# gschool_socialchg1 !Lazar if $ARGS[0] = 'tLazar': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big149.jpg">
' 'You decide on to walk over to see what the fuss is about. As usual Lazar is showing off his skills as he has some of the younger kids challenge him 1-on-1 or even 1-on-2 and he''s still managing to beat them quite easily.' 'As you step on the field he waves to you to come over before he kicks the ball further away so that the younger kids go chasing after it.' !+ to relationship act 'Walk over': cla & *clr minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big149.jpg">
' '"Hey, Lazar!" you yell out as you wave and smile.' 'He waves back and begins talking about how he''s showing the kids some new skills he''s picked up. The two of you talk a while with each other about sport related stuff before you suddenly feel a football hit you in the back.' act 'Turn around': cla & *clr npc_rel['A149'] += 1 minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big149.jpg">
' 'Turning around, you hear laughter from Kolka and his friends. Your face turns red and just as you''re about to yell at him, Lazar steps in, "Hey! Why did you do that?!"' 'You sigh, "It''s okay... It''s my stupid little brother. He''s probably jealous that I''m talking to you."' 'Lazar understandingly nods and walks over to them and whispers something. A few moments later Kolka and his friends walk up to you and say they''re sorry that they hit you in the back with the football. You smile and turn to Lazar giving him a little nod as thanks.' act 'Walk off the pitch': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'sports' end end !- to relationship act 'Run away': cla & *clr minut += 10 npc_rel['A149'] -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big149.jpg">
' 'You stop in your tracks as you see your brother being one of the kids chasing the ball that Lazar kicked away and you know he would do everything to embarrass you in front of him.' 'While blushing you quickly make a signal to Lazar that you have to run and quickly turn your back before Kolka notices you being there.' 'Lazar is standing there a bit dumbfounded, wondering why you suddenly had a change of heart but shrugs it off and quickly yells to the kids who''s next to challenge him.' act 'Run back to the school grounds': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main' end end !Ivan & Fedor !if player picks Ivan if $ARGS[0] = 'tIvan': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big3.jpg">
' 'Ivan is looking victorious as he greets you between the breaths, "What are you doing out here this early?" he asks.' '"Nothing much, just out on a stroll," you answer, "I wasn''t expecting to run into the two of you."' 'Ivan smiles, "We usually do this to gain an edge against our opponents."' act 'I see': cla & *clr minut += 5 npc_rel['A3'] += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big3.jpg">
' 'You carefully listen while Ivan keeps on rambling about it, "You should join us sometime <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m sure you can''t be worse than Fedor over here." He winks.' 'Fedor makes a funny face while you smile back, "I''ll think about it."' '"Great!" Ivan replies, "Well, that''s enough resting, Fedor. Time for another lap."' 'The two of them say their goodbye''s and it doesn''t take long before you''re only able to see their backs on the horizon.' act 'Return to the secluded beach': gt 'gLakeNude' end end !if player picks Fedor if $ARGS[0] = 'tFedor': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big3.jpg"> > src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big5.jpg">
' 'A flustered Fedor is huffing and puffing, "You really need to take it easy. I can barely keep up with you, Ivan..."' '"Come on, Fedor. Don''t sell yourself short. You''ve got potential and remember the dirtbag you wanted to get revenge on..." Ivan tries to motivate a dejected Fedor.' act 'Ask about the dirtbag': cla & *clr minut += 5 npc_rel['A5'] += 2 npc_rel['A3'] += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big3.jpg"> > src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big5.jpg">
' '"I don''t mind to pry but what is this about a dirtbag?" you ask.' 'Fedor is looking uncomfortable but Ivan gives him a little nudge, "Tell her..."' 'Between the deep breaths Fedor starts telling you about a boxing fight last year where he went against an opponent that beat him, badly and ever since then he''s been seeking revenge.' 'Ivan chimes in, "And we just found out our opponents for the next fight and Fedor here is going to meet that guy again."' 'You give Fedor an encouraging smile, "I''m sure you''ll do great. He''s got nothing on you."' 'Fedor acknowledges your attempt to motivate him by giving you a slight nod as he takes one last deep breath, "No time to rest. Let''s go!" He says before taking off and running again.' 'Ivan gives you a thumb up as he starts running after Fedor. "Hey champ, wait up! You''re running too fast!"' act 'Return to the secluded beach':gt 'gLakeNude' end end !Svyatoslav if $ARGS[0] = 'tSvyatoslav': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big8.jpg">
' 'You wait patiently until Svyatoslav ends one of his runs. "You''re improving greatly," You complement him.' 'Panting with sweat dripping down his face, Svyatoslav replies, "Thanks! I''ve been trying my hardest to one up Ivan for this year."' act 'Keep up the good work': cla & *clr minut += 5 npc_rel['A8'] += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big8.jpg">
' 'You tilt your head as you give him some encouraging words, "If you continue working out as hard as you''re currently doing I''m sure you''ll finally be able to beat Ivan."' 'Still panting, Svyatoslav smiles and nods while picking up the water bottle and taking a sip.' 'You stand and chat with him a little further until he tells you that his break is up and once again gets ready to do some sprints.' act 'Walk away': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'sports' end act 'Laugh at him': cla & *clr minut += 5 npc_rel['A8'] -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big8.jpg">
' 'You can''t contain yourself as you hear the words uttered from Svyatoslav''s mouth, "Don''t be silly you''ll never be able to beat Ivan. You''ve tried so many times before it''s not even funny anymore."' 'You can clearly see that Svyatoslav is agitated by your words, "You know what, I''ll show you and the rest of the school that I''m going to be the best. I''ll beat Ivan and you''ll feel like idiots for laughing at me."' '"Okay, okay, champ, take it easy now." You patronize him.' 'With a big huff Svyatoslav turns around and starts sprinting up and down the makeshift track while completely ignoring you.' act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'sports' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tVanya': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big165.jpg">
' 'Seeing you he stops in his tracks, "Hey, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re out early today!" he gives you a subtle smile.' '"The same can be said about you," You answer playfully.' '"Well to be honest, I was looking for something..." he starts talking more to himself now.' act 'Ask what he''s up to': cla & *clr minut += 5 npc_rel['A165'] += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big165.jpg">
' '"Now you''ve peeked my interest. What are you up to?" you impatiently ask.' 'As Vanya lights up in a snicker, "Since you asked...I might as well tell you." He goes silent for a few moments and then continues on, "I was looking for a secluded spot for Vicky and I..."' 'Looking at him you start loudly laughing, "Why am I not surprised? That''s so typical of you!"' '"Well, you know, there''s barely anyone in the park right now, seems like the perfect time to be on the look out..." he touches the back of his head and nervously laughs.' '"If it was anyone else I would say you were being really weird but I get that. I hope you find a decent spot and tell Vicky I said hi!" you give him a smile and a wink.' '"Sure, sure!" he replies as he slowly starts scampering from you.' act 'Go back to what you were doing': gt 'gskver', 'start' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tErast': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big150.jpg">
' 'You walk up to him not really wanting to bother him but you feel the need to ask him how it works, "Sorry Erast, I don''t want to bother you..." you start as he puts down the weights.' '"Oh, hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You need some help?" Erast politely replies.' act 'Nod your head': cla & *clr minut += 20 npc_rel['A150'] += 2 gs 'sweat', 'add', 10 stren_exp += 1 fat -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big150.jpg">
' 'Without saying anything you nod your head, "Have you seen the new machine they''ve added?"' 'Erast lets out a subtle smile and nods, "Yeah, what about it?"' 'You squirm a little as you continue on, "Well, I would like to try it out but I don''t know how to use it..."' '"Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>> I''ll show you on how to use it." He leads you back to the machine and shows you on how to use it. He makes sure that you''ve got the hang of it before leaving.' act 'Thank him':gt 'gdk' end act 'Shake your head': cla & *clr minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big150.jpg">
' 'Feeling stressed and lost you quickly shake your head as your face begins turning red.' '"Are you sure you don''t need any help?" he asks once more.' '"N-No, I''m sorry to have bothered you..." you shyly reply and quickly move away.' 'Erast is still scratching his head as you quickly dash towards the exit.' act 'Leave':gt 'gdk' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tChristina': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big18.jpg">
' '"What are the two of you up to?" you ask Christina ignoring Lina as you walk up to them.' '"I''m trying to get this lazy ass to perform better..." Christina sourly answers. "Thanks to her we lost the last relay race. And now I''ve got to whip her into shape before the next one."' act 'You''re right': cla & *clr minut += 10 npc_rel['A18'] += 2 npc_rel['A19'] -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big18.jpg"> > src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big19.jpg">
' '"But... But..." Lina tries to explain but gets interrupted by you, "No Lina, Christina is right. If you messed it up then you need to train harder and perform better next time. There''s no slacking off."' '"Of course I''m correct." Christina fills in, "I''m the most prominent athlete at the school and also the captain of the track and field team. My word is law."' 'Dejected, Lina stares at the ground and you can hear her quietly whimper since she thought that you would have helped her out.' '"No time to rest, time for you to take another run around the lake. I''ll time you this time and if you fail, you''ll be in a world of troubles." Christina commands.' 'As Lina can''t find a way out she nods and gets ready. You hear Christina shout "GO!" and watch Lina speed off...' act 'Leave them alone': gt 'gLake' end act 'You''re being too harsh': cla & *clr minut += 10 npc_rel['A18'] -= 2 npc_rel['A19'] += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big18.jpg">
' '"Give her a break, Christina. Everyone can have a bad race once in a while..." you begin defending Lina.' '"What do you know, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Were you there?! You have no idea how humiliated I felt." Christina replies.' '"Put your ego aside. Just look at Lina, she''s totally exhausted and needs a break. What will you do if she gets injured?" you continue on.' 'Christina glares at you menacingly, "Like I care... Because of this you''ll do double the sprints, Lina."' 'The only thing you can do is sigh and look apologetically to Lina while she nods understandingly.' act 'Leave them alone': gt 'gLake' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tLina': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big18.jpg">
' '"What are you two up to?" you ask Lina ignoring Christina as you walk up to them.' 'Lina is just about to answer but gets interrupted by Christina, "Who told you that you could speak?! You don''t deserve that after your poor performance after the last race."' act 'Was I talking to you?': cla & *clr minut += 10 npc_rel['A18'] -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big19.jpg">
' 'You turn around to Christina, "Did I ask you anything?" Christina is clearly fuming but you once again turn to Lina and ask "What are you doing?"' 'Lina carefully picks her words as Christina listens on, "I-I messed up in the last race. And..." she stops in her tracks and thinks for a short moment, "And I asked Christina for some pointers since she''s a great athlete."' 'Lina quickly casts a look towards Christina that has calmed down hearing Lina''s explanation...' act 'Keep on fighting': cla & *clr npc_rel['A19'] += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big19.jpg">
' 'You''re grinning hearing that, "Well good for you wanting to improve your performance. I''m sure Christina will have no issues getting you into shape. Just don''t let her take advantage of you. She can be quite excessive when it comes to these things."' 'Lina nods, "No, don''t worry I need the help."' '"Well, if Christina gives you a hard time be sure to tell me and we''ll have a talk." you stick out your tongue teasingly and give her a wink.' 'Lina smiles while Christina clears her throat, "Okay that''s enough, time to head back to work... Get ready this will be painful..."' act 'Leave them alone':gt 'gLake' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tBella': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 minut += 20 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big22.jpg">
' 'You approach her and tap her on her shoulder, "Hi, Bella! You''re heading into the city?" you ask.' 'Sighing, Bella replies, "Yeah, I''m meeting some of my older friends in town. There''s a new gym opening so we though we might check it out."' act 'Sounds amazing': cla & *clr npc_rel['A22'] += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big22.jpg">
' 'Hearing this at first you start grinning, but then turn serious, "That sounds great, but isn''t there an age limit on those gyms though?"' '"Hanging around older people does have its perks," she winks. "One of my friends can get me in, no questions asked."' 'You nod your head, "Must be great hanging around older people..."' '"Oh, the stories I''ve got to tell..." Bella replies but before she can continue on there''s an announcement and she excuses herself saying that''s the train she needs to catch.' act 'Return to the train station': gt 'pavtrainhall' end act 'What''s wrong with the gym in Pavlovsk?': cla & *clr npc_rel['A22'] -= 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big22.jpg">
' '"Why not just train here instead? We have a perfectly fine gym," you innocently ask.' 'Bella starts laughing loudly, "Poor little <<$pcs_nickname>>, so innocent, you still have a lot to learn..."' '"Like what?" you continue on pressing.' 'Bella gives you a smirk, "Well first of all, there will be fully grown men there not only little wimpy boys that think they''re the shit. Real men that know how to treat women... And let''s not talk about all the sexy women that work out."' 'As she''s about to continue on you hear an announcement about a train, "That''s my train I need to catch, too bad <<$pcs_nickname>> I though of inviting you but you disappointed me. I had higher hopes about you..." she says as she''s walking away from you.' act 'Return to the train station': gt 'pavtrainhall' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tVeronika': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big141.jpg">
' 'Noticing it''s Veronika, you start waving towards her trying to catch her attention. She barely bats an eye towards you as you try your hardest to get her attention.' 'After a while she stops practicing and starts skating towards you...' act 'Greet': cla & *clr minut += 20 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big141.jpg">
' '"Hi, Veronika!" you shout out, "Looking great out there!"' 'Ice cold with a blank expression, she stops in front of you, "What do you want? Can''t you see that I''m practicing?"' act 'Encourage': cla & *clr npc_rel['A141'] += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big141.jpg">
' '"I just wanted to say that you''re looking great out there." You smile, "I bet you''ll have no issues getting on the Russian team."' 'Veronika, still stone faced and rigid, replies a bit reluctantly. "Thanks, I guess. I do train a lot to succeed so I can leave this god forsaken hole..."' 'You awkwardly smile, "I know what you mean. It really is a dump isn''t it?"' '"If there wasn''t anything more I need to get back to my training..." she replies. Before you''re able to answer back, Veronika is already skating away from you...' act 'Walk away': gt 'gLake' end act 'Discourage': cla & *clr npc_rel['A141'] -= 2 pcs_mood -= 20 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big141.jpg">
' '"Sheesh, why are you always being such a bitch?" you''re noticeably irritated by her nonchalant greet.' 'Veronika rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh, "Do I really need to explain it to you...?"' '"What an ungrateful bitch you are!!!" you yell out, "I just wanted to encourage you on, but since you''re behaving like this I hope you break a leg or something..."' 'Stone cold Veronika only shrugs her shoulders, turning around and skates away like the two of you never had a conversation...' act 'Walk away': gt 'gLake' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tLariska': cla & *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big13.jpg">
' 'You carefully walk up to her, trying your best not the make your presence known. As you stand and observe her for a moment, you''re flabbergasted as Lariska is smashing the ball and have it effortlessly return to her hands over and over again...' 'You really get into seeing her keeping it up that you let out a loud-voiced gasp as the ball bounces differently. Letting yourself be known, it'' as you''ve managed the brake the spell Lariska was under as she turns towards you, "Impressed?"' act 'Yes!': cla & *clr minut += 20 npc_rel['A13'] += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big13.jpg">
' 'You nod your head, "Yeah, you''re amazing, Lariska. I didn''t even know that you had such control over the ball."' 'Lariska, breaks out in a huge smile and you even notice her cheeks blush a little, "Thanks, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I really got into the zone this time. Usually I''m not doing that good..." she humbly replies.' '"No need to be humble, it was really amazing, trust me... You''re one of the best volleyball players I''ve ever seen." you genuinely respond, "I''ll let you go back to it, I didn''t want to bother." you smile.' 'Smiling back Lariska turns back towards the wall and smashes it as usual, but instead of catching the ball it ends up hitting her in the head and you can see her whole face turn red as you quickly walk away from there.' act 'Continue on': gt 'pavComplex', 'start' end act 'Play it off': cla & *clr minut += 20 npc_rel['A13'] -= 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big13.jpg">
' 'Wanting to play it off nonchalantly you shake your head, chuckle and tell her that you aren''t that impressed and that you''ve seen others pull out even more impressive moves.' 'Lariska smiles it off, but deep down you know that her fragile ego has been rattled, "Like you could do it better," she viciously attacks...' 'You begin to laugh, "Why would I need to prove myself over such a silly little thing."' 'By now you can clearly notice that you''ve gotten under Lariska''s skin, "Go away, <<$pcs_nickname>>... Or else I''ll make you regret it..."' 'Knowing she''s close to Christina you take the hint and nod your head. As you''re walking away you can hear the bouncing sounds clearly louder...' act 'Walk away': gt 'pavComplex', 'start' end end --- gschool_socialchg1 ---------------------------------