clothing.qsrc 45 KB

  1. # clothing
  2. menu_off = 1
  3. $clothing_list_line = {
  4. !! a single line in a clothing list (wardrobe, etc)
  5. !! ARGS 0 - action type (wardrobe, sell, resize, store, forsale)
  6. !! ARGS 1 - clothing type
  7. !! ARGS 2 - clothing index
  8. gs 'themes', 'clothing', 1
  9. $RESULT = '<TR bgcolor='+$bgcolor+'>'
  10. if Enable_clothwidth > 0:
  11. clothing_temp = Enable_clothwidth - 1
  12. else
  13. clothing_temp = 150 & !clothing widdefault to 150
  14. end
  15. $RESULT +='<TD><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>>"><img src="<<FUNC(''$clothing_image'', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2])>>" width="<<clothing_temp>>"><p><<$ARGS[1]>> outfit</p></a></TD>'
  16. killvar 'clothing_temp'
  17. $swimwear_description = ''
  18. gs 'clothing_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2]
  19. if $ARGS[1] ! 'gm_school' or ARGS[2] ! 6:
  20. $RESULT += '<TD>' + dyneval '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[1]>>_h[<<ARGS[2]>>]' + '</TD>'
  21. if $ARGS[1] ! 'danilovich' and $ARGS[1] ! 'coat' and CloStyle ! 5:
  22. $RESULT += '<TD>' + dyneval '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[1]>>_b[<<ARGS[2]>>]' + '</TD>'
  23. else
  24. $RESULT += '<TD></TD>'
  25. end
  26. else
  27. $RESULT += '<TD colspan="2"></TD>'
  28. end
  29. if $ARGS[1] = 'misc_outfits' and ARGS[2] = 1:
  30. $RESULT += '<TD>A hessian sack the hunters gave you.</TD>'
  31. elseif $swimwear_description = '':
  32. gs 'clothing_descriptions'
  33. $RESULT += '<TD><<FUNC(''$short_description'', $ARGS[1])>> <<ARGS[2]>><br/><br/><<$description>></TD>'
  34. else
  35. $RESULT += '<TD>' + $swimwear_description + '</TD>'
  36. end
  37. if CloBimbo = 1:
  38. $RESULT += '<TD>Yes</TD>'
  39. else
  40. $RESULT += '<TD>No</TD>'
  41. end
  42. if CloStyle = 4:
  43. $RESULT += '<TD>Yes</TD>'
  44. else
  45. $RESULT += '<TD>No</TD>'
  46. end
  47. $RESULT += '<TD><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>>">View</a>'
  48. if $ARGS[0] ! 'sell' and $ARGS[0] ! 'resize':
  49. if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and $ARGS[1] = 'gm_school' and ARGS[2] = 6:
  50. $RESULT += ' <a href="exec:gs ''clothing'', ''wear'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>> & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''wardrobe'', ''<<$ward_list_store>>''">Wear</a></TD>'
  51. elseif $ARGS[2] ! 'danilovich_swimsuit' and $ARGS[2] ! 'scandalicious_bikinis' and $ARGS[2] ! 'scandalicious_swimsuit' and $ARGS[2] ! 'allure_bikinis' and $ARGS[2] ! 'allure_bikinis' and dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[1]>>_h[<<ARGS[2]>>]') > 0:
  52. if $ARGS[1] ! 'danilovich' and CloStyle ! 5 and (dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[1]>>_b[<<ARGS[2]>>]') < (pcs_hips - 8) or dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[1]>>_b[<<ARGS[2]>>]') > (pcs_hips + 8)) or (ARRPOS('$CloLosTyp', $ARGS[1]) ! -1 and ARRPOS('CloLosNum',ARGS[2]) ! -1):
  53. $RESULT += '</TD>'
  54. else
  55. $RESULT += ' <a href="exec:gs ''clothing'', ''wear'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>> & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''wardrobe'', ''<<$ward_list_store>>''">Wear</a></TD>'
  56. end
  57. else
  58. $RESULT += '</TD>'
  59. end
  60. $RESULT += '<TD>'
  61. if cloc ! 1:$RESULT += ' <a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''dest1'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>> ">Storage</a><BR>'
  62. if cloc ! 0:$RESULT += ' <a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''dest0'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>> ">Wardrobe</a><BR>'
  63. if $ARGS[1] ! 'gm_school' or ARGS[2] ! 6:
  64. if cloc ! 2:$RESULT += ' <a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''dest2'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>> ">Unwanted</a>'
  65. end
  66. $RESULT += '</TD>'
  67. end
  68. }
  69. !!cloc, 0 = wardrobe, 1 = storage, 2 = unwanted
  70. if $ARGS[0] = 'dest0':
  71. *clr
  72. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_s[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  73. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  74. end
  75. if $ARGS[0] = 'dest1':
  76. *clr
  77. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_s[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 1'
  78. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  79. end
  80. if $ARGS[0] = 'dest2':
  81. *clr
  82. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_s[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 2'
  83. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  84. end
  85. if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_list':
  86. !! ARGS 0 - view_clothing_list
  87. !! ARGS 1 - action type (wardrobe, sell, resize, store, unwanted)
  88. !! ARGS 2 - Shop name (kats, moncheri, gm, fashionista, sexshop, exhibitshop, dolls, sports)
  89. if $pursepantytype ! '' or $pursebratype ! '' and $ARGS[1] ! 'resize' and $ARGS[1] ! 'sell':
  90. '<center><b>You put the '+iif($pursepantytype ! '','panties','')+iif($pursepantytype ! '' and $pursebratype ! '',' and ','')+iif($pursebratype ! '','bra','')+' from your purse back in the wardrobe.</b></center><br>'
  91. killvar '$pursepantytype' & killvar 'pursepantynumber'
  92. killvar '$pursebratype' & killvar 'pursebranumber'
  93. end
  94. if $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
  95. $ward_list_page = $ARGS[1]
  96. '<h3><center><b><font color="maroon">Wardrobe list</font></b></center></h3>'
  97. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'store':
  98. $ward_list_page = $ARGS[1]
  99. '<h3><center><b><font color="maroon">Stored clothing list</font></b></center></h3>'
  100. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted':
  101. $ward_list_page = $ARGS[1]
  102. '<h3><center><b><font color="maroon">Unwanted clothing list</font></b></center></h3>'
  103. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sell':
  104. $ward_list_page = $ARGS[1]
  105. '<h3><center><b><font color="maroon">Choose an item to sell</font></b></center></h3>'
  106. end
  107. if $ARGS[2] = 'gm' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_outfits' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_dress' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_office' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_school' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_uniform':
  108. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from G&M</font></b></center>'
  109. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/gm.png"></center>'
  110. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'kats':
  111. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from PussyKats</font></b></center>'
  112. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/pussycat.png"></center>'
  113. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'fashionista':
  114. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from Fashionista</font></b></center>'
  115. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/fashionista.png"></center>'
  116. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'moncheri':
  117. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from Mon Cheri</font></b></center>'
  118. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/moncheri.png"></center>'
  119. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'sexshop':
  120. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from the sex shop</font></b></center>'
  121. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/sexshop/shop_name.png"></center>'
  122. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'exhibitshop':
  123. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from the Exhibitionist shop</font></b></center>'
  124. '<center><img src="images/locations/oldtown/exhibitshop/shop_name.png"></center>'
  125. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'dolls':
  126. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from Patchwork Dolls</font></b></center>'
  127. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/island/dolls.png"></center>'
  128. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'sports':
  129. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing sportswear from Danilovich</font></b></center>'
  130. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/sports.png"></center>'
  131. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'scandalicious':
  132. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing clothes from Scandalicious</font></b></center>'
  133. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/scandalicious.png"></center>'
  134. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'scandalicious_swimwear':
  135. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing Swimwear from scandalicious</font></b></center>'
  136. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/scandalicious_swimwear.png"></center>'
  137. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'allure':
  138. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing Swimwear from allure</font></b></center>'
  139. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/commercial/allure/shop_name.png"></center>'
  140. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'market':
  141. !'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing Swimwear from allure</font></b></center>'
  142. '<center>Clothing from the market</center>'
  143. *nl
  144. else
  145. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Click on a shop name to view clothes from that shop</font></b></center>'
  146. if $wloc = 'wardrobe':
  147. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  148. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sell' or $ARGS[1] = 'resize':
  149. act 'Leave': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt $loc, $loc_arg
  150. else
  151. act 'Leave': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt $loc, $loc_arg
  152. end
  153. end
  154. *nl
  155. if $ARGS[1] ! 'sell':
  156. $clothing_header = '<center><table border=1>'
  157. if $ARGS[1] ! 'wardrobe': $clothing_header += '<TH><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''wardrobe'', ''<<$ward_list_store>>''">Switch to wardrobe list</a></TH>'
  158. $clothing_header += '<TH><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''list'', ''<<$ward_list_store>>''">Switch to icons</a></TH>'
  159. if $ARGS[1] ! 'store': $clothing_header += '<TH><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''store'', ''<<$ward_list_store>>''">Switch to stored clothing list</a></TH>'
  160. if $ARGS[1] ! 'unwanted': $clothing_header += '<TH><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''unwanted'', ''<<$ward_list_store>>''">Switch to unwanted clothing list</a></TH></center>'
  161. $clothing_header
  162. if $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
  163. '<center>These are the clothes that are currently available for you to wear.</center><br>'
  164. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'store':
  165. '<center>These are the clothes you have stored that do not show up in your wardrobe list and cannot be sold at the market.</center><br>'
  166. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted':
  167. '<center>These are the clothes you''ve marked to be sold at the market.</center><br>'
  168. end
  169. end
  170. if $ARGS[2] = '':
  171. if ARRSIZE('gm_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('gm_dress') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''gm'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''gm''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/gm.png"></a></center>'
  172. if ARRSIZE('gm_school') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''gm_school'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''gm_school''"><img src="images/pc/items/gm/school.png"></a></center>'
  173. if ARRSIZE('gm_office') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''gm_office'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''gm_office''"><img src="images/pc/items/gm/officewear.png"></a></center>'
  174. if ARRSIZE('gm_uniform') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''gm_uniform'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''gm_uniform''"><img src="images/pc/items/gm/uniforms.png"></a></center>'
  175. if ARRSIZE('misc_outfits') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''misc'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''misc''"><img src="images/pc/items/misc/misc.png"></a></center>'
  176. if ARRSIZE('cats_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('cats_dress') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''kats'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''kats''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/pussycat.png"></a></center>'
  177. if ARRSIZE('flamingos_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('flamingos_dress') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''flamingos'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''flamingos''"><img src="images/locations/city/island/flamingos/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  178. if ARRSIZE('coco_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('coco_dress') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''coco'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''coco''"><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/coco/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  179. if ARRSIZE('fashionista') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''fashionista'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''fashionista''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/fashionista.png"></a></center>'
  180. if ARRSIZE('moncheri') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''moncheri'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''moncheri''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/moncheri.png"></a></center>'
  181. if ARRSIZE('scandalicious_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('scandalicious_dress') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''scandalicious'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''scandalicious''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/scandalicious.png"></a></center>'
  182. if ARRSIZE('scandalicious_bikinis') > 0 or ARRSIZE('scandalicious_swimsuit') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''scandalicious_swimwear'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''scandalicious_swimwear''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/scandalicious_swimwear.png"></a></center>'
  183. if ARRSIZE('allure_bikinis') > 0 or ARRSIZE('allure_swimsuit') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''allure'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''allure''"><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/commercial/allure/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  184. if ARRSIZE('fancy_burlesque') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''fancypancy'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''fancypancy''"><img src="images/locations/oldtown/fancypancy/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  185. if ARRSIZE('eroto_dress') > 0 or ARRSIZE('eroto_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('eroto_strip') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''sexshop'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''sexshop''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/sexshop/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  186. if ARRSIZE('exhibit') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''exhibitshop'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''exhibitshop''"><img src="images/locations/oldtown/exhibitshop/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  187. if ARRSIZE('dolls_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('dolls_dress') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''dolls'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''dolls''"><img src="images/locations/city/island/dolls.png"></a></center>'
  188. if ARRSIZE('bomba_outfits') > 0 or ARRSIZE('bomba_dress') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''bomba'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''bomba''"><img src="images/locations/oldtown/bomba/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  189. if ARRSIZE('danilovich') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''sports'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''sports''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/sports.png"></a></center>'
  190. if ARRSIZE('market_outfits') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:$ward_list_store = ''market'' & gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''<<$ward_list_page>>'', ''market''">Clothes from the market</a></center>'
  191. else
  192. $bgcolor='#f3f4ee'
  193. if $ARGS[1] = 'sell':
  194. '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><TH></TH><TH>Strength</TH><TH>Hip size</TH><TH>Description</TH><TH>Bimbo</TH><TH>Prostitute</TH><TH>Actions</TH>'
  195. else
  196. '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><TH></TH><TH>Strength</TH><TH>Hip size</TH><TH>Description</TH><TH>Bimbo</TH><TH>Prostitute</TH><TH>Actions</TH><TH>Move to</TH>'
  197. end
  198. if $ARGS[1] = 'store':
  199. cloc = 1
  200. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted':
  201. cloc = 2
  202. else
  203. cloc = 0
  204. end
  205. if $ARGS[2] = 'gm':
  206. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  207. i = 1
  208. :loopgm_outfits
  209. if gm_outfits[i] = 1 and gm_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'gm_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gm_outfits', i)
  210. i += 1
  211. if i <= ARRSIZE('gm_outfits'):jump 'loopgm_outfits'
  212. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  213. i = 1
  214. :loopgm_dress
  215. if gm_dress[i] = 1 and gm_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'gm_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gm_dress', i)
  216. i += 1
  217. if i <= ARRSIZE('gm_dress'):jump 'loopgm_dress'
  218. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  219. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  220. end
  221. if $ARGS[2] = 'gm_office':
  222. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  223. i = 1
  224. :loopoffice
  225. if gm_office[i] = 1 and gm_office_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'gm_office' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gm_office', i)
  226. i += 1
  227. if i <= ARRSIZE('gm_office'):jump 'loopoffice'
  228. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  229. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  230. end
  231. if $ARGS[2] = 'gm_school':
  232. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  233. if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and gm_school_s[6] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'gm_school' or clothingwornnumber ! 6):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gm_school', 6)
  234. i = 1
  235. :loopschool
  236. if gm_school[i] = 1 and gm_school_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'gm_school' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gm_school', i)
  237. i += 1
  238. if i = 6: i = 7
  239. if i <= ARRSIZE('gm_school'):jump 'loopschool'
  240. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  241. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  242. end
  243. if $ARGS[2] = 'gm_uniform':
  244. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  245. i = 1
  246. :loopuniform
  247. if gm_uniform[i] = 1 and gm_uniform_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'gm_uniform' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gm_uniform', i)
  248. i += 1
  249. if i <= ARRSIZE('gm_uniform'):jump 'loopuniform'
  250. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  251. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  252. end
  253. if $ARGS[2] = 'misc':
  254. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  255. i = 1
  256. :loopmisc_outfits
  257. if misc_outfits[i] = 1 and misc_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'misc_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'misc_outfits', i)
  258. i += 1
  259. if i <= ARRSIZE('misc_outfits'):jump 'loopmisc_outfits'
  260. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  261. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  262. end
  263. if $ARGS[2] = 'kats':
  264. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  265. i = 1
  266. :loopcats_dress
  267. if cats_dress[i] = 1 and cats_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'cats_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'cats_dress', i)
  268. i += 1
  269. if i <= ARRSIZE('cats_dress'):jump 'loopcats_dress'
  270. i = 1
  271. :loopcats_outfits
  272. if cats_outfits[i] = 1 and cats_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'cats_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'cats_outfits', i)
  273. i += 1
  274. if i <= ARRSIZE('cats_outfits'):jump 'loopcats_outfits'
  275. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  276. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  277. end
  278. if $ARGS[2] = 'flamingos':
  279. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  280. i = 1
  281. :loopflamingos_dress
  282. if flamingos_dress[i] = 1 and flamingos_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'flamingos_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'flamingos_dress', i)
  283. i += 1
  284. if i <= ARRSIZE('flamingos_dress'):jump 'loopflamingos_dress'
  285. i = 1
  286. :loopflamingos_outfits
  287. if flamingos_outfits[i] = 1 and flamingos_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'flamingos_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'flamingos_outfits', i)
  288. i += 1
  289. if i <= ARRSIZE('flamingos_outfits'):jump 'loopflamingos_outfits'
  290. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  291. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  292. end
  293. if $ARGS[2] = 'coco':
  294. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  295. i = 1
  296. :loopcoco_dress
  297. if coco_dress[i] = 1 and coco_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'coco_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'coco_dress', i)
  298. i += 1
  299. if i <= ARRSIZE('coco_dress'):jump 'loopcoco_dress'
  300. i = 1
  301. :loopcoco_outfits
  302. if coco_outfits[i] = 1 and coco_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'coco_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'coco_outfits', i)
  303. i += 1
  304. if i <= ARRSIZE('coco_outfits'):jump 'loopcoco_outfits'
  305. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  306. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  307. end
  308. if $ARGS[2] = 'fashionista':
  309. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  310. i = 1
  311. :loopfashionista
  312. if fashionista[i] = 1 and fashionista_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'fashionista' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'fashionista', i)
  313. i += 1
  314. if i <= ARRSIZE('fashionista'):jump 'loopfashionista'
  315. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  316. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  317. end
  318. if $ARGS[2] = 'moncheri':
  319. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  320. i = 1
  321. :loopmoncheri
  322. if moncheri[i] = 1 and moncheri_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'moncheri' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'moncheri', i)
  323. i += 1
  324. if i <= ARRSIZE('moncheri'):jump 'loopmoncheri'
  325. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  326. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  327. end
  328. if $ARGS[2] = 'scandalicious':
  329. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  330. i = 1
  331. :loopscandalicious_dress
  332. if scandalicious_dress[i] = 1 and scandalicious_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'scandalicious_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'scandalicious_dress', i)
  333. i += 1
  334. if i <= ARRSIZE('scandalicious_dress'):jump 'loopscandalicious_dress'
  335. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  336. i = 1
  337. :loopscandalicious_outfits
  338. if scandalicious_outfits[i] = 1 and scandalicious_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'scandalicious_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'scandalicious_outfits', i)
  339. i += 1
  340. if i <= ARRSIZE('scandalicious_outfits'):jump 'loopscandalicious_outfits'
  341. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  342. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  343. end
  344. if $ARGS[2] = 'scandalicious_swimwear':
  345. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  346. i = 1
  347. :loopscandalicious_bikinis
  348. if scandalicious_bikinis[i] = 1 and scandalicious_bikinis_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'scandalicious_bikinis' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'scandalicious_bikinis', i)
  349. i += 1
  350. if i <= ARRSIZE('scandalicious_bikinis'):jump 'loopscandalicious_bikinis'
  351. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  352. i = 1
  353. :loopscandalicious_swimsuit
  354. if scandalicious_swimsuit[i] = 1 and scandalicious_swimsuit_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'scandalicious_swimsuit' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'scandalicious_swimsuit', i)
  355. i += 1
  356. if i <= ARRSIZE('scandalicious_swimsuit'):jump 'loopscandalicious_swimsuit'
  357. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  358. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  359. end
  360. if $ARGS[2] = 'allure':
  361. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  362. i = 1
  363. :loopallure_bikinis
  364. if allure_bikinis[i] = 1 and allure_bikinis_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'allure_bikinis' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'allure_bikinis', i)
  365. i += 1
  366. if i <= ARRSIZE('allure_bikinis'):jump 'loopallure_bikinis'
  367. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  368. i = 1
  369. :loopallure_swimsuit
  370. if allure_swimsuit[i] = 1 and allure_swimsuit_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'allure_swimsuit' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'allure_swimsuit', i)
  371. i += 1
  372. if i <= ARRSIZE('allure_swimsuit'):jump 'loopallure_swimsuit'
  373. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  374. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  375. end
  376. if $ARGS[2] = 'sexshop':
  377. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  378. i = 1
  379. :looperoto_dress
  380. if eroto_dress[i] = 1 and eroto_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'eroto_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'eroto_dress', i)
  381. i += 1
  382. if i <= ARRSIZE('eroto_dress'):jump 'looperoto_dress'
  383. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  384. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  385. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  386. i = 1
  387. :looperoto_outfits
  388. if eroto_outfits[i] = 1 and eroto_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'eroto_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'eroto_outfits', i)
  389. i += 1
  390. if i <= ARRSIZE('eroto_outfits'):jump 'looperoto_outfits'
  391. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  392. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  393. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  394. i = 1
  395. :looperoto_strip
  396. if eroto_strip[i] = 1 and eroto_strip_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'eroto_strip' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'eroto_strip', i)
  397. i += 1
  398. if i <= ARRSIZE('eroto_strip'):jump 'looperoto_strip'
  399. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  400. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  401. end
  402. if $ARGS[2] = 'exhibitshop':
  403. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  404. i = 1
  405. :loopexhibit
  406. if exhibit[i] = 1 and exhibit_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'exhibit' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'exhibit', i)
  407. i += 1
  408. if i <= ARRSIZE('exhibit'):jump 'loopexhibit'
  409. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  410. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  411. end
  412. if $ARGS[2] = 'fancypancy':
  413. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  414. i = 1
  415. :loopfancy_burlesque
  416. if fancy_burlesque[i] = 1 and fancy_burlesque_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'fancy_burlesque' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'fancy_burlesque', i)
  417. i += 1
  418. if i <= ARRSIZE('fancy_burlesque'):jump 'loopfancy_burlesque'
  419. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  420. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  421. end
  422. if $ARGS[2] = 'dolls':
  423. cla
  424. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  425. i = 1
  426. :loopdolls_outfits
  427. if dolls_outfits[i] = 1 and dolls_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'dolls_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'dolls_outfits', i)
  428. i += 1
  429. if i <= ARRSIZE('dolls_outfits'):jump 'loopdolls_outfits'
  430. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  431. i = 1
  432. :loopdolls_dress
  433. if dolls_dress[i] = 1 and dolls_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'dolls_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'dolls_dress', i)
  434. i += 1
  435. if i <= ARRSIZE('dolls_dress'):jump 'loopdolls_dress'
  436. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  437. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  438. end
  439. if $ARGS[2] = 'bomba':
  440. cla
  441. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  442. i = 1
  443. :loopbomba_outfits
  444. if bomba_outfits[i] = 1 and bomba_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'bomba_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'bomba_outfits', i)
  445. i += 1
  446. if i <= ARRSIZE('bomba_outfits'):jump 'loopbomba_outfits'
  447. i = 1
  448. :loopbomba_dress
  449. if bomba_dress[i] = 1 and bomba_dress_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'bomba_dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'bomba_dress', i)
  450. i += 1
  451. if i <= ARRSIZE('bomba_dress'):jump 'loopbomba_dress'
  452. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  453. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  454. end
  455. if $ARGS[2] = 'sports':
  456. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  457. i = 1
  458. :loopdanilovich
  459. if danilovich[i] = 1 and danilovich_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'danilovich' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'danilovich', i)
  460. i += 1
  461. if i <= ARRSIZE('danilovich'):jump 'loopdanilovich'
  462. i = 1
  463. :loopdanilovich_swimsuit
  464. if danilovich_swimsuit[i] = 1 and danilovich_swimsuit_s[i] = cloc :*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'danilovich_swimsuit', i)
  465. i += 1
  466. if i <= ARRSIZE('danilovich_swimsuit'):jump 'loopdanilovich_swimsuit'
  467. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  468. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  469. end
  470. if $ARGS[2] = 'market':
  471. $ward_list_store = $ARGS[2]
  472. i = 1
  473. :loopmarket_outfits
  474. if market_outfits[i] = 1 and market_outfits_s[i] = cloc and ($clothingworntype ! 'market_outfits' or clothingwornnumber ! i):*P dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'market_outfits', i)
  475. i += 1
  476. if i <= ARRSIZE('market_outfits'):jump 'loopmarket_outfits'
  477. act 'Return': killvar '$ward_list_store' & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  478. gs 'clothing', 'clothwidth'
  479. end
  480. '</table>'
  481. end
  482. end
  483. if $ARGS[0] = 'clothwidth':
  484. act 'Set image size for this view':
  485. Enable_clothwidth = input("Enter height in pixels you want for images on this page <br>(Default 150, min 50, max 500)")
  486. if Enable_clothwidth < 50:
  487. Enable_clothwidth = 50
  488. elseif Enable_clothwidth > 500:
  489. Enable_clothwidth = 500
  490. end
  491. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  492. end
  493. end
  494. if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item':
  495. !! ARGS 0 - view_clothing_item
  496. !! ARGS 1 = action type (wardrobe, shop, sell, resize)
  497. !! ARGS 2 - clothing type
  498. !! ARGS 3 - clothing index
  499. !! ARGS 4 - price for shop
  500. $swimwear_description = ''
  501. cla
  502. '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$clothing_image'', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3])>>"></center>'
  503. gs 'clothing_attributes', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3]
  504. $RESULT = FUNC('$short_description', $ARGS[2], CloStyle2)
  505. $RESULT += '<<ARGS[3]>>'
  506. '<<$RESULT>>'
  507. if $ARGS[2] = 'misc_outfits' and ARGS[3] = 1:
  508. 'A hessian sack the hunters gave you.'
  509. elseif $swimwear_description = '':
  510. gs 'clothing_descriptions'
  511. '<<$description>>'
  512. else
  513. $swimwear_description
  514. end
  515. if CloBimbo = 1 and cheatbimbo = 0:'This item is considered bimbo clothing.'
  516. if CloStyle = 4:'This outfit can be used for prostitution.'
  517. if CloInhibit > 10:
  518. if CloInhibit + 10 > pcs_inhib and CloInhibit <= pcs_inhib: 'You find this outfit more revealing than you are completely comfortable with but that makes it quite exciting too.'
  519. end
  520. if $ARGS[2] = 'gm_uniform':
  521. if CloStyle2 = 1:
  522. 'This outfit is considered to be a maid uniform.'
  523. elseif CloStyle2 = 3:
  524. 'This is a stripper outfit.'
  525. else
  526. 'This outfit is a server uniform, suitable for jobs that require one.'
  527. end
  528. end
  529. if CloStyle2 = 4:
  530. if CloInhibit <= 10:
  531. '<font color="blue">This uniform is very conservative. Only the nerds would approve of you wearing it.</font>'
  532. elseif CloSkirt < 5 and CloThinness < 5 and CloBra = 0:
  533. if CloQuality = 4:
  534. '<font color="blue">This uniform complies with the regulations and is of good quality. It would certainly help you with your standing with the cool kids and jocks.</font>'
  535. else
  536. '<font color="blue">This uniform complies with the school regulations on skirt length. Nobody in school would be offended by you wearing it.</font>'
  537. end
  538. elseif CloSkirt = 5 and CloThinness < 5 and CloBra = 0:
  539. if CloQuality = 4:
  540. '<font color="blue">This uniform slightly breaches the school regulations on skirt length and is of good quality. Everybody apart from the nerds would approve of you wearing it.</font>'
  541. else
  542. '<font color="blue">This uniform slightly breaches the school regulations on skirt length. The gopnik would approve of you wearing it.</font>'
  543. end
  544. else
  545. '<font color="red">This uniform makes a mockery of the school uniform regulations. Everybody in school apart from the gopniks will think that you''re a slut.</font>'
  546. end
  547. end
  548. if $ARGS[1] ! 'shop' and ($ARGS[2] ! 'gm_school' or ARGS[3] ! 6):
  549. $RESULT = '(strength '
  550. dynamic '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[2]>>_h[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  551. if $ARGS[2] ! 'danilovich' and $ARGS[2] ! 'coat' and CloStyle ! 5:
  552. $RESULT += ', hip size '
  553. dynamic '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[2]>>_b[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  554. end
  555. $RESULT += ')'
  556. '<<$RESULT>>'
  557. end
  558. if $ARGS[1] = 'shop':
  559. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>]') = 1:
  560. 'You already own this item.'
  561. act 'Leave': gt $loc, $loc_arg
  562. else
  563. if $ARGS[2] = 'coat' and ARGS[3] = 5:
  564. price = ARGS[4]
  565. else
  566. price = ('<<ARGS[4]>>' * ((5 * CloQuality) + 100) / 100) * 1000 / (1250 - Clothingstock[ARGS[3]]) * 3 / 2
  567. price = price / 50 * 50
  568. end
  569. 'Price: <<price>> <b>₽</b>'
  570. act 'Leave': gt $loc, $loc_arg
  571. if CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:
  572. 'You don''t feel daring enough to wear an outfit this revealing and can''t bring yourself to buy it.'
  573. elseif karta + bankDebtLimit < Price and money < Price:
  574. 'You cannot afford this outfit.'
  575. else
  576. if money >= Price:
  577. act 'Buy (cash)':
  578. h = 0
  579. if CloStyle = 2:h = 10
  580. if CloStyle = 5:h = 20
  581. h += (3 * CloQuality)
  582. money -= price
  583. gs 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item_buy', $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3], ARGS[4]
  584. end
  585. end
  586. if karta + bankDebtLimit >= Price:
  587. act 'Buy (card)':
  588. h = 0
  589. if CloStyle = 2:h = 10
  590. if CloStyle = 5:h = 20
  591. h += (3 * CloQuality)
  592. karta -= price
  593. gs 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item_buy', $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3], ARGS[4]
  594. end
  595. end
  596. end
  597. end
  598. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
  599. act 'Return':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  600. if $ARGS[2] ! 'gm_school' or ARGS[3] ! 6:
  601. !! if the clothing is worn out
  602. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>_h[<<ARGS[3]>>]') <= 0:
  603. 'This item is worn and is not suitable for further wear.'
  604. if pcs_sewng >= 60 and tkan > 0:
  605. cla
  606. 'You can repair this thanks to your sewing skill.'
  607. act 'Repair item':
  608. if rand (1, 100) < 30:
  609. *clr
  610. cla
  611. tkan -= 1
  612. minut += 30
  613. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] += 30'
  614. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/sewing/fix' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
  615. 'You spend 30 minutes fixing the outfit.'
  616. act 'Return':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  617. else
  618. *clr
  619. cla
  620. tkan += 3
  621. minut += 30
  622. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  623. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/sewing/fix' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
  624. 'Despite your skill with a needle, this outfit has proved beyond repair. All that is left of it is only good for your cloth pile.'
  625. act 'Return':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>'
  626. end
  627. end
  628. act 'Return': gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  629. end
  630. exit
  631. end
  632. !! if the clothing is a type that checks for hip size
  633. if $ARGS[2] ! 'danilovich' and CloStyle ! 5:
  634. !! if the hipsize is too far from your hipsize
  635. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>_b[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  636. if RESULT < pcs_hips - 8 or RESULT > pcs_hips + 8:
  637. if RESULT < pcs_hips:
  638. 'This item is too small for you to wear.'
  639. else
  640. 'This item is too large for you to wear.'
  641. end
  642. if (pcs_sewng >= 50 and tkan > 0) or $loc_arg = 'tailor':
  643. cla & *nl
  644. if $loc_arg = 'tailor':
  645. 'You can pay to have this resized for (500 <b>₽</b>).'
  646. else
  647. 'You can resize this thanks to your sewing skill.'
  648. end
  649. act 'Return': gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  650. act 'Resize item':
  651. cla
  652. if $loc_arg = 'tailor':
  653. minut += 15
  654. money -= 500
  655. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_b[<<ARGS[3]>>] = pcs_hips'
  656. *nl
  657. 'You hand the clothing over to the tailor who takes it into the back. Fifteen minutes later, he presents your clothing back to you, adjusted to fit you perfectly.'
  658. else
  659. tkan -= 1
  660. minut += 30
  661. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_b[<<ARGS[3]>>] = pcs_hips'
  662. 'You spend 30 minutes resizing the outfit.'
  663. end
  664. act 'Return':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  665. end
  666. end
  667. exit
  668. end
  669. end
  670. end
  671. if $ARGS[2] ! 'danilovich_swimsuit' and $ARGS[2] ! 'scandalicious_bikinis' and $ARGS[2] ! 'scandalicious_swimsuit' and $ARGS[2] ! 'allure_bikinis' and $ARGS[2] ! 'allure_bikinis':
  672. if CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:
  673. 'You don''t feel daring enough to wear an outfit this revealing.'
  674. elseif ARRPOS('$CloLosTyp', $ARGS[2]) ! -1 and ARRPOS('CloLosNum',ARGS[3]) ! -1 :
  675. 'You lost these clothes somewhere, maybe you can find them again?.'
  676. else
  677. act 'Wear':
  678. gs 'clothing', 'wear', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3]
  679. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  680. end
  681. end
  682. end
  683. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'store' or $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted':
  684. act 'Return':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  685. if $ARGS[2] ! 'coat':
  686. act 'Move back to wardrobe':
  687. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_s[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  688. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  689. end
  690. end
  691. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sell':
  692. $ward_list_page = $ARGS[1]
  693. act 'Keep item':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  694. !! value is based on the strength remaining
  695. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>_h[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  696. if RESULT > 45:
  697. 'You can sell this item for 500 <b>₽</b>.'
  698. act 'Sell':
  699. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  700. money += 500
  701. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  702. end
  703. elseif RESULT > 30:
  704. 'You can sell this item for 300 <b>₽</b>.'
  705. act 'Sell':
  706. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  707. money += 300
  708. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  709. end
  710. elseif RESULT > 0:
  711. 'You can sell this item for 100 <b>₽</b>.'
  712. act 'Sell':
  713. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  714. money += 100
  715. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  716. end
  717. else
  718. 'This item is too worn to have any sale value.'
  719. act 'Throw it away':
  720. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  721. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  722. end
  723. end
  724. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'resize':
  725. act 'Leave item alone':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', '<<$ward_list_page>>', '<<$ward_list_store>>'
  726. if $ARGS[2] ! 'danilovich' and $ARGS[2] ! 'coat' and CloStyle ! 5:
  727. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>_b[<<ARGS[3]>>]') ! pcs_hips and money >= 500:
  728. 'You can have this resized for 500 <b>₽</b>.'
  729. act 'Resize':
  730. money -= 500
  731. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_b[<<ARGS[3]>>] = pcs_hips'
  732. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', 'resize'
  733. end
  734. end
  735. end
  736. end
  737. end
  738. if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item_buy':
  739. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 1'
  740. if $ARGS[2] = 'gm_outfits' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_dress' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_office':
  741. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 70 + <<h>>'
  742. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'cats_dress' or $ARGS[2] = 'cats_outfits' or $ARGS[2] = 'flamingos_dress' or $ARGS[2] = 'flamingos_outfits' or $ARGS[2] = 'coco_dress' or $ARGS[2] = 'coco_outfits':
  743. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 90 + <<h>>'
  744. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'moncheri':
  745. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 15 + <<h>>'
  746. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'eroto_dress' or $ARGS[2] = 'eroto_outfits' or $ARGS[2] = 'eroto_strip' or $ARGS[2] = 'exhibit' or $ARGS[2] = 'fancy_burlesque':
  747. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 35 + <<h>>'
  748. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'gm_school' or $ARGS[2] = 'gm_uniform':
  749. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 120 + <<h>>'
  750. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'danilovich':
  751. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 100 + <<h>>'
  752. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'coat':
  753. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 250 + <<h>>'
  754. else
  755. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_h[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 60 + <<h>>'
  756. end
  757. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_b[<<ARGS[3]>>] = pcs_hips'
  758. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_s[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  759. gs 'stat'
  760. gt $loc, $loc_arg
  761. end
  762. if $ARGS[0] = 'strip':
  763. !$ARGS[1] = location when stripping outdoors
  764. if $clothingworntype = 'nude': exit
  765. cumspclnt = 6
  766. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  767. if cloth_vid = 1:
  768. last_vid = 1
  769. else
  770. last_vid = 0
  771. end
  772. if PCloStyle2 = 4:
  773. $schbrand = $clothingworntype
  774. schtype = clothingwornnumber
  775. end
  776. if $ARGS[1] ! '' :
  777. DYNAMIC '$CloLos<<$clothingworntype>>[<<clothingwornnumber>>]=<<$ARGS[1]>>'
  778. $CloLosLoc[] = $ARGS[1]
  779. $CloLosTyp[$ARGS[1]] = $clothingworntype
  780. CloLosNum[$ARGS[1]] = clothingwornnumber
  781. CloLosDay[$ARGS[1]] = daystart
  782. KILLVAR '$lastwornclothingtype'
  783. KILLVAR 'lastwornclothingnumber'
  784. else
  785. $lastwornclothingtype = $clothingworntype
  786. lastwornclothingnumber = clothingwornnumber
  787. end
  788. $clothingworntype = 'nude'
  789. clothingwornnumber = 0
  790. CloQuality = 0
  791. CloThinness = 0
  792. CloTopCut = 0
  793. CloBra = 0
  794. CloPantsShortness = 0
  795. CloSkirtShortness = 0
  796. CloPanties = 0
  797. CloStyle = 0
  798. CloStyle2 = 0
  799. CloBimbo = 0
  800. CloOnePiece = 0
  801. PShoQuaility = 0
  802. PShoCut = 0
  803. PShoHeels = 0
  804. PShoStyle = 0
  805. PCloQuality = 0
  806. PCloThinness = 0
  807. PCloTopCut = 0
  808. PCloPants = 0
  809. PCloSkirt = 0
  810. PCloStyle = 0
  811. PCloStyle2 = 0
  812. PCloBimbo = 0
  813. PCloInhibit = 0
  814. PCloOnePiece = 0
  815. PXCloThinness = 0
  816. PXCloTopCut = 0
  817. PXCloBottomShortness = 0
  818. glamur = 0
  819. sport = 0
  820. ski = 0
  821. ofclo = 0
  822. sexual = 0
  823. odevnesh = 0
  824. ! WD: Bimbo look
  825. cloth_vid = 0
  826. exhibiHideNewCloth = 0
  827. end
  828. if $ARGS[0] = 'recover_lost_clothes':
  829. !$ARGS[1] = location
  830. !ARGS[2] = 1 : wear the clothes, ARGS[2] = 2 : Return to shop (lost FOREVAH!)
  831. $cloLoc = $ARGS[1]
  832. cloAction = ARGS[2]
  833. $clothType = $CloLosTyp[$cloLoc]
  834. clothNumber = CloLosNum[$cloLoc]
  835. dayLost = CloLosDay[$cloLoc]
  836. DYNAMIC 'KILLVAR ''$CloLos<<$clothingworntype>>'', <<clothingwornnumber>>'
  837. findLocInd = ARRPOS('$CloLosTyp', $clothType)
  838. KILLVAR '$CloLosTyp', findLocInd
  839. findLocInd = ARRPOS('CloLosNum', clothNumber)
  840. KILLVAR 'CloLosNum', findLocInd
  841. findLocInd = ARRPOS('CloLosDay', CloLosDay[$cloLoc])
  842. KILLVAR 'CloLosDay', findLocInd
  843. findLocInd = ARRPOS('$CloLosLoc', $cloLoc)
  844. KILLVAR '$CloLosLoc', findLocInd
  845. KILLVAR 'findLocInd'
  846. if cloAction = 1:
  847. gs 'clothing', 'wear', $clothType, clothNumber
  848. elseif cloAction = 2 :
  849. dynamic $clothType + '_s[<<clothNumber>>] = 1'
  850. end
  851. KILLVAR '$cloLoc'
  852. KILLVAR 'cloAction'
  853. KILLVAR '$clothType'
  854. KILLVAR 'clothNumber'
  855. end
  856. if $ARGS[0] = 'wear':
  857. !! ARGS 0 - action
  858. !! ARGS 1 - clothing type name
  859. !! ARGS 2 - clothing index
  860. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  861. PCloswimwear = 0
  862. $clothingworntype = $ARGS[1]
  863. clothingwornnumber = ARGS[2]
  864. dynamic $ARGS[1] + '_w[<<ARGS[2]>>] = 1'
  865. gs 'clothing_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2]
  866. dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_s[<<ARGS[2]>>] = 0'
  867. if CloStyle2 = 4:
  868. $schbrand = $clothingworntype
  869. schtype = clothingwornnumber
  870. end
  871. PCloQuality = CloQuality
  872. PCloThinness = CloThinness
  873. PCloTopCut = CloTopCut
  874. PCloBra = CloBra
  875. PCloOnePiece = CloOnePiece
  876. PCloPants = CloPantsShortness
  877. PCloSkirt = CloSkirtShortness
  878. PCloPanties = CloPanties
  879. PCloStyle = CloStyle
  880. PCloStyle2 = CloStyle2
  881. PCloInhibit = CloInhibit
  882. if cheatbimbo = 0:
  883. PCloBimbo = CloBimbo
  884. !! This is counter for setting bimbo points overnight, don''t change bimbocl setting unless changing that
  885. if CloBimbo = 1: bimbocl = 1
  886. else
  887. PCloBimbo = 0
  888. CloBimbo = 0
  889. bimbocl = 0
  890. end
  891. if PCloTopCut > 1:
  892. if tits = 2 or tits = 3: PCloTopCut += 1
  893. if tits >= 4: PCloTopCut += 2
  894. if PCloTopCut > 2 and tits >=6: PCloTopCut += 1
  895. end
  896. !Calculations for clothing beauty, multiplied by natural beauty
  897. if PCloThinness > 0:
  898. if PCloThinness = 1:
  899. PXCloThinness = 150
  900. elseif PCloThinness = 2:
  901. PXCloThinness = 200
  902. elseif PCloThinness = 3:
  903. PXCloThinness = 250
  904. elseif PCloThinness = 4:
  905. PXCloThinness = 300
  906. elseif PCloThinness = 5:
  907. PXCloThinness = 350
  908. elseif PCloThinness = 6:
  909. PXCloThinness = 400
  910. end
  911. end
  912. if PCloTopCut > 0:
  913. if PCloTopCut = 1:
  914. PXCloTopCut = 100
  915. elseif PCloTopCut = 2:
  916. PXCloTopCut = 150
  917. elseif PCloTopCut = 3:
  918. PXCloTopCut = 200
  919. elseif PCloTopCut = 4:
  920. PXCloTopCut = 250
  921. elseif PCloTopCut = 5:
  922. PXCloTopCut = 300
  923. elseif PCloTopCut = 6:
  924. PXCloTopCut = 350
  925. elseif PCloTopCut >= 7:
  926. PXCloTopCut = 400
  927. end
  928. end
  929. if PCloBra = 1:
  930. PXCloTopCut = 400
  931. $braworntype = 'none'
  932. elseif PCloBra = 2:
  933. PXCloTopCut = 500
  934. end
  935. if PCloSkirt > 0:
  936. if PCloSkirt = 1:
  937. PXCloBottomShortness = 100
  938. elseif PCloSkirt = 2:
  939. PXCloBottomShortness = 150
  940. elseif PCloSkirt = 3:
  941. PXCloBottomShortness = 200
  942. elseif PCloSkirt = 4:
  943. PXCloBottomShortness = 250
  944. elseif PCloSkirt = 5:
  945. PXCloBottomShortness = 300
  946. elseif PCloSkirt = 6:
  947. PXCloBottomShortness = 350
  948. elseif PCloSkirt >= 7:
  949. PXCloBottomShortness = 400
  950. end
  951. end
  952. if PCloPants > 0:
  953. if PCloPants = 1:
  954. PXCloBottomShortness = 100
  955. elseif PCloPants = 2:
  956. PXCloBottomShortness = 150
  957. elseif PCloPants = 3:
  958. PXCloBottomShortness = 200
  959. elseif PCloPants = 4:
  960. PXCloBottomShortness = 250
  961. elseif PCloPants = 5:
  962. PXCloBottomShortness = 300
  963. elseif PCloPants = 6:
  964. PXCloBottomShortness = 350
  965. elseif PCloPants >= 7:
  966. PXCloBottomShortness = 400
  967. end
  968. end
  969. if PCloPanties = 1: PXCloBottomShortness = 400
  970. if $clothingworntype = 'danilovich_swimsuit' or $clothingworntype = 'scandalicious_swimsuit' or $clothingworntype = 'scandalicious_bikinis' or $clothingworntype = 'allure_swimsuit' or $clothingworntype = 'allure_bikinis': PCloswimwear = 1
  971. end
  972. if $ARGS[0] = 'wear_last_worn':
  973. !!contingency
  974. if $lastwornclothingtype = '': $lastwornclothingtype = 'nude'
  975. gs 'clothing', 'wear', $lastwornclothingtype, lastwornclothingnumber
  976. end
  977. if $ARGS[0] = 'swamp_clothes':
  978. if ARGS[1] = 1:
  979. !hessian clothing to owned, sets size and equipped.
  980. misc_outfits[1] = 1
  981. misc_outfits_s[1] = 0
  982. misc_outfits_h[1] = 100
  983. misc_outfits_b[1] = pcs_hips
  984. swamp_clothes = 1
  985. gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'misc_outfits', 1
  986. end
  987. if ARGS[1] = 0:
  988. !hessian clothing no longer owned, but not unequipped.
  989. misc_outfits[1] = 0
  990. swamp_clothes = 0
  991. end
  992. end
  993. --- clothing ---------------------------------