LariskaStart 20 KB

  1. # LariskaStart
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. numnpc = 13
  4. minut += 5
  5. gs'stat'
  6. '<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
  7. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
  8. '<<$npc_notes[''A<<numnpc>>'']>>'
  9. if grupTipe[numnpc] = 5:'<<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> She is one of the school outcasts.'
  10. if grupTipe[numnpc] = 2:'<<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> She is one of the sporty kids.'
  11. if npc_rel[$static_num] < 20:
  12. 'You avoid each other.'
  13. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 40:
  14. 'You don''t get along.'
  15. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 60:
  16. 'You have a normal relationship.'
  17. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 80:
  18. 'You are friends.'
  19. else
  20. 'You are best friends.'
  21. end
  22. ''
  23. 'As you leave the sports section, you notice Lariska Gruzdev, she looks nervous and is looking for someone. Her gaze stops on you and she waves her hand, calling you over to her.'
  24. 'Well this is interesting, she had never shown that much interest in you before, always stuck in Christina''s stranglehold she had always been distant and you could barely get a full sentence from her.'
  25. 'Now that you have beaten Christina, she suddenly wants to talk. She does look more confident, happier and more active. Maybe she wants to thank you for beating up the bully?'
  26. lariskaQwestDay = daystart + 1
  27. act 'Go for Lariska':
  28. cls
  29. minut += 5
  30. gs'stat'
  31. 'You walk over to Lariska. She leads you around the corner, then pushes you against the wall. She plants a strong hand on your chest to keep you in position and looks around to make sure you are alone.'
  32. act 'Do nothing':
  33. cls
  34. minut += 5
  35. pcs_horny += 10
  36. gs'stat'
  37. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_1.jpg"></center>'
  38. 'You will quickly come to their senses and see, that pushes you to the wall Lariska Gruzdev. It is so close to your face, that you start to blush and excited.'
  39. 'Immediately it becomes clear, that it is not just her terribly excited, all shakes and constantly looks for fear, You will notice that. And her nose at turns her head touches your, and you unconsciously want to hug and comfort her.'
  40. 'You gently touch her shoulder, just ask and priobnimaya:'
  41. '- Laris, what happened? You, than-the help?'
  42. act 'Soothe':
  43. cls
  44. minut += 5
  45. gs'stat'
  46. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_3.jpg"></center>'
  47. '- Sveta ... - Larissa says and pauses.'
  48. 'You hug her a lot and slowly stroking the back.'
  49. '- What Larisa?'
  50. 'Larisa calms down a bit, She takes a deep breath and start talking fast:'
  51. '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, you are in danger! Zverev narkosh you want to incite ...'
  52. 'Now you''re in a complete stupor:'
  53. '- What narkosh?'
  54. '- Well, it''s not only the coach sucking, it is still in narkosh, that is foolishness trade, what-the supersteroidy bought and that they she decided to unleash on you! Tomorrow, after the section you want to catch them and rape!'
  55. 'As she says,, she escapes.'
  56. lariskaHelp = 1
  57. if kotovLoveQW > 0:
  58. act 'Call Kotovu':
  59. cls
  60. minut += 5
  61. gs'stat'
  62. '- Hello. Listen, you said, that will protect me from all? I just prepare the bases Zverev tomorrow. He wants to incite its dealers on me, that they raped me.'
  63. '- That bitch, Do not worry, I know these uebkov, Nosov crap they currently takes, no one is dangerous, for me anyway! Nothing to worry about!'
  64. KotovZverHelp = 1
  65. act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
  66. end
  67. end
  68. if IvanShowerQW >= 10 and npc_rel[3] >= 60:
  69. act 'Call Prokhorov':
  70. cls
  71. minut += 5
  72. gs'stat'
  73. '- Hello, listen, me stuck here maniacs, you might not have tomorrow to conduct home after section?'
  74. '- Yes No problem.'
  75. IvanZverHelp = 1
  76. act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
  77. end
  78. end
  79. if AlbFrend >= 1:
  80. act 'Call Albina':
  81. cls
  82. minut += 5
  83. gs'stat'
  84. '- Albina hi, you can not help me, I though, that you do!'
  85. '- What happened?'
  86. '- I was pitted Zvereva narkosh!'
  87. '- Okay, do not be afraid, I''ve got a connection, Now I call, she left with nothing!'
  88. AlbZverHelp = 1
  89. act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
  90. end
  91. end
  92. if fedorKozlovQW = -15 or fedorKozlovQW >= 10:
  93. act 'Call Fyodor':
  94. cls
  95. minut += 5
  96. gs'stat'
  97. '- Fedor I need your help, Christina has paid off some steroid pumping punks to rape me outside the sports center tomorrow, Can you please help me?'
  98. '- There is no way I''m letting them hurt you, I will wait for you outside the club and do all in my power to keep you safe.'
  99. '- Thank you Fyodor, I knew I could count on you.'
  100. FyodorZverHelp = 1
  101. act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
  102. end
  103. end
  104. act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
  105. end
  106. end
  107. if razradKik >= 2 and pcs_stren >= 55:
  108. act 'Attack her':
  109. cls
  110. minut += 5
  111. gs'stat'
  112. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_2.jpg"></center>'
  113. 'You captured enemy hands lifted them up and turned to the opponent''s wall, hit in the stomach with all his strength. From the mouth of your opponent''s left screaming in pain.'
  114. act 'See the enemy':
  115. cls
  116. minut += 5
  117. gs'stat'
  118. npc_rel[$static_num] = 0
  119. '<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
  120. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
  121. '<<$npc_notes[''A<<numnpc>>'']>>'
  122. if grupTipe[numnpc] = 5:'<<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> It refers to the group of outcasts.'
  123. if grupTipe[numnpc] = 2:'<<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> It refers to a group sportikov.'
  124. if npc_rel[$static_num] < 20:'You have a bad attitude.'
  125. ''
  126. 'As soon as you hit you saw, that before you Lariska and tears in her eyes. You just released her. Once you have made, Lariska screamed in your face:'
  127. '"Fool! And I want to help you!" And pushing you ran.'
  128. 'You have five minutes standing in disbelief and think, it would be necessary at school tomorrow to apologize. And you go home.'
  129. lariskaHelp = -1
  130. act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
  131. end
  132. end
  133. end
  134. end
  135. act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
  136. end
  137. if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
  138. cls
  139. minut += 5
  140. gs'stat'
  141. if IvanZverHelp = 1:
  142. numnpc = 3
  143. '<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
  144. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
  145. '<<$npc_notes[''A<<numnpc>>'']>>'
  146. if grupTipe[numnpc] = 2:'<<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> He is one of the sporty kids.'
  147. if npc_rel[$static_num] < 20:
  148. 'You avoid each other.'
  149. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 40:
  150. 'You don''t get along.'
  151. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 60:
  152. 'You have a normal relationship.'
  153. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 80:
  154. 'You are friends.'
  155. else
  156. 'You are best friends.'
  157. end
  158. ''
  159. pcs_horny += 10
  160. 'You see, that Ivan Prokhorov stands before leaving the gym smiling and looking in your direction.'
  161. '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, hello - he says, and you can not help recalling the case of the soul.'
  162. 'He takes your handbag in hand with his bag, You and the other by the arm and leads to the output.'
  163. act 'Go with Ivan':
  164. cls
  165. minut += 5
  166. gs'stat'
  167. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/19.jpg"></center>'
  168. 'You leave the club and see, that you are Lina.'
  169. '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, wait! Help me, please, inventory in the storeroom remove, and that the coach made, and there bulb burns out! You just Flashlight Support, I rest myself!'
  170. '- Em, forgive Lina, but I have to go home - you say look making allusion to Ivan.'
  171. '- So let me drag all, and you <<$pcs_nickname>> and hold? - Stuck in your conversation Ivan.'
  172. '- Come on, do not, I myself! - Says Lina quickly and leaves.'
  173. act 'Going home':
  174. cls
  175. minut += 15
  176. gs'stat'
  177. '<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
  178. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
  179. '<<$npc_notes[''A<<numnpc>>'']>>'
  180. if grupTipe[numnpc] = 2:'<<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> It refers to a group sportikov.'
  181. if npc_rel[$static_num] < 20:
  182. 'You avoid each other.'
  183. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 40:
  184. 'You don''t get along.'
  185. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 60:
  186. 'You have a normal relationship.'
  187. elseif npc_rel[$static_num] < 80:
  188. 'You are friends.'
  189. else
  190. 'You are best friends.'
  191. end
  192. ''
  193. 'Ivan quietly bring you home.'
  194. act 'Going home':gt'korrPar'
  195. act 'Thank':
  196. cls
  197. pcs_horny += 5
  198. minut += 5
  199. gs'stat'
  200. gs 'boyStat', 3
  201. 'You have decided to thank Ivan for their assistance'
  202. act 'Get his dick':gt 'LariskaStart', 'IvanHelp_down'
  203. act 'Kiss':
  204. cls
  205. minut += 5
  206. pcs_dom += 1
  207. pcs_horny += 5
  208. gs'stat'
  209. '<center><img src="images/shared/sex/kiss/kiss.jpg"></center>'
  210. 'You came up to the guy and leaned his face. Then you kissed and Ivan became passionately stroking her hands over your body.'
  211. act 'Run a hand in his pants':
  212. cls
  213. pcs_horny += 10
  214. minut += 3
  215. gs'stat'
  216. '<center><img src="images/shared/sex/grab/cock2.jpg"></center>'
  217. 'You put his hand to a guy in his pants and felt his fingers, and his hard hot cock.'
  218. act 'Masturbate':
  219. cls
  220. minut += 5
  221. if npcSex[numnpc] = 0:npcSex[numnpc] = 1 & guy += 1
  222. stat['hj'] += 1
  223. gs'stat'
  224. rand1 = rand(0,2)
  225. if rand1 = 0:'<center><img src="images/shared/sex/handjob/hj.jpg"></center>'
  226. if rand1>=1:'<center><img src="images/shared/sex/cum/handjob/hand0,'+rand(0,1)+'.gif"></center>'
  227. spafinloc = 13
  228. gs 'cum_manage'
  229. 'You got it hard and hot cock out of his pants and took his hand. You started to kiss Ivan, while masturbate his penis. Finally the guy strangled groan and you have seen how the member departs from his sperm.'
  230. act 'Going home':gt'korrPar'
  231. end
  232. act 'Get his dick':gt 'LariskaStart', 'IvanHelp_down'
  233. end
  234. act 'Going home':gt'korrPar'
  235. end
  236. end
  237. end
  238. end
  239. elseif FyodorZverHelp = 1:
  240. '<center><b><h4><font color=#00ffe4><<"Avelina [Lina] Starov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  241. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/19.jpg"></center>'
  242. '_ You leave the club then see Lina approaching you.'
  243. '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, wait! Help me please, I need to move inventory in the storeroom but the light blew out. Can you please help me move it while I go and get a flashlight?'
  244. '- "Erm, forgive me Lina but I have to go home." you then give Fedor a nod.'
  245. '- "C''mon <<$pcs_nickname>>, I just need your help for a few minutes. I can move the heavy stuff." Lariska pouts.'
  246. '_ "Sorry but we can''t help you." Fedor says as he grabs onto your arm then pulls you away toward the street.'
  247. '- Lina with a disappointed look on her face, turns and walks away.'
  248. '- You turn to Fedor and say, "Thank you Fyodor. I knew that I could count on you." Fedor gives you a kiss on the forehead then walks you home."'
  249. *nl
  250. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  251. if fedorKozlovQW < -10:
  252. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/outcast/outcast2.jpg"></center>'
  253. else
  254. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  255. end
  256. act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
  257. else
  258. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/19.jpg"></center>'
  259. 'You leave the club and see, that you are Lina.'
  260. '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, wait! Help me please remove equipment in the pantry, and that the coach made, and there bulb burns out! You just Flashlight Support, I rest myself!'
  261. act 'Help':
  262. if KotovZverHelp = 1:
  263. numnpc = 9
  264. cls
  265. minut += 5
  266. gs'stat'
  267. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_4.jpg"></center>'
  268. '- Okay! Why no. - You said and followed Lina.'
  269. 'You went into a dark room and heard, as the door closed behind you, and you knocked to the floor and obviously began to undress.'
  270. 'The noise of heavy blows on the door, two strokes and the door falls on you and the guy that was sitting on top, You crushed the door and the guy can not move, and the sounds around the fight. From-Man hands in your mouth on you slowly choke and lose consciousness, through you hear a faint voice Kotova «Light hold!»'
  271. act 'Recover':
  272. cls
  273. minut += 40
  274. gs'stat'
  275. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_kotov_end.jpg"></center>'
  276. 'You open your eyes and see the worried face Kotova:'
  277. '- You''re like okay?'
  278. '- Yes, thank you saved me.'
  279. '- Something like managed! Thanks to Prokhorov, he saw you and told where to look! Narkoshi we broke bones, and Starov and Zverev we rein, do not worry.'
  280. act 'Keep silent':LinaSlut = 1 & gt'kotovSex'
  281. act 'Lina certainly not the, it has advised Zvereva, pity it!':gt'kotovSex'
  282. end
  283. else
  284. cls
  285. minut += 5
  286. gs'stat'
  287. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_4.jpg"></center>'
  288. '- Okay! Why no. - You said and followed Lina.'
  289. 'You went into a dark room and heard, as the door closed behind you, and you knocked to the floor and obviously began to undress. You are trying to resist, but you pour, that-then in the mouth and consciousness fades.'
  290. act 'Recover':
  291. cls
  292. minut += 15
  293. gs'stat'
  294. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_5.jpg"></center>'
  295. 'You like plasticine, You bend and so, to put an end to cancer with all lapaya, that sticks out and thrusting his hands in all holes, and you do not care at all, Only in my head where-then «Run, I have to run away». Meanwhile, the boys began to fuck you.'
  296. act 'Further':
  297. cls
  298. pcs_horny += 10
  299. minut += 5
  300. gs'stat'
  301. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_6.jpg"></center>'
  302. 'You put cancer and pat your body, you flow like a waterfall. Smile on your face, and you all know though, but can not do anything. In my head, only one thought «Save!»'
  303. act 'Further':
  304. cls
  305. pcs_horny += 10
  306. minut += 5
  307. gs'stat'
  308. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_7.jpg"></center>'
  309. if stat['bj'] >= 100:
  310. $start_text = 'you purely on the machine begins to suck, surely, If you are sleeping and your mouth stuck dick you would like is usually sucked.'
  311. else
  312. $start_text = 'you unconscious and the guy just starts to fuck you in the throat.'
  313. end
  314. stat['bj'] += 1
  315. stat['vaginal'] += 1
  316. !! gs 'boyStat', ?
  317. cumprecheck = 1
  318. cumarrkno = 0
  319. gs 'cum_manage'
  320. guy += 2
  321. gang += 1
  322. pcs_vag += 1
  323. pcs_throat += 1
  324. 'So you went to one at the rear, you feel, as your pussy takes a 28 centimeter giant, from your mouth breaks moan of pleasure, in my head, only one thought «Save!», a smile on your face! The second has decompresses the fingers of your mouth and inserts his penis, <<$start_text>>'
  325. act 'Further':
  326. cls
  327. pcs_horny += 10
  328. minut += 5
  329. gs'stat'
  330. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_8.jpg"></center>'
  331. 'Finally you feel, the guys are ready to be discharged.'
  332. 'You put in the center of the room and you see smiling stupidly they play their trunks.'
  333. act 'Watch':
  334. cls
  335. pcs_horny += 10
  336. minut += 5
  337. !! gs 'boyStat', ?
  338. spafinloc = 12
  339. cumarrkno = 0
  340. gs 'cum_manage'
  341. cumarrkno = 0
  342. spafinloc = 11
  343. gs 'cum_manage'
  344. !! gs 'boyStat', ?
  345. spafinloc = 12
  346. cumarrkno = 0
  347. gs 'cum_manage'
  348. spafinloc = 11
  349. cumarrkno = 0
  350. gs 'cum_manage'
  351. gs'stat'
  352. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_9.jpg"></center>'
  353. 'They began to finish pouring your face and warm tart sperm! Discharge they start to beat you huyami lips, gradually penetrating into his mouth and clearing them from the remnants of sperm.'
  354. act 'Further':
  355. cls
  356. pcs_horny += 10
  357. minut += 5
  358. gs'stat'
  359. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_10.jpg"></center>'
  360. '- Can umoem this whore? - You heard through a veil.'
  361. '- And let''s!'
  362. 'And your face hit the stream of urine'
  363. act 'Further':
  364. cls
  365. minut += 5
  366. gs'stat'
  367. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_11.jpg"></center>'
  368. '- What went slut! - You have bare arms and where-the lead, Suddenly you realize, that you are in the middle of the club and everyone is looking at you.'
  369. '- Dance slut - with these words, you are thrust into the center of the crowd. Your consciousness fades.'
  370. pav_sex += 30
  371. act 'Wake':
  372. cls
  373. minut += 5
  374. zverSlutQW = 0
  375. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  376. i = rand(4,10)
  377. :lariskarapeloop
  378. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Unconcious rapist', rand(18,45)
  379. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
  380. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  381. cumprecheck = 1
  382. sexunaware = 1
  383. gs 'cum_manage'
  384. spafinloc = rand(0,1)
  385. else
  386. spafinloc = rand(3,4)
  387. end
  388. sexunaware = 1
  389. gs 'cum_manage'
  390. spafinloc = rand(8,16)
  391. sexunaware = 1
  392. gs 'cum_manage'
  393. if i > 0: jump 'lariskarapeloop'
  394. body_write += 1
  395. face_write += 1
  396. pcs_horny = 0
  397. orgasm += 1
  398. agape = 2
  399. vgape = 2
  400. gs'stat'
  401. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/fight/start_end.jpg"></center>'
  402. 'You woke up covered in semen and a bottle, sticking out of the pussy, and your entire body covered with writing obscene graffiti. The whole body hurts, and holes to whine like glowing rod shoved all night.'
  403. act 'Leave':gt'pavResidential'
  404. end
  405. end
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end
  409. end
  410. end
  411. end
  412. end
  413. end
  414. act 'Leave':gt'pavResidential'
  415. end
  416. end
  417. if $ARGS[0] = 'IvanHelp_down':
  418. act 'Get his dick':
  419. cls
  420. pcs_horny += 5
  421. gs'stat'
  422. '<center><img src="images/shared/sex/cock/cock3.jpg"></center>'
  423. 'Did you get a member of Ivan''s pants'
  424. act 'Take in the mouth':
  425. cls
  426. minut += 5
  427. pcs_horny += 10
  428. swallow += 1
  429. spafinloc = 12
  430. gs 'cum_manage'
  431. stat['bj'] += 1
  432. gs'stat'
  433. rand1 = rand(0,50)
  434. if rand1<5:'<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/disco/sex/boybj3.jpg"></center>'
  435. if rand1>=5 and rand1<30:'<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/publ0,0.jpg"></center>'
  436. if rand1>=30:'<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/publ0,0.gif"></center>'
  437. 'You sat down on his haunches and began to suck Ivan.'
  438. dynamic $dinrandswallow
  439. act 'Going home':gt'korrPar'
  440. end
  441. act 'Give':gt 'LariskaStart', 'IvanHelp_sex'
  442. end
  443. end
  444. if $ARGS[0] = 'IvanHelp_sex':
  445. cls
  446. minut += 5
  447. pcs_horny += 5
  448. gs'stat'
  449. gs 'boyStat', 3
  450. pose = 1
  451. if npcSex[numnpc] = 0:npcSex[numnpc] = 1 & guy += 1
  452. rand1 = rand(0,50)
  453. if rand1<5:'<center><img src="images/shared/sex/public/boysex.jpg"></center>'
  454. if rand1>=5 and rand1<30:'<center><img src="images/shared/sex/public/publ1,'+rand(0,2)+'.gif"></center>'
  455. if rand1>=30:'<center><img src="images/shared/sex/public/publ1,'+rand(0,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  456. 'You bent down and framed mooning guy.'
  457. dynamic $sexstart
  458. dynamic $sexstart2
  459. dynamic $sexcum
  460. act 'Going home':gt'korrPar'
  461. end
  462. --- LariskaStart ---------------------------------