# atakB if $ARGS[0] = 'atak': cla !!payment hit dodge poSp = speed * 20 / 100 uvAg = agilV * 20 / 100 poBox = react * 20 / 100 uvBox = reactV * 20 / 100 popad = rand(react - poBox, react + poBox) + rand(speed - poSp, speed + poSp) + bonusSh uvorot = rand(reactV - uvBox, reactV + uvBox) + rand(agilV - uvAg, agilV + uvAg) uvorKoef = uvorot * 50 / 100 popKoef = popad * 50 / 100 if popad > uvorot: if popad >= uvorot + uvorKoef: !!Crete, very direct hit 'critical hits' gs 'atakB', 'uronKrit' else !!normal hit !!attack the enemy 'Contact' gs 'atakB', 'uron' end else 'is washed' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'uronKrit': cla damDef = defence / 100 damKoef = damDef * 20 / 100 damage = rand(damDef + damKoef, damDef + damKoef * 2) gs 'atakB', 'damage' end if $ARGS[0] = 'uron': cla damDef = defence / 100 damKoef = damDef * 20 / 100 damage = rand(damDef - damKoef, damDef + damKoef) gs 'atakB', 'damage' end if $ARGS[0] = 'damage': cla if defenceV <= 0 and klonV <= 0 and unmaterialV <= 0 and barierV <= 0: if dospehV > 0:damageV -= dospehDefV & dospehEn -= 1 if damage < 0:damage = 0 healthV -= damage !!manna -= damageM if eleSh > 0: stunV = rand(eleSh, eleSh * 3) '<<$nameV>> paralyzed <> rounds' end 'You have caused damage <> units' !!'caused damage your manna <> units' if zerkaloV > 0: zerkaloV -= 1 defence -= damage '<<$nameV>> reflected the damage and your defense has received <> points of damage' end !!xgt 'fight', 'sta' end if defenceV > 0 and klonV <= 0 and unmaterialV <= 0: !!damSum = damage + damageM !!defence -= damSum defenceV -= damage 'caused damage to your defense <> Protection of the enemy units' !!xgt 'fight', 'sta' end if klonV > 0 and unmaterialV <= 0: klonV -= 1 'Destroyed enemy clone' !!xgt 'fight', 'sta' end if unmaterialV > 0: unmaterialV -= 1 'Blow your protection passed through the body of the opponent. Opponents do not materials' !!xgt 'fight', 'sta' end if barierV > 0: !!imeniteta barrier for damage if barierV >= damage: '<<$nameV>> easily withstood kick your protection' !!xgt 'fight', 'sta' elseif barierV < damage: !!manna -= damageM !!health -= damage healthV -= damage if eleSh > 0: stunV = rand(eleSh, eleSh * 3) '<<$nameV>> paralyzed <> rounds' end 'caused damage to your defense <> units' !!'caused damage your manna <> units' if zerkaloV > 0: zerkaloV -= 1 defence -= damage 'Enemy reflected damage and your defense received <> points of damage' end end !!xgt 'fight', 'sta' end end --- atakB ---------------------------------