din_pav.qsrc 25 KB

  1. # din_pav
  2. $pavserjil = {
  3. menu_off = 1
  4. *clr & cla
  5. gs'stat'
  6. set pavserhom = 1
  7. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil2.jpg" ></center>'
  8. 'And it is not clear why you itself drew attention to him.'
  9. act 'Overnutsya':gt'lug', 'start'
  10. }
  11. $koncepodos = {
  12. *clr & cla
  13. menu_off = 1
  14. gs'stat'
  15. set koncepo = 0
  16. pcs_mood -= 10
  17. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/koncepod.jpg" ></center>'
  18. act 'I''m about + kk, - mumbled you. - According to the announcement':
  19. cls
  20. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/koncepod.jpg" ></center>'
  21. 'Sorry darling, but the apartment was not rented wall - He said the old man reluctantly voice.'
  22. act 'Sorry, I probably made a mistake, but there is an ad on the door':
  23. cls
  24. gs'stat'
  25. set koncepo = 1
  26. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/koncepod.jpg" ></center>'
  27. 'Well, on the fence, too, every write - with blatant mockery said the old man.'
  28. act'Send and go': gt 'dvor'
  29. act'To cry and go': gt 'dvor'
  30. end
  31. end
  32. }
  33. $koncepodos1 = {
  34. *clr & cla
  35. menu_off = 1
  36. minut += 5
  37. set psiha = 0
  38. pcs_mood -= 10
  39. pcs_horny = 0
  40. gs'stat'
  41. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/koncepod.jpg" ></center>'
  42. 'You opened a large dimly lit lobby, which sits in the corner of the concierge, cloudy kind old man, who met you evil and indifference.'
  43. 'I''m about + kk, - mumbled you. - According to the announcement'
  44. 'According to the announcement? - I asked the old man to dislike - And I, you know-Does nobody said anything.'
  45. 'I would like to have a look, - you said'
  46. '- Remove want?'
  47. '- We''ll see.'
  48. '- Take off, rent, let tenants. They want, and the muddy. And I was a fool, learn the latest. '
  49. '- Coda-then the other was-then, Rise, if Hosh, but I will not go with you, legs ache.'
  50. 'Unpleasant, Squeaky and going with both of <<$pcs_nickname>>, voice Storico'
  51. 'And obsharpannosti,dimly lit lobby with a corridor, barely discernible sounds from various apartments, merged into a ghostly mutterings acted on your nerves, Scold chill to the bone, whispering - "Run"'
  52. 'He rummaged in a drawer - "Miracles are happening, then my dear..."'
  53. '- Here''s,- croaked the old man and put your key in hand,'
  54. 'You jerked at the touch of dry, cold, almost deathly fingers, but did not have time to clean - Concierge grabbed your arm and broke into a mad smile, revealing dark rotten, Rare teeth.'
  55. '- And you young sensual....'
  56. 'You broke and ran for the stairs, hearing the laughter behind the old man,multiplied echoes and reminds squeaking thousand doors.'
  57. act 'You get out and run out into the yard':pavserhom = 3 & psiha = 1 & gt'dvor'
  58. act 'View apartment':gt'koncepod1','krr2x1'
  59. }
  60. $pavser = {
  61. menu_off = 1
  62. if pcs_hairbsh = 1:pcs_hairbsh = 0
  63. pcs_mood -= 10
  64. gs'stat'
  65. 'You entered the room and bowed, after graduating from a deep curtsey.'
  66. 'Tryahshuv head, swept ... hair ... colors, came to the middle of the room and did a pirouette - slowly-slowly raised his hands in voskhoschenii room and devouring glance.'
  67. 'You blinded sunny <<$pcs_nickname>> rained out of the window and the shade seemed to get closer.'
  68. 'And then you notice it. He sat behind the couch against the wall, his face buried in his knees.You cried and,involuntarily raised his hand to his mouth, bit, fingers.'
  69. act 'Speak':dynamic $pavser1
  70. act 'Leave':pavserhom = 3 & psiha = 1 & gt'dvor'
  71. }
  72. $pavser2 = {
  73. menu_off = 1
  74. psi1day = 0
  75. 'Closing the door siboy you expect to see all, anything. Terribly narrow and gloomy hallway with old wallpaper on the walls, decorated and rather obscure streaks Settle and a long corridor'
  76. 'And silence. Dead to silence tinnitus,'
  77. ' - No, it does not happen,that''s bullshit. Anytime and anywhere, at least some, but the sounds, and then silence - Thought you - As in the coffin.'
  78. 'You once visited a chill, prbezhav skin. Dark and empty, that even sounds left this place. A dust lying everywhere talked about, that people do not live here a long time.'
  79. 'Definitely someone here-he died, - We think you - and I''ll find a mother. No, Well this is my delirium, inflamed imagination.'
  80. 'All these thoughts and still spinning in your head, and you were hesitating to do at least step.'
  81. act 'Leave':pavserhom = 3 & psiha = 1 & gt'dvor'
  82. }
  83. $pavser1 = {
  84. *clr & cla
  85. menu_off = 1
  86. psiho = 1
  87. pcs_mana -= 30
  88. gs'stat'
  89. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  90. 'Before you appeared no longer a young man. From him it emanated a savage force and evidence were the dimensions of the body, barely distinguishable from-a beige raincoat and crumpled.'
  91. act 'Who you are?':
  92. *clr & cla
  93. pcs_mana -= 30
  94. gs'stat'
  95. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="'+FUNC('$face_image')+'"></center>'
  96. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  97. '-exhaled, slowly retreating to the door and tried to pull myself together. - You scared me, - continued You,trying to stop shaking voice.At this point, you have learned it:man in the park on the lawn - How did you get here? '
  98. '- Through the door.'
  99. 'His voice was deep and sonorous. You stopped at the door. Paul did not move; you have only to leave, but why-then hesitated.'
  100. act 'I''m a fool Fool...':
  101. *clr & cla
  102. gs'stat'
  103. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="'+FUNC('$face_image')+'"></center>'
  104. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  105. '- Leave the door open. But I did not hear, you entered.'
  106. '- I went before. - His voice slipped a note zveschaya.'
  107. 'As you arouse the curiosity - Like this? A key, and then you took it...'
  108. '- He told me he gave it to me, - he corrected, continuing to look at you quizzically.'
  109. 'Her surprised, that it is so easy to communicate with him, and not gone directly from this Strange.'
  110. act '- I draw old houses.':
  111. *clr & cla
  112. arnksg = 1
  113. gs'stat'
  114. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="'+FUNC('$face_image')+'"></center>'
  115. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  116. '- Rent an apartment in a house not too expensive, - He said,.'
  117. '- Do you intend to rent an apartment? - You ask.'
  118. '- And you? - Now his voice sounded hoarse.'
  119. act '- I have not decided yet.':
  120. *clr & cla
  121. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  122. set psihb = 0
  123. gs'stat'
  124. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="'+FUNC('$face_image')+'"></center>'
  125. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  126. 'You purely mechanically straightened hair, Using the glass door instead of a mirror.'
  127. 'And in my head I stirred instant thought - I''m a fool Fool... and here-It is instantly ulutuchilas.'
  128. '- Interesting, who lived here? - Did you notice.'
  129. 'Paul calmly turned without answering and began farming inspection apartments.'
  130. 'You both went to the bedroom, pretending, the apartment takes you more, than meeting.'
  131. act 'In the bedroom':gt'koncepod1','bdr2x'
  132. end
  133. end
  134. end
  135. end
  136. }
  137. $pavser3 = {
  138. menu_off = 1
  139. 'Condition Bedrooms more you plunged into a stupor. quite ragged room with awkward standing in the midst of her perfectly preserved ancient, plush ottoman.'
  140. act '- The chair would look good in a hall, - You dropped it withheld.':
  141. *clr & cla
  142. pcs_mana -= 50
  143. pcs_horny += 20
  144. gs'stat'
  145. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="'+FUNC('$face_image')+'"></center>'
  146. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  147. '– No, - He replied, - Ottoman will stand there, where there is a.'
  148. 'It sounded like an order. Rudely, firmly and clearly.'
  149. 'His answer made you stay away from him.'
  150. 'Xot you wanted to look at it more closely, review, he dressed, Why look-the eye, What is hidden in the shadow under the brow arrogant dome. You do not can not understand, Why all this gives you pleasure.'
  151. 'Examine your living room, you are in adjacent rooms, both pretended, that the apartment itself takes you to a greater extent, What is this improbable meeting, fraught with promise - or threat - of some interchanges.'
  152. act 'Go to the kitchen':
  153. psiho = 2
  154. psihb = 0
  155. psihc = 0
  156. gt 'koncepod1','khr2x'
  157. end
  158. act 'Go into the corridor':
  159. psiho = 2
  160. psihb = 0
  161. psihc = 0
  162. gt'koncepod1','krr2x'
  163. end
  164. end
  165. }
  166. $pavser4 = {
  167. *clr & cla
  168. menu_off = 1
  169. pcs_mana = pcs_mana + 60
  170. piss = piss + 1
  171. gs'stat'
  172. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/bathroom/sittingtoilet.jpg" ></center>'
  173. 'You went into the corridor and headed to the bathroom, waiting, he will move after, but by the sound of steps realized, that he stayed in the kitchen. Scattered look you ran about the bathroom, listening to, he wanders in the other end of the apartment. The room was bathed in light, which fell through the glass window with glass.'
  174. 'Finishing the old shell in harmony with frame oval mirror. You stayed in front of him to check his hair, Do not gone cosmetics.'
  175. 'Then, instantly deciding, She lifted her skirt, He pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet. Do you understand, resultinge herself slo, not only locked, but not even closing the bathroom door, and that he may at any time enter, but this-then you and excited. You become terribly, that it can catch in this position, you, However, I, to make it happen.'
  176. 'You were terribly, that it can catch in this position, you, However, I, to make it happen.'
  177. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'exhibitionism'
  178. gs 'stat'
  179. if pcs_horny >= 95:
  180. act 'Touch yourself':
  181. *clr & cla
  182. psi1day = 1
  183. psiha = 1
  184. gs'stat'
  185. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/11684312.mp4"></video></center>'
  186. 'You koknulis his wet with excitement and urine pisichki.'
  187. 'From that sensation, that you''re caught for such indecent occupation, You further podstёguet. And you barely contained, not to publish and sound.'
  188. gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
  189. gs 'stat'
  190. act 'Continue':
  191. *clr & cla
  192. pcs_mood = 100
  193. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/11684312.mp4"></video></center>'
  194. $orgasm_or = 'custom'
  195. $orgasm_txt = 'Suddenly you if electric shock and abdomen began pleasant spasms, you squirm biting her lip, that would not scream with pleasure.'
  196. gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
  197. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  198. gs 'stat'
  199. act 'Freshen up':gt'koncepod1','vnr2x'
  200. end
  201. end
  202. end
  203. act 'Further':psihc = 1 & gt'koncepod1','vnr2x'
  204. }
  205. $pavser5 = {
  206. menu_off = 1
  207. 'Putishestvuya the apartment you shocked assorted odtelki and its absence in the premises nekotoryz, And then there''s the kitchen. Well, at least clean.'
  208. act 'Further':
  209. *clr & cla
  210. gs'stat'
  211. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  212. 'You enter the kitchen; it, in accordance with the requirements of politeness, You missed a little ahead and behind. Against the wall were piled bundles of yellowed newspapers.'
  213. 'You have a thought in my head slipped, that he always waits, How will you. You are immersed in their own emotional throwing,'
  214. 'you are attracted to him and at the same time you are afraid of it, and he decided, that will not help you or customized : He decides to let itself. And what will happen next - he does not care whether or not?'
  215. 'For he and you were two beings in ridiculous situation, devoid of purpose or meaning in life.'
  216. act 'Further':
  217. cla
  218. *clr
  219. psihb = 1
  220. pcs_mood = 100
  221. gs'stat'
  222. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  223. 'Coming out of his reverie, Did you catch yourself at his greedy, scrutiny. Looking hunter looking at the prey. Closer, cheeky suggestive feeling, that you just-that stripped and fucked.'
  224. 'You felt his eyes every cell of the body and chuvstvvuya awkward and at the same time as the-excitedly, if enjoy, that he have a little-just demeaning.'
  225. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub'
  226. gs 'stat'
  227. act 'In the corridor':gt'koncepod1','krr2x'
  228. end
  229. end
  230. }
  231. $pavser6 = {
  232. menu_off = 1
  233. psihb = 1
  234. psiho = 3
  235. 'You are returned to the kitchen and missed, looking away from each other''s eyes, broke up into different rooms.'
  236. 'Both understanding - tightening the inspection of the apartment, you increase the likelihood, between you that-something will happen.'
  237. 'None of you especially do not wish to, and does not aspire to this, nevertheless he or, or you do not want to deviate from the chosen line of conduct.'
  238. 'As if someone-it painted for you all the movements and you feel like breaking the spirit of the play or destroy the atmosphere of predestination, arose in the walls of the house.'
  239. *nl
  240. }
  241. $pavser7 = {
  242. menu_off = 1
  243. 'Then the phone rang inappropriate.'
  244. act 'Answer':
  245. *clr & cla
  246. pcs_horny += 10
  247. gs'stat'
  248. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/phone.jpg" ></center>'
  249. 'You raised the phone in the bedroom, He along with you - in the corridor. An unfamiliar voice came to nothing, The connection was lost, but you both continued to press the receiver to his ear, listening to each other''s breath.'
  250. 'You want, that he spoke with you, I went to some-a trifling concession - showed what-weakness, - And then you can just get up and leave. You were not able to lower the tube, although you desperately tempted to slap her blunder on the lever of the old machine.'
  251. 'This keeps you from his inflexible arrogance. May be, He knew about it, and proud of their power over you.'
  252. *nl
  253. act 'Listen tube':dynamic $pavser8
  254. end
  255. }
  256. $pavser8 = {
  257. *clr & cla
  258. menu_off = 1
  259. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="'+FUNC('$face_image')+'"></center>'
  260. pcs_horny +=10
  261. pcs_mana = pcs_mana - 50
  262. gs'stat'
  263. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  264. 'And then he appeared,You involuntarily held his tongue over the lip.'
  265. '– Well, We choose? - I asked you to inadvertently break into the voice irritation. - Removes this apartment?'
  266. '– Yes. It was decided from the outset.'
  267. '- But now I hesitate, - He continued. - Do you like her?'
  268. 'He helped you get up and again asked,, - Do you like her?'
  269. '- I should think, - You said. You become anxious...'
  270. '- So do not pull the cat by the balls, - He said,, and this jargon turnover in his mouth sounded like a threat.'
  271. 'He left and slammed the door.'
  272. 'You stand rozmyshlyaya about what happened: and he can do with you now, he wants and you will not resisting. But why?'
  273. 'As well? But you do not know, Suddenly he began maniac and you now cut, and you are under hypnosis smotrelib him as a benefactor.'
  274. act 'The Hall':
  275. *clr & cla
  276. pcs_mana = manamax
  277. pcs_horny += 20
  278. gs'stat'
  279. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="'+FUNC('$face_image')+'"></center>'
  280. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/oldtown/pavser/pavserjil.jpg" ></center>'
  281. '- I thought, You''ve gone.'
  282. '- I locked the door.'
  283. 'He slowly walked to you, never taking his eyes from the light you wide-open-blue, moisture veiled eyes, in which there was more humility, than fear.'
  284. '- I did not? - sprosilon.'
  285. '– No, no, - You have answered, trying to catch his breath, - I just decided, that you left.- Your words came as an invitation to.'
  286. 'At the moment, he turned and darted near you.'
  287. 'You oyknula, but the words never sounded, they drowned in your own mind.'
  288. act 'Oh':dynamic $pavser9
  289. end
  290. }
  291. $pavser9 = {
  292. *clr & cla
  293. menu_off = 1
  294. pcs_mood -= 40
  295. gs'stat'
  296. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/kiss.jpg" ></center>'
  297. 'He took in the palm of your face and stared with a kiss on the lips. '
  298. 'In the living room all round stopped, Only in the sunlight dancing motes; dead silence broken only by their convulsive breathing.'
  299. 'Suddenly he picked you up and carried her across the living room to the partition window, I suffered with such ease, if you were a small child. You hugged his neck, feels the same mighty and strong, like a tree trunk, and began stroking the muscles, which sparkled on his back under the cloak of a-the smooth material.'
  300. 'From it was easy sour smell - sweat and then-else, that you could not recognize, - The smell of a man, male, none of your guys do not know the groin, and that smell strongly excites you.'
  301. gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'sub'
  302. gs 'stat'
  303. act 'Further':
  304. *clr & cla
  305. gs'stat'
  306. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/01.jpg" ></center>'
  307. 'He put you in the chair, but do not let go of the hands of the mighty, He ran your hand under her blouse and began to stroke your breasts.'
  308. ''
  309. ''
  310. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  311. gs 'stat'
  312. act 'Further':
  313. *clr & cla
  314. gs'stat'
  315. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/02.jpg" ></center>'
  316. 'Picked up the chest, palms and thumbs had nipples. The rough skin on the balls of his fingers made her rush of desire, You clung to him.'
  317. 'At the end-all he bared your breasts and hot lips touched your nipples and wild heat sladotnogo madness began to rise from the bottom to the top of your body.'
  318. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  319. gs 'stat'
  320. act 'Further':
  321. *clr & cla
  322. gs'stat'
  323. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/03.jpg" ></center>'
  324. 'You neprozvolno cozero his pants and felt beneath the solid barrel member and frantically began to take off his pants while his cock did not seem near your face.'
  325. 'You smelled in the face of a mixture of smells: sour sweat and urine zpah...'
  326. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  327. gs 'stat'
  328. act 'Further':
  329. *clr & cla
  330. pcs_mana = manamax
  331. gs'stat'
  332. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/05.jpg" ></center>'
  333. 'And while your brain is trying to digest what is happening, and you understand in general how do you take...'
  334. 'You stand in front of him on his knees, I began to caress the tongue of its elastic trunk.'
  335. ''
  336. gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'sub'
  337. gs 'stat'
  338. act 'Further':
  339. *clr & cla
  340. gs'stat'
  341. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/04.jpg" ></center>'
  342. 'You were amazed to, what''s happening. You stand in front of a completely unfamiliar man half-naked, on his knees and his mouth furiously pleasuring, caressing his head tongue.'
  343. ''
  344. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  345. gs 'stat'
  346. act 'Continue':
  347. *clr & cla
  348. pcs_mana = manamax
  349. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  350. gs'stat'
  351. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/06.jpg" ></center>'
  352. 'And the passion rolls, like the waves on the shore peschanny, raising you all to a new level of bliss and you have not thought about the true test of what is happening, its causes, you become important to the investigation.'
  353. 'And the result proved the presence of his grave, Hard, strong and rough fingers in their clitoris...'
  354. $orgasm_or = 'no'
  355. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'sub'
  356. gs 'stat'
  357. act 'Continue':
  358. *clr & cla
  359. gs'stat'
  360. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Stranger', rand(19,45)
  361. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
  362. cumprecheck = 1
  363. gs 'cum_manage'
  364. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/07.jpg" ></center>'
  365. 'Your consciousness enables and disables in the wild dance of passion...'
  366. 'He vashel in you wildly roughly furiously, I strung you on your cock like a cherry on a skewer...'
  367. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub'
  368. gs 'stat'
  369. act 'Continue':
  370. *clr & cla
  371. pcs_mana = manamax
  372. gs'stat'
  373. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/08.jpg" ></center>'
  374. '...'
  375. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  376. gs 'stat'
  377. act 'Continue':
  378. *clr & cla
  379. gs'stat'
  380. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/09.jpg" ></center>'
  381. 'Another enlightened it, when he put you back on the chair and raise your legs voshol in you and you feel a sharp pain in the uterus of a member of the strike...'
  382. 'Oh my pain...'
  383. 'But the sharp pain was replaced, as sharp blast of bliss and a new wave washed over you...'
  384. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub'
  385. gs 'stat'
  386. act 'Continue':
  387. *clr & cla
  388. orgasm += 1
  389. pcs_horny = 0
  390. pcs_mood = 100
  391. gs'stat'
  392. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/10.jpg" ></center>'
  393. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  394. gs 'stat'
  395. act 'Continue':
  396. *clr & cla
  397. gs'stat'
  398. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/sex/11.jpg" ></center>'
  399. 'Woke. The next wave rolled back and you feel at home on his stomach warm, with a strange smell, though vaguely familiar, sperm.'
  400. 'You fell exhausted on the floor and you have some piece while lying close to each other. You''re lying and embracing in the eerie silence only hear your breathing.'
  401. 'He was silent and you are grateful to him for that'
  402. act 'Rollback':dynamic $pavser10
  403. end
  404. end
  405. end
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end
  409. end
  410. end
  411. end
  412. end
  413. end
  414. }
  415. $pavser10 = {
  416. *clr & cla
  417. menu_off = 1
  418. psi1day = 1
  419. gs 'sweat', 'add', 20
  420. spafinloc = 14
  421. gs 'cum_manage'
  422. guy += 1
  423. vgape = 1
  424. gs'stat'
  425. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/vacanthouse/13.jpg" ></center>'
  426. 'You rolled away and lay kakoeto time watching how he dressed and left in silence.'
  427. act 'Get up and get dressed':
  428. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  429. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  430. gt'koncepod1','str2x'
  431. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  432. gs 'stat'
  433. end
  434. }
  435. --- din_pav ---------------------------------