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Merge remote-tracking branch 'test234/master'

KevinSmarts há 6 anos atrás
1 ficheiros alterados com 102 adições e 69 exclusões
  1. 102 69

+ 102 - 69

@@ -16,71 +16,104 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Dressing room for strippers</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/stripclub/striprazd.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
+	''
 	'There are several <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirrors</a> hanging on the wall, where you can <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''brush''">brush</a> your hair, and a selection of <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">clothes</a> hanging on rails for the girls to dress in.'
 	'There are some stairs leading to the <a href="exec:gt ''stwork'', ''stripgirl''">stage</a> where you can head out to perform.'
 	'To the side there''s a <a href="exec:stripMir = 0 & gt ''stripclub'', ''start''">steel door</a> which overlooks the back yard and the staff uses as an entrance, to save them from meeting scummy customers. Standing by this entrance, there''s always <a href="exec:gt ''stwork'', ''guard''">security</a> keeping the talent safe.'
 	'Near the exit door is a vending machine selling '+iif(money >= 100,'<a href="exec:money -= 100 & gt ''food'', ''snack''">snacks</a>','snacks')+' and a <a href="exec:gt ''beverage'', ''bev_wat''">water cooler</a>, which is heavily used by staff after coming off stage'
 	'Behind a wooden door there''s the <a href="exec:gt ''stwork'', ''toilet''">staff bathroom</a>.'
-	if tatlech > 0:stripKoef = rand(1, 3)
-	if tatback > 0:stripKoef2 = rand(1, 3)
-	if tatblly > 0:stripKoef3 = rand(1, 3)
-	if tatupb > 0:stripKoef4 = rand(3, 6)
-	if tatleg > 0:stripKoef5 = rand(1, 3)
-	if tatarm > 0:stripKoef6 = rand(1, 3)
-	if tatside > 0:stripKoef7 = rand(1, 3)
-	act 'Exit the club':
-		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
-			gt 'stripclub', 'start'
-		else
-			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed.</font></b>'
-			gt 'stwork', 'start'
-		end
-	end
-	if pcs_willpwr > 100 and pcs_mood > 10:
-		act '<b>Go on stage</b>':
-			if hour >= 11 or hour <= 2:
-				if cumloc[1] = 0 and cumloc[2] = 0 and cumloc[4] = 0 and cumloc[5] = 0 and cumloc[6] = 0 and cumloc[7] = 0 and cumloc[11] = 0 and cumloc[14] = 0:
-					if pcs_makeup >= 4:
-						if pcs_hairbsh = 1:
-							if pcs_sweat < 20:
-								if pcs_leghair <= 3 and pcs_pubes <= 31:
-									if fingal <= 0:
-										stpredmet = 3 & gt 'stwork2', 'strip'
-									else
-										'You aren''t allowed on stage, because of the black eye.'
-									end
-								else
-									'Nobody wants to see a stripper with hairy legs and untrimmed pubes. Have a shave before you go on stage!'
-								end
-							else
-								'Damn, you stink like a pigsty, take a shower before going on stage.'
-							end
-						else
-							'The least you can do is brush your hair.'
-						end
-					else
-						'You need to put on very thick makeup if you want people to be impressed by your beauty.'
+	&! if tatlech > 0:stripKoef = rand(1, 3)
+	&! if tatback > 0:stripKoef2 = rand(1, 3)
+	&! if tatblly > 0:stripKoef3 = rand(1, 3)
+	&! if tatupb > 0:stripKoef4 = rand(3, 6)
+	&! if tatleg > 0:stripKoef5 = rand(1, 3)
+	&! if tatarm > 0:stripKoef6 = rand(1, 3)
+	&! if tatside > 0:stripKoef7 = rand(1, 3)
+	if kosmetica >= 3 or pcs_makeup >= 4:
+		act '<b>Prepare for your show</b>':
+			*clr & cla
+			if pcs_sweat >= 20 or (pcs_leghair > 3 or pcs_pubes > 31):
+				dynamic $showerdin
+				minut += 5
+				'<h3>Staff Bathroom</h3>'
+				'<h5>Shower</h5>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/brothel/brothelshower.jpg"></center>'
+				*nl
+				'After taking off all of your clothes, you gather up your towel, washcloth and soap, then head to the shower. You wash yourself thoroughly.'
+			end
+			if pcs_makeup < 4:
+				makupskl_exp += rand(1,3)
+				kosmetica -= 3
+				vidageday -= 1
+				pcs_makeup = 4
+				minut += 5
+				'You brush your hair and put on heavy you makeup for the customers.'
+			end
+			pcs_hairbsh = 1
+			dynamic $brit
+			if pcs_leghair <= 3 and pcs_pubes <= 31:
+				if fingal <= 0:
+					act 'Go on stage':
+						stpredmet = 3 & gt 'stwork2', 'strip'
-					'There is some visible semen on your body. Wash yourself off before going on stage.'
+					'You aren''t allowed on stage, because of the black eye.'
-				'You''re done for today. Time to head home.'
+				'Nobody wants to see a stripper with hairy legs and untrimmed pubes. Have a shave before you go on stage!'
+			act 'Leave':gt $locM, $metkaM
-		*nl
-		'You aren''t in the mood right now to go on stage.'
+		'You don''t have enough make-up to get ready.'
+	!act '<b>Go on stage</b>':
+	!	if hour >= 11 or hour <= 2:
+	!		if cumloc[1] = 0 and cumloc[2] = 0 and cumloc[4] = 0 and cumloc[5] = 0 and cumloc[6] = 0 and cumloc[7] = 0 and cumloc[11] = 0 and cumloc[14] = 0:
+	!			if pcs_makeup >= 4:
+	!				if pcs_hairbsh = 1:
+	!					if pcs_sweat < 20:
+	!						if pcs_leghair <= 3 and pcs_pubes <= 31:
+	!							if fingal <= 0:
+	!								stpredmet = 3 & gt 'stwork2', 'strip'
+	!							else
+	!								'You aren''t allowed on stage, because of the black eye.'
+	!							end
+	!						else
+	!							'Nobody wants to see a stripper with hairy legs and untrimmed pubes. Have a shave before you go on stage!'
+	!						end
+	!					else
+	!						'Damn, you stink like a pigsty, take a shower before going on stage.'
+	!					end
+	!				else
+	!					'The least you can do is brush your hair.'
+	!				end
+	!			else
+	!				'You need to put on very thick makeup if you want people to be impressed by your beauty.'
+	!			end
+	!		else
+	!			'There is some visible semen on your body. Wash yourself off before going on stage.'
+	!		end
+	!	else
+	!		'You''re done for today. Time to head home.'
+	!	end
+	!end
 	act 'Go to the staff bathroom':gt 'stwork', 'toilet'
 	act 'Look in the mirror': gt 'mirror', 'start'
 	act 'Change your clothes':gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
 	act 'Have a cup of water (0:05)':gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
 	if money >= 100: act 'Have a snack (0:15) (100 <b>₽</b>)': money -= 100 & gs 'food', 'snack'
+	act 'Exit the club':
+		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+			gt 'stripclub', 'start'
+		else
+			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed.</font></b>'
+			gt 'stwork', 'start'
+		end
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'stripgirl':
@@ -126,27 +159,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
 	'You enter a dirty and smelly staff bathroom that''s probably never been cleaned.'
 	'There is no mirror, only a grimy shower, toilet, and basin'
 	act 'Leave the bathroom':gt 'stwork', 'start'
-	if kosmetica >= 3:
-		act 'Have a shower and get ready for work':
-			*clr & cla
-			dynamic $showerdin
-			minut += 10
-			makupskl_exp += rand(1,3)
-			kosmetica -= 3
-			vidageday -= 1
-			pcs_makeup = 4
-			pcs_hairbsh = 1
-			'<h3>Staff Bathroom</h3>'
-			'<h5>Shower</h5>'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/brothel/brothelshower.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			'After taking off all of your clothes, you gather up your towel, washcloth and soap, then head to the shower. You wash yourself thoroughly, brush your hair, and put on heavy you makeup for the customers.'
-			act 'Get out and dry off':gt $locM, $metkaM
-			dynamic $brit
-		end
-	else
-		'You don''t have enough make-up to get ready.'
-	end
+!	if kosmetica >= 3:
+!		act 'Have a shower and get ready for work':
+!			*clr & cla
+!			dynamic $showerdin
+!			minut += 10
+!			makupskl_exp += rand(1,3)
+!			kosmetica -= 3
+!			vidageday -= 1
+!			pcs_makeup = 4
+!			pcs_hairbsh = 1
+!			'<h3>Staff Bathroom</h3>'
+!			'<h5>Shower</h5>'
+!			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/brothel/brothelshower.jpg"></center>'
+!			*nl
+!			'After taking off all of your clothes, you gather up your towel, washcloth and soap, then head to the shower. You wash yourself thoroughly, brush your hair, and put on heavy you makeup for the customers.'
+!			act 'Get out and dry off':gt $locM, $metkaM
+!			dynamic $brit
+!		end
+!	else
+!		'You don''t have enough make-up to get ready.'
+!	end
 	act 'Have a shower':
 		*clr & cla
 		dynamic $showerdin
@@ -158,7 +191,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
 		act 'Get out and dry off':gt $locM, $metkaM
 		dynamic $brit
 	dynamic $toymanage
 	dynamic $enema
 	dynamic $tampon