# Gadhouse $metkaM = $ARGS[0] $locM = $CURLOC $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC frost = 0 CLOSE ALL $grandma = { cls minut += 2 if grandmatalkday ! daystart:grandmatalk = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'She is already very old and almost never goes, so most of my time sitting on the bed, or somewhere else-some in the house.' if hour >= grandmatalk + 3: act 'Chat': cla *clr grandmatalk = hour grandmatalkday = daystart minut += 10 manna += mannamax/RAND(10,15) gs 'stat' '
' 'You some time talking with her grandmother, but that, on-samka old woman`s almost toothless mouth, almost all of the grousing about, that youth is not the same.' act 'Finish':gt 'Gadhouse' end end if grandmastory ! daystart: act 'Ask them to tell the story': cla *clr grandmastory = daystart minut += 20 manna += mannamax/RAND(5,10) temp = RAND(0,7) gs 'stat' '
' 'Are you asking your grandma to tell you what-some of her many stories and she, grumbled a little, still readily agrees...' if temp = 0: '- Once gathered boys and girls, one friend, guests, - begins his story grandma. - Parents of the guests left, and were they home alone, five people-seven. That`s the time to sleep already, lay, and, this 195.. Oh, I do not remember, forgive, granddaughter, long ago it was... Generally, light in the villages, and one girl, which lay near the wall, I was just kidding, and start, softly-quietly into the wall knocking. All scared, and winter, the wind whistles quietly, well I learned that the girl pounded, shout at her a little-slightly, and went to sleep again. And here again the wall banging began, girl bed on the floor, but here again knocking. All got scared and in the center of the room gathered, all sitting to each other cuddling. But here it is in one wall knock, the other.At four o`clock, the Blizzard stopped, and the snow was, and he ceased to go, in the window was visible. So until six in the morning pounded. And in seven parents came. All children, parents told, and they don`t believe. Children ran out into the street, and around the house no trace in the snow no. Since then, none of them, even the door didn`t knock, a voice called.' elseif temp = 1: ' - I had when-the girlfriend, starts Granny. - Died in her husband, a drunkard he was. Got drunk and died. And once, she came from work, sat down on the sofa, and hears, who-the corridor is. Boards under the feet of whom-the creak. And the door from the hallway into the room, wooden with glass, in the middle. And ribbed glass, and my friend saw only the shadow of a man, her husband is very similar. Not a little consternation at the thought, she said: "Get out, and if you don`t leave the poker to chase..." - And he went. Next week she comes from work, and she has a cupboard with a glass door. She decided to read a book, took the book, turns, and behind the glass her husband is. It is like a glass door in it will start, he was hit on the head door, he looked at her and walked away. Then her other friend told, and she advised her animals what ever to have, the cat or dog. She brought the dog. Back again from work, comes into the room, and he lies on the sofa. Well, she`s a dog and ordered "you dismiss it, do" - well the dog let him bark, and her husband stood, waved at her and left. More he will not come, but the dog still 15 years lived... Glorious was...' elseif temp = 2: '- I was born, how are you, surely, you know, in a different village, begins to tell grandma. - So, this story happened a long time ago, I was still small. One man from our village died father, and then, less than two weeks, died and brother. And in the village believed we had, if not passed, forty days from the death of one of the deceased died and other, then wait for the third. Thing in the winter was. And here is the man, whose relatives died, went on sleigh rides to visit relatives for ten kilometers, ago and returned already-dark. Road through the field was, even in the winter, one of the sledge trail and the, if the snow doesn`t sweep. Suddenly the horse around woods rooted to the spot stood up and began to snore. Muzhik, his name I don`t remember, I`m sorry, granddaughter, thought on the wolves, the gun grabbed... Turned, and on sledge, behind him, deceased brother and father sitting. And the father says: - Will drive up to the house? The man with the sled jumped and rushed to run towards the village, right through the snow and ran, until head to Church, what it`s worth, not crashed. The next morning the service in the Church came, the father repented. His horse was never found, and the guy in ten days found in the well... dead...' elseif temp = 3: ' - This story happened, even then, when I was very young, almost like you, young. healthy. It was the post-war period, when no one believed in any supernatural forces, and people thought only about the, how to feed yourself and your family. Well, the night has come, we all went to bed??, only the cat was sitting anxiously in a dark corner and what-it hissed. And when anyone-my parents stood up to look at, what is it, not found anything strange. The next morning, cleaning the furnace of ashes, a cat found dead in the oven. How it got there is unknown! None of us had heard more weird sounds at night. What the hell-then, I swear, - shrugs grandma, cunningly squinting his watery eyes.' elseif temp = 4: '- Will tell you this time about this case: In the village "Secluded", Pervomaisky district, I`ve lived a couple of years, came a woman from the North from the Arctic. She lived alone and her house wandered handsome dog - white, great, calm. After a while he died. It now, but what good to disappear? Stripped him of his shoes and made himself raskalennye collar. It took about two months. She got sick...I came, everything looked fine. But suddenly slammed the door, originated a draft and as a reaction to knock the wind, she had characteristic of rabies convulsions. It was too late to vaccinate and the woman died... So here was...' elseif temp = 5: '- How-in his youth during the Christmas holidays one winter evening we were sitting with friends in the kitchen my girlfriend, - starts Granny. - To her came to visit our school friend, so we come then. So the three of us sat. My friend says, pier, let`s read on wax, now Christmas time just. And began to wonder to himself by turns. I get a figure of the male profile, his nose was straight and aquiline. This profile was holding, that-some sort of bouquet of flowers. A friend of my got an abstract figure, similar to kettle. And her school friend – the image of an infant. Decided to fix again, burn the paper and watch the shadows on the wall. This time I clearly drew a large steamer. My friend – nothing special, but the third girl`s baby again, only with a stroller. The school friend was not married and the children she never had. All, he sat and began to disperse. To me at that time was to drive up my young man. I went down, and he came out of the car and pulls out a beautiful bouquet of roses for me. The reason was not any, he just wanted to please me. I was surprised, because I remembered at once the profile of a man on the wax with a bouquet of flowers. But after 4 months I met another man, your grandfather, which was released and then married. And he, as you know, really has a straight nose with a small hump. It turns out, the flowers gave me one, and I got married to another... But the most interesting thing from this high school friend – she really had a baby at the end of the year, when we wondered. So do not believe these fortune-telling...' elseif temp = 6: '- I remember, we sat as-then, starts Granny, but then, like that-then remembering, sadly sighs. - And matches-no more... Surprised you look at your grandma, and FIHM ask, what does she mean, after all, he matches they, in the kitchen lie, and in store you can buy, what-Granny you will be responsible: - You don`t get it, granddaughter. Isn`t these matches, there used to be. And ended the, I during the war the factory was stolen... Oh and matches were, not like now... Ugh...' elseif temp = 7: '- How-my mom, may God rest her soul, all four of us sent to the forest for berry, tells you Granny. - We, armed with the appropriate packaging, friendly crowd went there. Reaching the glade, we dispersed to their cherished places and silently gathered berries. I dostalsya plot around a huge stump, round which grew a dense Bush. Here I saw a very large number of ripe strawberry. I squatted and, rejoicing, I will gather more, than my brothers, slowly collect the berries and put it in a glass, tied at the waist. Suddenly I heard what-noise. I turn on the sound, but again silently. Place is dead, I don`t see anybody. I once again gather berries. This was repeated several times. And suddenly... I see on the stump, through the Bush, on the haunches of a seated man. His hands parted the bushes and looked at me. I was scared. I ran screaming and crying to the brothers. They tried to stop me, calm, but I continued with my running. The brothers ran after me, and behind us ran the man. Suddenly the elder brother shouted: «Run on team*!». As a team we have a Central collective farm was called, - explains to you grandma. - She was very close to the forest. When we ran out of the woods, this man was not following us. Resorting to the brigade, the brothers told this to the foreman. He immediately grabbed the phone and began where-it is possible to call. And we were reassured farmers. Few come to himself, we went home. At home mom us fed, watered and comforted. The next day we were informed, near the station Ratomka were dismantled railroad rails. Apparently it was the man, who ran for us. The fact, in the pre-war years we were infiltrated by spies, saboteurs, who led subversive activities, and pronanut was easy, as the territory is covered by forests, stretching to the borders. This fear, this horror, I experienced then, in children, even pre-school age, fuse my soul so, I nezabudu it for the rest of my life...' end act 'Finish':gt 'Gadhouse' end end act 'Escape':gt 'Gadhouse' } $grandpa = { cls minut += 2 if grandpatalkday ! daystart:grandpatalk = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'Grandfather is very old and barely moves his feet, leaving the house only out of necessity.' if hour >= grandpatalk + 3: act 'Chat': cla *clr grandpatalk = hour grandpatalkday = daystart minut += 10 manna += mannamax/RAND(10,15) gs 'stat' '
' 'You some time talking with my grandfather, and he grumbles about you, the times are not the same and what the Russian man is now the afternoon with fire will not find.' act 'Finish':gt 'Gadhouse' end end act 'Escape':gt 'Gadhouse' } $villagecat = { cls minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
' 'This Fat cat is aware of your coming, just ignore you.' act 'Pat': cla *clr minut += 5 manna += mannamax/RAND(30,50) gs 'stat' '
' 'You gently touch behind it ears, it start purring, but immediately stops, as soon as you stop.' act 'Escape':minut += 2 & gt 'Gadhouse' end act 'Escape':minut += 2 & gt 'Gadhouse' } '


' '
' 'Simple village hut. In a small room is a wardrobe (where you can organize your clothes or pick something to wear) and bed where you can sleep. In a large room is tv_set. TV stands next to an ancient trellis' if catday = daystart: 'On the table by the window lazily lying cat Boniface.' else if hour < 8: temp = RAND(0,30) if temp = 15:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window lazily lying cat Boniface.' elseif hour >= 8 and hour < 12: temp = RAND(0,2) if temp = 1:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window lazily lying cat Boniface.' elseif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: temp = RAND(0,5) if temp = 3:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window lazily lying cat Boniface.' elseif hour >= 18 and hour < 22: temp = RAND(0,10) if temp = 5:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window lazily lying cat Boniface.' elseif hour >= 22: temp = RAND(0,20) if temp = 10:catday = daystart & 'On the table by the window lazily lying cat Boniface.' end end if hour >= 6 and hour < 22: 'Sitting on the bed your grandma.' 'The room, leaning on a cane, slowly walk your grandpa.' else 'Your grandparents sleep in the separate beds.' end clr gs 'stat' fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) act 'Go outside': if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': minut += 5 & gt'Gaddvor' else msg'You need to get dressed.' gt $curloc end end act 'Eat a full meal (0:30)':gs 'food', 'm_meal' act 'Eat a light meal (0:20)':gs 'food', 's_meal' act 'Have a snack (0:15)':gs 'food', 'snack' act 'Have a cup of tea (0:05)': cls minut += 5 if water >= 20: 'You don''t need any more tea.' else water += 20 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 'You have a cup of tea, quenching your thirst.' end gs 'stat' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'Gadhouse' end if pranik > 0: 'You have <> cookies.' act 'Drink tea with cookies (0:05)': cla *clr minut += 5 pranik -= 1 health += 30 manna += 100 energy += 20 water += 20 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 fat += 4 frost = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You drank tea and enjoyed the cookies. You know they''re too sweet and can''t be good for your figure, but they taste so good!' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'Gadhouse' end end if edaD > 0: act 'Eat diet food (0:30)': cla *clr frost = 0 minut += 30 health += 10 manna += 20 edaD -= 1 '
' if energy >= 30: 'You prepare a diet meal and try to eat it, but you're really not hungry at all. You can't finish the meal.' elseif energy >= 20 and energy < 30: energy += 10 'You try to enjoy the diet meal, but half-way in you realize you weren''t all that hungry yet. You manage to finish the meal, but feel like it was kind of wasted.' elseif energy < 20: energy += 20 'The diet meal is tasty, and you enjoy eating it.' end if water >= 20: 'You don''t need any more tea.' else water += 20 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' fbreath = 0 'You have a cup of tea, quenching your thirst.' end act 'Get up from the table':gt 'Gadhouse' end end if fatdel > 0: act 'Consume fat burners': cla *clr if fat > salo:fat = salo fatdel -= 1 fat -= 25 if fat < 0:fat = 0 'You throw the capsule of fat burners in a glass, add some water and drink it. You''re amazed at how fast the capsule works, feeling your body slim down almost immediately.' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'Gadhouse' end end if lekarstvo > 0: 'You have <> tablet(s).' if sick > 0 and lekarday ! daystart: act 'Take a pill (0:05)': cla *clr minut += 5 lekarday = daystart lekarstvo -= 1 sick -= sick * 20 / 100 '
' 'You swallow the pill, and shortly after you feel a bit better.' act 'Continue':gt 'Gadhouse' end end end if vitamin > 0: 'You have <> vitamin pills.' if vitaminday ! daystart: act 'Take vitamins (0:05)': cla *clr if fat > salo:fat = salo minut += 5 vitaminday = daystart vitamin -= 1 frost = 0 if KandidozOnce = 1:Kandidoz -= 2 if GerpesOnce = 1:Gerpes -= 2 if SifacOnce = 1 and Sifilis >= 10:Sifilis -= rand(0, 1) skinvan += 1 'You take some vitamins to stay healthy.' act 'Continue':gt 'Gadhouse' end end end dynamic $d_read_book if indorf = 1: 'The room resting parents.' if week = 7: if hour >= 20:gt 'farmhomeride' end end if monthbabkapay ! month: monthbabkapay = month money += 2000 gs 'stat' 'Grandma gives you two thousand.' end if rand (0,2) ! 0:gs 'din_bad' & dynamic $mobile_check --- Gadhouse ---------------------------------