling with each other. There''s a lot of people, but no one catches your attention.'
  462. act 'Have a drink':
  463. *clr & cla
  464. alko += 1
  465. minut += 10
  466. gs 'stat'
  467. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party8.jpg"></center>'
  468. 'You walk down the hall with a glass, observing the people around you. You notice that you''re the only youth there, mainly the guests are respectable middle-aged men and elderly women pretending being younger than what they are. You would think that these "middle-aged" women should be classy, but they''re all tacky dressed, showing more skin than you would expect them to do. You also notice the expensive jewelry being worn by the women, there''s enough jewelry to fill three stores!'
  469. act 'Look around':
  470. *clr & cla
  471. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party9.jpg"></center>'
  472. 'In the Banquet hall you hear a light humming. The guests have splited into smaller groups, speaking about something inaudibly. Tamara Mikhailovna has left you to fend for yourself, once again spotting someone she recognized. You, not knowing anyone else but her, feel scared approaching someone, striking up a conversation with these refined guests.'
  473. 'Playing with your glass, you decide for yourself "Tamara Mikhailovna said to get noticed. It''s time to let them know who I am..." You take a big sip from the glass, and start slowly wandering around the room, trying to find someone to approach.'
  474. act 'Enter the banquet hall':
  475. *clr & cla
  476. minut += 20
  477. alko += 2
  478. gs 'stat'
  479. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party10.jpg"></center>'
  480. 'Some men look in your direction, but most of them are occupied with some boring business conversation. You spend about twenty minutes aimlessly wandering around not being able to find anyone interesting.'
  481. '<font color="navy"><i>"This won''t do, I''m too nervous... To hell with the advice aunt Tamara gave me!"</i></font> you think to yourself. The first glass is empty, and you grab another glass from a waiters tray. You taste the expensive champagne, it has a delicate aroma, and a wonderful aftertaste making it easy to drink.'
  482. act 'Eavesdrop on the men': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party2'
  483. end
  484. end
  485. end
  486. end
  487. end
  488. end
  489. !! corporate, second phase
  490. if $args[0] = 'party2':
  491. *clr & cla
  492. if hour = 2:
  493. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/expensiverest/restoran.jpg"></center>'
  494. 'The party finishes, the restaurant is closing, it''s time to go home.'
  495. act 'Go inside': minut += 30 & gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  496. exit
  497. end
  498. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party'+rand(8,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
  499. '"You must try the food, it''s what the oligarchs usually eat..." someone points you in the direction of a luxuriously table filled with appetizers.'
  500. act 'Try the food':
  501. *clr & cla
  502. if pcs_energy < 24:
  503. if alko > 0: alko -= 1
  504. pcs_energy += 1
  505. end
  506. minut += 10
  507. gs 'stat'
  508. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party12.jpg"></center>'
  509. 'You closely observe what the others are eating, not wanting to expose yourself by not knowing how you''re supposed to conduct yourself. You continue sipping from your glass while tasting the exquisite appetizers.'
  510. act 'Step away from the table': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party2'
  511. end
  512. act 'Have a glass of champagne':
  513. *clr & cla
  514. alko += 1
  515. minut += 10
  516. gs 'stat'
  517. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party7.jpg"></center>'
  518. 'You take a sip of the expensive champagne, it has a delicate aroma, and a wonderful aftertaste making it easy to drink.'
  519. act 'Step away': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party2'
  520. end
  521. act 'Walk around the room':
  522. *clr & cla
  523. minut += 10
  524. gs 'stat'
  525. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party9.jpg"></center>'
  526. 'By now you''re really bored and feeling left out, Tamara Mikhailovna, is too absorbed by the conversation, not paying you any attention.'
  527. if alko >= 3:
  528. if mesec = 0 and pcs_vag > 0 and mey_tamara['drink_qw'] = 0:
  529. act 'Search for an adventure':
  530. minut += rand(30,40)
  531. gs 'stat'
  532. gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party4'
  533. end
  534. else
  535. act 'Go out to the car to sleep the buzz off': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party3'
  536. end
  537. else
  538. if mey_tamara['builder_qw'] = 0: gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party5'
  539. if mey_tamara['bronson_qw'] = 0: gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party6'
  540. gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party2'
  541. end
  542. end
  543. if hour = 23 or hour < 2: act 'Return to the Meynolds residence': minut += 30 & gt 'mey_home', 'start'
  544. end
  545. !! drunk, sleeping in the car
  546. if $args[0] = 'party3':
  547. *clr & cla
  548. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party15.jpg"></center>'
  549. 'Champagne is a treacherous drink. It goes down like lemonade, but once it hits you it feels you like a sledgehammer hit you. Towards the end of the evening you are swaying about clearly drunk. You keep on drifting around with a glass, giggling and hiccupping. At the end, your legs are no longer being able to serve you. Gathering your last remaining strength, you find a chair in the corner, crashing on it thinking <font color="navy"><i>"I need to take a short break. Just a few seconds and then I''m good to go again!"</i></font>'
  550. 'You''re awoken by Tamara Mikhailovna in the yard. She deliberately slams the car door, while you were sleeping in the back seat. Your mouth tastes like crap and you have a hell of a headache.'
  551. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Go to your room! We''ll about this talk tomorrow."</i></font>'
  552. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 50
  553. mey_tamara['qw_end'] = 1
  554. zz_stage = 23*12+55-hour*60-minut
  555. if zz_stage < 180: zz_stage = 180
  556. !set to 11:55, modify to fit time system
  557. minut += zz_stage
  558. killvar 'zz_stage'
  559. pcs_sleep += 3
  560. gs 'stat'
  561. act 'Fall asleep':
  562. msg 'End of current story'
  563. gt 'mey_home', '3'
  564. end
  565. end
  566. !! drunk sex
  567. if $args[0] = 'party4':
  568. *clr & cla
  569. zz_stage = args[1]
  570. if zz_stage = 0: zz_stage = 16
  571. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party'+zz_stage+'.jpg"></center>'
  572. if zz_stage = 16:
  573. zz_stage += 1
  574. 'The champagne silently creeps up on you. You''re feeling more loose and finally find the strength to mingle. The alcohol is making you a bit horny and you can''t shake off this desire that you want to hook up with someone. You are totally forgetting about the strict orders that Tamara Mikhailovna gave you about "keeping your composure at all times, and don''t go looking for sexual encounters".'
  575. 'You look around the room observing the men. The only men you notice are either ugly or they''ve brought their wives or girlfriends with them.'
  576. '"Well, fuck!" you think angrily. "They''re either ugly or taken!"'
  577. 'All of a sudden you notice something very interesting... A man in his thirties having a rowdy discussion with his girlfriend. You could see him getting upset when his girlfriend said something quite upsetting. She starts pushing him away, wanting him to leave her alone. As he''s moving away she mocks him by doing a foul gesture. Sensing blood, you head in his direction...'
  578. act 'Continue': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party4a'
  579. elseif zz_stage = 17:
  580. zz_stage += 1
  581. 'You slowly approach the man, leaning close to him, glancing, not really sure how to approach the situation. He immediately notices you, and clearly signaling that he doesn''t want to be bothered right now...'
  582. '<font color="navy"><i>"I see that you''re having some issues with your girlfriend?"</i></font> you say while trying to look as flirtatious as you can.'
  583. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Her? She''s a gold-digger that doesn''t know when to shut up. She''s not going anywhere. She''ll get it all out at the club with her friends, then return home and sleep in my bed. When she wakes up tomorrow all will be back to normal again..."</i></font> said the man. <font color="maroon"><i>"And you see, I can do whatever I want tonight, fuck her..."</i></font>'
  584. '<font color="navy"><i>"Well, if you want I could help you out with so you don''t feel lonely tonight. I find this party very boring!"</i></font> you look seductively at him.'
  585. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Yeah, sure why not. Come with me, I''ll give you a grand tour of the restaurant. I''m one the co-owners. I''ll show you the hidden parts here around. I''m sure you''ll find it exciting."</i></font>'
  586. act 'Refuse':
  587. mey_tamara['drink_qw'] = 1
  588. gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party2'
  589. end
  590. act 'Go with him': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party4a'
  591. end
  592. end
  593. if $args[0] = 'party4a':
  594. *clr & cla
  595. zz_stage = 18
  596. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party18.jpg"></center>'
  597. 'The two of you get out of the Banquet hall. As you''re walking he''s feeling your butt and you start getting more excited. You stop at a door, with a bronze sign showing "Employees only". He tells you that this is the first stop and opens the door. Well inside he opens another door leading you deeper insider.'
  598. 'As soon as the door closes the two of you start passionately kissing. Riled up, you push the man on the table, grabbing his tie pulling him towards you.'
  599. act 'Continue':
  600. cls
  601. gs 'stat'
  602. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party19.jpg"></center>'
  603. 'Without any hesitation he slides his hand between your legs. Touching your wet pussy lips, making you moan softly. You grab him by the shoulders and push him down on his knees, lifting your dress and starts kissing you just above your clit. You move your panties aside and he starts licking you. The sensation that hits you is indescribable and when he starts using his finger you can''t avoid nearing the edge. Your breathing intensifies and your wet pussy is pulsating, the moaning is getting louder and louder and before you know it, you cum in his mouth...'
  604. act 'Continue':
  605. cls
  606. gs 'stat'
  607. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party20.jpg"></center>'
  608. 'Wanting to repay the favor you undo his pants pulling out his hard cock, you kneel and begin caressing it with your hands. You switch over enveloping his throbbing cock with your mouth. He''s now groaning louder and louder and his cock is growing inside your mouth, not wanting it to end too early you stop and take off your dress.'
  609. act 'Continue':
  610. cls
  611. gs 'stat'
  612. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party21.jpg"></center>'
  613. 'The man overcome with lust bends you over the table, pulling your panties off, sliding a finger inside your now dripping wet pussy testing to see if you''re ready. You turn your head nodding wanting him to enter you...'
  614. act 'Continue':
  615. cls
  616. gs 'stat'
  617. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party22.jpg"></center>'
  618. 'He teases you by stroking the tip of his cock against your lips, making you wetter. Suddenly you feel his cock penetrate you, as you gasp by the size of his cock. After a slow start he begin picking up his pace as he''s pounding you. You start moaning louder and louder, trembling and cumming again.'
  619. act 'Continue':
  620. cls
  621. gs 'stat'
  622. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party23.jpg"></center>'
  623. 'He pulls out of you and pushes you down making you sucking his cock again. His cock starts throbbing, getting rock hard. As he cums you clamp your lips tighter around his cock to keep his juices from running down your chin...'
  624. '<font color="maroon"><i>"That was great, now clean yourself up, you need to go back to the Banquet hall."</i></font>'
  625. act 'Continue':
  626. cls
  627. gs 'stat'
  628. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party24.jpg"></center>'
  629. 'As you come out from the office you stumble upon an angry Tamara Mikhailovna. Not allowing you to go to back to the party, she orders you to...'
  630. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Follow me!"</i></font>'
  631. 'You faintly realize that you''ve done something wrong, but champagne is still controlling your senses, and you''re in a great mood after the sex. You try to justify that nothing happened and that you "just went out to powder your nose and that it took a while..." However, Tamara Mikhailovna doesn''t even budge, she walks in front of you, now visibly upset.'
  632. 'Approaching her car, she opens the rear passenger door...'
  633. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Get in, now!"</i></font>'
  634. 'You sit down, not understanding why she''s so upset.'
  635. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Wait for me here! You can blame yourself. You have no idea what you''ve done..."</i></font> says Tamara Mikhaylovna before returning to the restaurant.'
  636. act 'Continue':
  637. cls
  638. gs 'stat'
  639. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party25.jpg"></center>'
  640. !!according to texts, kuni/bj/sex/cum in mouth
  641. stat['cuni'] += 1
  642. stat['bj'] += 1
  643. swallow += 1
  644. guy += 1
  645. stat['vaginal'] += 1
  646. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'bussinessman at party', 1
  647. minut += 20
  648. gs 'stat'
  649. killvar 'zz_stage'
  650. act 'Wait...':
  651. cls
  652. mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] = 50
  653. mey_tamara['drink_qw'] = 1
  654. mey_tamara['qw_end'] = 1
  655. hour = 23
  656. minut = 55
  657. pcs_mood -= 20
  658. if alko > 0: alko -= 1
  659. pcs_sleep += 3
  660. gs 'stat'
  661. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party15.jpg"></center>'
  662. 'You''re awoken by Tamara Mikhailovna in the yard. She deliberately slams the car door, while you were sleeping in the back seat. Your mouth tastes like crap and you have a hell of a headache.'
  663. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Go to your room! We''ll about this talk tomorrow."</i></font>'
  664. act 'Go to the car':
  665. msg 'End of current story'
  666. gt 'mey_home', '3'
  667. end
  668. end
  669. end
  670. end
  671. end
  672. end
  673. end
  674. end
  675. end
  676. end
  677. !! familiarity with fatso
  678. if $args[0] = 'party5':
  679. *clr & cla
  680. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party25.jpg"></center>'
  681. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Why is such a sweet young thing standing here alone?"</i></font> you hear a male voice behind the shoulder. <font color="maroon"><i>"Don''t worry I''ll keep you company..."</i></font>'
  682. 'You turn facing the direction the voice is coming from. You spot a bald short man dressed in an expensive suit. The outfit fits him badly mostly because of his enormous belly. Judging by the looks he has the classic sugar-daddy appearance.'
  683. '<font color="maroon"><i>"How can it be possible that such a delicate flower is by herself, you do know it''s not good for you to be alone."</i></font> he smiles. <font color="maroon"><i>"A delicate flower like yourself must be carefully nurtured and groomed properly, preferably by an experienced gardener. Let me buy you some champagne, I promise it''ll taste just as heavenly as you."</i></font>'
  684. 'He extend his hand and you notice his thick hairy fingers which are studded with multiple rings. The sugar-daddy grabs another glass from a tray and brings it to you. He speaks up again...'
  685. act 'Mingle':
  686. *clr & cla
  687. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party26.jpg"></center>'
  688. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You should try the lobster! It goes perfectly with the champagne! To be honest, I''m not that big of a fan when it comes to champagne and lobster, I''d rather have a glass of vodka and cabbage rolls in a modest hut by the river. Or a beer and some crayfish! I own a modest house near the town. I''m just a simple contractor, as I''ve built the house myself, it''s very modest, the pool is only twenty five meters."</i></font> he obscenely laughs, making his second chin shake.'
  689. '<font color="maroon"><i>"So what do you say my delicate flower, I would love to take you on a date. We''d had a great time, we can swim in the pool, grab something to eat."</i></font> he says while trying to hug you by the waist.'
  690. '<font color="navy"><i>"What a disgusting pig."</i></font> you think to yourself. <font color="navy"><i>"But a very rich pig, he''s a simple minded buffoon that I can probably use to my advantage."</i></font>'
  691. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Come on gorgeous. Don''t worry I''m very kind, you won''t regret it."</i></font> he pulls out a big cell phone from his inside pocket a cell phone asking what''s your name and number.'
  692. act 'Try the lobster':
  693. *clr & cla
  694. mey_tamara['builder_qw'] = 1
  695. minut += 15
  696. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party27.jpg"></center>'
  697. 'You contemplate giving him your real number. You know that this disgusting pig only wants to fuck you, it''s written all over his face. But he can come in handy one day. You decide to give him your real the phone number. He smirks and hands you a business card...'
  698. '<font color="maroon"><i>"If you ever need anything just give me a call. And I really mean anything. You won''t regret it, I love pleasing pretty girls!"</i></font>'
  699. 'You say goodbye, barely escaping from this so called man that wants to take you to his "house" to have god knows what with you. Once again you find yourself alone and decide to make another round around the room.'
  700. act 'Mingle': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party2'
  701. end
  702. end
  703. end
  704. !! familiarity with Bronson
  705. if $args[0] = 'party6':
  706. *clr & cla
  707. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party28.jpg"></center>'
  708. 'You notice a middle-aged, short, but an awe-inspiring man with a square face. He''s rough and ugly, but there''s something attractive about him, some sort of charisma, just like Charles Bronson. He keeps looking in your direction very often as he''s assessing you. He''s standing with an older, once very beautiful woman. She manages to keep up her good looks by paying a lot of money to maintain her appearance, but you can''t win the battle against time...'
  709. act 'Observe the man':
  710. *clr & cla
  711. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/party29.jpg"></center>'
  712. 'Someone taps you on the shoulder. Turning around, you see it''s Tamara Mikhailovna. She grabs you under her elbow and leads you over...'
  713. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I noticed you were checking out that man, my dear. Well, let me introduce you to him, I''m sure you two will hit it off."</i></font>'
  714. act 'Follow Tamara':
  715. *clr & cla
  716. mey_tamara['bronson_qw'] = 1
  717. minut += 15
  718. 'Grabbing you by the elbow, she leads you to the very couple that had awoken your attention, "Bronson" and his lady friend.'
  719. 'She greets the man like an old friend, kissing him on the cheek, but indifferently greets his lady friend. "Something complicated happened between these two..." you think to yourself.'
  720. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Let me introduce my pupil, <<$pcs_nickname>>."</i></font>'
  721. '"Bronson" smiles, making you back off a bit seeing his face up close. It looks quite rough like someone had slashed his face with a razor. Him missing teeth makes his smile seem off and crooked. But despite the roughly slashed face and crooked smile, he seems very sincere.'
  722. '<font color="maroon"><i>"It''s so nice meeting someone young here! The only other people here are old goblins and hags... But not you, with your youth and beauty, you''re like a ray of light! You have to forgive an old man for the bad compliments, <<$pcs_firstname>>."</i></font>'
  723. '<font color="maroon"><i>"My dear Tamara! You always had a great eye for talent!"</i></font>'
  724. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I still remember your scent, it''s the same one when you helped me many years ago... When I had to get away from my husband..."</i></font> sighed Tamara Mikhailovna with concealed sadness briefly glancing at him. <font color="navy"><i>"There''s definitely something going on here."</i></font> you think to yourself.'
  725. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Well, let''s not dwell on the past. Let bygones be bygones!</i></font> "Bronson" smiles, answering without any malice or mockery. His friend, feeling clearly undesirable in this conversation, places her half empty glass of champagne on the table, grabbing a new one from a passing waiter, silently walked away towards the musicians. She moves away without having said one word.'
  726. 'You keep up the small talk. "Bronson" gradually looks at you like he''s trying to read you. With some help by Tamara Mikhailovna you don''t get embarrassed by this prying eyes. The way the two of them behave it''s quite obvious that they’re old friends, though you believe that they''re more than friends.'
  727. '<font color="maroon"><i>"<<$pcs_firstname>>, will you make an old man happy and dine with him?"</i></font> he asks you confidently. The way he conduct himself in a conversation, despite the sloppy appearance, makes him somehow, likable and not frightening.'
  728. '<font color="navy"><i>"I would be honoured."</i></font>'
  729. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Well, then it''s settled, <<$pcs_firstname>>!"</i></font> "Bronson" smiles and moves away from you and aunt Tamara. You suddenly realize that he didn''t ask you about your number, now that you think about it, he never properly introduced himself, even though you talked for a good hour!'
  730. act 'Mingle': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'party2'
  731. end
  732. end
  733. end
  734. !! falling reputation
  735. if $args[0] = 'reputation':
  736. cls
  737. zz_stage = args[1]
  738. '<center><img src="'+'images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/reputation'+zz_stage+iif(zz_stage!3,'.jpg','.gif')+'"></center>'
  739. if zz_stage = 0:
  740. 'You stand in front of Tamara Mikhailovna, with your eyes tearing up.'
  741. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Well, what do you want? I don''t want you here anymore."</i></font>'
  742. elseif zz_stage = 1:
  743. 'You start sniffing and let out...'
  744. '<font color="navy"><i>"Please, I beg you, don''t send me away! Please! I... I''ll do whatever you want..."</i></font> you say bursting into tears.'
  745. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Oh... What am I going to do with you?"</i></font> Tamara Mikhailovna sighed after a few minutes. <font color="maroon"><i>"I can''t really kick you out, but I can''t let you off the hook either... I guess I''ll keep on mentoring you..."</i></font>'
  746. '<font color="navy"><i>"Ma-m-maybe, it''s possible redeem myself? Some way to improve?"</i></font> you sob, trying to wipe away the tears.'
  747. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I really thought you were smarter than my girls. They''ve got their brains after their daddy. Both of them."</i></font>'
  748. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Especially Vicky, lascivious like a cat in the spring. Not caring who she picks as a sexual partner. You being an example."</i></font>'
  749. elseif zz_stage = 2:
  750. 'Tamara Mikhailovna was deeply in her thoughts, biting her glasses, twisting them in her hands until...'
  751. '<font color="maroon"><i>"But you should be praised that you immediately came here and confessed, so I didn''t find it out through the "grapewine". So you''re not completely hopeless. But you''ve made things more complicated for yourself. There''s a simple way to save face though. But we need something to raise your reputation all over again..."</i></font>'
  752. 'Tamara Mikhailovna thinks out loud to herself, sucking on her glasses, not paying attention to you. The tears are still rolling down your cheeks, but you are start getting back your composure! Aunt Tamara starts talk to herself again, silently pointing to the door.'
  753. elseif zz_stage = 3:
  754. 'Tamara Mikhailovna pauses for a short time, continuing to nibble on the earpiece and starts clicking her nails on the armrest. A couple of minutes later seeming like an eternity she finally looks at you.'
  755. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Listen very carefully, I will not repeat myself. I''ve come up with a way how you can redeem yourself. But for someone like you this might be very hard!"</i></font> she starts while you fully focus on her. She stands up and continues...'
  756. '<font color="maroon"><i>"First and foremost. From now on, you''re going to behave as a nun. You should avoid sex unless for education purpose... No more of that generous attitude to having sex everywhere, the disco, in parks, not even in school! You are forbidden having sex with anyone in Pavlovsk. The only people you can even considerate having sex with is people closest to you who you can fully trust. You have to strictly maintain the good girl reputation in Pavlovsk."</i></font>'
  757. '<font color="maroon"><i>"If you really find it unbearable and have to let off some steam go to the city, there''s a club there or you can go somewhere else where you can meet someone. If nobody knows you, you can have sex however you want and without harm to your reputation. The main thing is that you do not forget to use protection or people will know and then not even I can help you."</i></font>'
  758. '<font color="maroon"><i>"And finally,"</i></font> Tamara Mikhailovna claps her hands. <font color="maroon"><i>"time for a lesson. What''s the quickest way to orgasm?"</i></font>'
  759. '<font color="navy"><i>"By having anal sex..."</i></font> you quickly answer without thinking, instantly regretting your answer.'
  760. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Come here!"</i></font> Tamara Mikhailovna sternly tells you...'
  761. elseif zz_stage = 4:
  762. 'She makes you take off your panties, bending you across her knees. She then proceeds slapping your butt over and over again...'
  763. 'You try to endure because you''re deserving it but Tamara Mikhailovna doesn''t stop after a few slaps, she continues slapping you butt harder and harder, leaving your poor butt with a burning sensation, hurting like hell. You start squealing more loudly with each slap. At the end, you can''t handle it anymore and you start crying floods. The spanking immediately stops.'
  764. '<font color="maroon"><i>"There, there, baby, don''t cry. Come on, stop, I admit, I was filled with anger and got carried away, I may have overdone it a little."</i></font>'
  765. 'Sobbing, you try to pull the panties over your bruised ass. Tamara Mikhailovna stops you, and pulls off your panties...'
  766. '<font color="maroon"><i>"You won''t be needing them yet. You don''t have to be embarrassed, no one will see you here. Let''s go to my room, I have a lotion in my room that''ll help..."</i></font> she takes you by the hand and leads you into her room.'
  767. 'There she grabs a bottle with some kind of lotion.'
  768. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Now, lie down on the bed, and relax your little cute butt!"</i></font> You lie down on the Tamara Mikhailovna''s bed. Her bed is quite modest and hard compared to the enormous, luxurious bed in Vicky''s room!'
  769. 'Tamara Mikhailovna carefully starts rubbing your butt, with the pleasant-smelling ointment on your red marked ass. And as she said, the burning sensation immediately began to subside under the caress of the hands of aunt Tamara. You''re having a hard time believing these are the same hands that just severely flogged you. "How can she snap so easily?" you once again start thinking about it...'
  770. 'Her gentle hands continue caressing your back and feet, no longer focusing only on your butt, which, by the way, already feels much better, you start enjoying yourself a bit too much. Your bare pussy starts getting wet! Without thinking about it you start moaning by the skillful caresses.'
  771. elseif zz_stage = 5:
  772. 'Suddenly the caresses abruptly stop. You turn your head wondering why it stopped. Next to you, sitting on the bed you notice a completely nude Tamara Mikhailovna, awkwardly cross legged, looking away from you...'
  773. '<font color="maroon"><i>"I''m sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I think I got a little carried away again... you''ve never seen me naked..."</i></font>'
  774. elseif zz_stage = 6:
  775. 'An inner impulse makes you to take off your shirt and sit next to your mentor. You start caressing her magnificent breast, touching her pink nipples with your fingers.'
  776. elseif zz_stage = 7:
  777. 'Tamara moans, leaning towards you, grabbing you against the small of your back, pulling you in closer. She arches her back and throws her head back, like a big red cat, showing the smooth skinned neck.'
  778. 'Your hands start gliding over her flawless skin. You kiss her exposed neck, continuing along the jaw line...'
  779. elseif zz_stage = 8:
  780. 'You kiss her, gently nibbling her lower lip. While you kiss, you slowly slid your hand near Tamara''s pussy lips. You start circling your finger just inside her lips being careful not to make contact with her clit.'
  781. 'Getting more wet Tamara pushes you on the bed and spread your legs, slowly circled her tongue just inside your lips, right on the edge. Slowly getting closer and then moving away, and then getting closer again teasing you...'
  782. elseif zz_stage = 9:
  783. 'You let out a moan, and Tamara moves up your body kissing you. As she approaches your lips you move down a little slowly making your way towards her breast. Nibbling on her breast you hear Tamara letting out tiny moans, wordlessly egging you on. You finally place your mouth around her nipple and gently start sucking them, she gasps...'
  784. elseif zz_stage = 10:
  785. 'Tamara panting, begins moving down again. All of a sudden you gasp involuntarily and began moaning louder as she flicks her tongue faster over your anus. While licking your anus she slowly slides a finger inside your wet hole. Overcome with ecstasy you tighten your pussy. She devours your delicious juices and slowly introduces another finger inside of you. As you start panting she increases the speed. You shudder as you start letting out what feels like never ending orgasms. You sure can learn a lot from her...'
  786. elseif zz_stage = 11:
  787. 'Catching your breath, you thank your mentor. But there is no time for that. You slide a finger inside her feeling her pulsating pussy. Tamara pants harder and harder, you edge her several times. While sucking and nibbling on her pussy when you feel she can''t handle it anymore. She bends her knees, screams, and cums hard. You lick her clean after she orgasms. It looks like you''re a quick learner! She lays back after a few seconds, panting, with sweat coating her body. Tamara satisfied, finally turns to face you, saying...'
  788. '<font color="maroon"><i>"Thanks <<$pcs_nickname>>! You have a real talent! Promise me you won''t waste it on those primates hanging out in the Park... They don''t deserve you..."</i></font>'
  789. end
  790. if zz_stage < 11:
  791. act 'Pleade': gt 'mey_tamara_events', 'reputation', zz_stage+1
  792. exit
  793. else
  794. killvar 'zz_stage'
  795. act 'Go inside':
  796. mey_tamara['reputation_qw'] = 1
  797. minut += rand(20,40)
  798. pcs_horny = 0
  799. spanked = 2
  800. gt 'mey_home', '3'
  801. end
  802. end
  803. end
  804. --- mey_tamara_events ---------------------------------