strela 7.2 KB

  1. # strela
  2. gs 'stat'
  3. 'When you approach Fedor, he guides you to the group that just arrived at the school. You look around the group and recognize Vitek, Dan and Vasily. Most of the others have criminal tattoos, and look quite intimidating; you recognize the fat older man to be Vadim Bely, a local crime lord.'
  4. 'He motions for Fedor to come closer to him, "So... you''re Fyodor Kozlov? My dear friend Viktor here tells me you were very disrespectful to him." He nods over at Vitek.'
  5. '"You can''t just go stealing other people''s girls, Fyodor. That''s not how the world works."'
  6. 'The guys are circle in around the two of you, and even though no one pays you any heed you feel very uncomfortable being here.'
  7. 'Vadim continues, "Nevertheless, that''s not why I''m here. I know how girls can be, they change their mind all the time... you can sort that out amongst yourselves. It gets personal when you are rude to Vitek. No one treats a friend of mine like that. Why didn''t you show him some respect, Fyodor?"'
  8. 'Fedor is thoroughly intimidated by the guys, and mutters, "But... they started it..."'
  9. 'Vadim nods, "So, you don''t dispute it. Well kid, you''ll learn that if you are rude to the wrong people, you get trouble. I''ll give you one chance to pay for your mistakes. 30,000 <b>₽</b>, tomorrow. If you don''t pay up you lose fingers, one for every day you''re late. Understood?"'
  10. 'Fedor''s face pales, and tears form in his eyes. Vadim Bely is quite notorious in your region, and this wouldn''t be the first time he''s actually taken fingers from someone for missing payments.'
  11. 'He exclaims, "Please sir, I don''t have that kind of money! I''m just a kid going to school!"'
  12. 'Vadim shrugs, "You should''ve thought of that before you were disrespectful, ''kid going to school''. That''s really not my problem. 30,000, tomorrow."'
  13. act 'Continue':
  14. cls
  15. 'Fedor is panicking now, and begins to beg, "Sir, please! I can''t get that amount of money!"'
  16. 'Vasily grins and suggests, "Come on guys. The only way this kid could get 30,000 <b>₽</b> together is if his parents sold their house. Let''s cut him a deal."'
  17. 'He waits a moment to make sure he has everyone''s attention, and continues, "How about this... he sucks my dick. Right here, right now. If he does, we''re even."'
  18. 'Vadim smirks and shakes his head as he looks at Dan and Vitek, "This guy... unbelievable. Still, it''s up to you. If you''re okay with it, I am too."'
  19. 'Vitek shrugs, "I don''t care." Dan adds, "Fine by me too. So... your call, Fedor. 30,000 <b>₽</b> tomorrow, or you suck Shulga''s dick right now."'
  20. 'Fedor face pales again, and he stutters, "But... I''m not a faggot..."'
  21. 'Vasily, in a fake voice as if he were trying to cheer Fedor up, says, "No one says you''re a faggot. You''re being offered a way out. Either you suck my dick, or you go home and tell your parents to sell their house before tomorrow. That''s the only way you''d get the money together. Do you even realize how much trouble you''re in?"'
  22. 'As Fedor breaks down and cries, he drops to his knees and continues to beg, "Please guys, I don''t have that kind of money... Vitek, I''m sorry... please..."'
  23. 'Vadim looks at him indifferently and says, "This is taking way too long, I have other places to be today. Wipe the snot from your face and make a decision, you have one minute."'
  24. 'Vasily, still using his mocking supportive voice, encourages him as he unbottons his pants, "Don''t be foolish. You can erase your debt within a few minutes."'
  25. act 'Don''t interfere':
  26. cls
  27. $npc_notes['A5'] = 'Ever since Fedor gave Vasily a blowjob in the school courtyard, everyone calls him Masha.'
  28. npc_rel['A5'] = 50
  29. grupTipe[5] = 5
  30. fedorKozlovQW = -10
  31. fedormasha = 1
  32. gs 'stat'
  33. 'Even if you wanted to help, you know there''s nothing you can do for him. Fedor starts to cry even harder, but slowly crawls over to Vasily on his knees. Vasily''s cock is already rock hard and Fedor reluctantly starts to suck on it, knowing this is his only way out. Vasily laughs and warns him, "Careful. If I feel any teeth, I''ll knock em out."'
  34. 'One of the criminals who hadn''t said anything so far shakes his head and says to his friends, "Fuckin'' Vasily... what a nutbag. Never a dull moment with that guy." Vitek turned his head away in disgust, while Dan pulls out his phone and begins to shoot a video of the scene.'
  35. 'A few minutes later, Vasily groans and begins to cum in Fedor''s mouth. "Swallow it all, faggot. Don''t miss a drop", he instructs Fedor, who does as he''s told and licks Vasily''s cock clean. Fedor then moves to get up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.'
  36. 'Vasily lets him get up and says with a smirk on his face, "So, cocksucker... what should we call you now? Fedor is a man''s name, and you''re no longer a man... you''re a bitch. Your new name will be Masha, that suits a bitch like you much better. Ain''t that right, cocksucker?" Fedor, too tired to fight it, just nods.'
  37. 'Vasily continues, "We''ll come get you when we want more. That''s your place now, Masha. Understood? And knock it off with the deep voice, bitches don''t have deep voices." Fedor nods again, his resolve broken.'
  38. 'Vasily spits in Fedor''s face and asks, "What''s your name, bitch?"'
  39. 'Fedor mutters, "Masha... my name is Masha."'
  40. 'Vadim, who observed it all with an amused face, grins and turns to his guys, "Alright lads, let''s go. The boys can play with their toy in peace."'
  41. 'Seconds later, the cars drive off while Vitek, Vasily and Dan go to their usual spot in the park to have some beers.'
  42. 'Fedor is sitting on the ground by himself, trying to take it all in. He knows his life won''t be the same after what happened today.'
  43. act 'Leave the school courtyard':gt 'pavResidential'
  44. end
  45. if money >= 30000:
  46. act 'Pay the money for Fedor (30,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  47. cls
  48. money -= 30000
  49. pcs_dom += 10
  50. gs 'stat'
  51. 'You can''t watch this any more, and quickly blurt out, "I''ll give you the money."'
  52. 'You hadn''t said a word yet in this entire exchange, and most of the guys forgot you were even there. Vadim looks at you confused and asks, "What... why?"'
  53. '"This is just wrong. I can''t let him give out blowjobs to clear his debt" you say, disgusted by the proposition.'
  54. 'Vadim sighs in exasperation, "Women... they just don''t understand how the world works. Nevertheless... fine. Give me the money and we''re even."'
  55. 'He counts the money when you hand it over, and gives you a pleased nod. He then turns to his henchmen, "It''s all there. Alright guys, we''re done here. Let''s go."'
  56. 'You watch the cars drive off, and you can see that Vitek is clearly angry that his plan to get back at Fedor failed. Nevertheless... you paid Vadim Bely to get Fedor off the hook. There''s not a lot he can do about it now, without getting on Vadim''s bad side himself. He angrily turns to Dan and Vasily and says: Come on guys, let''s get out of here. I need a beer."'
  57. 'As they leave, Fedor comes to you and mumbles, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, thank you! Thank you so much... you saved me. I''ll pay you back, I promise! I can''t pay it all at once, but I will try to save up."'
  58. 'You assure him that''s not neccessary, and get ready to leave the school grounds.'
  59. act 'Leave the school courtyard':gt 'pavResidential'
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
  63. --- strela ---------------------------------