chopeks il y a 5 ans
1 fichiers modifiés avec 4 ajouts et 10 suppressions
  1. 4 10

+ 4 - 10

@@ -32,12 +32,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = '':
 	if shulga_lern_day ! daystart: shulga_lern_count = 1
-	if rand(0,3) < 2:
-		$sveta_rnd_name = '<<$pcs_nickname>>'
-	else
-		$sveta_rnd_name = '<<$pcs_nickname>>'
-	end
 	!The Shulgin family living room-----------------------------------------------------------------A LARGE ROOM!
@@ -1307,15 +1301,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vitek_bazar':
 		vitek_textb_gorslut = rand(0,7)
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 0: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Your lying on the couch when Vitek sits down, and puts your feet in his lap. Without saying anything, he gently starts to massage them. You let him know how good it feels with a series of soft moans. Vitek can be so good to you when he wants to be. You think you should probably reward him.'
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 1: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek imparts some wisdom: "You can determine how close your relationship is with someone by how much you can mock them, before receiving a beating."<br>  "What if I said you have a tiny cock?", you say.<br>  "Then I would attack you", he says. He takes both hands and furiously tickles you around your sides and stomach.<br>  You sequel with delight laughing until you are out of breath.'
-		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 2: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek is full of fun facts: "<<$sveta_rnd_name>>, did you know that it''s empirically proven that 95% of girls can no longer pronounce the name of the city Naberezhnye Cheln if they go a month without sex?"<br>  Deadpan you respond: "I speak seven languages."'
+		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 2: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek is full of fun facts: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, did you know that it''s empirically proven that 95% of girls can no longer pronounce the name of the city Naberezhnye Cheln if they go a month without sex?"<br>  Deadpan you respond: "I speak seven languages."'
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 3 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and soniaPS = 1: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek says: "Sonia pulled me into the school toilet yesterday, climbed on top of me, and used me for sex. She basically raped me. I may have to go see the therapist at the clinic to get over it."<br>  He says it with a smile, but you can tell he is worried about Sonia.'
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 3 and SchoolAtestat = 1 and soniaPS = 1: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek says: "Sonia was pestering me in the park yesterday. When I told her no, and walked away she just followed me. I decided I''d had enough, and started to jog away. She chased me! She actually chased me though the park trying to have sex with me..." He just shakes his head dumbfounded by this turn of events.'
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 3 and soniaPS <= 0: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek advises you: "If you ever lend money to Natasha Belova don''t expect to get it back. Well, not with cash anyway, her methods of repayment are very interesting though."<br>  You give him a playful slug on the shoulder, and start thinking about Natasha''s legs.'
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 4: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek starts talking like he is telling a ghost story: " There is a woman who walks our quite streets at night wearing leather and brandishing a whip. They say if she catches you wind up in her dungeon never to be seen again." He finishes by laughing and making spooky sounds.<br>  You are to distracted by thoughts of mysterious leather clad women to laugh with him.'
-		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 5: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek asks: "<<$sveta_rnd_name>>, what is your favorite thing about a penis?"<br>  "They always stand up when a fine lady like myself enters the room", you answer back.<br>  Vitek bursts out laughing, and starts to tickle your sides.'
+		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 5: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek asks: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, what is your favorite thing about a penis?"<br>  "They always stand up when a fine lady like myself enters the room", you answer back.<br>  Vitek bursts out laughing, and starts to tickle your sides.'
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 6: $vitek_textb_gorslut = 'Vitek speaks: "Drunk girls might as well call their pussy mistress. They can think of nothing, but obeying its wishes".<br>  You parry: "Yea, and guys should call their cocks sir. They follow every order like it''s a life and death mission issued by their commanding officer."<br>  You both burst out laughing, when Vitek gives his crotch a salute.'
 		if vitek_textb_gorslut = 7: $vitek_textb_gorslut = '  Vitek tells a joke:<br> A man walks into a pharmacy and loudly declares: "I''ll have a pack of condoms, please!"<br>  The cute young clerk blushed and whispered: "Sir, this sort of thing should be asked for in the ear, not...."<br>  "What about ears? I don''t need them for me ears! I need them for my dick!!!"'
-		if bazar_count_vitek <= 0: 'Vitek said: "That''s enough talk for now <<$sveta_rnd_name>>."'
+		if bazar_count_vitek <= 0: 'Vitek said: "That''s enough talk for now <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 		if pav_slut < 75 and bazar_count_vitek > 0: '<<$vitek_textb>>'
 		if pav_slut >= 75 and bazar_count_vitek > 0: '<<$vitek_textb_gorslut>>'
 		act 'Further': gt 'shulga_room', 'vitek_bazar'
@@ -1546,7 +1540,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shulga_bazar_day':
 		if vasyan_textb_day = 8 and npc_rel['A11'] >=30 and npc_rel['A11'] <50 and webcamera = 0: $vasyan_textb_day = '  Vasily says: "Have you heard about all the webcam sites that are popping up? Apparently girls can make a lot of money on them. If you have a computer, webcam, and are willing to show a little skin I bet you could do very well <<$pcs_nickname>>."<br>  "I''m not sure I would be comfortable doing something like that", you say.<br>  "You should think about it. It''s not like you would be selling it on the street. All you have to do is lie around on a bed and talk to a bunch of lonely guys. Then you show them a little skin and the money starts rolling in. It would be so easy", he finishes.'
 		if vasyan_textb_day = 8 and npc_rel['A11'] >=50 and npc_rel['A11'] < 70: $vasyan_textb_day = '  Vasily asks: "Do you remember when I told you about the webcam sites, where you can earn big money for showing some skin?"<br>  "Yea, I remember", you answer.<br> "Well, not to long ago I bought a webcam, so that I could video chat on Skype. If you want to use it I wouldn''t mind."<br>  "Umm thanks, I will think about it", you say.'
 		if vasyan_textb_day = 8 and npc_rel['A11'] >=100: $vasyan_textb_day = '  "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, have you checked out the webcam I bought?", Vasily asks.<br>  "Yea, I may have checked it out a little", you say.<br> "Well, If you ever want to get on there during the weekend let me know. We could do a show together, and rake in some big bucks", he says with a wink and a smile.<br>  "That''s not a bad idea. I''ll have to think about it", you blush.'
-		if bazar_count <= 0: 'Vasily says: "<<$sveta_rnd_name>>, I''m tired of your talk. Leave me alone."'
+		if bazar_count <= 0: 'Vasily says: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m tired of your talk. Leave me alone."'
 		if bazar_count > 0: '<<$vasyan_textb_day>>'
 		act 'Further': gt 'shulga_room', 'shulga_bazar_day'
 		gs 'stat'