# lover_meet if $ARGS[0] = 'start': menu_off = 1 $location_type = 'event' minut += 15 loverdays[lover_number] += 1 svidanie[lover_number] = 0 giftNum = giftNum[lover_number] gs 'themes', 'indoors' gs 'lover_pronouns' gs 'lover_pref' gs 'stat' !!This keeps track in the change action what it plans to change $changeFind = '' !!How many days until the lover starts to comment. clotDay = 3 bodyDay = 7 !!How many days until they want you to change. pierDay = 7 tattDay = 7 lipsDay = 9 titsDay = 12 figureDay = 15 !! This is the start of the usual talk !!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: if loverrelation[lover_number] > 70: randchan = rand(0, 2) if randchan = 0: $greet = 'says with love in <<$tXyr>> eyes, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>."' elseif randchan = 1: $greet = 'says lovingly, "Hello love. I''m glad so see you."' elseif randchan = 2: $greet = 'says quietly while looking into your eyes, "Hello love." ' end elseif loverrelation[lover_number] > 20: randchan = rand(0, 1) if randchan = 0: $greet = 'says with a faint smile,"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>."' elseif randchan = 1: $greet = 'says with a smile , "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>."' end else $greet = 'says, "Hi <<$pcs_firstname>>."' end end if haraklover[lover_number] = 1: if loverrelation[lover_number] > 70: randchan = rand(0, 2) if randchan = 0: $greet = 'says, "Hey love. I am so happy to see you."' elseif randchan = 1: $greet = 'says intimately, "Hello my angel."' elseif randchan = 2: $greet = 'says while admiring you, "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>> beautiful."' end elseif loverrelation[lover_number] > 20: randchan = rand(0, 1) if randchan = 0: $greet = 'says with a smile, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, glad to see you."' elseif randchan = 1: $greet = 'says with a soft tone, "Hello beautiful."' end else $greet = 'says, "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>."' end end if haraklover[lover_number] = 2: if loverrelation[lover_number] > 70: randchan = rand(0, 2) if randchan = 0: $greet = 'says with a loving voice, "Theres my sexy gal."' elseif randchan = 1: $greet = 'says with a toothful grin, "There is my goddess."' elseif randchan = 2: $greet = 'says with a rather loud enduring voice, "Hey babe!"' end elseif loverrelation[lover_number] > 20: randchan = rand(0, 1) if randchan = 0: $greet = 'says with a grin, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>."' elseif randchan = 1: $greet = 'says with a chuckle, "Hey''ya <<$pcs_nickname>>."' end else $greet = 'says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>."' end end gs 'lover_love' !! QUEST VARIABLES!!! WOOOT ALMOST TIME! didPushAway = 0 !!How beautiful you are if pcs_skin < 20: loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 & $meetskin = 'looking at <<$tXyr>> feet' elseif pcs_skin < 40: loverrelation[lover_number] -= 1 & $meetskin = 'giving you a quick glance' elseif pcs_skin < 60: $meetskin = 'looking at you' elseif pcs_skin < 80: loverrelation[lover_number] += 1 & $meetskin = 'smiling at you' else loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 & $meetskin = 'smiling at you' end !! Your lip size if pcs_lip = 0:$meetlip = 'thin lips' if pcs_lip = 1:$meetlip = 'soft lips' if pcs_lip = 2:$meetlip = 'plump lips' if pcs_lip = 3:$meetlip = 'large, plump lips' if pcs_lip = 4:$meetlip = 'thick and huge lips' if loverfinance[lover_number] = 0:$clom = 'dressed in a tracksuit.' if loverfinance[lover_number] = 1:$clom = 'dressed in jeans and a sweater.' if loverfinance[lover_number] = 2 and loverGender[lover_number] = 0:$clom = 'dressed in a respectable and expensive jacket.' if loverfinance[lover_number] = 2 and loverGender[lover_number] = 1:$clom = 'dressed in a beautiful and expensive dress.' !!Greeting start 'At the entrance <<$meetskin>> stands <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>. <<$tXec>> comes over to you and <<$greet>>' gs 'lover_likes', 'hairPref' gs 'lover_likes', 'makePrefTmp' if haraklover[lover_number] = 0:'<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> looks like a timid and not very confident young <<$loverGenderName>> <<$clom>>' if haraklover[lover_number] = 1:'<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> looks like a average young <<$loverGenderName>> <<$clom>>' if haraklover[lover_number] = 2:'<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> looks like a cocky and brash young <<$loverGenderName>> <<$clom>>' !!This is to reset the like part later likeCount = 0 like1 = 99 like2 = 99 like3 = 99 !! This is the greeting kissy kissy part if haraklover[lover_number] >= 0: if loverrelation[lover_number] > -20: loverrelation[lover_number] += 0 '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> gets close to you, and you can tell by <<$tXyr>> body movements <<$tXe>> wants to kiss you.' act 'Kiss with tongue': *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' 'You take the initiative and when <<$tXe>> opens <<$tXyr>> mouth you thrust your tongue into <<$tXyr>> mouth.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 pcs_dom += 1 pcs_mood += 10 gs 'stat' if venera > 4: gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> takes a closer look at you and says, "What is wrong with your lips? They are very sore. Is that genital herpes? I better go, I do not want to get infected. I''m sorry, goodbye."' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit elseif venera < 4 and cumloc[11] = 0 and (cumloc[6] = 0 and cumloc[7] = 0): if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 'Normally this would have made <<$tXem>> feel uncomfortable, but as you pull away <<$tXe>> smiles and sighs contently.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 1 '<<$tXec>> goes with it a blink and in moments your tongues are intertwined.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: 'It seems as <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> had the same idea, as <<$tXe>> pushes <<$tXyr>> tongue into your mouth as much as you push into <<$tXyr>>.' loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 else 'This should not fire off at all: TongueKiss' end elseif cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) and pervConstant = 1 and loverGender[lover_number] = 0: if cumloc[11] = 1: if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but underneath <<$tXyr>> shy demener you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but by the bulge in <<$tXyr>> pants you know it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' end elseif (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but underneath <<$tXyr>> shy demener you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 3 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but by the bulge in <<$tXyr>> pants you know it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' end end elseif cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) and (pervConstant ! 1 or loverGender[lover_number] = 0): if cumloc[11] = 1: gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number '<<$tXec>> notices the sperm on your face, "H-Hey- <<$pcs_firstname>>! What the...?! You dirty whore!", <<$tXe>> then pushes you out of <<$tXyr>> face. "We are through, I don''t want to see your face again!' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit elseif (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 '<<$tXec>> notices the sperm on your ass, "<<$pcs_firstname>>! What the...?! You dirty whore!", <<$tXe>> then pushes you away. "We are through, I don''t want to see your face again!' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit end end act 'Continue': xgt 'lover_meet', 'likes' end act 'Kiss with lips': *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' 'You press your <<$meetlip>> softly against <<$tXyr>>, and for a split second time seems to stop.' pcs_mood += 10 if cumloc[11] = 0 and (cumloc[6] = 0 and cumloc[7] = 0): if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 '<<$tXec>> wraps arms around you, you both stay like this for at least a couple of seconds and as you pull away <<$tXe>> looks into your eyes and smiles.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 '<<$tXec>> kisses you back with such skill it turns you on.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 '<<$tXec>> kisses you back with such passion you feel a tingle within you.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' end elseif cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) or cumloc[12] = 1 and pervConstant = 1: if cumloc[11] = 1: if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but underneath <<$tXyr>> shy demener you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 3 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but by the bulge in <<$tXyr>> pants you know it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' end elseif (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but underneath <<$tXyr>> shy demener you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 3 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but by the bulge in <<$tXyr>> pants you know it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' end elseif cumloc[12] = 1: if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can smell the scent of sperm on you, but underneath <<$tXyr>> shy demener you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can smell the scent of sperm on you, but you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 3 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can smell the scent of sperm on you, but you know by the bulge in <<$tXyr>> pants it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' end end else if cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) and pervConstant ! 1: if cumloc[11] = 1: gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number '<<$tXec>> notices the sperm on your face, "<<$pcs_firstname>>! What the...?! You dirty whore!", <<$tXe>> then pushes you out of <<$tXyr>> face. "We are through, I don''t want to see your face again!' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit elseif (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number '<<$tXec>> notices the sperm on your ass, "<<$pcs_firstname>>! What the...?! You dirty whore!", <<$tXe>> then pushes you away. "We are through, I don''t want to see your face again!' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit end end end act 'Continue': xgt 'lover_meet', 'likes' end act 'Hint for a kiss on the cheek': *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' 'You make a cute pouty face and turn your cheek toward <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>. <<$tXec>> understands and though <<$tXe>> wanted to kiss you, <<$tXe>> settles with giving you a peck on the cheek' pcs_mood += 10 if cumloc[11] = 0 and (cumloc[6] = 0 and cumloc[7] = 0): if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 '<<$tXec>> gives you a soft kiss on the cheek, and you can tell <<$tXe>> finds this act very cute.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 1 '<<$tXec>> kisses you on the cheek and before <<$tXe>> pulls away you feel a quick kiss on the forhead.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 0 'Though you can tell <<$tXe>> is a bit disappointed, <<$tXe>> gives you a kiss on the cheek. As <<$tXe>> pulls away <<$tXe>> gives your ass a quick squeeze.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' end elseif cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) or cumloc[12] = 1 and pervConstant = 1: if cumloc[11] = 1: if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but underneath <<$tXyr>> shy demener you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 2 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 3 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your face, but by the bulge in <<$tXyr>> pants you know it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' end elseif (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 1 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but underneath <<$tXyr>> shy demener you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 1 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but you know that it only turns <<$tXem>> on more.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 1 pcs_horny += 5 '<<$tXec>> can see sperm on your ass, but by the bulge in <<$tXyr>> pants you know it only turns <<$tXem>> on.' end end elseif cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1) and pervConstant ! 1: if cumloc[11] = 1: gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number '<<$tXec>> notices the sperm on your face, "H-Hey- <<$pcs_firstname>>! What the...?! You dirty whore!", <<$tXe>> then pushes you out of <<$tXyr>> face. "We are through, I don''t want to see your face again!' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit elseif (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number '<<$tXec>> notices the sperm on your ass, "H-Hey- <<$pcs_firstname>>! What the...?! You dirty whore!", <<$tXe>> then pushes you away. "We are through, I don''t want to see your face again!' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit elseif (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1): gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number '<<$tXec>> realizes your mouth smells like sperm, "H-Hey- <<$pcs_firstname>>! What the...?! You dirty whore!", <<$tXe>> then pushes you away. "We are through, I don''t want to see your face again!"' pcs_mood -= 20 dynamic $go_home exit end end act 'Continue': xgt 'lover_meet', 'likes' end act 'Push <<$tXyr>> face away': *clr & cla didPushAway = 1 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' 'Maybe you had a bad day, maybe you don''t want a kiss, you rudely push <<$tXyr>> face away, and by the looks of it, hurting <<$tXyr>> feelings in the process.' if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] -= 7 '<<$tXec>> stands there slightly embarrassed, and you can tell this hurt your relationship a good amount.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] -= 5 '<<$tXec>> looks at you slightly concerned, but backs off and gives you your space.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] -= 10 '<<$tXec>> begins to get angry, <<$tXe>> takes a deep breath and gives you space.' end act 'Continue': xgt 'lover_meet', 'likes' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'likes': cla if loverdays[lover_number] >= clotDay: gs 'lover_likes', 'clothesPref' end if loverdays[lover_number] >= bodyDay: gs 'lover_likes', 'bodyPrefTmp' end xgt 'lover_meet', 'actions' end if $ARGS[0] = 'actions': act 'Can I ask you how you think I look?': *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> says "If you insist" and tells you exactly how <<$tXe>> thinks you look based on what <<$tXe>> likes:' gs 'lover_likes', 'allPref' act 'Okay, lets talk about something else': xgt 'lover_meet', 'actions' end act 'What do you want to do today?': *clr & cla if rand(0,1) = 0: sub += 1 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' 'You tell <<$tXem>> you would rather <<$tXem>> decide what we do today.' if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: loverrelation[lover_number] += 0 'Not used to being given the opportunity to choose, <<$tXe>> thinks what to do...' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: loverrelation[lover_number] += 0 '<<$tXec>> thinks about what to do today.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: loverrelation[lover_number] += 1 'You can tell <<$tXe>> is happy you gave <<$tXem>> the ability to choose what to do today.' end !!This is the choice maker! if loverfinance[lover_number] = 0: !! 0 - change player, 1 - beer in stairwell, 2 - walk in park, randchan = rand(0, 2) !! 1 = does like, 0 = not like if (pierWearCount >= pierPrefTmpMin and pierWearCount <= pierPrefTmpMax) or pierPrefTmp = 0: pierCheck = 1 else pierCheck = 0 end if (tattCount >= tattPrefTmpMin and tattCount <= tattPrefTmpMax) or tattPrefTmp = 0: tattCheck = 1 else tattCheck = 0 end if (makeupSetting = makePrefTmp) or makePrefTmp = 0: makeupCheck = 1 else makeupCheck = 0 end if pcs_haircol = hairPref: hairCheck = 1 else hairCheck = 0 end if (pierWearCount >= pierPrefTmpMin and pierWearCount <= pierPrefTmpMax) or pierPrefTmp = 0: pierCheck = 1 else pierCheck = 0 end if (tattCount >= tattPrefTmpMin and tattCount <= tattPrefTmpMax) or tattPrefTmp = 0: tattCheck = 1 else tattCheck = 0 end if randchan = 0 and (pierCheck + tattCheck + makeupCheck + hairCheck) = 4: randchan = rand(1, 2) if randchan = 0: *clr & cla !!Some things you can change. !!loverfinance[lover_number] = 0 - hair, makeup, tattoo, piercings. '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' end '"Whats up <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>?"' '"There is just a trait about you that bugs me, can we change that?"' if loverscompliance[lover_number] > 0: 'You know you have changed for <<$tXem>> before, and you want to avoid to changing into something you are not.' gs 'lover_likes', 'compliance' '"And what did you want to change about me?"' !!This is to make a last check on how many piercings they are WEARING gs 'lover_likes', 'checkPier' if pcs_haircol ! hairPref: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> looks at your hair and says, "can we get your hair dyed?"' !!act 'I''d rather not...': if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I like my hair just the way it is': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Hair' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily and takes you to the salon.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to Salon': gt 'lover_change', 'Hair' end end end elseif makeupSetting ! makePrefTmp and makePrefTmp ! 0: '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> thinks about it and says "Can you wear <<$makePrefTmp>> from now on?"' if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I like my makeup just the way it is': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the makeup you usually wear': gt 'lover_change', 'Make' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. You can tell that <<$tXe>> is bummed when <<$tXe>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you like the makeup you usually wear': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "What''s wrong with my makeup...?"': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. You tell <<$tXem>> from now on you will wear <<$makePrefTmp>>.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Continue': gt 'lover_change', 'Make' end end end elseif pierWearCount < pierPrefTmpMin or pierWearCount > pierPrefTmpMax and pierPrefTmp ! 0 and pierDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> talks about how you just don''t have the right amount of piercings.' if pierWearCount < pierPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have more piercings.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have less piercings.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I am not going to change my piercings!': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the amount of piercings you have': gt 'lover_change', 'Pier' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the amount of piercings you have, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily and then gets down to how to get the right amount of piercings.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Continue': gt 'lover_change', 'Pier' end end end elseif tattCount < tattPrefTmpMin or tattCount > tattPrefTmpMax and tattPrefTmp ! 0 and tattDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> talks about how you just don''t have the right amount of tattoos.' if tattCount < tattPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have more tattoos.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have less tattoos.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I am not going to change my tattoos!': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the amount of tattoos you have': gt 'lover_change', 'Tatt' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the amount of tattoos you have, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily then starts to take you to the tattoo parlor to get the right amount of tattoos.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to tattoo parlor': gt 'lover_change', 'Tatt' end end end else *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' 'Erm... Nothing...' act 'Well then...': xgt 'lover_meet', 'actions' end elseif randchan = 1 and loverGender[lover_number] = 0: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggest you and <<$tXem>> drink a beer in the stairwell.' act 'Sorry, but I need to go': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>':gt 'podezdM', 'start' elseif randchan = 2 or loverGender[lover_number] = 1: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggests that you take a walk in the park.' act 'Sorry, but I need to go': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: gt 'parkM', 'start' if loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' & gt 'parksvid' end end elseif loverfinance[lover_number] = 1: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' !! 0 - change player, 1 - go to the movies, 2 - walk in park, 3 , suggests that you go to a cafe. randchan = rand(0, 3) !! 1 = does like, 0 = not like if (pierWearCount >= pierPrefTmpMin and pierWearCount <= pierPrefTmpMax) or pierPrefTmp = 0: pierCheck = 1 else pierCheck = 0 end if (tattCount >= tattPrefTmpMin and tattCount <= tattPrefTmpMax) or tattPrefTmp = 0: tattCheck = 1 else tattCheck = 0 end if (makeupSetting = makePrefTmp) or makePrefTmp = 0: makeupCheck = 1 else makeupCheck = 0 end if pcs_haircol = hairPref: hairCheck = 1 else hairCheck = 0 end if tits >= titMin and tits <= titMax: titCheck = 1 else titCheck = 0 end if pcs_lips >= lipsPrefTmpMin and tits <= lipsPrefTmpMax: lipsCheck = 1 else lipsCheck = 0 end if randchan = 0 and (pierCheck + tattCheck + makeupCheck + hairCheck + titCheck + lipsCheck) = 6: 'Takes one look at your body and loves every part of it.' randchan = rand(1, 3) end if randchan = 0: *clr & cla !!Some things you can change. !!loverfinance[lover_number] = 1 - hair, makeup, tattoo, piercings, lips, tits. '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' end '"Whats up <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>?"' '"There is just a trait about you that bugs me, can we change that?"' if loverscompliance[lover_number] > 0: 'You know you have changed for <<$tXem>> before, and you want to avoid to changing into something you are not.' gs 'lover_likes', 'compliance' '"And what did you want to change about me?"' !!This is to make a last check on how many piercings they are WEARING gs 'lover_likes', 'checkPier' if pcs_haircol ! hairPref: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> looks at your hair and says, "can we get your hair dyed?"' !!act 'I''d rather not...': if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and compliance < 6: act 'I like my hair just the way it is': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Hair' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -=3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily and takes you to the salon.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to Salon': gt 'lover_change', 'Hair' end end end elseif makeupSetting ! makePrefTmp and makePrefTmp ! 0: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> thinks about it and says "Can you wear <<$makePrefTmp>> from now on?"' !!act 'I''d rather not...': if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I like my makeup just the way it is': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the makeup you usually wear': gt 'lover_change', 'Make' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. You can tell that <<$tXe>> is bummed when <<$tXe>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you like the makeup you usually wear': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "What''s wrong with my makeup...?"': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. You tell <<$tXem>> from now on you will wear <<$makePrefTmp>>.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Continue': gt 'lover_change', 'Make' end end end elseif pierWearCount < pierPrefTmpMin or pierWearCount > pierPrefTmpMax and pierPrefTmp ! 0 and pierDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> talks about how you just don''t have the right amount of piercings.' if pierWearCount < pierPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have more piercings.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have less piercings.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I am not going to change my piercings!': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the amount of piercings you have': gt 'lover_change', 'Pier' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the amount of piercings you have, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily and then gets down to how to get the right amount of piercings.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Continue': gt 'lover_change', 'Pier' end end end elseif tattCount < tattPrefTmpMin or tattCount > tattPrefTmpMax and tattPrefTmp ! 0 and tattDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> talks about how you just don''t have the right amount of tattoos.' if tattCount < tattPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have more tattoos.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have less tattoos.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I am not going to change my tattoos!': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the amount of tattoos you have': gt 'lover_change', 'Tatt' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the amount of tattoos you have, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily then starts to take you to the tattoo parlor to get the right amount of tattoos.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to tattoo parlor': gt 'lover_change', 'Tatt' end end end elseif pcs_lip < lipsPrefTmpMin or pcs_lip > lipsPrefTmpMax and lipsDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tells you your lips are just not the right size.' if pcs_lip < lipsPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should get lip injections.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have lip reduction.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act '"My lips are fine the way they are!", you say slightly offended': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change your lip size, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Lips' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much to get work done on my lips': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to get work done on your lips. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> that you decide what size lips you look good with': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You squeek, "But I like the size of my lips..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the size, but you successfully tell <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> grins widely and takes you to the clinic.' sub += 4 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to the clinic': gt 'lover_change', 'Lips' end end end elseif tits < titMin or tits > titMax and titsDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tells you your breasts are just not right.' if tits < titMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should get breast implants.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have a breast reduction.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act '"My breasts are fine the way they are!", you say slightly offended': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change your breast size, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Tits' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much to get work done on my breasts': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to get work done on your breasts. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> that you decide what size breasts you look good with': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You squeek, "But I like the size of my breasts..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the size, but you successfully tell <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> grins widely and takes you to the clinic.' sub += 4 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to the clinic': gt 'lover_change', 'Tits' end end end else *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '"Erm... Nothing..."' act '"Well then..."': xgt 'lover_meet', 'actions' end elseif randchan = 1: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggests that you go to the movies.' act 'Sorry, but I need to go': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: gt 'kinoM', 'start' if loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' & gt 'kinosvid' end elseif randchan = 2: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggest that you take a walk in the park' act 'Sorry, but I need to go': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: gt 'parkM', 'start' if loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' & gt 'parksvid' end elseif randchan = 3: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggests that you go to a cafe.' act 'Sorry, but I need to go': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: gt 'kafeM', 'start' if loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' & gt 'kafesvid' end end elseif loverfinance[lover_number] = 2: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' !!Some things you can change. !!loverfinance[lover_number] = 2 - hair, makeup, tattoo, piercings, lips, tits !! 0 - change player, 1 - go to a cafe, 2 - go to a restaurant, 3 - to the movies. randchan = rand(0, 3) !! 1 = does like, 0 = not like if (pierWearCount >= pierPrefTmpMin and pierWearCount <= pierPrefTmpMax) or pierPrefTmp = 0: pierCheck = 1 else pierCheck = 0 end if (tattCount >= tattPrefTmpMin and tattCount <= tattPrefTmpMax) or tattPrefTmp = 0: tattCheck = 1 else tattCheck = 0 end if (makeupSetting = makePrefTmp) or makePrefTmp = 0: makeupCheck = 1 else makeupCheck = 0 end if pcs_haircol = hairPref: hairCheck = 1 else hairCheck = 0 end if tits >= titMin and tits <= titMax: titCheck = 1 else titCheck = 0 end if pcs_lips >= lipsPrefTmpMin and tits <= lipsPrefTmpMax: lipsCheck = 1 else lipsCheck = 0 end if salocatnow <= figurePrefMax: figureCheck = 1 else figureCheck = 0 end if randchan = 0 and (pierCheck + tattCheck + makeupCheck + hairCheck + titCheck + lipsCheck + figureCheck) = 7: 'Takes one look at your body and loves every part of it.' randchan = rand(1, 3) end if randchan = 0: *clr & cla !!Some things you can change. !!loverfinance[lover_number] = 2 - hair, makeup, tattoo, piercings, lips, tits, figure. '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if haraklover[lover_number] = 0: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 1: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' elseif haraklover[lover_number] = 2: '"Actually can I talk to you about something?", <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> asks you.' end '"Whats up <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>?"' '"There is just a trait about you that bugs me, can we change that?"' if loverscompliance[lover_number] > 0: 'You know you have changed for <<$tXem>> before, and you want to avoid to changing into something you are not.' gs 'lover_likes', 'compliance' '"And what did you want to change about me?"' !!This is to make a last check on how many piercings they are WEARING gs 'lover_likes', 'checkPier' if pcs_haircol ! hairPref: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> looks at your hair and says, "can we get your hair dyed?"' !!act 'I''d rather not...': if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I like my hair just the way it is': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Hair' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily and takes you to the salon.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to Salon': gt 'lover_change', 'Hair' end end end elseif makeupSetting ! makePrefTmp and makePrefTmp ! 0: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> thinks about it and says "Can you wear <<$makePrefTmp>> from now on?"' !!act 'I''d rather not...': if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I like my makeup just the way it is': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the makeup you usually wear': gt 'lover_change', 'Make' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. You can tell that <<$tXe>> is bummed when <<$tXe>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you like the makeup you usually wear': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "What''s wrong with my makeup...?"': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. You tell <<$tXem>> from now on you will wear <<$makePrefTmp>>.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Continue': gt 'lover_change', 'Make' end end end elseif pierWearCount < pierPrefTmpMin or pierWearCount > pierPrefTmpMax and pierPrefTmp ! 0 and pierDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> talks about how you just don''t have the right amount of piercings.' if pierWearCount < pierPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have more piercings.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have less piercings.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I am not going to change my piercings!': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the amount of piercings you have': gt 'lover_change', 'Pier' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the amount of piercings you have, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily and then gets down to how to get the right amount of piercings.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Continue': gt 'lover_change', 'Pier' end end end elseif tattCount < tattPrefTmpMin or tattCount > tattPrefTmpMax and tattPrefTmp ! 0 and tattDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> talks about how you just don''t have the right amount of tattoos.' if tattCount < tattPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have more tattoos.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have less tattoos.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'I am not going to change my tattoos!': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change it, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Agree to change the amount of tattoos you have': gt 'lover_change', 'Tatt' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much...': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to do that. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> you are who you are': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You mumble "I would rather not..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the amount of tattoos you have, but you successfully inform <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> smiles happily then starts to take you to the tattoo parlor to get the right amount of tattoos.' sub += 2 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to tattoo parlor': gt 'lover_change', 'Tatt' end end end elseif pcs_lip < lipsPrefTmpMin or pcs_lip > lipsPrefTmpMax and lipsDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tells you your lips are just not the right size.' if pcs_lip < lipsPrefTmpMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should get lip injections.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have lip reduction.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act '"My lips are fine the way they are!", you say slightly offended': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change your lip size, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Lips' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much to get work done on my lips': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to get work done on your lips. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> that you decide what size lips you look good with': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You squeek, "But I like the size of my lips..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the size, but you successfully tell <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> grins widely and takes you to the clinic.' sub += 4 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to the clinic': gt 'lover_change', 'Lips' end end end elseif tits < titMin or tits > titMax and titsDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tells you your breasts are just not right.' if tits < titMin: '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should get breast implants.' else '<<$tXec>> tells you that you should have a breast reduction.' end if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act '"My breasts are fine the way they are!", you say slightly offended': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change your breast size, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Tits' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much to get work done on my breasts': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to get work done on your breasts. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> that you decide what size breasts you look good with': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You squeek, "But I like the size of my breasts..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change the size, but you successfully tell <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> grins widely and takes you to the clinic.' sub += 4 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to the clinic': gt 'lover_change', 'Tits' end end end elseif salocatnow > figurePrefMax and figureDay <= loverdays[lover_number]: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tells you your body is just too thick.' '<<$tXec>> offers to pay for you to get lyposuction.' if sub < 20 and loverrelation[lover_number] < 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act '"My body weight is fine the way it is!", you say slightly offended': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change your body weight, but you are not that submissive to be pressured by <<$tXem>>, nor do your emotions make you make a choice you may regret.' dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': gt 'lover_change', 'Figure' exit elseif loverrelation[lover_number] <= 60 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'You think to yourself, its not like I like <<$tXem>> THAT much to get lyposuction': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> <<$tXe>> realizes you adoration for <<$tXem>> isn''t enough to pressure you to get work done on your weight. <<$tXec>> tells you <<$tXe>> has something to do and heads off.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub <= 20 and loverscompliance[lover_number] < 6: act 'Your personality is not something that can be dominated that easily, and you brush <<$tXem>> off, telling <<$tXem>> that you decide what size your body looks good at': *clr & cla pcs_dom += 1 loverrelation[lover_number] -= 3 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> realizes you will not give in this situation, and walks away mumbling to <<$tXemself>>.' dynamic $go_home end exit elseif sub > 20 or loverscompliance[lover_number] >= 6: act 'You squeek, "But I like being this weight..."': *clr & cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= 2 wantRand = rand(0, 100) wantRand -= 4*loverscompliance[lover_number] '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' if wantRand > sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> tries to push you to change your weight, but you successfully tell <<$tXem>> that you do not want to. This makes <<$tXem>> rather upset.' *nl dynamic $go_home elseif wantRand <= sub: '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> keeps up the pressure, and because of your demeanor, and you give in. <<$tXec>> grins widely and takes you to the clinic.' sub += 4 loverrelation[lover_number] += 5 act 'Go to the clinic': gt 'lover_change', 'Figure' end end end else *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '"Erm... Nothing..."' act '"Well then..."': xgt 'lover_meet', 'actions' end elseif randchan = 1: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggests that you go to a cafe.' act 'Sorry, but I need to leave': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: gt 'kafeM', 'start' if loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' & gt 'kafesvid' end exit elseif randchan = 2: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggests that you go to a restaurant.' act 'Sorry, but I need to leave': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: gt 'restoranM', 'start' if loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' & gt 'kafesvid' end exit elseif randchan = 3: *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> suggests that you go to the movies.' act 'Sorry, but I need to go': cla loverrelation[lover_number] -= (haraklover[lover_number] + 1) dynamic $go_home end act 'Go with <<$tXem>>': if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: gt 'kinoM', 'start' if loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' & gt 'kinosvid' end exit end end end act 'I want to do something today': *clr & cla if rand(0,1): pcs_dom += 1 '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '"What do you want to do?", <<$tXe>> asks' if loverGender[lover_number] = 0: act '"Let''s go just relax in the stairwell and drink some beer."': gt 'podezdM', 'start' act '"Let''s take a walk in the park"': gt 'parkM', 'start' act '"Let''s go see a movie"': gt 'kinoM', 'start' act '"Let''s go to the cafe."': gt 'kafeM', 'start' elseif loverGender[lover_number] = 1: $telsob = '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>' if month > 5 and temper > 20 and sunWeather = 1: act 'Invite to the park': gt 'parksvid' end act 'Invite to a movie': gt 'kinosvid' act 'Invite to the pool hall': gt 'billsvid' act 'Invite to the cafe': gt 'kafesvid' act 'Invite to the casino': gt 'kazinosvid' end act 'Never mind...': gt 'lover_meet', 'actions' exit end end act 'I think we should break up...': *clr & cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picture[lover_number]+'.jpg">
' '<<$tXec>> looks hurt, but you insist it is for the best. You both say goodbye and part ways.' gs 'lover', 'remove', lover_number act 'Continue': dynamic $go_home exit end end end --- lover_meet ---------------------------------