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[fixed] move the deodorant message to the private part of din_van

julzor 5 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
1 tập tin đã thay đổi với 13 bổ sung16 xóa
  1. 13 16

+ 13 - 16

@@ -672,20 +672,16 @@ $basin = {
-	if deodorant > 0:
-		'Your deodorant will last you for <b><<deodorant>></b> more '+iif(deodorant = 1, 'application.', 'applications.')
-		if deodorant_on = 0:
-			act 'Apply deodorant (0:01)':
-				*clr & cla
-				menu_off = 1
-				minut += 1
-				deodorant -= 1
-				gs 'sweat', 'deo'
-				! Using second trimester as switch point. Change if you want
-				iif(pregchem => 2191, '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/deodorant_preg.jpg"></center>', '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/deodorant.jpg"></center>')
-				'You apply deodorant to your armpits. It will keep you feeling fresh and clean for longer.'
-				act 'Continue': menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $metka
-			end
+	if deodorant > 0 and deodorant_on = 0:
+		act 'Apply deodorant (0:01)':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			minut += 1
+			deodorant -= 1
+			gs 'sweat', 'deo'
+			iif(pregchem => 2191, '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/deodorant_preg.jpg"></center>', '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/deodorant.jpg"></center>')
+			'You apply deodorant to your armpits. It will keep you feeling fresh and clean for longer.'
+			act 'Continue': menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $metka
@@ -963,8 +959,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'private':
 	menu_off = 0
 	if stanok > 0:'Your razor will last for <b><<stanok>></b> more shavings. <a href="exec:gs ''din_van'', ''shave_options''">Shave Options</a>'
-	!WD: heal chafe
-	if mosolmaz>0:'On a shelf is a tube of ointment for chafing, which will be enough for <b><<mosolmaz>></b> applications.'
+	if mosolmaz > 0: 'On a shelf is a tube of ointment for chafing, which will be enough for <b><<mosolmaz>></b> applications.'
 	if tampon = 0 and sanpad = 0:
 		'<b><font color="red">You have no tampons left.</font></b>'
@@ -981,6 +976,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'private':
 		'You have <b><<sanpad>></b> pads.'
+	'Your deodorant will last you for <b><<deodorant>></b> more '+iif(deodorant = 1, 'application.', 'applications.')
 	if $loc = 'vanrPar':
 		'You can use your parent''s shampoo.'
 		dynamic $shower